Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Oct 3, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

The next two weeks passed quickly as Cody fell into the routine of school. I took his cast off, then weighed and measured him. He had shot up two inches and gained 16 lbs in a month. Cody was excited about that, and was proud of the fact that he wasn't quite so skinny any more. The HIV test returned as normal, and his blood work showed that the anemia had resolved. Cody was on his way to being a healthy kid, and from the looks of the grown spurt would likely be pretty tall soon.

Now with two functional hands, Cody could begin to take on more activities. For example, instead of tending the chickens as his morning task, he would spend a half hour splitting wood. He complained at first, until I told him what his body would look like after a few months, at which point he treated it like exercise. In the afternoons after school, his structured activities were divided between boxing, trap shooting, and handling his .22 caliber handgun.

Cody really took to the active rugged life of a ranch. He loved the shooting, hiking, and the guy talk that occurs in such a setting.

Our relationship grew closer. He could now bathe himself, so that awkwardness was past. I found him emulating me in many ways, even wanting to learn how to shave, though he scarcely needed it. He was more or less permanently sore from all of the exercise, so every evening before bedtime I gave him a massage, which he loved and looked forward to it as well. This was a time when we could talk about the day, and how he was doing. To me, it became our most special time together. Cody spoke episodically about his mom, and the good things he experienced growing up. He also asked me many questions that a boy would want to know from a dad about being a man, his body, etc.

However, as Cody started to feel better, he began to be more of an adolescent boy. For example, his dislike of school at times led to mouthiness. From time to time, he would lose his temper if frustrated. His language was also a problem.

As a result, I created a behavior management plan for him, and made it very clear how it would work:

  1. Swearing: each foul word leads to an extra 5 minutes of wood chopping the next morning. However, use of "the big ones", ie "Fuck or Cunt" led to immediate ivory soap in the mouth for 15 minutes, then the additional wood chopping the next day.

  2. Disrespect or not trying at school work would lead to a spanking.

  3. Misuse of equipment (for example firearms) would lead to forfeiture of the privilege of using that item for two weeks.

  4. Other behaviors would be addressed individually.

So I typed all of this up for Cody, and we went over it thoroughly one morning after breakfast.

"OK Cody, so do you understand all of this"? I asked.

"Yeah dad I get it, but the spanking part scares me" he replied.

"Son, there is a difference between a spanking and a beating, but I will answer any questions you have" I replied.

"Uh OK... well what are you going to use"? he asked.

"Cody, the same stuff used on me at that age. You are a little too old for just a hand spanking, so I will generally use either that bath brush from the shower, or a belt. However, for extremely serious offenses, you will get the switch" I replied.

"Uh... OK... What's a switch"? he asked.

"It's a really thin tree branch, green, with the knots carved off so it's smooth and is used on your butt and the top part of your thighs. It stings way worse than the other things, so you won't want to make me use that Cody" I replied.

"That sounds really scary dad" he said, looking quite worried.

I put an arm around him and held him closely. "Cody, if I discipline you, it will be because you need it. I am not going to injure you or beat you. You will feel punished, probably cry, and have a sore butt for a while. Afterward we will talk about it and I will hold you until you stop crying. It's totally up to you if this happens or not. Just don't disobey the rules" I said.

Cody nodded, and I looked at my watch "Hey Cody, you got 30 minutes to take a shower and get ready for school, so get going" I said.

Cody looked at the clock and ran up the stairs to get ready. He was waiting for his teacher and they went off to the Den to get started on the school day.

Now that Cody was occupied, I could go about my day. I began by opening my e mails, and immediately noted one from Master Mike.

"Boy, its time for your training to continue. Meet me at 0930. You will take your clothes off 100 yards from the cabin, then crawl to the door and knock" it said.

I groaned, wondering how much worse this could get. There was a side of me that was increasingly dissatisfied with being submissive and used by this guy, and a side that needed it. The conflict between these two sides, was growing.

I jogged down to the cabin, and as ordered stopped 100 yards before. I stripped down completely, and tucked my clothes away next to a tree where I could find them again.

It is hard to crawl 100 yards on a dirt trail. Even if you brush the branches and rocks out of the way, your knees are raw by the time you get there. I finally made it, feeling quite humiliated, but deep inside rather angry. I knocked on the door.

"Enter, cunt" I heard, and reached up to open the door then crawled inside.

I was immediately grabbed by the hair and dragged into the center of the room, where my wrists were placed in restraints and immediately raised over my head. I looked upward, and saw a pulley hanging from the exposed beam, as my arms were raised to the point that they were quite tight and I was on tip toes.

Then I felt restraints placed on each ankle, and looked down to see that eye bolts had been secured to the floor, and I was immediately clipped into those bolts.

I was totally exposed, front and back, and had no option for protecting myself. As the realization of this struck, I began to sweat.

"So bitch, you look so hot and vulnerable like that. Not so tough now, huh?" he asked.

"Uh... No Sir" I replied.

He walked in front of me, and grabbed my balls with his hand, squeezing them ever hard.

"I bet you are pretty proud of these huge balls boy" he said.

"No Sir" I protested, at which point he gave a very hard kick to my balls.

I would have fallen to the floor as my legs collapsed, but that wasn't possible as I hung from my arms. I gasped for breath as the full force kick worked its way through my nuts.

"Never lie to me boy... I know you are proud of them" he said.

"Yes Sir", I gasped.

"Well those balls are pretty useless now boy. They are just there for my entertainment. I have some very entertaining plans for you" he said, with a cruel smile on his face.

He stepped out of my vision, and I could hear his boots click on the plank floor as he moved away from me, then heard him approach again. He then stepped in front of me and held up a children's toy, familiar from my youth: an airsoft rifle.

"You know what this is boy" he asked, rhetorically.

"Yes sir" I said, sweating even more now.

"I bet you do, and you know what I am going to do with it, don't you boy?" he said.

"Yes Sir" I said, my voice quaking a bit as I knew exactly what he was going to do. I had played with these guns a lot as a kid, and they hurt even on regular skin. A shot to the nuts would be excruciating.

With that, he crossed to the other side of the room and took aim.

He then walked to the other side of the room, taking his time, as he said "Well just to make it a challenge I'm going to shoot from over here".

"Here goes boy" he said, and fired off a first round. It hit high and to the right, striking my upper right groin.

"Humm, will take some practice boy" he said, as he squeezed another round off. I grunted as this one struck my left thigh, perhaps an inch from where my nuts hung.

"Threes a charm boy" he said, correcting his aim and squeezing off the next room. I gasped, as this one hit my dick, just up the shaft from my cockhead. It fucking hurt, and I knew a welt had been raised.

"There, my aim is improving" he said, squeezing off the next round.

"AAAGH" I screamed, as it was a direct hit on my left nut. I struggled against the bonds instinctively, as I was in total agony.

He then squeezed off two more rounds in quick succession. The first one hit my dick head, and I was gasping from it, as the second hit my right nut, eliciting a tortured scream from me.

"Boy, I think I want those balls more exposed" he said, putting down the airsoft and walking over to me. He took a long leather lace out, tied it hard around my dickhead, then tied my dick so that it was stretched upward, with the lace secured around my neck. He then went back to his firing position.

"FUUUCK, please Sir, Please don't do this. You're hurting my balls" I shouted. "Please, Please, Please" I whined.

This elicited a look of amusement, and a quick 6 shots, two of which hit my nuts and one the underside of my dick. I was twisting and pulling against the restraints, trying to break free, as my nuts started to swell and the pain was intolerable.

Master Michael's response was to simply put another clip into the airsoft. This time however, he aimed for my chest, striking my nipples 3 times and raising welts, but it was better than my balls.

The next clip was fired rapidly at my balls. At least 6 shots found the mark.

"AAAAAGH" I screamed, aware my voice had cracked and become high pitched. "Please, Sir, Please, Please stop" I screamed, as my nuts had never been in this much pain.

"Bitch, I am going to keep shooting until I have something better to do. I guess though I would have to stop if you were sucking my dick" he said.

He said this as another clip went in, and he fired all of the rounds at my nuts, most of them striking home. I was twisting and begging.

"Say it cunt" he said, as he changed clips again.

I knew exactly what he wanted me to say, and the words were just caught in my throat. I was not going to ask this beg to be allowed to suck cock.

The next two clips were fired rapidly, and I soon found myself saying it: "Please, Please, Please let me suck your cock Sir, Please give me your big dick. Please I'm begging Sir" I whined, having the last bit of resistance flow from my tortured body.

He put down the gun and walked over to me, looking right in my eyes: "you sure you want that faggot? Tell me. Tell me what a faggot you are and beg for it".

"Sir, I'm a faggot, please give me your dick Sir. I'm nothing but a faggot, please Sir" I said, hating myself for it, not meaning it, but desperate to protect my balls.

He then reached down and touched my swollen sore balls, and grasped my cock: "what do we have here boy? Seems like you really are looking forward to sucking my cock".

"I looked down and realized that, despite the cockhead being tied and despite my sore balls and the raised welts on my dick, I was hard and leaking. I replied "Yes Sir, sorry Sir".

Master Mike then untied the rawhide lace and removed it, then removed my restraints.

"On your knees bitch" he said, and I complied, embarrassed that this treatment just made my dick harder.

"Open wide bitch" he said, and I did so.

Master Mike then grabbed my hair, and began fucking my throat: hard and fast. I was instantly gagging and tried to pull away, but he just yanked my hair harder and told me to take it. It was a short and violent rape of my throat, and culminated quickly in Master Mike's shooting his load into my mouth.

"Stand up Bitch" he said, as soon as he was fnished with my throat.

"You will never, EVER resist me again Cunt" he said, slapping my face repeatedly with each word for emphasis.

"Sorry Sir" I replied.

"I am going to make you a lot sorrier boy" he said, as he walked over to his own clothing and removed a heavy leather western belt from it.

"Bend over and grab your ankles boy" he ordered, and I complied.

Master Mike then doubled the heavy belt over, and began whipping my ass hard and fast.

I was begging in no time, real tears streaming down my face:

"Please Sir, Ouch, Please Sir... I won't do it again... Please... I promise Sir".

He replied, still whipping my ass and now thighs full force "God damned right you won't bitch or you will get worse than this".

After what must have been 100 blows, it stopped. He silently put on his clothing and left me there: sore swollen nuts, and a black and blue striped ass. I cried for at least 5 minutes after it was over, both from the pain and the humiliation of realizing that part of me loved this.

I went into the bathroom and checked out my nuts. They were swollen, and there were welts on them and the other places the airsoft had struck. My dick had a number of welts on it as well, but remained hard and leaking precum.

I jacked off in the bathroom, thinking of Master Michael's big dick and the beating I had just endured. Then, I turned on the shower and washed myself for probably an hour, feeling like a used slut, humiliated but angry; turned on but hating it; and having revenge fantasies towards Master Michael. Finally, I stepped out of the shower and went back to the Lodge.

Next: Chapter 16

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