
By Chicago Sucker

Published on Jan 22, 2003


True Stories From a Cocksuker, Chapter 20 (Travis, Part 3) Submitted by:

Travis (Part 3)

NOTE: After a long absence, I am finally back to share more of my true experiences of my life as a cocksucker. These are true stories about encounters I have had with real people. I invite any comments or questions that anyone cares to share with me. I am particularly interested in meeting superior, dominant, aggressive, non-reciprocating top men who, when reading my stories, could easily see themselves as one of the guys I write about. If you are interested in meeting and "putting me to the test" let me know. I'm in Chicago but I travel frequently. However, I will answer all emails, even from other cocksuckers like myself who simply want to ask me a question or share some of their own true experiences with me. Those of you who have emailed me in the past know that I always reply. My email address is (or you can also write to me at one of my "overflow" mailboxes: or I hope to hear from some of you.

TRAVIS (Part 3)

This is the third chapter focusing on a young stud I met who lives a few cities north of Milwaukee. When I first met Travis, he was only 19. On our first meeting he spent 4 days with me in Chicago over a Thanksgiving Holiday. And after spending those four days together, we had gotten pretty close, and as our relationship progressed, we evolved and developed some fairly defined roles. Young Travis, a horny stud in the midst of his sexual peak, was exploring and testing out his dominant side. And I was more than happy to help him develop it further and was constantly pleased and sometimes amazed at his progress. And I take credit for drawing that part of his personality out of him and for introducing him to some new physical pleasures and the added psychological thrill of being superior to an inferior male like myself. I don't think I experienced more sexual activity over a four day period than during that Thanksgiving with Travis. If I wasn't sucking his cock and swallowing a hot load, or on the receiving end of an intense throat fuck, then I was eating his ass, licking his shaved nut sack, or sucking his toes. He was naked or nearly naked most of the time we were hanging out at my place. So, if we weren't involved in some sexual activity, he kept me busy by making me give him back rubs and full body massages, or he'd just be naked walking around in front of me knowing full well that I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. And even once when we were just watching tv, and he sat naked next to me on the couch (I was clothed) and he just took my hand and wrapped it around his cock (he wasn't hard) and without saying a word or even looking at me, he let me know that he just wanted me to hold his dick while we watched tv. And that's what I did. Later this developed to doing stuff like this in public! But I'm getting ahead of my story.

This chapter picks up the following December, it's New Year's Eve to be exact. I was on my way to meet Travis in Milwaukee. He invited me to a rave dance at a place called "The Rave" in Milwaukee. You'll remember that Travis is into all that techno dance music, and he definitely liked to dance. Me, on the other hand, I'm not much into dancing or music that is just continuous, repetitious driving beat with a heavy base line and few, if any, lyrics. But I wasn't going on this trip to go to a rave. I was going to have sex with Travis. I knew it, he knew it, I didn't try to hide it. And Travis took every opportunity to remind me what I was and what I was after. For the entire month since we had spent that first long weekend together over Thanksgiving, I could hardly think of anything else.

But just in case I wasn't thinking about it enough, Travis kept my email box full of dirty emails complete with pictures he had taken with his digital camera. Usually one or two a day. Sometimes the email was just a picture. But most of the time he included a caption. For one of these pictures he managed to lay on his bed on his back, lift his legs and bend his knees to his chest, spread his ass cheeks and capture a nice close up of his pink, puckered shit hole. The caption read, "wanna make out?" It was a reference to the time when Travis and I were on my couch kissing.

He, of course, is a great kisser. And me being this huge oral freak, I'm into making out. Travis definitely took the lead in our make out sessions, usually grabbing my head with one or both hands and he'd just suck on my face. It was hot just being passive and letting him do his thing. He used a lot of tongue. Well, this one time when we were making out and he was really getting into it, he finally stopped and told me that he wanted me to make out with his ass. I loved hearing guys describe rimming that way! He kissed me once more, deep and aggressive, his tongue all over mine, before springing into action to get naked. As I write this I can still see him pulling off his underwear and saying, "Fuck yeah, you're gonna kiss my ass just like I was kissing you..." and he was then on the couch, legs up, knees close to his chest, and I was getting into position, into the place where I belonged.

Travis is blonde, light blonde, and completely smooth ALL OVER. I mean, what little hair he did have he shaved most of the time. I've never seen him with pubes even, or armpit hair for that matter. He preferred to be completely smooth and he looked good that way. I've sucked lots of ass, both before and after Travis, and some of them have been pretty hairy. And I have no problem with that at all. But I have never found an ass more beautiful than the one on this boy! It was fleshy. It's the only way I can think to describe it. It was like he had extra skin around his hole. Or like his sphincter protruded ¼ to ½ inches. It was a fleshy ring of pink, bubbly, smooth, shiny, skin, the same color and nearly the same texture as his lips. The flesh sorta wrapped around itself and formed a ridge at the top that my tongue loved to explore. There was enough flesh there to actually bite and playful nibble. Travis was easily relaxed in that position, and he reveled in having his ass eaten for long stretches of time. And because he was so relaxed, it was easy to get my tongue through that ring of flesh. My tongue is strong and pretty long. I can't touch my nose with it, but I can get close. I could get my tongue so far up Travis' ass that I could feel him clamp on it when he clenched his hole, and man did that excite me! And often during the long periods of time where I worked his ass with my tongue, Travis would clench and clamp his hole tight and then alternate to bearing down like he was taking a shit, which really made his puckered hole more like a mouth and that his hole was kissing me back, and for as long as he wanted it, I would stay there making out with his ass.

So this picture with the caption "wanna make out?" was really hot for two reasons: I loved eating that boy's ass, and HE KNEW I LOVED IT and for a split second or two I felt really embarrassed at what I had become. But this only enhanced the psychological aspect of his superiority over me, and the power he had over me to make me do anything to please him. Just looking at a picture of his ass and I swear I could taste it. If he sent me a close-up of his hard cock, I'd stare at my computer monitor and I swear to god my throat would tighten and I'd get phantom pains from behind my adam's apple as if his cock was deep down my throat that very moment.

So, on my way to Milwaukee my mind was replaying Thanksgiving weekend. Before he left my place that weekend, he let me say goodbye to his ass, which ended up being a long make out session with his shitter that resulted in Travis sporting a rock hard boner. He had his stuff packed and ready and it was getting close to the time when we needed to be on our way or he'd miss his bus. But there was enough time for him to fuck my mouth one last time. He said he couldn't leave with a boner and besides, he wanted to leave me with the taste of a fresh load of cum in my mouth and the feeling of his cock down my throat. After he came and pulled out, he didn't take much time to catch his breath. He got his clothes back on, we grabbed our coats and in minutes we were out the door. But I still felt his cock in my throat, for hours afterwards. It's like when you wear a baseball cap all day and then when you take it off, you have this weird feeling that it's still on your head. Maybe I'm crazy, but that's what I felt. But after Travis was on his way back home and I was alone for the first time in 4 days, that feeling of fullness and pressure in my throat was replaced with a feeling of emptiness, like something was missing. It was truly sad. But now, in less than an hour, I'd be in Milwaukee meeting Travis again. He was driving down in his mom's car and we were meeting at the hotel. I kept wondering if we'd have sex right away or if he would make me wait for it. I was hoping his hello's were as good as his goodbyes.

I'm going to skip the boring part where I check in at the hotel and then sit in the lobby for an hour waiting for him. He finally gets there, explaining he got a late start and I was just glad to see him, late or not. And he kissed me, right there in the lobby in front of people. It was cool. I took his bag and carried it for him and we went up to our room. A little small talk which led to me saying "man, have I missed you!?" and 10 minutes later I was sucking his cock! It wasn't an all-out face fuck or anything. It was more of a ritual that got his cock and my mouth reacquainted. The entire act took all of 15 minutes. I knew Travis was stoked about the rave and he had been planning this for several weeks. This trip had a separate and fairly important purpose beyond just meeting together for sex. Over Thanksgiving, however, we had no agenda, nothing was planned. We knew then that sex was going to be the main focus. Hell, we both also knew that sex would be a big part of this weekend too, but tonight, Travis had other things on his mind in addition to that. But we both also knew that neither of us could wait until later that night to start the action, so this quickie would be just the thing we both needed.

It started when Travis said he was going to take a quick shower. He had left work and drove right to Milwaukee. Our plan was to grab something to eat and then head out to the rave. And Travis wanted to shower and change clothes before we left the hotel. He took of his shirt and started to unpack his bag. I just watched him. Seeing his chest again was getting me hard. I wanted to touch him, lick him, throw him on the bed and devour him, and I'm sure he knew that. He knew I was watching him and I'm sure he knew what I was thinking.

I'm not sure if I adequately described his body in the previous chapters about him. And many of you readers keep asking me to include more details when I retell these stories, so let me try to paint you a picture of Travis. He's 19 years old (at the time of this story), he has pale blue eyes, a light complexion, and beautiful white teeth. He really takes good care of himself. He's about 5 feet, 10 inches tall and weighs around 140 pounds. He's lean, hard, and well toned, with not an ounce of fat on him anywhere. He's not into weightlifting or working out, but he's very physically active. He usually rollarblades as much as 16 miles a day (blading to and from work when the weather permits). I guess you could describe him as having a runner's or a swimmer's build. He has great skin. I had plenty of opportunities to explore his body and I never found a blemish, mole or birthmark anywhere. And he wasn't completely pale white, like you might expect. He had good color, and in the summer time he'd be tan because he often went without a shirt, especially when he went rollerblading. And from the neck down, there wasn't a hair to be found. He told me he shaved his pubes and pits, but the rest of him--chest, arms, even legs, were naturally smooth. It was in his genetics, because he didn't even get much facial hair and said he only had to shave about once a week. He has nice, big feet. You all know that I have a foot fetish too, and really I don't think I've ever seen an unattractive pair of feet on a man, but to me, Travis' feet are beautiful, strong and smooth like the rest of him, and they had some prominent veins and tendons (probably from all the rollerblading) that gave them a really hot look. They say the stereotype about the size of a man's feet being proportional to the size of his cock is not true. I've been with lots of guys who have size 12 feet (or even larger) and only 6 inch cocks (and, sadly, in a few case smaller that that); but I have also experienced the opposite too, where a guy with small feet turned out to have a monster schlong. But in Travis' case, that stereotype turned out to be true: he had big feet and a big cock. His proportions were perfect.

Travis has a solid 8" cock that stands straight out from his body, no curves, no weird angles, just a straight, thick tube of flesh. And the shaft is consistently thick, not one of those that is thicker at the base and thinner at the head. Travis is cut, by the way and he has a nice mushroom head that has a flared edge to it that seems to swell more and more as his cock gets harder and harder. And he has three large veins that pop out along the sides of his cock when he gets super hard, and along the bottom he has a prominent cum tube. I hope you know what I'm talking about because I don't know any other name for it. I've seen other cocks with such a feature, but the one Travis has is by far the most obvious and protruding. At his hardest and most impressive state, that cum tube swells to about the width of a normal sized finger and it runs down the underside of the entire shaft before thinning out and blending in just below his cockhead. More often than not, Travis likes to fuck hard and fast. He can hold back too, and stretch out a fuck to make it last as long as he wants. But there comes a time when he's ready to finish and I can sure tell when that is cuz both the speed and intensity of his thrusts increase several notches. If you were just watching us, even you would notice the difference. I wish someone could video tape this for me to watch later. Because when I'm under him, I don't get to see the full beauty and power of his fuck. But what I do see is his crotch and balls thrusting back and forth and I focus on his cock, and I go cross eyed watching him shaft my mouth. I'm totally lost in it, and I just submit to it. Travis does all the work. All I have to do is keep my mouth open, my teeth covered, and work in a few quick breaths to keep from passing out. For the last 2 minutes or so of a serious fuck, Travis switches to autopilot and goes into overdrive. It's like he passes this magic threshold and now there is nothing either one of us can do to stop him. At the end his thrusts are long and fast. As an experienced cocksucker, I know I need to get in some breaths of air before he shoots, so it's an advantage to have a guy who enjoys long-dicking when he fucks throat, cuz on the backstroke, when he pulls out of my throat, I can suck in a little air before he rams all the way back down again. I don't think Travis knows the mechanics of how this all works, nor do I think he plans it out this way to allow me the chance to fill up with air. I just think he really likes the feel of long, full, complete strokes at a face pace in and out of my throat during the last few minutes of a fuck before he unloads. And when that moment finally comes, he rams it in to the hilt and holds it there and doesn't pull out till he's done shooting, which can take a while in his case and is exactly why I use his long-dicking approach to throat fucking to my advantage. And as he shoots, he grinds into me, bearing down on me, almost like he's trying to get his balls down my throat too. And his cum tube? Man, let me tell you it throbs! I love it when he unloads down my throat when he's positioned with the underside of his cock pressed along my tongue deep in my throat (like when I'm on my knees), cuz I can count every spurt of cum as it passes through that tube before squirting hard and hot into my throat. When I'm turned around the other way (like if I am on the bed with my head hanging off the edge, for example) I don't feel the throbbing of that tube as much. Usually the guys I'm with have a curve in their cock in one direction or the other, which makes one of these two positions better than the other for full, deep throat fucking. But because Travis is so straight, both positions work about the same. And because he also gets so hard, there is little if any flexibility to his cock and because it doesn't conform to the shape or curve of my throat, it means that I must conform to him. And at times that can be rather uncomfortable, but I am not complaining. Even while experiencing pain during one of Travis' power fucks (or any other guy's power fuck that I'm fortunate enough to be on the receiving end of), I always considered myself to be one lucky cocksucker, and I am grateful for every experience I have. And even the painful ones leave me wanting more!

And Travis is usually good for 2 or 3 fucks in a row, but usually separated by 20-30 minutes of some other activity such as intense rimming, chest play or foot worship. But a couple times he threw in some back to back fucks. One happened happened back over Thanksgiving. I think it was on the second night. Well, anyway, Travis had me on the bed, on my back, head of the edge, my throat a gapping fuck tube for his cock to use. He had some of his trademark techno music playing that he said was not only great to dance to, but to fuck to as well. And I think for Travis, fucking is a type of dance. He was well into his thing, and working hard to make it last. And I was completely relaxed for most of it, able to concentrate on the sensations in my throat and able to keep my breathing normal and my gagging to a minimum. I was almost hypnotized by the steady rhythm of his penetrations into my gullet, as his cock rubbed against the walls of my throat all the way down to my adam's apple. In that position, hanging my head off the edge of the bed, my neck was bent slightly back, stretching my neck, which put a little strain on my adam's apple. So as Travis would sink in all the way, I could feel his cockhead lodge behind my adam's apple and after a while it was getting sore. (in case you have never experienced this, go ahead right now, as you are sitting there reading this, tilt you head back and put your thumb on your adam's apple and push and release over and over at about the speed of a normal fuck, and you'll almost feel what I was feeling, except for where your're feeling your adam's apple get pushed in, I was feeling mine get pushed up and outward.). But that discomfort would soon be forgotten as Travis moved into the last few minutes of the fuck. For the 30 minutes or so prior to this, he was keeping beat with the music, which I must admit was fairly fast to begin with, and all the songs were continuous, they just bled into each other so there were no pauses between songs, and even a few moments where there was nothing but the beat before a new song would start up in the same tempo. But I knew Travis was moving toward that magic time when his thrusts started coming faster than the music. At the same time he shifted his body weight and took a slightly wider stance and in so doing, changed the angle of his penetrations every so slightly. But it was enough to be a problem for me. This really hurt. But it wasn't a problem for Travis. He may not have even known he was hurting me, however, I did tense up and arched my back as I was trying to get back to a more comfortable position. I also lifted my ass enough to slide my hands under me and then lowered myself back down. This was a trick a top once taught me, to keep myself from using my hands in self-defense. I learned that the rudest thing I can do is to use my hands to slow down or stop a guy when he's into his fuck just because I am uncomfortable or experiencing pain. So, out of respect to Travis, I sat on my hands and let him continue to go at it. To add to all of this, in his shifting, somehow my head had moved lower and it was now pressing against the wood frame of my bed. That did not feel nice either! But I knew it would be over soon, and strangely, part of me was disappointed by that. Finally, with one powerful thrust, Travis was deep inside me, depositing another load in my throat, the 5th load (as I recall), in about 24 hours. And little did I know I was about to get number 6!

He pulled out and we both were breathing hard, and as we were catching our breath, he was still standing over me, his cock was jutting out over my face. It was still rock hard and it was throbbing with his pulse. Some post-cum was oozing from the tip and I also noticed a glob of pearly white cum stuck to the side of his cock about two inches up from the base. I licked out to clean it off, cuz I've barely had much chance to actually taste his cum since he got there. He usually shot it right down my throat. But the few times where he has shot it into my mouth have been a real treat. And I'm not one to waste cum, so as he cock hung above my face, I licked up whatever I could find clinging to his cock after a fuck like this. Another interesting thing is that Travis likes to keep the lights on when he fucks. And I'm all for that! So, I had a good view of his cock as it hung above my face, still straight and hard, and I don't think I ever saw it look like that before or since. It looked mean and angry. It was red. It looked swollen, especially at the head, and those veins on the sides were even more pronounced than usual. My licking his cock clean eventually led me to licking his balls. Travis' nut sack is usually loose and full. I guess most would describe them as "low hangers." But now, they were deep red and were drawn up close to his body. Just a few minutes ago they were covering my eyes as he sank his cock down into me as far as he could to unload deep in my throat. For a while, all I could see were balls! And as I blinked my eyes, I could feel my lashes sweep against them, that's how close they were. But now as he stood over me, I had to stretch my neck up to reach them with my tongue. I licked the sweat and spit off of them. Travis just stood there, swaying back and forth ever so slightly. His cock remained as hard and angry looking as ever. He then looked down at me and just said, "want more?" I don't think I answered him verbally, but instead sank back down into my position on the bed, tilted my head back and opened my mouth. He then said, "let me change the cd" and he walked to the stereo and put in a new cd. It was most likely a different group, but it sounded pretty much the same as the last cd to me. He returned to stand over me, his cock ready to give my throat a double fuck. Only about 3 minutes have passed since he finished a power fuck and came. But I wanted more, and I opened up greedily, forgetting that my throat was sore, but soon remembered as his cock penetrated the entrance to my throat. I could tell it had gotten bruised by what he had done to me during the last minutes of his last fuck. The sore spot was on the back wall of my mouth, just at the entrance to my throat. It was the spot his cock was slamming against before his body weight and the power of his thrust forced it at a weird angle to go down my throat. Now, even though I was at a better angle to accept his cock. It still hurt like hell because his cockhead passed over that bruise both on his thrust into my throat as well as on his retreat back out. So with each thrust I was getting a double pang of pain. But I wasn't going to complain one bit. Besides, I don't think he knew I was hurting. He could have easily thought my body tensed up out of pleasure (pleasure and pain are hard to distinguish guy's face when he cums!). Or maybe he thought I was trying to get into a better position for him, cuz that is something he came to expect from me. In any case, I would not classify Travis as a level 3 kind of guy (refer to my chapter about my "three levels theory") a guy who gets off on purposefully, (and in some cases with true malice and contempt) does his damndest to cause pain (and even injury) as both a means to demonstrate his dominance and superiority over me, and to heighten his pleasure by, in essence, eliminating mine all together. This allows total focus on his pleasure alone. Instead, Travis is a definite level 2 guy: he's out for his own pleasure, and doesn't really get concerned about me. When he's really into his fuck and he knows he's close to that magic zone where his animal instincts take over, he just lets go and in his mind it's now all about getting off. Watching a guy get worked up to the state is awesome, and feeling the power of his animalistic urges is incredible. My first sexual experience with a guy was like this, and it changed my life forever. Level one guys, by comparison, are real laid back and prefer that the cocksucker does all the work. I developed this theory of levels after much research. And I intend it as a way of ranking non-reciprocating partners only. The "versatile", guy, the one looking to suck and be sucked, to fuck and get fucked, and who insists that his partner also gets off in order to be satisfied, is classified as a level zero. He might have me on back with my head off the edge of the bed, fucking my throat hard and showing the characteristics of a level 2 or 3 guy, but as soon as he stops or slows his thrusting to bend over and take my cock into my mouth, he is instantly reduced to zero, and for me I loose intrest in our sex. I try to avoid "level zero" sex at all costs. Finally, if a guy, even to the smallest degree, and even if it's only for a brief moment in time, places importance on his partner's pleasure and orgasm over his own, he then sinks all the way down to my level. Sadly, things are crowded down here. Too many guys are at this level! I'd say as much as 90%. Of the remaining 10% that are exclusive, non-reciprocating penetrators, less than one percent are true level 3's. Most are level 1's and remain very passive during sex. The remainder span the distance between level 1 and 3, resulting in a complex variety of level 2 styles and personalities. It's an interesting theory, no?

So Travis is a middle-range level 2: he knows what he wants, and he gets it. He may get so caught up in the heat of his urge to fuck and get off that he actually does cause me discomfort and physical pain, but he doesn't intend to. Sometimes I don't think he knows his own strength, or the power he uses in his fucks, or just how big his cock really is! In this particular double throat fuck session I am describing, he bruised my throat bad and it was sore not just during the fuck, but for a long time after. I didn't want to tell Travis about what happened. I knew it would change things and that in the future he'd hold back and on some level, maybe even subconsciously, it would restrict the freeness of his power fucks and they'd become less intense, less natural (and God forbid, less frequent!). I didn't want that to happen. If he were a level 3, of course I'd tell him. Level 3's revel in that power. But most level 2 guys like Travis would more likely feel guilty about it. So, I tried not to let it show that my throat was bothering me, and I resorted to breaking one of my philosophical rules. I took Alieve and used Chloroseptic throat spray (the numbing kind) a few times during the weekend to cover my discomfort. I would never do this normally, because I actually like being sore during and after sex. And also believe that the guy who fucked me worked hard at it and put everything he had into it, and I figure I owe him, along with my gratitude, the respect of not covering up or trying to eliminate the pain by using pain killers or anything else. Afterall, I wanted him to fuck hard and rough, so damn it, I should have to live with the consequences. But because I didn't want to make Travis feel bad or compromise his fucking style, I hid behind asprin and throat spray. I felt like I was a big cheater. I felt like I was betraying him. I felt very sneaky and I felt guilty about it. But I wanted Travis to remain in control during his fucks. He likes to be in control, maybe not completely at first, but definitely when he gets into his serious fuck mode he's in charge.

Now, please allow me to take yet another diversion! (The conclusion of the double throat fuck session continues after this examination of Travis' "level 2" classification. Bear with me, cuz there's some good stuff in this section!). Let me explain what I mean by describing Travis as a middle-range level two type guy. A good example of this is in the mornings usually, before he is totally awake. In a previous chapter I wrote about him waking up and the first thing he said to me was "rim me" and he rolled on his back, spread his legs, and lifted his knees to his chest. About 30 minutes or so later, he decided he had had enough of that and put his legs down, but kept them spread wide as I stayed between them. Without him saying anything, I started licking his nut sack.. Travis is a sweater. I'm sure I mentioned that already. He sweats when he fucks, he sweats when he sleeps. And I love licking a guy's nuts in the morning cuz most guys work up a good night sweat. And I'm going to quote from one of my favorite fictional series called "My Boyfriend" (posted on ASSGM in 1999, and written by "dale10." The series is narrated by the top, instead of the bottom, which is a rare find! The section I will quote comes from the chapter "In the Morning"): "Joey was to crawl beneath the covers from the foot end and gently wake me up by licking my fucksacks. I found this gave me really pleasant morning dreams and a nice thick stiff piss hard....I love my balls tongue bathed...I loved it when he sucked on each and every ball hair and licked way up where the sack meets the leg...that's where so much sweat gathers." I've read this story 100 times or more, and each and every time I get to that part, I let out a low moan. I was thinking about this story when I was waking up Travis that morning, as I think about this story every time I wake up with a naked man next to me in the bed. I made a conscious effort to seek out this prized spot on Travis' body, that spot "where the sack meets the leg." I had to maneuver his legs a little, bending one leg at the knee and spreading it out wider. Travis has a nice, full, low hanging nutsack that is too large to fit into my mouth all at one time. Remember he's hairless too, and he shaves his pubes and his balls. One very vivid picture I have in my mind right now is getting my face close to his nutsack as it was pressed against his left leg, and them with my fingers gently lifting his sack and moving it to the right in order to lick that hot spot where his leg meets his crotch, and as I pull slowly, I notice the skin on his balls sticking to his leg and I actually hear a faint wet sound, like you hear when you press your tongue to the roof of your mouth and slowly pull it away (try it and listen closely for the sound!). And that crease where his leg starts off at his crotch was ripe with sweat, just like in the story I quoted. I cleaned out both of his leg sockets real good. They reminded me of armpits. And that brought another quote from that story to mind: "I would then let him lick the night sweat out of my hairy armpits. I loved it when his whole face stank of my pitsweat." I moved in to position to clean out Travis' pits next. Since he woke up, he has been laying on his back with his hands at his side. Even while a rimmed him for 30 minutes earlier, he wrapper his arms under his knees to support his legs in the air which kept his upper arms close to his body. And while I cleaned his balls and legpits, his arms were again back at his side. So, for the past hour or more, no fresh air was able to reach his pits. Knowing this, and knowing Travis is a sweater, and also remembering he was pretty active with me in bed for a few hours before he fell asleep last night, I was curious to see what I'd find under his arms. As I moved into position, he laid there with his eyes closed. Not knowing how he'd react to having his pits licked (some guys are shy or embarrassed about it, or just plain don't like it), I decided to suck some nipple first, and moved my mouth over his right tit. I knew he liked having that done. But I slowly increased the area I was covering with my tongue and moved up in the direction of his right pit. When I reached the crease where his arm rests against his pec, I started sniffing. And cautiously licking at the crease. Travis didn't move. I sniffed a little louder, in quick little intakes of air through my nose, sounding like a bloodhound on the trail of an escaped prisoner. But Travis still didn't get the hint. I grew impatient and grabbed him by the wrist and lifted his arm as I lowered my face down and right into his hot pit. It was wet and warm and ripe, and just like in the story I quoted, my face was covered in stink. But unlike the story, these pits were not hairy but were shaved bare, and wet sticky skin stuck on wet sticky skin is sure to make a noise when it separates, probably much louder than the noise I heard when his ballsack separated from his leg. But to be honest, I was so into sniffing and slurping, I couldn't hear anything else but me going at his pit. Ripe man pit is a true delicacy. Especially when those pits got that way through hard work and intense exertion as in a hard workout at the gym or, better yet, after long, hard, aggressive sex, as was the case in Travis' pits on this particular morning. For a good ten minutes I cleaned that pit, and then moved to the other one. I didn't bother stopping at the left nipple, and instead went straight into that left pit. And Travis, now aware that he liked having this done, voluntarily lifted that arm and placed it behind his head, giving me full and unrestricted access. I stayed on this pit until it was completely clean, then moved back to the right one just to double check it, worked it for a couple of minutes more, and then returned to the left side to finish the job and give both pits equal treatment. I found out later that it was Travis' first time at getting his pits cleaned. And he liked it and it became a regular part or activity. This was the same weekend where I introduced him to the pleasure of getting a thorough foot job, and that too became a ritual that got worked into the repertoire.

Now, during this whole time, since he woke up, all through the rimming, ball licking and pit cleaning, Travis' cock stayed rock hard. As he laid on his back, his cock stood straight up, rock hard and proud. It didn't sag or droop, nor did it lay on his belly, pointing up to his chest like a lot of guys' cocks do. It just pointed straight to the ceiling. It would respond to pressure, you know, like if I pushed on it with my hand or face, gravity would have it's effect and it would angle up towards his chest. But then if I grabbed it and pulled back towards me to a straight upright position, it would stay there even after I let go. Simply amazing! And if I, myself, had a cock that was that amazing, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of it. But Travis seldom touched his, and I think I only saw him actually stroke it on 2 or 3 occasions, and then it was usually meant to tease me, like he'd stroke it in front of my face. This isn't to say that Travis didn't jerk off. He told me that he usually does it 2 to 3 times a day, sometimes more when he's really horny. But when I was with him, he didn't jerk off. Even during the time I just described above, where I performed an extended rim job and then followed up by tongue washing his ballbag and pits, he never touched his hard cock. Just about every other guy I've ever been with has jerked his cock while I rimmed him or licked his balls, but not Travis. I think for Travis, it's all about the fuck and it's about using someone else to get you off. I suppose he figured he could jerk off anytime when he's alone, but during his visit he wanted to get his rocks off in other ways. In my mind, I pretended he was thinking, "I'm not gonna waste my time jerking my cock when your faggot throat is available to use!" I really wanted him to say that to me and mean it, but I don't think he was thinking that.

So, finally, after the rimming, the scrotum and armpit cleaning, I moved to his cock, that cock that had been hard for over an our now, the same cock he never stroked or touched in all that time. The point of these last few paragraphs was to demonstrate the various actions and attitudes Travis expresses as a level 2 guy. There are times when he gets real passive and allows me to take control of the situation. Because of that, I was able to do things to Travis that he had never experienced before, and he also was able to feel what it is like to have his body worshipped. Up until this point, sex for him was about his cock. And now he knew the pleasure he could get through other body parts, particularly his feet and armpits which were two new experiences for him during our first weekend together.

After the first foot job I gave him, he told me how no one had ever done that to him before, and when he realized how good it felt he said, "I'm gonna have to have that done more often."

When he was in this laid back, passive mood, our cocksucking sessions also were different than the way it usually was between us, well at least at the beginning of the blow job that is. On this particular morning, he "allowed" me to explore his cock, to lick it, kiss it, and suck on it, to work it down my throat at my own pace. But, as he got more and more excited, he started taking over. He was on his back with me between his legs sucking on his cock, and as the blow job progressed, he started to becoming more active: his hands grab my head, his legs bend at the knee as he plants his feet squarely on the mattress and he starts thrusting his hips upward. His grip on my head tightens as he repositions me to get the best angle for ramming me, thrusting so hard now that I see stars whenever his pelvis bangs into my head. This time he finishes in this position, with one final powerful thrust as he unloads down my throat. But other times when we start with him on his back and me between his legs just giving him head, after a while when he starts getting into his active mode, he might roll me on to my back and straddle my chest, and a few times he stretched out above me in a pushup position. Most often he likes the push-up position on the floor, me scooted down low under him so that his cock is pointed down and back for a good penetration angle, and in this position his own body weight works with his muscular legs to create the momentum for his thrusts. But if we stay on the bed, and he rolls over me into the push-up position, he prefers to reach out for the headboard, using it for leverage. And in this position it is more of a pulling motion he is doing with his arms and his upper body, together with the initial give and take quality of the mattress, that provides even more powerful thrusting capabilities. [Just a quick side note: I once was at this other guy's house, on his bed in the same position, and he was really going at it, using the headboard and the bounce of the bed to his advantage, until he broke the damn bed! It was one of the funniest things that ever happened to me during sex. But it actually made the rest of our fuck session even more intense, because we went across the hall to his roommate's room (who wasn't home at the time) and tried like hell to break that bed too! But this is another guy that I will highlight in another chapter].

I realize now that I have been typing for hours and I'm on page 11 of this chapter and I have barely even started describing our New Year's Weekend together. And I realize I have two story beginnings going, the blow job I am giving to Travis in the hotel before he takes his shower, and first time he fucked my throat twice in a row with out a real break in between. Seeing that this latter story is still part of the Thanksgiving session, I'll finish that one up before finally getting back to the New Year's session, which was, after all, the intended topic for this chapter.

So back on the night of the first double throat fuck, Travis just finished a solid 40 minute fuck as he pounded my throat to the beat of techno dance music. After he cums, he pulls out his cock and I am admiring it because it looks so mean and angry, red and swollen and still hard and throbbing, and I'm licking the globs of cum that are stuck to his dick shaft, and also licking off his scrotum sweat, when Travis asks if I want more. (I know I'm repeating myself, I just want to refresh your memory from when I left off in telling you about this night. This is the most strangely organized story I have ever written!). Anyway, this second half of the double throat fuck didn't last as long as the first. Sometimes with guys, an attempt at cumming twice in a row can take a long time. But not with Travis. He was full of surprises. Where the first fuck lasted about 40 minutes, the second one was more like 15. And for the last 5 minutes or so he had me change positions. I was now seated with my ass on the floor and my back up against the frame of my bed. My head was tilted back until it touched the mattress. Travis stood before me, his cock red and shiny with spit, and still throbbing and angry looking. He mounted me then, spreading his legs wide, one on either side of me. I remember grabbing his ankles with my hands, just to have something to hang on to while Travis leaned forward, stretching out over the bed above me. I think he pulled some pillows down to rest under his elbows which I besides giving him some support, also gave him some height to be off the mattress enough to get a good thrusting action. Once he was set, he let me have it good again. The fuck followed the usually pattern, increasing in speed and intensity as his strokes in and out of my throat grew longer, more determined and urgent. I remember the sound of the bed squeaking. He came down my throat again, almost a repeat performance of 15 minutes ago, except I could definitely feel the throbs coming from that cum tube as it pressed down on my tongue inside my throat. By the way, Travis is pretty quiet when he fucks. He might moan now and then or give me a few suggestions or orders for what to do next, but he wasn't a noisemaker, that is until he cums. Then he lets loose with an array of groans, moans, and the occasional "Fuck!" "Oh yeah!" or "Shit, Swallow it!". And as he shot his load this time, he did so with a series of grunts and groans, each "uh....uh.....oh......uhhhhhhh....uhhhhh ....uh...... uhhhhhhhhhhh... ...uh....uh..." matching a squirt of sperm as it shot from his cock lodged deep in my throat. Then when he was through squirting, he'd get quiet and usually stay still for a few seconds, holding his cock down my throat. After this particular fuck, he didn't stay in me long. He rolled off of me soon after he finished dumping in me, ending up on his back with his legs off the side of the bed and his feet on the floor. I was still on the floor at his feet, feeling kind of numb. I wiped my mouth and chin cuz I had been drooling. When I stood up, Travis opened his eyes and sorta smiled. He then rolled over and ended up laying completely on the bed, and I joined him, and we just laid there a while, not talking. His cock was finally almost soft.

And when his cock is soft, it's still 5" long and rather thick. He spent a lot of time naked when he stayed with me over Thanksgiving. For most of the time when he was naked he was rock solid hard. But there were those cool moments when he'd be around me naked and soft, and I could watch his big cock flop around. Mornings were good, cuz after we had sex, he'd stay naked, sometimes just laying in bed. I would let him go back to sleep if he wanted and use the time to take my shower, shave, get dressed and maybe fix some breakfast. Then he'd get up and wouldn't bother putting on any clothes, and walk downstairs and into the kitchen. I remember sitting at the table one morning when he came down, and he walked right up to the table and I had some orange out, and he took the carton and just stood next to me and drank from it. His soft cock was dangling just inches from my face. Travis is a night owl, like me, and not much of a morning person, so it takes him longer than me to get going in the morning and get to a point where he can actually function. It's usually not before 11 am. So we spent our mornings watching tv and planning what we wanted to do and where we would go that day. He'd sit next to me on the couch, or sometimes sit on the chair across from me and he'd keep his legs spread wide, or put one of his feet up on the coffee table. He knew I was looking, and I knew he wanted me to look. But sometimes, if I looked too long, he'd start to get hard. He had a real cool sense of humor about it too and would say something like, "look, I'm hard again! I guess you know what that means!" and he'd either tell me to come over and sit on the floor between his legs and suck him off, or (my favorite!) he'd stand up and with a smirk, walk towards me and my mouth would open even though he was still several feet away. Sex-wise, my couch saw as much action as my bed did that weekend. I can recall at least three times when Travis walked up to me when I was sitting on the couch and he got up and stood on it, facing me with his hard cock pointed right at my open mouth. He'd then give my face a good fucking. My couch is not against a wall. It actually faces to the window, and behind my couch is a table with some pictures and a lamp. Beyond that is the hallway that leads to the kitchen and dining room in one direction, and the front door in the other. So, I'd sink down into the couch and Travis would bend over me and grab onto the back of the couch for leverage, his legs spread in a wide stance on either side of me, and his hips power thrusting his cock into my mouth and down my throat. Having him do this to me was amazing, and I wouldn't trade it away for anything, but looking back and trying to imagine what we looked like, I wish I could have gotten out from under him to watch him facefuck someone like this. Or I wish someone was there with a video camera taping us, because it would make a porn video I'd watch over and over again (and I bet it would be a huge seller too!). Sometimes Travis used so much force in his fuck that he knocked over some of the pictures on the table behind the couch, and almost the lamp. I wouldn't have cared one bit if it broke. And I have hardwood floors, so after one pretty vicious facefuck in that position, I noticed he managed to move both the couch and the table a few feet back in the direction of his thrusts. Now that's fuck power!

I have one other story about his soft cock. I know I'm taking a trip down memory lane and talking more about Thanksgiving weekend than the weekend I originally started this story with. But I keep remember things about that weekend I forgot to include in those other two chapters about this stud. Besides, I don't think you'll mind hearing one more story. I promise I'll move on and share with amazing detail some of the hot sex we had to ring in the New Year. But for now, back to his soft cock. Like I said he walked around naked almost all of the time. And I told you he likes music. He brought about 100 cds with him, and he liked my stereo I guess, cuz he played it a lot, real loud too, and he'd dance to some of that driving techo house music he brought with him. He's a great dancer too. Very natural, yet very expressive and sensual too. Me, on the other hand, I can't dance. Or at least when I do, I think I try to hard and I end up looking rather dorky. So, I watched Travis dance in my living room. His cock and balls would flop around wildly, and he was really into it, even working up a sweat. Dancing is another way he keeps in shape, I guess. Anyway, as I watched him dance one time, he noticed me just staring at him. And any attention I gave to his cock usually got him going on another erection. As his cock got hard, he started dancing real sexy, even dry humping my furniture. He walked toward me with that amazing hard on and I opened my mouth from pure habit and lust, and he laughed at me and just grabbed my hand and pulled me up and out to the middle of the room, where he danced around me, looking at me very seductively, his chest had a sheen of sweat, and he kept simulating different sex acts and positions as he danced around me. Finally, he reaches up and puts his hands on my shoulders and pushes me to my knees, then grabs his cock and points it at my open mouth. He thrusts in and then both of his hands wrap around the back of my head and he proceeds to facefuck me hard in beat to the music, a fast driving beat. Now and then he'd stop and sink his cock in all the way down my throat. He'd put his hands up in the air and gyrate his hips to the music, making this fuck just part of his dance. When he wasn't plunged deep down my throat or pounding it to my mouth with the beat of the music, he'd step back and wave his hard cock in my face as he danced just out of my reach, but I'd follow his movements with my head, my mouth open and my tongue out and flicking at the air, always trying to line my mouth up to his cock so that I could get him back to fucking my face. But he would tease me. Just as I would lean forward he'd draw his hips back or to the side, and the smile on his face was wicked hot as we "danced" this way. He moved behind me, and put one hand on my right shoulder and the other on the top of my head, pushing it to the left. Then he rubbed his hard cock back and forth across the side of my neck like he was trying to cut my head off using his cock as the knife. It was weird, but very hot. And another dance move was him in front of me with his back to me, his ass right in front of my face, and he'd bend over, placing his hands on his knees, and just gyrate his ass at me. Now at this point, I'm on all fours, my mouth open, tongue out, and he's rubbing his ass in circles in time to the music, pressing back hard against my face. I can still see him looking back over his left shoulder at me. This dance ended with a typical Travis power facefuck. Over the few days we had spent together I had come not only to expect this kind of action, but to crave it. It never grows old with him. In fact, I have experienced few other guys who fuck with such consistency and predictability as Travis, yet he manages to make each one hot and unique, enough that I can remember and distinguish between them, and preserve them as distinct memories instead of remembering our weekends together as only a blur of undistinguishable sexual acts. When Travis was finished doing the "ass in my face" part of his dance routine, I knew the ending was near as he stood up and turned to face me, his cock rock hard and throbbing. He squeezed his abs a few times to the music, which made his cock move to the beat before he stepped closer and took that familiar wide stance in front of me. Both of his hands gripped my head as he pushed his cock into my open mouth, my lips keeping my teeth covered as I tightened my mouth for him. He'd made a few deep preliminary thrusts into my mouth, seeking out the entrance to my throat and making the necessary adjustments in my position or his until it was how he wanted it. Usually I wouldn't be technically kneeling at this point, but instead, starting from a kneeling position in front of him, I'd lean back, bending at the knees until my ass rested on the tops of my heels. This put me at the right height, slightly lover than the level of his cock. And I also needed to tilt my head back some, cuz remember, his hard cock was so rigid, my throat had to conform to him or I'd never get it all the way down. Once he had everything lined up and he completed several more test thrusts, he'd finally sink in deep and pull me to his body, sometimes slightly twisting my head to the right. I don't know why, but he seemed to prefer to have me slightly tilted that way when he intended to fuck some serious throat. Then he'd adjust his stance, similar to a golfer before a big putt, moving his feet ever so slightly in one direction or the other on either side of me. And then when he was ready, and everything was set up to his satisfaction, he does what he does best, and by now you know what that is. Man, looking back, I had a lot to be thankful for that Thanksgiving! And now, just a month later, I was ready to start off the New Year with a bang!

Yes, my friends, we are back at the hotel in Milwaukee. Travis and I have just met in the lobby and are now settling into our room. And I realize now, after all that I just wrote, what happens next is really anti-climactic. Well, Travis has a climax, but I mean the action of the sex act itself pales in comparison to the things you just read. Basically, as Travis is stripping for his shower, I get on my knees, help him out of his clothes, and blow him. It was quick, but effective. Travis was rather passive and allowed me to actually blow him instead of just receiving a face or throat fucking. And when he came, he shot in my mouth, a big, hot, thick load that I felt squirt on the roof on my mouth, the back wall of my throat, and on my tongue, and I savored the taste and texture of it. Travis stood there a minute as I swallowed his load and then licked his cock clean. It stayed hard and I was almost thinking he was going to ask if I wanted more! But instead, he said "That was nice," and patted my head. He walked to the bathroom, his hard cock pointed the way, and started the shower. I had things to do myself. I brought a couple bottles of champagne with me and went out into he hallway to get some ice. The hotel room had a one sink in the bathroom, and a double sink in a little alcove just outside the bathroom, and I filled one of those sinks with ice and placed the champagne in there so it would be cold for later. Travis came out of the bathroom naked, toweling himself off. I was going to offer to do that for him, but decided to just back off. If he wanted me to do something he usually told me. And I think he was only thinking about getting dinner and going to the rave to dance. He stayed naked for a while, the towel now on the floor, as he unpacked things from his bag. He brought a lot of clothes with him. I guess this is the stereotypical "gay boy" side of him coming to the forefront. He laid out several different shirts and pants, the kinds of things you'd see people wearing in the clubs, and he asked for my opinion on what he should wear. He decided to go with a shirt that buttoned down the front because it was something he could take off without messing up his "pretty boy" hair. (At the rave, Travis had his shirt unbuttoned about 30 minutes after we got there, and within an hour it was off and stayed off for most of the night!). When he was finally dressed and ready, we headed out to have our dinner and then came back to the hotel where we got a cab to take us to the rave, because we figured the traffic and parking would be one big headache.

The rave was actually pretty cool. I had never been to anything like that. It was 3 floors and it had something like five different dance areas, each with a different dj and a different style of music. Every few hours the dj's would change again. There were a lot of people there. I think someone told me that place can hold up to 5000 people. And it was pretty packed. And there were a couple bars on each level which surprised me. Because you didn't have to be 21 to get in, but you had to show an ID if you ordered alcohol. But once I bought a drink, I was free to walk around with it. I bought a few drinks for Travis too, but mostly he wanted to drink water. There was a huge diversity of people there, from the hardcore ravers and club kids, to typical gay dance-clubbers, to normal guys like me--it was hard not to fit in. It felt very free and non-threatening, everyone was doing their own thing and even some of the most strangest things (I saw this group of people on stilts wearing different costumes) didn't seem to be out of place. Even I, a guy who can't even dance, blended in. And to be honest, a felt comfortable there and didn't feel like I had to conform to any certain way of behavior. Everything was acceptable. I saw people doing drugs, I saw people who were nearly completely naked, and people making out (and I'm sure if I would have checked out some of the darker corners and out of the way places I would have seen people having sex). After getting over the initial "shock" of being in this huge crowd and strange mix of people, nothing seemed really seemed all that bizarre or shocking. I actually felt very free and comfortable dancing and not worrying who was watching or if I looked weird. Everyone else was busy doing their own thing to even notice me and my insecurities.

Another reason why I felt free and comfortable was the alcohol. I really loosened up after I had a few drinks. But it was Travis who really made me feel comfortable and I followed his lead. He made sure I just wasn't standing around. He sensed my awkward approach to dancing and just reassured me that it was ok to "let my hair down," so to speak. He danced with me and around me and I basically followed him. It was hot in there too, all those people and all that dancing. Travis had his shirt unbuttoned and he looked good dancing. The music was loud and we had to pretty much yell in each other's ear to talk, and at one point Travis leaned over and said "Take my shirt off" and then stood there with his arms out. So, I got behind him and took his shirt off and for the rest of the night I was in charge of his shirt, keeping it over my shoulder or at times partly stuffed in my back pocket with the rest hanging of it hanging out. Some of Travis's dance moves mimicked sex acts, and that was hot. It was like I was getting my own lap dance right there on the dance floor. We took breaks now and then, mostly to go pee, and because we didn't want to get separated, we went together. Whenever we walked through the crowds in the bar areas, in the hallways and stairwells, Travis would lead the way, reaching back to grab my hand to make sure we stayed together. Even in the bathroom (Travis had to piss more often than I did) we stayed together and I stood behind him and watched him piss a few times. Nobody thought it was even strange.

Near midnight, there were different things happening at different staging areas, and where Travis and I ended up, there was a countdown to midnight followed by a dropping of balloons and confetti. At that moment Travis got right in my face and said, "Happy New Year" and he leaned in to kiss me, and I kissed him back. And as I pulled back he said, "Is that all I get?" and then leaned in to kiss me again. Up until this point we had never kissed except when we said hello or good bye, and even then it was a simple, quick kiss on the lips. But now Travis was kissing very differently. We made out for a good 10 minutes or more, right on the dance floor, and people were dancing and jumping around us (popping balloons) and bumping into us. I remember we got pushed around some in the crowd. Other people were kissing too, but as far as I could see, we were the only 2 guys going at it. And from then on that night, whenever Travis saw a straight couple making out, he's grab my hand and we'd get close to where they were and start making out to each other until they saw us and left. Travis thought that was funny. By about 2 a.m., Travis was running out of steam. The place was open until 6:00 that morning, but people were starting to leave. But it was only slightly less crowded. There were still a lot of people there and it was hard to find a place to sit down and rest. A lot of people just lined up around the outer walls and sat on the floor, and that's what we did eventually too. Travis said his feet hurt and he took off his shoes and put his feet in my lap as he sat on the floor leaning against the wall. I rubbed his feet. His socks felt warm and wet. I started to pull at his socks, but he stopped me. Maybe he knew I would have ended up sucking his toes and that wasn't something he was comfortable doing in public. But what happened next was an even more public display that I thought was more shocking than if I had just been rubbing his bare feet or even sucking his big toe while we sat there. Because after I rubbed his feet awhile, he put his shoes back on and I then sat with my back to the wall next to him. But he got up and moved and sat between my legs on the floor, leaning his back against my chest and his head rested on my right shoulder. He was using me as a cushion. But as we sat there, he took my hands and placed them on his bare chest. He still had his shirt off and he was holding it in his lap. He took one of my hands and put it on his abds and started moving it in a circular motion. When he took his hand away from mine, I kept rubbing his stomach (he loves having his hard little tummy rubbed--it's actually foreplay to him!). He closed his eyes and let his weight sink against me. It felt so nice. With my other hand I rubbed his sweaty chest and with my thumb and finger, I traced around his nipples and every now and then I lightly pinched or pulled on them. Travis' shirt was bunched up on his lap, and after a while he took one of my hands and placed it on his crotch to let me know he had a hard on. When I felt it, he turned his head to look at me and smiled. Then he said "Hold my dick" and my hand went under the shirt he still held bunched up on his lap and I unbuttoned the top of his pants and slid my right hand down inside his underwear and wrapped my fist around his hard cock. He didn't want me to jerk him off, he just wanted me to hold it. My fist lightly squeezed his cock to the beat of the music as Travis rested against me. We had been there 5 hours by now and I could tell we'd be heading back to the hotel soon. It was darker where we were, but there was still enough light to see, and there were these two girls to my left who kept looking at me and Travis. I finally just glanced back at them and they just smiled as they whispered something to each other. A few people walking by noticed us too, and a couple guys raised an eyebrow and a few others took a double take as they went past. But no body said anything. I wasn't jerking him off or anything anyway. He didn't have his cock out, and his shirt was still over his crotch. But if you looked as you walked past, you could see that I had my hand down his pants. And it was very warm and wet in there. For a minute or two I let go of his dick and cupped his nuts in my hand. I wanted to go back to the hotel and give this sweaty boy a tongue bath! But I stayed there with my hand down his pants, holding his dick which was starting to get soft now that all I was doing was holding it and not squeezing it. I think Travis was falling a sleep too, cuz his eyes were closed and he was very quiet and still. But finally he moved his head and looked at me and said he was ready to go back to the hotel. I was glad cuz my ass was going numb sitting there like that. We stood up and Travis put on his shirt and then I followed him to get our coats out of coat check. Once outside, there were a number of cabs coming and going and it didn't take us long to get one. On our way back to hotel we saw Dominos was still open (I guess they stay open all night on New Year's eve and get a lot of business after people get home from the bars or parties), so we decided we'd call and order a pizza when we got back.

When we got into the room we were talking about all the things that happened at the rave and I knew Travis had had a good time. One of the first things he said, though, was that he needed a shower. Within a minute or two of being in the room, he was starting to strip off his clothes. I, of course, watched. When he took off his underwear and they fell to the floor around his ankles, he stepped out of them, bent over and picked them up. He was like, "Man, I really sweat a lot," and then said "Here, feel how heavy these are!" as he handed me his calvin klein boxer briefs. And they were wet and heavy. I was sitting on the edge of the bed and Travis was standing in front of me. His crotch was right near my face and I could smell him and feel the heat from his body. His cock was soft, but I wanted to change that. I also wanted to clean him with my tongue. I looked at his crotch, licked my lips, and started to lean my face in closer to him, but Travis put his hand out and stopped me from getting any closer. "Dude, I need a shower first, " he said, and I think he saw the look of disappointment on my face. He turned and started toward the bathroom, but he looked back and asked me to get him a coke from the vending machine in the hall. Our room was the last one on the far end of the hall on the left side. The vending machines were literally just out side our door and around the corner. That's where the ice machine and emergency exit stairwell was too. The elevators were in the middle of the hallway in the other direction. It was about 3 am and our floor was pretty quiet, but we had seen other people coming back from being out, and there were others in the elevator on our way to our room. There was still a lot of activity in the lobby too. AI left our room with a few bucks, Travis was in the bathroom getting some towels ready for his shower. He didn't have the water running yet. As I left our room, I set the latch so that the door would not close all the way, and then turned the corner to get the cokes for us. The damn machine was giving me a hard time taking my dollars. I hate it when it sucks in the bill and then spits it back out. It did that about 5 times before it finally took it. The first can dropped and I bent down to get it and set it on top of the machine as I struggled to get it to accept my second dollar bill. Just then Travis came out to the vending are, completely naked and he had a hard on. I was shocked! I was thinking someone could come off the elevator or come out to get ice or something and see him. I could tell he hadn't showered yet. He took the coke from the top of the machine and opened it while I got the second one. I squatted way down to get it so that I could get my face close to his crotch again. As I grabbed the can, Travis put a hand on my head and I stopped and looked up at him. "You really want to taste my bag sweat?" he asked? I just nodded and he stepped closer and said "Go ahead and lick my balls, man." Holy shit, I thought! And I got down under his sack and started lapping with my tongue. What a great smell! I only got in a few licks, certainly not enough to get him cleaned properly. I wanted to really get in there and clean his legpits and also really get behind his sack too. After a few more seconds Travis said, "Come on lets get back in the room. I'll order a pizza while you eat my ass." Hot damn!

I followed him into the room and he went to the end table near the bed that had the phone and opened the drawer to get the phone book. He thumbed through the yellow pages to look up the number for Dominos. He sat on the bed holding the phone book, and rested back against the headboard and the pillows. He spread his legs wide, looked up from the phone book at me and pointed to the spot on the bed between his legs. "You didn't want me to shower, so you can finish licking me clean," and I got into my place between his legs and started licking his ballsack again. He said, "I was almost hoping someone would have caught us in the hallway." I didn't say anything, but secretly I was thinking the same thing. He said the number to the pizza place out loud to himself a couple of times, then tossed the phone book aside. He then scooted down lower on the bed, making me back up a little. He was more on his back now, but leaning up on his elbows and looking down at me. He lifted his legs and put his feet on my shoulders. He's done this many times before and it always feels so good. I was still licking his balls when he told me to go lower and to start licking his ass. He reached for the phone and told me to rim him while he ordered the pizza. That was so cool! He rolled toward the phone and dialed the number as I licked around his asshole, and then finally started lapping my tongue against it. I ate his ass many times over Thanksgiving, but never when it was in this condition. Travis was always clean, often showering before he goes to bed, so most of the time his body is squeaky clean when we have sex. I was thoroughly enjoying this new experience. His ass had a steamy quality to it that was simply amazing. And I licked up and down the length of his ass crack, as well as all around his hole, trying to smell and taste as much of him as possible. By now, Travis was talking and ordering the pizza. For fun I pushed my tongue in and out of his hole as he talked, and at one point he gave out a moan which I thought was funny. I heard him giving the guy his first name and room number at the hotel and as it sounded like the phone call was ending, I intensified the rimming action. I heard Travis say, "OK" a couple times and then he just let the phone drop from off his shoulder as he reached down and grabbed his legs to pull his knees closer to his chest and yelled, "Fuck yeah, lick my ass!" really loud. And he grunted and moaned loudly a few times as I licked him with a lot of energy. Who knows how much of that the pizza guy heard before he hung up the phone on his end. Maybe he was still listening?! I found it all very exciting. But after a minute or so, the phone made that series of beeps that I could hear, and I'm guessing there was that "If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again" message going on. Travis managed to hang up the phone and as he did he said the pizza would be here in 45 minutes to an hour because they were busy.

So, for the next half hour I kept busy cleaning Travis. I covered ever inch of his balls and got into those legpit areas that I had been waiting to taste. And I spent a lot of time licking his ass crack and hole, and really cleaned that area between his ass and his balls (It's another area Travis really likes to have licked. He calls it his "chode." I even went down and cleaned his feet, licking between each toe and sucking on them. I moved up and cleaned his pits too, and licked his chest and stomach. During this whole time his cock was rock hard and pointing straight up to the ceiling, but neither one of us touched it. But I finally made it back down to give his balls one more pass over with my tongue, and then slowly worked my mouth up to his cock where I licked it from the base to the head on all sides, making sure I licked clean like the rest of him was now. Before I could start giving him head, Travis started to sit up and he said that the pizza might be here in 15 minutes or so. He started to get up, saying "I'm gonna get a shower before it gets here, but if you want, I'll feed you a load as an appetizer." He was standing at the side of the bed now and when I answered, "hell yeah" to his suggestion, he told me to turn and lay across the bed on back and hang my head off the edge. I got into position and he stood over me and put his cock half way into my mouth, just to the point where his cockhead touched the entrance to my throat. I was sucking and licking his cock as I looked up at his balls hanging above my eyes. Almost like he could read my mind he said, "all that licking got me horned up, so you're gonna get a big load. You might not be hungry for pizza afterwards!" I heard him chuckle to himself after he made that comment. Then his hands grabbed both sides of my head. I loved that feeling--he was positioning my head before thrusting into my throat. And when he had me the way he wanted me, he jabbed forward with his hips, and again his cock was deep in my throat, almost exactly 5 weeks to the day when he shot one finally load down my gullet as a way of saying goodbye after spending Thanksgiving weekend with me. And since then, I fantasized a few thousand times about the next time I'd get a good fuck from his cock. And even by reliving all the fucks he gave me that weekend, I somehow forgot just exactly how good it feels to have him in my throat, forgot how he tastes, and how big and thick his cock really is, and how he fucks with such power. But as he rammed in an out of my throat faster and harder, it was all coming back to me. It was a quick, urgent fuck, only lasting about 10 minutes, and his thrusts were deliberate and steady until the last 2 minutes where he picked up the speed and intensity of the fuck and his thrusts became full and long, all the way down my throat and all the way back until jus the head of his cock was in my mouth. I hadn't been throat fucked with this much force since the last time he did to me, and I wasn't quite used to it and it was hard for me to breathe because of the speed at which he was shoving in and out of my throat, and I gagged a few times. I don't think Travis noticed. Or if he did, he ignored it, cuz he didn't slow down at all. If anything, he fucked harder. And it was hurting some, but I knew he had to finish and he had to do this his way. I was loving it anyway. I'd be a dumb-ass fool to ever complain about way he fucks, not to mention how disrespectful it would be towards him. He came with great force, with a super thrust into my throat, his balls pressed against my eyes and his pelvis bone crashing against me hard. It was a big load like he promised: judging from the number of grunts and moans and also trying to count the vibrations in my throat from his throbbing cock, I'd say there were 7 distinct shots, with a few dribblers afterwards. Travis stayed down my throat, his weight pressed against me. I couldn't breathe and in a panic gagged on his cock a couple times and he then pulled out.

I was gulping in air and he was breathing hard too. He said it felt great and I agreed. He then went to piss and after that, I heard him start the shower. My cock was rock hard and I knew I should take care of it while he was in the shower, so that when he came back I could keep focused on him and not have any distractions. I knew if I jerked off it would only take me a couple minutes. I picked up his sweat soaked underwear from the floor and also got a towel that was on the floor by the sink from earlier. I laid on the bed, took out my dick, and stroked as I smelled his underwear. I turned them inside out and stuffed the crotch part into my mouth and sucked out the sweat as I blew my load into the towel. I wanted to keep those underwear, but I knew I shouldn't just steal them. Also, I didn't want him to know I jerked off and used his sweaty underwear in the process, so I put them back on the floor like I found them. I then washed my hands and dick off at the sink and dried off with a towel. I threw the towel I came in under the sink with the towels Travis used before. I was thinking I should call the desk and have more sent up to the room. I heard the shower stop and I stopped. The bathroom door was open most of the way and standing at the sink I could look into the mirror and see into the bathroom. I could see Travis, but he couldn't see me. I watched him dry off and wanted to go in there and do that for him.

Just then there was a knock at the door. I got my wallet and answered it and paid for the pizza. Before the pizza guy left, Travis came out of the bathroom naked, with out even a towel, obviously showing off. The delivery guy was an older man, not very attractive or even interesting, and I could sense Travis' disappointment. I noticed the delivery man keep looking at Travis as he walked toward the bed and finally around the corner and out of view. After I paid the guy, I closed the door and brought the pizza to Travis. He stayed naked as we ate and watched tv. We also drank one of the bottles of champagne that were still on ice in the sink. When we were done eating and just laying on the bed watching tv, Travis mentioned that his feet were hurting some, so I offered to give him a foot massage. It started more with me rubbing his feet and then I adder in some toe sucking. He said it felt really relaxing. After spending a good 20 minutes sucking his toes and licking his feet, I got up and took the small bottle of complimentary hand lotion that was in a basket by the sink. I rubbed that into his meet and he liked that a lot. I followed by giving him a back rub. Travis laid on his stomach on the bed and he got so relaxed I think he was falling asleep. I'm sure he was tired, as was I, but I wanted to see if he still had some energy for more sex before we officially went to sleep. My back rub started getting lower until I was rubbing his ass. Then I started kissing his ass cheeks as well as rubbing them. I could tell I was getting a reaction from Travis. I spread his cheeks to lick at his crack again, then I buried my face in his ass so that my tongue could lick at his hole. He was squirming on the bed now. And soon he was lifting his ass up as he got onto his knees. He kept his head down on the pillow though. From behind I now had better access to his asshole and I tongue fucked him. The light from the tv was enough to see what I was doing, and I played with his low hanging balls as I ate out his ass. I moved my mouth lower to replace my hands, and I was again sucking and licking his nutsack.. His cock was rock hard and pointing down to the bed. I kept licking lower around his balls and then to his cock. I turn myself around and was now on my back with my head between his legs, alternating between licking his balls that were hanging in my face and his cock which I was stroking with my right had while my left hand played with his ass. There was a lot of spit there to lube my finger as I gently traced it around his hole. Travis was definitely awake now, and he said "suck me off!" So, I scooted up a little to take his cock into my mouth. Both my hands went to his ass and I rubbed it and played with his hole while I blew him. He started to move his hips. What followed was a slow mouth fuck. He didn't ram his cock down my throat, and I don't think he could unless he changed our positions a little. Instead, he was bobbing his hips up and down and his cock was sliding across my tongue. When he'd thrust forward, his cock banged the back wall of my throat instead of taking the corner down into my gullet. On his pull back, the flared ridge of his cockhead would catch my lips. A few times he pulled back too far and his cock head would pop out between my tight lips with a wet smack, only to be worked back through my now slippery lips and back into my mouth. He got faster. And towards the end he stretched out his legs so he was now in more of a pushup position, but his chest was still against the mattress. He just bounced his pelvis off my face, again not ramming his cock down my throat, but just hitting it in the same spot on the back wall of my mouth over and over. He came before he actually created a bruise, and I enjoyed the feeling and taste of his sperm. It's the stuff he'll use to make babies someday and I still blush when I think about all the cum of his I've eaten and all the other loads I've swallowed. It's such a sacred thing, so personal and so sensual. I love getting guys off and eating their sperm.

We both slept well that night, and didn't get up till about noon. And you guessed it: we had sex again. I woke him up with a blow job, but stopped halfway through to lick his balls and ass and to clean his pits before going back down on him to finish giving him head, making him cum and eating my breakfast in bed. I could go into all the details, but I think I've described this ritual in great detail earlier, that I'd only be repeating myself. Back on the first morning I woke up with Travis in my own bed back in Chicago, he started out the day by waking up and then asking (demanding?) me to rim him. But every morning that we have been together since then, it is me who wakes him up. And the ball licking and armpit cleaning just became part of the routine added to the standard morning rim job and head/face fuck. It was part of what we expected to happen. And Travis enjoyed it as much as I did, willingly and effortlessly getting into the positions that gavme access to all these areas (lifting his knees to his chest to expose his hole for rimming, spreading his legs wide to give full access to his fucksacks, and placing his hands behind his head to expose his pits for their morning tongue bath, and either bending his legs at the knee with his feet on the mattress to get leverage for fucking my face, or rolling over to get me on my back so that he could mount me and fuck my face and feed me breakfast). This morning was the fourth morning we did all this, and it was so natural and effortless that we didn't need to even talk at all.

That day we went to the Milwaukee Public Museum for a couple hours and had lunch there too, and then we went to Grand Avenue Mall but only spent an hour there. Around 5 we were back at the hotel. We rested and watched tv. Travis stripped to his underwear to be more comfortable. Of course, that made us both horny and I ended up getting facefucked again, but this time while on my knees with my back against the wall. That was hot! Travis picked up some tourist information in the hotel lobby and we looked for something to do. We had dinner and then ended up seeing a movie at one of the downtown theatres because there wasn't much else to do seeing it was New Year's Day. After the movie we walked around downtown looking for a gay bar or something. All we could find was the Eagle. Neither of us had ever been to one before, even though most major cities has one or something similar to it. I went it first to see if they were carding. The place was practically empty. No one was carding so I went back out and got Travis. We were the youngest guys there and the only ones not wearing at least one piece of leather clothing. Most of the guys were at the bar. But there was a dance area and a live dj was spinning records. I found out later that was rare to find at an Eagle, and when I have told some of my friends this story they said no one dances at the Eagle. Perhaps that is why so many of them just stared at us when we started dancing, although I also suspect that there were some chicken hawks there who hadn't seen fresh meat like Travis come through the door in a while. We were the only ones dancing most of the time, but here were about 3 other guys that would come out if they happened to hear a song they liked. Travis of course took his shirt off (the big show off!) and did a lot of the same "dirty dancing" moves with me that he did at the rave the night before. We were having fun. We went looking for the bathroom cuz Travis had to piss, and we went the wrong way apparently, cuz we ended up in this dark hallway that had black lighting with a lot of graffiti wriiten in fluorescent colors on the walls and every few feet there were like these little alcoves that I guess are used for sex, but no one was back there. We found the bathroom eventually and Travis asked me to go in with him cuz he didn't want anyone to bother him. I stood in the corner out of the way as he pissed in the urinal. The bathroom did not have a door on it, so anyone walking by could see if there was anyone in there. And sure enough, someone walked by and came in, walked right up to him while he was still pissing, and started talking to him. He didn't see me, so when I stepped forward and said "just let the boy piss, ok?" he looked at me with that "who in the hell are you?" glare and then left. We didn't stay long after that.

It was still early, only like around midnight. We didn't know what else to do, so we went and ate again at McDonalds. Travis wanted a happy meal (how cute) cuz I think the toy was something cool from whatever kids movie that was popular at the time. After that, we walked around downtown Milwaukee and tried getting into a regular bar, but they were carding. Travis didn't feel like trying to get in anywhere else, so we decided to go back to the hotel. Well, let's just say we found plenty to do there. It was almost the same story as the night before. I worked him up with enough foreplay and ended up getting my throat raped hard. I should have known better, but Travis is the type of guy I can't help but work up into a frenzy. I learned all the right buttons to press and it is always cool to see how turned on I can get him before letting him loose on me. When he needs to fuck, he really needs to fuck! And I think at times even he is surprised at his own strength and animalistic power when he fucks full throttle like that. After he released all that pent up energy we chilled by watching tv and I treated him to another full body massage, making sure that I satisfied my craving for his feet to. I also tried my rimming trick, licking his ass to get him horny again for one more fuck before going to sleep. But tonight it didn't work as well as the night before. He was just too tired to fuck my throat again or to even fuck my mouth doing pushups. But he wasn't to tired to get a blow job, so he laid on his back with his legs spread and I sucked him off to completion and swallowed. His cum is better than a glass of hot milk at night to help me fall asleep. This was one of the few times I got him off where he was almost completely passive, just lying there and letting me do my thing. It was his way of saying "if you want another load tonight, you're going to have to work for it, cuz I'm too tired to fuck." Well, I'm always up for another load. Every guy I'm with knows that I never can get enough, so I was more than willing to work for this batch of sperm. After that we slept.

We woke and performed our usual morning ritual: a total tongue bath followed by a face fuck and breakfast served to me in bed again. It was Saturday. And Travis had something he wanted to do. He looked through the phone book and called a tattoo place because he wanted to get a navel piercing. He found one and he asked me to go with him so we packed up and checked out of the hotel. We found the place and went in together, and I even went in the back room to watch and Travis grabbed and squeezed my hand when the guy was sticking him with the needle. It looked hot on him. Travis has that nice, flat, hard, smooth tummy, and now there was a silver ring in his belly button. He was sore, but I couldn't wait till I could lick him there.

After that, we had a late lunch. I was hoping we'd either sit in his car or find a bathroom where we could say goodbye like we did the last time. But after the piercing, his tummy was sore and he wasn't much in the mood to have sex. So I had to settle with a goodbye kiss. We both left Milwaukee together, me following him. When we got to the Interstate, he went north, and I headed south back to Chicago. We kept in touch regularly (he even called me that night). It was another great weekend with this stud. I've told you everything I can remember about it. I wouldn't see Travis again for a almost 3 months. It's a story that doesn't have a happy ending, so I'm not sure if I'll write about that. I almost prefer to leave the memory of my time with Travis as it ends in this story, with me headed back home to Chicago with a sore throat, tired tongue, and a belly full of cum.

NOTE: This story took a long time to write. I did my best to remember things the way they happened and included as many details as possible for those of you who asked me to be more descriptive. Feel free to share your comments and questions with me. If you want to be a replacement for Travis, I want to chat with you! Send me an email and we'll work on the details of setting up a meeting. If you are in Chicago or travel here for business or just to visit, great! Drop me an email. But even if you are not in the area and don't plan to be, still write, because I travel a lot and I might be in your area sometime. My email address is (or you can also write to me at one of my "overflow" mailboxes: or I look forward to hearing from you.


Next: Chapter 21

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