
By Chicago Sucker

Published on Feb 2, 2003


Dear Archive Master: the following is the next installment in my series. you have it under the authoritarian section under the title "cocksucker" please add this to my series. thanks.

True Stories of a Cocksucker Part 21: Messaging Mike

Submitted by

NOTE: This story is a little different from some of my other stories. It describes a cyber sex relationship I have developed recently. We talk almost every night and plan to meet up for the "real thing," and when we do you can bet I'll post that experience here on the archive. But I wanted to tell you about my nightly chats with this guy. It's part of my life as a cocksucker to be online advertising my services, placing personal ads, cruising chat rooms, trying to get some quality hook ups. I figured it was another way to share other experiences from my real life with those of you who have been loyal readers of the 20 chapters that preceded this one. And a bonus for you is that there is an additional story included in this installment. I debated whether or not I should include this as part of this series, seeing that everything I have posted so far are real, true accounts of experiences I have had. While the first part of this chapter is just that, the second half, which is this bonus story I referred to, is a fantasy story of what "could" happen "if" I meet this guy in person. I wrote the story at his request, and in the end, decided that I would indeed add it to my series here on the nifty archive. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me at my main address ( or at one of my overflow accounts (, or


I met this guy online after he came across my profile and was interested in chatting. His name is Mike and he lives way down in Alabama. Well, I'm in Chicago, so the chances of us meeting soon are slim. But we do plan to meet. See, Mikey is only 16. Yeah, I know, I might be breaking the law just chatting with him online. (Anyone out there familiar with legal consent laws? I know they are different for some states.) So why am I putting myself at risk for an under-aged boy? He's got a 10 inch cock! He posted some pictures on his web profile. And he's straight, but curious. He's had little sexual experience with girls his own age and says a lot of them are intimidated by his cock size. He's never done anything with a guy, but is considering it, especially since his profile pictures get him a lot of attention. Lately Mike and I have been talking a lot on instant messanger. Sometimes every night. He likes to jerk off while we chat and he asks we to describe things I can do to him. He's really into my ability to take big cock. I've told him about my 11" buddy back in college, and Mike has read all of the chapters I posted about my true experiences as a cocksucker. So, usually at late at night, when he's alone in his room, he comes online, lately just looking for me. And of course I'm making every effort to be home and online during our regular chat time.

If I log on and he's been waiting for me, he sends me an instant message and is always happy I'm online to chat. Other times I wait for him to log on, and wait for him to send the first message. We have maybe a minute or two of small talk which usually results in me typing something like, "so how are you tonight, mikey?" and his typical response is "real horny. want to help me get off?" We both usually set our online status to "away" or "invisible" but have that if either of us are in this mode we can still see when the other is online and send messages. It's one of those advanced features for instant messaging. So while we are talking, the rest of the people on out "buddy lists" don't see that we are online. That way, we have no distractions and we can keep our attention focused on one thing: getting him off. I don't do cyber sex for myself ever. I've never jerked off while talking to someone. I get hard, sure, and leak precum, and usually drool as I think about sucking cock, but I don't whip out my own cock and get myself off in the process. If you've read my series of true stories, you know a lot about me by now. And you know that sex for me, is usually very one-sided. When I'm servicing a man, 100% of my attention and energy goes into pleasuring him. I'm not at all interested in getting off. I've found that I'm a rare breed of cocksucker. Most guys I know who suck cock like to jerk themselves off at the same time. If I did that, it would be like I was putting my pleasure first. Like the main event is me jacking off and sucking cock while I do it is just helping me get off. I jerk off 2 to 5 times a day and it feels great. But I've discovered that suppressing my own pleasure while I'm servicing another guy, and focusing everything on getting him off, that when he does cum, his orgasm, to me, feels 100 times better than my own. Getting a guy off, and knowing that I was just used in the process, is the ultimate feeling of pleasure for me. Taking time and energy away from this process just to jerk myself off would lessen the pleasure for me and for the guy I'm with.

So, as in real life, my rules hold for cyber sex. When Mikey comes online looking for me and he wants to get off, I'm committed to devoting my time and energy on him completely. Once we establish our initial contact at night through instant messages, we usually switch over to the chat mode. It's kind of like Mike's way of saying, "ok, enough small talk, lets get down to business." I always get a surge of excitement running through me whenever the little message screen pops up with "mike invites you to enter a private chat" and I quickly click my mouse and accept the invitation. Once in the chat mode, like I said, all the small talk and pretenses are over. Mike usually starts with something like "on your knees, faggot!" He knows enough about me to know that I like this kind of talk. And through our chats, I've opened Mike's eyes and he has discovered that he likes being in control, that he likes to be the center of attention, that he likes to be aggressive, and above all, even though no one has ever done this for him in real life yet, he knows he wants his cock deepthroated all the way, and he knows he wants to experience fucking a throat will long, deep and sometimes fast and rough thrusts. He promises me that I'll be the first guy he does this with in real life. He wants to meet me, but he knows the distance is a big problem, not to mention the age thing. But he told me he's applying to a few different colleges, and in 2 years he'll be 18 and on his own and we'll definitely meet then if not before then. He's interested in attending the University of Wisconsin. He laughed when I pointed out the irony of that being a "Big 10" school and that if he went there, he'd give that a whole new meaning . But when he discovered that I live only blocks from Northwestern University in the north suburbs of Chicago, he decided he wants to apply there as well, and the possibilities that would open have not been overlooked by either of us: "instead of doing this online every night," he typed, "you'd be walking over to my dorm room." I'm seriously considering putting some serious cash aside and offering him a "scholarship" that would make it easier for him to choose Northwestern. It's a hell of a lot more expensive than the University of Wisconsin. And I'd gladly help foot the bill in exchange for a nightly throat fucking session and unlimited access to that big cock!

Let me tell you a little more about our nightly chats so you can better understand why I'm obsessing over this boy. Once we switch over to chat mode and Mike establishes his authority by typing something like "on your knees faggot," he follows with something like, "man, i'm so horny. my dick is really hard right now. you should see it. it's actually throbbing." that's when I make the offer to help him out. I ask him if he has any preferences for the night, and he usually lets me come up with a good scene and I just start typing him a story. At first, he might type back a few comments about what I wrote, like "nice!" or "change your position and now be on my bed on you back and hanging your head off the end." We take clues from each other. This is Mike's way of telling me to raise the intensity of the story. Whenever I'm on my back, we both know some serious throat pounding is coming.

As the story progresses and the action intensifies, Mike no longer types back until after he cums. Usually we have a debriefing session in which Mike describes his climax in somewhat graphic detail. I always get a play by play of his orgasm with particular attention given to describing his cum: how much he shot, how many spurts, how far they shot. Sometimes Mike stands up as he nears climax and points his cock away from his computer and then I get a report about how his load shot all over the floor. But most of the time Mike sits in his chair in front of his computer, reading the screen and jerking. I then get a report about him shooting his cum so hard that the first several shots flew over his head. He then describes the cum that landed on his chest: how much, how thick, what color, and if it has a strong smell. He's very proud of his big cock and his ability to shoot massive cum loads with considerable force and velocity. It must be an incredible sight watching him blow!

Sometimes after his climax he's ready to sign off and get to bed. But also at times, especially on weekends, he stays up a lot later and we sometimes chat for hours, even sometimes all night until the sun comes up and he finally says he needs to get to bed. I always enjoy it when he decides to stay up and talk more. Sometimes it leads to more cyber sex. After he cums for the first time, and after he has described his load and orgasm to me in great detail, he usually types "brb" letting me know he wants me to stay online longer. A minute or two later he is back. He usually tells me that he went to clean up and took a piss. Sometimes he tells me his cock is still hard while he pissed. He says that sometimes he can't un-bone and needs to jerk off again before he can fall asleep. And sometimes he allows me the chance to get him off again. We usually talk about things like "if you were here, I wouldn't have to go clean up" and I might type back, "why's that?" and he'd answer, "cuz I would have shot that load right down your faggot throat!" sometimes we talk about the clean up, like me describing how I'd lick the cum off his chest and face, and he was particularly intrigued when I described how I'd even eat his cum off the floor if that's where he shot it. And we toy with the idea of him mailing his cum to me cuz he says "if you like cum so much, and you want to eat mine, it shouldn't be going to waste here on my floor!"

Sometimes we talk about the stories and some of the things that I typed. Mike likes when I add a lot of detail, things like me describing the feel of his balls sapping my chin (when I'm kneeling) or my eyes (when I'm on my back with my head off the edge of the bed), and also how they sound slapping my face. He likes it when I describe what I'm going through when he is fucking my throat, saying things like. "and as you start fucking my throat harder and faster, I gag with every thrust" or when I describe my eyes watering or me choking. He really likes it when I describe any pain of physical discomfort I am experiencing, and I usually say something like "even though my throat is sore and raw, and my jaw feels like it is going to break because you are slamming into me so hard, I don't want you to stop...I want you to fuck my throat even harder. I don't care if you are hurting me, I only care about getting you off and making you feel good, even if it means you have to pin me down and rape my throat until you are done." One time, after we finished and he cleaned up and we were chatting, he asked if I really liked it that rough and if I'd really let him do these things to me. When I told him "yes" he confided a secret to me: that he has thought about rape before with girls. He doesn't have that much sexual experience yet, but he has had sex a few times. And every time the girl would say it hurt when he tried to get up her pussy. He said it always turns him on more when they say that and he's wanted to just tell a bitch to shut up and take it and then just give her a good hard fuck and let her scream. But he knows he can't do that. He usually ends up not being able to fuck the girl at all, and a few girls have given him head, but they only lick or suck the head and he has to use his hands to jerk the rest of his cock. And no girl has ever swallowed his load. And sadly, most of his sex life with girls only involves kissing and tit play and sometimes if he's in the mood he'll finger her or even eat her out. He said he used to do that with his best friend's older sister. But when he jerks off, his fantasies always involve way more, and sometimes, like he said, it involves rape because he just, for once, wants a bitch to take his whole cock either in her mouth or in her cunt.

And it must be an awesome sight to watch Mike jerk off. He told me what he usually does. He likes to use hand cream for lube, and he uses both hands to fist his cock. He likes to lay on his back on his bed and just take his time doing it. He said it can take as long as an hour or more, but if he's real horny or in a hurry he gets it done in10 minutes. He said he usually slides his lubed fists up and down his cock, one hand working the head and the other going up and down his shaft. Some times he lays on his on his stomach, propped up on some pillows, and he fucks his cock into his lubed fist by thrusting his hips. He said he usually does it that way when he is home alone, because it makes a lot of noise cuz he really gets into the thrusting and his bed moves and sometimes bangs against the wall. But a lot of times when he is chatting with me, he'll either stand or sit in a chair, and hold his lubed fists together, one of top of the other. Then he thrusts his hips back and forth while keeping his fists still, giving him the sensation of fucking a pussy, which when he is fantasizing about a girl it's her pussy, but when he's talking with me, his fists are my throat. And I've taught him to visualize that the first fist (the one closest to him and the first one he penetrates with his cock) is my mouth, and that when his cock pushes through his second clenched and lubed fist, that would be the same as his cock entering my throat. One of the hottest things he wrote in one of our chat sessions was when he described how he can visualize me on his bed and that his left fist is my mouth and his right fist is my throat, and he said he concentrates on the sensation of fucking his cock in and out of his right fist, imagining that is the entrance to my throat, and that when he reaches that point he thinks about the extra amount of force he will need to put into his thrust in order to stretch my throat muscles and really get his cock in all the way. He also said that when his cockhead comes out the other end of the fist he is visualizing as my throat, there is still 3 more inches he can thrust before his balls would reach my chin.

Another thing Mike likes about the things I write, is that I use what he tells me about himself in the scenes I write for him. Writing about him going to Northwestern and what it would be like if I came to his dorm room every night is one example of this. Another example is when we were talking about exercising and working out. He uses the weight room at school and he plays soccer, so he's in really great shape. We were talking about what we do when we work out and how much he exercises, and he told me he does at least 100 push ups every morning, and could probably do more than that. Of course I immediately saw me on his bedroom floor with him doing his pushups above me while I gave him head, and I later weaved this into a story line one night, and it is a theme that we use often. Many times Mike will type, "i'm gonna do my push ups now. get on the floor!" and I then describe what happens, even to the point of counting out the number of pushups as he does them above me: "'re building up a good're going to make me lick all the sweat off of you...52...53...54...the back of my mouth is getting sore where your cockhead keeps banging into it...55...56... you're bruising my throat and you're only half way done with your pushups...57...58..."

You get the idea! Mike likes it when I use anything real about him in the scenes. For another example, we talked about things we like to do for fun, and he told me he likes to go camping and hiking. We even talked about meeting up to spend a weekend in the woods together. He asked me to write about what would happen if we did go camping together. So I wrote this story for him to jerk off to. Sometimes there are nights, even several in a row, where one or the other of us can't be online to chat. So, I told Mike I'd write up some stories he could use on his own whenever he wanted. I also told him I would post the story here on the nifty archive and he gave me permission to write about him.

So, here's the story...


(A story for my buddy, Mike)

You and I like to go camping, right Mike? We go as often as we can during the summer. We like to go hiking and explore the woods and the nearby caves and caverns. We also like to swim in the rivers and lakes. We both enjoy the outdoors. But we also like the idea of camping itself. Building the campfire, sleeping in the tent, cooking over the fire. We like spending time together alone. Usually I pick you up late Friday afternoons and we head out for one of the camp areas not too far away. There are many secluded spots to set up camp. We need our privacy.

We arrive at our camp and the first thing to do is get the tent up. It's a small 2-man tent. Not a lot of room in there. But that's ok. We've set it up many times before so it only takes a few minutes. We take our sleeping bags, pillows and travel bags from the truck and take them inside the tent. It's crowded. We keep bumping into each other as we spread out our sleeping bags and find a place for our luggage. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the memories of all the fun we had together in this tent that has me thinking. Or maybe it's the fact that I haven't seen you since last weekend and all I could do for the past 5 days was think about you. Mostly, it's being this close to you. Touching you. Smelling you. Whatever it is, I'm very horny already. You are still unrolling your sleeping bag when I move towards you, jump on you and pin you down. We both laugh and as I look you in the eyes I tell you I want it. I can't wait until tonight. I need some now. You smile at my enthusiasm. You lay back and relax and just tell me to go for it. You always give me what I want.

I waste no time as my hands work to open the button and fly on your jean shorts. I pull at your t-shit and push it up over your hard flat stomach. It's been a great summer. Today was sunny and hot. You've been sweating some and your underwear are warm and damp as I pull your shorts down. Your cock is starting to grow. I push my face into your crotch and inhale the smell. I start to kiss and lick and suck on your underwear. That really gets the blood pumping to your cock and it swells and grows until it makes a tent out of your underwear. I laugh and say we got both tents up quick this weekend!

We both laugh, but then I turn real serious again. Cuz I wasn't kidding when I said I needed it bad. I practically rip your underwear in two as I get excited at the thought of seeing your big hard dick again. Oh man. And there it is. It's still not all the way erect. It's such a big cock it takes a while to get all the blood pumped down there to make it hard. I kiss and lick your cock and feel it pulsing as the blood pumps into it. I lick and lick and kiss and enjoy the taste, the feel, the smell of your cock. Well, Mike, before you told me to just go for that's what I'm gonna do. I open wide.

I wrap my lips tightly around the head of your cock and start to suck. My tongue swirls and twirls around the underside. Your cock throbs in my mouth. It feels so hot, so hard, so good. I suck harder. I begin to take in more of your cock. Getting as much of it into my mouth as I can. I'm so excited by the taste and feel of you in my mouth, I'm drooling like crazy. My spit mixes with your precum and your cock becomes very wet and slippery. I've been missing this all week, so there's no doubt that I need it bad. I know there will be plenty time later tonight to go slow and really work my mouth and throat for you, but right now I'm fixated on getting you off quick. I want the rush I get from making you cum. I want to get high on your hot sperm. The more of it I eat, the more I crave it and need it. My head bobs up and down faster. My lips keeping a tight grip on your shaft. I'm really working up a strong suction as I move my mouth up and down on your cock. My tongue and lips work over your head as I suck and lick and kiss and slurp on it. I grab your balls and give them a light squeeze as I suck as hard as I can. Moving my head up and down, faster and faster. Taking as much of your cock into my mouth as I can. You just lay there and let me do my thing. You don't try to hold it back. When you feel the urge, you let loose with a huge load of hot cum. I pull up and catch it in my mouth. It sprays across my tongue. It covers the roof of my mouth. I slurp it, suck it, play with your thick cum. My mouth is full. I take my mouth off your cock and look at you. You are smiling as I open my mouth to show you the huge load you gave me. Then, with a smile, I swallow it all down it two big gulps. I lick my lips. Mmmmmm that was good! And I lick up the cum from your cock. I don't want to miss one drop. You're still breathing hard. I just lay my head on your stomach and look up into your face and I say "thank you" for feeding me your cum. You know I love it. You know I want it. You know I need it. I'm addicted to it. I'm like a drug addict. I'm hooked on you, Mike! I then get a great idea. Hey Mike, lets see how many times I can get you off this weekend. Let's see, it's 4 o'clock now. That gives us 50 hours before you have to be back home on Sunday night. If I could, I'd suck you off at least once every hour Mike, but I doubt if my mouth and throat can take that much fucking. It will sure be fun trying though. How bout this, you just let me know when you feel like trying to get off again and I will do whatever I can to help you. You're a young, horny buck. You should be able to fuck almost nonstop all weekend! Lets plan for once and hour and see how far we get. Oh man, I can hardly wait until 5:00 gets here!

"Why wait?" You say with a smile. I lift my head from your stomach and turn back to see your hand rubbing your still hard cock. I guess all this talk of me being addicted to you and getting high on your cum, and talking about wanting to try and see how many times I can get you off this weekend has got you excited again. You're such a horny sixteen year old! It's no wonder why I call you my best friend. You never let me down.

I scoot down to lay between your legs, and once again I reach for your 10" cock and wrap my tight fists around it. It still feels wet from the spit shine I gave you just minutes before. I start jerking you off as my mouth goes to lick and suck on your balls. With my tongue, I hope to work up another big hot load of sperm to eat. I lick madly and suck on each of your big nuts. They feel so hot and hard. And the smell is absolutely incredible. A musky, sweaty smell that drives me wild. God could strike me blind tomorrow and if I had to be guided to find my way around in life, I'd always know right where I am whenever I smelled Mikey's hot crotch. Nothing in this world smells better or turns me on more. When I'm between your legs I know I am right where I want to be...right where I belong.

I keep mouthing your balls and drooling on them, getting them good and wet. My hands keep pumping your cock. I grip tighter. I pump faster. I keep licking and sucking your nuts. I start to hear those familiar groans coming from deep in your throat. The groans and moans that tell me what I'm doing to you is making you feel so good. That's like a major goal in my life: making you feel good. It's almost as important to me as my other major goal; eating as much of your cum as I can get out of you. And you know I'll do anything to get it too!

My fists pump faster now and you begin to squirm. Your let out louder moans and I know you are getting ready to shoot. My mouth leaves your balls and I now begin licking your cockhead. It oozes with precum and I swirl my tongue to clean up every drop. I push my tongue inside your piss slit. I close my lips tightly around your cockhead and start to suck hard. My fists begin to fly faster as I pump your big hard rod. I hold just your cockhead in my mouth and suck on it hard. Twisting my lips around it. Swirling my tongue inside my mouth. Driving you wild. And I get my reward for a blowjob well done. Another mouthful of your hot cum. This load isn't as big as the first one, but it's just as hot, thick and delicious! I gulp down every drop and continue to suck you dry. Thanks again Mike. I look at my watch. It's a quarter after four. Well, I got you off twice in the first 15 minutes! COOL! And although I don't say anything, you look into my eyes and you know exactly what I'm thinking: I can't wait until 5 o'clock!

After a moment of rest, I suggest we set up the rest of camp. We also need to collect some wood so we can fix supper and build a fire for the night. We get the rest of our campsite organized and then head off on a trail through the woods to gather some wood to start a fire. We collect a lot of sticks and small logs for kindling. We're gonna need some bigger logs once the fire gets going. We bring what we have collected back to the camp and then set off to collect more. We find a few larger logs and we take them back to camp. You don't think we have enough so you suggest we go out one more time. I follow you for a while along the trail. Soon, you turn off the trail and start off thru the woods. "There should be some bigger logs out here", you say. I keep following. We walk up a small embankment and then down the other side and into a small clearing. I stop to look up at the sky to see how much daylight we have left. I don't want to get caught off the trail when it starts to get dark. When I look down from the sky I see you walking yet several yard ahead of me...and then you stop. "Over here" you yell. I quickly try to catch up to you. As I walk up behind you I ask if you found some logs for the fire. "Yeah, I got a log for you," you say, and you turn to show me the hard on you've been stroking. You look at me with a smile and tell me it's 5 o'clock. I smile back and drop to my knees.

This is turning into one of our best camping trips ever. I swirl my tongue around my lips to make them wet, then I stick out my tongue and open my mouth wide. I'm ready for you. You know me well enough to know what this means. I want to be fucked in the face. I just want to kneel here with my mouth open and tongue out and let you push your cock in and out. You step forward and just touch your cockhead to the tip of my tongue. Then your hands move to hold the back of my head. I've dreamed about this many times and it's such a hot scene. I look up into your eyes as you look down into mine, both of us thankful for the gifts we are about to receive. You give me your big hard cock and all your hot cum. I give you my mouth and throat to use for your pleasure. We just stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds. Suddenly a crow calls from high above in the trees, and as if it were the starting pistol at the beginning of a marathon, you start to push forward. Your cockhead enters my mouth. I tighten my lips. I feel your grip on the back of my head tighten as you push me forward, bringing me closer to you while you lean into me. I feel your hot cock slide over my tongue. I feel it reach the back of my mouth; I feel it start down my throat. You don't stop until your balls press against my chin and your pubes tickle my nose. With your big cock so deep like that I can't breath, so you pull back and allow me to catch a few quick breaths before you plunge it back deep down my throat. Man, I love that sensation. For me, getting a cock down the throat feels so good. It feels better to me to be sucking a cock than it does to have mine sucked. If I cold have your cock down my throat all the time I'd truly be a happy camper!

You begin to push your cock in and out of my throat, moving slow and easy. Enjoying the feel of my clenching throat muscles as they massage the head of your cock each time you push it as deep as it can go. When your balls press against my face, I stick out my tongue and lick at them. I'm in heaven as your long, thick cock moves in and out of my throat. Your hands hold the back of my head as you thrust with your hips. I keep my eyes open and stare up at your face as you feed me your cock. You have a look of extreme pleasure on your face. You tilt your head back and roll your eyes and moan loudly as I flex my throat muscles, squeezing them tight around your cock. We've done this so many times I'm used to it so I don't gag much. I do if you go too fast. But for now you're happy just pumping my face slow and easy. I think about what the two of us must look like together. It would make a hell of a porn movie, that's for sure. I know it would be one I'd watch.

You're moaning louder now. And your hands grip my head harder. Every now and then your knees buckle. I can tell you are getting close to cumming. But I don't want this to end. Taking your cock this deep feels so good to me. You have one of the biggest cocks I ever sucked on. I could do this all day. You are definitely my favorite cock to suck and you're my best fuck buddy. I am so lucky to have you as my friend.

As I'm thinking about how lucky I am, you slump forward and your cock sinks deep down my throat. You moan loud and your body shakes as I feel your hot load of sperm shoot in my throat. Your cock is so far down my throat I don't even have to swallow. Oh god, what a feeling! Like hot lava slowly pouring down to my stomach. You hold your cock deep down my throat until every drop of cum has been pumped out. You always have such huge loads of cum. This is the third time you've fed me a load since we got here and this load is just as big as the first one! You're amazing! Your big young balls are a regular cum factory. Already they are working on the next load you're gonna feed me and I can't wait!

You shake your hips as if to force out the last few drops of cum and then lean back and slowly pull your cock from my throat. I keep my lips tightly closed. I feel your cockhead leave my throat and then glide along my tongue. You pull it out through my lips and it pops out with a loud wet smack. I take a few gasps of air. With your cock that deep I can't breathe. But I can hold my breath a few minutes. I've trained myself to cuz I know you like your cock deep like that when you cum sometimes, and because I want to please you, I practice controlling my breathing and holding my breath so that you don'y have to pull your cock out of my throat the whole time you are cumming. You know I'd do anything for you. I really don't care if I can't breathe. All that matters is that I make you feel good. And making you feel good makes me feel good. Your pleasure is my pleasure.

I help you tuck your cock back into your shorts, knowing I'll see it again in an hour. Man this was a great idea. I don't know how long we can keep it going all weekend, but damn, so far it's been awesome.

We find the trail that leads back to camp. We even stop for some actual wood, and we now have plenty to last us through tonight. Tomorrow we can look for more if we need to I wonder what you'll surprise me with then?

Back at camp, you prepare the fire while I get started on supper. I had stopped off at the grocery store before picking you up and filled up two coolers. One is full of beer and a few cans of pop. The other cooler has our food. I bought steaks, hamburger, hotdogs, and all the stuff that goes with them. Tonight we'll eat the hotdogs. I love to poke them onto a stick and just roast them over the fire. I ask if you want a beer. Hell yeah, you answer, and I bring one to you. You have been arranging the wood for the fire. Your face and arms glisten with sweat. Your t-shirt clings to your chest. I love looking at you.

You get the fire going and I get the food ready. We talk and laugh as we cook our food and just enjoy each other's company. I really enjoy spending time with you, Mike. It's not just the sex. I like everything about you and I'm glad I have you as a friend.

Our food is ready and it's time to eat. It's also 6:00 and you tell me it's time to get you off again. You say you want a hand job this time. You want me to jerk you off while I eat. When I'm done, then I can eat my food. That's what I like about you Mike, you're creative. Always thinking of new things. It's never boring with you. We sit next to each other and my hands move to get at your cock. It aint hard, but by the time I get it out of your pants it's starting to grow. I work my hands over your shaft and balls and my fingers pull and pinch your cockhead. Your dick throbs in my hands as it gets big and hard. You just sit there and enjoy your meal as I enjoy pumping your cock. I vary my strokes and work different areas. I massage your balls too. I rub the smooth underside of your dick. I use the precum oozing from your cock as lube as I rub the head of your cock. Your cock is so big my two hands can't even cover it all. Man, you are amazing. Who can blame me for being so cock crazy over you?

As you finish eating my hands begin to pump faster. I grip harder. I start to pump you good. You tilt your head back and moan as I work your meat. Your legs shake and now and then you buck your hips up. I know later you'll be using those powerful hips to ram my throat. But for now I enjoy watching how your body reacts to what I'm doing to you with my hands. I enjoy giving you pleasure. You have no idea how cool it is getting you off. You don't know what it does to me.

After a few more minutes of jerking you, I sense you are getting close to cumming. You ask for my plate of food. I hand it to you with one hand, keeping the other hand stroking on you. You hold my plate near your cock and tell me to point it at my food. OH MAN MIKEY! I do and I pump you hard and fast and you blow your load all over my plate. Another impressive load. Man, your balls produce a lot of cum! You laugh when you see the goo covering my food. "Now you can eat," you tell me. You smile as you watch me devour my food. Everything tastes better with your special sauce Mike! You smile and laugh cuz you know I'd do anything you ask me to. You like having that power over me. It turns us both on.

How many is that you ask? Four, I say. Yeah, four...that's right...far from a record tho, you say. Yeah, but it's not bad seeing we've only been here a few hours, I say. I can't wait to see what's next.

We just sit around the fire talking, thinking, drinking beer. The sun is setting and the darkened woods are beginning to still for the night.

To be continued...

A FINAL THOUGHT: Please be careful when interacting with anyone on the Internet who is under the age of 18. Mike's profile lists his age as 19 and when he first contacted me, he told me he was 19. It wasn't until after several days before he told me his real age. At first he said he needed to tell me something about himself that I might not like. He asked what I'd think if he wasn't 19. And of course I immediately thought he was gonna tell me he was 60 years old or something. Instead, he said, "what if I'm not even 18 yet?" and I told him not to worry. He didn't want me to stop talking to him. So even though I was, and still am taking a risk interacting with a minor, I decided to continue talking with him. I've heard about law enforcement being online and arresting people who arrange to meet minors for sex, but I knew this wasn't the case here. A cop would never create a profile that had the age listed as 18 or older if they were setting up a sting to catch child molesters. And it would be entrapment for a cop to claim to be of age at one point, engage in several days of cyber sex, and then admit to being under-aged. I had every reason to believe the person I was chatting with was 19 years old based on what he said at first and on the age listed in his profile. Besides, we haven't done anything more than just talk at this time. And until I know for sure what the legal age limits are for the state of Alabama, I won't be meeting Mike until he is 18. I've added this final thought here for two reasons: one is to serve as a disclaimer that I am not suggesting, encouraging or condoning any type of inappropriate interaction between adults and minors; the second reason is to let everyone know that I am well aware of the risk I am taking and no one needs to email me to tell me to be careful or to share with me their stories of people they know who have been arrested for meeting minors through the internet. This story has been posted here for personal use and entertainment purposes only.

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