

Published on Sep 18, 2017


Cockatoo Part 39

Nikkie Silk

I froze in the open door watching Nin and Shane fucking each other on the bed. Nin had her back to me and Shane's hands were on her breasts as he drove upwards into her. They were both grunting loudly and I could see the sweat shining on both their bodies from the effort. Nin arched her back as she squatted over Shane taking him deep inside her. She threw her head back and groaned loudly as she slammed down onto him thrusting up at her. Shane yelled, `I'm going to cum.' which snapped me out of my daze.

I didn't think Shane had seen me, His mind seemed intent on other things. I backed out of the room, closing the door as quietly as I could. I didn't know if they heard me or not. I went to the mini-bar, poured myself a drink and sat down on one of the couches. I shouldn't have been surprised that they would be together for I knew they had grown increasingly close to each other, and it wasn't as if they hadn't fucked each other before.

Why did I feel this was different? After all, I had fucked, and been fucked by, both of them, individually and together, but this was the two of them on their own - without me. Was I jealous? Hell yes, I thought, but then, just as quickly, did that matter? No, not really. I reasoned they had no obligations towards me, and I none towards them. Except, of course for the not insignificant matter of them being the best friends I had in the world. I snorted to myself at how shallow I had been. Surely their friendship was infinitely more important to me than a stab of jealousy at being left out of something.

The door opened and Shane emerged looking a bit sheepish. He had put his trousers on and was pulling a t-shirt over his head. I guessed they must have heard me close the door.

`Hi, James. You OK?' He tried for nonchalance but ended up looking bashful. Nin appeared wearing one of the hotel robes and slid behind Shane, peeking out at me from behind his back. They looked as guilty as kids who had been caught scrumping for apples. It took all my effort not to burst out laughing at them.

`I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. It looked like you two were having fun.' I said with a straight face.

`No worries, we didn't hear you come back.'

`No, I think both of you were making way too much noise to hear anything.'

Nin was looking anxiously at me, and Shane actually blushed. `We didn't plan on doing anything, it sort of just happened.'

`Yeah? Like all your clothes sort of just fell off, and Nin sort of just fell onto your dick?'

`Now, look, James...' I couldn't hold myself back any longer and finally burst out laughing.

`For God's sake, lighten up, you two. If the two best friends I have in the world can't get it together without worrying about my feelings, then I must be a crap friend. Nin, stop hiding behind Shane. I want a hug.'

She shrieked and skipped over to me and gave me a huge hug. `You not mad?'

`No, I'm not mad. How could I be mad with you two? Not only have you both saved my life, I am not sure how I would cope without either of you.'

She squeezed me tight, and I reached up a hand to Shane who grinned and put my hand in his.

`Nin, can you get me another drink please?'

She bounced off the couch and headed over to the bar. I looked up at Shane and raised an eyebrow at him.

`Look, we get along, Nin and me. I really like her and she likes me, I think. You really don't mind?'

`I have to admit I was a teeny bit jealous when I opened the door, but no, of course I don't mind. I'm glad if you two are happy.'

Shane nodded. Thanks, mate.' Nin arrived back with the drinks. Nin told me about the party on Wednesday. Are you sure about doing this?'

`No, I'm not sure, but I think I'm too far in stopping now. And, to tell you the truth I'm half scared and half excited by it all.'

`OK, I'm not going to tell you to stay out of trouble because you'll ignore that anyway. What's happening with the Thai cop?' I filled him on my meeting with Jandaeng and decided to tell him about Yut as well.

`Shit, you sound like you really have pulled their chains big time. Are you going to tell Kritsada?'

`Tomorrow morning, first thing. He needs to know. Are you on duty this week?'

`On call, only to be needed if the jerk of an Ambassador gets frightened by a spider or something. I'll see if our intel guys have anything on Yut. Probably not, but you never know.'

`OK, I'm knackered, so I'm going to bed. Will you still be here in the morning?'

I have to be back at the embassy by 0600, so probably not.' Nin dug Shane in the ribs and he grinned, OK, we're going to bed too. Do you want to join us?'

`Sorely tempted as I am, there are rare times when three is too much of a crowd. Nin, I'll see you in the morning. Let me know if you hear anything, Shane.' I kissed them both and headed for my room. I turned to see Shane pick Nin up and carry her giggling to the other bedroom.

I sent Alex a text to tell her I was OK, but didn't get any response. I wondered if everything was OK on Samui, as she had sounded distracted on the phone earlier, but I was sure she would tell me if anything was wrong.

I woke to find Nin curled up next to me in bed. I guess she must have crept in after Shane had left. I propped myself up on my arm and watched her sleeping. She seemed to smile at something in her sleep, and I giggled to myself thinking it was Shane she was thinking of. She blinked her eyes open and I leant across and kissed her.

`Sawasdee khap, Nin.'

She grinned at me and kissed me back. `I was lonely when Shane left. It OK for me to sleep here?'

`Of course, you're always welcome to sleep with me.'

As she giggled and stretched, the sheet slid off her to reveal her nut-brown body with her small breasts rising and falling and her cock nestling in her groin. She rolled on top of me and her leg brushed against my cock. It didn't take much for the feel of her warm soft skin against mine to make my cock begin to wake up and pay attention. I felt her fingers search for and find my growing cock. She giggled and began to run her fingers up and down the hardening shaft, all the while looking into my eyes to see if I wanted more.

I moaned as her fingers fluttered along the length of my cock and she kissed me, her tongue snaking its way inside my mouth. I sucked hard on it and I felt her nipples stiffen as she pressed into my chest. Her tongue slipped out of my mouth, and with one hand she pushed my head backwards and licked and kissed her way down my neck. She butterfly kissed her way down to my nipples, kissing first one and then the other, before taking them between her lips and into her warm mouth. She sucked them until they were as hard as pebbles before tongue flicking them then nipping them with her teeth. I moaned with pleasure and looked down to see her staring up at me. She pushed a finger in between my lips and I sucked it into my mouth, like a little cock.

Her finger still in my mouth Nin slid down my chest, and I felt her hair brush over my cock which made me twitch. My cock was now at full staff and stood up straight from my groin. Nin flicked her hair once more over the head, a feeling so sensual it made me moan out loud. She was still gently stroking me with one hand and I started to push my hips upwards to get some relief. Nin pushed me back onto the bed and slid her finger out of my mouth. I nearly exploded as she simultaneously tweaked my nipple with her fingers and blew across the head of my cock.

`Fuck,' I shouted as she flickered her tongue against my cock like a snake's tasting the air. My back arched on the bed as I struggled to cope with the sensations coursing through me. She twisted my nipple again, making me yelp, and I thrust upwards as Nin took my cock all the way into her mouth. Her hot mouth closed around my cock and her tongue lapped its way around the head before flicking at the super sensitive skin where the shaft meets the head.

With my cock still firmly in her mouth, she twisted around so that suddenly I felt her cock pushing against my cheek. I opened my eyes, for they had been tightly closed for the past few minutes, to see her hard cock and balls just above my face. As she sucked and licked my cock, I took hers into my mouth, attempting to give her as much pleasure as she was giving me. I had begun to love the feeling of a cock in my mouth; the contrast between the steely hardness and the warm soft sponginess. Feeling the life pulsing through it, filling my mouth with its musty odour and the knowledge that I was giving pleasure to someone by taking them into me. I was no expert, but I had learnt some things and I felt Nin's cock stiffen as I used my tongue and lips as well as I could.

I felt my climax building and flow down through my body into my cock, hardening it until I erupted, flooding cum into Nin's mouth. She spluttered and some of my cum splashed onto my legs. As my climax began to fade, Nin's cock twitched and with a grunt she came, spurting her cum into my mouth. I wrapped my mouth around her shaft trying to lock everything in and her cum filled my mouth. I swallowed and lost the lip lock so some of it splashed out, but I managed to swallow nearly everything.

Nin rolled off me and we lay back on the bed, grinning stupidly at each and trying to catch our breath. I brushed some hair away from Nin's face and kissed her.

`Thanks Nin, that was awesome.'

`Jamie, you getting good at sucking cock, that was great.' Is it odd that I felt so proud about the compliment?

`I've had some good teachers.'

Nin giggled. `Thank you, you so nice about me and Shane.'

I rolled onto my side and held her face in my hands. `Nin, there is nothing more I could wish for than you will find someone to make you happy. If that's Shane, then it's more than I could ever hope for. My two best friends in the world making each other happy would be a dream come true.'

I could see tears appearing in her eyes. `Do you think he like me?'

`I think Shane likes you very very much indeed, Nin. Do you like him?'

She nodded, `Yes, I like him so much, but I have been hurt before. It hard for me to believe in man.'

`Nin, Shane's been hurt too, don't forget. He's a special guy, he deserves someone too. You need to tell him how you feel.'

She sucked in her breath. `Thank you, Jamie. You are a very special friend.'

We hugged each other for a while and I could feel her tears splash gently onto my shoulder. I wished with all my heart that she would find happiness.

I realised Nin was calling me Jamie all the time now. I decided that I liked that.

It was getting late, so we rushed to get showered and grab some breakfast before Dao would arrive. She was there precisely on time and we climbed into the car to go to the dress fitting. As we crawled through some particularly heavy traffic, I asked as casually as I could. `Dao, have you seen Yut recently?'

`No, why do you ask?'

`Oh, only I thought I caught a glimpse of him last night when I was out for a drink.'

`No, that can't be. he's out of Bangkok at the moment. Sorting out some problems in Phuket I believe.'

`OK, I must have been mistaken, thank you.'

I knew for sure it had been Yut last night, and his being supposedly `out of Bangkok' made it even more suspicious. I realised that I had forgotten to call Kritsada about Yut.

`Dao, is Kritsada in the office?'

`No, he's in Kuala Lumpur. He flies back tomorrow for the party.'

`OK, thanks, no problem, it can wait.'

She looked at me for a moment, trying to work out if I was up to something. She was going to say something, but we drew up outside the dress shop and with my heart now beginning to race we jumped out of the car. Fai met us, ushering Nin and I into a room we hadn't seen before. Dao said she was going to be outside doing some work while we had the fitting. Nin felt me shaking and grabbed my hand, `Jamie, you're trembling. It will all be alright.'

Easy for you to say, I thought. I'm the one who's going to dressed up like a princess and be the hostess of a party for a group of friends and contacts of one of Bangkok's most powerful men. Actually, come to think of it, Nin would love to do it.

In my admittedly limited experience of luxury shopping, it's my theory that the price of an item in a shop rises in inverse proportion to the number of items on display in the shop. A rail ran along one side of the room, but held only one thing. A single garment bag hung in the centre of the rail, a spot light trained on it as if to say, `I'm the star of this show'. I could tell it was my dress as I could see the red of the skirt through the plastic. Laid out on a bench to one side was the corset and panty set together with a packet of stockings. Beneath the dress lay a pair of red shoes with what looked like a four-inch heel. I immediately felt an overwhelming desire to flee and hide myself away from whatever I had agreed to do.

Nin jabbed me in my side and realised they were waiting for me to get undressed. I stripped and laid my clothes to one side. Strangely, I felt none of the embarrassment I had felt yesterday in front of Fai. Maybe Nin giving me a blow job in front of her had knocked that out of the window. Fai handed me the panties, and I shivered deliciously as I slid them up my legs. Nin picked up the corset and with Fai's help wrapped it around me and tightened the laces at the back. I swear they pulled them tighter than they did the previous day. Fai slipped the breast forms into the bra cups and my head went a little woozy, but I started to breathe a little more shallowly and it felt better.

There was no way was going to be able to put the stockings on myself with the restrictions of wearing the corset, so Fai unwrapped them, knelt at my feet and rolled them up my legs, attaching the tops to the suspenders. Nin brought the shoes over and Fai, still kneeling at my feet, helped me to slip my feet into them. I hadn't worn a heel as high as this before, so I stretched out my hand to Nin and she and Fai helped me to my feet. Oh my God, I wasn't prepared for the feeling as I finally let go of their hands. I felt I was a child again learning to ride my first bike. That same sense of terror as I had felt when Dad let go of the bike and I was wobbling along the road on my own. I tried a careful step and then another. Fai and Nin were on either side acting as my training wheels.

I tottered once or twice but wearing shorter heels had at least prepared me for this. I felt my calves tighten and I thought my bum was sticking out. I walked a few steps, growing in confidence, and then tried to turn around. Luckily, Nin was at my side and stopped me falling flat on my backside as I found out just how difficult it is to turn around in heels.

I was getting more and more accomplished when I caught sight of myself in one of the wall mirrors and I was so surprised I nearly fell again, Fai saving me this time. I looked at myself and I was staggered at what I saw. I had seen the corset yesterday, of course, but I guess I was wearing it with more confidence this time and the shoes definitely made everything look better. My legs looked longer and shapelier, and my bum definitely looked different. The corset pulled me in at the waist giving me some semblance of a feminine shape. I turned and looked over my shoulder at myself in the mirror and Nin laughed as I admired myself.

`You look beautiful, Jamie.'

I blushed and she gave me a hug. Fai had taken the garment bag down from the hanger, slid the dress out and laid it the back of a chair. Fai unzipped the dress and held it open for me to step into. I held onto Nin for support and both of them gently pulled the dress up, slid my arms through and then up and over my shoulders. I trembled as the material slid over my skin. It was like being caressed by the softest of feathers and I felt a thrill as Fai pulled the zip up at the back and I was finally encased in my dress.

I turned to look at myself in the mirror and my mouth dropped open. The embroidered bodice and sleeves sparkled and shimmered, a thousand tiny points of light flickering as I moved. The embroidery was exquisite, swirling patterns in traditional Thai designs with little cut outs allowing a beautiful pink backing to show through. The deep scarlet silk of the full skirt fell in folds from just below the bosom to the floor, and I felt it ripple as I moved. Fai held out the skirt to one side so I could see just how much material was in the skirts. There appeared to be so much of it, but it seemed so light. I felt the silk sliding over my stockings and I was almost undone with the sensuality of how that felt.

I finally summed the courage to move and watched as the skirts flowed around me. I looked over my shoulder and saw how beautiful the dress was even from the back. I tore my eyes away from the mirror to look at Nin who was wearing the biggest smile I had ever seen.

`It look wonderful, Jamie. Red definitely your colour.'

Fai was fussing around pinning and marking where she felt the dress need some final adjustments. She finished and smiled up at me before saying `Chud suay.'

`Fai say it beautiful on you.'

`Khap khun kha, Fai.'

I took a few minutes longer to admire the dress before regretfully allowing Fai and Nin to unzip me and to step out of the dress. While Fai took care of the dress, Nin helped me out of the corset and the rest of my lingerie. It felt awful to step back into my James clothes again and I looked over wistfully as Fai as she took the dress away for its final alterations.

We caught up with Dao and then after a quick lunch we were driven over to the spa for what Dao called my first treatments. That sounded ominous to me but I was so far in now, it was all or nothing.

There are probably tens of thousands of massage parlours and spas in Thailand. It's a national obsession, and I have had many massages in Thailand since my arrival; some of them good and some of them heavenly, but nothing had prepared me for what was to happen today. The spa was in one of Bangkok's best hotels and I had insisted that Nin accompany me this afternoon, or else everything was off. Dao glared at me, but I think she knew I was serious and gave in, so Nin and I headed into the spa. It was clear from the start that this was going to be a very different experience from my usual hour long medium-hard massage.

Nin and I were shown to a private room with two tables where we undressed and slipped into lovely silk robes. As the sounds of the rainforest played through the speakers and candles scented the air, we sipped cool watermelon juices and chatted about what was to come. Four Thai girls entered and made a wai to us. One of them began to speak in Thai, and Nin translated for me as none of the girls spoke English and my Thai was still very basic.

She says first treatment will be a facial followed by head massage and foot massage.' She saw the smirk on my face, No, Jamie, not that kind facial. We then have full body scrub and massage which all last about four hours.' She paused as the therapist said something else, and Nin laughed out loud as the girls giggled amongst themselves.

I somehow sensed I was the reason for all the giggling. `Nin, what did she say?'

Nin could barely stop laughing, `She says you are to come back tomorrow for the Bridal Package.'

I blushed, you won't be at all surprised to hear.

The facial was a revelation. I have no idea what it did to my skin, but it was possibly the most relaxing thing I have ever experienced. I had to giggle when I saw Nin with her mask, but then I caught sight of me in one of the mirrors and I nearly choked with laughter. The head and foot massages which followed were wonderful, so much so that by the time we got to the body scrub I was almost asleep. This was something new to me, and according to Nin it was meant to scrub away dead and flaky cells, leaving your skin fresh and reinvigorated. Alarming mages of women with large muscles armed with scrubbing brushes filled my mind. The therapist indicated we should get onto the table and I was typically hesitant about taking off my robe, but Nin just shrugged hers off and climbed onto her table. Nobody batted an eyelid as she did so, so I followed suit and lay naked face down on the table.

From Nin's description, I thought it might be like being scrubbed with liquid sandpaper, but it was a remarkably pleasant experience with the therapist taking great care to avoid let's say my more delicate areas. In the shower Nin and I washed the oils off each other which turned into a very giggly mutual cock grabbing session.

We finished off with what was the best Thai massage I have ever had, and I've had a few. When it was finished, I felt totally at ease yet reinvigorated. I could see just how addictive a spa can become. After making farewell wais to the therapists we headed back to the hotel in the car.

Nin went ahead of me opened the door and stopped dead so that I bumped into her.

`What's up, Nin?'

I looked over her shoulder to see a scene of complete chaos. Papers and clothes were strewn over the floor, chairs had been overturned and cushions ripped open.

`What the fuck...'

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Next: Chapter 40

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