
By Chicago Sucker

Published on Jul 24, 2002


True Stories From A Cocksucker

Part Thirteen: Dean

By: Chicago Sucker (

NOTE: This is a continuation of true stories from my experience as a cocksucker living in Chicago. Fantasy sex is good in it's own way. I always enjoy reading a good story here on the Nifty Archive. But no one can argue that the real thing is much better. So, I decided to write down some of my true experiences and give others a chance to read about more than just some guy's fantasy. I am a real guy with real experiences. I live in Chicago where there are plenty of opportunities to meet and hook-up with men. I am 27 years old, 6 feet tall, 170 ponds, in shape and good looking. If you enjoy reading about my experiences, if you have any comments or questions, or if you want to set up a meeting to "put my talents to the test," feel free to contact me at the email address If that box fills up, I have set up 2 others, so try one of these: or


I met Dean off of "the Blade" free gay chat phone line. It was late on a Saturday night, actually it was early Sunday morning to be exact. I find it's a good time to go on the chat line because a lot of horny guys call in after they get home from the bars and clubs. I had already been on the line chatting and not having any luck finding any serious takers. My usual ad was running: "good looking, submissive cocksucker looking to get face fucked," and of course I added my stats and detailed descriptions of how I suck cock, deep throat and swallow cum. I also usually briefly mention that I like it kinky and that usually gets a few guys to message me and ask for more details and that's when I get into eating ass, drinking piss and my foot and sweat fetishes. Like usual, there were a lot of game players on the line. Some of them are just down right liars when it comes to describing themselves and what they like sexually. I've met plenty of guys off the line only to be disappointed with what I end up with, which is usually far from the way they described themselves over the phone. I don't put up with that shit, and if I don't like what I see when I meet a guy, I leave. I don't do pity fucks. I've learned to tell pretty much when a guy is serious about hooking up. And my ads are always very specific and graphic, so there is no misunderstanding about what I am looking for and what "services" I am offering. One of the ways I can tell if a guy is serious and not playing games, is when we exchange real phone numbers and call each other outside of being on the Blade. And when a guy gives me his address and wants me to come over, that's a real good indicator that he's not just playing around or looking for only phone sex.

So here I was on the blade, early one Sunday morning and it was getting to be around 4:00 AM. The rush of guys calling who just got in from the bars and clubs was dying down and I was just about ready to hang up for the night, disappointed that I didn't find a serious hook up. That's when Dean sent me a message. I remember him telling me he needed a good cocksucker and he told me he likes to take control of his blow jobs and he does a lot of face fucking and hard, repetitive thrusting. He also mentioned he was not looking for a quickie, but rather a long session with him getting off 3 or 4 times. I guess he wanted to make sure I was up for that. We chatted a bit and decided to meet. He gave me his address and I told him I'd be there in 30 minutes.

I found his place easy enough. He lives on the north side in a nice apartment. I buzzed his door and he let me in and I took the elevator up to his floor, found his apartment, and knocked on the door. Dean opened the door wearing just his underwear. He looked good and I was not disappointed.

We exchanged a few words but for the most part we didn't talk at all. I sat on the couch and saw that he had a porn playing in the vcr. He stood in front of me, blocking my view of the tv screen, and just put his hands on the back of my head and pulled me into his crotch. His cock was hard and tenting out his shorts. He just rubbed his hard cock all over my face as I breathed in deep through my nose, taking in his scent. After a minute or so, he pulled back and pulled down his shorts, and his cock sprang up. It was a nice cock, about 8 inches with a good thickness to it. I noticed the throbbing mushroom head and saw that familiar glisten of precum around the piss slit. My moth was open, my tongue was out, I was ready. He stepped forward again and slip his cock through my wet lips, over my tongue, sinking it in until he reached the back of my throat. Again his hands were on my head, holding me in place as I sat on the edge of the couch and allowed him to fuck my face. His pace was slow and deliberate, but this was only the warm up. Without really telling me what to do, he pulled from my mouth and pushed me so that I knew he wanted me to sit back on the couch. I sat squarely in the middle with my back against the cushion. He stepped up on the couch and stood before me, his big cock ready for more. We pushed back into my mouth and began thrusting his hips. His body weight kept me pushed firm against the couch and again, I accepted my place as cocksucker and allowed him to fuck my mouth as he wanted. All I did was keep a good suction and kept my mouth good and wet. Several minutes went by as I just accepted his thrusting cock, keeping my eyes open and watching his abdomen move in and out away from form my face. I was going cross-eyed staring down the length of his cock a she fucked my mouth, the pace getting quicker now as he began to really get into his fuck. The rhythm and the pressure of his body against mine felt awesome. He was rather quiet. The moans and groans from the porn that was still playing were louder than his. He wasn't going in all the way, he just kept fucking my mouth, sliding his cock over my tongue and through my tight wet lips. As I started down the length of his cock, I watched his balls. They were swinging with the movement of his body as he thrust his hips back and forth. As his cock sank in and that big mushroom head hit the back wall of my throat, his balls would bounce and shake as there swinging momentum was suddenly stopped when he hit the back of my mouth. It was almost hypnotic watching this.

I'm not really sure how much time had passed. I do know that I was there at his place for about 6 hours. He took his time. He was one of those guys that wanted to come multiple times, but he didn't want to rush it. He was good at slowing down, changing positions, or moving to a new location in his apartment before continuing his fuck. It made our sessions last pretty long. So, when he felt himself getting close to coming that first time, he stopped, pulled back, looked down at me and stepped off the couch and stood on the floor facing the tv. He told me to get on my knees in front of him, and when I was in place, the face fuck continued. It was more of the same thrusting action while I kneeled and he held my head with his hands. I continued to watch his cock slide in and out of my mouth, and the sight of his swinging balls that continued to shake and rattle whenever his thrusting cock hit the back on my throat. I occasionally looked up to his face and saw that he was intently watching the porn video. When he got close to coming again, he stopped and pulled back. The next position was me on my back on the floor and him sitting on my chest facing the tv again. I lifted my head off the floor and tilted it towards his cock as he pointed back to my open mouth. He sat there on my chest, watching the tv, and thrusting his cock into my mouth, but in this position and from that angle, his cock wasn't even reaching the back on my mouth. He was content just thrusting about 3 inches of his cock in and out of my mouth. I took this opportunity to do some fancy tongue work on his mushroom head, sucking hard, licking, swirling my tongue all around it as he pulled it back and forth through my lips. The video was nearing the end. I could tell because the moans and groans were louder and I assumed it was the big cum shooting scene. But even before the video finished, he reached to the coffee table and turned it off the video and tv with the remote. He stopped thrusting, looked down at me and then got up and had me follow him to the bedroom.

A man of few words, he just pointed to the bed and told me to sit up at the top and rest my back against the headboard. He climbed on the bed and stood in front of me, just like he had done on the couch. Again he fucked his cock into my face, hitting the back of my throat and making his balls dance.

And again, for the third time, he stopped when he came close to cumming. He backed off and told me to lay on the bed on my back. I made a mistake in assuming he wanted access to my throat and I scooted to the edge and hung my head off the edge, but he grabbed me and pushed me back so that I was fully back on the bed, and then he laid on the bed on his side facing me. He told me to move down so that my face was even with his crotch, and then he began a face fuck in that position. He held my head as we both laid on our sides.

Again, I just took his cock and he fucked my mouth the way he wanted. His pace was quicker, the thrust more urgent. And when he got close, he didn't stop, but instead kicked it into a high gear and rocked his entire body back and forth while he held me in place on his thrusting cock. He came with great power and groaned loudly. He stopped all movement when he unloaded into my mouth. I could feel the cum squirting on my tongue, the roof of my mouth, the back of my throat. I swallowed it all down.

He rolled over on his back, breathing hard, not saying anything. It was almost 7 AM and neither of us had any sleep yet that night. He was soon breathing softly and I looked up at him and saw his eyes were closed. He said nothing. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to leave or what. I was still on my side with my face parallel to his crotch, and he had one hand still on the back of my head, not holding or gripping me, but just there on my head. So, I took that as a message that I was supposed to stay right where I was. A few moments later and I was asleep too. I woke up a few hours later and moved a little. He woke up to and I was thinking he was going to kick me out. But he got up and said he had to piss. I stayed where I was as he rolled over me to get out of bed. He walked out of the bedroom and down the hall to the bathroom. He kept the door open and I heard him piss, then flush the toilet. He came back without washing his hands and found me on the bed. He climbed on top of me as I was laying on my back, and he put his crotch in my face. His cock was soft, but I saw it twitch. He looked down at me and told me to blow him. So I leaned forward with my head and licked at his cock, finally getting it into my mouth. I sucked on it as it started to get hard. I could feel it pulsing in my mouth. Within a minute it was fully erect and he was sting back, watching me, enjoying the blow job. But again the position changed. This time I was on my back, with my feet pointed toward the head board and my head pointed down to the foot of the bed. He again mounted me by rolling on top of me. He got into a push up position and grabbed the foot board of the bed and used it for leverage to give me a good hard fuck in the mouth. He thrust hard and steady. It was like the facefucks he gave me when I was sitting and he stood on the couch or bed, only this time, his body weight, with the help of gravity, gave him more thrusting power. Again, he just rammed into the back of my head and his balls bounced even more in this position. He never shoved his cock down my throat. He's not much for deep throat I guess. But on a few occasions when I was kneeling or when he was laying on his back and I was between his legs blowing him, I did go down all the way on his cock, taking it fully into my throat. He moaned when I did that, but it wasn't the way he liked to fuck. Each time he used my mouth, he always prefers to just ram his cock in an out of my lips and sink it in until it reaches the back of my throat, where it bangs hard, and then pulling back nearly all the way out of my mouth before thrusting and banging it again.

This facefuck in the push-up position was intense. He didn't stop or slow down at all. He wasn't doing what he did before by stopping when he was close to blowing. Instead, as the fuck progressed, his thrust came faster and with more force. The last 2 minutes or so of his fucks were always the best. It was like a switch had been turned on in his brain allowing the animal fuck instinct to take over. It was incredible to be trapped underneath him when he was in the zone, so to speak. He came hard again as he pounded several quick and very hard jabs against the back wall of my mouth. It actually hurt, but damn, I loved it!

After that, he sort of collapsed next to me and we both ended up sleeping again, this time for about 3 hours. We woke up when the phone rang. He never answered it. But he did get up to piss again. He came back into the room and stood by the edge of the bed. I moved my face to his cock and licked at the drop of piss hanging on to the tip. I started sucking his cock again and he just stood there, getting hard. He said something like "one more time and then you gotta go." He stood there while I laid on the bed on my belly and took his thrusts. After a while, he moved us back into the position where I was sitting on the bed with my back against the headboard while he stood on the bed in front of me. He gave me another powerful facefuck. It took a while, at least 20 minutes, to get him off, and when he came, I thought he was going to fall of the bed. He's knees gave way and he grabbed the headboard for support. After that, we both laid on the bed for a while. We didn't say anything for a while, until he finally said I had to go home. He had to shower and get ready to meet some friends that afternoon, and it was already almost 1:00 PM. I never got undressed at all. I only took off my shoes when I first got there. We talked a little as I got my shoes on and he told me he'd call me again.

About 2 weeks later, we crossed paths on the phone line. It was another Saturday night/early Sunday morning. He asked if I wanted to come to his place again. I said "hell yeah" and got my ass over there as s\quickly as I could. It was about 6 AM when I got there, and I didn't leave until 6 PM that night. We ended up sleepeing between fucks like last time. But over that 12 hour period, I got him off 5 times. Even he was amazed at how many times he got off and how long he actually spent fucking my face. He refers to this day as our "marathon session" and have plans to repeat this session again.

But we don't always have these super sessions. Sometimes it's a quick mid-day fuck. He surprised me one day by calling me at work and asking if I could meet him over the lunch hour. Even though we didn't talk much when we were together, we did talk on the phone some and we did email each other, so he had an idea about my works schedule and knew that my days were pretty flexible. So, I invited him over to my place. He had just come from an interview for an acting gig in a corporate video production about "safety in the workplace" and he was all dressed up in a navy blue suit and tie. He looked great. When he arrived, we made small talk as we walked to the bedroom. I sat on the edge of the bed and watched him undress as he told me more about what he did for a living. It was cool to just listen to him talk and watch him undress knowing that the only reason he was there was to fuck my mouth and get off and get some pleasure and release. As usual, I stayed completely dressed. When he was fully naked, he stepped to me, grabbed my head and rubbed his cock over my face. He was done talking, and was not getting down to business. He only had about 30 minutes before going back to work, and he didn't want to waste any time. He fucked my face as I sat on the edge of the bed and he stood. But after about 10 minutes of that, he pushed me onto my back and mounted me in the push-up position. I like him in that position because it always makes for an intense fuck. And whenever he moves us to that position, I know it's going to be a wicked ride and that he means business. For the next 15 minutes, he pounded away at me and all I could do was lay there and take it. I did my part by keeping my lips tight and my mouth wet, and keeping a good suction for him as he thrust in and out of my mouth. And as always, those last 2-3 minutes of his fucks are always the most intense. It's when he is the zone and I know then that there is no stopping him. He has bruised the back of my mouth many times, and I have nothing but respect and awe for the way he does it. Nothing beats a good power fuck! I just get lost watching his body move over me, feeling his cock slide through my lips and across my tongue, feeling the blunt head of his hard, hard, thick cock banging my tonsils, watching his balls dance, and hearing the squeak of the bed, his grunts and groans and heavy breathing, all of this getting more and more intense with each thrust of his powerful cock until he explodes with great force and I swallow down all that hot cum, licking him clean, and thanking him for letting me experience this so often.

He's a great guy, sexy, horny and someone I truly respect and admire.

Next: Chapter 14

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