
By Chicago Sucker

Published on Jul 15, 2002


True Stories From A Cocksucker

Part Eleven: Toronto Guy

By: Chicago Sucker (

NOTE: This is a continuation of true stories from my experience as a cocksucker living in Chicago. Fantasy sex is good in it's own way. I always enjoy reading a good story here on the Nifty Archive. But no one can argue that the real thing is much better. So, I decided to write down some of my true experiences and give others a chance to read about more than just some guy's fantasy. I am a real guy with real experiences. I live in Chicago where there are plenty of opportunities to meet and hook-up with men. I am 27 years old, 6 feet tall, 170 ponds, in shape and good looking. If you enjoy reading about my experiences, if you have any comments or questions, or if you want to set up a meeting to "put my talents to the test," feel free to contact me at the email address if that box fills up, I have set up 2 others, so try one of these: or


In this latest installment, I thought I'd take a break from recounting experiences from my past, and write about something that is happening right now, here in the present moment. I have gotten several emails form readers of these posted stories, many of them are from other cocksuckers or bottom guys who have had similar experiences or would like to have experiences like the ones that happen to me. And I expected this to happen. I respond to every email I get. However, I give preference to answering the emails I get from straight guys, bi and gay guys, who enjoy being dominant, aggressive, and in control, and who understand what fags like myself are good for. This chapter is dedicated to one such guy who I have been corresponding with in different ways.

Before I go any further, I was given permission to write this chapter. In fact, it was more of a direct order to make my next installment in this series about this guy. He lives in Toronto and he first contacted me after reading the first 2 installments in this series. He had a question and wanted me to offer my opinion. He wrote:

"I read your cocksucker stories and have a question. I have a regular cocksucker come by my apartment and service me. I just lie on my bed with my legs over the edge and have him kneel while I read str8 porn and he goes down on me. Once he tried to play with his tiny cock while he blew me but I told him to keep a focus on me. He's an excellent dick-lick but is a fat shit and I get off on ignoring him when he comes in--we never speak except when he thanks me and calls me "Sir". He clearly gets off on servicing me and on my tight body and cocky `tude. My question is, should I start talking trash to the cocksucker--calling him names and slapping his face with my wet cock or does ignoring him work better? After all, even though the guy is a pathetic bitch, I might as well let him live his fantasy. I thought that since u 2 are so similar that u would have an opinion."

I did write back and I gave him my opinion. I told him that he needs to stay in control if that's what he wants. He shouldn't try and fulfill any cocksucker's fantasy just because he's feeling generous. I told him that the fat, ugly fucker should consider himself damn lucky to be doing anything at all. And I added that he keeps coming back for more each time, even begging for it, so why mess with a good thing? He wrote back and told me it was good advice that he would adopt.

We emailed a few times back in forth during a time when we were both online, so the emails were criss-crossing each other in cyber space. He asked me if I had any instant messenger services. When I said "no," he told me to download the one he uses, so that he could tell when I was online and could more easily contact me. I did what he told me to do, and in a matter of hours we were communicating through instant messages. We talked more about the guy who services him and he sent me a string of emails they had sent back and forth to each other regarding their last hook up. It started with a message from the cocksucker asking when he could come back for more cock. They worked out a meeting for later that night. And in the messages between them they worked out the details of the meeting. At the end of the string of messages was a "thank you" email from the cocksucker saying how much he enjoyed sucking him off, and added "your load was exceptionally huge tonight and I thought I was going to spill some of it." That line got my attention and the guy from Toronto even commented to me that he must have really given the cocksucker quite a load.

But there was a couple things that bothered me about this cocksucker. First off, he was writing the guy and asking when he could come back for more. A good cocksucker never bothers his top with whiney, begging little emails. I always wait for the top to contact me again. I follow the "don't speak unless spoken to" rule not just during hook-up sessions, but at all times. Another mistake this cocksucker did was to ask permission to "beat off" while he sucked the guy off. No cocksucker worth meeting asks that or even thinks about that. I never jerk myself off when I'm sucking or servicing a guy. I keep my attention where it belongs. Besides, I'm not there to get off and get pleasure form the experience. My only purpose is to get the top off and make sure he gets all the pleasure he wants and deserves. Besides, straight guys don't want to see another guy jerking off. Some controlling gay guys don't even want to see that. Plus, it could be messy and that is extremely rude. Wanting to jerk off and asking permission to do it is selfish and wrong for a cocksucker to do. Unless, of course, it's something the top guy wants. I only do it when I am told to do it. At all other times, I keep my hands away from my cock and my mind where it belongs.

An additional thing I didn't like about this cocksucker, was that he wasn't available when the top wanted him. The guy in Toronto told me he had wanted service earlier that day after he had gotten home from blading, but had to wait for the cocksucker to service him later that night before he went to workout. A good cocksucker always checks his messages frequently. Daily is not enough. I have a service through my cell phone company that allows me to check messages anytime, anywhere. I've even considered getting a pager. My plan is to have a pager and only give out the number to guys who may want me to be available to service them on short notice. And the final thing that bothered me was the description of the cocksucker as a "fat shit." If cocksuckers want to service and suck off these great looking, in-shape guys, he should at least be in somewhat decent shape himself. I try to go to the gym regularly and I keep myself trim and in decent shape. Those of you who saw my picture or who have met me in person know this about me. I'll admit I'm pretty lazy. But I force myself to exercise because the guys I meet don't deserve to have to settle for being serviced by some "fat shit." And since a seek out guys who are very physically demanding and aggressive, I have a responsibility to be able to endure whatever they dish out. I can hardly say I'm up for long, brutal sessions and then show up fat and out of shape and get tired and out of breath before the top is done with me.

This is good advice for all you cocksuckers and service slaves and wannabees. I hope it is also helpful information for you top guys who are looking for cocksuckers and service slaves. You don't have to settle for a cocksucker who doesn't have the common sense to keep himself presentable and the willpower to keep his hands off his cock when he's there to take care of you.

I conveyed all these opinions to the Toronto guy and he agreed with me, but said he doesn't have time and shouldn't be bothered with finding suitable replacements for the current "fat shit" cocksucker he has. So, I've been given that responsibility, and I'm happy to do it for him. So, I've started checking through personal ads and placing some of my own. I'm also searching chat rooms to find guys in Toronto who are good candidates. I will screen through what I find and pass on the information. (If any of you reading this are interested in applying, send me an email and a picture!).

We talked more about the responsibility of a cocksucker to be available when services are needed. When he told me he wanted "to nut in a mouth" after coming home from blading but, couldn't reach the fat guy, I told him that if I were in Toronto I'd make myself available at any time. And when I read that the fat guy serviced him before he went to his workout, I told him I'd even do it after his workout, even before he took a shower. It's something I've mentioned sort of in passing in previous chapters here, but I plan to devote an upcoming chapter devoted entirely to the subject of sweat. The guy in Toronto called me a "freak" for being willing to do that for him and he asked "what's the thrill of sucking on some guy's post-workout balls?" and I preceded to tell him how some guys I've met used that as a power trip with me. They got into the fact that they could get me to service them when they were all sweaty. I told him a few stories about guys who make me clean their rank pits, ass cracks, feet, cock and balls after a workout--even if it's hours later and they haven't taken a shower. I admitted to him that I even fantasize about it and on more than one occasion I have stolen dirty jocks, socks, underwear, shorts and t-shirts from locker rooms in college and at the gym. I told him a story about getting caught doing that. (This story will be in an upcoming installment). Again, he told me I was a sick, perverted freak, but admitted that he was getting boned thinking about a guy getting into his ball sweat. He told me that he has had underwear stolen from the gym more than once and he wondered why. I told him some fag was probably holding them over his nose while he jerks off with them and confessed to him that's what I would do. I told him about personal ads and web sites that advertise used, dirty, sweaty clothes that guys can buy. And I confessed further that I have purchased such items online in the past.

What happened next was totally awesome, and I am so grateful for this: The guy in Toronto offered to mail me a pair of his post-workout boxers. I quickly gave him my mailing address without reservation and he prepared the shorts to send to me. He warned me that it was going to be in the 90's and that the air conditioning in his gym wasn't working well. Of course, that only made me more excited. A few days later he wrote to tell me that they were in the mail. He said he took them right from his gym bag and put them into a plastic zip lock air-tight bag. He said the bag immediately steamed up! And he stuffed them into an envelope and mailed them to me. I told him I would gladly pay for the postage and to replace the boxers. I even offered to include some extra to cover his time and effort.

Because I now have the instant messenger downloaded and I keep it on whenever I'm online, he is able to find me, and we chat almost everyday. He has sent me several pictures. Here is a transcript of one of our chats: (TG = Toronto guy and Chicago is me)

TG says: Anything in the mail yet?

Chicago says: not so far today, but I will check the post office again before they close

TG says: yea well when u do, ur gonna get a pair of my boxer briefs in a zip lock bag when u get them, i want 2 know what u do with them in detail

Chicago says: i will tell you everything i may even open my package online for you if you are here

TG says: yea, well just remember the assault on your nose when they hit your face u sick fuck

Chicago says: yes sir. they've had a few days to ferment in that bag

TG says: yea, it was funny cuz when i sealed them up they were steaming i got em outta my gym bag and put them in the bag

Chicago says: i truly appreciate this and i will do whatever you want in order to repay you

TG says: yea, well let's just c what u think and if u want more but I think u will, faggot

Chicago says: i'm sure i will i know i will

TG says: what r u doing on line, looking for cock?

Chicago says: actually no i have been working on emails and i just kept my messenger on in case you showed up. i am also working on the next installment in my series

TG says: is it a series?

Chicago says: well, it's a directory on nifty. and so far there are 10 postings under "cocksucker" yeah, i guess it's a continuing series of my true experiences

TG says: yea but it's not chronological

Chicago says: not chronological at all

TG says: it's random thoughts of a homo cocksucking bitch

Chicago says: but it's sorta theme oriented i want to include a chapter on sweat

TG says: yea, a tribute to my nut sweat is in order

Chicago says: i'm gonna repeat all the stuff i told you, about stealing jocks and stuff and what i do with them would you like me to didcate a chapter to you and our chats and what you sent me and what i did with it?

TG says: wait until i stuff a pair of my sweaty shorts in your mouth and fuck your ass yea, i think u should

Chicago says: ok , I'll start work on it and i'll give you an advanced copy to proof read and approve before i send it in

TG says: i watched this porno last night where these two chics were mowing down on this dude's massive shlong and i couldn't believe it but he could grab the back of her head and make her take it down while the other bitch tended to his nuts it was the babes and tailpipes series #16 i think then i thought of your abused throat and how u would have loved 2 b the chic

Chicago says: i watch straight porn from time to time...but for different reasons than you of course and i do get very jealous watching straight porn...or any porn for that matter

TG says: yea well there are probably cocksuckers out there that are jealous of u--if anyone can get lower than u?

Chicago says: well, several write to me now and tell me they admire me and wish they were more like me. they're just not as assertive or patient or eager as me when it comes to finding cock to suck

TG says: ahh, 2 bad taking your ass will be so sweet

Chicago says: i saw what you wrote earlier, but i didn't get a chance to reply to it....about you stuffing your sweaty boxers in my mouth and then fucking my ass.

TG says: yea, i gotta confess it gets me hot 2 think that some fag will endure so much pain so that my cock can feel so good

Chicago says: well, the times i've been fucked it did hurt! and i have a feeling you'd enjoy that part of it. if you really started out rough it would hurt a lot! but that turns me on too, knowing a guy would do that to me just to make his cock feel good so i gotta confess that i'd let you do that to me!

TG says: yea, with girls its not as enjoyable b/c they are human beings with feelings

Chicago says: and i agree with you that have feelings but they don't matter because i am less of a human being. i really believe that . i think the rank goes like straight men on top, followed by women, then male dogs. then gay guys, then fags like me...

TG says: that's the food chain yea

Chicago says: cuz i've had straight guys put their dogs before me

TG says: haha, they get u to suck their cocks 2?

Chicago says: i'm sure you're not surprised to hear that on occassion i have done that...when i've been told to

TG says: haha, and did u , depraved fuck

TG says: hey it's your lucky day fruit boy i just took some pics u wann c

Chicago says: yes please

TG says: beg

Chicago says: please let me see some of the pictures you took please sir i want to see them and i will do whatever you want

TG says: i was wearing shorts and have changed 2 do laundry i'm now wearing the pants i wore 2 workout while wearing "your" shorts

Chicago says: you are amazing. you have a great body. thnaks for sending me the picture. if i were with you, id do anyhting you told me to do

TG says: u r gonna like this one

Chicago says: WOW! these pictures are very hot. thank you so much!

TG says: u r pathetic

Chicago says: thank you again. every part of you is amazing. on each of the photos i'm looking at your muscular arms and imagining the power they hold and what it would be liked to have my head gripped in your hands and those powerful arms rocking me back and forth thank you for these pictures! can i print them out?

TG says: y?

Chicago says: to keep to look at

TG says: yea, i guess

Chicago says: thank you

TG says: any requests 4 more

Chicago says: yes please

TG says: waana a cock shot?

Chicago says: i will be grateful for whatever you choose to send me it's not my place to ask for anything from you

TG says: dont b such a lazy faggot

Chicago says: i'm sorry i didn't want to be rude or selfish

TG says: well what in your faggot dreams do u like?

Chicago says: please send me more pictures i really want a picture of your cock

TG says: here's what i'm going 2 b reading as u blow me haha the cover says live pets that's u homo

Chicago says: thank you, these pictures are awesome can i ask for more photos?

TG says: of FUCKING WHAT u twat?

Chicago says: of you sir and i would really want one of your cock if you would wish to allow me to see one

TG says: maybe... in time let me give u a hint

Chicago says: do you want me to tell you which photo is my favorite and why?

TG says: yes

Chicago says: the one with you in a chair, one leg over the arm, and you looking at the straight porn magazine i like that one best because it is just how you describe the way you like to get serviced

TG says: yea, u can practically smell my balls from there

Chicago says: you said in one of your first emails to me about just laying back, legs spread, while you look at porn and the guy blows you

TG says: that's pretty much it yea

Chicago says: and now i have a clear picture of what they looks like and how damn fucking lucky that fag is that gets to pleasure you i would do anything to take his place

TG says: lemme give u a taste of my cock

Chicago says: yes, please

TG says: do u see anything in this photo that catches your eye

Chicago says: yes, something caught my eye. you have a awesome bulge! and you are really teasing me with these photos

TG says: and ?

Chicago says: i see boxes of condoms in the photos, but you do not need to use one with me

TG says: God u are a stupid fuck

Chicago says: WOW! I just read the condom box!

TG says: what does it say?

Chicago says: LARGE GRAND

Chicago says: HUGE

Chicago says: POWERFUL


TG says: more than your ass will want but, 2 bad

Chicago says: i would never stop you from doing what you wanted no matter what the consequences are for me

TG says: here are my feet

TG says: my big, hairy legs

Chicago says: powerful legs

TG says: yea, they are big and my calves are big 2

Chicago says: you have an amazing body yes, you are very muscular

TG says: i'm gonna drop 10 lbs and get cut

Chicago says: you look very cut already. that chest pic you sent was awesome. you are perfect now. any improvements you make will take you beyond perfect

TG says: whatever, u just want a chance at my cock

TGsays: hey, i dont like having my ass touched but I gather u eat ass 2?

Chicago says: yes sir, i do eat ass but not if you don't want me to

TG says: maybe i will maybe not whatever the moment demands

Chicago says: you have total control. if there is ever anything you want to try, i will not say no. i won't ask any questions or make any comments. my goal now as i sit here hundreds of miles from you would be the same as when we meet, and that is to pleasure you and let you experience whatever you want

TG says: this pic is good cuz on the magazine cover u can see the chics shaved beaver covering my cock

Chicago says: yes, i see that

Chicago says: your armpits look very good too, from what i can see of them in the last 2 pics

TG says: lemme guess, u lick those 2?

Chicago says: if i'm told to do so. i told you about my interest in sweat

TG says: right, right

Chicago says: i haven't told you about this straight guy i met who is a lot like you

TG says: yea well tell me

Chicago says: well, he replied to one of my ads. he says a friend sent it to him a s a joke. but after reading it he was kinda interested. like you siad, some guys just tend to know that getting a blow job from another guy has to be good . anyway, we wrote back and forth like this and i showed him a picture of me but it took a year to actually meet

TG says: and...

Chicago says: he's a personal trainer and works at a gym but also does free lance work in homes. mostly for rich women in the chicago area. he plans exercise programs and diets and all that. but he claims to be 100 % straight and has a girlfriend and gets plenty of pussy on the side, but he was curious enough to meet me

TG says: u must have gone fucking nuts

Chicago says: i finally convinced him by saying he should think of me as a client, so i ended up paying him $125 for 30 minutes of his time. the money finally convinced him. but he gave me all kinds of rules about what i could and couldn't do

TG says: like what

Chicago says: strangely enough, his ass was not off limits. he gave me full access to his cock balls and ass and told me to do a good job licking and sucking those areas. but off limits was his chest and i couldn't lick his nipples or armpits

TG says: did he get naked

Chicago says: he got totally naked accept he kept his socks on and i couldn't touch his feet. buthe did let me touch his chest and muscular arms and legs . but he wouldn't flex or pose for me. i wanted him to, because he does some amateur body building contest and stuff, but this was his off season and he didn't feel he was up for posing

TG says: ha did he wear his gym stuff or street cloths?

Chicago says: he wore gym stuff. long pants like you have on in a few pics...the nylon pants with the stripe down the leg

TG says: and he nutted in your mouth?

Chicago says: he nutted twice in 30 minutes. the first one came really quick within minutes. after that i just licked on his balls and ate his ass until he wanted to get off again

TG says: wow, i dunno how he did it with a fag sucking, did he read porn?

Chicago says: nope

Chicago says: the first time he laid on his back on the bed and kept his eyes close and i wasn't supposed to talk or say anything. he was a little nervous, and he said he didn't know if he would even get hard for a fag

Chicago says: but i agreed to pay him no matter what

TG says: did he lie down or stand?

Chicago says: and he stood for that one while i knelt on the floor, and he was more active for his second nut

Chicago says: but he never touched me he just bucked his hips into me

TG says: so, y did he do it, for the $?

Chicago says: yeah, the money and the curiosity and because i was completely honest with him and patient and willing to do whatever he wanted

TG says: curious about what?

Chicago says: what it was like to get sucked by a fag like me someone who is really into it

Chicago says: his girlfriend does it for him, but not well and other girls don't get as enthusiastic as i do

TG says: so he liked it

Chicago says: yeah. he came twice that night

TG says: but never came back

Chicago says: he came back a week later

Chicago says: I paid him again but he was more relaxed and enjoyed it even more

Chicago says: he stood for both nuts that time the first time i was on my knees the second time on my bed on my back, head hanging off the edge in between was the same...he laid on the bed while i licked his cock and balls and ate his ass until he was ready to get off the second time

TG says: was he disgusted with u or what?

Chicago says: actually, no and he kinda disappointed me in that way! he turned out to be a nice guy

Chicago says: we didn't meet again for a couple months he was busy with work and all plus getting ready for competitions but he did write to ask if i wanted to meet again and he said this time he wouldn't charge me he didn't feel that was right anymore even tho i was willing to pay him, and he told me i was a cool guy and that he would never think i was gay if he met me somewhere he just emailed me a bout a month ago and promised we'd hook again soon

TG says: is he a moaner?

Chicago says: no, he was very quiet the first time i blew him it was quick and he just said "you're gonna make me cum already" so i just sucked harder and he blew he never says much while we are doing it

Chicago says: one time he looked down at me while he was fucking my mouth while i was on my knees and he just said "you really like to suck, don't ya!"

TG says: do u take off his cloths or do u?

Chicago says: he took off his own clothes i stayed fully dressed

TG says: that's good shit

Chicago says: he always keeps his socks on. i want to see his feet, but i don't pressure him that ould be selfish to ask him to do that

TG says: it would be. did u keep any souvineers?

Chicago says: nope, he put all his clothes back on we talked about that tho and i said i would do him after a workout. he siad he would let me if i got a hotel room and he could shower after

TG says: oh God, u r such a freak

Chicago says: do you not want me to talk about stuff like that? about the sweat and all? i won't if you don't want me to

TG says: no i want 2 know just what a low, disgusting faggot u r

Chicago says: ok, i was just asking because i don't want to make any mistakes with you

TG says: trust me, i'll let u know if u r outta line

Chicago says: after retelling all this to you, i see that the similarities between you and tony are few he is kinda disappointing with how nice he turned out to be when he comes over, he drinks a couple beers, the first one in my living room and he talks about his job, his girl, and asks me about my job and stuff and he tells me i'm a pretty cool guy and rather normal outside of what i like sexually

TG says: well i asked u about your cocksucking exploits, how's that for foreplay u fairy

Chicago says: yes, i know, but it's different with you sir you have a more appropriate attitude and you have an understanding of how this all works i was starting to think that this big body building guy was actually a fag, but didn't know it yet

TG says: they all are guys at my gym are all walking around trying to scam chics and then staring at me in the locker rooms

Chicago says: i'm sure that is the truth

TG says: i wanna get some big dude on his knees, sucking me off as i call him shit and slap his face with my cock that would b fun

Chicago says: you ooze an attitude that gay guys can't resist, no matter how straight they think they are i'm no body builder, but i'm in decent shape work out, exercise i'm 6' and 170 pounds

TG says: start doing hack-squats and get that ass nice and tight and ready

Chicago says: it's tight sir! been a long time since anything was even close to going up it

TG says: not 4 long

Chicago says: there are actually exercises for strengthening pelvic and anal muscles by squeezing them internally....

TG says: well whatever it takes to make the my cock feel great DO IT

Chicago says: that's right sir! that's all i care about too

Chicago says: i have fucked ass before and i don't like it when that ass doesn't grip me so i know what makes a good fuck and i will make sure i give you the best

TG says: i think i'm going 2 make u fuck my cock, that is, push on 2 it even though it will kill u and u will want 2 take it out

Chicago says: i will do it any way you want it, but there is a way to make me do it and keep it in and it doesn't require tying me up

TG says: what is it

Chicago says: all you have to do is give me a taste of your cock, pull it out, and tell me if i don't do what you want, how you want it, i'll never get anymore of it ever again and i will do anything after that let you fuck my ass and then suck your cock clean

TG says: do u think i should jack off into a rubber and send it 2 u?

Chicago says: yes, i think you should, but that doesn't matter what i think but i would be extremely grateful

TG says: tell me, what would u do with it?

Chicago says: well, i would first look at it, maybe squeeze it, get a good look at how big the load is then i would smell it and put the whole rubber in my mouth it might be one you fucked some chic with for all i know but i would lick it clean then i would carefully open it hopefully i could untie it other wise i would poke a small hole in the end and suck out all the cum then i would carefully slit it open all the way and lick out the rest and finish by putting the whole thing back in my mouth and sucking it completely clean and then i might just fucking swallow the whole thing and hope i can shit it out later

TG says: keep your ass in tact only i get 2 ruin it

Chicago says: yes sir i'm sure it would do no harm eating the rubber and besides, i'd want to get all of you inside me

TG says: nah, guess not

Chicago says: but i don't have to swallow it i could just keep in my mouth for a long time maybe sleep with it in there and risk choking on it in the night

TG says: k, well I'm gonna think about it i'm going 2 bed

Chicago says: thank you for the pictures and thank you for the chat

TG says: yea, well no cock pic 4 u queer

Chicago says: i understand but thanks for what you did show me tho

TG says: and i want u 2 work on my chapter

Chicago says: yes sir should i do it next?

TG says: u can use excerpts from our chats u can share my experiences

Chicago says: ok i will put a chapter together and email it to you to approve

TG says: it would b cool if other fags like u in Toronto came fwd 2 suck my cock then i could dump my loads all the time

Chicago says: i can work on that for you i know the place to find them online i can place an ad i can screen the replies pass them on to you

TG says: u can b my cocksucker pimp

Chicago says: yes sir and no one will have access to you email or anything unless you give it to them i'll set up a dummy account and give you the password so we both have access

TG says: yea, well i want u 2 take care of the details

Chicago says: yes sir

TG says: i cant be bothered with this shit

Chicago says: no sir you shouldn;t have to be bothered at all i told you i would do anything for you and i mean it

TG says: good, so i want a good cocksucker like u not an old fat fuck someone who looks straight but that I can use for my pleasure and dismiss

Chicago says: yes sir there are many like me i'm sure

Chicago says: at least there are many straight acting ones, but I don't know who is as good as me tho that guy you have now seems to please you with his ability, but you deserve better than some fat shit

TG says: You are right I think your story will be good marketing material

Chicago says: i do get a number of replies from other cocksuckers reading my stories. i can watch for anyone in toronto i also search all the personal ad sites and see what i cna find

TG says: k, well I'm sure u have 2 rest your knees or something so why don't u go beat off 2 one of my pics and think off how u will soon have the honor of sniffing my ball sweat

Chicago says: yes sir thank you sir

TG says: i'm outta here later...faggot

We continue to chat or talk through email almost every day. I have printed out all of his pictures and I look at them often. In an upcoming chapter, I'll describe the opening the package I got through the mail containing his steamy workout shorts. I plan to include segments about this guy in Toronto (as long as he continues to grant me permission) and about the things we talk about and my search to find him a better, more deserving cocksucker in Toronto. I'll be mixing these segments in with other current stories as well as recounting experiences from my past. By the way, I'm headed to Montreal on work related matters later this fall, and my plan is to fly back to Chicago with an extended layover in Toronto. (And I'm hoping it truly is an extended "layover")

Feel free to contact me with comments or questions at one of the email addresses listed above. And I'll be posting more installments soon, so check back!

Next: Chapter 12

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