Cocksuckers Training

By Jonathan H.

Published on Apr 2, 2004


Kevin's hands kept me on my knees and kept me from turning my head. I couldn't see who was at the door, or even if they had seen what was happening. In some ways, it made it easier. Kevin had pushed his cock deep into my throat, and was holding it there as I heard the doorbell ring again. I tried not to gag as his cock filled my throat. "Don't worry. It's just a delivery guy. He's not even..."

Kevin paused for a second, then relented on his grip, letting his cock slide all the way out of my mouth. It took a few seconds for the length of his shaft to come all the way out, then he let the head rest on my tongue for a second. In a single quick stroke, he forced his shaft back into my mouth. I tried not to gag, not expecting such a quick assualt on my throat. Just as I couldn't take it any more, he pulled out again. I was able to just barely catch my breath before he repeated the process, slamming his tool back into my throat. He kept up the forceful throat-pounding for a few repetitions. I was always on the edge of either gagging completely, or passing out from lack of air. "I was wrong," he said, slowing his pace a little. "The delivery guy did see you, and is pretty interested."

I tried to turn to see, but Kevin held my head. "Just keep on sucking, faggot. You're putting on a fine show for him." He was now slowly pushing his cock into my throat, holding it there until I just began to gag, then pulling out again. After about a minute of this, he paused with his cockhead just in my mouth. "Guess he had another delivery to make. But I think you'll get to suck him off soon."

He resumed his slow fucking of my throat, sliding his fat cock down, just until I began to gag, then pulling it again. "Damn. That guy watching us was so fucking hot. I'm gonna shoot soon." He started to pound a little harder, pushing deeper into my throat, and holding it a touch longer. I could feel his cock stiffen in my throat, and knew he was about to cum. Even so, I wasn't quite prepared for the ferocity of his first volley. Kevin forced his cock deep in my throat, while his hips, bucking involuntarily served to push it even further into me. I was swallowing furiously, in an attempt both not to gag, and to try to give his shaft a little more stimulation.

Kevin grabbed my head even harder, pulling me down on his cock. It seemed like once he was sure I was deeply impaled on his cock, he let loose -- my nose was deep in his pubic hair when I felt his first spurt of cum hit my throat. I swallowed it, but I didn't have much of a choice since his cock was buried so deep in my throat. He started to pull out as he was shooting his load, coating my throat, then my mouth with his thick cum. He forced his cock in and out of my mouth a few more times, shooting his cum over my goatee. He let out one final spurt of cum in my mouth, then slowly let go of my head and pulled his still-hard cock out.

"Fuck. That was a good blow job," he said. He was slowly stroking his cock, getting one last bit of cum out of it. He wiped his cock off on my goatee, leaving it covered in cum. "You look good wearing my jizz man." He pulled his jock strap back over his cock and pulled up his shorts. "Well, I think you've got something to jerk off thinking about. I'll just leave you to get off." He gave a laugh, and then said, "But you might want to think about closing the shades." He turned and walked out, leaving me once more on my knees, covered in cum.

I unzipped my pants and pulled out my stiff cock. I was so horny, I didn't even care about the windows; I just wanted to get off while I still had the taste of Kevin and Travis in my mouth. As I licked the last of Kevin's semen off of my goatee, I shot my load, covering my abs with semen. I got up and cleaned myself off.

The next morning, I woke up early, both nervous and excited about what my encounter with Anaconda was going to entail. I had no idea what he meant by training, and it was with a bit of apprehension that I put on my jock strap, pulled on some clothes and walked over to his place. He lived in an apartment on the first level of an old brownstone nearby. I walked up the stairs, and pressed the buzzer. I was about to give up on him when a young looking black man answered the door. He wasn't very tall -- only about 5'6, but was very well defined. He was wearing just a pair of white boxers.

"Hi, I'm looking for Anaconda," I said. I tried not to make it too obvious I was checking him out; he was very hot, and I was wondering what was in the boxers.

"Cool. You must be the cocksucker for the morning." He looked me over. "Weren't you supposed to wear a jock strap?" he asked.

"Yeah, I have it on under my jeans." I said.

"Let me see it." It was phrased as a simple request, but I knew I had to follow it. I undid my pants, and let them drop. "Nice...turn around," he asked. I did as he said, turning around so he could see my ass, framed nicely by the jock strap. "Bend over," he told me. I did so again. Only a part of my mind was on the fact I was still outside, in full view of the street. "Very nice ass," he said, then, with no warning, slapped it hard. It was hard enough that I nearly fell over, and my cheek stung badly. "Next time cocksucker, remember to come dressed appropriately, and don't make me tell you what you should be wearing."

I meekly answer, "Yes," still smarting from the spanking.

"Well, stand up and come on in," he said. I began to stand up, pulling up my pants, but he interrupted me and said, "Don't bother. Leave them around your ankles." I did so, and followed him inside. He took me through a short entryway, and brought me into a medium size room. I could only shuffle along, my pants wrapped around my ankles, but I finally made it to where he was standing. Along one side of the room was large bank of windows, with a couch in front of them. The morning sun was shining through it, against one of the walls. Opposite the couch were two large speakers. "This is your first time here, right?" he asked me.

"Yeah, it is." I answered.

"I thought so. Anaconda will be here in a few minutes. In the meantime, why don't you strip down to just your jock strap. You fold your clothes and put them on the couch. I'm going to get some supplies, and I'll be back in a second."

He left the room, closing the door behind him. I pulled off my shirt, and went over to the couch. I tried to sit down, but my ass was still a little tender from the spank I had gotten earlier -- I hadn't realized it was quite so hard. I fumbled with my shoes, and finally got them off, then took off my pants and socks. I folded them and put them on the couch. The other guy hadn't come back, so I looked around the room a little. It was a relatively plain room, painted white with light wood floors. There were two doors in the wall facing the windows, and the aforementioned couch and speakers. I wandered over and looked out the window. It looked out on the street, but was high enough that people couldn't see in.

As I was looking out the window, the other guy walked back in. "Nice ass," he said. I turned around quickly, and looked at him. "Maybe we'll get to play with that some time soon as well." He was still wearing the white boxers, but I could now see a relatively obvious lump in them. "How did you meet Anaconda," he asked me.

"At Dolph Park. I ended up sucking him off." I said. I was both nervous and excited about all of this, and I was beginning to wonder what his role in this scene was to be.

"Nice. So you at least know what you are in for, right?"

"Yeah, I do."

"He'll be here in a little bit. Why don't you kneel down against this wall, and get ready?" He indicated the wall opposite the door, between the couch and the speakers. He unrolled a small mat that he had been carrying, and pointed it out to me. "This will help your knees a bit," he said with slight laugh.

I went over there, and kneeled down on the mat. It definitely felt better on my knees than the carpet in my house. He was now standing in front of me; once more my head was level with his waist. "Two more things, and you'll be all set," he said.

"And they are?"

"First, here is a bottle of poppers." He handed me a bottle of poppers, which I took. "Use them as you need to; most guys think it helps them a lot with Anaconda." I nodded in agreement. "The next thing is a blindfold."

"A blindfold?" I asked, somewhat shocked and scared at this development.

"Yeah. It helps you focus on the cock, and not get distracted by anything around you." He was holding it in his hands; it was obviously purpose-made for this, since it was leather with a bit of fur lining it.

"I'm not sure I'm into that."

"Well, you don't have to wear it," he said. He started to rub his crotch in my face; even through the fabric of the boxer shorts, I could feel his cock hit against me and smell his intoxicating mix of sweat and musk. "But, we don't have to feed you cock either."

"Do I have a choice?" I asked again, looking up at him.

He smiled, and said, "Not really. Just let me put it on you, cocksucker." I bowed my head slightly, and closed my eyes. I could feel the blindfold against my eyes, the band wrap around my then, then his crotch right against my face as he tightened it down. When he stepped back, it was complete; the world was black, and even opening my eyes didn't help at all. "Perfect. I'm going to turn on some music, then Anaconda should be here to give you what you want."

I heard him leave and shut the door; a few seconds later, some techno music came on relatively loud. It was hard to hear anything over it; I thought I heard the door open and close a few times, but I wasn't sure. I leaned back against the wall, and realized I was right where I was before. When Anaconda started to feed me his cock, I would have no choice but to take it all. There was no easy way to resist his onslaught. Oddly, between that realization and blindfolds, I found it comforting. I couldn't easily tell what was going to happen, and I wouldn't have much choice in the matter. As I thought about it, I could feel my own dick harden. As much as I hated to admit it, it was a turn-on to me.

By now a few minutes had passed, and the music was suddenly turned down. "Well, you look like you're ready for this, cocksucker." >From the sound of it, Anaconda was standing right in front of me. I could just barely smell some heady combination of sweat, soap, and musk; it must have been from Anaconda.

"Yeah, I am ready." I felt his shoe against my cock, pushing on it. I think it was a boot. Almost without thinking, I pushed up against it, humping his foot.

"You're definitely ready cocksucker. Since this is your first time here, we're going to start slow, and not go on too long. We'll spend about a half an hour total working on your throat, then give you what you need." I felt his cockhead rubbing up against my lips. It was warm, and already slightly moist from his pre-cum. I opened my mouth, and let it in. He began slowly, letting me get used to his cock. "Fuck yeah, this is what I am talking about," he said, pushing a little more into my mouth. "Let's have some more music," he said. A few seconds later, the music was turned up higher again. I noticed that his strokes quickly fell into the beat of the music.

He was a lot slower than in the park. It took him a few minutes before he was in deep enough to start hitting the back of my throat, and even then, he would usually back off a little bit, letting me catch my breath. More often than not, I had to lean forward to get enough cock in my mouth; this was a lot more relaxed and less aggressive than the previous day in the park. We spent about five minutes like this, him pushing into my mouth, then pulling out making me chase his cock.

Anaconda stopped for a bit, and asked, "How are you doing?"

"Good," I said. "It's not as difficult as it was the other day."

Both of them laughed a little bit. "Why don't you use those poppers," Anaconda said. I unscrewed the top, and took a long hit. Anaconda kept his cock right against my lips as I did the hit of poppers. The poppers were clean and potent. Within seconds, I could begin to feel their effects. I had that craving for cock, wanting his shaft in my mouth. I opened my mouth and reached forward for his tool, but he pulled away just as I did that. "Not so fast dick-breath. Let me have some of those poppers." I held the bottle up for him, feeling the complusion to suck only grow. He took the bottle, and I could hear him take a long hit.

"Ahh, yeah. That's it," Anaconda said. He took another hit of poppers, then pushed the bottle back into my hands. "Take another hit." I did so, already pretty high from the first hit. I was desparate to feel Anaconda's cock back in my mouth, and even as I was doing the hit I was forcing my head forward, trying to find his cock. "So, you ready for my cock again?" he asked, as I pulled the bottle away from my nose and screwed the top back on.

"Yeah, I am."

"Ready for some varsity face-fucking cocksucker, rather than just the warm-ups?" I heard the other guy laugh as he ask this.

"Yeah, I am." I opened my mouth, ready for him to slide back in.

"Fuck yeah man." He grabbed the back of my head with both hands and tilted it up a bit. He pushed his cock all the way into my mouth in a single stroke, hitting the back of my throat. With the poppers, it felt like the most natural and right thing in the world, this huge black cock in my mouth. I expected him to begin his strokes again, but he paused for a second. "Only three more inches to go, cumbreath," Anaconda said.

-- Sorry this episode took so long. There will be more coming shortly. You e-mails have encouraged me to continue this series.

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