
By Chicago Sucker

Published on Jun 11, 2002


The following is the second installment for a new series of stories I have written. Please add it to the directory titled "True Stories from a Cocksucker." I submitted the first section called "How I got Started" earlier today. Other stories will be submitted for this directory as I finish them.

Please contact me if you have any questions or if there are any problems with my submission.


True Stories From A Cocksucker

Part Two: The Biggest Cock I Ever Swallowed

By: Chicago Sucker (

NOTE: Fantasy sex is good. I always enjoy reading a good story here on the Nifty Archive. But no one can argue that the real thing is much better. So, I decided to write down some of my true expereinces and give others a chance to read about more than just some guy's fantasy. I am a real guy with real experiences. I live in Chicago where there are plenty of opportunities to meet and hook-up with men. I am 27 years old, 6 feet tall, 170 ponds, in shape and good looking. If you enjoy reading about my experiences, if you have any comments or questions, or if you want to set up a meeting to "put my talents to the test," feel free to contact me at the email address


I have to admit that I love big cock! There are plenty of average guys out there and I enjoy sucking them off too. But every now and then I find a guy with a monster cock. This is a true story about a guy I met in college.

This cock, no shit, was 11 inches. And it was super thick too, about 7" around the head and about 6" around the rest of the shaft. It was a challenge to get him all down. And it was a challenge to even get him to let me try it. He's a straight dude and well, I had to get really drunk the first time. Anyway, I met him when I got to college freshman year. He was a memeber of the basketball team and one of about 8 tall good looking white boys from Indiana going to my school on full basketball scholarships. Anyway, at orientation, a lot of the guys were calling him "big guy" and he was blushing but also smiling and I didn't know what it meant until later. It didn't take long for the "rumors" about his bick cock to get around the dorms. It was a small college and only about 120 students lived in the dorms. It was three stories, with all of the guys on the first floor and girls on the 2nd and 3rd floors. And each floor was divided into wings: east, center, and west. I had a single room on one west. He shared a bigger room with another jock on 1 center. And I guess he walked around naked a lot. After midnight, girls were not allowed on our floors and we couldn't be up on theirs. A buddy of mine who lived on 1 center said Mike (the guy with the big schlong) showed it off a lot. He said he went back and forth to the showers completely naked. Well, I really wanted to transfer over to 1 center so I could see this too! But that wing was full and I had to stay where I was.

Well, it was a small school like I said and everyone knew everyone. We all had our meals together at the same time. And basketball was about the only sport we had besides girls basketball and girls volleyball (but I don't really count them as sports). So going to the basketball games every week was something we all did. Hell, it was even common to check out practices during the week. So mike knew I was at the games and I guess he considered anyone who was into sports was cool. Not everyone knew I was gay. I'm not all femmy and shit. There was one guy on my floor who was real flamey, and other guys teased him all the time and wrote "fag" on his door. I was glad I could "hide" my gayness and be accepted as just one of the guys.

Underage drinking was big thing on campus and I was really into that (in fact, i got kicked out and ended up going to a different school because of it). I always had beer and even had a refrigerator in my room and people knew I liked to share. So it was common to have other dudes ask for a beer or whatever. And it helped that I was a night owl too. I was always up until 3 or 4 in the morning. I got to know Mike somewhat, but we were not really friends or anything. And to speed this story up and get to the good stuff, I'll just skip to it and set it up.

I was lucky enough to have Mike in my room late at night after he had been drinking and we were just talking and eventually (as most conversations between guys do) we started talking about sex. Everyone commented about his big dick and he was talking to me about it and that it was cool to have a big dick, but also it had it's disadvantages. I couldn't understand how having a big dick could be seen as a disadvantage and Mike explained to me how girls were intimidated and ever afraid of his cock. It made bagging pussy difficult for him sometimes. And oral sex, well, what girl could manage 11" except for some well experienced slut or some porn star. (We were at a small private Catholic University and these girls were not all that slutty or experienced). Another disadvantage he said was that everyone knew he was hung and if he dated a girl or anything, she would really be branded as a slut or something like that, and people would spread rumors about her and say things like she only dates Mike for his huge cock.

So by now, I was starting to feel sorry for the poor horny hung jock boy! (Well, not really) But as we talked about sex I started asking him the same questions he had been asked by many guys by now: things like "do girls really get into your big cock" and "do they scream" and he told me how he usually has to be real gentle and go real slow and most of the times he never really got to fuck a girl with his whole cock. And oral sex, well, no one had ever deep throated him. Well, being a bit drunk myself I told him I bet I could do it. And I ended up confessing that I had sucked cock before but I didn't go all out with my confession and tell him I was gay.

Well, I got my chance to prove myself and it wasn't easy. It took a while to find the right angle and get myself relaxed enough to actually get him down. And when I did, I couldn't take it for too long and would back up and suck his head while I stroked him with my hand until I felt I could go down on him all the way again. He just laid there on his back so it was hard to get him down. I needed to get him in a better position but I didn't want to get all faggy and start telling him how to fuck my face. I just wanted to do a good job blowing him hoping that I'd get the chance to do it again at a time when he wasn't drunk and was able to work with me to try different positions and really get into it.

After I got him off and swallowed his load, he left and it was a little awkward seeing him around a few days after that. He wasn't drunk enough to forget what had happened. But he wasn't gay either, and I'm sure he felt really freaked about it. He did stop by my room a couple times but I never really made a move or even suggested I'd do him again. I didn't want to scare him off.

The third time he stopped by (this was about 2 weeks after the blow job) he was just kinda sitting in my room talking, but he really didn't have much to say. So after a few long awkward moments of silence, I just flat out asked if he wanted another blow job. He just kinda said "I guess so" and waited for me to make the move. So he was on my bed on his back again and I opened his pants and took it out. It was starting to get hard. It took him a while to get fully hard and once he was hard, It took him forever to get soft again. Even after he came once or even twice, his cock was still hard.

I guess it takes a while for all that blood to drain out. Anyway, I started to blow him and it was cool. I could get about 4 inches in my mouth until his cockhead hit the back of my throat. His cock was straight, no curve to it at all and by now it was fully hard. And at the angle I was in, there was no way for me to take it deeper. I kept sucking him thinking about how I could get him to move to a better position. I'd go down on him, taking him as far as I could get and I'd look down at my mouth and I could see 7 more inches of cock and I knew I wanted it all!

So after a few minutes I had him stand up. I knelt down and stared bobbing back and forth and started moving his hips a little. I liked that and as we both got into it more he started thrusting and it was hot! I pulled off after a while and said something like "you like to fuck face, don't you?" and he just kinda shrugged. So I decided to get into position. I had sucked big dick before (but 8" was the biggest before Mike) and I knew that if I got on my back on the bed and hung my head over the edge, I could deep throat a guy easier. So that's the positon I got in. I took the frame off my bed when I moved in, so my matrees and boxspring were on the floor. It made more room. So when I got on the bed and hung my head over the edge, I was only about a foot off the floor, so I took a pillow under my head. It was just the right height and my mouth and throat were alligned perfectly. I told him to bring his cock to me and he kinda squatted down and as he did so, his balls were right over my mouth, so I sucked and licked them for a while. I stroked him with my hand to, and his cock pointed way past my chin. I reached for the end of it and then lowered my hand to my neck/chest. His cock ended about 2 inches below my collar bone. This was a good 4 inches or so below my adam's apple. As I pointed to that spot on my chest below the end of his cock I told him that's how deep I wanted him to go. He backed up and started to put his cock in my mouth.

It got to my throat and I really had to concentrate in order to relax. It hurt as my throat stretched out to take him. As he got deeper and deeper, I felt a lot of pressure on my adams apple as his cock pushed my throat up against it. I couldn't swallow. He backed up some before going back in. I still didn't have him in all the way. I couldn't breathe with him in me so as he pulled out I told him he needed to let me have some air every minute or so. We kept working on it until I had him all the way down. Of course I gagged and choked a lot and it took about 15 minutes to finall deep throat him all the way. Mike kept asking if I was ok and if I wanted him to stop. That was the first and only time he ever asked me that.

He then started to fuck and it was incredible. He pumped me pretty hard and I choked from time to time and struggled when I couldn't breathe. It took mike about 3 minutes of solid throat fucking---he was going all the way in and pulling almost all the way out of my mouth, stretched over me in a push-up postition---until he blew his load. It really must have been a powerful orgasm cuz he was wiped out after that. And after a few minutes he got dressed and left.

From then on, we did it a couple times a week, sometimes more depending on his mood. I never really ever gave him blow jobs any more. When he came to my room and let me know what he wanted, he had me get into that position on my back with my head off the edge of the bed and he'd get right to the throat fucking, expecting me to take him deep right away. I think it was the second time we did it that he fucked my throat for about 30 minutes non-stop. It hurt like hell and I pushed with my hands to make him stop, but he grabbed them and pinned me down and kept going. This was a Sunday afternoon I remember. He blew a load and left and I jerked off and then fell asleep. I woke up around 5pm in time for dinner and my throat was really sore. It felt swollen and maybe even bruised. I remember when Ii tried to talk, Ii couldn't. Iit was like Ii had larengitis. Iit was so cool! But it scared me at first cuz I thought maybe he had done some serious damage to my vocal cords or something. But by morning I was back to normal and althought my throat still was a bit sore, I was feeling pretty good about what happened.

We met a few times a week at least and it was always pretty much the same deal. One time Mike said, "remember the time I fucked your throat and you couldn't talk afterwards? I want to do that again!" Sometimes the sessions would be long (as much as 30 minutes--and I definitely was speechless for a while after that) but mike was usually so horny that a lot of times he'd only fuck my throat 5-10 minutes and blow. Sometimes he go for a second load. That usually took a longer time. I think the worst time was when he went for three. I had already been getting throat fucked for over 30 minutes and I was sore. And after his second load I thought he'd quit. His cock always stayed hard after he came and he kept going. He had to hold me down to keep me from trying to push him off of me. He did stop and ask what the problem was and I told him my throat was sore and I couldn't take any more. He thrusted into me a couple more times before pulling out and asking me, "it hurts, huh?" and when I said "yeah" he said "good" and thrusted back down my throat. Even tho I learned to take him, I choked everytime and now that my throat was really sore and I was getting nervous, I choked even more. I wanted him to stop. Every few mintues he'd pull out and I remember asking him to stop. My voice was rough and raspy and I knew I wouldn't have a voice left much longer. The crazy thing was, I think he was actually trying not to come. When he was stopping it wasn't to give me a break or to ask me something or to see if I was ok, it was because he was close to coming and he didn't want to end it yet. So he'd pull out and wait till he could fuck some more, all the while keeping me pinned down to the bed.

Now, I could have gotten up if I really really tried to. Hell, I could have closed my mouth. Or, if i needed to, I could have bitten him to make him stop. I did want him to stop. I was in pain! But even as I was moaning as his cock stretched my sore throat again and again, I could hear him moaning too....maoning in pleasure. And that made me want to keep going....just for him...just to give him more pleasure. He asked if I wanted to stop and when I said yes, he said it felt to good to stop. And as I struggled he just said, "I'll just rape you if that's what it takes" and that really made me want to submit to him and let him rape me. It was incredible. I never felt like that before. The pain was all along my throat, but everytime he thrusted in and out of me, there was a sharp pain near my adam's apple. And he fucked by long dicking me, so he was pulling all the way out of my throat before going back down. And it was on each thrust into the opening of my throat that hurt the most.

And he finally did get off for the third time. I think it took over an hour to get him off the three times. even tho I wanted him to stop and he really hurt me, in the end, I really respected him and was actually very grateful he did that to me. It was the hottest experiences I ever had. After that, he never gave me that long of a seesion. Sometimes it was a quickie, and sometimes it would take 20 or 30 minutes. I was always willing to do him. And by the end of the year I lost count of how many times we did it. I eventaully got quicked out of school and never saw him after that. I tried to look him up on the internet but his name (Mike Keelor) doesn't come up. I thought maybe he moved back to Indiana. If he did, his number is unlisted. Even if I did find him and contact him, I don't know how he'd react. But I'm willing to find out.

NOTE: Questions and comments are welcome. If you are an aggressive top guy looking to rough up a cocksucker, I want to talk to you! I live in Chicago but travel frequently. E-mail me and we'll see if we can set something up!

Next: Chapter 3

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