
By Chicago Sucker

Published on Jul 16, 2002


True Stories From A Cocksucker

Part Twelve: Sweat

By: Chicago Sucker (

NOTE: This is a continuation of true stories from my experience as a cocksucker living in Chicago. Fantasy sex is good in it's own way. I always enjoy reading a good story here on the Nifty Archive. But no one can argue that the real thing is much better. So, I decided to write down some of my true experiences and give others a chance to read about more than just some guy's fantasy. I am a real guy with real experiences. I live in Chicago where there are plenty of opportunities to meet and hook-up with men. I am 27 years old, 6 feet tall, 170 ponds, in shape and good looking. If you enjoy reading about my experiences, if you have any comments or questions, or if you want to set up a meeting to "put my talents to the test," feel free to contact me at the email address If that box fills up, I have set up 2 others, so try one of these: or


The package from Toronto was in my mailbox this morning. It took a while to get here, over a week, and it had a customs sticker on it that said packages may be opened and inspected, but mine never was. It was in a plain white envelope with no return address. And inside was a zip-loc baggie with a pair of white, wet, ripe boxer-briefs folded and stuffed inside. When I first opened the baggie, I took a good sniff, and it almost knocked me over.

The ammonia smell was very strong. These fuckers had been sealed in that bag for over a week. I took them out and opened them up and examined them. They are basic white cotton boxer-briefs, still very wet. The Toronto guy wore them to a workout at the gym, and mailed them later that day. He told me that the baggie fogged up with steam when he sealed them because his sweaty shorts were still very hot and wet. This guy wasn't kidding when he warned me that it was hot in Toronto and that he sweats a lot when he works out.

As I opened them up and examined them, the ammonia smell seemed to get stronger. But as I lifted the shorts to my face to get a good look at them, I could definitely smell this guys scent. His sweat was soaked into the cotton fiber and even after a week, the inside of the crotch where his balls were held while he worked out definitely smelled like the sweat of a real man. The whole area from right below the fly pouch to the back of the briefs was the wettest area, and I could imagine in my mind how the sweat ran from his upper body, down his chest and back, to add to the sweat coming from his balls and ass. It all pooled there at the bottom of those briefs. That was the part I rubbed across my face. I opened them up and looked inside. I noticed pale yellow stains near the fly. Could be piss, I thought. But the Toronto guy had told me that he got boned a few times and that there was probably some drops and smears of precum in there. I placed my face inside the briefs, my nose and lips pressing against the fabric that last week pressed against his cock and balls. I smelled the ass area too. I didn't see any skid marks and I didn't find any hairs. I did a thorough examination of those briefs, inside and out. I used them to get off. I played with those briefs, smelled them, licked them, sucked on then, while I jerked off. It didn't take long. I stuffed the briefs bag into the zip lock bag and sealed them shut. I wanted to keep them in that state for more usage before letting them air dry.

I ended up getting off with them later that day. I reexamined them and enjoyed the wetness of them and how they stunk. The ammonia smell was a definite sign that there was some bacteria and fungal action going on. But being experienced with sweaty clothes, I know that if I allow them to air dry, it will stop them from rotting further. It will also allow for the sweat and man smell of the guy who worked out in them to come to the surface. Once they are air-dried, they will keep forever. Whenever I want to use them, I just lick on them or suck on them and my spit will re-activate the dried sweat and once again they will come to life. Sometimes I use a water bottle and spray them with a fine mist of warm water. And then, if I put them in a bag and microwave them for just a few seconds, they will return to almost the same condition as if I had just peeled them off of his body.

I know all these things, because I have done all of this before. In college, I actually stole jock straps and underwear from the locker room and laundry room at school. This was the same school where I met the 11" jock cock. I took one of his jocks and kept it for years. And another guy who I thought was very hot, I tried stealing one of his jocks from his locker, but it got stuck. See, the basketball team had there own small locker room inside of the main locker room off of the gym and fitness center at school. The door to it was never locked, so sometimes I would sneak in there when no one was around. The lockers were different from typical lockers in the rest of the locker room. The doors were a metal mesh, almost like a chain link fence. The lockers were locked so I had to use a coat hanger to try and snag the jocks inside. I got one of Mike's that way. But like I said, this other guy's got stuck. I couldn't get it through the mesh door. I ended up leaving it caught there, and I left the wire coat hanger there too, knowing that they would find it and figure out someone was after their jocks.

But the one guy I had the most jocks and underwear from was Jay. He was also on the college basketball team. His jocks I stole right from his closet in his room. A lot of guys didn't lock their dorm rooms, and Jay was one of those guys. And one Thursday night I was in the lobby of the residence hall, and I saw a bunch of the guys from the team coming back from practice. Most were still in their uniforms. About a half hour later, I saw them all leave to go out. It was there weekly ritual. I don't think many of them (if any) actually went out to drink. They just went out to hang out, meet girls, and get away from campus for a while. After I saw a group of them leave and noticed Jay was with them, I went back to my room, which was about 5 doors down from his. As I passed his door, I stopped and tried the door know. It was open. No one was in the hall, so I quickly snuck inside his room. Each room in the dorms was set up the same and I knew exactly where to look. I opened his closet door and there on the floor was a laundry basket, and right on top was a jock. I picked it up. It was wet and heavy, but cold. It swelled so good. I stuffed it in my pocket and then closed his closet door. I put my ear to the door out of his room to listen for people in the hall. It was quiet. So I opened the door and went back to my room where I thoroughly examined that jock strap. If I didn't know better I'd say Jay had worn the same jock all week to practice. The pouch was discolored, almost gray, and it had a strong, ripe, old sweaty odor. It was awesome. I did all the typical things a fag can do with a straight guys nasty jock strap: I smelled it, licked it, rubbed it on my face, wore it over my face with my nose in the pouch, and I sucked all the sweat out of it. From that Thursday night until the following Thursday, I used it every time I jerked off (at least twice a day) and I even kept it under my pillow.

My plan was to watch for the guys to leave again this week, sneak back into his room, and steal a fresh sweaty jock from the top of the pile, and put the one I had used all week back into the laundry basket. And that's exactly what I did. At about 9:00 I walked down to the lobby of the residence hall and read a book, pretending to be studying. A lot of people did that or went to the student lounge on the first floor. At about 9:45, that same group of guys left to go out for a few hours. Jay's room was left unlocked and I couldn't believe he was making this so easy for me. But when I found that second jock, I couldn't resist keeping both of them. I wanted to compare them. See if there was any difference from week to week in Jay's ball sweat. So, with two of his used jocks stuffed in my pockets, I headed back to my room and spent the rest of the night smelling, tasting, and jerking off.

All of this happened before I started sucking Mike, the big 11'' stud. I just thought I'd put this in perspective for you readers who might be interested. And to me, Jay was much hotter looking. He had a cuter face, a sexier smile, and he was always half naked. He hardly ever wore a shirt. Even during one of the biggest blizzards that winter, when school was cancelled, he was in his room with the door open, playing video games, sitting on his bed without a shirt on. He was the one guy I fantasized about the most that year, until I got a taste of Mike's big cock, and he then began sharing the fantasy spotlight with Jay.

So here it was, another Thursday night, and I was about to steal my third jock from Jay. I knew I had to put at least one of the first two back or Jay would start noticing that they were disappearing. One and even two could be lost in the laundry somewhere, Who hasn't lost a sock or a pair of underwear? But three jocks missing in three weeks, he was bound to notice that. The guys followed there same routine. And I thought the coast was clear when they all left together, so I quickly went on my way to my room, planning to stop off in jay's room to make the jock switch. But just as I was stopping at his door and had my hand on the knob, the door leading to my hall opened and I heard guys' talking and heard Jay yell back, "Yeah, I forgot my wallet." And as I turned, he saw me. I was near his door and my pocket was bulging with the jock I was planning to switch for a fresher one.

I was almost stunned like a deer caught in headlights. I was trying to look innocent and walk toward my door, but he stopped me and said something like "What are you doing?" I was scared and I don't even remember what I said to him. He noticed my bulging pocket and he wanted to know what I had and if I was had been in his room. I told him "no" and he stood there and opened his door and I quickly went and turned to go to my room. When I got inside, I looked at myself in the mirror, and then I noticed that part of the waistband of his jock was sticking up out of my pocket. You know, the thick elastic band of white elastic with red stripes on it. There was no way that it could be anything but a jock. I panicked I took it out of my pocket and shoved it into one of my dresser drawers. Then there was a knock on my door and it opened and it was Jay. He had his jock with him, the one I was planning to take tonight, and he threw it on my bed and just smirked at me and told me to wash it and give it back to him when I was done with it. He closed the door and I was so nervous and scared. I didn't expect this and I wasn't sure what it all meant. I wasn't in the mood to do anything with that jock that night. But in the morning, I got it out and did my sweat worship ritual. That afternoon, I washed all of his three jocks and returned them to him in a plastic bag. I knocked on his door and he told me to come in. I just put the bag down on the floor, apologized and left.

The next Thursday night, I was in my room. I wasn't about to be in the lobby and try anything stupid again. At about 9:30 there was a knock at my door. When I opened it, Jay's jock from that week was hanging over the knob and as I took it, I looked out into the hall and saw jay walking out to the lobby. The rooms in our door were staggered down the hall, so there wasn't a door directly across from yours. So even if other guys were in their rooms and had their doors open, you couldn't see into anyone else's room or notice who was coming or going from another room unless you stuck your head into the hallway. I was thrilled and excited that this was happening, but also very confused. I wasn't sure what to make of it. I didn't think Jay was gay. He dated girls and talked about fucking pussy like one of the guys. I didn't know until much later that jay was actually bi.

Little by little other things started to happen, like the time Jay knocked on my door and he wanted to know if I still wanted that roll of carpet in the storage room or if he could have it for his room. I only had one piece of carpet, and it was already in my room. I knew there wasn't anything of mine in the storage room at the end of the hall. Jay was wearing just a pair of shorts and he scratched under his left armpit as he told me how he was there earlier today and saw some carpet with my name on it. So, I went with him to take a look. When we got to the storage room, we both went in and I asked where the carpet was. He seemed to fake a sense of confusion and seemed surprise that the carpet was no longer there. He just said, "Huh, I must have been seeing things!" and like a dumb fuck I just said "That's ok" and we both left the storage room. I went back to my room thinking how odd that was, and it never occurred to me until later that Jay was actually trying to tell me something. Maybe he wanted me to make a move or something. Maybe he wanted to ask me something but chickened out. I wasn't sure.

Like I said, my room was 5 doors down from Jay, and the next door down from me on the opposite side of the hall the shared bathroom. We all had a sink and mirror in our rooms, but the toilets and showers were in the shared bathroom. About 10 or 15 guys shared it on each wing of the dorms. One night when my door was open (and I started staying in my room with my door open a lot from this point on) Jay walked past on his way to the shower. He had been working out after basketball practice and it was a Tuesday night, I think, so the guys weren't going out. They only did that on Thursdays. On the weekends, the dorms were usually pretty quiet and most people went home or into the city of Milwaukee to do stuff with friends. Anyway, as Jay was walking to the showers, he passed my room and stuck his head in and asked what I was doing. For the last couple weeks I had been washing his jocks for him. Tonight, as he stood there telling me he just finished working out, he whispered if I wanted his shorts. He hadn't worn a jock to work out in, but he was willing to leave his underwear for me. Of course I said yes, and he walked into my room, closed the door and took off his workout shorts and his underwear. He was wearing basic white briefs. This was the first time I saw him naked. He was usually without a shirt and barefoot and all that, but I never saw his cock and balls before. I can't remember who made the first move next, or if I just licked my lips or something. But that night I gave Jay a tongue bath before he took his shower. I licked his cock and balls and his legs and feet, his ass, chest, arms and armpits. He just stood there, leaning against my door while I did it. I ended by blowing him and he came in my mouth in a matter of minutes. I don't remember every little detail about this, so I'm sorry if this is a little vague. And I continue to think about Jay from time to time and I know that my memory of what actually happened with us in college has been changed and altered by my fantasy of how I thought it happened or how I would have wanted it to happen. I do remember him at one point asking me if I liked the way he smelled and tasted when he was sweaty like that. And I know it turned him on knowing that I was into licking him clean before sucking him off. I know this because he came to my room a lot like that at night. Sometimes 2 or 3 times a week, and sometimes not at all. It depended on his mood and what else he was doing that week. I don't think he ever told anyone else. No other guy from the basketball team ever said anything to me or acted any different towards me. I was still pretty insecure about who I was at the time, and I wasn't out or known as a fag on campus. I wonder now if that would have made any difference or if I missed on experiencing more guys if I had been more honest about who I was and what my place in life is. I was just trying not to get my ass kicked by a group of college jocks. I guess I lucked out with Jay. What happened to me is a one-in-a-million kind of thing.

One thing that came out of my experiences with Jay, is that it heightened my sweat fetish. I truly enjoy cleaning the sweat from athletic guys who work out, play sports, or who just work up a good sweat having sex. Not everyone knows about this fetish of mine. At least not any of my gay friends or the guys I have dated or had actual dating relationships with. But this side of me is something I advertise in my personal ads, in the chat rooms and now, of course, through these posted stories. Licking a guy's sweat and cleaning his body for him as a service and show of respect is commonly accepted among the level 2 and level 3 guys that I have met. It is definitely a power trip and a sign of control over another guy to make him lick your nasty, ripe armpits, ass, balls and feet. And it definitely can cause some discomfort to a cocksucker when a guy takes this to extreme levels. I've known guys to stop showering for days at a time just to get themselves as nasty as possible, and sometimes even I get grossed out by having to clean a guys pits or ass when they haven't been washed for days. I gagged just from the smell and taste sometimes. But I never refuse to do it. I can't. and I know it's part of my duty and responsibility when servicing these guys and giving them all the pleasure they truly deserve.

In the previous chapter, the guy from Toronto admitted that he got a boner thinking about some fag licking his balls clean after a good workout. It was enough for him to actually send me a pair of his underwear. I spent time chatting with him and describing in detail everything I did with them. And I answered all of his questions about the smells, tastes, and how they looked and felt. I enjoy a good sweaty jock strap and I stole a bunch in college because I thought they would be fun to play with. But each time I jerked off with one over my face, inhaling that ripe odor, it was the thoughts running through my head that made it so hot: these thoughts were of sweaty, dominant, aggressive guys getting off on making a fag like me smell and lick their sweatiest, smelliest parts. I discovered that it was the smell or taste that I liked, but the pleasure it gave to the guy I was doing it for. I don't have an interest in it unless I know a guy really enjoys making me lick him clean and smell him when he is ripe and sweaty.

So, when I find a guy who fits the level 2 or 3 profile, I let him know that I am willing to do anything and have few limits, if any. And a good level 2 or 3 guy doesn't need me dropping any hints or making any suggestions, and they automatically assume I will be ok with given them regular tongue baths when they need a shower. In fact, I get many emails from guys who answer my ads or who have emailed me after reading this series of stories. Here are just a few of the things they say about this topic:

I expect guys to get into my body smell, especially after i work out and don't shower which is when i smell a lot.

I always liked the idea of having faggots available in the lockerrooms of heath clubs. After working out, you could have a guy lick you clean, then wash you off in the shower.

Yeah, an ideal world would be one where, when I walk naked into a public locker room, the fags would be well trained enough to either just drop to their knees and open their mouths, or to bend over and spread 'em. A work out, a blow job, a nice hot shower, and a drink. Now THAT would be a good day.

If it is a hot day outside or I have been doing something else to make me sweat, I like to grab a guy by the hair and shove his face into my arm pits and have him take several deep breaths before he licks them clean. He'll also lick clean my feet , balls and ass.

When I arrive I will sit my ass on the couch/bed and flip through some porn. You will get me a beer and then you will slowly remove my clothes for me. Starting at my feet, you will clean the stink from my feet with your tongue. You will undo my shirt and then pants. When I am completely striped you will continue to use that tongue, starting with my neck then chest, pits down to my cock. You will not suck my cock, but move to my balls. After giving my balls a tongue bath, you will feast on my ass. No tongue has graced my ass, so you will give me extra special treatment.

i like cocksuckers who are meat and holes to use and fuck their throats, who will eat and swallow my cum piss ass feet armpits whatever i want because they just are their to follow directions and don't care what i taste like.

As you can see, there are several guys who get into this, and each one may be a different in what they like or how they want it done, but each has a similar attitude, and truly expects that a fag like me will do all these nasty things just to please them. And they are 100% right in their thinking.

There are a few guys out there who unfortunately remain a little shy about this fetish. It's almost like they are afraid to let another guy they think this shit is hot. I met Jeff through a mutual friend of ours. I was helping our buddy mike with a web page for his business he was running out of his home. Mike had a lot of cool electronic toys to play with, including a couple different digital cameras. I was with him when he bought a new one when we were out shopping one Saturday. We took it back to his place and played around with it. He took a couple pictures of me just sitting on his couch and they were downloaded onto his computer. We were just seeing what this camera could do. A week or so later, when I was back at his place, he showed me some other pictures he had taken, including shots of his friend Jeff. Jeff hangs out at Mike's place from time to time, and I guess the last time he was there, Mike was exploring his camera. I saw a few pictures of Jeff just sitting on the couch like I had been. But Mike also showed me one he took of Jeff when he surprised him in the shower. He had walked into the bathroom and just pulled the curtain back and took a couple pics before Jeff could cover himself. And let me tell you, Jeff has a lot to cover. His cock was 7" soft! When Mike wasn't watching me, I opened the file with Jeff's pictures in again, and I enlarged them to get a better look. Mike isn't Jeff''s type, or anybody's type actually, and there is no sexual chemistry between me and him (at least on my part). Mike is short, pudgy and rather nerdy. But he has lots of money and cool gadgets to play with and borrow. Anyway, he could tell I was into Jeff''s body and huge cock., even though I tried not to let him know that. Later that week, I guess he had told Jeff about my reaction to his pictures, and he ended up showing him the ones he took of me, innocently sitting on the couch. It was a week or so later when I was back at Mikes, helping him develop more of his web page finished. We had ordered a pizza and were taking a break, eating and watching the Simpsons on TV when the phone rang. I didn't hear what Mike said, but when he hung up he told me Jeff was coming over. I tried not to show my excitement. About 20 minutes later, Jeff showed up. He had just come from the gym and was stopping on his way home. I thought maybe he was interested in the free pizza, but it turned out he wasn't hungry. I found out later he only stopped by because he heard I was there. We talked a bit and laughed while watching another episode of the Simpsons. Jeff sat on a chair near the couch where I was sitting. I could smell his body odor and it was very intoxicating to me. Mike, by that time, was on the phone with a software company, trying to get some help with a problem he was having installing something or another. He was getting pissed off, partly from the computer problems, partly from the noise Jeff and I were making laughing and watching tv, and also partly because Jeff and I seemed to be hitting it off and were having a good time getting to know each other. Mike finally told us to either turn off the tv and shut up so he could hear the phone, or to go into the other room and watch tv there. So that is what we did. But as soon as were in there, Jeff started making moves on me and we started making out. Jeff is gay and he's not a level 2 or 3 dominat, controlling kind of guy. He's actually very laid back and easy going, but horny too. And as we made out. My hands rubbed his leg and his crotch. I was feeling his cock up pretty good and I told him I saw the pictures Mike took of him in the shower and that I wanted to see his cock for real. We closed the door and Jeff lowered his nylon work-out pants and his underwear. I kneeled down in front of him and he said he needed a shower and kinda backed away. I just grabbed his hips and kept him still and I lowered my face into his crotch, rubbing his balls with my nose and smelling him. I remember him saying "Dude. You're brave" as I started licking him and I looked up and told him I liked it and went down on his stiffening cock. It didn't grow much from it's soft state, only an inch or so, but it got a lot thicker and it was a very nice, thick, 8" cock and I sucked him off right there while mike was in the other room on the phone. The smell and taste of his sweaty balls and cock was awesome. And Jeff was turned on by getting blown in that unclean condition because he came pretty quick. He pulled up his pants after he cam and sat down while I went to the bathroom to wash my hands and wipe the sweat smell off of my face. I'm sure Mike figured out something had happened. Because after that, Jeff and I started hanging out a lot more and we even dated a few times. Jeff had an on-and-off boyfriend already, so I knew it wasn't going to amount to much more than a friendship with some benefits. I got to blow him a lot and it was usually after a workout or a run or something like that. he told me his boyfriend would never do that for him and he was turned on that I was so into his funk. Jeff eventually moved to California to pursue a modeling career and I never heard from him after that.

Jeff was sort of an exception to the rule. It's really rare to find a guy into getting sucked off when he's smelly and sweaty who isn't a level 2 or 3 dominant controlling top guy. I wrote about Christopher in a previous story. He is an example of one of these guys into having fags like me worship and clean his sweaty body for his own amusement and pleasure.

Christopher is usually unshowered when he hooks up with me. More than one time he has hooked up with me only an hour or so after having come from his girlfriends house where he fucked her good without a condom. He'd come over to my place before heading home to have a beer and to tell me about it. I'd usually be on the floor massaging and licking his feet while he talked to me. Sometimes he has me do his pits for him too, but mostly it's late and he's tired and wants this to be quick, so when he's ready, he stands and opens his jeans and pulls down his fly. He rubs his crotch in my face a while before pulling down his pants and taking them off. He always wants his ass crack and hole licked clean, cuz he sweats a lot there when he fucks his girl's twat. And I am always ordered to clean off his nuts. When I'm doing that, I get a good whiff of his girl's cunt juice and can even taste it on his balls if some of it splashed there during the fuck. He has me clean his cock too, which I do first by licking it all over, and sticking my tongue into the slit. Then I suck it hard, making a lot of spit in my mouth to really get it clean for him. He always gets hard for this, but he doesn't always get off. Sometimes he just wants me to clean him and then he gets up and leaves, knowing that I really wanted to blow him. Other times I think he just feels generous or maybe the blow job is really good and he figures `what the hell, I'll blow another load tonight' and I get a good load to swallow down.

He knows how to come up with some good ideas too. One day last summer, he rode his bike to my house in Evanston. Christopher lives around 3600 north, just a little north of downtown Chicago. That's about a 12 mile bike ride up the lake Michigan shore line on the bike path. And the day he rode his bike to my house was a hot one. He told me he wouldn't wear a shirt. He also told me to have a lot of cold bottles of water ready for him when he got there. When he did show up, I was waiting on the front porch reading a book. My roommates were all gone. It was a Saturday, and none of them hardly ever stick around on weekends. So, we stored his bike in the garage and we went inside and without talking, I gave him a bottle of water. He stood in the kitchen against the wall, and raised his arm to drink from the bottle. I could see his left arm pit, the hair was dark and wet and matted down. A couple drops of sweat actually trickled down his side. He was so fucking hot and sweaty. His chest was slick with sweat too, as was his back, his arms and his legs. He looked at me and just told me to get to work. We hadn't discussed anything, but I knew what to do. I spent the next several hours cleaning his entire body, starting by licking his armpit right there in the kitchen. Then I licked on his chest and sucked his nipples a while. We moved to by bedroom where he sat down on a chair. I got him another bottle of water and I sat on the floor by his feet, and removed his shoes. His socks were soaked and he rubbed his feet over my face and through my hair and told me to take deep breaths through my nose. Christopher does enjoy getting his feet serviced and cleaned. And he's rather active, pushing his toes into my mouth, rubbing his feet over my face. He tasted very salty, and every part of him was wet with sweat, but it was like a clean, fresh sweat, different from times before when he would stop over to my house 4 or 5 hours after a workout, when his unshowered body had time to really ferment good. So, there wasn't a strong smell to him, except for his pits and his crotch. His ass seemed to be rather potent, maybe it had something to do with his bike shorts or from sitting on that bike seat. He wore underwear (boxer briefs) under his black lycra bike shorts. That really trapped in a lot of sweat and they were very wet and heavy. When I first put my face in his crotch, I swear my eyes fogged over with steam. He continued to sweat as I worked on him. I didn't have the central air on, knowing that he wouldn't want it on anyway. So, I ended up having to re-clean several parts, mostly his armpits, balls and ass that seemed to get sweaty again as soon as I licked them clean. He only gave me one load of cum that day. I think he was more interested in making me clean him and pleasure him that way, and he liked the power of leaving me on the floor with a hunger for more of his cock and cum as he walked out the door. He fucked me in the mouth really good. I remember that. It was one of his more forceful face fucks. Maybe it was because he was really horned up by making me clean up all that sweat. By the time he was done with me, I was soaked myself: some of it was my own sweat and spit, but a lot of it was his sweat that dripped down on me or the sweat he wiped on me from his body.

When he had enough, he took a shower, and then opened up my dresser drawer. He took out a pair of new underwear from the drawer. I keep them there just for him. A lot of times he wants a clean, new pair to wear home, especially if he has pissed or sweated in the pair he was wearing before. He always left them behind for me to enjoy. He never said anything about them, or told me what to do with them, and I thought maybe he was just leaving them a s a present for me. But I later learned that he didn't care either way. They were not a gift, he just didn't want them any more. I could throw them out or do whatever I wanted. He really didn't care. And I think that is a really cool attitude. Much better than if he had actually cared and wanted me to have them as a gift.

Ok, well this chapter has a lot of information in it. But I'm realizing how it's only the tip of the iceberg so to speak. I'll write more about some of my sweaty experiences and some of my other fetishes (including my experiences with watersports, beastiality, and bondage toys!). if you have any questions or comments about me, or if you are an aggressive, dominant level 2 0r 3 guy into sweat and extreme throat fucking, I'd like to hear from you and possibly set up a meeting. I'm in Chicago, but travel a lot. Upcoming trips this fall include Toronto, Montreal, Washington D.C. and New York City. For this winter, I'm looking at Texas, Arizona, California and other Western states. Please write to me if you are from one of these areas and interested in meeting.

More chapters coming soon!

Next: Chapter 13

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