
By Chicago Sucker

Published on Jul 31, 2002


True Stories From A Cocksucker

Part Fourteen: Travis (Part 1)

By: Chicago Sucker (

NOTE: This is a continuation of true stories from my experience as a cocksucker living in Chicago. Fantasy sex is good in it's own way. I always enjoy reading a good story here on the Nifty Archive. But no one can argue that the real thing is much better. So, I decided to write down some of my true experiences and give others a chance to read about more than just some guy's fantasy. I am a real guy with real experiences. I live in Chicago where there are plenty of opportunities to meet and hook-up with men. I am 27 years old, 6 feet tall, 170 ponds, in shape and good looking. If you enjoy reading about my experiences, if you have any comments or questions, or if you want to set up a meeting to "put my talents to the test," feel free to contact me at the email address If that box fills up, I have set up 2 others, so try one of these: or


I met Travis in one of the Wisconsin rooms at This was before I moved to Chicago, and I was living in a small town in Wisconsin that had little to offer a cocksucker like myself, so I relied on the few resources I had available to me at the time: personal ads and chat rooms. I found out about from a friend of mine who spent a lot of time chatting there. So, one night, I decided to check it out. My first experience chatting was weird, because it was before broke up the chatrooms in to specific geographical areas. I remember being in chatrooms titled "locker room" or "the gym" and inside was a mix of guys from all over the country. It was frustrating, because you would meet cool guys to suck off, but they'd end up being from California or Montana, any place but Wisconsin. The cyber sex was sometimes very hot, but it was rare to run across anyone from my area for real-time hook-ups. A few years later, and now is completely different. There are still many "general" chatrooms that have a mix of people, but you can also be very specific and select the geographical area you are in. At first, it was just broken down by states. But now, there are several rooms divided into cities, including four rooms for Milwaukee, three rooms for Madison, and single rooms for other major cities in Wisconsin. If you are familiar with, then you know what I'm talking about.

So, the night I met Travis, he was in one of the Wisconsin rooms. And since started dividing everything out into specific areas, the tone and mood of the chatrooms became less and less sexual and more and more clicky. By that I mean there are usually the same 20 or 30 guys there and they all know each other and there are all sorts of inside conversations and it's hard for a new guy to fit in. A lot of times I just went there and put out my profile and checked to see who was online. I watched what was going on in the main chat room but rarely ever typed in any comments. But Travis caught my attention right away. His user name was cheetah and he was a smart ass. He had something to say about everything, and he made quite a few rips on some of the losers in the chatroom. I sent him a private message and we started chatting that way. No one could read what we typed back in forth to each other except us. Travis was funny and witty and we had a blast ripping on people, making up fake profiles for ourselves, and generally being a couple of annoying smart asses. It was the most fun I had on in a long time. We traded stats and all the general information.

He told me his name was Travis and that he was 18, and actually he was not in Wisconsin, but in New Orleans. He was in his first year at Tulane University, and was on semester break. But he is originally from Wisconsin, and grew up and in a small town about an hour north of Milwaukee. We were having a blast chatting and we were online for several hours before he called it a night.

We found each other again the next night, and again we talked for hours while at the same time keeping up our obnoxious behavior in the main chat room. We ended up trading email addresses and wrote to each other regularly. But after school started for him again, he seldom went to the chat rooms. So, our weekly emails were how we kept in touch. I found out a lot more about Travis. He is openly gay and out to his family. He is a top and he likes to fuck face and ass. He absolutely loves getting rimmed. He's tends to be rather aggressive and selfish when it comes to sex. And he doesn't like many guys around his age, and instead seeks out guys in their mid-twenties to early thirties. But his current boyfriend was 19. he also told me he had a big dick, 8 inches long and really thick with big, low-hanging balls. He works out a lot and is in great shape, but he is thin and not overly buffed. He rollerblades as much as 14 miles a day. And he told me many stories about his sexual conquests and went in to great detail describing what he does with his boyfriend. And I found out he is very horny all the time. Even though he gets a lot of sex on a regular basis, he still jerks off 2 or 3 times a day. The more I learned about him, the more I liked him, and I always looked forward to our chats and emails.

Well, things didn't go so well for Travis his second semester. And by the end of his first year at Tulane, he decided to drop out and return to Wisconsin, move back in with his parent and find a job. He found a job on the maintanence staff at a local hospital in his hometown, and he was actually making good money. He broke up with his boyfriend at school and supplied me with regular updates on his dating life and sexual exploits. My life was changing too, and by mid summer, I had decided to move to Chicago and create a new life. That was the summer of 1999, and I am proud to say that I've been successful creating a name for myself in the lucrative world of consulting. But Chicago offered me more than a new life and career, it offered me plenty of cock. It took me about a year or so to get settled in and actually know my way around. But now, Chicago is my home and I can't imagine living or working anywhere else.

Travis kept in touch with me after I moved to Chicago. I gave him my phone number and he often called me from his parents house. He gave me his number too, and we talked an average of twice a month or so, but kept up with regular emails as well. Now, I know you're thinking that I should just shut up and get to the sex part of this story, but I wanted to tell you all of this to set the scene properly. I also want to demonstrate the point that I work hard at getting cock. Travis was definitely a prime piece of meat that I wanted to get my hands and mouth on, so I was patient and willing to develop a friendship with him if that's what it took to get him. Eleven months passed from the night we met in the chatroom until the time we actually met in person. I got a call from him the week before Thanksgiving, and he asked we what I was doing over the holiday. He knew my ties with my family were strained since I came out to them, and that's one of the driving forces behind my move to Chicago. Travis was having a little trouble adjusting to living back at home after a year of total freedom at college, and he was going crazy at home and he wanted to get away. So, he asked if he could spend the Thanksgiving weekend with me in Chicago. Of course I was delighted and told him to come down. At the time, I was sharing a house with 3 girls, and all of them were gone for the entire week because one was from Washington D.C., one was from New Orleans ( complete coincidence) and the third was from Wisconsin, but all three had plans to be home for Thanksgiving, leaving me with our three-story, 7 bedroom/5 bath house all to myself. I was excited that I was finally going to meet Tavis and I prepared one of the guest bedrooms for him, but was hoping he'd rather stay in my room with me.

He took the bus down from Milwaukee and I met him at the Greyhound terminal at 2:00 on Thanksgiving day. I had never seen a picture of him, but he assured me I'd be able to pick him out of the crowd. He said he'd be the best dressed and best looking blonde-haired boy to get off the bus. Well, he was right. I had no problem finding him. He was pulling one of those suitcases on wheels with the extended handle. I came up to him and we shook hands and he surprised me by actually putting his arms around me and giving me a hug. He was eagar to get going and we headed out. He looked at me and told me I should take his luggage for him, and that's what I did. I took the train up from my house to bus station, and therefore planned that we would leave the bus station on foot and walk through downtown. Travis had only been to Chicago once before on a class trip from high school, but he said they never had time to really look around. It was unusually warm that fall, and that day it was near 60 degrees. Neither of us were wearing coats as left the bus station. Chicago is one of those cities that never shuts down, so even though it was Thanksgiving day, just about every place was open for business. We walked around for several hours until he told me he was hungry. We ate at the Rain Forest Café and it was pretty cool. Travis ordered a regular coke to drink but told me to order rum and coke, and after the waitress dropped off the drinks at out table, he poured his coke into his empty water glass and then took my rum and coke and poured into his glass. No one could tell he was drinking that way. Of course I went along with everything he said.

After dinner we walked around some more, and I continued to carry his luggage for him. We caught the 10:15 train back to my side of town, and got off at the last stop which was only 2 blocks from my house. It was around 11:00 PM when we got there. I gave him the quick tour and showed him my room and his guest room, but he decided my room was where he wanted to stay because he said he didn't like sleeping alone in strange places. He unpacked a few of his things and then we went downstairs and watched tv a while,. By midnight, he was telling me he was tired and that he was going to get ready for bed. He went upstairs while I cleaned up the kitchen (we had a snack) and then checked all the doors and windows to make sure they were locked. As I walked up the stairs, I heard music, and when I opened the door to my room I saw a sight that got me instantly hard.

Travis was shirtless and wearing just a skimpy pair of underwear. He was dancing to the cd he put in my stereo, and I recognized it as a song they play in dance clubs: "I'm horny, horny... horny, horny horny..." I'm sure you dancing queens know that song. And I could smell CK 1 in the air. It was all very erotic. This boy had an amazing body and I was seeing it for the first time. He was thin, and not overly bulky, but he had all the right muscles in the right places: nice arms, great pecs, and an awesome flat, rippled abdomen. And other than the blonde hair on his head, he was completely smooth. Even his pits were shaved. And he had quite a bulge in his underwear. Everything he told me about his body was absolutely true. This was one beautiful, sexy boy. And judging from the song he was dancing to, a horny boy as well.

He noticed me staring and drooling. But he didn't really acknowledge me. I decided to get ready for bed myself and I wanted to take a shower like I usually did before bed. So, I headed to the bathroom and hurried through my night time ritual of showering and brushing my teeth. When I came back to my room, it was dark but the music was still playing but the volume was turned down lower. I don't sleep naked. I usually wear boxers and a t-shirt to bed, and that's what I had on. I walked to me bed and pulled down the covers. Travis was laying on his side and had his back to me as I got into bed. I said something like "good night" to him and turned on my side and tried to calm down enough to fall asleep. That only lasted a minute or so until Travis reached back, grabbed my arm, and wrapped it over his chest. "You can put your arm around me, " he said. His skin was soft and smooth and hot to the touch. I couldn't help myself from running my hand over his arm and chest as I laid there and wondered where this was all headed.

I did remember several conversations and emails in which Travis listed several things that really turn him on, and one of them at the top of the list was when a guy rubbed his abdomen. I found myself instinctively doing that and Travis drew in a breath and turned on to his back, giving me more direct access to his chest and abs. I softly rubbed my hand over him. I brushed over his nipples and they were erect. He moaned softly as I ran my hand over his chest and lower across his belly. He stretched out and put his hands behind his bed and sighed as I continued feeling his body, now with both of my hands. The sheets on the bed were kicked down to his waste and his cock was hard and making a big tent. I kept one hand rubbing up and down over his chest and abs and the other hand I slowly sneaked down under the covers to reach for his cock. It felt big, hard and hot. He moaned as I played with it. Even though the lights were out, my bedroom was not totally dark. The house I lived in had security lighting in the front, along the side, and in the back towards the alley. Plus there was a streetlight directly across from one on my bedroom windows, so the room was sorta filtered in a soft yellow glow from outside. At first when I moved in it was annoying. I had blinds and curtains over the windows and that still didn't make it completely dark. But I learned to get used to it. And later, I came to appreciate that, especially now with Travis in my bed. I could see his body as more clearly as my eyes adjusted to the available light in the room.

Travis knew I was a cocksucker. We talked about sex a lot over the past 8 months. it wasn't the sort of cyber sex talk like "yeah, I'm licking your balls..." it was always in the context of sharing experiences about past and present hook-ups, boyfriends, and dating experiences. So by the time this first opportunity for sex presented itself, we both knew what was going to happen, at least at first anyway. I had no idea how things were going to develop from this point.

It all began with a blow job. I wanted his cock so bad. it was big and thick and hard and I licked up and down on it, sucked on the head, tasted his pre-fuck juice. I licked his balls and inner thighs. I sucked more on his cock, tried to deep throat it all down but it was hard to do at the angle I was in. I shifted positions and he spread his legs so I could kneel between them and crouch down to suck him that way. I could take more of his cock down my throat. I had to twist my head back and forth and push down hard, impaling myself on his cock, relaxing my throat enough to let it stretch open to take him all in. he moaned loud the first time his cock went all the way down my throat and he pushed up slightly with his legs to make sure it was all the way in. I held it there, swallowing and tightening my throat while moving my tongue around. I cam up for air and bobbed up and down on the top 4 inches of his cock, and then went down deep again and repeated the same motions with my throat and tongue. I kept at this for a while as Travis laid there, still with his hands behind his head. As I sucked on his cock my hands rubbed over his chest and abs. I ran my fingers lightly over his shaved pits which felt slightly damp and sticky. I traced my fingers over and around his erect nipples, sometimes pinching and lightly pulling on them. I ran my hands down over his sides and I could feel his ribs. I also continued to rub his abdomen, knowing that he really liked having that done. And of course I played with his balls with my hands. They felt smooth, and slightly damp and sticky just like his shaved pits. I took regular breaks from blowing his awesome cock and used my mouth all over his body, just like I did with my hands. I licked his chest and armpits, sucked his nipples, licked over his abs, down his sides, over his thighs, and I gave his balls a good tongue workover too. He tasted so good, no matter where I licked, and each body part had a different smell and flavor. As I worked his balls, I got as low as I could and licked that place between his balls and asshole. Travis referred to that area as his "chode." I never heard anyone call it that before or since. But it was another one of his hotspots. Even as I worked that area, he never lifted his legs up or rolled over to give me access to his ass. I knew he really liked a good rim job, but figured I'd get my chance to do that to him when he was ready for it. So in the meantime, I continued using my mouth and hands to work his body. After licking and sucking on his awesome chode and balls, I licked my way back up the underside of his thick cock, it was resting flat against his abs, throbbing, oozing, and a there was a little puddle of precum on his belly. I licked that up before taking his cock back into my mouth. He moaned loudly as I sank down on it, moving my head from side to side and working that thick piece of meat deep into my throat. It felt so good to be stretched by his thickness. As soon as I found the best angle to take him that way, and as soon as my spit lubed up his cock really well, I started to fuck my face on his pole, leaning over him and rocking myself back and forth, taking him all the way down, swallowing a few times with his head buried in my throat, them pulling up slowly to suck on his cockhead. Deepthroating him was getting him more turned on. So, I started to just deepthroat him over and over again. I didn't hold him in my throat and swallow around his cock, and stopped slowing down to suck on his head, I just concentrated on taking his cock down my throat and then pulling right back up, repeating the process over and over as I built up speed. He bent his legs at the knees and started a humping motion into me, as if to tell me I wasn't doing it fast enough. It was hot, because the pace was really picking up and each time I went down, my throat stretched and it felt so good to take it that way, fast and hard and so deep. It really got Travis going, and he came bigtime down my throat, still humping and his cock mostly sprayed it's load down my throat, but a few spurts went into my mouth too. It was a powerful orgasm. Well, any 19 year old boy is gonna have a powerful orgasm, especially when the sex is as good as this was. After he came, I thought that was it for the night, that he needed time to recover. He was breathing hard and not saying anything. His cock was out of my mouth, still hard, throbbing, and my face was in his crotch and I just softly licked his balls while he rested. I was prepared for him to push me off of him at any moment, and then roll over and fall asleep. But until he did that, I was determined to stay where I was for as long as he would let me.

As I softly licked on his balls, he spread his legs open wider and told me to really lick his balls clean. I was glad that our sex wasn't over for the night. I licked the scum from his sack and then he said he wanted a good rim job. And saying that, he lifted his legs and hooked his arms under his knees and I went right at it. My tongue reached fro his hole and I started to lick at it. He moaned, but told me to get in deeper. I did what I could in the position we were in. it was hard to get my tongue as deep as he wanted in that position, with me sorta laying on my stomach with his legs up and his ass spread before me. His hole was too close to the mattress for me to really get my head in there. So after he grabbed my head and pushed me into him and kept telling me it wasn't deep enough, I moved off the bed at the bottom and grabbed his ankles and as I pulled him, he scooted down to the edge of the bed. Now when he lifted his legs back up over his chest, his ass was hanging just a little bit off the bed and with me crouched on the floor, I was now able to really rim him deep. As soon as my tongue went far up his ass, he moaned and said "yeah, that's more like it" and for the next 20 minutes of so I gave him an intense, very deep-cleansing rim job. He was very loud and vocal and let me know what he liked. Mostly it was me working my tongue up his ass as far as I could, and he liked when I sucked hard on his hole while flicking my tongue over it.

As I was working his ass with my mouth, I almost completely forgot about his cock. It was still rock hard and every now and then I reach for it, squeeze it, or jack it while I ate his ass. His cock actually seemed to get harder and thicker than it was when I sucked him. He finally told me to blow him again. He stayed in the position he was when I worked his ass, but just placed his legs down so that his feet were on the floor and his legs were spread and I was kneeling between them. I lowered my face toward his crotch and with my hand, I lifted his thick, hard, heavy cock up off his belly and pulled it back to point it towards my mouth. He was leaking precum, and must have been the entire time I rimmed him. I licked it off his cock and started sucking on his head, and then I began pumping my head up and down on him. His hands reached for the back of my head and he helped move me up and down. I decided to offer a little resistance (one of my old tricks) and that just made him push harder with his hands and use the muscles in his arms to force me down on his cock. Having his feet on the floor gave him good leverage for thrusting his hips, which quickly turned this blowjob into a face fuck.

After a while, he tells me to get up on the bed next to him. I am in the same position he is in, with my legs hanging off the end of the bed and my feet on the floor. He turns himself toward me and raises himself up a little, so that his nipples are level with my mouth, and I start licking and sucking one, and then the other, as he moves in to a position where he is laying on top of me. After a while, he scoots up even farther and I lick down his chest, across his abs, and finally to his cock and his balls, as he holds his crotch above my face. He puts his cock into my mouth and starts to fuck. Not going in very far, and starting out slowly, as he gets into the right position, and finds the angle he wants. Once he does, he gives it to me good and hard.

I told you that his user name in the chatrooms was "cheetah," and I asked him about that and what it meant. He told me it was because he is an animal in bed, a wild animal. And also he lied the reference to speed. He likes to fuck hard and fast. And he tends to pounce on his prey. So the name "cheetah" fits him perfectly. And let me tell you, I learned first hand about the power of a cheetah fuck. All I have to do is lay there and keep my mouth open and concentrate on taking it. This time, with him on top of me in this position, it was more of a mouth fuck, with him very aggressively fucking his cock into my mouth fast and hard, hitting the back wall of my throat and just letting his animal instincts take over. Other times it was me on my back with my head off the edge of the bed of the couch while he stood, leaned over me and really throat fucked me hard, deep and very fast. These are the kinds of fucks that can make me cum without touching myself. Travis learned that about me and enjoys being rough wit me and giving me a powerful cheetah fuck in my throat, knowing that if he did it hard and fast and kept at it a long time, I'd eventually cum in my pants without touching myself. That always gets him more excited knowing that he made me cum just from fucking my throat. But, now, I was taking it in the mouth while he was on top of me, and it was intense and he came hard again, and then, rolled off of me and just went to sleep.

In the morning, I was awake first. I have a habit of waking up before the guy in my bed does, so that I can quietly get up, go to the bathroom, wash my face, drink a little water, and brush my teeth. I then quietly return to bed and wait for the guy to wake up. This morning, I did all that, and even went downstairs to pour Travis a glass of orange juice which I brought back up to the bedroom and put on the nightstand next to the bed. When I got back into bed, Travis rolled over onto his back. His eyes were still closed. I waited quietly, thinking he might just want to sleep in for a while. We had stuff planned for the day, but it was still early (around 9 AM) and we had plenty of time. After a while, he started to move around. First, he spread his legs under the covers and bent one at the knee and brought it up a little, and then he raised his left arm behind his head and stretched a little. His eyes came open and he looked at me and before I could say "good morning," he said "rim me again!" WOW, I thought to myself.

How perfect is this? I pulled back the covers to expose his naked body. His cock was hard and laying across his abs, so I hadn't noticed it before because it was pointing straight up and making a tent. His big cock always pointed up to his right nipple and it laid across his tummy. As I pulled the covers back, he bent both legs at the knees as I positioned myself between his legs. As I licked on his chode and started getting lower towards his hole, he instinctively lifted his legs up and locked his arms under his knees. I did my best at getting my tongue up his hole. I could reach it good for licking it, but was having trouble getting my mouth close enough to suck on his hole and get my tongue up inside his ass. I put my hands under his ass and lifted him up, bending him more and lifting his ass from the bed. This gave me more space to get my mouth in a better position.

I did the best I could do rimming him that way, before deciding to put us both into a better position. I got off the bed and kneeled on the floor, and helped him swerve his body so that he was laying in the middle of the bed with his legs off the side and his feet on the floor. As I got between his legs, he lifted them up over my shoulders. I grabbed his legs behind his knees and I supported his bent legs while I lowered my mouth to his hairless, pink, puckered hole. And again, I gave him an intense, deep-cleansing rim job that lasted a good 30 minutes. He never stroked his hard cock at all. I think he figured he didn't have to as long as I was there. He might have cum from jerking while I rimmed him, but he didn't want that. We both knew that he's be getting off by fucking my face again. And that's what happened. I was positioned on my back while he mounted me the same way he had the night before, and gave me a powerfuck in the mouth and blew his third large load of cum into my mouth which I swallowed.

After he came. He went to the bathroom and pissed, leaving the door open so I could watch and hear him. We talked a little, we each took showers, dressed and ate breakfast and then headed out, taking the train into downtown Chicago. There were a number of things we wanted to do and places I wanted to take him. We spent most of the day on the Miracle Mile, shopping at all the major stores, but we spent the most time in the Virgin Records Mega-Store. We had lunch and continued to shop for a while, and by then it was after 6 PM. Both of us were tired from walking around all day and decided to head back to my place. Besides, Travis said he was horny again! We took the train home. I paid for his ticket, plus I paid for all of our meals. He did by his own stuff when we went shopping tho, but a few things he liked I bought for him as gifts because I wanted to.

When we got home, we made drinks. He's a light drinker, and wanted me to make him a screwdriver. So I mixed up a couple and we had those. As we sat on the couch, we turned on tv and he took the remote to see what was on. He told me his feet hurt from walking around. And he suggested that I should rub his feet for him. So I got on the floor and took off his sneakers. His socks were wet as I rubbed his feet with my hands. He lifted one up and rubbed it on my face and I instinctively smelled it. He noticed that and made some comment like "you like that, huh?" and I don't even think I answered him. I just worked his feet with my hands, massaging them and making them feel better for him. I pulled off his socks and rubbed his bare feet. Again, he lifted one and rubbed it on my face. No communication between us was necessary and I just did what we both knew would happen. I sucked his toes and licked both of his feet clean. As I did this, he pulled off his shirt. And unbuttoned his jeans. He didn't pull his cock out, but he did rub it through his jeans. My hands rubbed up over his pecs and abs, knowing that he liked to be touched that way. Eventually he stood up and pulled his pants down and I kneeled before him. I opened my mouth and he put his hands on my head and facefucked me in the living room. It was fast and powerful and he came hard again. When he was done, he said he was taking a shower again. After that, he took a nap and I didn't bother him. But at around 8:30 I woke him up to see what he wanted to do for dinner. As corny as it sounds, he actually said "I've got your dinner right here!" and we laughed a bit but he was serious and so I pulled down his underwear. After his shower, he just put on a pair of bikini briefs and took a nap. So after I got those off of him, I blew him as he laid back on the bed, resting his hands behind his head. It wasn't as intense as the others had been. He stayed calm and just seemed to enjoy letting me do all the work. It seemed to take him longer to get off this way, in his "laid back" mood, but it was still hot. After he fed me the dinner he promised, he got up and got dressed and we decided that I should buy him dinner. So we left the house again knowing that we would be coming back soon for more sex.

THIS STORY IS GETTING LONG!, let me stop here, and I'll continue this in the next chapter.

If you have comments or questions, email me. If you want to hook-up, email me and I'll write you back and we'll see how we can work it out.

Next: Chapter 15

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