Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Oct 4, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

I awoke at 0500, still holding Cody closely. His head was tucked in under my chin and I was enveloping him in my arms. I listened to him breathe for a few minutes then woke him up gently. As he awoke, I turned him over and gave him a kiss on the forehead and said "OK Cody, time to chop wood son" and we both got up, took a piss, dressed, and headed down.

I told Cody that I was going to split wood too this morning, and reminded him that he had some extra wood splitting to do because of his behavior yesterday. He said he remembered, and we both fell into the rhythm of splitting logs.

At the end of a half hour, we were both panting and sweating, so we took off our shirts despite the cold and continued to split. I watched Cody out of the corner of my eye, his sweating body and heavy breathing, and saw that we were seeing some ripple to the boyish muscles of this handsome young man. He did not complain, and worked hard until the hour was up and I said "Ok Son, good job let's get cleaned up". Cody looked over at me, smiled, and wiped the sweat from his brow. The smile told me he was trying to impress me and glad I had notice his hard work.

We went into the bathroom suite together, and both stripped down. I had a look at Cody's buttocks, lightly touching each as I examined them. "Cody, not even any redness and no bruises, so everything is fine back there" I said.

I then instructed "I'm going to shave and brush my teeth while you hit the shower".

Cody stepped into the shower, lathered up his hair, then rinsed. Next we took out soap and lathered up his whole body, again rinsing. While this was going on, I shaved, flossed and brushed, then we switched places. While Cody brushed, I took a shower and when rinsed stepped out and drive myself off leisurely. Cody was looking at me while I dried off, as though he had a question.

"What Son" I asked.

"Do you think I could ever get muscular and big like you" he asked innocently.

I laughed and said, "Cody, come here, stand in front of the mirror". He did so and I pointed out how his chest was starting to grow; his little tight nipple pointing down as the pectoralis major grew; the beginning of bulges in his biceps and triceps, and the increasingly defined 8 pack of his abdomen.

He looked as I pointed this out, smiling every more broadly, then I said "Cody, you are not going to believe how good you look by Summer".

We then each brushed our hair, applied deodorant, and went out to dress.

"Cody, let's get a big breakfast" I said, and we went down to the kitchen. While the coffee was going, I cooked up a huge country breakfast of Ham, Eggs, Potato, bacon, and hotcakes. We both ate until we could eat no more, then I said "Hey Cody, you still have a couple hours before Dr. Wilson arrives, you want to do anything"?

Cody said he would like to go for a ride, so we went out and climbed on a 4 wheeler and went out around the property for an hour. Upon returning, I said "Cody, let's go into the Den and see what the Math looks like for today".

Cody didn't object, and sat down at the computer, pulling up the assignments he would be doing today. We took a half hour to talk about it, go over what the "tricks" would be, then sat on the sofa.

"Cody, I expect to hear a real and heartfelt apology toward Dr. Wilson today. I also expect to hear you addressing him as "Sir" or "Dr. Wilson" in the future. Is that clear"? I asked.

"Yes Sir" Cody said to me and I smiled back at him.

"Cody, don't forget. I really would prefer not to have to give you another whipping for a repeat performance of yesterday" I repeated.

I stayed around long enough to hear Cody apologize and to say good morning to Dr. Wilson. I also asked Dr. Wilson to call me immediately on my Cell phone if any problems or attitude came up. He promised to do so.

I went up to the weight room and threw weights around for about 2 hours, then took a quick shower. I decided that I would go into town for a few hours, and got in one of the ranch trucks and headed off on the one hour drive to town.

It isn't much of a town really: a few stores, school, and a YMCA donated by my grandfather. I decided to stop at the Barbershop and see Bob, the old Barber who had been there for decades. He beamed when he saw me, and gave me a shave and haircut while catching me up on the new of the town. Then he asked me a question: "John, is that son of yours going to need a haircut soon? I'd like to meet him". I smiled and said that yes, he could use one, and we would probably come into town over the next few days so Cody could look around.

I paid John for the 10 dollar haircut with a 100 dollar bill and told him to keep the change, then I wandered down to the feed store and stepped in.

For people who don't live in the country, I will just explain that there is a lot more than feed at such a store. In addition, there is all of the equipment you need to ranch, farm, dress to work, saddles, tack, boots, and basically all that a ranch hand would need. I wondered through the store, not really needing anything, but bought some deer scent in the hunting section as it occurred to me that Cody still hadn't been hunting.

I wandered through the tack section, with What its polished leather reins, bridles, crops, and even buggy whips, and could not help but think of the events of the past 24 hours.

First, I was disturbed that I found spanking Cody to be exciting. What would this mean for us? How would I make sure that I was disciplining him because of what he needed and not going overboard? What would I do if I found it more arousing? These ideas really troubled me, but I resolved to be very fair and measured in my discipline of Cody.

Then I thought about the last training session with Master Mike. Something had not felt right about it to me. In my reading about Master Slave relationships, the Master had always shown some concern or caring for the Slave who gave his total obedience in exchange. This had felt far more like a sadistic man, taking great pleasure in delivering severe pain, and in a way that could have damaged my testicles. It wasn't that the activities failed to arouse me, but the trust wasn't quite there. It just didn't feel right to give control to Mike.

I came out of my reverie with a riding crop in my hand, then looked around and put it back. The last thing I needed was to purchase implements that would be used on me.

I next went through the Y that my grandfather had donated. It really was far nicer than one would expect in such a small town, containing basketball courts, tennis courts, dance studio, pool, boxing ring, community meeting rooms, and even racquetball courts. The director came down quickly to greet me and we walked through, checking out the condition of the equipment. They needed to buy some more equipment, so I told him to call the Sarge and that it would be taken care of.

Next, on my way back to the truck, I stopped in the Bakery and bought a dozen fresh warm chocolate chip cookies, figuring I would surprise Cody with them when I got home.

By the time I got back to the Lodge it was 3:30. I started looking for Cody and couldn't find him: not on the range; not in his room; not in my room; not in the jacuzzie or the den. I asked the cook if he had seen Cody who indicated that Cody and one of the staff had gotten on a 4 wheeler and hour before and pointed at the trail they had taken.

It had been a damp day, so the 4 wheeler had left clear tracks. I was puzzled as to why Cody would be off with one of the staff as he did not have permission to 4 wheel except with me. Eventually I saw one of our hunting cabins with smoke coming out of the chimney. I parked about 200 yards away and quietly approached the Cabin, concerned as to what might be going on.

I entered the cabin and saw Cody on the sofa with a beer in his hand and Mike sitting next to him talking.

"Cody, what are you doing with that beer, and why did you ride without me"? I asked.

"Sorry Dad, but Mike said it would be OK" he replied.

"Well it isn't Cody, dump the beer and go outside and wait for me" I said, in a harsh voice.

Once Cody stepped out, I asked "Master" Mike what the fuck he thought he was doing. He started to do the Master/bitch thing, and I said: Look, this kid is totally outside of our deal. Leave him alone". I then continued: "You stepped way over the line here, that boy is my responsibility to care for and protect".

Mike then laughed and said "Shut up bitch. Shut your bitch mouth or I'll take a paddle to your ass right now, and your `son' can hear daddy begging and pleading as I beat his ass".

Reflexively, I said "Sorry Sir" in a low voice, not entirely meaning it but not wanting Cody to know this guy could punish me.

Mike then went on to say "I'm just grooming my next bitch; figure like father like Son. Bet he'll have a much tighter ass than you and squeal even more when I beat his little balls".

Enraged at the thought of someone abusing Cody, the boy I had rescued from abuse and was soon to adopt, I snapped and advanced on Mike; punching him twice in the body, then kneeing his groin, then slamming his downturned face, as he bent over, with my knee which led to a satisfying crunch: I had broken his nose.

Mike lay bleating on the floor, disgustingly begging for mercy, blood running all over. I looked down at him and saw him for what he was: an opportunistic Bully, not someone to respect, certainly not someone to serve. I realized then it was over: Mike would never dominate me again.

"Mike, be here tomorrow at 8 am. You are my bitch now" I said, and went outside.

"Hey Dad, I'm really sorry about that, I thought it was OK `cause an adult said it was" he explained.

"Cody, I'm not going to punish you for being misled by an adult who should know better. Let's just drop it and go home. However, I do not expect to see you drinking again or you will really be in trouble".

I went on, more harshly than I intended as the adrenalin was still pumping: "Cody, if you ever disobey one of my safety rules, even if an adult tells you to do it, you will get the whipping of your life. Do you understand"?

"OK Dad" he said looking a little fearful.

I saw I had frightened him and said "Cody, sorry I was so intense, it's just that I love you and don't want you to get hurt". With that, we sped back to the Lodge on our 4 wheeler, and arrived with Cody beaming and excited by the racing speed we had made on the way.

Cody and I had dinner, then the cookies I had bought at the bakery. The whole time I was worried about what might have happened had I not gone looking for him. After dinner I said "Hey Cody, let's hit the sauna and just talk". Cody was excited about this and we went up and spent a fantastic evening just talking about things, including his upcoming adoption.

Between the Sauna and Jacuzzi we basically spent the evening together. I explained again to him why the rule was that he could not go off with others without my permission. I explained to him that something really bad could have happened to him out at the cabin, and that there is a reason why an adult man would provide alcohol to a 14 year old boy. I told him that he was not to talk to Mike again without my permission, and that Mike would be gone for a couple of weeks "healing up". Cody pushed me for the details on that, and I finally explained that I had broken his nose and told him he could stay away from him, or get fired (I skipped the part about making Mike my bitch).

Cody went to sleep, in his own bed at 9 and I stayed up a while and sipped on a beer thinking about the day. I felt pretty satisfied about standing up to Mike, and excited at the ideas in my mind for what I would do to him. I logged on to my computer, and checked sites for bdsm equipment that I could use in training Mike. I ordered a few items, including a horse to which he could be secured for spanking and fucking, a sling which would allow prolonged fucking and leave his cock and balls totally open to abuse, and a really evil looking device called a "cock and ball pillory". This device clamps over the cock and balls, from the front or the back, anchoring the slave in such a way that they can't move or they yank their balls. Further, the stretched balls are open to whatever one wants to do to them. Finally, the height is adjustable so the slave can be put on their toes, and if they drop at all they yank their balls.

I went to bed dreaming about what I was going to do with Mike.

Next: Chapter 18

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