Cocksucker of the County

By Tom Bauer

Published on Sep 23, 2018


gay/highschool, gay/authoritarian and gay/athletics

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Disclaimer: The follwoing is an original story of fiction that contatins explicit scenes of male/male sex and a variety of consensual activities between adults. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or is illegal to access in your geotraphy, please do not proceed. If this offends you, please move on.

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Chapter 2

Once again, the song "Coward of the County" came on the radio. He belted out at the top of his lungs, "Everyone considered Kendall the cocksucker of the county..." We were entering the town by this time, and I kept trying him to quiet down. As I parked the car and got out, he hopped out and belted out the phrase one more time and half yelled "Kendall's the cocksucker of the county!"

I turned around as he did that and saw the senior class football players frozen in place, mouths open and staring at us.

Chad grabbed his crotch, gave it a yank and yelled out, "Give him a try boys! He drained me dry!" Then laughing, stumbled away.

Now, we're a small town. Almost all the boys go out for football, a whopping 37 guys, and 7 of them, including me, would be seniors this year. As Chad stumbled down the street laughing loudly, the guys formed a circle around me and just stared. I could feel that blood drain from my face. Sage Konicek, our quarterback, said, "Is there something we should know Kendall?". I couldn't speak, but slowly shook my head back and forth as I could feel tears forming in my eyes. Tim Hughes, one of the running backs, broke the spell by grabbing my arms and ushering me away saying, "Come on Kendall, let's go for a ride and talk". We climbed in his Ford F-150 and drove away, the others staring at us when we left.

Now, Tim was a running back, and a wet dream. He played both football and wrestled. Brown eyes, mop of dark brown hair, he was 5'10" and 170 pounds of muscle. The only way he looked better than in his football gear was when he was in his purple and white wrestling singlet which was so tight nothing was left to the imagination. The singlet molded his butt and formed around his crotch so that simply watching him was like watching soft porn. Our school mascot was the "Longhorns"; I knew by changing with him in the locker room that Tim lived up to that and more; he'd been a subject of my jackoff fantasy for a long time.

We drove in silence with Tim glancing over at me every so often. I zoned out, and by the time I realized where we were, I found myself right back at Beer Can Alley, at almost the exact spot I had just left. Tim looked over, flashed his infectious smile with the huge dimples and said, "Let's get out and talk."

Tim got out and I did as well. He had on a baseball cap, tight school t-shirt, jeans that bulged obscenely at the crotch, and his signature Nike tennis shoes. He lowered the gate of his truck and half sat, half stood -- this caused his crotch to bulge even more pronounced. I tried so hard not to stare as I sat next to him.

"All right, so what gives, Kendall?" he said. "I dunno what you mean..." I said.

"Well, let me run down what I know. A complete stranger comes back from riding around with you, his farewell is to grab his crotch and proclaim a great blowjob, your voice is hoarse and your lips are puffy which seems to indicate something occurred, and...."

"And what?" My hoarse voice seemed to confirm his accusations. "Well, ...." he said looking at my crotch. I looked down to notice a huge wet spot where my precum had leaked through; even the outside of my jeans was sticky. I realized that giving Chad a blowjob had turned me on, but that I hadn't had a chance to take care of myself. My dick still was chubbed, and still leaking into my underwear and the outside of my jeans. Tim reached over and touched the spot; there was so much precum a small strand extended briefly as he drew his finger away. "Well?" he repeated.

I looked down at the ground; what was I supposed to say. As I looked at the ground, my eyes continued to flicker to the left and would rest upon Tim's crotch which seemed bigger than it had a few moments earlier. Tim slid over so our legs were against each other. He reached out with his right arm and drew me close. He looked at me with his face six inches from mine and said, "Look, we've been friends since Kindergarten. You can tell me. Are you gay, Kendall? Are you a cocksucker?"

To actually hear a friend ask seemed to jolt my heart. My head whipped around and I looked into a pair of soft, dreamy brown eyes and immediately started to get lost in them in a way I never have. "So, Kendall, are you?" he softly asked, side hugging me again. "Don't hate me" I said. "Never", Tim replied. After several seconds of looking into his eyes, I said, "Yeah, I guess I am."

"No problem", he said smiling, "You're still the same guy I've hung around with for 13 years, no big deal". My heart started to soar as I looked ahead to the distance. Not to be rejected was incredible.

"But", Tim said, "you're gonna be sucking a lot of dick in your last year of high school, just so you know that."

"WHAT?" I exclaimed jumping a little to the side. Tim had stood up to stand in front of me; he had his thumbs in the front pockets with this fingers toward his crotch forming a "V" frame for his crotch. The worn, faded crotch on his jeans began to swell slightly. "Just what I said. You know how frigid the cunts are around here. Hell, if you drain our balls on a regular basis, we won't make demands on the girls and they won't be so uptight about making out with us."

"But...but...but..." I stuttered. "Well," Tim said, "you can ask for my butt all you want, I really just wanna get sucked off...." By now, Tim's crotch was swelling lewdly. I remembered his body from the showers; a little bit of chest hair, a thick treasure train from his belly button to his prize, and a huge bush of pubic hair surrounding a plump wiener. No one manscaped in a small town, but Tim probably should have.

"Let's go" he said. I watched his perky butt walk to the truck and get in. I got in the passenger side, then we zoomed down the road about 2 miles to a pasture land owned by his uncle. He drove up a trail about 300 feet, stopped, looked at me with a twinkle in his eye and said, "Let's do it". He jumped out and was grabbing something from the back. By the time I out and got to Tim, he had spread a large quilt onto the grass, plopped a pillow on the quilt, laid down with his knees bent and spread, his hands crossed behind his head and his mop of hair blowing in the wind -- a classic blowjob pose.

"Cocksucker of the county is an arrogant claim; let's see if you're worth the hype!" He arched his crotch toward me and he wiggled his eyebrows up and down, damn he was hot! At the edge of the quilt, I fell to my knees, and began to crawl toward my future.

When I reached his crotch, I looked up into his face. His eyes were closed half way, a smile on his face, no malice, no anger, just expectation of a good suck. My fingers kept fumbling with his belt buckle, I was so nervous I had trouble getting it undone. Tim just stretched his body with a loud yawn, and that made his stomach leave a little room that I got the buckle undone. After unsnapping his jeans, I pulled the zipper down and yanked his jeans over hit butt as he lifted up slightly. He had on a pair of black briefs that were bulging by this time. I pushed his shirt up slightly, ran my fingers through his treasure trail to the waistband of his briefs, and slowly pulled them down. Out from the bush of pubic hair stood a solid pole of what had to be 8" of throbbing flesh. Straight and hard, it was throbbing, waiting for relief.

I was mesmerized at this gift, and wondered if my throat could take another pounding so soon. I was still pretty sore from Chad. "Hey", I heard. I looked up into the bedroom brown eyes again and heard, "I know what you're thinking. I'll be easy today. Just suck me off. Swallow my seed. Blow me baby!" I licked my swollen lips, covered my teeth, and gently closed them over his head. Tim groaned, and I realized his dick was too dry, so I opened my mouth and tried to drool on it as much as I could, then put my mouth on it again, and started bobbing up and down. I was only taking in about half of his pole, but I was jacking the rest of his dick with my hand. I felt Tim's left hand gently rest upon my head and bob up and down with my head.

I kept up this gentle suck for what seemed like forever, but was probably only five minutes. Suddenly, Tim said, "are your lips tired?". I said, "mm-hmmm". "Does your throat hurt?" I said, "mm-hmmm". "Do you want me to bring it home?" I said, "mm-hmmm". "You got it".

I kept up the gentle suction, and ever so slightly felt his hands begin to twirl into my hair for a grip. Suddenly, his legs crossed over my back and his hips thrust up while his hands pushed down. All 8" jammed into my throat, and he began a jackhammer type of face fucking. My gagging and coughing seemed to only urge him onto a quicker thrusting. Suddenly, with a loud groan, his thighs gripped the side of my head, and I felt the head of his dick explode into my mouth. A flavor of fruit, nuts, salt, and honey all at the same time assaulted my taste buds. Swallow after swallow finally emptied my mouth except for the film of sperm that coated my tongue and inner cheeks.

His thighs released my head, his legs uncrossed, and his hand let go of my hair. I pulled off his dick with a long trail of spit stretching from his dick to my mouth. I fell to the ground panting and gasping for breath. I looked over at Tim, who was just coming down from a high and heard, "thanks, dude, I needed that!" I spat out, "what the hell? I thought you were gonna be easy on me?" "Well," he said, "I wanted to be, but you wanted me to finish and I guess the brain of my 18 year old dick took over! Sorry man."

I fell to my back and continued to catch my breath. "I gotta tell you, Kendall, if you think I could be rough, be careful with Josh." Josh Urbanovsky was our wide receiver. At 6'2", and 190 pounds, he was a man who demanded attention. "What do you mean" I asked. "Josh can get kind of wild... you'll find out, trust me."

Tom Bauer

Next: Chapter 3

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