
By Chicago Sucker

Published on Sep 20, 2002


True Stories From A Cocksucker Part Sixteen: Cum (Part 1) By: Chicago Sucker (

NOTE: This is a continuation of true stories from my experience as a cocksucker living in Chicago. Fantasy sex is good in it's own way. I always enjoy reading a good story here on the Nifty Archive. But no one can argue that the real thing is much better. So, I decided to write down some of my true experiences and give others a chance to read about more than just some guy's fantasy. I am a real guy with real experiences. I live in Chicago where there are plenty of opportunities to meet and hook-up with men. I am 27 years old, 6 feet tall, 170 ponds, in shape and good looking. If you enjoy reading about my experiences, if you have any comments or questions, or if you want to set up a meeting to "put my talents to the test," feel free to contact me at the email address if that box fills up, I have set up 2 others, so try one of these: or


I am addicted to cum. And this wasn't something that took a long time to develop. I was hooked from the very first time I tasted it. I already told the story of the first cock I sucked in high school. I was 15 and so was the guy I sucked off, and when he blew his load in my mouth, I swallowed it down and loved the taste. It was the first cum I ever ate. I had never even tasted my own before then. And so you know, I have eaten my cum only a few times. Once out of curiosity (and also despararion because I wasn't finding cock to suck) I blew my load in my hand and tried to eat it, but it didn't interest me at all. So, I figured i'd try a more "direct" approach, so one time while jerking off, I raised my legs up and practically folded myself in half as i was getting close, and I jerked my cock off into my open mouth. It was actually rather gross, and I didn't like it and never did it again. Now, there is nothing wrong with my cum. Guys who have eaten it tell me it tastes great. I just don't get into my own juice. I know there are a lot of guys that do and that's ok if you like eating your own cum. In fact, I remember reading something about the Victorian period when sexuality was really repressed in society. There was some theory by a group of doctors that hypothesized that the avearge man only had so much cum, like it was a fixed amount at birth. And guys who masturbated regularly ran the risk of running out and eventually not having any left and thus being unable to have children. So, these doctors advised that if a man was going to masturbate, that he catch his ejaculate and eat it, and therefore "return" the sperm back to his body to ensure that the man would keep a high level of semen and not run out.

In college, I read another theory about cum. I was looking up books on homosexuality at the university library and found this one book that traced homosexuality throught the various cultures and historic periods of civilization. It was interesting in some respects. The one thing I remember most about this book was a section on some of the tribes in Africa where they believe that males are born without any semen or the ability to produce semen on their own, and the only way for young boys to grow up and be fertile, was to eat the cum of their fahters or other adult men in their tribe. How very interesting I thought. This theory is similar to something a straight man once wrote to me regarding fags and why they obsess over straight guys and why fags like me need to eat straight male cum. He starts by defining the term "staright man" as follows:

"STRAIGHT MAN - naturally superior, utterly pure in his sexual practice and history, 100% masculine, naturally dominant and athletic, sucessful, stable, and confident. While Straight Men are always heterosexual not all heterosexual men are actually true straight men, since some hetero men are weak. Straight men are always sexually dominant - they take the INSERTIVE position in any sex act (they insert straight COCK into an orifice). They are never sexually receptive. Any receptive sex act with a female or male forever robs the man of the claim to being Straight. Straight men understand their dominant position in the natural order of things, including their relationship to weak, queer or fag men. Some Straight Men feel called to be worshipped by fags. At first, they may simply feel the need to humiliate them,but they find they they for reasons unknown need to engage the faggot and use him beyond simply abuse and humiliation. This is Nature's way of bring the Straight Man and the fag together for Nature's purposes. The reason for this strange situation is that Nature hates imbalance. Fags are born with deficient manhood, masculinity and seed. Straight Men have a huge overabudance of Manhood, Masculinity and Seed. Fags crave what they don't have. The Straight begins to realize his need to release his surplus Seed, but needs to put it to good use. Wasted Straight Seed is something to be avoided. Although society is anti-gay, the situation between Straight-fag is ancient. Straight Men have always had a cocksucker to drain them of excess Seed. As lonmg as this remains a discreet situation (as Nature intends), it is acceptable. Hence, Straight Men feel drawn to fisrt humiliate the feed the hopeless sub-man, the cocksucker, the fag. Yet, this is natural. This act in now way makes the Straight less straight. In fact, he is more Straight than average as he has excess Seed. He is obeying Nature and contributing to balance by allowing the fag to feed from his superior Manhood."

He continuse with his definition of a fag:

"FAG, FAGGOT - a bisexual or homosexual man who understands his inferior position in the natural order. Even if externally masculine acting or successful in life, a fag knows his place when with a true STRAIGHT Man. He is naturally receptive in sex and seeks the most appropriate penis for his subjugation - STRAIGHT COCK. He craves it, dreams of it, and literally needs to be fed from it. His compulsion to worship the Straight Man is overwhelming - he is incomplete without it. His need to be fed from a willing Straight Man's Cock approaches obsession. The role of the fag is to serve the Straight Man when they are together. The proper sexual expression of the fag role is that of total cocksucker. He always swallows as this is of course natural. He feels his own penis has no sexual purpose other than to prove he is a male fag. He may crave being fucked, but he knows a true Straight Man never defiles his Cock in a faggot ass. He naturally seeks a pure Straight Man to serve and service and is revulsed at the thought of serving a false straight, a queer or weak hetero man. If a fag services and is defiled by a false straight, he should be forbidden to serve a true Straight Man for a period of time or even forever. The Seed of a true Straight Man is the only way a fag can be redeemed."

So, then, according to this theory, a fag can be redeeemed. So, what does that mean exactly? He explains it as follows:

REDEMPTION - a fag essentially lacks manhood and his so-called semen is empty of true masculinity. His balls are in essence empty. When fed by a willing superior Straight Man, he is gaining what he lacks. The process always involves a lot of humiliation and submission because this is the only way a Straight is encouraged to allow this to happen -it is Nature's way. Technically, a fag who is well fed is superior to the queen as he is being put in to balance, but slowly. Since the lack of manhood is so extreme in the fag, it would take more than a lifetime of feeding from a true Straight to bring him to manhood (he would then become a non-fag) BUT since this can never really happen, he must be willing to simply stay true to his natural role for life, but all along his subjection and the Straight Man's willingness to feed him and dominante him contributes to Nature's plan."

OK, very interesting indeed! Now, keep in mind this "theory" was written and sent to me by a self-proclaimed straight man. Now, I am not going to debate the various definitons of staright, but let me throw out the notion that any male who engages in any sexual activity with another male and derives sexual gratification from this activity may not be able to say he is 100 percent, totally straight. But, like I said, i am not going there. My whole purpose for including this "theory" in this chapter is beacuse of all of the references to semen, sperm and cum. It is interesting reading, but I leave it up to you as a reader to weigh it's value, credibility and logic.

As for myself, i don't place a lot of emphasis on theories, and I find it is sometimes best not to try and expalin things. I know I am gay. I know I am a cocksucker. i know I like to eat the semen of another male. I could stop right there and leave it at that. However, there is something else that I cannot ignore about me. Not only do I like doing these things, I also feel I need to do these things. And I also feel it my place in life to be cocksucker and cum eater. To me it goes beyond just finding pleasure in sucking cock and eating cum. it rises to the level of placing others above me and allowing them to use me for thier own pleasure and gratification. My pleasure and willingness to perform oral sex and swallow is secondary to my need to do it and my fate in life as an inferior male.

But I am not inferior to all males. I never said that. I am inferior to good looking, athletic, dominant, aggressive, cocky, young males. I won't suck off some fat ugly old guy just because he says he is staright and I should show him respect by doing this for him. No, I believe that superior males deserve respect becasue they earned it by keeping themeslves in shape, by being good looking, by developing a selfish attitude, and by genuinely believing they are god's gift to women and faggots. So as a cocksucker and worshipper of superior male beings, you could say I'm picky. But I have found that i can afford to picky, because there are plenty of good looking, young, in-shape, cocky males--both gay and straight and all shades inbetween--out there in the world. And I have been able to find my fair share. My stories so far have provided some insight into my experiences. And since several readers have written and expressed an interest in hearing more about my experiences, I plan to continue writing and posting them here.

This chapter is indeed all about cum. So, let me tell you about one guy I met who consistantly produced the biggest cum loads. his name is david and he lives in the Chicago area. He answered an ad I had running a year back or so. We emailed a few times before we actually met, and he felt he needed to "warn me" about his ability to cum. He explained it to me in an email...and this is a direct quote from what he wrote to me:

"I had my first wet dream when I was 13. It was so huge it felt like I had wet the bed. I knew it was coming but I didn't think it was suppose to be that much. My Dad was a doctor (still is) so when it happened again (only 3 nights later) I asked him about it. We called a urologist. He had me come in to the office and masturbate in a beaker. He measured my semen and said I had 5 to 6 times the average volume! He also said that unless I masturbated regularly (at least once a day if not more -- or -- when I was older -- had sex regularly) I would probably have wet dreams like this. Needless to say -- he was right. I masturbate twice each day -- once in shower in morning and once at night before I go to bed. Both are always huge loads. Most guys "squirt" or "pulse" twice or three times? Me? At least six or seven! Often when I have an orgasm I will come, then about 30 seconds later come again! For some reason my prostate gland is working really overtime and produces an incredible amount of semen. I have no problem cuming several times during sex."

Well, needless to say, I couldn't wait to meet this guy! We eventually set up a meeting and I ended up going to his place. We didn't spend a lot of time chatting, cuz we both knew what I was there for. Besides, we had emailed and talked on the phone enough to plan how this would work. Even though I lean towards being very submissive, sometimes, I take a more aggressive role, especially when I am curious about something or when I really want something. And the thing I wanted most was to see this guy cum and see just how big his loads really were.

We went to his bedroom and he stripped naked and laid on the bed. Sometimes, like I said (and have written in other stories posted in this series) it's not all intense throat fucking and serving dominant straight guys. I find plenty of regular guys who are `laid back' in their approach to sex, and I usually have some good experiences with these types of guys. And whenever I meet a new guy like this, I enjoy taking the time exploring his body, playing with his cock and balls, and getting my face in there to get a really good look. So, I took my time doing just that. And he was instantly hard, and very horny, and actually seemed relieved that he didn't have to jerk off alone again like he usually does 2-3 times a day. So he just laid back on some pillows and watched me get into his body. I started giving him the basic blow job: lots of licking and sucking on his shaft and cock head. He oozed a ton of precum. I had no doubt his load was gonna be awesome. And I already had decided in my mind what I was going to do. Normally, I need to have the guy shoot his load down my throat or in my mouth. I try not to let a guy shoot it on my face or anywhere else (unless that's what he really wants to do). Even if he does shoot it on my face, or on his chest or even on the floor, I end up eating it anyway. But I always let the guy know that I expect it in the mouth and that I am willing to swallow each and every time. But in this case, seeing that I already knew he shot huge loads and that he could cum several times in one session, I intended to suck him to he was close and then finish him by hand and watch his load shoot out of him. And that's what I did for his first orgasm. I sucked him until he was close to cumming. He didn't have to say when that was...I could tell by the sounds he was making, by his breathing, and by the way he moved his body. So, I pulled my mouth off him and used a tight fist to continue jerking his wet, slippery cock. It only took a few pumps of my fist to push him over the edge, and I kept my face low enough to really watch his cock shoot that first huge load. His hard cock naturally pointed toward his chest so I didn't try to pull it up or back towards me, I just wanted him to shoot naturally like he usually does when he jerks off alone.

When this guy came, I can honestly say it was the biggest load I ever saw shoot out of a guy...either in person or even in porn movies! His load was incredible. I counted 11 shots of cum...the first 8 were rather large and they shot pretty far. The last three were sorta dribblers' that were just small shots that only traveled a few inches. The first shot out of his cock was a heavy string of cum that shot and landed in the middle of his chest. The next 4 or 5 shots were what I'd call globs' that flew out of his cock with power, landing on his upper chest, neck, one on his left ear, and the rest on his pillow and beyond on the bed. The next 3 shots or so were still rather large and landed about in the same spot, forming a large thick pool of white cum on his belly. The remaining shots as I said were dribblers and landed about 2 to 3 inches above his pubes. Now this guy was hair on his chest or arms, but he had a trimmed bush around his cock. His balls were smooth and his legs had some light hair on them. But for the most part he was hairless, especially in all the places where his cum landed.

I was in awe at the show he just put on. But I quickly came to my senses and began slurping, sucking and licking up the puddles and globs of cum on his body, and even off of his pillow and bed. All the while he stayed hard and he jerked his cock while I licked his stomach and chest. He was really beating his meat hard and in like 30 seconds from just blowing that first load, he said "I'm gonna cum again!" and I quickly got my open mouth positioned near his cock head so that I could catch this load. I kept an inch or two distance between his cock head and my open mouth so that I could watch him shoot again and count the spurts. This time he shot 8 times and again, the majority of them were large globs' that traveled with incredible velocity. I could feel them spurting and landing in my mouth...most of them deep near the entrance to my throat and some hitting the roof of my mouth or my cheeks. I few of the last spurts landed on my face and one or two maybe on his belly. But again, I was impressed with the volume of this second load, especially seeing that he came so close to that first mega cum load he shot all over himself. I held this second load in my mouth for a minute or so, examining it's taste and texture and thickness. I was expecting his cum to be very thin and watery...seeing that he said he had said that his prostate gland produced 5-6 times the normal amount of fluid. The prostate gland (and I know this because I read up on male sexual anatomy) produces the extra liquid that sperm need to help them "swim" effectively. So, I expected this guy to have the average amount of sperm with 6 times the amount of swimming fluid'which to me would have suggested his cum would be thin and watery. But it wasn't. It was thicker than a lot of other guy's cum that I have seen and eaten. So, the thickness was a surprise to me and really added to the feeling of awe that I had for this guy and his ability to shoot such massive loads.

I stayed another hour or so and managed to make him cum two more times. I would have stayed longer, but it was late and we both had work in the morning. I wished he had lived closer to me, because I would have been over to his place more often. In fact, we talked about how cool it would be for me to show up twice a day, in the morning and again each night, to suck him off and swallow his load. It definitely would have made me one happy cocksucker! But it turned out that we couldn't make the "twice a day" schedule work for either of us, and I even offered to move closer to his neighborhhod just to make it more convenient for him. But instead, we hook up when we can. Sometimes it can be once or twice a week, but at other times it can be 2 weeks or more that goes by between sessions. But this guy is so cool, he often saves his loads for me, either in a ziploc bag or a plastic container that he keeps in his freezer. a few times he even mailed it to me. the first time was when he went on a vactaion for two weeks. halfway through his vacation I recieved a package from him with a medicine bottle filled with his cum. It's cool because he gets off thinking about a guy like me who wants his sperm so bad and would eat it all the time if I could.

He's very good to me and I am grateful for every huge load of cums he gives me, whether fresh right from his balls, or frozen, or through the mail. I gladly eat it all.

He is not the only guy to mail me his cum. I just got a huge bag of cum in the mail from a guy who has been reading my stories. We email each other and plan to meet soon, when he goes on a business trip sometime this fall. I'll be getting taking some vacation time and getting a room for myself in the same hotle he will be staying in, making it convenient for him to fuck my mouth and feed me as much cum as he wants to during the 3 day convention.

he mailed me a "sample" so I could get a taste of what's in store for me when we meet. It arrived at my private post office box a few weeks ago, a small box descretely wrapped in brown paper. Inside the box, carefully tucked under and betwen crumpled layers of paper to keep it from shifting around in the box, was a ziploc bag full of cum. It must have been 3 or 4 good sized loads that he saved up for me. They were in a smaller bag stored inside a larger bag, but some of the cum leaked out into that outer bag (so it was a good thing it was doubly-sealed).

I wrote him a detailed email first thanking him for the gift he mailed me, and secondly telling him what I did with his cum. Here is a copy of what I mailed him:

"Dear Sir: thank you for sending that package of your cum to me. it arrived last week and i picked it up at the post office and immediately started to open it. i could smell the cum before i got it opened! some of it was leaking out of the bags and it smelled rather obvious to me and i couldn't help smiling thinking that the guys at the post office knew what it was! anyway, i took it home and examined it thoroughly. man, that was a lot of cum!!! how many loads did you send me sir? the smell was incredible! and it was starting to discolor. it was turning yellow. it was very thinned out and runny and had two distinct consitancies. the main bulk of the cum was whiter and thicker and cloudy and separated from the rest. it settled to the bottom of the bag as i held it up and looked at it. the thinner fluid like i said was yellow (almost piss colored). from my examination i determined that thinner yellow fluid was the seminal fluid that the prostate gland secretes as lube and fluid to help sperm swim. the thicker, whiter fluid that sunk to the bottom of the bag was the actual sperm. like i siad there was some leakeage but not much. most of what leaked out was trapped in the second, larger bag. i'm glad you used to bags sir. and the smaller bag was exactly like the ones i use for lunch sometimes and they are called "snack bags" and i thought how appropriate that was for the snack you sent me sir! the first thing i did was notice and enjoy the smell. it was very strong sir. and when i opened the first bag it was awesome, and then almost overwhelming when i opened the small bag. it was so cool. after i examined the contents and the smell, i decided to pour the contents of the smaller bag into a small plastic tupperwear cup with a lid. the cup is only about 1 1/2 inches high and around and it has a tight fitting cover. see, i had to get going to work and i knew i really wanted to take the proper amount of time time to examine and eat your cum sir, and show it the right amount of respect. i just didn't want to chug it and jerk off. but i knew i had to jerk off cuz i was so overcum by the experience of just seeing and smelling your sperm sir! so after i filled up the little cup, i put it in the freezer. my plan was to freeze it solid and then later, bring it out, take it out of the cup, and suck on the frozen cum-cicle as i jerked off and worshipped your sperm as they thawed in my mouth. i knew that was something that i wanted to really take my time on. but i also knew i couldn't go to work all worked up like this. so what i did was cut open both bags so that the could lay flat and then i licked them clean as i jerked off sir! thank you sir, cuz it was incredible! i saved the bags and the box. i waited a day before eating the frozen sperm sir. i did just what i planned to do. i put the entire frozen blob in my mouth and slowly let it melt. the taste and smell were awesome...super strong and my eyes watered and i gagged a few times. i just let it all melt in my mouth and held it there. i jerkred off too, sir, because i couldn't help it. but i tried to make it last as long as i could.

i was able to make this last 20 minutes before coming. and just as i started shooting, i swallowed what was in my mouth...i had to swallow three times to get it all down. i gagged. it was nasty old cum sir, but it was your cum! and i had asked for it and i wasn't going to waste it sir. there is no way i would show your cum that kind of disrespect. thank you sir for sending this to me. i enjoyed it and i enjoyed worshipping your sperm...the same sperm that got your wife pregnant sir! and now i have your sperm inside of me too sir! thank you, thank you, thank you! i cannot wait to properly show you how thankful i am and to show you the respect you deserve when we meet in october. please sir, let me know if there is anyhting else you want to know about my experience eating your cum. also, i am asking permission to ask for more sir. i will be waiitng for your reply."

He did wirte back:

"Cocksucker, Things have been extremely busy here, but I did get your message. I am glad you enjoyed your package. I may make you another sometime, but we will see. I wanted to tell you about our meeting...."

He then went on to describe where we will meet and he gave me all the instructions for how I am supposed to make the arrangements. We'll be meeting for the first time in 2 weeks, so look for a future chapter detailing what happens.

Looking back on all of the true stories I have posted in this series (and if you read them all) it is obvious that I am a cum loving cocksucker. I do crave the stuff. It's not that uncommon. A lot of gay guys love to eat cum, and even eat there own. While I do not eat my own, I have a continous hunger for other guy's sperm. I like the way it tastes, how it feels, how it smells. In chapter 3 of this series, I wrote a whole litany of things I like to do with another guy, and I wrote that chapter as if I was personally addressing a dominant, aggressive, superior male, and telling him exactly what I would do to please him. I wrote a lot about cum:

"i want to eat it all. i don't want to waste a drop. i want you to blow loads deep down my throat. i want you to blow loads in my mouth where i can feel and taste your cum and even swish it around and savor it. i want you to pull out of my mouth, aim your cock at my open mouth while my tongue is out and shoot your load so we can both watch it shoot from the head of your cock into my mouth. i want you to shoot loads on my face and use your cock to rub it around and then let me lick your cock clean. i want you to shoot loads into my open hand or into yours and then hold it in front of me so you can watch me lick it up. i want you to cum on my food before i eat it. i want you to cum on the floor and make me lick it up. i want you to cum on your boots and make me clean up the mess. i want you to cum inside my boots and than make me wear them home. i won't be able to get enough of your hot sperm! i want you to breed my face and fuck so many loads into my tummy that i might even actually get pregnant...."

There isn't anyway I won't take cum, well, ok, maybe just one: I don't get into anal sex. I never have and i never will. I don't get it really, and I don't see why anyone would even want to fuck ass or get fucked. maybe that's where I differ from other fags. But I think there is a plus side to me not getting into anal sex. It keep my attention focussed on pleasing a man with my mouth, and by now you know I mean more than just sucking his dick. I guess you can say I have an oral fixation. And I am obsessed with giving pleasure and not concerned at all with receiving any pleasure in return. the best sex for me is always one sides, with all the attention and energy being focused on the male I am servicing. That's just the fag I am. it's how I developed, and I don't think I can change this.

In the next chapter i will continue writing about cum. I want to tell you about a young guy I met who shoots 5 or more times in 30 minutes! he's truly amazing.

If you ahve cum for me and you want to feed me in person or mail it to me, write me and let me know. My email addresses are at the top of this story. Hope to hear from you. Thanks for checking out my stories!

Next: Chapter 17

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