Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Sep 25, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

It must have been about 2 am when Cody came in from his room. He crawled into the bed next to me, as I was sleeping on my side.

"Hey Cody, bad dreams"? I asked.

"Nah, just wanted to be next to you" he said.

"OK Cody, well it's the middle of the night, let's get to sleep" I said.

Cody climbed in next to me, and snuggled up as he usually did. I put my arm around him and held him as he fell asleep, then quickly fell asleep myself.

I woke up, as usual around 0500. Cody was still asleep. I got up, with my usual piss hard on, and hit the bathroom. As Cody remained asleep, I sat at my computer to check my morning e mails.

One was from Michael, the masseur/Master. It read:

"Hey bitch, I think maybe you need to have that pussy examined. Come to the guest house at 0530 and don't be late".

It was already 0500, so I threw on some clothes and walked over to the guest house, leaving Cody fast asleep.

I got there at around 0525 and found a note on the door that read "Stip, then enter on your knees boi". I did so, crawling in naked, and saw a roaring fire, a massage table, lube on it, a bag with something in it I could not make out, and a fishing rod tube, such as is used for travel. Beside it was a smiling Master Michael, wearing his shorts and nothing else.

"Hey bitch get over here. I didn't shower so that you could get to taste a real man's body" he said.

I walked over to him and stood, more or less at attention, not sure what to do.

Andy continued "Alright bitch, time for my morning tongue bath. I will start on my stomach and you will begin at my feet".

He dropped the shorts, revealing his thick already semi hard cock, and lay down on the table.

As instructed, I opened my mouth and started on his feet. I could tell as soon as I got close that he had worn boots or sneakers yesterday all day, and had not cleaned them. His feet smelled like a high school locker room. None the less, I licked each foot thoroughly and sucked each toe like it was a cock. I wanted to gag from the stench, but knew that would just get me punished.

"That's right bitch, bet ur dick is hard. Doesn't matter, work your way up" he said.

I alternately licked y way up each leg until I got to his firm athletic buttocks.

"Now my butt bitch" he said.

I licked each buttock thoroughly, avoiding the area around his asshole and increasingly worried that he would order me to clean it. His ass had a salty musty taste, again I figured because he worked out and did not take a shower. At least it wasn't as bad as those fucking feet.

"Ok bitch, now my asshole needs cleaning" he said.

`Sir, I'm not sure I can do that" I said, feeling disgusted at the idea of licking someone's asshole.

He immediately got up from the table and said "BITCH, you will NOT question my orders, now stand at attention".

I did so, and he immediately grabbed my balls, squeezing them until I winced. He looked into my eyes and said "Cunt, you aren't really a man. You need to serve, so don't pretend to be in control". This was sinking in, and as I was realizing he was right, he slapped the hell out of my balls. I cried out in pain, but held position. He slapped them hard three more time saying "Repeat, After, Me".

Then, punctuating each word I had to repeat with whacks to the balls he said "I... AM... NOTHING... But... A... FAGGOT... ASSEATER".

My balls were just killing me and it was a huge struggle to hold position and I repeated each word.

"Say it again bitch" he ordered.

"Sir, I am nothing but a faggot asslicker" I said.

"Louder Cunt" he said, slapping my balls even harder.


He then reached for the bag I had seen earlier. In it were dozens of clothespins. He proceeded to absolutely cover my scrotum and dick with them. They started hurting immediately, and it grew worse as he added them. I tried not to move at all as this put made the clothespins hurt even more. To my disgust, I found myself more or less begging:

"Please Sir, no more clothespins Sir, Please they hurt" I whined.

He laughed and slapped my face hard "shut up cunt" he said.

Having applied all of the clothespins, he reached for the fishing rod case I had seen earlier. Out of it he produced a piece of sapling, perhaps as big around as my little finger. He swung it through the air, and I knew what was going to happen. I had been switched before by my grandfather a few times, but that switch was a lot thinner than this one.

"Bitch, bend over the table" he said.

"Sir", I begged. "How the hell will I hide the marks from Cody"? I protested.

"Your problem bitch, not mine" he said, then began whacking my ass with the switch.

I jumped even at the first one. He swung it really hard, and I could feel it wrap around my outer thigh, knowing that one hell of a bruise would result.

"Oh FUCK, please don't Sir" I whined.

His response was 4 hard slashes: one on each cheek and one on each thigh.

"Fuuuuk, please Sir, that really hurts" I cried.

"Good bitch, think about it next time" he said, as he placed another 4 all over my thighs.

I was now crying and stamping each foot as the thigh got hit, struggling not to get up out of position.

"Sir... ooow... fuck...that hurts... please" was all I could say, repeating the mantra over and over as he cut up my ass and thighs with that switch.

He then let another 25 of them fly. I was stamping my feet and begging him to stop. I kept my chest down on the table, but was hopping around on my feet as that fucking sapling whipped my ass and thighs.

He just laughed and said "should have thought about this before you disobeyed". "I'm going to have fun with my Billionaire Bitch Boy".

All in all I got 50 whacks with that switch. I was sobbing uncontrollably by 25, and just about collapsed by 50. I knew my ass had to be shredded from the thing.

"OK Cunt, do I need to do it to you again"? he asked.

"NO SIR" I said, really meaning it.

Michael got back up on the table and spread his legs: "ass bitch" he said.

I licked around his hole this time without hesitation. It wasn't exactly dirty, but the smell told me what it was, and the taste was gross.

"Get your tongue in their bitch" he said.

Disgusted, but having no choice, I inserted my tongue in his asshole. The flavor of shit was there, but he was not exactly dirty. I tongued the inside of his asshole for about 15 minutes.

"That's right tongue fuck my hole. Yeah, get to know it bitch cuz it's the only thing you will ever be fucking. That big dick of yours isn't going to be used for anything but pain" he said.

"I mumbled "yes sir, yes sir" to each of his statements, muffled of course by having my tongue up his ass. He was moaning and clearly getting off on it, and I was just glad he was happy so I wouldn't get whipped again.

Oddly, my damned dick was hard through all of this. It was like I was getting off on it, but I hated this humiliation.

"OK bitch, I'm rolling over now" he said, and rolled over, revealing his hard dripping dick.

"Pits bitch" he said.

As I approached them, I was sure he had not used deodorant in the prior 24 hours, and had likely work out. It was definitely the smell of a young man who had been working out and sweating. I inhaled the scent, recalling my time in middle school and high school locker rooms when I first became aware of how turned on I was by other boys.

I licked his pits clean, and he just chuckled at what a bitch I was.

"Yeah cunt, taste that. Yeah I worked out special for you so you could have nice smelly pits cunt" he said.

"Thank you Sir" I said, not feeling at all thankful but not wanting to piss him off.

"Ok bitch, I'm getting up, you bend over the table" he said.

I did as he asked, quite certain I was about to be fucked.

He put some lube on a finger and started finger fucking my ass. Then he put the head of his thick cock against my hole and held it there, pressing it a bit. I breathed deeply, preparing for the violation of my manhood.

He then pulled back and said "You gotta earn it bitch.

"OK bitch time to take off the clothes pins. I will remove them one by one and you will say `thank you Sir, I will not disobey again'".

He removed the first one and It was sheer agony. Way worse than when it went on, but I grunted out "thank you Sir, I will not disobey again".

Then the second one, which was one on my dick, and I cried out "ooow... Thank you Sir I will not disobey".

Then the third through the 10th, all attached to my scrotum. After each I had to say "Thank you Sir, I will not disobey".

I was not prepared for what happened next. He grabbed a handful of the ones attached to my scrotum and yanked them off, twisting as he did it.

I let out a high pitched screech; barely holding position, and was immediately sobbing again "Pleeease Sir, Please, I begged".

He replied "Oh, OK so you want me to put them back on"?

"No Sir, Please don't Sir" I begged.

Now he was down to just the remaining 6 on my dick.

He took an open hand wound up, and slapped my dick HARD, causing 2 of the pings to fly off.

"OOOOOOOOW Sir, fuck that hurts" I screamed.

Then he whacked my dick with his other hand, tearing off two more.

"OOOOOOOH... OOOOOH..." and I just sobbed from the pain and the humiliation.

He then grabbed the remaining two and toyed with them, pulling on the skin.

"You want these off don't you boy"? he said.

"Yes Sir" I replied.

"Then I had better not hear one word, NOT ONE FUCKING WORD" out of you when they come off, or we will start all over" he said.

"Yes SIR" I replied.

He then twisted and pulled both pins off simultaneously. It was white hot pain, and I struggled to remain quiet, but managed to do it, knowing that they really would all be back on if I didn't.

"OK Bitch" he said. "You can get dressed and go".

"Yes Sir" I replied, meekly, crawling out to the door in case that was expected, then getting dressed in the cold air and jogging back to the lodge.

This whole interaction had only taken a half hour, so it was only around 0600 when I got back to the room. Cody was still asleep, and I decided to get cleaned up before he was awake and could see what a mess my ass was.

I was covered in soap and shampoo in the shower when I heard Cody.

I turned pretty quickly so he couldn't see my ass and said "What's up son", in as nonchalant of a voice as I could. He just said, "Not much dad, gotta piss" and went over to the toilet. I took advantage of that moment to dry off as fast as possible and put a towel around myself.

I walked back into the bedroom, Cody in tow and put on a pair of workout shorts as quickly as I could and said "Hey champ, I gotta work out, you want to come and watch"?

"Yeah sure dad, that's cool. I'll be glad when this cast comes off so that I can work out like you". I smiled and gave him a hug, tousling the short amount of hair that had grown back on top of his head, and we went down to the gym.

Next: Chapter 14

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