Cocksucker of the County

By Tom Bauer

Published on Jul 18, 2019


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With that, he got up and I watched his butt travel back to the fireplace. Jase got up and went into the bathroom where I could hear him washing himself off. I slowly started to drift off to exhaustive sleep, when suddenly I heard a voice in my ear say, "Ready for us, sperm breath?" It was Alex with Hans standing by his side.

I tired to moan "nooo", but it came out more of a whimper. My throat was convulsing with the thought of this alpha freshman abusing my throat. Alex turned to Hans and said, "His whining and whimpering sounds like a mating call, doesn't it?" Hans smiled his friendly smile and said, "Alex, who wouldn't be turned on by the thought of sharing a set of cousins? And it's a turn on for me. I mean, here he is, a senior jock, and he's willing to let freshman have a go at him. I mean, I understand letting seniors sperm in him; even Jase, a junior, is a stud. But you and I are freshman studs, our sperm is tangier, and he's letting us have a go at him! Quite a gift."

Alex just snorted with a smirk, and pulled my body so the head was closer to the end of the couch. Hans came and stood next to my shoulder and looking down had the biggest grin on his face. He could look almost gentle, but standing 6'2", and weighing 159 pounds, I knew he had tons of testosterone surging through his veins, he just hid it better than Alex. He rubbed his hand through his cropped blondish brown hair, then let his hand travel down his chest to the bottom of his tight t-shirt. He slowly pulled the shirt over his head revealing his ripped teenage body.

Smiling down at me, he said, "You are giving me the gift of your ass. Let me show you the gift I can't wait to offer you!" With that, he unbuckled his leather belt that had his name burned into the part of the belt above his butt. He unsnapped his wranglers, and I saw he had on a hunter green pair of tight boxer briefs. As he let his jeans fall to his ankles with a clank, his right hand began to massage the front of his briefs. "You like these, Kendall? I like to wear hunter' green cuz I like to hunt her' so we can fuck. Hmmmm, I guess tonight I made a new color called Hunt-him' green! Or, I dunno Alex, should I call them Kendall Green' rather than `Kelly Green'?"

"Oh for Christ's sake, get your panties off and let's unload into this cum dump! Everyone has had their fun, and it's our turn now!", Alex growled. Hans smile grew larger, he shook his head, and said, "Yeah, I'm getting blue balls from watching everyone else have their moment of joy! It's our turn, Cuz!" With that, he stepped out of his wrangler jeans and kicked them to the side. He moved down to the opposite end of the couch. This cleared my vision to see Alex standing there, his smoldering eyes boring into my eyes. He had already peeled his tight t-shirt off, and was in the process of unbuckling his jeans. I watched this freshman stud regard me with little mercy, but absolute lust. He dropped his jeans to the floor, and I saw he had been going `commando', "No underwear", I thought. "Somehow that fits him...this animal doesn't like to be contained, why would his trouser snake?"

As a freshman, Alex was already 6'3" and build like a brick shithouse. His solid 185 pound body bulged with muscles that were covered with a light pelt of fur on his legs, his chest, his arms and his crotch. Actually, his crotch looked like a forest of bush hair out of which jutted 8 ½ inches of throbbing, angry red, uncircumcised, pure German cock. My mouth started to involuntarily water at the view of this wiener schnitzel, already seeing the precum bubbling out of the tip of his foreskin and slowly descending down the towering prick. At the same time, my throat was screaming out at the possibility of another assault from a cock.

"Is your throat sore, Kendall?" he asked. Unable, or afraid, to say anything, I silently nodded `yes'. "Well, I tell you, Bev gives the best head I've ever gotten, but she makes me leave my jeans on when she sucks me. She says since I don't wear underwear, I sweat too much and it smells really bad down there. I watched you, and I think Bev sucks better than you..." He smiled wickedly, "but I'm gonna have you do what she absolutely refuses to do."

With that he moved to the end of the couch, above my head, looking down at me as if I was a cheap whore. I looked up past his bush, past his drooling dick, up the pelt of fur on his chest into his grey eyes that looked at me with amusement, anticipation, but no compassion. With that he turned around so that my view was his butt. I though, "oh, God, no, not again..." but instead of sitting on my face, he sat on my upper chest. His furry legs were on either side of my face tickling my cheeks. I had his towering prick in front of me. True to Bev's assessment, Alex had a strong scent emanating from his crotch. It was sharp, but not unpleasant. It was the scent of total alpha, the smell of jock, the smell of youth.

Without smiling, Alex cocked his right eyebrow up and said, "Open wide, cum breath." I was confused, I thought he wasn't going to rape my throat. I opened my mouth. "Wider!" he barked. I opened as wide as I could. "I'm trusting you with my future gentle or you're dead!" With that, he lifted up off my chest and slowly lowered his balls into my mouth. "Close your lips, but no teeth!" he commanded. I did as he asked. His balls were coved with a light matting of pubic hairs that lightly scraped my tongue. My taste buds were immediately assaulted with ball sweat from a couple of days without a shower, and the lightest taste of urine. "Massage them with your tongue!" Alex ordered. I did as he commanded, and could feel my saliva thicken slightly as the layer of coating of dried sweat washed off his balls and mixed with the spit in my mouth. "Oh, man, Bev wouldn't do this if I paid her a million dollars!" Alex moaned. "Massage those balls, and be careful cuz they're filled with my baby batter!" I played with them with my tongue; his huge cock was right above my face, so I had trouble looking Alex in the eye, but what I could see told me he was in rarely felt ecstacy.

I could feel my legs gently being raised and a hand beginning to gently caress my butt, but I became distracted from this as Alex's cock continued to produce precum in such quantity I could swear he was almost cumming. The precum bubbled out of the end of his dick, and rather than travel down his dick, it began a decent through the air to my face. With a `plop', the stringy slime broke and it landed on my nose and began to slide down the side of it. Again and again the strands of precum fell upon my face until my nose and cheeks glistened with it.

"Fuck me! That's disgusting and a turn on!" In my peripheral vision, I could see Jase, Sage, and Josh standing two feet away, dick in hands that were stroking their cock. Hans let go of my legs and went over to the guys and whispered something. "You bet!" they said in unison. Hans went back, lifted up my legs and continued to massage my hole. I continued to massage Alex's balls, which finally tasted clean, when I heard Jase say, "better get over here, Hans!" Hans let go of my legs, and ran to the guys. I tried to see them out of the corner of my eye and I almost had a heart attack when I saw Jase cumming into Hans' hand. "WTF?" I thought. In rapid fashion, Sage and Josh likewise emptied loads into Hans' hand. After the guys had squeezed the last drop of sperm from their dicks into his hand, Hans walked over to where I was sucking Alex's balls.

He smiled his megawatt smile and said, "you know, Kendall, you are unbelievable! Mmmm-mmmmm, you are really giving us a treat tonight. I mean, golly, I understand your submitting to classmates your age, but you're sucking the balls of my cousin! A freshman! And I, a freshman, am getting ready to fuck your butt! Mighty neighborly of you, Kendall! I'd never do it myself, but that's what makes you a true joy to have as a friend."

He said to Alex, "Stand up, Cuz, just for a minute." Alex stood, a confused look on his face that matched mine, wondering what they were up to. "Kendall", Hans said, "you're sucking the balls of a stud freshman. The spermies in there are very potent. But I don't want to dis my elders" he said while glancing at the 3 seniors. "So, I have here 3 loads of senior sperm from you stud classmates. Pretty strong and potent. If you were a girl, you'd be pregnant, but you're not a girl, and I want you to enjoy the fruit of your classmates labor." With that he leaned over and cupped his cousin's balls in his hand and lightly caressed them. He then drew his hand away and I could see that Alex's balls were coated with a layer of cum from Jase, Sage and Josh. The hairy balls seemed to be a magnet holding onto the sperm, the layer looked so thick. Hans wiped his hand on my forehead and cheeks and said, "Don't want any to be wasted!" Then he motioned with his hand to Alex, indicating he should continue. Alex once again lowered himself, his cum covered balls descending into my mouth. My mouth exploded with three different flavors of cum intermixing to make a potion that almost made me drunk.

My head was spinning with the sensation and tastes min my mouth when I felt my legs gently being raised again. This time, ever so gently, I felt Hans inserting his dick into my ass. He let out a soft sigh, and whispered, "Oh, yeah! My freshman dick is being bathed and caressed by your ass and soaked in the sperm of upperclassmen studs! Your butt is so warm and smooth from the sperm!"

Alex continued to jack his dick, and the drool of precum continuing to drip on my face. I almost felt like I was drowning in sperm as I continued to swallow again and again the loads on Alex's balls. Each time I swallowed, Alex moaned as my mouth caressed all of his balls at once. Hans began thrusting his cock back and forth and inch, while slowly pushing and pulling his cock into and out of my ass. My moans only stimulated Alex more. His hand began to move more swiftly up and down his pole until I felt his balls begin to contract.

Knowing what was about to happen, I wondered if I should let go of his balls or what I should do, so I kept sucking on his balls. Suddenly, his cock erupted shooting a stream of cum a foot into the air. It went straight up, and came back down right into my face, coating my forehead and hair with the first shot of his load. His 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th ropes of sperm followed the first. My whole face was coated with Alex's seed sparing only my eyes. I could feel pools of cum right next to my eyes, and I blinked rapidly hoping to force them away from my eyes. Alex withdrew his balls from my mouth and settled back on my chest, panting heavily, a sheen of sweat covering his hairy chest.

Meanwhile, Hans was continuing to massage the inside of my ass with his dick. Quickly rabbit fucking only an inch back and forth while simultaneously pushing his cock in my butt completely, then out completely. I moaned, "God, that feels so incredible, I wish I could come!" Alex looked back and saw my dick was hard as a rock. "Well, Kendall, you did what Bev wouldn't, and it felt great. I'm gonna let you keep it up and I'll help you out." With that, he flipped over and, with his legs on either side of my rib cage, reached down and lightly grabbed my dick. "Remember, Kendall, don't fuck me out of future generations of Gideon heirs!" With that, he leaned backwards and lowered his balls into my mouth once again, but this time instead of looking up into his cock and face, my eyes and nose were one inch from his ass crack. I prayed that he had more class than Josh and would show gratitude for my service by not farting in my face. It was bad enough that I could smell the sweat from his hairy valley of an ass crack produced by his orgasm.

My ankles were up by Hans' ears and his dick was doing magic to my ass. It felt incredible and with Alex rubbing my dick, his balls in my mouth and his ass in my face, I soon reached the point of no return. I groaned around Alex's balls and exploded with an orgasm. This caused Alex's balls to contract and he once again came, this time without touching his dick. My ass spasms during my orgasm threw Hans over the edge and he poured another load of cum into my ass, slowly thrusting in and out during his orgasm, allowing the his cock snot to mix in with those of the upperclassmen. He slowly pulled out, lowered my legs, then stood and staggered away saying, "God almighty, that was a fine butt to have for my first!" Alex withdrew his balls from my mouth, got up and stagged over to join his cousin and the others at the table to share a beer and Jack Daniels. Ever so gently, I passed out, exhausted.

Next: Chapter 7

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