

Published on Apr 17, 2015


Cockatoo Part 9

I live for feedback

Areeya came back into the room, gave me a kiss and sat down on the sofa with Alex and me. I wanted to know a little more about her father before meeting him this evening. He was flying in from Bangkok on the company plane and would only be here overnight to have dinner with us.

I asked Areeya about her father and she said he was really looking forward to meeting me this evening. I said that I would be honoured to meet her father and was there anything I should know about him before we met. There was a little glance between the pair of them that I almost didn't catch, but it didn't seem to mean anything.

Areeya smiled and said that we both shared a taste for good scotch and so they kept a bottle of 24 year old GlenDronach reserved for his use. I asked her for a quick summary of his career. He had left Samui as soon as he could after school and joined the army in Bangkok, had risen rapidly through the ranks in Thailand, spent a year seconded to the CIA in the states and finished his army career as a Major in army intelligence.

Areeya said he had met her mother while he was still in the army when she had been a traditional Thai dancer and Areeya had been born a year later. He had been a keen Muay Thai boxer, now owned a training gym and also sponsored some kick boxers.

Areeya believed that he had built a network of powerful contacts whilst he was in the army and he used this to build his business once he left. He had been devoted to her mother and when she died in a car accident in Bangkok, he became obsessed with protecting Areeya. She said he had business interests in property as well as electronics and, of course, some clubs and bars.

She thought that was probably enough to be going on with, and anyway, she and Alex had to get ready before he arrived.

It would be a relatively informal dinner so she assured me that trousers and a shirt would be ideal.

Luckily, I had brought a respectable pair of trousers and a decent dress shirt with me so I felt I was good to go. It was obvious that Areeya was excited to be seeing her father but I couldn't fathom Alex's mood. It was nothing I could put my finger on but she seemed to regard it with less enthusiasm than Areeya. Both of them had to get ready and I knew that would take some time, so I had a quick shower and a shave, grabbed a beer and retreated to the balcony to watch the sunset and to listen to some Miles Davis.

Alex was the first to emerge onto the balcony; she had put her hair up in a formal style and wore a beautifully tailored linen sleeveless `little black dress', a simple string of pearls around her neck.

Some very expensive looking heels finished off the outfit. She looked so beautiful standing there in the fading light of the afternoon.

She saw me staring and said, 'what?'

'You look stunning,' I said and for the first time I had ever seen, she blushed.

'Yes,' she said, 'I scrub up quite well, I guess. But this girl needs a drink. Can you be a love and get me a gin and tonic?' She still seemed a little ill at ease, and again I wondered why.

'One G&T coming right up.'

As I came back out with the drink for Alex, Areeya appeared on the balcony. I literally stopped in my tracks when I saw her. She was wearing what I can only describe as a combination of traditional Thai dress and western haute couture. It was tailored to show off her wonderful figure yet also appeared demure at the same time. It had a long skirt with a sleeveless top, made of rich blue silk with red and gold accents and she wore gold jewellery on her wrist and around her neck.

Alex grinned and said, 'OK James, you can close your mouth now and give me my drink, please.'

I jumped as I realised I had been staring and said, 'Sorry, but you both look ravishing tonight,'

'Nice save,' said Alex and Areeya laughed and asked for a juice so I dashed off to the kitchen to get one.

Areeya used her mobile to call the restaurant staff and they arrived with an ice bucket and a bottle of champagne nestling in it as well as a three quarters full bottle of whisky, which I assumed was Kritsada's private stash of GlenDronach. One of the waitresses for the restaurant remained on the balcony to serve the drinks later on.

I felt distinctly underdressed compared to the girls but they said what I was wearing was fine.

Areeya's phone rang, 'I guess that's him,' and walked slowly down the stairs to collect her father. I saw Alex breathe out as if trying to release some tension and smoothed her hands down her dress in a nervous gesture. I couldn't work out why she was acting like this.

'Are you alright?' I asked.

'Yes, yes, I'm fine,' she snapped and then said, `sorry, sorry, I'm always a little tense before I see him. He underwrites our loan for this place so it's important that I keep him happy.'

'Oh, OK, this is him, I think,' as I heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs.

I had no idea of what I expected Kritsada to be like but as he jumped up the stairs in front of Areeya I could see that he was very different from her. She was graceful and elegant and he was more like a restless ball of energy that radiated outwards to affect everyone. The comparison with Areeya was marked and I can only presume she took after her mother. He was tall for a Thai, his hair cropped short and from his bearing it was obvious that he had been in the military.

You could see he was used to being the centre of attention and this occasion was no exception. He strode across the balcony to me and shook my hand in one of those handshakes using both hands that always make me think someone is trying a bit too hard.

Areeya arrived at his side and said, 'Father, may I introduce Khun James, and James, this is my father, Khun Kritsada.'

He was pumping my hand vigorously and looking me straight in the eye. It sounds silly but there was definitely a bit of alpha male posturing going on here. I kept the eye contact, placed my hand over his, smiled and said,' Sawasdee Khun Kritsada, it is an honour to meet the esteemed father of my friend.'

He seemed happy that his little challenge had been met and he smiled even more broadly. He clapped me on the shoulder and said, 'James, please, it's just Kritsada and I am delighted to meet you.' His English was very clear and precise as you would expect from an officer.

We all jumped a little as the waitress popped the champagne cork and prepared to pour some into tall champagne glasses.

'James, I understand from my daughter that you too are a whisky drinker, no?'

`Yes, that's true it is a weakness of mine, I'm afraid.' I said.

He laughed and said, 'never let it be said that whisky is a weakness, my friend, it shows true character in a man. Let's leave the froth to the girls shall we, and have a proper drink.'

Areeya nodded to the waitress, who delivered two glasses of champagne to the girls and then started to pour the whisky.

'Make sure, they are proper measures too. I have a brought a fresh bottle with me so we won't run out.' He was used to command and he was not shy about doing so.

He turned to Alex, 'Alex, I am so sorry, I haven't said hello to you yet.' He moved across to embrace her and I swear I saw an almost imperceptible flinch as he put his arms around her.

'That's OK, Kritsada. I am always delighted to see you, are you well?" 'Oh, yes, Alex, most definitely well, thank you. Now let's get this whisky, shall we?'

The waitress brought a across a silver server with two large measures of whisky. Kritsada took both and handed one to me and then sniffed his glass and sighed with pleasure.

'Ah, I can smell the peat that was in the water they used to make this. Heaven. Tell me what you think, James. Or do you want some ice or water or soda?' The waitress was hovering.

'Thank you, Kritsada, I take it neat I'm afraid.'

He smiled ever more broadly and almost bellowed, 'excellent, me too.' He turned to the girls and said, 'I like this fellow more and more.'

I held the glass up to the light and it was beautifully clear and bright. I brought the glass to my nose and there was a lovely nutty scent in the aroma; it was light but with infinite depth. I took a sip and the first taste was as if I was sitting in a pub in the Highlands, with a wood fire roaring in the corner and a howling gale outside. The second taste made me think the flavour of wood smoke from a fire burning somewhere in the far distance.

Kritsada said, 'well, what do you think?'

I turned to him and said, 'sir, this is just the best whisky I have ever tasted. I envy the Angels their share of this.'

Kritsada beamed as it's always nice to be praised for your good taste.

`Well said, James, well said. It's a 24 year old GlenDornach Grandeur, aged in sherry casks. I love it.'

Good, good,' he was all smiles. Now, girls let us drink a toast to our James, who was so brave in what he did on the Cockatoo.' He raised his glass and the girls followed suit. `To James, thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving the life of my treasured daughter and Alex. I will always be in your debt.'

He drank from his glass and the two girls followed. I felt I had to say something.

`Kritsada, I do appreciate your sentiment and I was glad to be a play a part in what happened but I don't think it's right to say that I saved their lives.'

Kritsada laughed, `It's true what they say about Englishmen, they are brave and modest.'

I am sure that nobody says that about Englishmen, but I had to say what I felt.

`Kritsada, please forgive me for saying this but I don't think I was brave, I was frightened for us all and it seemed there was only one thing I could do. It could have all gone horribly wrong. Alex and your daughter may have died because of what I did. Alex played as much a part as me by distracting the pirate and then firing the rifle to scare away the pirate boat, and if it had not been for you alerting the coastguard so quickly, it might not have worked out all.' I ran out of steam but I had said what I had been thinking ever since the boat trip.

`Young man, I hope you don't mind me calling you that, but I do have the edge on you in age and experience. You are right; everything may have gone horribly wrong as you said. But it did not, and, therefore, we are spared the concerns of what might have been. Many lesser men than you would have rolled the dice and decided that the odds would be better for themselves by doing nothing.

You, on the other hand, decided to stake everything on action. You risked your life to protect that of my daughter and Alex. You did not think for your own safety, but only theirs. If you had not thought more of them than yourself, then you would have risked nothing and done nothing.

The ability to think clearly and then act under extreme pressure is a talent that few men are privileged to have. I sense you may feel guilty for having taken such a risk and then thinking what might have happened if your action had not been successful. Let us imagine that the worst had happened and your attack failed; it would have not made you any less brave or any more responsible for what might have happened in any way whatsoever.

As a direct result of the course of action you took, the worst was averted and you all survived.

What you did, James, was bravery of the highest calibre. You almost lost your life to preserve others. It was your courage that set in train what happened. Yes, I, in a small way, and Alex here in a much bigger direct way played our parts, but it was you that made it possible. That's why you must forget any doubts you have and I am grateful for what you did. I salute you, James.'

Kritsada stood and raised his glass, Alex and Areeya both now in tears stood as well and said `To James.'

`Sir, I thank you for those kind words. I will also be eternally grateful that we all came through it.'

His words had hit home with me and they had lifted a heavy weight from me.

`James, if there is ever any way I may of service to you, please do not hesitate to ask.'

He turned to Alex and said, My dear Alex, I am afraid that I am going to have to drag you away from your friends and splendid business here for a few days. It seems that we have a few small, shall we say, issues, in Bangkok that require your specialist knowledge. I assure you it won't take up more than, say, three days of your time. It does mean, however, that you will have to accompany me to Bangkok tomorrow on our plane and, of course, we will fly you back the same way, when our business is completed.' Kritsada was smiling as he said this, but his voice let us know that there would be no argument about what should happen, Alex looked down at the table and then looked anywhere else but at me, Of course, Kritsada, I am always happy to help with your business issues.

We sat and chatted on the balcony for a while longer. Kritsada was a good story teller and he had us roaring with laughter with stories of Areeya as a small girl. She apparently had been a real little princess growing up and it was obvious that he still doted on her. It was understandable that he would be different with Alex, but even with all the laughter I was sensing that there was an underlying tension in the relationship. It struck me quite suddenly that there may have something personal between them in the past, strange as that might seem but who knows what might have happened in Alex's days in Bangkok.

We eventually moved down to the restaurant and the dinner was even better, if that were possible, than on the first night I ate there with Alex. Here she was in her element as a hostess and it was clear this was her domain. She had real talent in running the restaurant. Every dish that arrived on our table was beautifully cooked and presented and the meal passed very enjoyably. I had to apologise to Kritsada as we finished the whisky at the table but he said that he had brought another bottle with him and it was a fitting tribute for two people who enjoyed it so much to send it on its way.

We finished off with coffee and Kritsada said that it was late for an old man like him and he should go to his hotel now and be ready for the flight back to Bangkok tomorrow. He kissed Areeya and then Alex and reminded her that she was to accompany him on the Flight. Alex this time just nodded and said she would be there in time for the flight.

He came over to me and shook my hand warmly and said again that he was sorry to take Alex away but she would be back in three days. When you are next in Bangkok, James, we will renew our acquaintance over some more whisky. He asked Areeya to ride with him to the hotel as there was some family business he needed to discuss with her. She kissed Alex and I goodnight and told us she would see us in the morning.

Alex and I sat for a while on the balcony, her head resting on my shoulder, a night cap whisky for me and glass of wine for her. We watched the night sky for a while in silence and I asked her why she seems so on edge with Kritsada.

`Did it show?' she asked a little anxiously.

Not to him, I think,' i replied, but it seemed to me you were a little wary,'

Alex was silent for a while and then said, `He's a powerful man, James. He can be extraordinarily charming as he was tonight but, between you and me, there is a hard street thug beneath the sophistication. You would not want to cross him. If you make an agreement with him you need to make sure you understand every tiny aspect of it, because he will make you stick to it. He will do the same in return but he demands his pound of flesh for sure.'

`Is that why you have to go to Bangkok with him?' I asked.

I felt her stiffen slightly as she said, `Yes, he has some trouble with the clubs and bars from time to time and he uses me as his trouble-shooter in them. It is part of the agreement we have for him to underwrite the loan for this place.

It sounded reasonable to me, so why didn't I quite believe it? Anyway,' she said, standing up and pulling me to my feet, we have to get to bed because I have to fly to Bangkok tomorrow and deliver my pound of flesh.'

She kept hold of my hand and pulled me across to the bed. She dimmed the lights and told me to lie on the bed. She hitched up her dress and straddled my waist. Unbuttoning my shirt she began to kiss my nipples and as I put my hands out to touch her she said sharply, `no touching, either me or yourself until I give you permission, is that clear?'

I was surprised by this, and I have to confess I felt a little frisson of excitement as she spoke. I nodded but she wasn't happy with that.

`Is it clear, I asked, tell me.'

`Er yes, it's clear, I understand.'

`That's better, and tonight my pet, I want you to call me Miss Alex, is that clear?'

`Er, Ok, I mean, yes.'

`Yes, what?' she said and grabbed my nipple and twisted.

Oww, I squealed, Yes, Miss Alex.'

That's better, my little pet,' she said. Now, do you trust me James?'

I looked at her a little nervously, `Yes, yes I trust you.'

Oww, that was a tweak on the other nipple. The penny finally dropped, `Oh, yes, Miss Alex.'

`That's right, my pet.'

She leant over to the bedside table, opened the drawer and pulled out something which she kept hidden behind her back. `Don't move,' she ordered, slid off the bed and moved out of my sight. I felt her grab my wrists, pull them together and then a sudden click and I realised with a shock that she had handcuffed me. My wrists were now held together above my head as I lay on the bed.

She must have fixed the cuffs to something because however hard I tried I could not pull my hands down. I tugged and tugged but they wouldn't move.

'What the bloody hell do you think you're doing, unlock these things.'

Alex came back into my field of vision and she had taken her dress off, because she was now wearing just a black bra, knickers and stockings attached to a suspender belt. I could hear the click clack of her heels on the bedroom floor. For the umpteenth time since I met Alex my mouth fell open as I stared at her and with its usual mind of its own, my cock started to respond.

'Come on, let me out of these things,' I pleaded with her.

In response she leaned across and gave me another nipple tweak.

'You won't get anything unless you speak to me properly.'

'OK, OK, Miss Alex will you let me out of these things?'

`Not until I'm good and ready.'

She moved to the bottom of the bed quickly undid the belt and pulled down my trousers and left them down by my ankles. I was now completely immobile. The cuffs held my hands and ludicrously my trousers kept my ankles together.

She slipped off her heels and sat on the end of the bed facing me. She stretched out her legs until her feet were level with my cock. I barely see what she was doing as I could only raise my head so far off the bed. I twitched as I felt something touch my cock and I suddenly realised she had it held between her stockinged feet. She began sliding her feet up and down with my cock trapped in between them.

The feeling of the nylon stocking moving against my skin was like nothing I had felt before. I could only lie back and groan with the sheer erotic charge of it. After a few minutes of this exquisite stroking she slid off the bed and moved up to the bedside table. She took something out and I felt my head being lifted and then total darkness. She had pulled a blindfold over my face and now I was blind as well as tied up. I could her moving about on the floor and I tried to shift the blindfold but I couldn't do anything about it.

I felt something brush my nipples and I jumped and said, `Alex, cut it out, this isn't funny.'

She didn't reply but now I felt something brush my cock and jumped again. This time though, my damned cock decided to betray me and started to get hard. Whatever it was felt soft and was made of strands of some kind of material. She continued to gently brush around my cock with it which of course responded and grew even harder.

`I see you do like that,' said Alex.

My traitor of a cock did seem to like it and was now fully erect. I felt Alex's hair brush my tummy and she gently blew across the tip of my cock. It jumped, then I felt her take the head into her mouth and she began to lick and suck around the head. Not being able to move this was something akin to exquisite torture as she flicked the head repeatedly with her tongue.

She let it drop from her lips and then there was a sharp sting across my belly.

`Oww, what was that for?' I squeaked.

`That's no way to address me, is it?' She said sharply and there was another sting across my nipples this time.

`What?' I said. Another sting across my now very sensitive nipples'

Oh, I mean, no Miss Alex.'

It must have been some kind of whip and she now gave me a slap across my cock.

`Oww that really hurt,' I squealed. My traitorous cock though decided otherwise and now stood straight up.

`That Really hurt, Miss Alex, if you please. And if you're wondering what this is, my pet, it's a leather tasselled whip, one made especially for me with a unique handle.'

As she said this I felt something pushing at my lips and I opened up in surprise and the thing slid into my mouth. It was cold and smelt of rubber but I suddenly recognised the shape of a cock. I gagged and Alex withdrew it a little and then began to slide it in and out of my mouth.

It tasted horrible and I was feeling a little sick.

Murrrghh,' was what I heard coming from my mouth and Alex pulled it out and said, it's OK but I'm sure it's not as much fun as the real thing, my pet.'

She had climbed on the bed and I felt her sit on my chest and then the rubber phallus was replaced with her erect cock.

`Now that's much better isn't it?' as she eased her cock in an out of my mouth. It was true the contrast between the hard cold rubber and a real cock was a revelation. A real cock is warm and soft yet with hardness beneath the skin. I started to suck and use my tongue and was rewarded as Alex's cock twitched and there was a moan from her. Alex moved again and I felt her change position once more and I felt her mouth slide over my cock and at the same time I felt her cock brush my lips.

I took it into my mouth and we began to suck each other. I had almost forgotten about the cuffs but to be honest not being able to move and in the dark heightened my senses to an incredible degree. I could feel the veins pulsing in her cock and every small movement was intensified in the darkness of the blindfold. I tried to match her moves with my cock on her own and every time she did something I tried to follow.

She let her lips slide over my cock one more time and then moved away again her cock plopped out of my mouth.

Alex whispered very close to my ear, `Do you really trust me, James?'

I nodded, by this time unable to speak.

Remember that, she said and moved down to the bottom of the bed.

I felt her raise my ankles and she pulled my trousers down and over my feet. She moved up the bed and she again took the head of my cock into her mouth. I was now desperate for some release.

My cock popped out of her mouth and I felt her sit up on the bed. She pushed my legs apart, something cold was smeared over my hole and then suddenly her finger slipped inside. I squirmed but didn't protest as she moved first one finger and then another around inside me.

She said, `Remember, trust me.'

She moved her fingers out and then I felt something much harder at the entrance. I flinched as I realised what this was. Alex began to push the dildo that she had used on my mouth into me and I instinctively began to resist. `Relax, my pet,' she cooed and pushed a little harder. I felt it begin to slide in and suddenly it want past my ring and was inside me. Alex began to move it gently to and fro and the pain of it entering me for the first time began to disappear. She moved it a bit faster and then a bit deeper and I began to squirm as it filled me up.

`Relax, relax,' she said, which was easier said than done.

I felt it pop out of me and there was a sudden sensation of emptiness as it slid out. Immediately it came out I felt her move closer to me and she pushed my legs into the air and onto her shoulders. I guessed what was coming next and my whole body tensed.

`Just relax, baby, its going to be OK.' I heard her say and then I felt her cock tapping at my hole.

Oh my God, I thought, this is really it. If I did this then nothing else would ever be the same. There would be no turning back, no, it was only a joke.

`Push down, baby, push down,' she said and then she pushed her cock forwards into my hole, and I pushed down.

This hurt more than the dildo as she pushed it but it felt a lot bigger. I heard her grunt and then she was in. It felt so much better than the dildo; it was warm and alive and slid much more smoothly.

Alex began to move her hips and the pain gradually eased as she moved in and out.

She reached up and flipped off the blindfold and I looked down to see her smiling at me as she pushed forwards into me.

It only really struck me at that moment.

I was being fucked.

Next: Chapter 10

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