Cocky Top

By D L

Published on Nov 19, 2005


Bottoms are funny. You can't trust what they say. You can only trust what they do. I should know. I'm an expert on bottoms. Not just cuz I've fucked a bunch of em. Hell some of em didn't even know they were bottoms until I fucked em. Anyway, bottoms are like women in that they say one thing and do another. Well they're like women in more ways too but we'll get to that later. So if you want to know about bottoms, you need to talk to a total top like me.

So last night I was fucking this bottom who said some things that got me thinking that it was time I shared some of what I've learned and some of my experiences for all the good folks out there. When I talk to bottoms a lot of them are surprised how often I can tell what they're thinking. So listen up tops, you might learn something. And those of you bottoms with nice fuckable asses, email me when you finish the story and we can have some private lessons later.

Anyway, on to my story. Last night was the birthday of Matt, a new friend of mine and the captain of my football team. He's a great guy, big beefy man with the greatest heart and smile you've ever seen. The story isn't exactly about him, but given how things are goin the next one probably will be.

So to celebrate Matt's birthday, he and I and a few of his friends all went out for dinner and barhopping. Well as the night progressed and the beer and vodka and shots of whatever disappeared, we ended up at strip bar. The dancers there were hot guys with smooth muscular bodies and no inhibitions. Almost immediately one of the finest ones comes up to me and starts pourin it on strong. He's a vey tall light-skinned Black guy with a lean smooth muscular body - great abs, pecs and a killer ass. He says he's from Amsterdam which probably explains why he's so damn comfortable bein nearly naked in a room full of horned up men. Anyway Sean was fine and I was buzzed so I allowed him to convince me to buy a private dance upstairs where I got to see and feel every inch of that fine jock bod. I sat down on a couch while he rubbed his perfect ass over the bulge in my jeans and brought my thick 8-inch cock to life. It felt great rubbing his perfect abs and pinchin his nips while he ground his ass into my cock. I know he's a stripper but I'm pretty sure he was enjoying it as much as I was. He asked for me to wait for him when I was ready to leave, but I wasn't going to abandon my buddy for too long and I was pretty sure whatever he had in mind would cost me something. Why should I pay for ass, as fine as his is, when so many other fine bottoms give me what I want for free? I mean it's possible to fuck a stripper and not pay. I've done it a coupla times and it sure is a kick knowin that the ass you're plowing some other SOB had to pay good money for. But I don't think Sean was offerin any blue light specials.

Anyway, all too soon the private show was over and I went back to join my friends with my cock straining against my jeans. They were continuing to laugh and drink and enjoy the show. After a while in came a hot group of five or six guys. Chief among them was this big strong black guy. He was about 6' 1" and built like a linebacker. He had a shaved head and a big cute smile and familiar look to him. I went over and said hello and he said "Hey Dave, how have you been?" Now I knew he was familiar but I couldn't place this guy. He wasn't in my football or volleyball league. Had I fucked him before? If I had it was either a while ago or the alcohol had made my brain fuzzy. Anyway we chatted for a while and then I went back to the birthday boy and drank in some of his beefy scruffy hotness.

Meanwhile Sean the enterprising stripper had swept another of Matt's friends up to the private dance area. Adam returned all flustered. He was quite impressed by the performance and braggin about how Sean asked for his number. I laughed to myself knowin Sean was after Adam's wallet and not his ass. By then the bar was closing down. Matt and his posse were heading for more drinks at yet another bar but I knew I had to call it a night. Matt let his friends head out first and gave me a goodbye kiss that was quite promising. Yum. I'll have to tell you guys more of the story on him later, since there's a lot you don't know involving jock straps and whatnot. It's already a good story and looking to get even better.

So I go to grab my coat and I notice that the Black guy was sitting at the bar all by himself. I go up to him, still not remembering his name. I couldn't ask since I knew he knew mine. It would come to me eventually. I was pretty damn sure by now that I had fucked him before and I knew if I played my cards right it wouldn't be the last time.

"Where did your friends go?" I asked

"They took off"

"So why are you still here? I know. You're waitin for an invitation?"

He shook his head and looked down and smiled "You're so damn cocky."

"But that's why you're here isn't it?" I whispered in his ear. "You want me to take you home and fuck you."

He didn't say anything, but he didn't say no either. I took a step back and let my words sink in. "Come on, get in the cab. You know you want it."

Like a good boy he followed me into the cab. I looked down the sidewalk hoping Matt and his gang were too far away and too drunk to notice I wasn't goin home alone. I'd hate to ruin my chance at Matt just for fuckin the black stud. So we're makin out in the cab and between his kissing and his wide big-ass smiles I remember who this guy is that I'm about to fuck. Damn! How could I have let this prime example of bottom pussy slip my mind?

The guy's name is Charlie. He's military. Not sure exactly what he does but he works at the base in the suburbs. I'm sure nobody on his base thinks this big strappin soldier dude loves takin my cock. There's something real sweet a guy who's all man on the outside and all pussy on the inside. He used to live way out in the suburbs too. He found me online in the days I was using AOL to find new pussy. He came to my place a few times and I fucked him real good as you can tell by the way he was smiling so damn much and how he quick he jumped in the cab. Hell I even pretended to be short on cash to make him pay for the ride.

I guess I should take the time out to describe how I look so when we get naked back at my condo you'll have something to picture. I'm not a big buff guy, but I'm hot in my own way. I'm 5' 9" on my tiptoes. I'm in my 30s, but often get mistaken for younger. Partly cuz of my shaved head and partly cuz I have these killer blue eyes. In the summer I run and bike a lot and compete in triathlons. In the winter I lift weights and swim. So I have a nice muscular trim body. I guess I'm a pretty good looking guy, but in a big city like Chicago I don't stand out as the hottest one in the bar. Sometimes I'm surprised cuz most of the bottoms I fuck are so damn hot that I wonder why I'm the one tappin their asses. I guess it's cuz of two things. First, I know how to fuck, and second, I know I know how to fuck. Bottoms sense that confidence and can't resist it. They secretly want a top who doesn't negotiate. Who knows what he wants and takes it. They don't want to have to think about what's going to happen. They just want to focus on earning the topman's cum.

So anyway, I get big black soldier boy Charlie up to my condo. I'm thinking to myself it was a great stroke of luck to find this smiley bottom boy again. It's nearing 2 am. We start makin out. I try to keep him quiet comin in the house so he doesn't wake my roommate. Charlie starts unlayering all flannel and sweatshirt and thermal and t-shirts that you have to wear in the freakin cold city of Chicago. Makin out in the cab was nice but after the teasin stripper and kissing Matt and then Charlie, I really wanted my dick sucked. So I took off my shoes and pants and had Charlie go to town on my dick. Damn he was way better than I remembered. He was kissin it like a long lost brother, happy to have it back in is cute smiling soldier boy mouth.

Oh yeah, I guess I better describe my cock, especially for the bottoms out there reading this. I used to be shy talking about my cock, cuz unlike my muscular chest and strong legs, I didn't do anything to earn it. It was just luck of the draw. Maybe cuz my grandma was Czech. I hear Czech boys are hung pretty big. But truth is, I got me one awesome cock. Bottoms love it to death. They love it so much they forget they have a cock themselves, and since I do my best to never remind them, it works out great for both of us. I've fucked a bunch of guys and rarely does anyone have a bigger dick than me. Plus it's perfectly straight and thick with a nice wide head. And since I have a small build and 30 inch waist, it stands out even more. I sure did get lucky with that. Not that I couldn't be an awesome top with a less awesome dick, but it sure does help.

So Charlie is suckin my beautiful dick and I'm rubbin his shiny black bald head and giving him words of encouragement. Tellin him how good he's makin my dick feel and what a great bottom he is. I let him come up for air and he helps me off with my shirt and his eyes widen. He says I look like I've been workin out a lot and I smile. I guess I have. He also loves the hair on my pecs and starts rubbin his fingers in it. I reach over and pinch a nipple or two. I pinch a little too hard on purpose to see how he'll react. Being the awesome bottom he is, he gasps and winces and exhales. But he never pulls away and never asks me to stop. He knows it wouldn't do any good anyway.

So we're havin a great time, fully naked, suckin his neck and pullin his big strong body into mine. A word of advice to you tops out there. Not all bottoms are skinny twinks. There's plenty of muscleboys who love takin it up the ass like Charlie. Guys who most people wouldn't suspect. I usually find that the more muscles a gay guy has, the more likely he is to take it up the ass like a bitch in heat. Maybe it's cuz deep down a lot of bottoms think lovin cock so much makes them less of a man. So they think if they look a big man on the outside, nobody will suspect they're all pussy on the inside. It works for lots of people, I guess, but not the smart tops like me.

I flip Charlie over on his stomach and lick the back of his neck. Usually I'd eat a bottoms ass out for a real long time. It's one of my favorite things to do. But it's a week night and I can't stay up forever, and well I'm just too damn horny. So I start to line up my cock with Charlie's hole. He's got one of those big black booties, so it's a real good thing my cock is long or I'd never make it to his manpussy. I didn't lube him up or put on a condom. I just started teasin his hole with the drool on my cock. Meanwhile I'm whisperin in his ear.

"Yeah boy, you know you want me to fuck you." "You can't wait to have that big cock in your tight black ass." "That's why you waited around for me tonight. You wanted my cock inside you again."

Charlie wasn't saying nothin. He's still tryin to tell himself that he's not a pussy bitch. He just moaned a bit into the pillow. Maybe he was wondering how soon my cock would be in his hole, or whether I'd lube up before I started fuckin him or if I'd just use the drool from my cock and use steady pressure to open up his tight tight pussy. I decided to skip the lube. I forced the head in and he gasped. It was dry and tight and probably hurt like hell. But he didn't complain. Charlie never does. Just the way I like it. He's one heck of a great bottom. I eventually do decide to lube up my cock so I can fuck him easier, not that I care if he hurts, but sometimes fuckin too dry can chafe my shaft. He knows I'd fuck him dry if I wanted too. I have before, and yet here he is back on my bed waitin for my thick cock plowin his ass.

With the lube I can start to pick up the pace. I'm feelin real good, and I can tell Charlie is too. I reach around and grab pinch his nips as I start to dick him long and hard. Charlie is moaning and grunting now. I can't see his lips, but I bet he's got that same wide-ass smile on his face. I start talking to him. "You love my big cock in you. Your pussy has been twitchin since you saw me at the bar, hasn't it? Damn you are one eager bitch."

He's still not talking, hoping that if he doesn't say he's a pussy, he can still leave with that delusion intact. I can't have that. My bitch needs to admit he's my bitch. When he's pantin real hard and moanin real steady, I pull back so the cockhead is almost poppin out of his hot tight chute. And I just wait.

"You like that cock in you boy? Tell me how bad you want my cock." Charlie is silent. He doesn't want to admit what we both know. He needs my cock desperately right now. He's trying to be a tough guy and resist begging for my cock. But I want to hear the words, and I'm sure you know by now I'm good at getting what I want.

"Tell me boy. Tell me how bad you want me to fuck you."

Charlie finally speaks. "Please." he whispers.

"Please what boy?"

"Please fuck me."

I wait. It's a good start but I'm not satisfied. His voice grows louder. "Please. Please fuck me. Please take my ass. I need it." I wait a little longer until he starts to fear that I'm done fuckin him for good. "Please ... Dave ... Sir"

With the last word I am satisfied. Man I love to hear a bottom beg. I slam my cock in full force. He gasps and moans so loud I worry for a second I'm gonna wake my roommate. I fuck a very satisfied bottom boy for a while longer. Poundin hard and deep. His warm hole squeezes my thick cock and he raises his ass for every stroke so I can get even deeper. Life is good. Eventually the booze and the late night catch up with me and I collapse on my back. Charlie has the same big smile, kisses me and lies his head on my furry chest. It's kina funny since he's probably 6 inches taller than me, but it feels real nice. As I fall asleep satisfied I smile to myself that since he's sleeping on my chest, his ass will be exposed in the morning.

Six a.m. rolls around and sure enough Charlie is sound asleep on his stomach. I lube up my cock and straddle his thick legs. I consider waking him up first. Instead I just slide my big dick back in that deep black hole. Charlie wakes up with a grunt. He raises himself up on his elbows. I grab onto his huge biceps and start really drillin his ass. Man it's great feelin his muscles flex as my cock pistons in and out of his hole. Charlie's head is thrashing and he's moanin again. "Please. Give me your cum." He says. "Please Sir" That just makes me smile. I love unloading in a pussy. They love it too. You can tell them you love their ass as much as you want, but when there's a fresh load of cream in their asses. Well Charlie's military ass was too hot and tight for me to resist. Cum shot out my cock into his steamy hole. I thought about how later today my cum would be drippin into his army uniform as he walked around the base.

After I came, I lay back and Charle again started kissin me and playing with the hair on my chest.

"Damn, you're cocky," he said.

"Nah, I just know what I'm doin"

"No, you're cocky" he said. He was trying to make it sound like it annoyed him.

"Yeah if you don't like it maybe if you shouldn't ditch your friends at a bar hopin I'll fuck you." I said laughing. "Or maybe you shouldn't have been driving an hour each way just for another taste of my cum." He knew I was right. We fucked one more time this morning, Charlie's ass was sore, but he didn't complain. Hell if I wrote about how he grabbed my rock hard ass and pulled my dick into him or how he shot his load when I fucked him in just the right spot then the story would never get done.

OK so maybe he's right. I am a little cocky. But it's not stopping me from getting great ass to fuck. Hell, it probably helps. Some of you bottoms are probably playin with your pussies and lookin up my email address right now. So I don't expect I'll be changing any time soon.

So that's my story for today. I got some more to tell. Let me know if you want to hear. Thanks for the rest of you for posting your stories. Part of the reason I'm such a good top is cuz of what I learned here.

Next: Chapter 2

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