Cocksucking Charlie

By TJD Nifty

Published on May 2, 2017



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This chapter is a little longer than the others and contains more humiliation than it does actual sex acts. I hope it's still to everyones taste? Feedback appreciated.

Laughing, he got in to bed and was asleep in seconds.

Me? I was paralysed on the floor, not wanting to believe what had happened. I'd never felt so ashamed in my entire life.

Right there, I began to cry.

The weeks went on and, surprisingly, Bruce treated me like a regular roommate (well, for the most part anyway).

We still hung out together, went to parties together and did any other things that you'd expect from a pair of college roommates.

That isn't to say that he treated me like a regular roommate behind closed doors. No, Bruce made sure that I knew my place in our room - as his personal cocksucker, who had little more worth than to get on my knees and slurp his junk, at whatever time suited him best.

Many a mornings I would wake up to the feeling of a thick, hard cock slapping me across the face; Bruce's cheeky grin looking down at me. "Breakfast time, faggot", he'd say to me.

Or, of an evening, he'd make me crawl under his study desk and suck his dick nice and slowly while he worked on an assignment or watched the football on television.

Overall, though, I was happy. I was getting to service one of the hottest guys in the entire college and, more important to me, Bruce hadn't told a soul about me being a cocksucker. Heck, he'd even gone out of his way to cover for me to the other guys - coming up with complete bullshit stories about how he'd walked in on me fucking some chick or seen me pulling a girl at a bar.

Yes, Bruce had steered clear of committing me to complete humiliation by telling the other guys about me.

Everything was finally starting to go well for me. Or, so I thought..

It was a cold December night in the college dorm - just days before we were all due to leave for Christmas break.

We were sat in the communal area drinking beers and watching the game.

We, you ask? That would be me, Bruce, Adam, Josh, Dylon and Jason. Paul and Mark had both already set home for Christmas break.

All of the guys were hot as fuck. Not as hot as Bruce, but certainly not far off. They all had the same young jock look about them and all had lean, toned bodies.

It goes without saying that I'd had my fair share of fantasies about sucking their cocks, but I didn't dare try to act them out in reality. I was already giving Bruce a healthy amount of head and I was paranoid as hell about the other guys finding out what a complete slut I was for dick. No, I was more than happy keeping them as friends and my reputation intact.

The communal room was quite large and certainly big enough for the eight of us living here.

There were three large couches, a couple of chairs and a large plasma television that we had all decided to go fifty bucks each on - at twice the size of the one that came with the dorm, it was our proudest investment.

"Come onnnnn!", screamed Adam at the TV. "Does he need glasses or something!?"

The other guys laughed. We'd already had a few beers each and things were beginning to get a little rowdy. We'd agreed that we would just stay in tonight, though. It sucked a little, but break was fast approaching and we could all do with saving our dollars for back home.

I have to admit, though, I did enjoy nights like this - watching the game together in our shorts, drinking and having a laugh. We'd really grown close over the last few months, and the other guys were beginning to feel more like family to me.

Little did I know, that relationship was about to change..

The referee blew half time and Josh went to the fridge. His athletic legs were completely on show and his skinny shorts left little to the imagination.

`Stop', I thought to myself. No point degrading myself even more and getting the reputation that goes with it. I genuinely couldn't bare for anybody else to find out about me.

"Anybody for another beer?", he asked, throwing them around before we could even answer. I thought it might be sensible to stop soon - we were quickly going past the `tipsy' mark.

"Man, I can't wait to get home and see Stacey", said Adam. Stacey was his girlfriend from back home and, although they were at Colleges in different States, as far as I knew Adam had never cheated on her. It must have been tough for a stud like him to go so long without any action.

"When I treat her real good and get her some nice flowers or take her out to a posh restaurant or shit, she'll sometimes come back and offer to suck my dick while I watch the game. Man, I've missed that.", he carried on.

"Sounds like a keeper, bro.", said Jason. "I'd love to get some good head while I sit back and watch the game. You should bring her back and share her after break", he laughed.

"Hey! Watch it, bro!", Adam threw a cushion across the room, but couldn't help but laugh himself.

"Fuck, guys, we should totally go out and find some slut or two to blow us for the second half. You could just go back to your room and wait for Stace, Adam.", Dylon played.

I froze. Nervous at the topic of conversation, I planned my exit and began to stand up.

"I might call it a night sorry, guys.", I said. "I'm tired."

"You can't, bro! It's our last game before break. Sit back down and spend time with your roomies!", came Bruce's response, a subtle grin on his face that only I'd probably notice.

Not wanting to give him any reason to get angry, I sat back down. I just hoped his drunkenness wouldn't cause him to become loose-lipped.

"Nahhhh, bro. Why should I miss out?", Adam shot back. "I've only stayed faithful to Stace because I'm too worried that she'd find out otherwise. I'd definitely be game for nailing some slut if I knew she'd keep her mouth shut."

"Well, it doesn't matter anyway. There are barely any sluts in this shitty town", Josh said. "Nevermind one we'd be able to find before the second half."

We all chuckled and let out playful groans.

"Or.. are there?", Bruce said, taking another gulp of his beer.

My World froze. I looked at him, pleading with my eyes. He smiled.

I quickly but discreetly grabbed my cell out and began typing a text to him: 'Please don't', I begged. `I promise I'll do anything you want when we get back to our room later. But I'm begging you, please don't tell them.'

I pressed the send button and his own cell vibrated. He took it out, quickly read what was on screen and smiled, keeping his cell in his hand, pondering whether to reply.

"What do you mean?", Josh fired back at Bruce. "You know a girl who'd be low enough to suck a load of guys off at the same time? I doubt it. That would be pretty extreme, bro."

"Yeah, only happens in pornos, and even those sluts only do it because they get extra cash. Surely nobody enjoys that shit." came another reply.

Bruce smiled and put his cell back in his pocket. "Maybe", he said. "But I'm not sure if she'd be too shy. Might be one for another time."

My heart rate began to slow down. He'd gone too close to comfort for me, but at the least my text message had brought him back down to Earth. Time to plan my exit again and call it a night. Maybe if I was out of sight, I'd also be out of mind.

"Awwww, bro, come on! It's been months since I've had a pair of lips around this bad boy!", Adam said, squeezing a growing lump against his sweatpants. "At the least give it a go and ask her? What harm can it do?"

My face began to turn a little red. I just needed Bruce to finish his u-turn; tell them that he'd been bullshitting.

"I don't even know if you guys would dig it", he said.

"Why wouldn't we dig getting our meat slabs sucked, man? We're not a bunch of homos or something!" came another reply. My face burned.

"Hey, you alright, dude?" Jason asked me. "You look really weird.."

"Yeah, I'm just a little under the weather is all!" I snapped back at him. I instantly wish that I'd kept my cool.

"Alright, bro! Alright! No need to take it out on me", he snapped back, getting up and showing that he was opening a window for me.

"Sorry", I managed to whisper back, my throat becoming increasingly dry.

"Aww, he didn't mean it, Jason! Probably just getting all hot about this slut that Bruce knows. Aren't we all?", Adam tried to defuse the conversation, his hard-on now bursting through his sweatpants.

"Haha! True, bro! Don't worry. There's no bad blood here!" Jason quipped, ruffling my hair. "Well, there might be, if Bruce here doesn't give us some more information about this slut!"

"Like I said, guys, I'm not sure if you'd dig it. There's something a little different about her", Bruce emphasised the word `her'.

"Like what, B? She got two heads or something? In fact, even then I could just close my eyes on the ugly slapper", They all laughed.

"Well, for one, she lives in this dorm building", Bruce dangled the carrot out. I felt sick. I prayed he wouldn't go all the way.

"But.. This is a single sex building, bro..", one of them said, slowly calculating what he'd just heard.

"Shit! She's a dude?", asked another, clear disbelief in his voice.

"Nailed it!", Bruce said.

I wanted the Earth to swallow me up. The guys began a ten minute conversation on how they couldn't believe there was a `fucking faggot' living in the same dorm as them, and how all faggots should have to live with the girls and shouldn't be allowed in the locker rooms.

"Glad he isn't in this fucking flat!" snapped one.

"Yeah! He'd probably be eyeing out our junk all the time! Fucking pussy!" said another.

"What's it like getting a blowjob from a guy, Bruce?" asked Adam.

"Trust me, it's fucking amazing", he replied. "Well, this guy is, anyway. I'm not sure if other queers are as low as he is, but I imagine all faggots lust for jocks cocks. It's in their nature. He's even offered to come over to my room tonight and do absolutely anything I want, no limits or questions."

"No fucking way, bro! He hasn't!?" came a shocked reply.

"Looks like that's you having to sleep on the sofa, Charlie!", Josh laughed, reaching over and giving me a playful dig in the arm. "Unless you'd want a piece of the low life yourself!"

"Does it not seem weird using a faggot, though? Is it not a little bit gay?" ...

"Gay?", Bruce asked. "There's nothing gay about it, bro. And I bet my dick gets more attention than all you guys put together. I'd go as far as saying I'd rather have this fag around than the stuck up girls `round here!" he threw in.

"How do you mean? ...

"Well, think about it, bro. I don't have to buy him dinner or worry about his feelings. Heck, I don't even have to worry about whether he has an orgasm or not, because I don't give a fuck. I can also be as rough as I want, man, and I know that he'll do anything I say - because I'm a jock - and jocks are absolute gold to him.", Bruce said, smiling. "He's just a complete cum-dump, guys. I bet he takes it bareback, too.. But, anyway, you guys wouldn't be interested, seen as you're so against a fag living on the same floor as you."

"NOO! MAN! You didn't say he lived on this fucking floor! Hell, I know most of the guys who live on this floor. What's his name?" ...

My eyes began to fill with tears and my face got redder and redder. Not just because the way Bruce was describing me - like I was the lowest of the low, even worse than a dog. But because I had a feeling that he was about to go full base and tell them who I was.

I didn't wait for long..

Bruce got that evil streak on his face. The one that I hadn't seen for weeks. "Well, I can show you his text if you want? Let you see the proof. You might even recognise his name.."

"Yeahhh, go on, Bruce!" ...

"Definitely, man! Lets see" ...

"Hey, let me in!" ...

They all raced to crowd around him.

"Hey, Charl. You not want to see who the faggot is?" ...

I stayed in my seat and closed my eyes, a part of me wanting to run but my body too frozen to let me.

Bruce clicked on the text message and all of the guys leaned in closer. They read the message that I'd sent to Bruce only moments earlier. They probably also read a couple of slutty ones that I'd sent to him on previous occasions.

They then read the name at the top of the thread. My name.

"Shit, you've got to be joking!" ...

"No way, man. That can't be true!" ...

"Surely he wouldn't?" ...

I opened my eyes and they were all staring right at me. Some with looks of disgust. Others with looks of disbelief. But all with slightly larger lumps in their sweatpants and shorts than they'd had an hour ago.

"What's going on, Charlie?" ...

To be continued?

Next: Chapter 4

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