Cocksucker of the County

By Tom Bauer

Published on Mar 21, 2020


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I just stood there, stunned, paralyzed, trying to comprehend what was happening. "I said, `Get the fuck over here!'" I shuffled over, numb and confused as he removed his tie and unbuttoned his shirt. His chest was covered with a light layer of fur, dark brown like his hair. His scent was cascading from his open shirt right up my nose. Standing in front of Jordan, he suddenly seemed so much bigger than me. Maybe it was his cocky attitude, his arrogant smirk, his emerald eyes that bore into mine with no doubt he knew he was going to get what he wanted... "Kneel, cocksucker!" I knelt before him and slowly lifted my eyes to meet his. As my eyes scanned his body as I looked up, they were caught at his crotch like a fish on a treble hook. It was bulging so big, it almost was big enough to be on it's own... Meeting his eyes, he said, "Take my shoes and socks off, but make it slow. Enjoy it, I know I will." He sat on the edge of the bed and stared at me in a demanding way.

I bent over and untied his shoes; they were standard Tuxedo shoes that were stiff and uncomfortable. I pulled both shoes off as he gave a low groan. As I pulled his sox off, the smell of a night's worth of dancing wafted up to my nose. Unconsciously, I slowly inhaled deeply, only to hear Jordan snort above me. "You are a slut, aren't you? Even my feet sweat turns you on? You're in for a banner night, Kendall! Now massage my puppies!"

I held the right foot in my hands and slowly massaged it from toe to heels, and partially up the calf. I almost felt like there was an electricity passing into me from his body. I massaged over and over until I thought it was enough, then I started on the left. Jordan said nothing, other than deeply breathing with a deep sigh every so often. I looked up from between his legs, massaging his feet, and saw he was watching me through half-closed eyes. He softly said, "Not bad, Kendall, but you'll make me feel better I know." With that he stood up, and as I had been squarely between his legs, now his crotch pressed again my face. I backed up and waited.

He said, "Unbutton my belt, unzip my pants, and pull them down." The belt came undone easily. His pants were so tight on him, they were hard to unbuckle; the bulge of his crotch made it so tight. Once I did get them unbuckled, the zipper flew open by itself. I pulled down his pants and he said, "Take them off for me." He put his hand on my head to steady himself as he lifted his legs one by one and I removed the tux pants.

He took the hand off my head, and I looked straight ahead into his crotch. He was wearing a pair of tight boxer briefs. They were bright neon blue with a smiling sun over the of the crotch with the word "Happiness" as a banner above it. The sun was disfigured and grotesque and the word "Happiness" was stretched so it was hard to read. There was a hell of a weapon inside with only a thin cloth separating it from me. His open shirt seemed to frame the prize of my desire. He slowly sat down on the end of the bed, and snapped his fingers pointing to between his legs. After I obediently crawled over, he barked, "Pull `em down, pussy!"

He lifted his ass slightly as I reached out and pulled his boxer briefs down. A flood of his scent came racing up from his underwear. He had danced his ass off, and there was a sharp, not unpleasant, smell of piss, musk, sweat and his masculine scent. Dropping his underwear to the side, I froze. His schlong was so big, I thought it was a third arm or leg. He had a massive amount of pubic hair. He was hard, but it was so heavy, it bowed to the ground because of it's weight. If you said it was under 12", I would call you a liar. I could tell his heartbeat from the bobbing of his pole as it throbbed.

He leaned forward and played with each ear as he scooted forward on the edge of the bed. "You know," he said, "you call them ears, but I call them handlebars". With that he pulled me forward by the ears and unceremoniously pulled my head onto his shaft. "Every time you scrape Little Jordie with your teeth, I will give you a 5 second beating you will never forget!" I immediately covered my teeth with my lips.

Gripping my ears, he immediately torpedoed little Jordie to the back of my mouth and right down my throat. Chad's pounding had trained me well and made it easier to handle Jordan's onslaught, but he wasn't kidding about ears being a handlebar. He drove his cock in and out of my throat like it was a fuck doll. He would reach the end of my throat, and my lips and nose were buried in a thick bush of pubic hair. His dick tasted like the sweat from dancing, the precum from arousal of prick tease bitches, a little dribble of his piss, but a strong scent of genuine Jordan.

The one time I tried to open my eyes, the hairs scratched my eyeballs...all I saw was dark with my face buried in his crotch. He began a rhythm of slowly pulling out, pausing with his helmet just inside my lips, then rushing forward with my face buried in his crotch. He would hold it there until he knew it was getting uncomfortable, then he would repeat.

Moaning loudly, Jordan said, "Oh, Kendall, baby. I don't know how this feels for you, and actually I could give a shit, but it feels so fucking fantastic for me! Chad was right, there's not a bitch in the world that can suck like this! Or even one that will let me skull fuck her as I'm skull fucking you!" Obviously, I could not respond, but I noticed he had begun to leak pre-cum. It had a strong flavor of it's own, and it was intoxicating.

My ears began to ache from his hand's grip; my face began to itch from the pubes rubbing against it with each thrust, and my throat began to scream with the friction of the invasion of Little Jordie. He seemed to almost sense this, and pulled out saying, "You need a rest?"

Sputtering and breathing deeply, I said, "Yes." "Hmmm...tough shit. Get up here on the bed!" I must not have moved fast enough because Jordan picked me up and threw me to the top of the bed. He pulled my ankles sharply so my head was about two feet from the top of the bed. He quickly crawled on top of me, pinning my arms down with his knees.

I looked up into his eyes boring down at me. Sweat was glistening on the hair of his chest. He was breathing deeply, and stared at me like I was prey getting ready to be eaten. He slowly pulled my arms out from under his knees until they were free. He cushioned each side of my head with a pillow, then locking my hands into his, he pulled them above my head as he lead in with his crotch. Still wearing his shirt, it became a tent that blocked out the surrounding scenery; as his cock head touched my lips, painting them with cocksnot, I could see nothing to either side, his hairy chest leading to his face, and his strong legs bringing his dick to me for dinner. My entire world of reality had become his crotch and his dick...I could see nothing else.

He slowly entered his mouth...the last time I could use the word slowly. He immediately jammed to the back of my throat, and he did rapid pushups as his dick flew at lightening speed in and out of my throat. Recognizing I was just a piece of meat for his pleasure, I know I was just along for the ride -- as if I had a choice!

The friction on his pole must have felt great as he kept up a running commentary of "fuck,fuck,fuck" each time he drove into my throat. His crotch and his pubic hairs assaulted my face as fast as his dick assaulted my throat. Breathing became a game...could I gasp in air in the nanosecond that existed between his exiting my throat, and re-entering it again...

Suddenly, he drove deep into my throat trapping my head and face in the pile of pillows. He groaned loudly and screamed, "OH MY FUCKING GOD!", pulled out of my throat and held his log in front of my face as it quivered and trembled. With an explosion, rope after rope and shot after shot of his heavy cream came screaming out of his dick head and coated my face with his baby makers. It seemed to never end...covering my forehead, nose, mouth, and a healthy coating on my eyes. I felt drenched like I had been in a shower.

He sat up, with his knees and legs once again pinning my arms so I couldn't move. I could hear his rapid breathing gradually slowing down. I couldn't breath through my nose...there was too much cum. I was breathing through my mouth, rapidly, trying to catch my breath. His sperm was slowly draining into my mouth. It was tangy and gamy...just like its' owner. Part of me thought I could become addicted to this stud, and part of me wanted him to get off me so I could clean up. He seemed to be in no hurry.

"Um, Jordan, could you and Little Jordie get of me so I can clean up?" I felt him jiggling above me a little. He was laughing! He said, "You know, both your eyes are covered with pools of my spooge. Do you think they'd make a good eye wash?" "No, it would burn like hell! Get off!" "Ah, Kendall, I already got off, it's on your face...I just don't want to waste my nectar."

I felt him scoop a little off my forehead and dipped his finger into my mouth. "Suck!". I closed my mouth and sucked his slimy essence off of his finger. He repeated this over and over, draining what seemed like a half a cup of sperm into my mouth. The inside of my mouth was had a slimy coating of his thick cream as I cleaned his fingers over and over. I still couldn't see, my eyes still were under pools of his spooge.

By now, his cum had cooled a bit and was a little clumpy. He spooned my right eye's pool onto his finger and brought it to my mouth. I sucked and cleaned it. He scooped my left eye's pool, I greedily sucked it off his finger as well. I could feel a thin film of sperm had dried on my face. I slowly opened my eyes, and gazed upon the weapon that had "creamed" me. The head of Little Jordie was an inch and a half from my lips.

"Little Jordie wants a small bath before we finish," Jordan said. I looked up into his emerald eyes that couldn't have twinkled more than if he was a leprechaun with a smirk that made him look almost adorable again. He leaned forward an lowered Little Jordie' into my mouth for a final tongue bath. Satisfied, he jumped out of bed and pulled me up. He pulled me over to the door opened it and said, "Thanks for helping me move off of Blue Balls Boulevard'!" He pushed me out and slammed the door. Exhausted, I slowly stumbled toward to elevator and hopefully a good nights sleep.

Next: Chapter 12

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