
By Chicago Sucker

Published on Jul 6, 2002


True Stories From A Cocksucker

Part Ten: The Force of July

By: Chicago Sucker (

NOTE: This is a continuation of true stories from my experience as a cocksucker living in Chicago. Fantasy sex is good in it's own way. I always enjoy reading a good story here on the Nifty Archive. But no one can argue that the real thing is much better. So, I decided to write down some of my true experiences and give others a chance to read about more than just some guy's fantasy. I am a real guy with real experiences. I live in Chicago where there are plenty of opportunities to meet and hook-up with men. I am 27 years old, 6 feet tall, 170 ponds, in shape and good looking. If you enjoy reading about my experiences, if you have any comments or questions, or if you want to set up a meeting to "put my talents to the test," feel free to contact me at the email address


In the last installment I offered some insight into my personality, attitude, and twisted psychology regarding sex. I also introduced my theory of the three reasons why a guy wants his cock down a cocksucker's throat, and the three levels of guys I have encountered that match the three reasons. Of course, there are always gray areas: everything isn't completely balck and white. For example there are many Level 1 men who exhibit some Level 2 and even Level 3 characteristics. But if you can get beyond my simple "generalizations," you'll be able to see that this theory is valid. many of you top guys out there might be realizing that while you thought you were only a Level 1 kind of guy, and you were happy in that role, that you are turned on by the possibilities that Levels 2 and 3 have to offer. Just after posting that last installment, I received this e-mail:

"Hey cocksucker, I've been enjoying reading your posts on nifty, helped me to relax more into a "level 2" from a "level 1." I'm a straight married guy, get sucked every few months by an expert sub guy, used to let him get naked and stroke himself while he sucked me, but since reading your posts, last suck I didn't say a thing to him, he stayed dressed and sucked two loads out of me, cleaned me up and I left. Most satisfying to both of us, and he sent me a thank-you note."

Well, I'm glad to have been of service to this top guy (and his cocksucker)!

In my own experiences with guys, I have enjoyed helping other Level 1 guys discover the power and pleasure of Levels 2 and 3. For some guys, it's just allowing them to explore a side of them they have been previously ashamed of or afraid to acknowledge. For others, they were just afraid to bring it up to another guy.

While I completely enjoy helping guys explore sex beyond Level 1, and I have great experiences with these guys as a result, nothing, and I mean NOTHING, compares to those guys who are naturally inclined to be Level 2 and 3 guys. These guys do not need any encouragement. They are not afraid to explore the darker, freaky side of their desire. They possess a natural superiority to cocksuckers like me, and they allow their selfish need for pleasure to take control. These men have my absolute highest level of respect and admiration. I've had the priviledge to meet several of them over the past few years, and I wanted to dedicate an entire installment to them. Some of you may not be into this extreme stuff. If that's the case, skip this chapter! But if you are interested in this sick shit, than read on!

I've already told you about Joe. He's the guy from the first installment who recently organized some group suck off sessions in his upolstery shop. Joe likes to rough up his cocksuckers. He had me on my knees for over 2 hours taking on the 6 guys who invited over. But when they were done with me, Joe wanted to see more. he had one of the guys stay and I spent another hour deepthroating his big black cock and getting two more loads of his cum.

Then Joe called up his ex-boyfriend and I was givien the task of working his 9" cock while Joe watched. Then, when everyone else was gone, Joe force fucked my face and bruised the back of my throat. It was amazing to feel the power of his fuck, knowing that the whole evening had only been a prelude to this, and that for the last 6 hours Joe had been storing up all of that sexual energy and anger abd unleashing it full force on my already sore and well used mouth and throat. It remains one of the hottest experiences I ever had.

And in the second installment of this series I wrote about Mike, the jock with the 11" wrist-thick cock I met in college. He is more of an example of a guy who took some time getting comfortable exploring Levels 2 and 3. With a cock that big, it's impossible not to cause a cocksucker some pain and a lot of discomfort. But Mike seemed to really get excited by it and more than once left me with an swollen throat and severe case of larengitis. Of all the guys I've done, Mike is the one I most want to hook up with again. That was almost 10 years ago already! I know that now I could handle him better and I would do anything for an opportunity to show him how much more I can take. (Just a note: thanks to all of you guys who sent leads and information about Mike. So far, everything has come to a dead end, but I appreciate the email addresses and phone numbers and mailing addresses you located for me. I received one reply from a guy with the same name, but turns out he is not the same Mike I went to college with).

I'm pretty sure I already mentioned Steve in one of my chapters too. He answered a personal ad I placed a few years ago. The title of that ad was "Brute Force" and I described how I wanted to find guys who were into extreme oral sex and really got off on being rough and aggressive and causing physical discomfort and pain to a cocksucker, all in the selfish pursuit of their own pleasure. Steve turned out to be a very aggressive guy and it is always a hot time when we hook up. He also was into some kinky shit and liked to control me. Often, I took on the role of a dog with him. He'd have me in a leashe and I would sit or lay at his feet while he watched tv or drank beer. I'd spend weekends with him whenever his boyfriend wasn't around. And the entire time I would eat from a dog bowl and drink water from the toilet. Usually he would piss in it and not flush, and then leave the toilet seat up for me. Steve is really into water sports and it's another reason why I enjoy being with him. Even tho he is gay and open about it, as am I, we never did anything that would draw attention to ourselves in public. But he does get a kick out of controlling me whereever we go and whatever we do. Even a simple trip to McDonalds is an opportunity for him to make me do whatever he wanted. One of his favorite things to do is get those value meal deals, you know, the ones you can supersize, and the drinks come in those large, hard plastic cups. He liked to take mine with him to the bathroom, dump out the ice and soda, fill it with piss, and then bring it back to the table and give it to me. He liked watching me wash down my food with his piss. And this kind of stuff really excited him, that when we would get home, he'd be ready to pound the hell out of my face. His favorite position was to stand while I knelt. Usually I was forced against the wall or into a corner. With Steve, the face fucks were always quick and extreme. Even tho they were over in a matter of minutes, he always was able to do some damage. A typical overnight encounter (Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon) would include 6-10 of those face fucks. And in between each one, I was staying busy by drinking piss, eating ass, giving him foot rubs and full-body massages. He never is interested in letting me get off and we both agree that his pleasure is what we focus on and that is all that is important.

While Steve gives amazingly intense face fucks, he has yet to cross the line other guys have with me. This is a relatively new thing for me, and I have only met three guys, all within the past 2 years since I moved to Chicago, that have gotten into this. I call these guys "Wall Bangers." I met my first wall banger on the Blade gay sex hook up phone line. I mentioned this before. I'm rather addicted to it! And I can spend hours and hours on that line talking to guys and arranging hook ups. I usually record an outgoing message that would be something like this: "Good looking, in shape cocksucker pig looking to service aggressive top guys. I like to deep throat and get my face fucked hard. I always swallow. I also eat ass and get into some kink." I add my stats and discription and location, and change the ad to include whatever I am looking for at the moment. I usually get a lot of messages from guys, but a lot of the time it's the same guys on there over and over again. And the bottoms way out number the tops. So mostly there are a bunch of cocksuckers online all competing for 2 or 3 eligible tops. But I usually am the most extreme and explicit with my messages. It often means that I don't get a lot of hook ups because I am so specific with what I am looking for. But I prefer it this way, beacuse my message says up front what I want and what I will do. So, when I do get a guy who is interested, it usually turns out quite well.

So, I get a message from this guy who tells me he really likes to fuck face and he is very aggressive. His stats sound good and we chat a while. And usually, when things start to get serious, I offer my phone number to the guy so that we can go off the chat line and talk directly. This lets him know I am for real. And it also gets him out of the chat line and now i know he is only talking to me. As I talk to this guy, he starts telling me what he likes and what he is into and it's definitely turning me on big time! Among all the hot things he is saying (such as how much he enjoys a good, thorough rim job), he starts telling me how the sound of a cocksuckers head banging against the wall or the headboard of his bed really increases the pleasure of a face fuck session for him. Now, I have had hook ups with guys where my head has banged against the wall, usually it's not intentional but only a result of the position i am in or the intensity of the moment where the guy fucking my face is just really lost in it and giivng me evrything he's got. One time, in a locker room, a guy banged my head on a locker a few times and it turned both of us on. It was mostly accidental but he would bang we good a few times on purpose and the sound of my head on that metal door would intensify his thrusting. Hearing a cocksucker's head bang against the wall has the same effect on some guys as hearing the cocksucker choke and gag. So, I tell the guy about some of these experiences and that seals the deal with him! We make ararngements to meet and I give him the directions to my apartment. He is there within the hour.

This guy turns out to be a true Level 3 guy! Yes, he enjoys the pleasure of thrusting his cock down another guys throat, and yes he gets off on the power of being aggressive and forceful, but what really does it for him is knowing that his pleasure is causing pain. So, in true Level 3 form, he gets naked while I kneel, fully clothed in front of him. We both know that we will be focusing on his pleasure for the next hour or for however long it takes. The guy is hard. I think he was hard when he arrived. he 's proably been hard since we talked on the phone. I like that when the guy is totally hard before we even do anything. It cuts out all of the preliminary stuff. I don't have to lick his cock or balls just to get him up. He's automaticly ready to begin face fucking immediately. The first thing this guy does is back me against the wall in my living room. Without saying anything, he stabs his cock into my open mouth. I don't even attempt to try and suck him or lick his cock. I just open wide and watch his body lurching forward and his cock ram the back on my mouth hard, repeatedly for 2 or 3 minutes. It's already uncomfortable and I know this guy is for real and that it's gonna be a hard session. My throat is getting sore and my head hasn't even banged on the wall yet!

His hands grab my hair. And as he pulls me toward him and away from the wall, he slams forward again and my head is knocked against the wall. He startes repeating this move at a faster pace, and I'm starting to fall into a hypnotic trance from the sensation of his cock banging the back of my throat and the back of my head banging the wall a split second later. The guy is already close to coming, but he stops and looks down at me. He doesn't ask if I'm ok or anything like that. he doesn't even ask if I like it. i don't think he really cares. He just says something like "Fuck, I'm too close" and I know he only stopped so that he could prolong the fuck.

He pushes me down on to the hard wood floor on my back and he stands next to me. And for the first and only time he actually says something regarding my comfort: "You might want a towel behind your head or something..." but I just shake my head no, my mouth open and my eyes begging for him to nail me to the floor. My willingness to let him fuck me without the towel for protection is kinda like the pleasure a top guy feels when his bottom agrees to let him fuck bareback. So, he mounts me in a pushup postion and the extreme face fucking starts again. Because he is using both of his hands to support himself, he cannot grab my hair and pull me up way from the floor. So, in order to maximize the intensity, I voluntarily lift my head from the floor and follow his movement when he pulls back with his hips, allowing him to slam his cock full force into me and for my head to hit the floor. He chants "Fuck Yeah!" as he hears my haed pound the floor. This is the first time I have experienced an intentional head bang and it was incredible to voluntarily lift my head off the floor a few inches just to allow him the satisfaction of hearing it thump on the floor. God only knows what the neighbors downstairs thought. I didn't care. my apartment building was kinda noisy anyway with a lot of slamming doors, loud music and an occassional gun shot!

After a few minutes at this intense level, the guy begins to slow down and eventually stop, both from being close to coming and not wanting to, but also from just being tired from the postion. It's one of my favorite positions, but it takes a lot out of the top when he goes at it as hard as this guy did. By now I had a headache and what I would later discover as the beginning of a bump on the abck of my head. And the back of my throat was definitely bruised. I wasn't sure how much more I could take and a few times I had to really fight the urge to push the guy off of me and make him stop. But I didn't want to do that to him. I always considered that rude to stop a guy in the middle of a good fuck. But with these brutal guys, no matter how self determined I am not to interrupt them, stop them or slow them down, there is a ntural self-defense mechanism that kicks in. I try to keep my hands at my side or even lay on them and keep them pinned under me, but if I can't breathe or if the pain is getting out of control, my hands just take over without me thinking. This is usually why some Level 3 guys will tie my hands behind my back. But I try to avoid this by staying in control of my self-defense instincts. I believe it shows more respect for the top and determination on my part to service him and take what he gives me. So, even tho I was really feeling this fuck, I was doing my best not to interrupt him. Luckily, this guy was ready to cum, so I was willing to let him go at it to get off. So, for the final 3 minutes of this rogh face fuck, I was again on my knees. But instead of being against the wall, I was kneeling with my back to the radiator in my living room. Each room in my south side apartment has large, old-fashioned radiators. This guy had to have seen them the moment he walked in, so in the back of his mind I'm sure he planned using them. the sound of my head banging on the radiator wasn't as load as the wall or the floor, but it hurt a hell of a lot more! The guy came in buckets down my throat and nearly collasped on the floor. He got dressed while I rubbed the back of my head and he told me he would be calling me again. After he left, I wrapped some ice in a towel and put it on my head, and took a couple tylenol.

I have hooked up with this guy about a dozen times since. And each time it's pretty much the same. My head always bangs the wall and the floor, but not always the radiator. Sometimes it's a door or a door knob (he really likes that one!) and sometimes it's a table. At his house we used these things as well as the headboard on his bed. Never once have I gotten off with this guy. he never asked me to and I never asked if I could. Usually, i would get hard at the beginning, seeing him naked and hard and ready to face fuck me. but as the session progressed and the pain increased, my erection would disappear. He liked that and so did I!

Now, I have met two other wall bangers besides this guy, all of them throguh the Blade phone line. And I have told them all about each other, but they have never met. There have been some suggestions that all three of them should go at me at once, but no one seems to know if I could even handle that. All of the guys seem to like to find creative positions and locations for me to get my head banged against while my mouth is fucked hard. One guy bought me a step stool to sit on. It's only about 18 inches off the ground, but when I sit on it, my mouth is at the perfect height for him to fuck with his cock. And, I almost forgot, I've been asked to describe cock sizes and other details so that my readers can better visiualize these stories. the firts wall banger is 37, 6'2", 200 lbs, hairy, well defined chest, nice muscular arms and legs, and a thick 6" cock with rahter large, hairy balls.

Wall banger number 2 is a 23 year old bi guy, 5'11", 170 pounds, smooth chest and belly with one of those hot treasure trails of dark hair from his navel to his pubes, with a nice 7" cut cock with well defined mushroom head.

Wall banger number 3 is 29, 6', 190 pounds, nice body, with a good 7" cut, nice and thick cock. he is also staright and married with kids. Very Hot!

These encounters take place in different locations. Some of them are public. The stright guy uses one of those window-less cargo vans for his business and we've done it in there quite a few times. he likes to park it in a busy parking lot and face fuck me in the back so my head bangs on the side of the van. he wants people to wonder what is going on inside. These public scenes are over quick, mostly because I think they really turn this guy on so much, but also because we don't want any security guys at the mall parking lot to knock on the van door! One of this guy's fantsies is to get a friend to drive the van around while he fucks my mouth in the back, he wants to pull up along side cars at a busy intersection and letthem hear my head banging as they wait for the light to turn green. But this guy doesn't know how he could get a friend to do this for him seeing that he is staright and married and no one knows about this side of his life. So I'm going to try and convince one of the other wall bangers to do it with us.

Some of the other things my head has been banged against as one of these guys mouth fucks me is a refrigerator (which was dented in the process), a car bumber (this happened in the straight guy's garage)and a cement floor in the storage closet in the basement of Wallbanger number 2's apartment building. Wall banger number 1, the gay guy, has a paster wall in his house that has been indented by my head. He calls it the "mellon baller" and often tells me to position myself in the mellon baller and wait for him to come in and pound me. Also, we spend time in the basement a lot so that he can back me against the cinder block walls. After one very intense session, my head was actually bleeding. it wasn't bad or anything, but it kind scared me. I took a cold ramp washcloth and held it to my head. We watched tv for about an hour and then he asked how I was feeling. When i told him I was ok, he said, "Cool" and told me to get in the mellon baller. That session really got us both hot!

We talk about doing a group thing and I hope it actually develops. And the guys are always tring to find new things to bang my head against. Some possibilities on the list include laying me down on gravel and also going to the lakefront to bang me aginst some of those large white rocks. I see one or all of these guys at least once a month, but I wish it was more often. Maybe there are more wall bangers out there? If this kind of thing interests you and you want to talk more about it with me (and plan a meeting) let me know. I'm in Chicago but travel a lot. Write to me at My mail box fills up fast, so if for somereason you cannot get through, try sending a message to or I will be checking all three mailboxes regularly! Hope to hear from you!

Next: Chapter 11

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