Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Oct 12, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

I woke up at 0330, and got up and put on coffee and made bacon and eggs. When the breakfast was ready, I woke up Cody, and then fed the bleary eyed half asleep boy. I had him drink a cup of coffee, which he made a face at, then joked "It will put hair on your balls son". He found that enormously funny and repeated it a few times, chuckling with each repetition.

We got into our cammo hunting gear, and I loaded my rifle, showing Cody how to do it and clicking the safety on. I then watched Cody load his shotgun with a single slug (the closest thing to a bullet that can go in a shotgun). We applied the deer scent and quietly walked to the tree stand, climbing up and waiting for dawn. On the way, I had to correct Cody a few times in how he held his shotgun.

As the morning light began, I made a motion to Cody to be quiet, then pointed about 20 yards where a buck and 4 does were feeding. Making a sign to indicate the buck, I told him silently that he should take a shot. As Cody did that though, I also took aim with my rifle, expecting that Cody would likely miss.

Cody squeezed off a shot, and as the buck jumped I fired, hitting him just above the right hip and dropping him dead.

We went down from the stand and checked out our prey. As expected, Cody had missed. He was pretty irritated about this, but I just told him that everyone gets buck fever and misses at first. We field dressed the buck, or rather he did with me pointing out what to do and Cody making the biggest mess of a deer I had seen since I dressed my first one as a kid, then we hauled it back to camp. Packing up our stuff, we went back to the Lodge, deer strapped on the back, and then butchered the meat there. I made Cody do it himself, with me showing him where to cut. It was a pretty rough looking job, but it was his first time after all. I told him to take the meat down to the dormitory and give it to the staff there.

I cleaned up what was left from the slaughter and buried it while Cody delivered the venison. When he returned, I had us both step into the laundry room, entering from the outside door, and get undressed. Our clothing was covered in blood, so we loaded it into the washer and got it started, then walked upstairs to shower. It was time for me to do a little grooming, so after my shower I took out my clippers and started with my nose hairs, then sideburns, then the back of my neck. Finally, I shortened up my pubic hair to about ½ inch and generally tided things up.

Cody watched in fascination as I groomed and said "Wow I'd like to do that some time". I looked over at him and said "I bet by next year you will need to son, you're growing quite the bush down there".

Cody looked down and smiled, taking my comment as the compliment it was intended to be.

By now it was lunchtime, so we ate, then I told him it was time for a workout. This time I really pushed Cody in the workout, knowing he would be sore afterward, but wanting to help him start building muscle. He did his very best, sweating, grunting, and groaning.

After the workout we both rinsed off and hit the sauna for a half hour. Cody was almost falling asleep in there, not used to the 0330 wake up time, so when we finished I sent him to bed for a nap.

Once Cody was safely asleep, I found myself to be very horny and decided to jack off.

My thoughts were focused on Mike and the severe switching I had given him. I just kept thinking of his shaking shoulders and quivering legs as my switch slashed into him and he cried in agony. I found this to be an immense turn on, though even as I was jacking off I realized that I had punished him out of rage at what he had done to Cody, and that his future training would require that I be an in control Master, not simply an out of control sadist. At any rate, I shot a huge load, felt more relaxed, and went to bed where I sat and read for an hour.

I lay on my back in my bed, with the door locked. As I closed my eyes, I remembered the look of fear in Mike's eyes. Stroking my well lubed dick, I pumped hard each time I thought of my switch hitting Mike's ass and thighs...

I remembered his count: "One Sir" and stroked a few times, my dick swelling.

Then it was "two Sir", and I continued to stroke, remembering how the switch sounded as it whistled through the air, then connected with his ass.

"Three Sir" I recalled, now pumping my dick harder and remembering how Mike began to screech and beg as the punishment continued.

"Four Sir" I heard in my head, considering how each stroke deeply bruised him.

"Five Sir" I recalled, pumping my dick hard, as I remembered the skin breaking and blood from the switch as he cried and begged, quivering buttocks and struggling to maintain position.

I fast forwarded to the later blows, after 25...

"26 Sir" I heard, recalling how he sobbed uncontrollably when the switch struck his sensitive thighs. I could feel the pressure building in my balls as I continued to pump.

"30 Sir" I heard, in his voice, cracked, sobbing, and broken. I could see the severe bruising and brokedn skin on his thighs, as he danced about and tried desperately to maintain position.

"40 SIR" I heard, recalling how he shreiked, and how his ass tightened, as I Stroked my big dick a few more times. This time it was too much for me, and I shot... moaning as I did in pleasure...spurt after spurt from my dick; most flying over my head or into my face...

It was an incredibly intense orgasm, and it took me nearly 15 minutes before I got up and cleaned the cum off of me. Looking at my watch, I realized that it was approaching 6. The phone rang, and it was one of the guys called to the Lodge and asked if we would like to come over for Venison. I said sure, and woke Cody up. Prior to waking him up though, I sat on the bed for a few minutes, listening to him breath, and watching the angelic smile on his face. It was clear he was a happy kid.

"Wake up Son" I said, gently rocking his shoulder.

Cody woke up, stretched a bit then sat up and gave me a hug "Thanks dad, that hunting was so cool. I'm just sad I missed".

I repeated what I had said earlier about buck fever, and told him to get dressed for dinner at the dormitory.

We walked over, arriving at 5:30 and had a great meal with the men there, with a number of them commenting on how Cody was growing and how he seemed to be improving on the trap range and the handgun range.

At 9, it was time for bed as Cody had a big day scheduled, so I tucked him in and then went to bed myself.

Next: Chapter 20

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