Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Oct 14, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

While eating dinner with Cody I asked him to tell me about his day. He talked about how hard it was to do twice as much schoolwork in a day than usual, but also said he had done it. I asked if there were any attitude problems toward Dr. Wilson and Cody assured me there weren't.

"Great job then Cody, let's go hit the gym for a bit" I said, and we went upstairs, changed and threw weights around for an hour or so.

Both of us were sweating heavily and panting afterward, so we hit the bathroom for quick showers, then sat in the sauna. It was in the sauna that Cody started pumping me for more information.

"Dad, what's the surprise" he asked in an excited voice.

I replied "Cody, I told you, it's a trip".

"Yeah but where dad" he asked.

"Where would you like it to be Cody" I asked him.

"I don't know; lost of places. Tahiti; Hawaii; the Bahamas; New York, San Francisco, San Diego, LA, Aspen" he listed off.

I poked him in the side in a tickling fashion and said "well all those are possibilities son".

Cody laughed, but then said "Dad... Come on... tell me...".

I replied "No Cody, won't tell you it's going to be a surprise. I can tell you though that it will be in the USA because we don't have a passport for you you yet".

Cody nodded, and I could see the wheels turning in his head. "Dad, is it one of the places I listed" he asked.

"Let's cool off son then hit the Jacuzzi and talk there". We took about a 3 minute cool shower just to cool off, then walked to the Jacuzzi on the outdoor deck off my bedroom suite. As we did, I couldn't help but notice that Cody was growing. I thought he might have grown another inch, and made a note to weigh and measure him again soon.

Once in the Jacuzzi, a coke in Cody's hand and a beer in mine, he asked again: "Dad it is one of those places"?

I laughed and said "Could be Cody".

Pretending to be angry with me, he put me in a head lock and dipped my underwater. I went along with it, pretending he had been able to push me down by force.

When my head popped up again, I brushed back my hair and said "Son, if you drown me, you'll never find out".

It went on this way for the half hour we were in the Jacuzzi, punctuated by horseplay including me tickling Cody mercilessly as he begged me to stop through his hypeventilation and breaking voice.

Afterward, we both got up and grabbed terry robes to dry off with. I handed Cody a second coke, and I opened a second beer, and we went inside and sat on the sofa next to each other.

Cody snuggled up next to me and, with conviction said "Dad you're the best. Thanks for being my dad".

I immediately teared up and pulled his head under my chin and hugged him.

"Cody, being your dad has made me the happiest man on earth. I am so glad that you are here".

We sat in silence for a time, then I looked at my watch.

"Hey Cody, time for bed, you have another long day tomorrow" I said, and walked him back to his room. He took off the robe and I got a good look at him again. It seemed to me that he was maturing every day physically and was certainly going to make a great boyfriend for someone when the day came that he was ready.

I tucked him in, gave him a kiss on the forehead and turned out the light. Returning to my room, I turned on my computer and initially did a little work. I responded to e mails; communicated with Harrison about some business investment details, then I started to search for information on San Francisco.

I had already decided that Cody and I would grab the penthouse at the Mark Hopkins. I had also decided that Mike would be going along, but getting an inexpensive hotel room South of Market. I researched, as best I could what the bdsm clubs, leather bars, bdsm stores, motorcycle bars, and bath houses were in the City.

Filled with ideas of what was in store for Mike, I fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 23

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