Code of Conduct

By salacious scribbles

Published on Dec 7, 2007



At the start of the school year, all faculty and teaching assistants at my university recieve a letter defining innappropriate student-instructor conduct. I never paid it any attention. I was an engineering graduate student and had never had the remotest attraction to any of my teachers in all my years of school. It honestly never occured to me to consider the other side of the coin when I became a teaching assistant.

During the second semester of my third year, I was the TA for a junior level lasers/optics lab. It was a small class of about a dozen students meeting one afternoon a week in an old lab downstairs in the basement. I was happy because lab classes were more interesting TA assignments than lecture classes and the students were a pretty good group as a whole.

One guy in particular I became very friendly with. Eric was tall and slim with a mop of straight, dark hair. There was more than a little of the awkward geek about him, in the way he spoke and carried himself. He was pretty quiet at first, but inquisitive, and we chatted about this or that after class sometimes. Some of the time when we would talk, and he would look at me, listening to what I had to say, the intensity of his look and a heightened sense of his presense would get to me and leave me a little flustered. But if I babbled, he never showed any notice. He also seemed a little nervous around me sometimes, which I always chalked up to a natural hesitancy on his part.

When the semester and school year ended, I was in my office reading when someone stopped in the doorway. I looked up to see Eric.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Hey, Travis, what's up?" He looked a little charged up and nervous at the same time, but that wasn't entirely odd, since he was always somewhat geekish and that translated to a lack of cool smoothness anyway.

"Nothing." I tossed the paper I was reading onto my desk. It was one of the slow, relaxing times of the year for me.

"Cool." Eric nodded. "Got grades today." He held up his grade card and a grin washed uncontrolled over his face.

"Congratulations! I'm sure you did well." I already knew he'd gotten an A in my class.

"Thanks. Yeah." He shrugged and dipped his head sheepishly, a motion that would have covered his eyes before, but now his hair was short for the summer. Still, it was cute.

I asked what he was doing over the summer, and we chatted a bit. After one pause, he looked like he wanted to say something. He was looking down at his grade card and if it had been anyone else, I would have been put on guard thinking he wanted to ask about a grade change. But he just waved it and said "Well, guess you're not my TA anymore."

"True," I nodded. "I can't boss you around anymore."

We both laughed.

"Hey, um, do you..." he coughed like his throat was dry. "Um, do you still have a key... to the lab?"

"The laser lab?"


"Yeah, actually, I've always had one, just never knew it opened that lab until this semester."

"Ah, cool."

"Why? Did you leave something in there?" I got up and rummaged in my bag for my building keys.

"Huh? Oh, no..." he mumbled. "There's just something I always wanted to see in there."

"What's that?" I took my keys out of my bag and gave them a twirl.

"Oh... it's nothing, just..." he shrugged and looked me straight in the eyes, like he knew he was making a weak bluff and there was nothing for it but to see if I would call him on it. I had no idea what he was talking about. His cheeks were a little reddened.

"Sure, I can take you down there." I agreed just to bail him out of his discomfort. I had a sure feeling if I pressed for what he wanted he would just leave. And I didn't want that. I didn't know why, but I was hard.

"Cool." His shoulders slumped in relief. "Thanks."

I led the way down to the basement feeling the new tension between us. Something was up, but I had no idea what I was going along with. When we got to the lab, I opened the door while Eric hovered behind me.

"Here you go." I stepped inside and gestured out over the lab tables. I'd spent some of the past week straightening the place up now that classes were done.

Eirc looked around, less like he was looking for an object so much as measuring the place for some purpose. His gaze never met mine, but did linger on the door I was casually holding open.

"Um, hmm. Is the darkroom open?"

"Should be."

I started across the lab toward the back where there was a small dark room. I looked behind to see Eric close the door to the lab, but turned away when he moved to join me. The darkroom was unlocked. I entered and clicked on the dark lights. Eric followed me in and shut the door. There was a heavy silence in the small, eerily lit room. I could have asked what he wanted, but we had gone past that stage at some earlier point. Maybe when we'd left my office. Whatever he had in mind, the ball was in his court and I had nothing to say that wouldn't break the slightly sureal bubble I found myself in. I'd been in the dark room with pairs of students during lab, but right then, just the two of us felt very close under the circumstances.

"There's something I always wanted to see, but it was always covered up." Eric made the comment stiffly, like a rehearsed line.

"What's that?"

There was the briefest of hesitations, then I felt his hand on my ass.

It was like a wave of tension broke over me, not to wash away in relief, but to pool around me, leaving me swaying unsteadily in a heavy surf of sexual energy. I didn't think anything. My reaction was more basic than that. I shivered in the warm room and swallowed hard. Eric's second hand found my ass. I didn't move away or turn to face him. Both of his hands massaged me, prompting me to swallow again.

"Are you ok?" he asked softly. I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck. Eric was several inches taller than me, and I really noticed now that he was so close. There was an undeniable role-reversal just in the fact that he asked the question.

"Yes." I surprised myself at how quickly I answered, even though my voice was weak and almost broke.

Eric reached one hand around to my front and found the hard lump of my cock in my jeans. I guess that was a more diffinitive answer, because he immediately pressed against me and began to fiddle with my zipper. The button on my jeans was awkward for him, so I undid. As I slowly and self-consciously lowered my pants, Eric quickly dropped his own shorts. The touch of his hand caused instant gooseflesh on my naked backside. He pulled my shirt up from the back, forcing me to lean forward onto the lab bench, and traced a finger delicately down my spine.

"I've wanted to see this for a long time," he murmured.

"Hard to see in here," I commented aimlessly, feeling out of breath.

"Maybe not really 'see'." He pushed my shirt back up under my armpits, exposing my back where my shirt had started to fall back down, more forcefully this time, bending me further over the edge of the bench and pushing his hips square against my exposed ass, laying the hot meat of his erection between the split of my buns. "Not 'see' with my eyes."

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe this?" Eric stroked his cock in the cleft of my ass, leaving a wet trail where the swollen head dribbled out precum. If there was hesitancy in his voice, there was none in the firm probing of his hardon. I responded with a wordless sound. I didn't back away when he forced himself against me. I could feel his cock throbbing in my crack. He alternated squirming and pressing against me as I arched and pushed back in physical encouragement. His roaming hand found my wet erection, a silent confirmation of my eagerness.

With one hand, Eric prompted me to maintain my position as he knelt behind me. I heard him rummaging and then a squelching, plastic pop. A moment later he was standing again and when his cock returned to rub the track of my ass it was cool and slick.

"Oh god!" I gasped as his lubed cock traveled over my hole.

I could hear him breathing roughly behind me. His right hand gripped my shirt, holding it bunched at the scruff of my neck as he slid his hardon up and down in the crack of my ass, traveling in ever-shortening strokes as he zeroed in on his target. I braced myself and moaned under his weight as he leaned forward to find the proper angle for entry. I tensed and gasped again when his cockhead poised with all the power of his slim, young hips focused at my hole. I gathered myself and relaxed as much as I could, lost in wanting to feel his hard body pressed into mine. Our noises mingled into a shared groan as he entered me, first the swollen head and then the wide shaft of his lubed erection. With a long string of whimpering efforts I pushed back until Eric held me speared against his hips and thighs.

"God," I gasped.

"Yes," he replied, holding motionless except for the iron throbbing of his hot cock penetrating deep into my gut.

"God," I gasped again. My ass clenched unconsciously at his invading pole.

"Yes," he replied again, his cock responding to my grip with a rhythmic stiffening.

"God!" I gasped for a last time. The feedback sensations of his cock in my hole built quickly into an orgasm that surprised me in its suddeness and intensity. I clamped hard onto his cock and felt my cum pulse uncontrolably out onto the floor as the waves of orgasm shuddered through me.

Eric responded to the intensified grip of my ass with a primal thrusting. My cum spurted out in response to his jabs as he plowed me. Though I came hard and long, I soon lay spent beneath him as he franticly bucked his way toward his own release. Eric grunted in time with quickening thrusts, slapping his hips against my ass until his jaw went slack and his cock stiffened, delivering a warm load deep into me.

When he finally pulled his spent cock out of me, and let me up, I looked back but just got a glimpse of his cock before he pulled up his shorts. I didn't need to 'see' it to have it pretty well measured though. I pulled up my own pants, more than a little slowly. It had been an intense fucking.

"Thanks, Travis."

It was weird the way he said my name so simply. Different than before. I could see the sheepish, satisfied smile even in the dim light. He definately wasn't my student anymore.

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