Cocksucker of the County

By Tom Bauer

Published on Oct 28, 2018


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Josh was standing there, all 190 pounds, 6' 2", testosterone filled sex machine. Still dressed in his rodeo tight wranglers, he was smirking a little. "Kendall and I became a little acquainted on the drive over here. Although you did call me...what was it? Oh, yeah, a fucking pig." "Josh, I couldn't breathe. Come on, I'm a classmate, I just wanted air." "Ah, Kendall, don't be a wimp! I shared one of the most personal things I could with you -- my new fragrance, `Eau de Josh'. I don't let just anyone be between my legs sniffing my farts in a dutch oven..." He wasn't laughing, but he was doing a poor job of trying not to laugh. "Oh, wait Kendall. In the name of full disclosure, I would let just about anyone lay in my crotch and sniff my farts. You're the only one that has wanted to lately, so I didn't want to disappoint you!" Now he did break into laughter.

"Ah, Kendall, you liked my farts so much, you enjoyed `Eau de Josh' so much, I can't wait to share my natural flavor with you. My balls need emptying and I can think of no better depository than you." About this time, Jase walked up and overheard Josh talking. "Josh", Jase said, "Kendall was complaining earlier about a sore throat. I showed a little compassion to him and spent most of my time fucking his ass, rather than his face. Just a thought..." Compassion? He fucked my throat until it coughed up slime to coat his cock before he fucked me... if that was compassion, holy shit!

"True", Josh said, "Tim face fucked him silly earlier and I think he might have bruised his brain. He was a fucking idiot earlier. What do you think, Kendall," he said looking right into my eyes, "should I give your throat a break?" Now Jase and Sage had already tricked me earlier, so I thought the best path would be silence. But, when I just looked into Josh's eyes I became weak in the knees as I always have. I fell under the same spell hundreds of women experienced right before Josh fucked their lights out. The warning Tim gave me about Josh seemed to fade into distant memory. I don't know if the farts in the dutch oven killed some of my logical brain cells, but I found myself saying, "Whatever, Josh, I trust you." "Cool!" Josh said, and grabbed my by the shirt, pulled me out of the chair, and led me over to the couch in the corner of the room. Sage was asleep in a chair, and Alex and Hans were watching from the table where they were drinking beers. Hans was watching with a smile on his lips, disarming as always, but Alex was the predator and future king Alpha he always was and watched between to hard and focused eyes.

Jase was standing by the fireplace and had started a fire to get rid of a little chill in the air. He bent over to look to see if the flu was open, and I found myself unable to look away from the bubble butt I had stared at all year. Man, I wish I'd seen him in the showers. Earlier, when he jammed his dick into my throat, and then fucked my ass, I didn't get a look at his ass, only got to feel it once. It was one of the most perfect bubble butts I had ever seen. He stripped down to his boxers that still proclaimed "A Party in Your Pants", and was warming himself by the flame. He could be an asshole, but his bubble but was still a magnet for my eyes. "Hey!", Josh barked. "Huh?", was all I could answer. "Wow, between Tim bruising your brain when he skull fucked you, and your sniffing my farts all the way over here, I think a lot of your brain cells died." Josh said. "Huh?", I said again. I told you to take your clothes off. I can't fuck your ass through a pair of jeans!"

Josh had taken his shirt, cowboy boots, socks and wranglers off by the time I had stripped. He stood there in a bright white tight pair of boxer briefs which he quickly stripped off and flung to the side with his toes. I knew from the locker room that Josh was about 4 inches soft and bent a bit to the right (not that I studied him or anything...), one look at him and I knew we weren't in the locker room anymore. His dick was at least 8 inches, but curved sharply to the right. It was already deep red in color and throbbed with every beat of his heart. He leaned back and semi-reclined on the couch and said, "Crawl between my legs again. I'm gonna give you not `Eau de Josh', but "Essense of Josh". You'll like licking my dick, but like Jase, I'll go easy on your throat and try out your ass tonight".

I knelt between his legs, and began ministering to his dick. He had been leaking precum, so I was cleaning off all the sticky goo from his cock. "Mmmmm, suck my balls", Josh said. He bent his knees to give me better access to his balls. I bathed them over and over, massaging them in my mouth. He moaned with pleasure as I gently bathed every centimeter of his balls. "Kendall?" "Hmmff?", I said. "For every scratch from your teeth, I'll extract one tooth from you... you understand?" I could appreciate why he said this -- I held the seeds of all future Urbanovsky's in my mouth. "Hmmmf hmmf" I tried to say uh huh, but it didn't sound like that. Josh seemed to know what I said. He simply re-iterated, "Remember that, ass wipe". I felt his thighs grip my head and his legs cross over my back and pin me down. I felt his fingers grip my hair, and I was thinking, "WTF", when suddenly a very familiar motion in his hips occurred. I thought, "There's no fucking way", but as Josh's body began to jiggle with laughter, I felt my nose assaulted once again with the rankest, smelliest fart produced by anyone. With his balls in my mouth, I could only breath through my nose. It was so bad that I thought I might vomit. His hips lifted again, and I knew wave number two was on it's way. Josh was giggling to himself and said, "Geez, I can't figure out why people trust me. I don't trust myself half the time!"

After Josh had his fun, he released me, and I came up for air. I looked at him, trying to get rid of the dizziness I felt from lack of true air and asked one question, "Why?" Josh slowly shook his head and said, "You're not an alpha, you're a cum dump and you will never know the thrill of stripping someone of their dignity and self respect. I can think of nothing more humiliating than to make someone sniff your farts. It's like aromatic shit, and you make someone enjoy it. It's an awesome feeling!" I shook my head and looked off to the side where I became mesmerized by Jase who had stripped off his boxers and was warming himself by the fire in full glory. My eyes were glued to his magnificent bubble butt now on display for the world (myself) to see.

"Hey!", Josh barked again, "Forget him, pay attention to me. I need my dick lubricated!" I leaned in again and began to lick at his dick as if it were a popsicle. After I had covered every spot, he said, "Lick my head, just the head. I'll have mercy on your throat if you give my head attention!". I rose up and had just the helmet of his dick in my mouth. His hands were caressing my hair and head as I flicked my tongue rapidly over and over his sensitive underside. Twirling his fingers into my hair for a grip, he repeated what he said earlier. "Kendall, I can't figure out why people trust me. I don't trust myself half the time!" Before I could comprehend what he meant, his hips thrust up hard, his hands jammed down hard, and within a half a second, his 8 inches plowed into my throat. Over and over, he thrust up into my face that made the earlier skull fucks seem like easy practice. I was coughing, sputtering, choking and gagging, and it only spurred Josh on to fuck my skull harder and harder. With every upward thrust, he punctuated it speaking through clenched teeth. "Take. That. Fucking. Cock. Suck. It. Down. Faggot. Take. It. You. Stupid. Cum. Dump." My feet were flailing everywhere, but couldn't get any traction. My arms were pushing down against the couch, but I couldn't extract an inch of Josh's cock.

He finally let go and his cock flew from my mouth. I was gaping and coughing, but Josh picked me up like I was a bag of bones, and flung me onto my back on the couch. He got between my legs and pulled them up to his shoulders. I could feel the head of his cock at the entrance of my ass. I began to flail and try to get up. "Jase, get over here!" Josh barked. Jase ran over and pounced on my chest facing Josh. He pinned my arms under his legs and grabbed my legs by the ankles, pulling them back and exposing my butthole to Josh. He was settling trying to get the best position and I watched his bare bubble butt slowly wiggle closer to my face. My struggling stopped as I stared once again at the most magnificent ass I have ever seen. Solid, formed, a light covering of hair, it was incredible.

My fantasy vision was aborted when Josh crammed all 8 inches of his dick into my butt with one motion. I opened my mouth and was letting out a painful scream when we heard Sage yell, "Shut that faggot up!" Jase sat back and settled his butt on my face. I could try to scream all I wanted, but his butthole was squarely over my mouth and the volume of my scream was going no where. I tried to yell and talk, but the only result was that my tongue rubbed over Jase's hole again and again. Sweet mother of god, I had desired to lick his hole, but not like this.

Jase thrust over and over into my butt until at long last, he emptied himself where so many had emptied themselves that night. As he pulled the deflating cock from my ass, he leaned back and panted trying to catch his breath. I thought Jase would get up from me, but he continued to sit on my face and hold my legs. My eyes could barely look up the huge expanse of his back, his balls were on my chin, his hole was still right over my mouth. I tried to say "get off my face", but it really only resulted in my tonging his hole several times with inaudible sounds emanating from under his butt. He ground once or twice into my face, and said, "Gotta tell you, Kendall. Your tongue on my ass, and your hot breath on my butt felt righteous! I'll let you do that again anytime you want!" With that, he got up and I watched his butt travel back to the fireplace. Jase got up and went into the bathroom where I could hear him washing himself off. I slowly started to drift off to exhaustive sleep, when suddenly I heard a voice in my ear say, "Ready for us, sperm breath?" It was Alex with Hans standing by his side.

Tom Bauer

Next: Chapter 6

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