Cocksuckers Training

By Jonathan H.

Published on Feb 4, 2003


I woke up the next morning, sprawled on the couch. On my chest was my dried cum from jerking off the previous night and I could still taste Kevin's cum in my mouth. I was also still horny; my cock was hard as a rock and sticking out of my boxers. I debated getting on-line, and seeing if I could find someone to fuck around with. Instead I went for a run in the park. I needed to take a shower and figured that getting sweaty first would save some water.

The park was a fairly big one near my apartment. My standard run took me from the entrance nearest to me, around the lake to an isolated picnic spot on the far end of the park. I'd usually rest a few minutes there, then run back home. I quickly changed into my running shorts and shoes and headed out. At about 9:30 in the morning on a weekday, the park was pretty deserted -- the early morning crowd had left, but the lunch crowd hadn't arrived yet. I didn't see anyone until I got to the picnic area on the far side.

When I got there, there was another guy there. He had a mountain bike leaned up against once of the benches and was looking at it intently. From the back, it was hard to tell how old he was, but he seemed pretty young, maybe around 20. He was also pretty solidly built--his thighs were bulging in his biking shorts, and his biceps were straining against his lycra shirt. He didn't really have a classic V-shape; it was just muscle all the way down. As I got closer, I could tell he was trying to fix something on the bike.

"Can I help you out?" I asked him. I looked at the bike, and it was obvious what the problem was -- one of the spokes had broken on the rear wheel.

He turned at the sound of my voice. "Oh Man, I didn't hear you come by." He was even better from the front; a set of big pecs bugling in his shirt, and from a quick glance, a nice package. It was also really clear what the problem was. He had broken a spoke on the front wheel. "Dude, I broke the spoke on the front wheel. Not sure what to do about it."

"I can help you with that, if you want." I offered. I had dealt with it before.

"Can you? That would be awesome." He had an innocent eagerness about him that belied how muscular his body was. He stood aside and let me kneel down by the front wheel.

"Well, first you have to take out the spoke." I unthreaded it, and tossed it aside. "Do you have a toolkit?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think I do -- it should be under the seat." I unzipped the small bag under the seat, and started to dig around. First thing I pulled out was a altoids tin. I opened it, but he quickly stopped me. "Man, that's my stash. Be careful." I shut it, but it went a long way to explaining his attitude. In addition to the obvious pot, there also seemed to be a tab or three of X, and some coke. I dug a little deeper, and found the piece I was looking for.

"This will take a few minutes. I have to re-adjust the wheel for the missing spoke." He smiled at me -- he must have been only 19 or so for his easy innocence. "So, what are you doing out here so early?" I asked him.

"Man, I was going crazy trapped in my apartment. My roommate finally told me to get out for a while." he said.

"So you decided to bike out here?" I was trying to listen to him as I was adjusting the spokes. But at times, I thought he was nothing more than background noise.

"Well, my roommate told me to come out here. Said there were usually some cocksuckers out here, and I would be able to get off. But instead, I broke a spoke, and there's just us." When he said cocksucker, I got this pit in my stomach. I wondered how he knew what happened last night. Then I realized he didn't know. I hazzarded a glance at his crotch again. He had been stroking it a bit, and his cock was getting harder. "And I am so fucking horny this morning." he said. "Sorry about that. You know how it goes."

"Yeah, I do," I said. He was still stroking his crotch slowly; horny in only the way a 19 year old boy can be. "Well, here you are." I had finished re-adjusting the wheel. "You're going to need to replace the spoke, but that should get you home safely."

"Man, thanks. I need to buy you a beer sometime."

"Well, I know a way you can re-pay me now."

"How man?"

I was still on my knees, glancing between his crotch and his face, about to leap into the abyss. "Let me suck you off."

"Dude, don't joke. I'm too horny for that."

"I'm serious. Let me suck you off."

"You're a cocksucker, man?" His voice was incredulous.

"Yeah, I am."

"Sweet man. He services my bike, he services my tool. You want to do it right here?"

"Sure. Why not"

"Fucking sweet. It's all yours." He stepped a little closer to me, his crotch level with my face. I could see a stiff cock carefully outlined by his biking shorts. I reached up and pulled his biking shorts down a little. I could immediately tell he had been biking a lot; I could smell the sweat coming off him. It didn't bother me; it was like an incense being burnt at this altar of manhood. I pulled the shorts down the rest of the way, letting his cock hang free.

It wasn't as big or as thick as Kevin's, from the previous night, but even before I had touched it, it was rock-hard. It was about 7" long, and a nice thickness, there was nothing to complain about. And already, there was a little bit of pre-cum at the tip. When I licked it off, I could feel a shudder of pleasure run through his body. I quickly took the rest of the head into my mouth, and ran my tongue over it. This elicited another shudder of pleasure and a moan from him.

I continued sucking him off, going down his shaft. With each stroke I tried to go further down, working more of his hard cock into my mouth. Although he was shorter than Kevin, he was also incredibly hard which made it hard to get all the way down his shaft. Although, it didn't seem to make a difference to him; his hips were bucking and his entire body seemed to be shaking in pleasure.

We kept this up for a few minutes, me staying on his cock, worshipping his stiff manhood as best I could. He was enjoying it, moaning and shaking. Occasionally, I had to grab onto the base of his cock to make sure it stayed in my mouth. His cock let out a constant dribble of precum the entire time, and as much as I tried to swallow it, some of it leaked out onto my goatee. I tried to remember to lick it off later, before I went back into "public."

Of course, that also reminded me I was now down on my knees, sucking off a total stranger in a public park. Anyone could wander in at any time, and see us. It was hard to tell who would find it more embarassing, me or him. But I found my attention quickly returning to the cock still pounding my mouth, wanting to get it off, wanting to give it the ultimate pleasure.

I think he was having the same ideas as well. His breath was getting shallower and shallower, and his strokes deeper. He said, "I'm getting close," which just made me suck a little harder. In a tortured moan, his first spurt of cum shot into my mouth. I quickly swallowed it, and worked on sucking the rest out of him. He had a surprising amount of cream in him; I was trying to remember if this was the way all 19 year olds were, or if he hadn't cum in a while. About six spurts of cum later, I decided it was a little bit of both. Eventually, he seemed to tire, and I managed to milk out the last drop. We remained locked for a few more moments, his cock slowly softening.

He finally broke the silence. "You fucking swallowed my load man."

"Yeah?" I asked. I couldn't tell if it was a turn-on or a disgust to him.

"Fucking sweet man. I mean... Wow..." He was having trouble wrapping his mind around this idea. "No one has ever done that to me before. Fuck man. I've never even shot in a chick's mouth before, much less have her swallow it."

"Difference between getting sucked off by a guy and a chick."

"That's what makes a cocksucker, man. Fuck that was amazing. Fuck, fuck fuck." He was still spinning from the load he had just shot. "Man, you gotta give me your number. We have got to do this more."

Without even thinking, I pulled out a pen from my pocket and wrote my number on his hand. "Here you go." I said.

"Thanks dude. name is Travis. Oh shit, that was amazing head you gave me. Oh man. I need that more often. None of this waiting for a chick or something." He adjusted his cock, and pulled up his pants. "And thanks again for servicing my bike, man." He got on his bike, and rode away.

I remained on the ground for a little while longer, trying to lick off the pre-cum on my goatee. I hadn't even thought about my cock, now straining against my running shorts. I was about ready to pull it out when I was startled by a sound behind me. "Nice show there, cocksucker. Now, can you finish what you've started?"

I turned around, and saw a tall black man walking towards me. His baggy jeans were unzipped, and sticking out of his white boxers was one of the biggest cocks I had ever seen.

Author's note: Any feedback is greatly appreciated; thanks to all the guys who have already written. As always, any guys who can continue my training are always welcome. This is a mostly true story, but any new ideas are always welcome.

Next: Chapter 3

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