

Published on Oct 24, 2017


Cockatoo 41

Nikkie Silk

Aki jumped as I slid my mouth over his cock, but then Yut pushed aside the bodyguard and was yelling something. Aki turned towards the noise and I kept my lips locked around his cock; no way did I want Yut to see my face. I didn't know if he would recognise me, but I didn't want to take that chance.

Yut was still struggling with the bodyguard, but Aki shouted something in Japanese and the sounds of the commotion stopped. Aki put his hands around my head and pulled my head away from his cock. Shit, if Yut recognises me I'm dead. I slid down into the bath so only my head covered with the turban was showing and tried to keep Aki between me and Yut. Aki said something to Yut in a voice that was low but full of anger. Yut tried to argue, but he sounded whiny, like a scolded child.

Aki snapped his fingers and Yut tried once more to say something, but Aki interrupted him with a voice that cut like a Samurai sword. I glimpsed Yut turn on his heel, push the bodyguard aside and leave. My heart was racing as Aki turned back, `Scarlett, forgive me for the interruption, I hope you weren't too frightened. Now, where were we?'

`Aki, who was that man?'

`He is a business colleague, but if he continues to behave like this, I will have to do something about him.' Aki was smiling, but the tone of his voice carried a different message.

`He seemed pretty wild.'

Scarlett, in Japan we have a saying - One who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger. He would be better to show more respect.' Aki looked over to the door through which Yut had disappeared. If not, he will pay the consequences. He sees things which are not there.'

`You mean ghosts?'

Aki roared with laughter, `Scarlett, you are so funny. No, not ghosts. He thinks there are people who are spying on him. He is paranoid, I think.'

`Why would people spy on him?'

Aki had a look on his face which made me think I had gone too far. I stood up in front of him, removed the turban from my hair, bent forward and licked one of his nipples before nipping it with my teeth. He snorted and grabbed my butt with both his hands and pulled me towards him. Releasing his nipple, I kissed him, forcing my tongue through his lips to fence with his. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his cock hardened against me.

Slipping to my knees I took it between my lips, licking and flicking the head with my tongue before plunging it deep into my mouth. His cock wasn't long, but it was thick and it stretched my mouth as I sucked hard on it. His hands were on the back of my head forcing me to take it deeper. I choked once, but kept it in my mouth and took it all in, until my nose touched his groin. Whether by the danger of what I was doing, or Aki's strength and power, or by my own desires, I didn't know, but I was now fully aroused; blood had flooded away from my brain to my cock, and it was now making all the decisions.

Aki was grunting as I worked on his cock, using all the tricks I had learnt with my lips and tongue and teeth. He was pushing his cock into my mouth, but it was an awkward position to do more and he pushed me away, stood up and pulled me up out of the bath. He was panting and his cock was pointing straight up to the ceiling. For the first time I saw the tattoo stretched around his back. The dragons and other creatures writhed and intertwined as if they were alive as his muscles moved beneath the skin. He was heavily muscled and looked like he worked hard to keep it that way. For a moment, I had a vision of Shane and Aki fucking each other like Gods and the earth would shake beneath them.

My cock was now waving around in front of me, but Aki didn't seem at all interested in me. I was about to drop to my knees when he stopped me, bent his knees, put his hands beneath my thighs and lifted me up. I squealed as I wrapped my arms around his neck, but he silenced that by sticking his tongue in my mouth. His arms slid under my legs, but he toppled forward and my back hit the wall. His cock was poking into my groin and I raised myself a little until I felt his hardness at the entrance of my hole. I couldn't believe what he was doing, but his strength was incredible. He relaxed his grip to let me drop and his cock slid into me. I grunted as he penetrated me, and as he bent his knees and drove his cock up into me the pain made me yelp, but as he moved up and down, forcing his cock into me, the pain turned to pleasure. We were both soon grunting and moaning as we fucked in this position.

Aki seemed to be relentless, holding me up while he rammed his cock into me. I had my arms around his neck to take some of the weight, but he kept driving up into me, grunting and growling with the effort. My head was banging against the wall and with my cock trapped between us the friction was making me hard. He rammed his thick cock deeper and deeper making me grunt as each thrust hammered into me. My eyes closed as waves of pleasure and pain crashed through me, and I thought I was going pass out. His cock hardened inside me and he slammed into me a couple of times making me cry out. With a shout he came, pumping his cum into me. I came at the same time, squealing and spraying cum all over his chest. His knees buckled at last and as he let me down I stumbled because I couldn't feel my legs. I sat down trying to catch my breath as Aki stood over me.

`Thank you, Scarlett, that was wonderful. Come, let's get cleaned up.'

He didn't even seem out of breath and he turned to go into the shower room, leaving me to get up on my unsteady legs. I stood watching him under the shower as the water cascaded over his muscles, making his tattoos ripple as if they were moving beneath his skin. He smiled at me, and my tummy flipped as I realised how much he turned me on. I knew how dangerous this was, but I was drawn to him, like a moth to a flame. He gestured me to join him and he washed me with a cloth. My whole body ached, but he was gentle and the warm water relaxed me.

`Scarlett, I must go now. I have things to attend to. Thank you for tonight. Tell me, will you be back?'

`I might come back Aki, I hope you will be here.'

He bowed before turning and leaving. After a few minutes, I managed to get dressed, still feeling sore from Aki's fucking. I walked gingerly back into the club, but Nin was nowhere in sight and I thought she must have gone back to the hotel. As I walked through the club, the mamasan stopped me and handed me an envelope.

`It from Akihiko san.' I took it from her and still in something of a daze I left the club. I wanted to get back to the hotel and to think about what I had just found out. As I stepped into the street to look for a tuk-tuk, someone grabbed my arm from behind. I whipped around, terrified that it would be Yut, and relieved to see Shane with Nin by his side.

`Shit, am I glad to see you two.'

Come with me, we've got a cab waiting round the corner.' Shane almost dragged me with him into the taxi. I was pretty much spent, and I was thankful that someone was taking care of me. Nin called me and I shot over. She was worried about what you were getting yourself into.'

Nin took my hand. `I saw Yut arrive and follow you, and I thought he would recognise you. Then I heard shouting, then he came back fast. He looked mad. I so glad you OK.'

`Thanks, NIn, but I'm OK. Aki got rid of Yut.'

`Aki? Who the fuck is Aki?' Shane looked from me to Nin, who shrugged.

`I'll tell all when we get back to the hotel.' I needed to steady my nerves first.

It didn't take long to get back and as soon as we were in the room I poured myself a large whisky. Nin sat beside me and Shane perched on a chair facing me. I took a big swallow of the whisky and its warmth began to revive me.

`OK, here's what I think is going on. Aki is Akihiko, a Japanese Yakuza.'

Shane grimaced. `Yakuza? How do you know?'

`Because he's Japanese, he has tattoos all over his body and he's got the tip of his fucking finger missing. Now, will both of you shut up and let me finish telling the story? Then you can ask me all the questions you want.'

I took another sip of the whisky. `We know Jandaeng is working with the Triads trying to take over Kritsada's operations. Yut is also informing on Kritsada to Jandaeng, who thinks Yut is working for him. But, it's my guess the Yakuza also have Kritsada as a target, and Yut is working for them. He's double crossing Kritsada and Jandaeng. A triple cross in effect.'

Shane let out a low whistle. You're right.' I said, It's a dangerous game he's playing. Aki's Yakuza are using Jandaeng to do the dirty work for them and it's my guess they will use Yut to know when the moment is right for them to strike against the Triads and take over. I also know the Triads are getting impatient with Jandaeng.'

Shane looked shocked. `If that's true then it could be a bloodbath. The Yakuza and the Triads at war with each other. How did you find this out? I mean about Yut and Aki whatever his name is?'

I couldn't stop myself from grinning. `Good question, Shane. It so happened that Aki took a shine to Scarlett tonight, and I was sharing a bath with him when Yut barged in.'

Shane's eyebrows shot up and Nin's mouth dropped open.

`Luckily, I had my face buried somewhere where Yut couldn't see me.'

Nin looked puzzled Bury your face? What does that mean, Jamie?' I grinned at her and slid a finger into my mouth. She looked blank at first, but then her hand went up to cover her mouth. Oh!' she giggled, and Shane rolled his eyes.

`After Aki had thrown Yut out of the bathhouse, he let slip that Yut was beginning to worry him. He said he saw things that weren't there.'

`What did he mean by that?' Shane

`Aki said Yut thinks he is being spied on. But that's my fault, I think.'

`How come?'

`I told Jandaeng that Kritsada knew who was informing on him, and Jandaeng must have passed that onto Yut. I think He might suspect it was me.'

`Why, for God's sake?'

Someone trashed our hotel room this afternoon. I think it was Yut.' I paused, But, come to think of it, it could also be Jandaeng.'

`Fuck me, Jamie. Just when were you going to share this with me?' I thought Shane was going to explode.

`Either It was a warning, or they were searching for something, that's all. If someone had wanted to hurt me, they would have waited in the room for me to come back.'

`So, what happened next with this Aki fella?'

I blushed and looked away from Shane's gaze.

`Shit, Jamie. You didn't, did you? Tell me you didn't fuck him?'

`Well, I guess I didn't have much choice.' Not entirely true, but they didn't need to know that.

`Oh, I almost forgot, Aki left something for me with the mamasan.' I fished out the envelope and opened it. Inside was a thick wad of US Dollars and a small card with Japanese script on one side and English on the other. All it had on it was his name and a phone number.

Nin was counting the money and looked up wide eyed. `1000 Dollars.'

`Strewth, Jamie, you must have made an impression on the guy.'

I grinned back at Shane. `He made an impression in me, for sure.'

Shane choked, and Nin said, `I thought you were walking funny.'

Shane stopped coughing. `By the way, our Intel guys have nothing specific on Yut, but there are Five Eyes intercepts about increased organised crime activity in Thailand. It could fit with your Yakuza Triad turf war.'

`What's Five Eyes?'

`Sorry, it's an arrangement between the US, Canada, UK, Australia, and the Kiwis to share intelligence. It's pretty reliable info normally. What are you going to tell Kritsada?'

I thought it wasn't just Kritsada. What would I tell Thaksin, the policeman I was working for against Jandaeng? Come to that, what would I tell Jandaeng? Yut wasn't the only one playing a complicated game. My head hurt, and I desperately wanted to go to sleep.

`Shane, I don't know. I'll sleep on it and decide in the morning. Nin, what time is Dao picking us up?' With everything that had happened I had almost forgotten what was happening tomorrow.

`Eleven o'clock, Jamie.'

`Great, I get a lie in. Shane, are you staying tonight?'

`If it's OK with you and Nin?'

`Oh, it's fine with me and I know it will be OK with NIn. Just don't make too much noise, please. I need my beauty sleep tonight. Big day for me tomorrow.'

Nin had grabbed Shane's hand and had dragged him into her bedroom before I had even reached my door. At least two people will have a good night, I thought.

I must have dropped right off to sleep because when I woke at 9 o'clock I couldn't remember anything after falling onto my bed. What was odd was that I had woken up with an idea about what to do next running around my head. I needed to think about it more, but it would have to go on the back burner until this damned party was over. Cursing Kritsada for asking me to do this and myself for saying yes, I tried to call him again, but went to straight to voicemail. Well, I would have to tell him tonight about Yut. Nin knocked on my door, came in and slid naked into bed next to me. It was lovely to have her warm brown body snuggled up against me.

`Has Shane gone?'

She nodded. `He on duty now.' She heaved a big sigh.

`How's it going with you two?'

She smiled, `He wonderful, Jamie. I think I am in love, but I am scared.'

I put my arm around her and pulled her into a hug.

`Have you talked to him about how you feel?'

She shook her head. `I don't want him to leave, like the others.'

I hugged her tight. It made my heart ache to think about how much she must have been hurt in the past. She deserved someone to love her back. I thought if the two of them weren't going to talk about it, then they might need a helping hand. I tickled her and she wiggled around giggling like a kid.

`Come on, let's get ready. I need a shower and some breakfast.'

By the time Dao arrived to pick us up I had dressed as Jamie. I reasoned that I wanted to do a good job as Kritsada's escort tonight then I should start right away. Besides, I was beginning to think of James as part of a previous life; a life I was fast leaving behind. Was this what a chrysalis felt as it emerged into a butterfly? I was thinking and acting more like Jamie all the time. After all, it hadn't been all that long ago that I had first dressed as Jamie, yet it now seemed an age ago.

I think I had awoken something which had lain unrecognised until now. When Alex and Areeya had talked me into dressing as Jamie did I have any inclination where it would lead? if anyone had told me then what I was going to do tonight I would have laughed at them. Sure, there had been doubts and hangups on the way and I was still as nervous as a kitten, but I knew I wanted to be Jamie tonight. I had already crossed so many boundaries I doubted if there were many left to cross. Did I have any reservations? Yes, plenty. The biggest of which was how Alex and Areeya would react. I loved them both, and I knew I would have to face up to them at some stage. If Alex and Areeya wanted me to. Would I give up on Jamie?

`We are here.' Dao interrupted my thoughts as we arrived at the spa. Nin had been holding my hand on the way and she squeezed it in encouragement as we stepped out of the car.

`First there is last dress fitting, then hairdresser and beauty treatment. After that you get dressed and we transfer to party.'

`I want Nin to be with me tonight.' I wanted her with me to give moral support.

Dao frowned, but she could see in my eyes I wouldn't back down.

`I am sure we can sort something out.'

Ok,' I said, and taking a deep breath, Let's do this.'

Fai from the dressmakers greeted us with a wai, alongside a small woman who was the seamstress who had made the dress. I undressed but left my panties on and Fai and Nin helped me into the corset once more. I swear they were tightening it more than last time. However, I was getting used to wearing it and liked the feeling of constraint it produced. I even felt a tingle in my groin as they slipped the breast forms into the cups of the corset. Stop it, I thought, please don't embarrass me now. Nin slid the shoes I would wear onto my feet and she gave me a quick kiss.

You look lovely, Jamie.' She giggled, Kritsada lucky man.'

I stuck my tongue out at her and we both laughed, relieving the tension I was feeling. Fai and the seamstress took over and helped me step into the dress before pulling it up and zipping me into it. I looked down to see my new breasts filling the bodice of the dress and I couldn't resist running my hands down the side of the dress. That earned me a light slap on the hand from Fai.

`No touch, please.'

I thought the dress fitted perfectly, but Fai and the seamstress were fussing around the skirt and making ssst noises as they pinned some of it. Fai spoke to Dao who translated.

`They have made something they want to try with the dress. If you don't like it, they will leave it as it is.'

Fai and the seamstress moved behind me and attach something to the shoulders of the dress. They fussed around the back and before stepping back. Fai turned a mirror around and for the first time I could see myself. My mouth dropped open as I looked into the reflection. I had left the wig on and my hair fell down over the shoulders of the dress. To my eyes, it made the dress look even more beautiful, and I could see that courtesy of the corset I even had a waist. Nin and Dao who were both beaming, and I couldn't believe how good I looked. Twisting round to look at the back of the dress I could see they had added a cape to the shoulders in the same material as the bodice and it flowed down to the floor behind me. Nin clapped her hands together and I couldn't stop smiling.

`What do you think?' asked Dao.

I couldn't speak for a moment, then turned to them with my eyes shining. `Oh. I think it looks fabulous.'

`You look beautiful, Jamie.' I could always rely on Nin.

`I love the cape, I want to keep that.' Fai and the seamstress looked pleased after Dao translated.

`They say they need to make a few alterations, so please take off the dress now. They will make changes and bring back for later.' I reluctantly let them take the dress, but I wasn't unhappy to take off the corset. Nin helped me into a beautiful silk robe and sat me in a chair and someone brought me a juice which I sipped gratefully. I heard Nin and Dao talking in a low voice behind me and I wondered what they were up to.

Jamie, you remember I said your hair was long enough to style?' I nodded. You have a choice tonight, wear a wig or have your own hair styled. What do you prefer?'

I had guessed this moment would come. Everything up to now had been temporary; I had been able to slide from Jamie back to James if I wished. The wig meant I could be Jamie, or Scarlett, but I could be James again in seconds. This would be different. If I had my hair styled then I couldn't hide. It would be a far more public sign than anything I had done so far. Was I ready for this? My heart beat faster as I struggled with what to do. Keeping the wig was the safe option, but when was the last time I chose safe?

I looked up at Nin. `What do you think I should do?'

She squeezed my hand. Jamie, it your decision, but if it were me, I would prefer my own hair.' And, as if she was reading my mind, Besides, hair grow again quickly, it not permanent.'

You're right, Nin. I've come this far, so let's go the whole way.' Nin gave me a quick kiss on the cheek as one of the spa girls came to collect me. My hair was washed and conditioned before being led to a chair where my stylist was waiting. Nin was translating. Chai says your hair nice but in bad shape so he will do his best.'

OK, I thought I could always go back to the wig if all else fails. The mirror in front of me had been covered so I couldn't see what was going on. Chai began to cut and to be honest I drifted off as he worked. He was chatting away to Nin and there was a lot of giggling going on between the two of them. I hoped it wasn't at my expense. He seemed to be taking an age, but I was kept supplied with juice and all I could do was contain my impatience.

After what seemed to be hours, Chai had finished cutting and drying and curling my hair. I caught Nin's eye, and she was smiling from ear to ear. Chai was smiling too and I crossed my fingers in hope. He came around and made a few adjustments before saying something to Nin.

`He ask if you ready to look.'

As much as I will ever be, Nin.' I closed my eyes and heard Nin giggle. Jamie, you can open your eyes now.' I cracked open one eye but couldn't see much, so I opened both eyes. My jaw dropped at what I saw. I had to touch my face to make sure it was me. I heard Nin and Chai both chuckle as they saw my reaction. Chai had worked miracles. I had convinced myself that it would look a mess and i would have to wear the wig, but I couldn't believe my hair could look like this. It was just above shoulder length, with a side parting and a wavy tousled look. It looked sexy, yet sophisticated and fun at the same time. I let out the breath I had been holding since I opened my eyes.

`Oh my God, Nin. I look so different.'

`Chai says it was best he could do. He will do better next time when your hair longer.'

`Do you think it looks OK, Nin?'

`Jamie, it looks much better than OK, it looks great. Chai says he will come back before you leave and make sure it OK. Do you like it?'

I couldn't drag my eyes away from the mirror. `Nin, I love it. Khap khun mak ka, Chai. Thank you.'

That was only the beginning of my bridal experience. I had a manicure, then a foot massage followed by a pedicure. My natural nails were too short so a set of false nails were glued on and painted the same red colour as my dress. Although they weren't too long at my insistence, I had no idea how I would be able to pick anything up with them. My eyebrows were threaded, something surprisingly not as painful as I thought it would be.

The time came for my makeup session. I had learnt how to do my makeup, usually with help from Nin, but this was going to be something on a different level. This was the bridal service, which NIn could not stop laughing about. It started with a head massage to relax me and then two beautiful girls spent an hour on my face. Nin had disappeared somewhere but one of the girls spoke some English so I managed to understand what they were doing with the all brushes, sponges, pencils, pads and even their fingers they were using on me. She said it would be `good makeup for party,' All I could do was to put myself in their hands.

They had made me close my eyes as they worked on the eye makeup including what I thought was a lot of mascara. The lips they left until last but this was what I had already decided was my favourite part of making up my face. If there is anything sexier than applying lipstick yourself, it's having it applied to you by someone else. Nin still hadn't reappeared, but I was dying to see what I looked like. They turned the mirror around and I thought they were playing a trick on me. The face I saw looking back from the mirror couldn't possibly be mine.

I think I stopped breathing as I took in what they had done. I don't know how they had achieved it, shading and contouring so that the shape of my face looked different, narrower and more feminine and my eyes. Oh, my God, my eyes. They were a masterpiece; dramatic shades of colour and glitter combined with eyeliner and mascara to make my eyes shimmer and smoulder. Somehow, my lips looked fuller and wider, with a colour to match the red of my dress.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from my reflection. It wasn't me, it couldn't be me, but it was. I turned around and there were Nin and Dao, both of them with an astounded look on their faces.

Well?' I said, what do you think?'

Dao was the first to react, `It's incredible, you look amazing.'

Nin looked on he verge of tears. Jamie, you look so beautiful.' She sniffled and wiped her eye. I'm going to take some pictures.' She snapped away with her phone and I couldn't stop smiling.

`Enough, Nin. You'll run out of memory soon.'

`We should get your dress on Jamie, we need to get going soon.' Dao, the ever efficient was keeping track of time.

Fai had arrived back with the alterations complete on the dress and before long I was back in the corset, only this time I rolled my stockings on myself and attach them to the corset. The breast forms were slipped in and I stepped into my shoes. Very carefully they helped me into the dress and I was finally complete. Chai was fussing with my hair, but he decided he could do no more. I took a deep breath and turned to look in the mirror.

I think I had an out-of-body experience at that moment. It was as if I had left my body and was looking at somebody else. I could feel no connection with me and the woman reflected in the mirror. I looked at this imposter, immaculately made up, perfectly styled hair. wearing my beautiful evening dress and ready to go out to a glamorous party. It was only when I moved my hand and the reflection moved that I accepted that it was me in the mirror.

Nin and Dao were smiling as I preened in front of the mirror. Dao handed me a slim box.

`Khun Kritsada says you would honour him if you wear this tonight. It was a gift to his wife.'

I opened it and my eyes must have as wide as saucers as I looked down at a glittering diamond necklace and bracelet. I glanced back at Dao and she nodded and smiled, `He wants you to wear it tonight. It will look beautiful on you.'

I turned around and lifted my chin up so that Dao could slip the necklace around my neck. She fastened it and I looked in the mirror and it took my breath away. It hung just above the top of the bodice and it sparkled and glittered as I moved. Dao took my hand and fastened the matching bracelet around my wrist.

`Jamie, you are gorgeous.' My one person cheerleading squad didn't let me down.

The butterfly was spreading its wings.

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Next: Chapter 42

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