Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Oct 7, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

The next morning was Saturday, and I let Cody sleep in. While he was doing that, I went out to the Cabin to meet Mike.

His face was quite bruised, and his nose was a mess. None the less, he attempted to again establish his authority over me by saying "Bitch, I don't know what you think you are doing, but drop your pants and bend over. You have a major whipping coming".

I stared at him, and felt the same rage I had experienced the previous day. I walked over him, got right in his face and said "You fucking cunt, you overstepped when you took Cody out and then threatened that you were going to make him your next Bitch. Even in a Master Slave relationship, there has to be trust. You have totally lost my trust. You have 3 options:

First, you can leave, never come back, and never talk about this ranch.

Second, you can stay, retain your job and salary, but you will be MY bitch henceforth.

Third, you can try to blackmail me, in which case no one will ever find the body.

Any questions?" I asked.

He replied "What the fuck, I'm not being your bitch, you are the slave here. Who do you think you are"?

I slapped him HARD and he fell to the floor. Looking down at him in disgust, I spat in his face and said "I'm your Master bitch, submit or leave. I don't care which, but tell me what you intend to do".

He replied "I want to stay and be your bitch Sir".

"Beg for it cunt" I said. "In fact, get down on your knees and beg for it" I said.

Slave Mike got down on his knees and looked up at me, a pathetic and submissive look on his grotesquely bruised face: "Please Sir, Please let me stay. Please let me be your bitch Sir. I will be a really good bitch Sir".

"Alright bitch, you will stay away from Cody and not make conversation with him. You will take the next two weeks off, go to the doctor, get your face fixed, then return for work. You will wait for my call 24 hours a day and the only words out of your mouth will be `yes Sir, no Sir, may I ask a question Sir. Any questions bitch"?

"No Sir" he replied.

"Alright Bitch, now you go take off all of your clothes. I am going to make sure you don't ever think about making a teenaged boy your `bitch" again" I said.

"Yes Sir" he said meekly, and undressed.

I took a new look at my bitch, from my new position of authority. At 22, blond, 5-11 and 160 with a tight abdomen, 6 pack, blond hair, and swimmer's physique this was one hot kid. He was already erect, and I was reminded of his perfect though only 6 inch uncut cock. The light treasure trail leading down to his tightly groomed pubes and small balls was just an invitation to me. I knew I was going to love having control of this slave.

I then gave him an order: "Bitch, here is a knife. Go outside and cut 4 switches, each at least as thick as your thumb. You have 5 minutes to get them, and smooth them as best you can before I beat your ass".

"Yes Sir" he replied and hurried outside.

While he was gone, I took off my jeans and boxer briefs. I was rock hard, really dripping, and totally turned on by the idea of beating this kid's ass. When he returned, I told him to stand upright, hands on head, and not break position for his switching.

"Bitch, You are getting 50 hard switches on your ass and thighs. You will hold position and count each one saying "Thank you Sir". Should you fail to do those things, we will start over again" I said.

"Yes Sir" he said in a sniveling voice, as I could see his ass start quivering in fear.

His look of fear, and his now shriveled sack with his big balls bulging against it, just made me feel that much more powerful and in control.

I raised the switch high over my head and swung it down very hard across both cheeks.


Hearing him struggle to not scream from the pain gave me an enormous rush. Not unlike the excitement I had felt when punishing my son, but much more sexual and with no reservations about my feelings.

I swung it again, harder, striking his buttock a little lower.

"TWO SIR, THANK YOU SIR" he said, and I noticed his shoulders were shaking a bit, already on the verge of tears.

I continued, working my way down to the bottom of his ass.


Now he was sobbing openly and his whole body would twist around in pain as I struck him, though he did keep his feet in place and hands on his head. I could feel my cock throbbing and balls starting to ache with pressure at this point.

I continued, now striking the spot between the buttocks and thighs:


I stopped, walked around and looked him in the eye, grasping his head so he could not turn away. Without a word, I brought my knee up hard into his balls, eliciting a tortured scream as he doubled over in pan.

"What did I tell you bitch?" I screamed at him.

"SIR?" he replied.

"Bitch I told you the only thing to come out of your mouth was to be yes sir, no sir, and may I ask a question sir" I yelled at him.

"Yes Sir" he replied.

"Now stand back up and obey me Slave" I said, and he got back into position.

I was pissed by his disobedience, so I laid the next stroke down very hard and entirely on his thighs.

"AAAAUGH... Eight Sir Thank you Sir".

I noticed that this last stroke had drawn some blood, and initially felt a little badly about it, then I thought about this guy turning my son into his bitch, trying to get him drunk, and all of his behavior toward me.

The next twelve were even harder, and worked their way down the thighs, ending just above his knees. Each blow had drawn blood and left an instantly severe bruise.

He was now crying and sobbing uncontrollably but managed to say "Twenty Five Sir, Thank you Sir".

I stepped back to examine my handwork. This handsome kid, with the great physique, was pretty well broken. Standing with tears streaming down his face, nose running, and in utter agony, he was exactly what I needed.

I thought to myself "Finally, I have my own bitch. And I don't have to feel at all guilty about enjoying this".

After about a minute, I changed sides, beginning at the top of his buttocks, and delivered the next twenty five.

Finally he managed to choke out "Fifty Sir, Thank you SIR".

At this point my balls were aching badly, so I said "Cunt, on your knees and suck my cock".

He immediately obeyed, but as I thrust in he began to gag. Grabbing him by the hair I rammed my dick repeatedly down his throat as he choked and gagged. I was so hot at this point that I didn't last 60 seconds before I shot a huge load down his throat.

I turned and left him there, sobbing, broken, bleeding, and tasting my cum.

I went back to the Lodge where Cody was just finishing his chores. I sent him upstairs to get cleaned up and put on some jeans and a flannel shirt. Then I told that it was time to go in to town. I also told him that I had heard from the Judge, and that the adoption would be finalized on Monday. Cody gave me a big hug and said "You mean it's really going to happen"?

I replied that it was a certainty, and told him to grab his coat.

Now that it was early December, there was frost on the windshield of the truck and on the ground. I started up the truck, told Cody to buckle up, then we drove into the small town.

Our first stop was the barbershop, where Cody was greeted by the men there like a rock star. He didn't seem to quite know what to do with the attention, and frankly was not up to my standards in terms of politeness. He was overly familiar, and failed to address them as Sir. He even addressed Bob the barber as Bob, something teen boys in our small town don't do. I leaned over and gave him a reminder, and told him I expected no more mistakes in this regard.

The second stop was the Y, bearing my family name, and I showed him around the place. I took him to the boxing ring and said "Cody, once you get your technique down, you can start boxing with boys your own size".

Cody beamed and said he would really enjoy that.

Then we went down to the Diner,and had an early lunch. Cody had the fried chicken, and at so rapidly that I had to order him more. He seemed to have become an eating machine now. However, he failed to address the waitress as "Maam" and further was pretty demanding when he ordered saying "I want" instead of "May I have" or "I would like". This was not going to do, as because of who I am, my son would be under scrutiny and his behavior would reflect on me.

Afterward, we drove back to the ranch. Cody decided to talk to me about something.

"Hey dad, you're pretty important around here aren't you" he said.

"Cody, my family is well known here and we have done nice things for the town" I replied.

"Yeah, but like it's bigger than that isn't it? I mean like you are super rich"? he asked.

"Cody, I am very wealthy. Some day you will be too. However, we don't show it off or treat people badly. We are fortunate to have this money, and we use it for good things. Don't ever forget its about the people, not the money" I explained.

While we are on that subject son, I was not happy with your manners today. You were not polite to the men in the Barbershop, and even when I reminded you, you did the same thing toward the waitress at the diner.

"Sorry Dad" he said.

"Son, I know you probably are sorry, but I have a responsibility to discipline you. When we get back to the lodge, I expect you to go up to my room, undress, and wait for me with the bathbrush" I said.

"Daaaad, Pleeease" he whined.

"Cody, don't whine, it's almost as bad as being disrespectful" I said.

"Ok Dad, I won't" he said; then he became quiet until we got back to the lodge.

When we got back to the lodge, I gave Cody about a half hour to sit and think about his behavior. When I entered the room, he was standing there bare, bathbrush in hand, and looking pretty unhappy. I ordered him to give me the brush, and lie down across my lap, which he did.

It was quickly apparent that Cody was again erect on my lap, and this evoked feelings in me that made me uncomfortable. So I just gave him a sound brushing, about 1 whack every few seconds for around 2 minutes. He progressed from kicking and squiring and crying to sobbing and promising. When I was finished I had him stand up, and noticed that he was still erect. I ignored it and said "Cody, what did you learn from that"?

He replied "I learned to be polite Sir".

"I hope so Cody, I don't want to have to keep punishing you. Now go into your room, get dressed to be outside, and pack up all of your hunting gear including your shotgun" I said.

"Are we going hunting dad"? he asked.

"Son, you'll see. Just get going because I want to be at the cabin before dark".

Cody could barely contain the excitement as he rushed to his room to get ready. I packed up the food that would be needed for that night and the next morning, and then grabbed my stuff as well. We packed up the 4 wheeler, and headed off to our outermost hunting cabin.

After unloading, I checked to be sure that the deer stand from the previous year was intact. Then we went into the cabin and just sat and talked, mostly me talking about deer hunting. I explained that while I had him bring his shotgun, a rifle is the way to bring down a deer so I would be shooting tomorrow. I also explained how he must be quiet and still and wait for the deer to come to us, and that we would be up at 3 to go into the blind and prepare.

After that, we cooked a meal together, then sat on the sofa. Cody asked me if he could do something "nice" for me.

"Probably son, what do you have in mind"? I asked.

"Dad, you always massage me, now I want to try to make you feel relaxed like you do for me" he replied.

I thought about it and said "Sure Cody, that would be great really. Let's stoke up the fire though and first get cleaned up and eat dinner".

We got the fire roaring and put a huge pot of water on to heat it for bathing. While it was heating, I cooked up a simple dinner and we ate. Afterward, I undressed and told Cody to do so as well so we could get clean.

Cody had never bathed himself with just a pot of water and a washcloth, but he just did what I did, paying particular attention to armpits, genitals, and ass. I had a look at his still red butt, but there was no bruising at all. The warm washcloth and the increasingly warm room were relaxing. I threw Cody a towel and dried myself. Next, I walked over to the bed and lay down on my stomach, removing the towel.

Cody came over with a towel around him and produced, to my surprise, a bottle of massage oil, which told me he had planned this in advance. This really surprised me given his recent spanking, but Cody seemed quick to forgive.

I settled down, and got ready to be relaxed and feel close to my son. Cody said he was warm, so he stripped down to his boxer briefs. I felt the massage oil that he squirted on my back, then his hands starting to massage my neck and shoulders. Cody was still not strong enough to give deep tissue massage, but he was clearly trying hard. Periodically he would make some comment about how strong my muscles were, and I simply said "yours will be too son". It seemed to me, that I could feel the love in his hands, as he tried to say, nonverbally, how much he cared about me. I was in heaven enjoying this time together.

After he finished working on my back, he asked me to roll over and I did. I was entirely naked, but not aroused. Cody began at my face and hair, then worked his way down. As he massaged my abdomen and upper thighs, he said "Dad, can I ask you something"?

"Sure Son, anything" I replied.

"How do you know if you're gay Dad" he asked.

I paused, thinking about the best way to answer it: "Son, this is something guys sort out in their teen years. You will know when your sexual thoughts have settled on guys or girls. Lots of guys have thoughts about both at 14, but then by 16 or 17 they mostly have thoughts about one".

"OK dad, but what if I only have thoughts about one now"? he asked.

"Son, then you are probably sorting it out early" I replied, quite honestly.

"Dad, I think I'm gay" he said, and began to cry.

I called him over to my side and said "Son, lie down next to me". He did and I held him tightly and then said "Cody, gay or straight or bi, I love you and just want you to be happy".

This seemed to relieve him, as he stopped crying and snuggled up next to me. I then continued, to be sure he understood: "Cody, love between two people is a beautiful thing to enjoy and cherish. It doesn't matter what gender the two people are son".

He breathed a huge sigh, and I could feels his body relax. That is when it occurred to me that he thought I would reject him if he was gay. Thinking back, the obvious struck me: that is probably why mom's boyfriend kicked him out onto the streets.

"Hey Cody, we have an early wake up in the morning. Let's both step outside and pee, then go to bed" I said.

With that we stepped into the cold, he in his boxer briefs and me undressed, walked about 30 feet from the cabin, and stood side by side as father and son. After we were both done, we went into the cabin, and fell fast asleep.

Next: Chapter 19

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