Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Oct 14, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

I woke Cody up at 5 and sent him out to chop wood while I made breakfast. When he came back, we ate together and I explained that I had a surprise I was working on for him, but he would have to earn it by doing twice as much school work each day as he had been doing for the next week. Cody moaned about the volume of work, then started interrogating me about what we were going to do for our surprise. The only thing I told him was that it would be a trip, and he would find out when we got there. I then explained that I would be out of the house most of the day to give him and Dr. Wilson quiet, and that Dr. Wilson would be working with him until 5 pm tonight.

I sent Cody upstairs to get showered, and then planned my dad. First, I would go to the barn and load up the many packages that had arrived for my soon to be play room. I would pack up the needed tools, then head to the lodge where I would convert one of the bedrooms into a play room. Once I saw how that was coming, I would summon Mike.

Dr. Wilson arrived, and I got Cody and him working together. I then loaded up the truck and hauled all of my toys to the Lodge. Unloading it there, I began to open up the larger items first.

The first thing I opened up was the cock and ball pillory. As I assembled it, I realized what a diabolical device it was, and was quite hard as I thought about how I would use it. Essentially it was a set of stocks that could hold just the balls, or the cock and balls trapped and fully exposed in front of the standing submissive. The height was adjustable such that the sub could be placed on tip toes, with the result of trying to drop down being extreme pressure on the balls.

Next I opened up the sling, and the hooks required to suspend it. It took me a while to figure out how to install it, but ultimately I got it together and adjusted it such that the ass of the sub I was to fuck would be at exactly the right height for me. I could now swing the sub back and forth, using his own weight and momentum to ride up and down my hard cock.

I then opened the box with the spanking horse on it. Similar to a vaulting horse from PE class, it also had hard points to which one could restrain the sub.

Next came the winch and suspension restraints. With this, I could hang the sub from wrists or ankles, totally exposed to my whims.

Next, I took out the pegboard I had ordered and hung it on the wall so that I would have a place to organize my other toys. Opening each toy one by one, I felt satisfied by the collection.

The first was the ball paddle: sort of an oval paddle attached to a long handle made of bloodwood (extremely hard) but with a bit of padding on one side. One could beat ass severely with it, then turn it over and use it on the balls.

Next came the other bloodwood paddles: a fraternity version, oval one like the old Jokari game paddles, and a small lexan paddle that could fit in my back pocket.

Next came a few of the items I had forgotten I ordered: A quirt, which is a whip with two strands; a few canes; a Texas Prison strap; cock whip; clear lexan ball pres (the one with the hole so the penis is still accessible for torture), electric fly swatter, adjustable nipple clamps, and clamps for the cock and balls; parachute and weights for the balls; vibrating egg controllable from a distance by remote, and a shock collar made for a very small dog.

Finally, the collar that said "Boy" on it, and the matching leash were there.

It took me all morning to set these things up. When finished I called Mike, who answered the phone "hello".

I said "Bitch, that's hello SIR, now get your ass to the guest lodge and set up your table to give me a massage".

"Yes Sir" he replied.

While waiting on his arrival, I ate the lunch I had packed and considered my new dungeon. I took the collar and leash out, and placed them in a drawer near where I would be massaged.

Mike knocked at the door, and I replied "Enter".

He came in, carrying the table and bag of lotions.

"Strip bitch, then set up the table" I ordered. He did so, and when the linens were in place and all was set, I lay front side down.

"Slave, you will give me the best deep tissue massage ever now. You will spend a full hour on the back before I turn over".

"Yes Sir" he replied, and went to work.

I largely zoned out during the massage, but Mike was doing a fantastic job. As I came in and out of conscious thought, I thought of all the things that I could do to him with my new toys. However, I also made a decision. Specifically, I would be a strict, hard, but fair Master. I was not simply going to punish him because it got me off. Mike would be trained to be a slave, not just abused into losing his will.

After about an hour, I rolled over. Mike started at my dick which was really even more engorged than usual, and dripping great strands of precum.

"Bitch, start with my scalp and face and work your way down" I ordered.

Mike did as he was told, and as he was working beside me, I reached over and felt his cock and balls. Mike's cock was rock hard. I squeezed it a bit, then retracted the foreskin and felt with my index finger. Just as I had expected, he was precumming heavily. Then I reached down and felt his balls. I noticed that they were not much different from previously, but that the epdidymus seemed pretty empty (a sure sign he had ejaculated recently).

Mike got down to my pubic area and very upper thighs. I spread my legs so he could work the inner thighs but told him to stay away from my dick for now.

He worked his way downward, ending with a long massage of my feet.

"Bitch" I said.

"Sir?" he replied.

"Get up here and kiss the tip of my dick boy" I ordered, and he did so.

"Boy, milk the precum out of my dick, then swallow it" I said, and Mike complied, actually sighing a bit at the taste. Clearly I thought to myself, this guy is going to be a great submissive.

"OK boy, now take my dick in your mouth and suck it very gently. If I feel even a hint of a tooth, you will be whipped severely" I said.

"Yes Sir" He replied, and began to give me a long and slow blow job. I never felt a tooth at all, so I knew he had taken my admonishment seriously.

After about 10 minutes, I could feel the cum boiling up from my huge balls. I arched my back as I shot, at least 6 spurts, of cum into my boy's mouth. He managed to swallow most of it, but a little dribbled out and landed in my pubic hair.

"Lap it up boy" I ordered.

Mike did so, looking concerned.

I stood up and went over to the drawer and pulled out his collar. Walking over to him, I placed it on his neck and buckled it in place. He looked great with his "boy" collar on. I then snapped on the leash and said "follow boy".

I led him into the play room, and turned to watch his face when he saw it.

The kid's mouth just fell open. I could see his eyes checking out every item, and noticed that his dick was now throbbing with each heartbeat.

"Boy, this is where your training will proceed. Now get over to the horse and bend over it" I ordered.

He did so, arms and legs quivering with nervous anticipation. I placed padded leather cuffs on each ankle and wrist securing him over the horse, then used the nylon Velcro straps to secure his thighs and low back in place.

"Boy. You failed to answer me appropriately when I called you on the phone this morning. I know you have caller ID, so you should have known it was your Master. I am going to punish you for that".

I was fully aware that this was not a major infraction, so did not reach for the really severe instruments. Rather, I reached for the quirt, which I wanted to try out.

I had practiced a bit with the quirt when I unpacked it, and wrist action seemed an important part of it. Standing to the left of my restrained slave, I measured the distance and swung it hard, with a nice snap, instantly raising a red welt on his right cheek which elicited and "Ouch" from him.

Having found my distance and aim to be correct, the next slash of the quirt was harder, landing again on that right cheek a little above the first, and eliciting a sort of sucking noise through his teeth as Mike tried not to cry out.

"Boy, count them" I ordered, and landed the third blow on the lower part of his right ass cheek.

"Three Sir" he gasped out, flexing his immobilized buttocks alternately in an attempt to suppress the pain. A really nice welt developed where I had struck.

I took aim at the right upper thigh, and snapped the quirt viciously into it, eliciting an "Auugh, four Sir" from him.

Aiming an inch lower, I struck again, which elicited both "Five Sir" and a good deal of struggling against the bonds that held him. Of course, he could struggle all he wanted, it wasn't going to do him any good.

"Six Sir" he cried out, and I changed sides to aim for the left.

The six on the left elicited more tortured cries from him, but in fact were no harder than those I had landed on the right. Since I intended a mild punishment for this infraction, I was satisfied and released him.

I led him over to the cock and ball pillory and placed his genitals into the stocks, adjusting the height so he was on tiptoes. The wrist cuffs were then strapped behind his back, and I stood before the frightened slave. His calls were pressing out against the sack, and his cock, as hard as it could get with the stocks in place, was turning a nasty purple color.

"Bitch, you spilled some of my cum today" I said, matter of factly.

"Yes Sir, I am so sorry Sir, I didn't realize what a big load you would give to me" he said.

"Also Slave, you did not thank me for that load. It is a great gift when I permit you to swallow a real man's cum, and that was quite rude of you" I said.

"Sorry Sir, I am Sorry, it won't happen again" he said in a whiny voice.

"Well that's up to you slave" I replied, "But I am going to give you a memorable lesson which should make it less likely to happen again".

I went over and unhooked the cock whip from the wall. This one was made of tiny metal beads, such as have been used to hold dog tags on GIs. 6 strands came off a little handle, forming a whip specifically intended for use on slave genitals.

I held up the device in front of him, and his eyes grew a little wider. Next, I began slashing down on his genitals as fast as I could, using wrist action only as I had no interest in breaking skin.

Within about 10 seconds he was squiring about, though not very far as when he tried to squirm away it painfully stretches his exposed and restrained balls.

"OOOW... OOOW... Please Sir... Oh God... Please Sir... Sir it won't happen again...Ow, Ow, Ow... SIR!!!" he said.

It was a mantra really, repeated over and over during the 5 minutes I whipped his cock and balls. Each blow left a red marks, like a tiny jellyfish sting wherever it struck.

By the end, his eyes were watering as he cried in pain.

I then stopped and looked into his eyes and said "Do you think you learned your lesson boy"?

He replied as convincingly as possible "yes Sir, God Sir I did, Sorry Sir, it won't happen again".

I simply nodded to him and switched topics.

"Boy, when did you last cum"? I asked.

His eyes looked away, clearly thinking about lying to me. I got right in his face and sneered "don't even think about lying to me boy".

"Sir, this morning Sir" he said.

"Boy, how often do you generally jack off" I asked.

"Sir, one to three times a day, just depends Sir" he replied.

I then reached down and grasped the exposed balls and squeezed them in my hand until he winced.

"Boy, who do these balls belong to" I asked.

He did not do the stupid answer of saying they were his, rather said "they are yours Sir, they belong to you".

"Good boy" I praised.

"Since your cock and balls are mine now, you don't get to play with them without my permission. You will not cum, ever, without permission and you will only touch your dick to wash it. You will sit down when you pee boy, do you understand" I said.

"Yes Sir" he barked back.

"Now boy, in case you think about deceiving me I am going to tell you this. Each time we meet I will examine your balls and prostate. I will know if you came since our last visit and the punishment will not be pleasant" I said.

"Yes Sir" he said, with his voice quaking.

I turned and went back to the wall, hanging the cockwhip back up, and taking the electric mosquito killer.

I walked back in front of him, not charging the unit yet, and said "Do you know what this is boy"?

"Yes Sir" he replied.

"What is it boy" I asked.

"Sir, it is an electric bug killer" he stated.

"Close boy, it is modeled after an electric bug killer but much more powerful. See this knob boy? It allows me to vary the voltage" I said.

"Yes Sir" he said, and his Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he deeply swallowed.

I stepped behind my slave and set the zapper to a middle position, then delivered a shock to his buttock.

"Ow" he said and quivered a bit.

"Boy, that is on medium, but imagine what it might feel like elsewhere" I said.

"Yes Sir" he replied.

I came back around front, and with the unit still on medium, touched his left nipple with it.

He lost position and attempted to drop down, resulting in a second cry of pain: one from the zap, and one from the sharp pull on his balls.

"So boy, how do you think this would feel on your balls"? I asked.

"Sir, Oh Please Sir, it would KILL" he implored.

"No boy it wouldn't kill but it would hurt severely" I said.

I then adjust the power to low and said "Boy I'm not going to shock your balls today".

"Oh Thank you Sir, Thank You Thank you" he stated.

"However boy, I have set this on low power and I am going to shock the tip of your dick with it. With all that precum the shock should travel nicely".

He opened his mouth to reply, just as the zapper contacted the wet dripping tip of his dick.

"AAAAH FUUUUCK SIR" he cried out, shaking all over and struggling against the pillory.

"Ok Boy, that is your introduction to the milder end of what you can expect if you touch yourself or ejaculate without permission".

"Yes Sir" he said, as I released him from the pillory.

"You can rub your balls a little bit boy, I know they hurt" I said.

"Thank you Sir" he said, rubbing and checking the integrity of his cock and balls.

I then led him over to the sling.

"Get up there boy" I ordered, and he did. I made him scoot down so that his pussy would be in perfect position for me.

As I put a condom on and lubed up, I saw he was again erect.

"Boy, when you please me you will be rewarded. Just so you know what to look forward to, I am going to gently fuck you in the sling".

I then gently slipped inside of Mike's incredibly tight asshole. He gasped a bit and I said "breathe deeply and relax boy", as I reached down and played a bit with his cock. He arched his back to push his cock toward my hand and said "Please Sir".

"Please what" I asked, knowing the answer.

"Please fuck me Sir" he whispered. .

I then developed a gentle rhythm as my thick 8 plus dick plunged in and out of his tight pussy. I had used enough lube that this was intended to be pleasurable for the boy, and it clearly was.

"Boy, you can reach down and jack your dick, but you will not cum without permission" I said, as I began to fuck him more vigorously.

About 10 minutes into fucking him, I knew I could cum again at any time.

"Boy, how close are you to cumming" I asked.

"Close Sir, struggling not to Sir" he said.

I began fucking him super hard and fast, and said "cum boy, shoot your load now".

He spurted about 60 seconds later as I was cumming inside of him. I counted the shots: there were a total of 7, the first two hitting his face.

I pulled out and discarded the condom. Scooping all of his cum up in my hand and emptying the condom contents into it as well, I said "eat this boy" and he licked every drop off of my hand.

Spontanously he said "thank you Sir, thank you so much".

I replied, "you're welcome boy, now for the second massage" and walked out to the table and lay down.

Afterward, I told him to clean up and went out to the truck, driving home and arriving at 5:30. Dr. Wilson was just leaving as I arrived, so I went in to eat dinner with my son.

Next: Chapter 22

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