
By Chicago Sucker

Published on Jun 19, 2002


True Stories From A Cocksucker

Part Five: Christopher

By: Chicago Sucker (

NOTE: This is a continuation of true stories from my experience as a cocksucker living in Chicago. Fantasy sex is good in it's own way. I always enjoy reading a good story here on the Nifty Archive. But no one can argue that the real thing is much better. So, I decided to write down some of my true experiences and give others a chance to read about more than just some guy's fantasy. I am a real guy with real experiences. I live in Chicago where there are plenty of opportunities to meet and hook-up with men. I am 27 years old, 6 feet tall, 170 ponds, in shape and good looking. If you enjoy reading about my experiences, if you have any comments or questions, or if you want to set up a meeting to "put my talents to the test," feel free to contact me at the email address


Welcome to the next installment of my true cocksucking stories. Chapter 1 told the story of my first time and also gave some insight into how my twisted mind works. Chapter 2 was dedicated to a guy I hooked up in college and his huge, thick, 11-inch dick of death. Chapter 3 detailed what I really get into including kinky fetishes and rough oral sex. Chapter 4 explained how I find guys to hook up with. All of these chapters were written because they answer the 4 most frequently asked questions I get from other guys: what was your first time like?, what's the biggest cock you ever sucked?, what do you get into besides sucking dick?, and where do you find straight guys? So, now that we've taken care of answering those questions, I've been asked to get back to telling some of my true experiences in greater detail. What follows is the first of what will be several stories about one guy in particular whom I've met and subsequently hooked up with several times over the past 16 months.

I met this guy after he answered an ad I placed in the yahoo personals. I place ads in the men seeking men section and often sneak one into the women seeking men section, as I have better luck finding straight guys that way. I never "pretend" to be a woman. I always make sure to say I'm a male in my ads. Usually, these ads get pulled quickly once a monitor at yahoo finds it is in the wrong category. But if I can get one ad posted in that section for even one day, it usually produces some promising results.

Before I continue with this particular example of the type of men I meet from these ads, I want to dismiss any doubts that these guys are straight. Yes, it's true many gay men deny their true calling and call themselves straight and may date women and even be married. Deep down, they are gay but from some obvious reasons and excuses, they do a good job passing themselves off as straight until it comes to sex. These are usually the guys who turn out to be the biggest fags in bed, begging to be fucked and to suck cock. I really have no use for these guys nor do I have any respect for them. I do get a lot of responses to my ads from these types of guys and I quickly write them back and let them know I'm not interested in turning straight guys into fags. What I want are straight men who stay straight, even when they have sex with other men. These guys do exist, and Christopher is one of these guys.

I'm always excited when a guy like Christopher answers my ad. Like I said, I get a lot of replies, but I weed through them and usually end up with one, or maybe two promising prospects each time. I save these messages and let them know I'm serious and interested in hooking up. Sometimes (as you will read about in upcoming chapters) in can take as much as a year to get one of these straight guys to meet. Once you do get them, they remain fairly loyal and provide hours and hours of hot sex.

I saved the emails I got from Christopher. Here is his first reply to me that I've cut and pasted right into this story, complete with typos, just as I received it in my inbox:

Hey Cock Sucker -

Let me introduce myself to you - Im Christopher. I live on the north side of Chicago around 3600. Let me tell you a little about me - Ill start out by telling you im 33 and straight. That should be enough right there to get your fagot mouth watering. I have a girlfriend who lets me fuck her when I want to and we have a really good time. However, I like to get a little wild and she is not into that. I like to degrade fags and put them in their place. Which is mostly on the floor sucking cock or drinking piss. i have not met a whole lot of fags but the ones I have met all seem to be like you. They seem to know where they belong and again I say its on the floor sucking and drinking what straight guys like me have to offer fucking sub humans like you. I want to see and hear you beg to suck another mans cock. I want to spit and piss on your face and ask you what the fuck else your good for. Let me know if you want to service a real man. Im good looking and in good shape. Write me back at (email address deleted). I better hear form you fagot. Christopher

Of course I wrote him back right away. I wanted to make sure he knew I was for real and wasn't playing any games. Guys like Christopher are a rare find and worth all the effort of getting them to agree to hook up. I thanked him for answering my ad and told him more about myself and begged him to write me back with more information about how we could hook up. He responded the next day with this message:

Whats up freak? Yes I want to use and degrade you. I have been having troulbe with my Email so I will be giving you a new address to write me at. Now get this straight you fucking fag... Write to (email address deleted). In the Subject box write the word 'Cumdump'.

I would like to know where you live. I would also like a pic sent of you if you have one. I live around halsted and roscoe. I will return your letter and pic with a letter and pic of myself.

I hope we can work something out you fucked up freak. I need a whore like you to take care of my needs. Trust me asshole you will have the time of your life. If your good we can make it a regular thing and Ill make you my bitch.

Get Back to me ASAP freak Christopher

I followed his instructions and wrote back to him at the new e-mail address he provided, being sure to use "Cumdump" as the subject of the message and explained where I live and what my work schedule was like and let him know I'd do whatever it took to make this work out for him.

I explained how I have two residences in the Chicago area. I share a house with 3 friends up in Evanston close to the Northwestern University campus. But I also keep an apartment on Chicago's far south east side in the South Shore neighborhood, because I work down there as a consultant to the Chicago Public Schools System. So, during the school year, I spend most of my weekday nights at that apartment and return to my house in Evanston on the weekends and for most of the summer. For those of you familiar with the Chicago area, you know Evanston is an upscale north suburb of Chicago. South Shore, on the city's south east side, was once a nice place to live, but over the years it has seen a rapid decline, but it's making a slow comeback. You may have noticed in Christopher's first email to me that he mentioned he lived near 3600 north. Chicago is laid out like a grid. Evanston would be like 12,000 north, while my apartment in South Shore is 7100 south. Each 1000 is equivalent to approximately one mile. So, Christopher is about in the middle between my two residences. (Maybe this is too much useless information for some of you readers, but I wanted to put it all into perspective).

I also emailed him my web page with pictures of myself so that he could see what I look like. His response came back the next day:

Hey fag

Got you email and saw your pic.... you look like a total pussy. I live on the North side near Clark and Addison. I want to meet you in my area ASAP.

I want a detailed list of what you have done with other men. I want a list of what you have not done and would like to do. I want a know what your long term goal is.

It was now the third day since my ad was posted. Along with this email from Christopher was one from yahoo saying my ad was pulled because it was in the wrong section. I didn't replace the ad, and instead concentrated on replying to Christopher with all the information he wanted from me. It was a long, detailed email and I spent a lot of time writing and editing. Two days passed before I got his reply:

Freak OK, I see that you are qualified to be my cumdump. How do I get a hold of you? There must be a number of some sort. I do not want any excuses I want to be able to talk to you. End of story...

I don't want any fucking shit....and I want to meet within the next 5 days.

Now I was getting somewhere! I wrote back with my phone number for my apartment and also gave him my cell phone number. I usually work until 7:00 PM, and let Christopher know this, but this night I had a night meeting and didn't get home until after 9:00. There was a message from Christopher on my machine when I got home. He was disappointed I wasn't home to take his call and I could actually detect some anger in his voice. I remember him calling me faggot and I think I played that message 20 times in a row, staying close to the phone in case he called again, but he didn't. I don't have caller i.d., but I know you can press *69 to get the last number that called your phone. I was tempted to try it, but decided I wouldn't because I respected his privacy. I never call guys like Christopher. I don't think it's the cocksucker's place to call. So, I just hoped he would call again.

The next day I emailed him and sincerely apologized for missing his call and again left my numbers and told him for sure I'd be home the next time he called. I let him know that I'm always up late and that he could call anytime. That night, the phone rang after 11:00 PM. It was Christopher, and as soon as I said "hello" he called me faggot and started telling me how he was superior to me and that I was one damn lucky faggot just to be talking to him. I don't remember all the details of our first conversation but I know we made arrangements to meet. He told me where to go and what time to be there. I told him I understood and he hung up.

We were meeting Thursday night at 7:00 at a park near his place on the north side. I had to make arrangements to leave work early, so I came up with a good excuse. And I was there on time, waiting where he told me to be. I had sent him my photos so he knew what I looked like. And at his instruction, I described to him what I would be wearing. He walked up to me at 7:10 and just said, "I'm Christopher," and he motioned for me to follow him. We walked around the corner to a restaurant in his neighborhood. To everyone else, we looked like two guys, friends or maybe co-workers, having dinner after a day at the office. We kept the conversation limited. He mostly talked about himself. And at times we used code words and talked in general terms about how our relationship was going to work. Nothing sexual happened between us that evening until the end when we were walking back towards the park and where I had parked my car. Right before he left, he turned as if he was going to shake my hand, but instead just spit in my face and walked away. And he called me later that night again after 11:00 and told me that the meeting that night was designed as a test so that he knew I was for real and that I'd really show up and do what I was told. He also wanted to make sure that I was the guy in the pictures I sent through e-mail. And lastly, he wanted a free dinner. It was a nice restaurant and with drinks, desert and the tip, the bill came to $90.00.

Once again our phone conversation was short and direct. He told me our next meeting would be at my place and I was to email him directions on how to get to my apartment on the south side. That night, I stayed up late emailing him detailed directions and included a map. I also explained where he could safely park his car. Two days passed before I heard from him again. He called again late at night and told me he would be at my place at 8:00 PM the next night. Again I knew I'd be leaving work early. So I made the necessary arrangements and took that whole afternoon off. I cleaned my apartment and went grocery shopping and made sure I had everything he had asked for.

That night I showered and shaved and waited for Christopher to arrive. I was ready early just in case. But my buzzer didn't ring until 8:40. I buzzed him in and opened the door to my third floor apartment. I could hear him walking up the stairs. When he got to my floor he saw me at the door and walked into my apartment without saying anything as I closed and locked the door behind him. A porn video was playing on the vcr. It was one of my foot fetish videos called "Foot Soldiers." Christopher knew I was into feet and he had anyone worship his feet and he was interested in experimenting with that. He told me to get him a beer. I had bought the kind he drinks earlier that day. I returned with the cold beer and found him sitting on the couch watching the video. He took the beer from me and pointed to the floor and I kneeled down in front of him. He told me to lick his boots. They were soft leather hiking boots and they looked relatively new. I licked both of his boots all over and even the bottoms of them, cleaning off what was stuck to them. After a few minutes he told me to take his boots off, and I started with the left. I untied it and pulled it off his foot. Christopher grabbed the boot in one hand in my head in the other, and shoved the boot over my mouth and nose, telling to smell his boots. I inhaled deeply through my nose. The smell of leather was prominent. I wouldn't really get a good dose of his powerful feet until weeks later when I licked his feet after one of his workouts at the gym. That day he was wearing the Nikes he always works out in and they nearly made my eyes water! But this time, I mostly smelled the leather of his boots.

After he pulled the boot away from my face, he replaced it with his socked foot, and it felt warm and damp against my cheeks, nose and lips. Again I was ordered to inhale through my nose. He wanted to hear me smelling his feet. I was then told to take off the other boot, and the same smelling ritual was repeated again. Now I had both socked feet in my face. Christopher reached down and removed his socks. One he balled up and stuffed into my mouth while he rubbed the other sock over my face and under my nose. He was telling me what a sick pathetic pig I was to allow another guy to do this to me and enjoy it at the same time.

After that, I was finally allowed to worship his sweaty bare feet. As I said, I have a foot fetish and I know exactly what to do. So for the next 15 minutes or so, Christopher kicked back, watched the video and let me do my thing. He didn't need to instruct me. I knew this was his first foot worship session, so I did everything with great enthusiasm. I sucked each toe and licked between them at the gunk trapped there. I kissed and licked all over both of his feet. I worked at getting as much of each foot into my mouth. I could get all 5 toes and about the first 3 inches of his feet into my mouth, one at a time. I also sucked both big toes at the same time and laid on my back on the floor and worshipped the bottom of his feet, licking and kissing and even lightly biting at his heels and the balls of his feet.

By this time, the scenes on the video switched from toe sucking to cock sucking and it was making him uncomfortable. He wanted me to turn off that video and put on some straight porn. He wanted to see some pussy fucking. Well, I didn't have any straight porn. I never had a need for it. In the past, I hooked up with plenty of straight guys, and several looked at straight porn video or magazines while I serviced them, but each one provided their own videos or magazines.

He seemed disappointed and a bit angry that I didn't have any straight porn videos. I turned off the TV as he told me I should have some available when he came over. That week I ended up ordering 8 videos off the net that I thought he would like. He ended up keeping 3 of them. The rest I keep for when or other straight guys come over and want to watch them while I service them.

As I returned to the floor at Christopher's feet, he was undoing the button and zipper of his jeans and I watched him as he lowered them down his hips. He lifted up from the couch and slip them down to his knees and then grabbed my head and shoved my face into his crotch. I stuck out my tongue, wanting to lick him, but he wacked me on the back of the head and told me to just smell his crotch. I breathed deeply through my nose and inhaled his scent. He pushed my nose into his balls and he told me he wanted to hear me smelling him. He grabbed his still semi-soft cock and pushed his cockhead against my nose. I could feel the smooth warm skin as his piss slit pressed against my left nostril. I kept inhaling deeply, letting him hear me sniff at his cock. He told n\me to smell his cock over and over. I wanted to taste it so badly. He knew that too, but he was only allowing me to smell him at this point.

He then pushed my head away from his crotch and told me to take his jeans and underwear off the rest of the way. After that, he told me to lay on the floor on my back, while he stood up over me. He placed a foot on either side of me and squatted down, bringing his ass over my face.

At was at this point when Christopher started to get really verbal with me, calling me a sick fucker for licking another guy's ass. He sat on my face and I went to work. Rimming is another fetish of mine and I need little instruction on how to eat ass. Christopher still said things like "Lick my ass" and "suck on my hole," but I was willing doing all that without being told to or having to wait for his directions. I love eating ass. And I really get into. I just don't kiss a guy's hole, I make out with it. And for the next 15 minutes I worked at giving Christopher one hell of a rim job. Twice he farted in my face while I ate his ass. He found that extremely funny.

I could have sucked on his ass all day, but Christopher eventually stood up and walked towards my bathroom. He told me to get him another beer and then meet him in there. When I joined him in the bathroom he was sitting on the toilet. I handed him the beer and again he pointed to the floor and I quickly kneeled in front of him. He then gave me the instruction to lick the floor around the toilet. I had actually just cleaned my entire apartment that afternoon and mopped the floor and cleaned the toilet which turned out to be good, because licking up my own piss off the floor isn't exactly appealing. But I enjoy licking up other guy's piss. I've licked bathroom floors in other guy's apartments and more than one time I guy I was with had me licking floor in public restrooms. But today, in my own bathroom, I was mostly tasting the cleaner I used to mop the floor. But Christopher seemed to be enjoying me lick the floor, and he probably didn't think it was as clean as it actually was.

He leaned down and had his hand on my head as I did what he told me. He then told me to follow his finger as he pointed his way from the floor up the toilet bowl, and I licked all the way to the seat where his cock was resting. He had gotten hard while I was rimming him before, but he had gotten soft again. The reason why was because he needed to piss, and like most guys, he can't pee when his cock is hard. So, after I had licked everything the way he wanted, he stood up and pushed me back. He told me to close my eyes and open my mouth. I did that as I knelt in front of him. About a minute passed before I felt him starting to piss on me. It hit me right in the chest and then on my chin and side of my face. I heard Christopher chuckle and he said "Whoops" like this was an accident, but I knew he was pissing on me on purpose. I kept my mouth open and eventually he directed the stream of piss into my mouth and I enjoyed the feeling of my mouth filling up with his piss. I closed my mouth to swallow as he continued to piss, the stream splashing on my face and running down the front of my t-shirt. I opened my mouth again and Christopher stepped forward and put his dick in my mouth. I closed my lips around it and took the rest of his piss load. I was like a baby drinking from a bottle. He pissed a lot for only drinking two beers, so I figured he must have drank a lot of water before he got to my place.

When he finished pissing in my mouth, I just held his cock in my mouth and waited for his next directive. I finally heard the words I was waiting for, "Suck me off, faggot!" This was it. My reward for doing everything I had been ordered to do. His cock was throbbing as it once again filled with blood. I didn't get a good look at it before when he was hard because his ass was over my face. But as it grew in my mouth, I was feeling it's width and length. It wasn't a huge cock, but still bigger than average. It was about 7.5 inches and capped by a flared mushroom head. Christopher stepped back a little and began moving his hips back and forth. He was only thrusting the first 3 inches of his cock in and out of his mouth, and each time he withdrew, my lips caught the flared ridge of his head, and several times his cockhead popped out from between my lips with a wet smack.

Again, Christopher started to get very verbal, telling me to suck him, to eat his meat, and he was calling me fag and cocksucker and pig and freak, all of the same names he called me on the phone and in his emails. He grabbed onto the back of my head and started thrusting harder now, until his cockhead was now banging the back of my throat, but not going down it. He kept that up for a while and his breathing was getting deep and heavy and to me it sounded like he was close to coming. Then he stopped and pulled out of my mouth. He looked down at me and spit on my face. He then told me to crawl into my bedroom. He followed me and at one point put his foot on my butt and shoved me to get me moving faster. When we got into the bedroom he told me to get up on the bed and to hang my head off the edge of it. We had talked about this position in some of our phone calls and it was one of my favorites because a guy standing over me in that position can fuck hard and deep. And that's what Christopher did!

But before we got to that, he made me suck and lick his balls. They hung over my face and I worked them with my lips and tongue until Christopher was ready to throat fuck me. But before I got that pleasure, I had to beg for his cock. Just like in his first email he wrote to me, he said he wanted to hear me begging to suck another guy's cock. I blushed as I pathetically begged him to fuck me in the mouth. From here out it was all business as he positioned himself over and began ramming his cock in to me, this time all the way down my throat. I gagged and choked some but it only made him fuck faster and harder. I've been in this position before and I have good control over my gag reflex and breathing, so I was quickly able to adjust to his rhythm and take his fuck. It felt incredible as it always does to be in that position. But it ended way to soon. It only lasted about 10 minutes which is a "quickie' by comparison to some of our later sessions that lasted over an hour sometimes. But it was a week night and both of us had to work the next day and Christopher still had a 45 minute drive back to the north side.

When he came, he held his cock deep in my throat and just let his cum fly. He was quieter than I expected, grunting softly and breathing hard. After he pulled out, he wiped his cock on my face. He didn't say anything for a while. But after a while he just told me to stay there on the bed until he told me to move. He walked out of the bedroom and into the bathroom. I heard him running water. Next he walked into the living room and I could hear him getting dressed. A minute later I heard him unlock the door, walk out and slam it shut. I laid there on my bed in the position he left me in for a half hour, just savoring the taste of his piss and cock in my mouth and reliving all the things I did at his command.

I eventually got up, got undressed and took a shower. I kept the piss soaked shirt in the bathroom and let it dry over the shower curtain rod. Later, I used it to jack off. I smelled it and sucked on it. As my spit soaked into it, the dried piss reliquified and tasted stronger than when I drank it right from his cock.

I emailed Christopher the next day and thanked him for coming over and begged for another visit. He wrote back and told me he'd contact me when he was ready to hook up again. He did call a week later and told me he liked my enthusiasm. I told him I would do anything for him and he told me that I should be careful saying that.

We have hooked up several times in the past 16 months. I have several more stories to share about some of the kinky shit he made me do. But I also have other true stories to tell, so there will be plenty of more chapters to come.

NOTE: I'm open to all comments and questions. Feel free to contact me at I respond to every email I get. I'm also open to meeitng. So if you are interested in hooking up send me a message. I live in Chicago but travel a lot. No place is too far for me to consider. So, contact me if you are interested in meeting or want more information.

Next: Chapter 6

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