Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Sep 29, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

I woke up at 0500. Cody was still sleeping peacefully. I went downstairs and cooked up a huge and special breakfast, then brought it up to him in bed. I woke him up and had him sit up so I could place the tray, and I kissed him on the forehead and said "happy birthday son, you're 14 now".

Cody smiled broadly, stretched one more time and dug into breakfast. When he was halfway through breakfast, I began to tell him about what would happen today:

I want to tell you about your first present. At noon the judge is coming to meet you and will sign the papers for me to be your guardian. That's temporary until we can complete the adoption" I sad.

"Wow... but a Judge, what will I say" he replied.

"Cody just be yourself and answer his questions. However, unless he tells you to call him something else, you need to call him `your honor' which is how judges are addressed" I explained.

"Also, Cody, we will have a formal lunch since he is coming. I know you haven't really been taught how to eat in a more formal way, so let me go over it" I said.

Then we set a formal table together. I explained what all of the forks were for and to use them from the outside in. I also explained that he would be seeing the wine ritual when it was served and should just see how that is done. Finally, I want you to sit up straight, take small bites, and don't talk with your mouth full.

Cody said he understood. Besides, I wasn't really expecting him to get it all correct, rather I wanted the Judge to see that Cody was being taught since coming here.

"Alright Cody, time for our workout" I said, and we went upstairs. I changed into my nylon workout shorts with the mesh liner and white socks/sneakers. I handed Cody a pair of the same kind of shorts and helped him with the shoes and socks, then took him into the gym.

"Cody, you can't do many of the exercises yet, but we can start working out so you can get stronger. Let's start with the exercise bikes to get the blood flowing.

I programmed a fairly easy routine into Cody's bike, given that he was still anemic, then programmed a straight uphill difficult routine for me that included sprints. We both got started.

After 10 minutes, I was sweating hard and breathing heavily. I looked over and Cody was OK, but clearly having to work at it and was breaking a sweat. At 20 minutes, I had us both stop. Cody was quite winded and covered in a sheen of sweat that glowed over his smooth thin chest, shoulders, and abdomen.

Next, we went over to the machines and I showed him how to do leg presses. I set about 400 lbs for me and did my routine first, aware as I followed the gaze of Cody that my nylon shorts weren't hiding my big dick and balls and that they really showed when I was working out. Cody went onto the machine next, and I set only 100 lbs as I wanted him to work on technique. I looked down at him, and realized what a cute kid he was, how great he would look when we got weight on him, and that his shorts also didn't hide much, but since I had seen him many times it was no big deal.

Next I did a bench press routine, curls, and the rest of my upper body work out. After that, both of us did sit ups, then I showed him how to do crunches and held his feet for him. Cody was sweating hard again.

I thought that was enough of a workout for him, but I continued for another 20 minutes while he watched.

We then hit the showers, in the usual order. However, so that I could hide the marks from yesterday, I asked him to hang out in the room and read a bit while I showered. Then I called him in and helped him up on the shower table so he could get clean too.

Washing him on the table was getting uncomfortable for me, as he was again erect. I am certainly not opposed to seeing a good erection, but not on my son. I just tried to get him clean and get done before I popped wood as well.

"Sorry about that Dad" he said.

"Nah, it's OK Cody. I mean that's totally normal. At your age I think I jacked off in the shower every morning because it always got hard. It's just awkward because right now you can't wash yourself" I said.

After I got him toweled off, I told him that I was going to do some grooming and that he could just hang out in the bedroom and read.

I took out the clippers and began with nose hairs. Then I changed to a different head for the clippers and began to groom my pubes, something I've done since I was about 17.

I came out with a towel around me and changed into some outdoor clothes. Then I helped Cody get dressed so he could take a walk outside with me.

This time we walked about 4 miles, and he seemed to do OK with it. "Hey Cody, now I want to tell you about your second present" I said.

"What's that dad"? he answered.

"Your HIV test is negative". He looked amazingly relieved, but I did not tell him that he could still convert to positive if one of the four guys from the night of his rescue infected him. I simply planned to repeat the test in two weeks when I checked vitamin levels and his blood for anemia.

During the walk, the arrangements I previously made for his room were carried out. So when we got back to the Lodge, I took him up to his new room and opened the door.

In the room were all of the clothes he would need for Winter. Basically everything from socks and underwear to coats and gloves. It was all laid out on the bed, and I had him try everything on. Fortunately it was a good fit, a little oversized, but I knew he would grow into them. Cody beamed as he did this, standing like a model as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"I never had new clothes like this" he said, tears running down his smooth boyish face.

I gave him a hug and said "Well Cody, you will have nice clothes that fit and are bought new now that you are here. So let's get all of this stuff organized and put away". We spent the next hour getting everything organized.

I looked at my watch and it was 11. "OK Cody, let's pick out what you are wearing at lunch" I said.

I had him pick out what to wear, but gently urged that he wear the new dress Khaki pants, blue collared Nautica shirt that matched his eyes, dark socks, and the new cap toe dress shoes that I had bought for him.

"Cody have you ever had dress shoes like this" I asked. He shook his head no and I said "Well before too long I will teach you how to polish them. A well groomed man's shoes are always well polished".

I then stood back, and in an exaggerated way admired him (though he is such a cute kids there is a lot to admire":

"Wow Cody, you look like quite a young gentleman that way" I commented, enthusiastically and honestly. He beamed and said "yeah, these clothes are great".

We went downstairs to the Den, started a fire, and waited for the Judge to arrive. I told Cody that when he came in, he should offer to hang up his coat.

Cody looked pretty nervous when the bell rang. I put a hand on his leg and patted it saying "just be you".

We went to the door and opened it, and there was the Judge, carrying a briefcase. I took the case from him and on cue Cody asked if he could take his coat. The Judge looked Cody over, pausing as he looked at the casted arm and still somewhat bruised eyes, and said "Of course" and handed it to him. After Cody completed this first social duty, I ushered the judge into the den where he sat down in the overstuffed leather chair, and Cody and I sat on the matching love seat.

The Judge leaned back and said "Cody it is great meeting you. I just need to know a few things from you, OK?"

"Uh yeah...I mean yes your honor" he said, remembering what I had told him.

The judge laughed and said "I see you are already being taught to be a polite young man".

Then a series of questions ensued. Generally speaking, Cody had to tell his story about growing up, mom's death, winding up on the streets, and meeting me when he was admiring my Bentley. He also talked about being held captive, raped, and beaten but being rescued by us. He left out the details about the 4 dead bodies, but the Judge was a smart guy and probably suspected. The judge was clearly moved, and enraged, when he heard about the rape.

At the end of all this, he said "Cody, you have experienced a lot of adversity in your young life. However, you must be the luckiest kid in the world to have found John and wound up here. I am signing the papers; John is now your guardian. That means he is in charge of you, caring for you, raising you right, and keeping you safe".

Cody beamed, then slid a little closer to me on the sofa and explained "Wow, THANKS... your honor".

The judge continued "John, I expect you to raise this boy properly. You are quite young yourself and it is a big responsibility. Don't make the mistake of just being his friend. You need to raise him the way your grandfather raised you, and instill proper discipline" he admonished.

The judge and I exchanged smiles at this, and I had a flashback to a paddling I once got from my grandfather when the judge was over. I then announced that it was time to go to the dining room where we would have a meal in honor or two things: Cody now being a legal part of the family, and Cody's 14the birthday.

The judge exclaimed "Happy Birthday Cody" and gave him a thump on the shoulder as we exited the Den.

Lunch consisted of 4 courses. It began with grilled prawns, served with a dry white wine. Cody looked like he was afraid he was going to spill all over himself, but he sat up straight and reached for the right fork. The second course was a Fall spinach salad, nicely presented. Cody did well again with the cutlery, was taking small bites, and exchanging pleasantries with the Judge about living here, and how pretty it was and how he wanted to learn how to hunt and fish. The next course consisted of a pan seared petit filet, Asparagus with Hollandaise sauce, and Butternut Squash. Finally, we enjoyed homemade apple pie with sharp cheddar cheese for dessert.

It was about a 2 hour lunch, and the Judge had to get back to town. He shook Cody's hand and said "I will be looking forward to seeing the adoption application Cody". Cody got his coat without having to be reminded and we said goodbye to the Judge.

As soon as the Judge was out the door, Cody more or less jumped up and grabbed me around the shoulders and hugged me as though he was trying to squeeze the life out of me. "This has to be the best birthday ever" he said.

I replied "Cody, I hope so, and this birthday has more to go".

It was now mid afternoon. I told Cody that we needed to change into warm clothes for the next part of his birthday. Once we were warmly dressed, we went out front where one of the 4 wheelers was waiting. I had him put on a helmet while I explained that it was time he saw a little more of the property. Cody was so excited he could barely contain himself at the idea of going on a 4 wheeler.

We spent the next four hours visiting some of the nice places on the land. This included a few lakes, 3 of the outlying hunting cabins, a few points up in the mountains where the view was good. We were fortunate to see deer, Turkey, and a host of other birds.

"Hey how fast will this go" he asked.

"I replied "about 80" and proceeded to prove that fact as we tore back to the lodge.

We were both a muddy mess when we got back, so we went up and each got showered and changed.

"OK Cody, were going to have dinner with the guys, so let's walk down there" I explained.

He was getting back into shape at this point so the walk didn't ake long. As soon as I opened the door to the dining hall, so that he could step in, a resounding "Surprise!" came from the large crowd inside. They had decorated with a Banner that said "Happy Birthday Cody" and the tables were decorated in traditional birthday stuff. There was a head table set, then a variety of other tables as well. A side table held a number of wrapped items.

Cody's eyes watered and this grew into frank crying as each man in the room came up to him, gave him a hug, and said "Happy 14th Cody" in turn.

"I never had a party like this ever" he said.

I directed Cody over to the head table and he sat at one end and I at the other. I explained that as the guest of honor, he should sit at the head table. An enormous and quite ridiculous birthday hat was put on him, and he started to object until the rest of us put them on too. He was laughing at all of our appearances. At our head table were Cody, me and the 8 men involved in his rescue.

Dinner was served, again a formal meal. We began with wine all around, and a bottle of sparkling cider for Cody. Then a nice salad was served, followed by a seasonal pumpkin bisque. Cody had never had pumpkin soup before and looked dubious, but dug right in after he tasted it.

The guys around the table were all telling him how much better he looked. They observed that he wasn't pale, looked like he was gaining some weight, and had a sparkle in his eyes. They all told him that he should consider them to be big brothers and they would always be there for him.

The main courses were then brought out. A Venison roast and stuffed wild turkey was placed on each table in the center. Cody said he had never eaten deer before, and that the turkey tasted differently than usual. I explained that a wild bird has less fat, stronger flavor, and is not full of steroids. Cody dug into everything, finishing off two huge servings as well as all of the vegetables. Our 90 something pound boy was out eating the 200 pound men at the table. Several of the guys teased him about it; asked him if he had a hollow leg or a tapeworm; etc.

Next, when everyone had eaten, champagne was brought out for all. Once everyone was served, I proposed a toast "To my soon to be son Cody on the occasion of his 14th birthday. I think he will bring joy to all of us, and look forward to many more celebrations". People clapped, and Cody turned red as a beet.

Next, the birthday cake was served, of course with 14 candles. Happy Birthday was sung, and he blew out the candles leading to applause from all of us.

Once the cake was consumed, opening presents commenced.

The first was a huge box that came from all of the guys as a group. Cody tore into it and started unloading the contents. Out of the box came all of the clothing one would need to hunt or snowmobile or ice fish in the winter: boots, gloves, parkas, camouflauge that was insulated, etc. We made Cody put it all on for us, which gave everyone a good laugh.

The next box was also from the whole group and it contained a pair of boxing gloves, appropriately sized for a youth. With it was a jock and a cup. Cody held that up a little perplexed and people laughed. I told him "I'll explain it later". One of the guys in the back piped up that if he was going to be part of this family, boxing was essential.

Next was a small box, which was specifically from the team who rescued him. He opened it up and upon seeing its contents took it out like it was a precious ancient vase. It was a very well made Bowie knife, which could be used nicely for hunting purposes. He ecstatically and enthusiastically said "thanks, that's so cool I think this is the one designed by that guy in the book".

The next item was a medium sized box from me. When he opened it, he just beamed and threw his arms around me. I told him he could take it out, but not point it at anyone. It was a .22 caliber target pistol, just the thing to learn handgun safety with and develop technique when one still wasn't old enough to handle a larger gun.

"Cody, there is no ammo there and won't be until you learn all about how to use it safely, but I'm sure you will be a great shot by Summer" I said.

The next item was pretty obvious. Even wrapped up, it isn't hard to see when a package has a shotgun in it. Cody opened it, and ran his hands across the stock as though it was the most prized object he had ever held. It was a 10 gauge, over/under breach loading shotgun. I got him a 10 gauge as he was just too light to handle a 12 gauge, and went with breach loading as it is just a lot safer and one always knows how many shells are in it. Cody was tearing up again over this gift, so I gave him a hug and said "I love shooting trap, and also you need to learn how to bird hunt so you can start bringing the Turkey home for Dinner".

The party sort of tapered off over the next half hour, and I took a tired Cody back to the Lodge, with full arms of gifts carried back, we eventually got to the Lodge without dropping anything. We unpacked them in Cody's room and found a place for each item. Cody and I each got cleaned up for bed, and I tucked him into his own bed in his own room.

He lay there recounting his party; everything he got; how great it was; for about 20 minutes before he finally let himself fall asleep.

I had the passing but wicked thought that applying 14 birthday spanks to his squirming bottom might be fun, then I headed off to my bed, alone in it for the first time in a while and, as I prefer to do, stripped down completely and went to sleep.

Next: Chapter 15

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