
By Chicago Sucker

Published on Aug 23, 2002


True Stories From A Cocksucker Part Fifteen: Travis (Part 2) By: Chicago Sucker (

NOTE: This is a continuation of true stories from my experience as a cocksucker living in Chicago. Fantasy sex is good in it's own way. I always enjoy reading a good story here on the Nifty Archive. But no one can argue that the real thing is much better. So, I decided to write down some of my true experiences and give others a chance to read about more than just some guy's fantasy. I am a real guy with real experiences. I live in Chicago where there are plenty of opportunities to meet and hook-up with men. I am 27 years old, 6 feet tall, 170 ponds, in shape and good looking. If you enjoy reading about my experiences, if you have any comments or questions, or if you want to set up a meeting to "put my talents to the test," feel free to contact me at the email address if that box fills up, I have set up 2 others, so try one of these: or

TRAVIS (Part 2)

I took Travis out to a nice, expensive dinner. I let him pick the restaurant and let him order whatever he wanted. Again. We "fooled" the waitress by having me order drinks from the bar while Travis ordered Pepsi, and we just switched drinks. He liked the fact that I could buy him alcohol, and I liked getting it for him because drinking made him horny, and it made him more aggressive and definitely more outspoken. When we got home that night, he was sorta drunk, but had slept a little on the train ride back from downtown. He was tired when we got home and immediately went to the bedroom, stripped naked, and said he was going to take a shower, but he never made it to the bathroom. He laid on the bed and I thought he might pass out. But he really didn't drink that much and he couldn't have been that tired, so part of me suspected he was playing the role and seeing how far he could take things. I stripped down to a t-shirt and a pair of boxers, the same thing I always wear to bed. When I got into bed, Travis was laying, sprawled out on top of the covers in the middle of the bed. I thought maybe he was really sleeping. I eased on to the bed, laying on my side facing him, and trying to fit on my side of the bed without bumping him or waking him up. But he wasn't asleep. After a minute or two he just said, "So, what? You're gonna go to sleep? What about my goodnight blow job?" Of course I was happy to know he was awake and even happier knowing he wanted me to suck him off. I figured he's just lay back and let me do it, and that's pretty much what happened. But before he let me start, and before he got all the way hard, he said he needed to piss. We had never talked watersports before and I wasn't sure what he was into and if he was waiting for me to suggest something. But before I could think of anything to say to him, he told me to get him something to piss in so that he didn't have to get up and go to the bathroom. The only thing I could think of was the small garbage basket on the other side of my night stand in the corner of my room. So I got up to get it, dumped out the bag that had some trash in it, and brought it to him. I placed it on the floor by the side of the bed and he rolled over towards it, holding his cock and aiming it over the side of the bed. I reached down to grab the bucket just as he started to piss, which was good, otherwise he would have pissed on my carpet. So, I held the garbage can for him to piss in and he just laid there with his eyes closed until he was done. He really did piss a lot. I was going to go empty the can into the toilet and rinse it out, but as I turned he just said, "Hey, my blowjob. Now!" So I put the can down and decided I could empty it later. Travis rolled over onto his back and settled in the middle of the bed, with his legs spread. I crawled up between them and began to lick his balls and cock. There was a drop of piss at the tip, and I licked it off and secretly wished that he would have let me drink the full load. But I had a feeling this was only the beginning to some expanded piss play in the future. As I licked on his cock and started to suck on his soft mushroom head, his cock responded and soon started pulsing with the blood that would make it rigid and hot. I was soon taking his cock down my throat, sucking hard and deep and wanting to make him feel good and to get him off. The fact that he was a little drunk made my task a little more difficult, or at least it took me longer to get him off. But he came after about 15 minutes, a large hot load that shot into my mouth and a swallowed it down. I was always amazed at how much and how often this boy could cum. After he was done with me, he rolled over and went to sleep, and I did the same.

I woke up early in the morning and quietly got out of bed, trying not to disturb Travis. I nearly kicked over the garbage can of piss on my way to the bathroom. I took it with me and closed the bathroom door, and stood to take my piss. Afterwards, I picked up the can to dump Travis'cold piss from the night before into the toilet. As I picked up the can, I couldn't help but examine the piss inside. I rolled it around, lowered my face to smell it, I listened to it swish around as I swirled the garbage can close to my face. It smelled wonderful. It gave me a hard on. I sat down on the toilet with my pants down, and jerked off as I smelled the piss in the garbage can. I even stuck my fingers in it and then licked them off, really getting turned on by the taste of that boy's piss. And, you guessed, I gulped down a few swallows right from the garbage can. It may sound totally nasty, but I was so turned on. I didn't want to waste Travis' piss, and I knew I wanted to taste it. Seeing that I might never get the chance to drink piss right from his cock, I figured I'd better cease the moment. And I'm glad I did. I got off bigtime drinking his piss, and I ended up pouring some of it over my face and chest. I cleaned up the bathroom and then took a shower, and then went and got dressed and headed downstairs. I watched tv and thought about making some breakfast, but decided to quietly wait for Travis to g\wake up and find out what he wanted.

Travis got up a few hours later. He came downstairs naked and wanted me to get him a glass of orange juice. He didn't say much. When I gave him the juice he stood there and drank some of it, and then turned around and took the glass of juice with him back upstairs where he showered and got dressed.

He wasn't hungry for breakfast and decided that we should head back downtown and that we'd probably just eat lunch somewhere. It was Saturday, and today we had planned to hang out in Lakeview, the gay part of Chicago which is also known as "Boys Town." Travis wasn't going to be old enough to get into any of the clubs, but we had decided we could do some shopping and just walk around and check out guys. We did have lunch, and then after that, we went to an adult entertainment shop called "Batteries Not Included" where we looked through the video collection together. Travis found two that he wanted to get, but they cost more than he thought they would, and he just sorta looked at me waiting to see what I would say. Well, I offered to get them for him. These were his first gay porn videos, so he was excited and as soon as we left the store he said we should head home and watch them.

So we took the next train back to my place.

When we got home, we spent a few hours watching the videos. They were lame.

One was called "Break In" and like usual, the box looked really promising, but the video did not live up to the description and pictures. We ended up laughing more at the movies and agreeing on how lame they actually were. While we watched the first video, Travis and I were both on the couch. I sat on the far end. After a few minutes, he stretched out to lay down on the couch, and his feet ended up in my lap. He mentioned to me that all that walking made his feet sore and suggested I give him a foot massage. So I took of his shoes and started rubbing his feet. His socks were warm and damp. And they smelled wonderful. He didn't say another word to me as I rubbed his feet and then lowered my head as I lifted first one foot, and then the other to my face, rubbing them and smelling them. I took his socks off next, and rubbed his bare feet with my hands and rubbed them across my face as well. I seriously gave him a good foot massage for about 20 minutes, and then after that, it turned into more of a foot worship session.

I licked and kissed and sucked on his feet and toes, cleaning them, massaging them, making them feel good for him. He enjoyed it a lot. I had given him his first foot worshipping just a day or so before. And he told me then that since he found out how good it feels, it was going to be something he would want often. And he also learned that I was into sucking feet. It was impossible to hide my excitement and enthusiasm for anything I did with Travis.

As I worked over his feet, he continued to watch the movie, but occasionally stared at me to see me enjoy what I was doing for him. He ended up taking his shirt off and then laying back down on the couch. He put one arm behind his head, while his other hand gently rubbed over his chest and abs. I noticed a throbbing bulge in his jeans. After awhile, his hand was rubbing there too, and finally he said to me, "Man, I gotta get off again!" and he started to undo the snap and zipper on his jeans. He stood up then, and I stayed sitting on the couch. He lovered his pants and underwear down to his knees and his hard cock stuck out straight in front of my face. He leaned in closer and I moved forward, my mouth open and ready to take him again. I sucked on his cock for a while as his hands rested on my head. He pumped his hips back and forth and rocked me forward into him with each thrust. He stopped after a few minutes and stepped back and turned around, and he told me to kneel on the floor in front of him. This way he could watch the end of the second movie while he fucked me in the mouth. Even thought the movies were lame, there were a couple hot guys in this scene and besides, watching guys go at it in a video is hot no matter how lame the movie might be. So the movie, the foot worship, and Travis' natural horny state, made this suck session hot. Travis was really fucking my face hard, and as deep as he could in that position. He held my head in his hands and just zoned out. I don't even think he thought another person was even in the room with him. My mouth was cunt for his cock. Fucking felt good to him, and nothing was going to stop him from enjoying this. I really like face fucks like that. He came hard in my mouth and then collapsed onto the couch. The movie was over and rewinding. I just let him rest there. I didn't say anything. I just took out the tape when it was done rewinding and put it back in the box. Travis got up to go to the bathroom and when he came back he said it was hungry and we decided to order in a pizza.

We hung out at home that night. We basically watched tv and ate and drank whatever I had in the house. By 10:00 Travis was starting to get ready for bed. He wasn't exactly tired, but he did want to take a bath, a hot bath, and he asked me to get one ready for him. I went upstairs to the bathroom connected to my bedroom and started the water and got out a couple clean, fresh towels. A few minutes later and Travis was in the bathroom with me, standing next to the tub. I asked him if the water was too hot, and he felt it and said it was good. He then looked at me and told me to strip him. WOW! That's cool, I thought to myself. And I took off his shirt, his socks, his jeans and underwear until he was naked. And then he stepped in the tub and sat down in the clear, hot water. When the tub was full, I turned off the water and waited, not sure of what to do next. Travis just sat there in the hot water, laying back, his eyes closed, his soft cock and low hanging balls floating below the water between his slightly spread legs.

He told me to get a washcloth and a bar of soap and to wash his body. This was way cool, I thought! And for the next 10 minutes my hands ere over his body, cleaning him and feeling him and just enjoying the sensations and the pleasure I was giving him. His cock got hard, and I soaped it up good and ended up jacking a load out of him. That was hot! After he calmed down a bit, he got up out of the tub and I took a towel and dried him off. His cock was still half hard. When he was dry, he walked out of the bathroom and went to lay on the bed, on his stomach. I drained the tub and picked up the towels and his clothes. When I got in the bedroom, he asked for a back rub. This is another thing I like to do for guys, and something I'm quite good at. So, I gave Travis a great shoulder and back rub, and worked all the way down to his lower back which seemed to be very tight. After working that area, I massaged his ass, and then his thihgs and all the way down his legs to his feet again. At that point, he rolled over, and then I worked up the front of his body from his feet to his neck. I avoided his crotch area.

His cock was hard and I didn't want to end up giving him another hand job.

I wanted a face fuck. So, I did my best at working him up and turning him on. The full body massage turned into an erotic massage and body worship. I touched and teased every part of his body, and gave extra attention to his "hot spots"-his nipples, armpits, abs, and inner thighs. It was working, and he was definitely getting turned on and super horny. It was time to go in for the kill. I started licking his balls, sucking on them, worshipping them. Travis' hands were holding my head, moving me around, pushing me down lower, to his chode, that wonderful area between his balls and his ass. It was another one of his hot spots. And as I worked that area good for him, his legs spread wider and he pulled them up, bringing his knees to his chest-it was ass eating time! Out of all his hot spots-nipples, armpits, feet, balls, and chode-nothing made Travis harder or moan louder then when he was getting a good, deep rim job. I knew from experience that if I did it the right way, the way he wanted it, that it would drive him to a point where he'd have no choice but unleash an extreme powerfuck on me. I was counting on it, working towards it, begging for it! We both knew it was coming. Travis eventually put us into a better position. I was now laying on my back in the middle of the bed with my legs off the end and my feet on the floor. Travis was sitting on my face, my tongue far up his ass, licking and sucking and getting as deep as I could. Travis clenched his hands around his knees as he sat there, building up power, building up aggression, building up a selfish indifference to anyone and anything other than his cock and his pleasure. He never touched his cock, but I could feel it's heat as it rested across my face, I could feel it throb with his pulse, and I could feel precum on my forehead.

He got up and got off the bed, and at the same pushed my head hard into the mattress, a non-verbal command to stay where I am and not to move. He walked over to my stero and fumbled a little until he found what he wanted, and soon loud music started to play. It was one of his house/club/dance mix cd's full of continuous techno-electronic, pulse-pounding music. He told me earlier that this was good fucking music. He walked back over to the bed, his hard cock bouncing in front of him, I don't think I had ever seen it harder or bigger or meaner looking. He looked down at me as he stood next the bed and said, "Ready?"---but he didn't wait for my answer and the look in his eye told me he didn't care if I was or not. He mounted me, and postioned himself in a push-up positon over me. He reached down and positioned my head the way he wanted and I kept my mouth open wide. He sunk his cock in until it hit the back on my throat, and then he pulled back and started a serious pumping face fuck. It was incredible---fast and hard and powerful, and in sync with the dance/club techno music he was playing. It was wild. We were both caught up in it, both lost in our own worlds. For him, it was a world of pure greed and selfish pleasure-it was about letting go, letting animal instincts take over, and using my skull to get off. For me, I was lost in being penetrated, fucked with a thick, hard, young, powerful cock, knowing that this boy was unstoppable and all I had to do was lay there on my back, my hands at my sides, my mouth open, submitting to a power face fuck. He kept it going for a while, and after 15 minutes I had a bruise the size of a half dollar forming on the back wall of my throat and it was starting to get painful. But there was no way I wanted this to stop. I had been having sex with Travis for the past three days, but nothing like this. This was a truely awesome moment, when I guy get's to the point where he just has to fuck and his animal instincts take over. He finally came with great force and he pounded into my mouth while he shot his load. He groaned and sighed almost in relief because this was a lot of work for him. But what happened next caught me off guard.

Travis' cock stayed rock hard and after just a minute or two of resting, he was ready to continue. Now, this happens from time to time. It's even happened to me now and then when I have a super jerk-off session. My cock gets really hard and I really get into jacking and pumping it until it blows. But my cock stays hard and I continue jerking at it and it feels totally different...almost painful...but yet cock keeps saying it wants and needs to keep going. And there's a dull ache in my balls that surges right through the shaft of my cock from the base to the tip. And it's a lot of work to get off again like that, but it feels amazing and usually ends with me shooting a bigger load than the first one I shot only minutes before.

Well. to night Travis was having one of those moments. His cock was hard and throbbing and the veins semmed to be even more prominant. After that power fuck he threw in my face, he got up off of me and off the bed, standing at the side. He motined for me to reposition myself so that my head was hanging off the edge of the bed. The cd was still pounding out that great fuck music, and as I got into position and opened my mouth, Travis starting in on another hot fuck session. But in this position he was able to drive his entire cock down my throat. It felt amazing because his cock was super hard and thicker than it usually seemed to me. And this fuck had some definite urgency behind it. Travis never said anything, but just occassionally moaned and groaned as he did all the work. Again, my role was to stay in position, keep still, keep my mouth open wide and well lubriacted with spit, and to relax and let him do it his way. It can be scary when a guy takes over in this way and just doesn't give a shit about the cocksucker he's usuing for pleasure. But I knew I owed this to Travis and that it was his right to do whatever he wanted with me and to me.

The bruise he made on the back wall of my throat during the previous powerful face fuck started to make me wince in pain each time his cock head passed over it. I got two sensations of pain with each full thruat, one as his cock sank deep in my throat and another as he pulled back out. the speed and force of his fuck thrust stayed fairly constant and strong, but increased in speed and intensity as the minutes passed and he worked towards pumping his next cum load right directly into my stomach. the pain in my throat was strating to be more of a sharp sting the longer this went on, and I couldn't help it (and I knew it was wrong) but a few times I lifted my arms and tried to slow him down or make him take a break, but he wasn't about to stop now. He was strong enough to keep fucking even as I meekly tried to put up some resistance...and one time he just reached for my hands and held them back down at my sides, nit saying anything, but definitely telling me nonverbally to stop squirming and to just lay back and let him finish. i think my struggling did slow him down a few times as he reached to pin down my arms, and that just caused this fuck to take even longer. So in the end, my resistance actually made things worse for me. Looking back, of course, i loved what was happening and there isn't a day that goes by that i don't wish Travis or some other guy would fuck my throat that hard and long again. Sometimes I'm a stupid faggot, and I don't appreciate the talenmts of a hot stud who really knows how to pound a throat. But I have learned to really admire and respect that quality in a guy.

Travis kept at it and fucked deep and hard until he unloaded what felt like a huge a load right down my throat. he pushed his cock in all the way and laid on top of me and his whole body shook as he moaned loudly. I could feel his cock throb and I could feel hot cum ulsing from his cock into my throat, but I couldn't taste of it. After he finsihed and had time to catch his breath a little, he rolled off of me and laid next to me with his legs hanging off the bed. I turned slightly so my head was back on the matress (my neck was sore!)and we didn't say anything. After a few minutes, Travis moved onto the bed and I rolled out of his way. He got under the covers and turned his back to me. I turned off the stereo and then got into bed and we both slept throught the night.

in the morning, my throat was hurting as I drank some ornage juice. I showered and got dressed and waited to wake up Travis, letting him sleep as long as he could. I woke him up at 10:00 and asked if he was hungry. He decidedwe should go out for breakfast and he got up and showered and got dressed. he packed up his things and we headed out. We had breakfast at a little diner up the street and around the block from me. We talked like two good friends, laughing about some of the fun times we had in the city. I rode with him on the train to the bus station and waited with him until he got on the 12:00 noon bus back to Milwaukee. I would have blown him that morning or submitted to more face fucking and deep throating, even though I was sore. I was actually hoping it would and like a pathetic cocksucker even hinted that i wanted to. But Travis had had enough of me I guess. When I got back to my place, it seemed quiet and empty without him. I actaully missed him, and it was hard to sleep alone in my bed those first few nights.

We kept in touch by phone and through email. The holidays kept us both busy. But in late December, travis called me to see what my plans were for new years eve, and he invited me to meet him in milwuakee and said that we could go to the Rave on Wisconsin Avenue near Marquette University. he said I should get a hotel room for us downtown. I told him it sounded great and that I would take care of all the arrangements. I didn't care what we did that weekend, he could have suggested a million other things to do and I would have agreed in a second. I was just excited to have another chance to spend a few days and nights with him again. And we ended up having a great time for that new year! But I will write that story later...

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Next: Chapter 16

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