

Published on Apr 5, 2015


Cockatoo Part 5

I lived for feedback.

`That's nice, baby,' I heard Alex say. Something was wrong though, Alex's voice wasn't coming from on the bed and if she had my cock in her mouth how could she say anything? Her voice seemed to be coming from the somewhere further away. I opened my eyes and saw her sitting in her robe on one of the couches. It took me a good few seconds to process that and as I looked down the bed I saw Areeya, naked, smiling and licking something from her lip.

Kap Kun Ka, James' she said, Alex was right, you do taste nice.'

I shot off the bed in something close to panic. That made the third near cardiac arrest in about 12 hours. At this rate I will soon start to stroke out I thought.

`What the hell are you playing at?' I shouted.

Alex calmly replied, `No need to shout, James. That's rude and unbecoming of you. When I woke up you looked so lovely lying there fast asleep, so I went to fetch Areeya to show her too.' I looked from Alex to Areeya wondering if I had really dropped into another universe where everyone was stark staring mad except me.

Areeya picked up where Alex had left off and said, `You looked so peaceful in your sleep and then Alex decided it was time to wake you up, so she suggested I woke you up in that way. I hope you don't mind, you seemed to enjoy it, and so did I.' She said this so sweetly with the air of someone who thought it was all very normal to wake up someone with a blow job.

`Oh, well, that's alright then,' I tried for sarcasm, but both girls accepted it merely as a statement. I suddenly realised Areeya and I were standing there naked with Alex on the couch wearing her robe from last night. Instinctively, and foolishly, I went to cover myself with my hands.

Alex hooted with laughter. 'It's a bit bloody late for that, baby, that boat has sailed.'

Areeya giggled and I looked at her for the first time. She was standing in front of a large mirror shaking out her long black hair. She moved her head from side to side and her hair followed her movement. From the back she looked beautiful and then she turned round to face me and my heart kind of skipped a beat. For a nation obsessed with a `white is right' mindset, Areeya's skin was duskier than most, and her hair fell down over her shoulders almost to her waist. Her breasts were quite small but with gloriously large areolae and her slender body and long legs made her look like a model.

She carried herself with grace and elegance and she seemed to place each foot carefully as she walked and almost floated over the floor. If she was beautiful with her clothes on, naked she would make Chinese poets weep with despair trying to describe her. She seemed totally unaware that I stood there transfixed.

`She is lovely, isn't she?' Alex had got up from the couch and came to stand by me. Areeya pulled on a pair of knickers and shrugged herself into an oversized t-shirt. I was sorry to see those breasts disappear.

This made me the only one in the room with no clothes on and I suddenly felt very underdressed. I saw my jeans on the floor by the bed but I was damned if I could find my boxers. I decided to cut my losses and go commando, at least I should wear something.

Alex said, I'm off to the shower, Areeya will get you some breakfast if you like.' Alex walked over to the bathroom door; stopped, stretched ostentatiously to make sure she had my full attention, then still with her back to me, slipped her robe from her shoulders to the floor and posed against the door fame. She looked back over her shoulder and said, you know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow.' I threw a pillow at her and it only just missed. I heard her laughing as she disappeared into the bathroom.

Areeya came out of the kitchen with coffee, juices, fruit and bread and we headed out to eat breakfast. It was a magnificent view from the balcony out over the beach. The sun was already strong so we ate our breakfast under a large parasol. The sea glinted as the sunlight flicked off the waves and there were jet skis already out on the sea throwing up their rooster tails of spay. It was a great opportunity to talk to Areeya without Alex interrupting.

She told me about her life at university in Bangkok and how she had also trained as a classical Thai dancer whilst there. That explained the grace and poise with which she did everything. She had come back to Samui before taking up a job where she had met Alex. She said she had never met anyone quite like Alex before but they had made an immediate connection. They had begun a relationship almost immediately and the rest had just seemed to fall into place. She admitted she had guessed Alex was transgender.

`I fell in love with her, James. What her body looked like was of little consequence.'

I shared with her my memories of `old' Alex at university in England and how I had never suspected that he felt as he had for me. It was still strange to me to think about that time and how unaware I had been. I told Areeya that I had been jealous of Alex and that I think must have blinded me to the real situation.

`We see only that which we wish to see,' she said softly.

She asked me about my work in Bangkok and asked a lot of technical questions about the project I was working on. She told me that she had taken Business Systems Planning as a module in her MBA and regretted the fact that she didn't have much opportunity to use it.

It was at this moment that Alex excitedly burst through onto the balcony saying to Areeya, 'I've got an Idea, why don't we take James to Koh Tao tomorrow? The forecast is excellent.'

Areeya immediately looked keen. `That's a very good idea; we haven't been out on the boat for a while. Koh Tao would be a great place to take James to show him another island.'

Whoa,' I said, Where is Koh Tao and what boat?'

Alex was already excited about the idea. `Koh Tao is an island about 90 minutes cruising north of here. It's smaller and less overdeveloped than Samui. It's lovely and perfect for a day trip and a picnic.'

Areeya chimed in, My father lives and works in Bangkok, but he keeps a small boat here for weekend breaks. He lets me use when he is not here. We have been to Koh Tao many times.' Alex chipped in, Koh Tao has a lot of unspoilt beaches and we can anchor off one of them and go swimming and snorkelling, come on, please say yes.'

`OK, I'm up for it, but my swimming shorts are back at the hotel,'

Alex smacked me on the arm, her favourite way it seems of telling me I had said something stupid. `We don't worry about wearing anything, we'll find somewhere really secluded and go skinny dipping.' She concluded as if there could be no further discussion.

`It's OK for you two, you don't need to worry about the sun, but I need to protect certain bits of me from the sun.' I realise I was starting to whine.

`Fuss, fuss ,fuss, those bits aren't so big so you can borrow a pair of my bottoms if you have to.'

Alex stood with her hands on her hips trying to look stern. I felt a bit offended at that but Areeya giggled and said, `my father keeps some clothes on the boat, I am sure there is something that will fit James.'

Alex looked miffed and said, 'OK, but they are coming off as soon as we get in the water.'

The two girls had to leave to do some work in the office downstairs. Alex said they would be back in time for a late lunch if that was OK and that I could use the balcony to sunbathe or explore Lamai. She showed me how to use the remote control for the room and that I could use the Apple if I wanted to.

She said the kitchen was fully loaded with drinks and snacks and to help myself.' Alex told me the code for the door, gave me a kiss and they both headed off. I decided to use the balcony for a while before it got too hot, took a beer and sat outside on one of the loungers. Only then did I feel how tired I was after the events of the past day. I helped myself to a couple more beers and snacks and just drifted off to sleep.

It was after two when the girls returned. Alex came straight over and jumped onto my lap, put her arms around my neck and kissed me. Very nice way to say hello, I thought.

Hello lover,' she said, we come bearing gifts. She opened the bag she had with her and pulled out a dark blue t-shirt with the Koh Samui Blue logo in white on back and front. 'We might as well make you useful for something while you're here, free publicity for us while you're wearing it.' She fished around and brought out some throwaway razors and shaving cream.

Rubbing my stubbly face with her fingers she said, you're going to have to shave that stubble before I let you near me again. Mmm,' she said rubbing my chest, I might want to shave you all over, make you all nice and smooth.'

You have exactly zero chances of coming anywhere near me with a razor, sweetheart.' I said. You're no fun anymore but, anyway, I saved the best present for last.' With that she pulled out a pair of bright blue Thai boxing shorts. `You said you wanted some shorts and Areeya thought these were just right for you.'

Areeya said, `Alex, don't lie, it was your idea.'

"Details, details,' grumbled Alex. `Don't they look great? Try them on, pretty please?' She held up what was possibly the gaudiest pair of Thai boxing shorts ever made. Thai boxing or Muay Thai is Thailand's national sport. To a Westerner it looks not so much a martial art as a street fight with a few rules. One of the features is that the fighters wear brightly coloured flared satin shorts decorated with, well, virtually anything. The pair that Alex had bought me were bright blue with gold embroidery and on the back the two fighting bulls of the Red Bull company.

`You don't think I'm wearing those outside do you?' I asked as I held the shorts by my fingers.

No, that would look silly,' she said, just in bed will do.'

I blushed yet again; she squealed with joy and kissed me again before I could say anything. Areeya had organised for the restaurant to send up some food and we had a relaxed lunch on the balcony. The restaurant had put together a selection of Thai dishes and they were as delicious as the dinner had been the night before. We ate and chatted and laughed together until the girls said they had to go and get things ready for tonight. We arranged to meet at Cockatoo at about nine and we would go find somewhere to eat after then.

It gave me a chance to catch up on some emails and it seemed that everything was OK in Bangkok. I had been cc'd on an email from the HR director in Bangkok formally asking my company to allow me to stay on for another three months. There wasn't a reply yet from Cambridge but I didn't anticipate any problem from them as they were making a very good return on my work.

I had also got an email from the friend that had sent me Alex's email address. He was asking if I had met Alex and if I had, could I get a new photo of him to update the university alumni website. I smiled and thought that would raise a few eyebrows as well as blood pressure back home if I did. It did make me think that I would like to take a picture of Alex and Areeya for my own use.

I made the most of the rest of the sunshine and managed to have another nap as well. I headed off to Cockatoo 2 just after eight and had a leisurely stroll up the bar and took the chance to have a good look along the strip. Koh Samui may have had a reputation as an unspoilt hippy paradise in the past but times have changed and so has Samui. The main strip is now crammed with bars, restaurants, massage parlours with the girls cheerfully asking you to come inside and anything else a tourist might need. Taxis, tuk-tuks and cars clog up the street with the occasional small truck passing by packed full with either produce or people.

It's noisy, smelly, lively and exciting. It has an electricity of its own but if you are looking for a nice quiet time on Samui, Lamai isn't it. I dived into the night market to see what there was but it was the usual tourist rubbish mixed in with some fabulous street food. I treated myself to a small portion of fried cricket as I wanted a quick snack.

I wandered back to Cockatoo just before nine. The girls weren't there yet but Pao was standing outside and she smiled broadly when she saw me. I told her I was sorry about last night and I didn't want her to get into trouble.

`No trouble, Mr James, Miss Alex tell me I not in trouble. She say you big friend and we be nice to you if you come. She say just not sit on you.' She giggled and I just had to laugh thinking about Alex telling her that. I sat at the bar with a Chang beer and waited for the girls. The bar girls stayed away from me but I did catch them looking at me and giggling to each other. I did get one of them to come across and play Connect 4 with me. As expected she beat me with ease, ah well, I thought they might have let me win one game.

Alex and Areeya turned up about 9.30 and apologised for being late, a few small problems at the restaurant that had to be sorted out.

Alex said smiling, `have you been looked after then?'

I told them about what Pao had said about not sitting on me. They both laughed at that and Alex said, `I meant it too, I think Pao has a little crush on you. If you want to do anything about it, I am sure she would be happy to oblige.'

Maybe,' I said, she is very pretty,' I got another smack on the arm for that.

Both the girls were tired and as we had an early start in the morning, Areeya suggested we grab something to eat on the strip and then head back to the flat. There isn't any shortage of places to eat in Lamai, but not all of them are very good. Areeya led the way to a small place off the strip where we had a pretty good dinner but nothing like the dinner at their restaurant.

It was about 11, when we made our way back to the flat and Areeya said she would go and sleep on the boat tonight to make sure everything would be ready for the next day. We kissed her goodbye and Alex and I headed upstairs.

Alex put some music on, classical stuff that I could now recall Alex playing back in Uni days. We flopped onto the couches, me with a scotch and Alex with a beer. I sat on one end of the couch and she laid out flat with her head in my lap. We talked for a while about our planned journey and how nice it would be out on the water. I was stroking her hair and she was drifting off to sleep.

`Hey, sleepyhead, shall we get to bed?' I asked.

No,' she murmured her eyes closed, I think I'll sleep here tonight.' She opened her eyes, winked and said, `Gotcha, you should have seen your face.'

I tipped her onto the floor and raced for the bathroom as she hurled abuse at me from the floor. I did take plenty of time to have a shower and shave whilst Alex was banging on the door telling me to hurry up and calling me the vilest names in both English and Thai.

I finished and let her in and she immediately made a quick grab for my cock which I only just managed to avoid. I slipped off my jeans and lay on the bed feeling the cool air from the ceiling fan wash over my body. Alex eventually finished in the bathroom and came out wearing her robe. She came over to the bed, dimmed the lights with the remote and changed the music to Rihanna.

I smiled as I recognised it as `Only Girl in the World'. Slipping the robe just off her shoulders she turned so her back was to me. Letting the robe slide down to her waist she began to move in time to the music. Turning quickly to face me, she took a pace forward and let the robe drop away. I think I stopped breathing as she was wearing just a black bra, knickers and heels.

She continued to move and turn with the music, dropping slowly onto her heels and then slowly rising back up and then turning her back to me she swiftly unhooked the bra and let it slide slowly to the floor. She turned back to face me and cupping her breasts in her hands she swayed and gyrated to the music. I finally remembered to breathe again, and she moved closer to me bending forwards until her breasts were inches away from me.

I reached out to her and as my fingers were about to touch her she knocked them away, turned and walked away from the bed, wiggling her bum from side to side. Somewhere the music had changed to `Pour It Up' and she was moving perfectly in time to the beat of the music. She turned towards me one more time, kicked off her heels, dropped to her hands and knees and crawled slowly back to the foot of the bed.

She slid onto the bed and crawled up to straddle me across my hips. She reached out and grabbed my hands; bringing one up to her mouth and sucking my fingers. The other she placed on her right breast and began rubbing the nipple. She made the mewing sound of hers, so I knew she already getting excited. She slowly lowered herself down until she lay right on top of me.

Still holding my hands she pushed them back onto the bed so that they were above my head. She held them there and began kissing me. By this time I was desperate to touch her and the feeling as her lips met mine made me tremble. She crushed her lips against mine and twisted my lip between her teeth.

The sense of powerlessness with my hands held firmly above my head made it all so much more exciting. Alex was also now getting very aroused by this time and I could feel her cock growing as it rubbed against my leg. I looked down and almost bewitched I watched as her cock grew harder and began to poke out of the top of her knickers. I knew this would be a turning point for me. Was I prepared to overcome the sexual norms that had run my life so far?

Sometimes you have to leave the safety of your head and explore the wilderness of your heart. I moved my free hand to play with her breasts. Running my fingers across her nipples I could feel her suck in her breath in as I flicked and tweaked them until they were hard. Her hand had slid down to my cock and was steadily moving up and down my shaft. I was so hard and turned on by this time that I felt my inhibitions flowing away like the tide receding from a beach.

Sliding my hand slowly down her stomach I hesitated as I reached her lower groin and I could feel Alex tense as I stroked my fingers lower and lower. Suddenly, my fingers bumped into the top of her cock and we both jumped in surprise. After the first shock I slid my hand down and gently touched the tip again. It felt smooth and warm and alive to my touch.

Alex moved her hand away from my cock and pulled down her knickers so hers could spring free. She took my hand and gently placed it on her cock. It twitched as my fingers encircled it and her hand slowly wrapped my fingers around the shaft; it felt so different to touching my own cock. You get to know the feeling of your own body but it's so very different when you touch someone else's.

Her hand still on top of mine she began to move my hand more and more up and down along the length. I thought, `this is it; it's all or nothing now'. I began to move my hand without her help and she moved her hand away and back to me. I felt her tense as I began to move my hand faster and faster and I could feel her getting harder as I stroked it more firmly.

I was scared I might be hurting her but she was breathing very heavily now and she was making more little mewing sounds and panting as I kept going. She was still stroking me gently, but her whole attention was centred on her pleasure right now. I realised that the most important aim for me was to give her that pleasure. I realised somewhere along the line that I had closed my eyes and I opened them just as she tensed and putting her hand back on mine she used my hand to pump her cock really hard. Suddenly, she stiffened and keeping my hand fastened under hers, her cock twitched and she came in great spurts over her belly.

Alex relaxed as the tension flowed out of her and I watched as she used a finger to wipe up some of the cum and licked it from her finger. In a trance I touched a pool of the cum still left on her with my finger and I offered her my finger and she sucked this too. She kept sucking my finger for a while and then picked up some more of what remained and moved her finger to my lips. I guess by this time I had broken down so many taboos that one more wouldn't hurt so I poked my tongue out through my lips to taste her finger. There wasn't much taste, just a lingering saltiness and I sucked her finger into my mouth and licked her finger clean.

Alex stroked my face and said, `Thank you, James that was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me.' She kissed me and hugged me tight.

We stayed wrapped together until we began to fall asleep. Alex eventually turned over and I spooned up to her back, she pushed back into me, turned her head around and we kissed good night. As I drifted off to sleep I heard her say softly, `Chan rak kun, James, I love you.'

Next: Chapter 6

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