

Published on Apr 14, 2015


Cockatoo Part 8

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Alex took all my cum into her mouth and then stood up to face me. She kissed me hard on the lips, her tongue opening up my lips and I suddenly realised this time she hadn't swallowed and was pushing my cum into my mouth. I gagged a little as I tasted it on my tongue but Alex kept her lips locked over mine until I was forced to swallow. She broke the kiss and pushed her middle finger into my mouth and I rolled my tongue over and around it. We stood there for several minutes as she moved her finger in and out as licked and sucked it.

`Not so bad, is it?' she whispered.

Alex shut off the water and we dried each other off. Alex slipped her robe back on and I just wrapped a towel around my waist. We returned to the bedroom where I sat on the edge of the bed. There was something I needed to do and I felt if I didn't do it now I may never have the courage again. I asked Alex to come over and she stood in front of me with a quizzical look on her face.

I moved my legs apart so I could reach out and pull her close to me. Without saying anything I reached up and undid the tie on her robe and it fell open. My eyes locked on hers as I reached out and placed my hands gently on her breasts. I could feel the nipples harden under my hands and I knew just how much Alex enjoyed having them touched. She moaned softly and I played with her nipples for a while, and she began to move her hips in a slow rhythm.

Her cock was pretty much level with my face as I sat on the edge of the bed and I could see it begin to harden as she grew more aroused. I dropped my hands from her breasts and I leant forwards slightly and kissed the tip of her cock. She jumped at the touch and that made her cock quiver, but I couldn't afford to laugh and spoil the mood.

Oh baby, she cooed, `you don't need to do that.'

`I want to do it, and I need to do it now,' I said as I looked up to her.

Her eyes were full of hope and worry as she twisted her lip between her teeth.

`Just be patient with me,' I said.

She nodded and kept looking down at me.

I tried to remember what she had done to me and what had given me the most pleasure. Men should be the world's best at sucking cocks as we know what works for us. We expect women to throw themselves without hesitation onto our cocks yet it's something that most men would never contemplate doing. Yes, we will go down on our women but to do what they do to us is simply beyond the pale. I loved Alex and if that meant anything, this was something that couldn't be ignored as it was part of her. She wanted to give me pleasure and I wanted to give her pleasure back. It was as simple as that. I was as nervous as a kitten but I knew this was something that I wanted to do and that I had to do it right now.

I kissed the tip again and Alex almost involuntarily moved her hips forwards and her cock slid away from my lips and down the side of my face. I heard her whisper Sorry, baby' and she pulled back a little. I reached out with one hand and began to gently stroke the shaft and again it twitched and seemed to grow harder so I opened my lips and took the head into my mouth. I don't know why but I was surprised at how soft and warm and spongy it felt. I recalled what Alex had done to me and I began to lick the head with my tongue and I rocked my head back and forward so that the head slid gently in and out of my lips. That dark voice in my head was saying You're sucking a cock' and the other said `Yeah, so what? You love her'

`Yes, yes, please,' she moaned and her head was thrown backwards as she began to arch her back. I was still stroking the shaft and I flicked my tongue on the little spot under the head which gets me going every time and I was gratified to feel Alex twitch as I did so. She moaned again and her hands came down to rest on my head.

`Baby, that's so good, I really love that' she was encouraging me and she was breathing harder now.

I remembered pleading with my ex to keep her teeth out of the way, not that she always did, so I made sure to be careful with Alex. She was now getting seriously aroused and I as I took her cock into my mouth again I could feel the hardness grow beneath the softness of the skin. I started to move my head backwards and forwards faster and faster as I felt her cock getting harder. `Ayyee,' Alex moaned and I felt I must be getting something right.

I kept one hand wrapped around the shaft and she was now thrusting her hips backwards and forwards not always in time with me but it seemed to be doing the trick. She began to pant and her movements accelerated and I felt her cock begin to twitch. I was scared she was going to come in my mouth but as her legs buckled, she said, 'Urrggh, I'm coming,' she pulled out of my mouth and her cum flew out over my chest. She almost fell but kept her feet and I leant forward one more time and kissed the quivering tip and licked the cum that was still emerging from her slit.

I looked up into her eyes, smiled and said, `You taste nice too.'

Alex was about to leap onto my lap but remembered at the last moment that might not be a good idea and instead pulled me up to my feet, threw her arms around my neck and gave me a huge kiss.

`James, that was fabulous. Are you sure you haven't done that before? Suspiciously good for a first time if you ask me. Oh, you just made me so very happy.'

I had to laugh to see her so excited.

I'm sorry, I don't think that was very good, but I seemed to get something right.' I said. James, that was perfect, I loved it, but let's get you cleaned up.'

I had forgotten that I still had cum all over my chest. She ran to the bathroom and came back with the cloth and carefully wiped my chest.

She said, I'm sorry about that, I was aiming for your face.' She saw me look and said, I'm joking, I was in no shape to aim anything. It's lucky it didn't hit the window.'

We both collapsed in giggles at that and she kissed me again.

`Was it so bad?' she asked.

I thought for a moment, shrugged my shoulders and said, `Well, it was alright, but I don't think I'll be trying it again soon.'

Her face fell but I couldn't keep a straight face and started to giggle . `Bastard, bastard, bastard' she shouted and went to hit me and pulled back just in time.

`I am tempted to pull your stitches out with my tweezers,' she threatened.

She said she had to go do some work in the office downstairs but that I was free to use the MacBook if I wished. She dressed quickly and gave me a last kiss and was about to walk through the door when she stopped and looked back.

`Oh, and don't forget Kritsada is coming this evening to see us. We're going to have drinks up here and then we'll have dinner in the restaurant.' With that, she waved goodbye and skipped down the stairs. I made myself a coffee, still with the towel around me, and settled down on one of the loungers.

So how did I feel about what had just happened?

I honestly didn't know what to think about what I had just done. I hadn't disliked it and I truly enjoyed giving Alex the pleasure she had obviously had. I knew how much I enjoyed what she did to me so why should it be any different for me? I knew I was pushing at my boundaries in a way that would have been inconceivable just a couple of weeks ago. I was slowly beginning to realise that what had happened on the boat and afterwards had changed the way I now looked at life.

Life was not something that would go on and on forever. Life could change in an instant, and it could be over in an instant too. Things that I had previously regarded as fixed were, in fact, fluid and I needed to embrace that if I was to enjoy my second chance at life. Plans that we make can be dashed too easily. As the proverb has it `Man plans and God laughs.'

I began to wonder what further boundaries I was going to challenge in the future. I also realised I hadn't blushed at all this morning - that had to be progress.

Alex had remembered to cancel my hotel room and had arranged for my stuff to be picked up and brought over to the flat. So for the first time in more than a week I had something more than a pair of jeans to wear. So I found a pair of shorts and slipped on a fresh t-shirt.

I had deliberately not checked my email since the boat trip and now found my inbox was crammed. The video of the rescue had gone viral and of course my name was all over it. I googled `Cockatoo rescue' as well as a few other phrases and couldn't believe the coverage that the rescue had received. Alex and Areeya had seemingly screened me from the worst of it while I was in hospital but I had to face up to it now. A lot of the mail was from friends saying they had seen the video and wanted to know if I was OK. Some of it was from crazies who probably stalked anybody with a little celebrity, even temporary celebrity.

There were offers for me to endorse products or requests for money to help a sick relative together with several offers from women, and a couple of men, asking me to marry them. There were requests for interviews from almost everywhere, which I definitely wouldn't be doing. The dross I simply binned and put together a simple answer to my friends and acquaintances thanking them for their concern and assuring them that things were getting much better now.

There was even one from my ex, telling me how worried she was and did I want her to fly out to Thailand to look after me. Now, that could make for an interesting visit. Maybe she could walk in on me in bed with Alex? That would be classically ironic after what she had done. But, imagining what Alex's reaction would be, I decided I didn't have a death wish so politely declined her kind offer.

There were a few messages from work assuring me that I should get well before coming back to work. I sensed they were actually slyly happy about the publicity the firm had got from me being mentioned so much. There was even a press release from them saying how pleased they were that I was OK and that I had been working in Thailand for them, yada, yada, yada... Typically there was also an email from HR griping about the cost of my medical treatment.

More importantly, there were a couple from the temporary project manager who had arrived in Bangkok. She was asking if she could speak to me about the project if I was well enough to give her a call. I didn't recognise her name, Samantha White, but it was a big company, so not so surprising.

I decided that was a priority so I gave her a call on the mobile and managed to speak to her even though the connection was poor. She wanted to bring me up to date on the project and to agree what to do next. This we weren't going to do well over a terrible connection, so I suggested that as I was not yet cleared to fly to Bangkok, could she should fly down to Samui and have a status meeting over here. She loved the idea and could she fly down tomorrow? I was a bit surprised that she was so eager, but the sooner the better, so I agreed. She would text me her flight and hotel arrangements later on.

Alex and Areeya arrived back together and you know you can always tell when women have shared a secret. They have these little looks between each other that mean `We know something.' Either that, or men are just naturally paranoid. Anyway, I was pretty sure Alex had told Areeya what had happened that morning. Not that I cared. I knew that Alex kept nothing from Areeya and vice versa.

I had moved out to the balcony and was lying on one of the loungers. They came and sat next to each other on the lounger next to mine. Areeya said that the repairs to the boat were going well. The engines had been drained and cleaned of the dirty fuel and the batteries replaced and the wiring checked and replaced too. There had been some damage to the superstructure from the burst from the AK47 and that was being done too. She said her father was furious about the fuel and had already moved the contract to another supplier and was looking into the possibility of suing the previous one.

Areeya asked me how my side was and I said it was so much better today. Alex, of course, chipped in to say that I had enjoyed a little light exercise this morning and that must have helped. Areeya smiled enigmatically at this and so I absolutely knew Alex had told her. She asked if she could see it so I pulled up my t-shirt and showed her. Like Alex before her, Areeya ran her fingers along the track of the bullet and her touch on my skin was electrifying. Her fingers were feathery light and she was almost caressing my skin and I shivered from the touch.

I saw a wicked smile come over Alex's face as she watched Areeya touching me, and she suddenly pulled Areeya onto her lap and kissed her full on the lips. Areeya kissed back and right in front of me they began to make out. This was getting very hot and I started to squirm in my seat as they continued to kiss each other. Alex put her hand beneath Areeya's t-shirt and began to caress her breasts. Areeya broke the kiss and in one fluid move pulled her t-shirt up and over her head. She grabbed Alex's head and pulled her face onto the left breast and I could see Alex's tongue dart out and flick the nipple. I was stunned. The sight of these two making love right in front of my eyes was breathtaking.

Alex stopped sucking Areeya's breast and said, `what are you waiting for? There's another one of these you can use.'

I didn't need a second invitation and I moved across to the other lounger and I started to kiss Areeya's other breast. I felt Areeya's hand on her my head and I started to nip her nipple with my teeth. I could feel Alex's face next to mine as she continued to attack Areeya's other nipple. Alex broke off and turned her face to me and we kissed, tongues instantly duelling with each other.

Areeya pulled my head away from Alex and she kissed me as Alex went back to kneading and sucking her breasts. I pulled back and tried to pull my t-shirt off but couldn't manage to get my arms above my head.

Alex paused long enough to drag my shirt over my head and said simply, `bedroom, now!' and literally dragged Areeya and me though the door and to the bedroom. I'm not sure who was kissing who as we stumbled our way to the bed. Hands were everywhere as we collapsed on the bed; someone was tugging at my shorts as I was trying to get Alex's blouse undone. She was kissing me and managed to get her hands inside my shorts and released my cock which stood straight up.

Areeya had slipped off her own shorts by now and she pushed me onto my back on the bed. Alex immediately took my cock into her mouth and started to suck it hard.

Areeya straddled me facing towards Alex and moved so that her pussy was right over my mouth. I raised my head and started to lick along her slit; she was already wet and my tongue found its way between her lips to where her clit was waiting. Areeya was now moaning and pushing down on me as I teased her clit between my lips and sucked hard on it.

Alex was still sucking my cock, using her mouth almost like a vacuum cleaner. I felt her finger rubbing my rosebud and then she slipped a finger deep into my hole. The dual attack on my cock and hole was scrambling my wits. Areeya suddenly moved off me and ordered, `fuck me, fuck me now.' She got down on her hands and knees, Alex let go of my cock and pushed me behind Areeya. I sank to my knees and lined my cock up with Areeya's pussy. I was so hard and she was so wet that I slipped straight into her. I groaned as I drove into her and she began to push back on me. Areeya's head was at the edge of the bed and Alex moved in front of Areeya, slid down her knickers and pushed her cock into Areeya's mouth.

I was driving my cock hard into Areeya's pussy and she was now sucking hard on Alex. The sights and sounds in front of me were driving me to yet another level of ecstasy. Alex leaned forwards and we kissed over Areeya's back. I was so aroused that I knew I wouldn't last much longer.

Areeya started to buck and groan and I guessed she was ready to come. Alex pulled out of Areeya's mouth and began to use her hand on herself. I picked up the pace even more and exploded into Areeya's pussy, she tensed and then her release came and she yelled `oh fuck, oh fuck...' Areeya flopped to the bed and as she did so Alex grunted and her cum splashed over Areeya's face. Alex bent down and began licking the cum from Areeya; that sight of that made me hard all over again. Alex motioned me over, kissed me and I tasted her cum one more time today.

The three of us lay there trying to catch our breath as we recovered our senses. In all my life I had not felt such intensity and animal passion. I had been taken to an entirely new level of emotional and sensual experience. I had thought my nerve endings were on fire and I had speed racing through my veins.

Alex leaned over and kissed me first and then Areeya. We smiled at each other and then Alex began to giggle which set me off and then suddenly we were all laughing.

Eventually, we calmed down and Areeya went off to get cleaned up and Alex and I cuddled together on the bed.

`Did you enjoy that?' She asked.

Are you serious?' I said, that was just about the most extreme thing I have ever done.'

Alex laughed, `oh baby, you have a lot to learn, we've only just got started.'

Next: Chapter 9

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