Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Oct 22, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

We touched down at SFO at 1030 am, and a car was waiting for us. Cody was extremely excited hewn he saw the Golden Gate Bridge. I had told him when we took off where we were going, and handed him a few tour books to look at to see what he wanted to do.

While the staff got us moved into the hotel, Cody and I set out to see the City. I started him at Fisherman's Wharf, where we wandered around looking at the tourist trinkets; the panhandlers; the restaurants; and the street entertainers. Cody was particularly interested in the street entertainers, especially those who posed like statues. I took his picture with several of them. After 2 hours of wandering around Fisherman's Wharf, Cody announced that he was hungry and I took him for Cioppino, a traditional San Francisco seafood stew. He scarfed it down along with about a half loaf of sourdough bread, and then we headed to the Ferry to Alcatraz.

Cody had read about Alcatraz on the plane ride, so knew all about it and was essentially my tour guide. He talked about the famous criminals housed there, the escape attempts, the harsh conditions, etc. I showed keen interest, not because I hadn't been there before, but because he was so excited about it and was doing such a great job of pointing everything out. After a look at the prison showers, we agreed that really our accommodations at home were a lot better and preferred hot showers.

On the ride back to the City, Cody and I stood in the front of the boat, against the rail, with my arm around his shoulder. He pointed to Coit Tower and some of the other landmarks. As any 14 year old would, he couldn't help but comment that Coit Tower looked like a giant penis, an observation that caused him to laugh hysterically. I explained to him that it was a monument to the firemen of San Francisco, built by an old woman, who reportedly had taken a keen interest in the penises of a number of firemen, so the similarity in shape might have been intentional.

On arriving back at the pier, it was now 5 pm which made it 8 pm in our usual time Zone. I had us stop and grab Chinese to go on the way to the Mark Hopkins, and then we went up to our Suite.

Cody gasped when he saw it. While I was used to such things, Cody had never imagined a hotel could be so nice. He walked from room to room checking it out; looking at the fruit bowl and candies and stocked bar. After we had eaten, I sent him to soak in the tub for a while, and then when I observed his yawning and stretching, I told him to go to bed. I explained I would be out for a while, but one of the staff would be right outside the door.

When I left, I went to our rental car which already contained a bag I had packed. In the bag were leather boots, jacket, and jeans as well as a black Jock. I grabbed the bag, changed in the back of the car, then headed down to Market Street where I had told Michael to wait in the hotel on his knees.

I walked in and saw my slave. At just 22 now, heavily worked out but more lanky than muscular, he looked like a college swimmer. He was on his knees, head bowed, and when I walked in his dick immediately sprung to attention.

"Boy. Stand up, but on some 501s and follow me" I ordered.

He reached for undershorts and shoes and I went over and slapped him hard on the ass: "Bitch, did I tell you to wear those"? I asked.

"No Sir" He replied and put on just the jeans. He was now commando in the tight jeans, no shoes, and no shirt.

"Follow me boy; it is time for me to show you off I said" and we began walking to Folsom Street. We stopped in a couple of leather shops, where he and I attracted a lot of attention. It seemed like mostly an older group out that night, so my frat boy slave in just jeans, and me in leather with my muscular bare chest showing, were a treat for the older guys.

In the second store, they had fetish wear, including black leather shorts that barely hid the ass cheeks and which had a lace up crotch in front.

"Boy!" I said loudly. "I think your slave ass would look good in these", then I threw them to him and said "Go put them on".

This drew amused glances and looks from the other patrons, and in a few minutes my boy came out, basically bursting out of the shorts which I had selected to be too small.

"Boy, go throw out the jeans. You won't be needing them" I ordered, and a red faced slave Mike went up front to the trash can and threw them out.

I then took him over to the collar section, and got him a leather collar with a D ring that said "BOY" on it. A matching leash was soon located and snapped on the collar. Then we went over to the punishment implements.

I picked up several, and made him bend over in the store as I tried them out on him. Pretty soon a large crowd had formed. I had it down to 3 items soon, but wanted to be sure they worked well before I took him down the street.

"Boy, Drop your shorts and stand with your hands on top of your head" I said.

He looked at me, with a hint of defiance, then meekly dropped the shorts, revealing a hard and dripping cock to the audience. Several people made comments about how hot my little bitch was and asked to touch him. I told them they were free to, and let the crown touch and squeeze his dick and balls and play with his ass a bit.

Then I grabbed the paddle I had selected. It essentially looked like the clear lexan paddle I had at home, in a version that would stick out of my back jeans pocket.

"Bend over boy" I said, then gave him 5 quick hard whacks with it. He was grunting with every one and even let out a whining "Please Sir" by the 5th.

I replied "that will do" then reached for the cane I had selected. It was labeled as the "junior cane" meaning it was the thinner of the canes used on British boys in middle school or early High Schoo in the old days. I gave him just 3 hard whacks with it, each raising a livid red strip, and resulting in a delicious flex to his muscular little bottom. This was greeted by some applause, and a lot of laugher from our auduience.

Next, I told him to stand up and put his hands back behind his head. When he did so, I took the canadian school strap, a supple piece of doubled over leather about 14 inches long. I snapped it a few times on the palm of my hand, then whacked his firm butt with it 5 times. It was not that severe of an implement, and he had no trouble holding still and taking it.

Taking the items, we went to the checkout and I paid for all of them. The lexan paddle went in my pocket and I led my slave down the street, barefoot and in his leather shorts, while he carried the cane and Canadian school strap.

We came to a seedy looking bar and I took him inside. People turned to look at him, staring openly at this very hot piece of boy meat.

I sat down at the bar and ordered a beer, ordering my bitch to just sit on the floor by me. Halfway through my second beer, I needed to pee, so I left the boy to sit guard my stool and went into the back, filling my empty bottle with urine. Returning, I gave it to the boy and said "here you are boy, something to drink. You'll finish it by the time I finish my beer".

I then took my beer in hand, and led my boy around the club, stopping and chatting with other men. Often the conversation topic went to my slave, who all agreed was quite hot.

At one point, another relatively young Master with his relatively young slave (30s) was chatting with me and said something to Mike. Mike responded with an "uhm hum" rather than yes Sir.

I stopped my conversation right there, and apologized to the other Master, explaining that this was a new slave. I immediately ordered Mike to drop his leather shorts and stand with his hands on top of his head.

Mike peeled the shorts off, and as they lowered, his dick sprung to attention, striking his abdomen and leading to a string of precum shooting out from the force of the dick hitting his 8 pack.

I took out the Canadian school strap and gave Mike a quick 10 strokes, ordering him to count and thank me for each one.

"One Sir, thank you Sir" he said.

"Two Sir, Thank you Sir".

"Three Sir, Thank you Sir".

"Four Sir, Thank you Sir".

"Five Sir... Thank you Sir".

I looked around and realized that we were the entertainment for the bar at this point, as all were looking, staring, and many groping their erect of semierect dicks through their pants.

"Six Sir, thank you Sir" he counted.

"Seven Sir, thank you Sir".

"Eight Sir, Thank you Sir".

"Nine Sir, thank you Sir".

"Ten Sir, thank you Sir" he said, breathing a sigh at the end, undoubtedly looking forward to pulling those shorts up and not being red assed in front of about 50 guys.

I had other ideas though. I took out the little lexan paddle, and led him to a bar stool, having to take little steps as his shorts were around his ankles. It was hard to tell whether his face or ass was redder at this point, but both were crimson.

Upon bending him over the bar Stool, I invited each of the doms there to in turn give him one stroke of the paddle, and then grope his cock and balls if they wanted.

There were only 10 doms there, but all took advantage of the opportunity, and Mike was bent over, even more red faced, as 10 men in succession paddled his cute crimson cheeks, then fondled his erect, dripping cock.

I ordered Mike to stand upright again, hands on head, and turn back away from the bar. I then announced that any sub who wanted could masturbate Mike for one minute with their hand. As I did this, I leaned into Mike's face, kissed him deeply, then said "Don't even think about cumming boy".

A line of 15 guys formed and each was jacking him; playing with his ass; and playing with his erect nipples, at least until number 14. Halfway through number 14, Mike shot a huge load out that went at least 6 feet away on the floor. Spurt after spurt came out, against my orders.

"Boy, get down on you knees and lick up the mess you made" I ordered, and a very worried looking Mike complied.

"Get up Boy" I then ordered, and he got up, looking down at my feet.

"Boy, did I give you permission to cum"? I asked, in a voice loud enough that the whole bar heard.

"No Sir" he said.

"They why did you do it boy"? I asked.

"It was an accident Sir, Sorry Sir" he whined.

"Alright boy, back over the bar stool" I ordered, and then took the junior cane.

"12 of the best as they say in Britain boy... Count them" I ordered.

"One Sir, Thank you Sir".

"Two Sir, thank you Sir".

Each blow left a livid red stripe and soon had him yelping with each. Having said that, it was only a junior cane so there was no risk of breaking the skin and little or no risk of bruising.

"Three Sir, thank you Sir".

"Four Sir... yeaoow.. Thank you Sir".

"Five Sir... Six Sir thank you Sir... Ouch... Seven Sir thank you sir... ow, ow, ow Eight Sir, thank you sir... Nine Sir thank you Sir... ten sir, thank you Sir... 11 Sir, thank you Sir... AUUGH, 12 Sir, THANK YOU SIR".

"Alright boy, put your shorts back on I ordered, and sat down at the bar to order my third beer of the evening. It was as it turned out on the house. I excused myself to the restroom and refilled Mike's `beer" and returned and had him stand behind me at the bar, alternating rubbing my back and shoulders, and sipping my urine from his bottle. I nursed that third beer, made sure Mike finished his, and enjoyed the looks of envy from boy and Sir alike in the bar.

I looked at my watch and realized that it was midnight, I exited the bar, leading my boy outside on his leash. Turning, I handed him the items I had used in his training that night and said "Good work Boy, now be available again tomorrow at the same time".

Turning, I went to my car and returned to the hotel garage where I changed back into my regular clothing and went upstairs.

I saw Cody in bed, asleep with a sweet smile on his face. I crawled in and held him, then he stirred for a moment.

"SSHHH Cody, it's just dad, go back to sleep" I said, and we slept cuddled up until morning.

Next: Chapter 24

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