
By Chicago Sucker

Published on Sep 21, 2002


True Stories From A Cocksucker Part Seventeen: Cum (Part 2) By: Chicago Sucker (

NOTE: This is a continuation of true stories from my experience as a cocksucker living in Chicago. Fantasy sex is good in it's own way. I always enjoy reading a good story here on the Nifty Archive. But no one can argue that the real thing is much better. So, I decided to write down some of my true experiences and give others a chance to read about more than just some guy's fantasy. I am a real guy with real experiences. I live in Chicago where there are plenty of opportunities to meet and hook-up with men. I am 27 years old, 6 feet tall, 170 ponds, in shape and good looking. If you enjoy reading about my experiences, if you have any comments or questions, or if you want to set up a meeting to "put my talents to the test," feel free to contact me at the email address if that box fills up, I have set up 2 others, so try one of these: or

CUM (Part 2)

So, continuing this rather lengthy writing about cum, I wanted to tell you about a guy I met here in Chicago. We actually met through a personal ad I had placed in the woman seeking men section. Yeah, I learned that I could find more straight men that way. I put an ad in the same section where women place ads looking for men. Now, I never pretend to be female. I am always honest and upfront and say right in my ad that I am a gay male. This is apain, cuz it usually results in my ad getting yanked by the moderator of the personal ads service. It would take Yahoo a couple days to find it tho, and that was always enough time to get a ton of replies (as many as 30 a day) from guys who intended to search for a female, but saw my ad and out of curiosity replied to me. Now out of these replies, only 2 or 3 would be promising leads. But you can bet I followed up on them. Here's one reply to my ad that caught my eye:


I think I read somewhere that you should never respond to an email or a persoan ad message from someone who types in only capital letters. Thank goodness I'm not one who takes advice or follows rules. This guy sounded too good to pass up on a typing technicality, he's fucking 19 years old for Christ's sake! 90 percent of all the other replies I got were from much older, married guys, several in their fifties and one in his mid-sixties! If you have written to me and requested a picture or if you have seen any of my profiles with my picture, you know that I am a pretty good looking guy. I'm 27 but look younger, and I am in shape and I take care of myself. So, I figure I have the ability to be picky when it comes to finding a guy to worship and service. I guess I'm one of those rare cocksucking cum addicts who has standards! Anyway, like I said, this guy was too good to pass up, so I wrote him back. We emailed a bit back and forth before meeting. He felt comfortable enough to come to my place. And he was everything I expected him to be: good looking, in shape and young. It's a great combination. He wasn't overly hung (about 6.5 inches and average thickness) but he was super hard. I think he had an erection before he got to my place, and I discovered he could keep it up and hard for hours at a time (lets see those older guys do that!). And he had big loads. But even more amazing, he could cum repeatedly, and have as many as 5 or 6 orgasms with decent loads within a 30 minute period. Granted, the loads of cum got smaller with each orgasm, but he told me that each climax felt better than the last, and we both enjoyed seeing how many times i could get him off during a visit. He almos always came in ym mouth or down my throat. It was rare for him to shoot a load elsewhere, but it did happen from time to time, especially if he was jerking off while i ate his ass or licked his balls. But I learned to read his body tension and the sounds he made, and knew when he was gonna cum, and I could usually get my open mouth in position to catch it. Of course, whatever cum I missed I always licked up. Anyone who meets me knows that I never use a towel to clean up a mess.

And I easily became obsessed with this boy's ability to cum, both by how many times he could do it during a session and by the volumes of his load, especially those first 2 or 3 which were quite impressive. He was rather passive and quiet for the most part, but I enjoyed teaching him and encouraging him to be more active and even helping him develop a more aggressive side. I started introducing new positions instead of just allowing him to lay on his back or sit in a chair. Up until meeting me, he had only had sex with females, and girls can be pretty lame cocksuckers and I find that straight guys end up thinking that they need to be passive while getting sucked off. So this kid had that stright mentality...but the fact that he thought about getting blown from a guy and the fact that he answered my ad and actually met me and let me blow him are good signs that this kid may be gay or at least bisexual. Anyway, I worked at getting him to be more active like said, by introducing new positons and by showing him that i liked getting my mouth fucked. Even though he did get more active and aggressive, he never became overly aggressive (I'm still training him on that!). He still has this very sweet, innocent side to him. Like many times, we'll be getting into a session and I'll be on my back with him over me doing push-ups, fucking my face and just letting him go at his pace until he blows that first load. It only takes a few minutes for him to have his first orgasm. But like I said, he stays hard, and usually he just keeps going. After the second or third one, sometimes he slows down and just holds his cock in my mouth and asks if I want him to keep going. Of course, i always do. And our usual sessions end with him coming 4 or 5 times. Sometimes it's all in that position. It's like we get ina grove and he just keeps going. It's really quite hot! One time he got off 5 times in the pushup position, all in the span of about 30 minutes. He was still hard and said, "Want we to try and cum again? I think I can if i keep going..." and of course I wanted him to and he did! Truly amazing. Even though that was his 6th load, it was still a couple good squirts of cum. I don't know how this kid did it! During our sessions we usually take a few breaks...sometimes to go to the bathroom, get a drink, or even something to eat. We've stopped to order pizza a few times. We'd meet and i'd suck 4 or 5 loads out of him, and then we'd stop to eat and then it was back to more cocksucking and face fucking. The second half of a session would usually only be 2 or 3 complete blow jobs and he'd be all cummed out after that. Sometimes his cock would be super snsitive and he'd just have to quit. I'm still hoping he'll outgrow that and beable to keep going and going.... I enjoy his cum so much, I can't get enough. And I guess that's how I feel about cum in general.

I've had some other interesting experiences with cum. When I was much younger, and still living at home, I used to go to my sister's house when she and her husband were at work. They lived in the same town as me and my parents. They didn't have any kids yet, but they did have a dog. He was some sort of mix, but he had a lot of german shepard in him. They got him free from someone who lived on a farm and was giving away puppies. My brother-in-law was too cheap to have him fixed, but they did have a liscence for him and all that. Well, he was cute puppy, and he grew up fast. In less than a year he was already sexually mature, and that's when I started to take a greater interest in him. It all started out with me just petting him and eventually rubbing his cock and balls. I didn't know what to expect. And the first few times I did this it was very lame. Like I said, i didn't know what i was doing. All I knew id that I liked it and I knew the dog liked it, cuz he always let me do it. Well, one day, his cock came out of its was bright red, wet and shiney. I was so excited! I took him into the garage to get abetter look. I ended up giving him a hand job and he bucked his hips and fucked my fist like... um, well, like an animal. It was hot. It was instinct and it was pure sex! He came a lot, squirting several times, hot, sticky, thin and runny cum. It was all over my hand, my arm, my leg and the garage floor. His cock stayed hard and swollen and continued to pulse out small jets of cum for about 5 minutes. The dog just stood there, squirting, panting, and looking at me. I left right after that. i let him back into the yard, closed the gate and jumped on my bike and pedaled home to jerk off. I was back the next day!

Things happened the same again. It was cool. But this time, I tasted that cum. I licked it off my hand and arm. I even licked the garage floor. I laid there with my head under that dogs body and let his after shots of cum hit me in the face. In case you're wondering, dog cum is way differant that human cum. And if this part of my story is grossing you out, skip ahed a few paragraphs. I know there is a beastiality section here at nifty, but decided to include this story in this chapter becasue it is a true experience of mine and it is about cum, and that is the focus of this chapter.

Anyway, things progressed. I eventually stopped jacking the dog and moved to giving him head and letting him fuck my face. Now that was hot. I'd get on my hands and knees and face him and get him to lift his front paws over my shoulders and just aloow him to fuck my mouth. Sometimes we did it on the stairs, so I just sat on the lower stair and leansed back and got him to get over me with his front paws on the stairs just above my head and we'd do it that way. I think the dog liked it more than I did. Because everytime he saw me he got excited. his cock would get big and red and stick out of his fur. I knew I was gonna get caught so I had to stop doing that. But I couldn't give it up completely. I just did it less often. to my knowledge, no one found out. But they got rid of the dog cause he barked alot during the day when my sister and her husband were at work, and the neighbors complained a few times. So, after my brother-in-law got a second ticket from the local police, the dog was gone. I don't know for sure what happened to him, but I think he ended up somewhere back in the country on someone's farm.

I just wanted to include this story to illustrate how much I love cum and what I'd do to get it. I've had other experiences with dogs too. In Chicago, I've met guys with dogs. In one case, the guy was into having a cocksucker do him and his dog together. That was kinda cool. I didn't mind that at all. On another occassion, I met a guy off the phone line and I went to his apartment to get my face fucked. His dog watched us. And after the guy was done, i asked if his dog wanted a turn and he said if I wanted to i should go for it. I did, and it was the first time that guy ever had a cocksucker offer to blow his dog and he thought it was kinda cool.

I've told these dog stories to a few other people. Recently I got this message from a guy who has been reading my stories here on nifty:

"you said you had some expereinces with bestiality. i don't have a dog, but if i did, iwouldn't have it neutered so i could make pigs like you suck it off. i wish i knew a guy w/a dog like that in NYC that i could make faggots like you suck off..."

This is a guy who describes himself as a level 3 throat fucker. I have a trip to Washington D.C. later this fall that will include a stay over in NYC so that this guy can use my throat. You can definitely expect a chapter about that coming up in the future!

Moving off the topic of dogs and putting it back on the focus of human cum, I'll wrap of this chapter with one more story. I met a guy in the Chicago area who is just a regular man, he has no exceptional talent fro shooting huge loads or having multiple orgasms one right after the other. But he was into hasving his cum eaten. He, like most guys I know, loves to watch another guy eat his sperm. We hook up regularly and he feeds me a couple good loads each session. But things got really wild after he started saving his cum for me between visits. Sometimes it might be a month between sessions, or even longer. And he started saving his cum EVERY time he jerked off a lone. Now, this guy was no troll or anything, he's a good looking younger guy and he gets his share of sex. But like most of us, he also jerks off a couple times a day. Well, instead of wiping it up with a towel or doing it in the shower or eating it himself, he'd save it by shooting into a baggie, a condom, or a plastic cup or something. Then he'd freeze it. Within a couple weeks he'd have a lot stored up. Then, when we were planning to hook up, he'd get it all out of the freezer to thaw and collect it into one cup for me. The first time we did this I emptied the entire pool of cum into my mouth. It was nearly a full mouthful, so you know there was a lot of cum there! What was left in the cup did not go to waste. While I swished his cum in my mouth and savored the taste, he wiped the inside of the cup with his cock, making sure not to wast a drop of his cum. By then I was on my back on the kitchen floor, mouth open. He then got over me in a push-up position and sank his hard cock into the pool of cum I was holding in my mouth. It was all too much for my mouth to hold, and the deeper his cock sank into my mouth, the more cum that overflowerd and ran down my cheeks to my ears and hair and to the floor. We did this a couple times so far and it's really hot. As he fucks my mouth his cock pushed some of that cum right down my throat. I try not to swallow cuz I want to keep as much cum in my mouth while he fucks my face, because it feels good for him he says, and I like the feel of him adding another fresh load to the stuff already in my mouth. Only then do I swallow it all down. We then are very careful not to waste any that spilled. He wipes up the cum on my face with his cock or fingers and feeds it to me and I always lick the floor clean when we are done. One time, this dude was creative enough to make cum-cubes for me. He had saved enough cum to fill up 2 ice-cube compartments of a standard ice-cube tray and then to re-freeze it. He amde we a dink and used that special ice. It was awesome! Thick white globs floated in my drink as the cum-cubes melted.

It's great to know the guy if you are eating his cum. To me it is a sacred sort of bond between two guys. But there have been times I have eaten cum without knowing who's it was. i found a used condom in a park in chicago once, and I sucked it into my mouth as I walked along the lake front. That was cool. It reminded me of the times I'd spy on my sister having sex in our basement when we were teenagers and still living at home. After her boyfriend would leave, i'd sneak down stairs and check the garbage. We had a family room down there with a tv and a couch and my mom allowed them to watch tv down there. I don't think it ever dawned on her they were doing anyhting more than that. I knew better, and started a ritual of going outside and ducking down to look into the basement window. Our basement hass cinder block glass windows, so you can't really see as clear as if they were a regular window, but I know what I saw. I can't get the image of it out of my head sometimes, that guy on top of my sister, his pants down around his ankles and her clawing at his back, pulling on his shirt, and him moving up and down. I was 14 at the time, and just starting to realize I was gay. And I'd be hard watching them fuck, not at all interested in my sister, but only wishing it was me and not her. And like I said, afterwards, I'd search the basement garbage can for a condom. I just learned about condoms in sex-ed at school a couple years before, but had never seen or used one myself. Bu there, in the garbage, were several wadded up kleenexes, and sure enough, in one of them was a condum full of cum. And whenver my sister and her boyfriend went into the basement, I'd be down there right after he left on his motorcycle, drinking his cum, jerking off, and dreaming about what it would be like to suck him. It would be 2 years before I'd actually get to suck a cock and take a fresh load of cum for the first time. I already recounted that story in my first chapter. But even before i became a cocksucker, I was one in my mind, there in the basement drinking my sister's boyfriend's cold cum.

In college I would walk around and try dorm room doors to see which were open. You'll recall in the sweat chapter that the jocks often went out together in agroup, leaving me to search for jock straps! I'd do a quick search of some of the jocks garbage cans too, but never found a condom that way. I did find some in the garbage room. Each fllor had a room with garbage bins and places to recycle aluminum cans and stuff. And I would go through bags of garbage from time to time. Now this wasn't becasue I was so desparate for cum. I was getting my share. It was just that there were several straight guys in my dorm with girlfriends, i knew there had to be sex going on. I could here the guy next door doing his girlfriend almost every night. She lived upstairs on the girl's floor, but they usually spent the night together. But a lot of the hot guys I dreamed about would remain out of reach for me. So I knew the only chance I'd have of tasting their cum was to get it out of their used condoms in the garbage. But for these guys, I'd gladly do that. They were gods to me, and I wanted to eat their cum no matter what i had to do to get it.

When I think about all the cum that goes to waste every day, I sometimes get depressed. I mean I really do. I know guys are jerking off all the time, and I wish i could somehow get these hot guys to know that I'd gladly eat that cum if they wanted me to.

I'm alwyas in the mood to take a load or two...or more, as in the case of that hot 19 year old stud I mentioned at the top of this chapter. If you want to see how many times I can get you off in a suck session, let me know.

I'm always up for sucking cock, getting throat fucked and swallowing down cum. If you're not in the Chicago area, write me any how. I'll send you an address where you can mail your cum to me. Afterall, cum should not go to waste! Write to me. My email addresses are at the top of this story.

Next: Chapter 18

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