

Published on Apr 24, 2017



Nikkie Silk

Previously in Cockatoo

`I'm sorry, James. It's Kritsada, he wants a word.' I took the phone from Praew and she disappeared from the room.

`Hello, khun Kritsada.'

`Hello, my dear James, I hope you've had a good time with Praew?'

`Yes, sir. She has been a most gracious host. Is there something I can do for you?'

`Yes, James, there is. You remember the party I talked about this week? The one you will be coming to?'

`Yes, of course.'

`Well, I have request for you, which I hope you will be able to agree to.'

'If I can, sir, I will.'

`Good, good. Now, I find myself without an escort for the evening. It's a long story, but I wonder if you would agree to be my escort for the evening? As Jamie, I mean.'

Cockatoo Part 37

I was dumbstruck by what Kritsada had said. In my confusion, I fumbled over what to say, `Well, err, sir...'

Don't worry, James, you will be well taken care of. I need someone to be my hostess for the evening, and, well, I thought you would like to have the chance to be Jamie for a special evening. You seem to enjoy dressing as Jamie.' I thought that could only have come from Praew. I looked at her, but she was looking out of the window. Well, yes, that's true, sir.'

`Good, good, then it's agreed. I'll have Dao contact you to make arrangements for getting your wardrobe fitted and all other preparations for Wednesday's party. Don't spare any expense. I promise you won't regret this, we'll have a fabulous time.'

`But....' It was no use, he had ended the call. I turned to Praew, who had turned around and was smiling at me.

You told him. I accused her, `I mean about me enjoying dressing as Jamie.'

She smiled, `Yes, but did I do such a bad thing? You told me it's one of the things you enjoyed most about being Jamie. Kritsada asked me to ask you how you felt about being Jamie. I told him what you said.'

`But, that was between us. I didn't mean you to pass it on, especially to Kritsada.'

Please don't be angry with me, James.' She stood in front of me and put her hands on my arms, which I had crossed over my chest. You seemed so very happy talking about Jamie and the way dressing as her made you feel. I know this will be a special evening for you. Kritsada will spend whatever it costs to please you, and you will have a wonderful time, his parties are legendary.' She cocked her head and looked deep into my eyes. Don't you want to know what it feels like to be a Princess for an evening. To be pampered and honoured as the woman of a powerful man like Kritsada. Many girls would sell their soul for one night like that.' Her eyes searched mine, trying to assess what I was thinking. But, if you really don't want to do it, then give him a call and tell him you changed your mind. He will be disappointed, but he will understand, I think.'

Of course, I should have picked up the phone and called him back, but there was something else spinning around in my mind. What would it feel like to be the escort of a man like Kritsada, and to be on his arm as the centre of attention for an evening? My hand twitched as I thought about calling him. Surely, it would be fun for just one night? It couldn't hurt anyone, could it? My finger hovered over Kritsada's number on the phone, and I was still debating with myself what to do when the phone rang. It was Dao. I pressed accept, and the die was cast.

Dao told me that she would pick me up at the hotel in the morning and we would head off to get my outfit for the party. She didn't seem to be at all concerned with what we would be doing and I wondered how much she did know about me. I was having second thoughts once more as I finished the call and I collapsed onto the sofa. Praew came to sit next to me and she took my hand. She could feel me shaking and she gently pulled my head onto her shoulder.

`Don't worry, James, everything will be fine. You will have the time of your life.'

Nin was out when I got back to the hotel; she said she wanted to visit friends in the bars in which she used to work. I fretted for a while, worrying about what was to happen. In the end, I went for a swim in the roof top pool. It was the only way I could think of to get my mind straight. The repetitive discipline of swimming lengths; the breath control, the focus on technique, the water flowing over your body, and the colour of the water through your goggles pushes aside everything else from your mind. It's Zen like once you let yourself go. This time it didn't help much as I still ended the swim worrying myself silly about what I had agreed to do.

When I went back to the room, I rang Alex and Areeya, only to have to leave messages on their voicemails. In one way, I was relieved because I didn't have to tell them about Kritsada's party. I had no idea whether to tell them the truth or not. I rang Thaksin to check in and to tell him I hadn't heard from Jandaeng. He said Jandaeng seemed to have gone to ground as nobody had seen or heard from him recently. He told me to call immediately if Jandaeng made contact with me, but there was nothing more that I could do at the moment. Was it a good sign that Jandaeng had disappeared? Experience had taught me that nothing to do with Jandaeng was good news.

A few minutes later Nin returned, with a smile as wide as her face.

`Hi, Nin. What are you so pleased about?'

`I got date,' she giggled with a shy grin on her face.

`Nin, that's wonderful. Who is it?'

`I was in bar and this American started to talk to me. He very nice, he want to meet me tonight.'

Nin, I don't know if I should say this, but does he know about you?' I went bright red, I mean, you know, about you?'

`What about me, James? What do you mean? Is there something wrong with me?' She looked offended, and I began to flounder.

`No, not all. But, well, you know...'

Do you mean does he know I have cock?' She giggled again before giving me a playful punch on the arm. Yes, James, he know I Kathoey. He not worried, he like cock. I think all men like cock really, don't you?' She smirked as she looked at me. I wasn't sure if she meant that question personally, or about all men.

`Well, maybe, Nin. But, I was only worried about you.'

She smiled and kissed me. `I know, James, you good friend. Will you come with me, tonight?'

`What? You've got a date, why do you want me to come with you?'

`Please come, he very nice.' I began to get suspicious.

Nin, is there something you not telling me?' Nin's eyes slid away. Come on, out with it. What is going on?'

She looked back at me with a glint in her eye. `He have wife, he say she want to join in.'

Ok,' I said, It takes all sorts, I guess. Are you OK with that Nin?'

`Oh yes, done that many times.'

So, what's the problem?' A light bulb flashed in my head as I realised where this was going. Oh, I get it. If he is going to play around, she wants somebody too, is that it?'

Nin nodded, biting her lip. `He so nice, she nice too. I meet her as well. They from San Francisco, very rich. I said I have friend who would come with me. Please, James. She is very beautiful.'

`Nin, why did you tell them that?'

`Please, James, please.' Nin was pleading with me.

To say I didn't want do this was an understatement. But, I thought back to last night when we had been ambushed and Nin had calmly stepped in front of me and possibly saved my life. I owed her something for that for sure.

`Nin, how sure are you this couple is OK.'

`He is staying at Mandarin Oriental, very good hotel. He want us to meet them there. James, they really nice. He willing to pay lot for two of us.'

Bam, there it was. This wasn't a date, well not in the way that I thought of a date. But, in Nin's world, of course, this was a date. I blushed again, this time at my naivety. I heard a voice which sounded like mine saying, `How much?'

Could I be considering this? Being pimped out by Nin? Is this what I've become? It struck me like a punch that this was reality for the people that I lived with and loved. For Pao and Nin, and the girls I knew and spoke to every day at the bar, this was their day to day work. It had also been so for Alex for a long time. I had been on the other side of this too, with Ding and Bell in Nana Plaza, and Waan in Cockatoo. I was in no position to moralise about it that's for sure.

I realised I didn't need to do it, but there was a voice worming around in my mind asking if I could ever understand what Alex and Pao and Nin felt, without doing it myself. Walking In their shoes in a literal sense. I didn't have many inhibitions left, but was this one of the few I would still cling to? Why does my life always have to be so difficult?

`He said he would pay $500 US each.'

The money didn't mean much to me, but I knew it would be a lot to Nin.

`And what do they want for that?' I could hear my voice trembling as I spoke.

`He want to go with me, with his wife watching. Then he want to watch his wife with you. Maybe all together too. I tell him that extra.'

`Which me do they want, Nin?'

She looked straight into my eyes, `Scarlett.'

I found myself nodding, and Nin wrapped her rams around me in a hug. `Kap kun ka, James. Kap kun ka.'

I managed to do my basic make-up, but Nin took over and gave me a much darker, wilder, sexier look than I had worn before. I thought it was way over the top, but I guess that was the point. She finished off with a bright red lipstick, and when I put the wig on, I had to admit I looked hot. Nin pulled out a short dress and held it up against me.

`Very sexy, very Scarlett.' she giggled.

`Nin, I can't wear this, it's too short.' I feebly protested.

`You can, it look great on you. Trust me.'

I shrugged, in for a penny, in for a pound. I pulled on some panties and felt that delicious tingle I always got when the material slid up my legs and pulled tight around me. I shivered slightly, I don't think I would ever get tired of that feeling. Nin had me turn around, slid a bra around my chest and fastened it. The feeling as the bra tightened around my chest made me shiver. I didn't have anything to fill the cups, but the bra seemed to be well padded as when I looked down I definitely had a bust, albeit a small one. I carefully pulled the dress over my head and I felt the hem brush against my legs halfway down my thighs. I looked in the mirror and nearly had a heart attack.

`Nin, can't I wear something longer?'

She didn't answer and handed me a pair of heels I hadn't seen before. `Put these on.'

The heels must have been five inches, and I had never worn a heel this high. They were open-toed, with a little strap to go around the ankle, and what looked like a small padlock on the buckle.

`I can't wear these, they're too high. I'll fall and break my neck.'

No, you won't. Let me help you.' Nin kneeled in front of me and slipped my feet into them and did the buckle up. Padlock just for show. Does not work.' Thank heaven for small mercies I thought. She helped me to stand, and I swayed a little but was able to walk in the heels, just. I felt like a baby giraffe, and I thought I wouldn't want to be on my feet a long time. I giggled as I remembered I would probably be on my back shortly.

See I told you they would be fine, look very sexy. We go now.' Nin grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the door, thrusting my bag into my hands on the way. In the elevator, I had a look inside and found she had put several condoms inside. Nin giggled as I held them up. Just in case.'

We almost ran through the lobby, me trying to pull the hem of my skirt down. I was sure my panties were on display for everyone although nobody seemed to pay any notice. We took the first tuk-tuk we could find, and I learnt very quickly how difficult it is to sit down with a short skirt. I was pulling the hem down when Nin slapped my hand. `Stop that. It draw attention, you look fine. Relax.'

Relax? Just getting my heart rate and blood pressure back to normal would be great. I wondered yet again how I had got myself into this, and if it was too late to back out now. The tuk-tuk pulled up outside the Mandarin Oriental and Nin shoved me out onto the pavement. I was sure I had flashed the bell hop, but he didn't blink an eye. Nin slid her arm into mine and we walked into the lobby, or rather I tottered on my new heels.

`They'll throw us out, won't they?' I whispered to her, as I walked on, my eyes fixed on the floor. I was convinced that my everyone in the lobby could hear my heart trying to escape from my chest. Nin just pulled me to the elevator and pushed the button. It seemed to take ages, and I dreaded the moment when a hand would grab my shoulder and throw us out. Nothing happened, and when the elevator opened, we slipped inside. Nin giggled at me as I let out a deep breath.

`All good now. Worst is over.'

What? She can't be serious, I thought. The doors slid open on the top floor and Nin pulled me out of the elevator as I was seriously considering staying in there. She held my hand as she checked the door numbers until she found the one we were looking for. Nin adjusted my wig and straightened my dress a little.

`You look fine, just relax, they nice. Big smile as we go in. I do talking, OK?'

I nodded. I didn't think I could say anything at that moment. A panic attack swept through me, but Nin took my hand as she knocked on the door. I heard someone come to the door and I guess they looked through the peephole because it took a few seconds before I heard the security bolt in the door unlock. My heart rate went through the roof as the door eased open and I squeezed Nin's hand.

A man looked around the corner of the door and smiled at Nin. `Hi, Nin, I'm glad you decide to come. This is your friend, right? Scarlett, I think you said.'

`Yes, she Scarlett.' I smiled at him, hoping that my smile didn't betray how nervous I felt.

`Come in, come in.'

He opened the door wide and Nin pulled me into the room. It was actually a large suite with a view over the river and the lights of Bangkok beyond. Here at the Mandarin Oriental, this would set you back a packet. We walked into the living space where a woman was sitting on a sofa. She was pretty, about mid 30s I would have guessed, tanned, with long blonde hair and wearing a silk robe. She smiled at us, but I thought she seemed a little nervous, which strangely enough calmed me down a little. I smiled back at her and she said `Hi.'

I turned to look at the man properly for the first time. He was tall, maybe six feet two or so, and I guessed he was older than his wife. He looked in good shape with black bushy hair and a nice smile. He, too was wearing a silk robe, and I guessed there wasn't anything beneath either of their robes.

`I'm Joe and this is Nancy, my wife.' His voice was gentle, with a slight American accent, but one I couldn't place. Nin nudged me towards Nancy.

`Hi Nancy, I'm Scarlett, how are you?' I had been practising my female voice and whilst it was far from perfect, I could get by. She smiled at me, still looking slightly nervous.

`Hi Scarlett, would you like a drink?'

`If you're having one, Nancy.' She gestured towards the side table where there was an empty glass. I thought she might have had a few before we got here.

`Oh yeah, I'm having a drink. What do you want? Beer, wine or something else?'

`Wine would be good, white if you've got it?'

`White wine coming right up, Scarlett.' So far, I thought, so Sunday afternoon with friends. She rose from the sofa and I could see she had a great pair of legs as the robe was quite short. She was very pretty in that California babe kind of way. I followed her over to the small room bar as I heard Nin talking to Joe about the money. I overheard him ask how much more it would be for a foursome, but I couldn't hear Nin's reply. My nerves were settling now, and I touched Nancy on her shoulder as she poured the wine. The gesture seemed to reassure her, and she smiled back at me with more confidence.

`Where are you from, Scarlett?' She asked as she handed me the glass of wine.

`England. Long way from home.' Joe interrupted our little girly get to know you chat.

`OK, should we get on with it? Let's go to the master bedroom, shall we?'

Nin grabbed his hand and let him lead her into the room. I looked at Nancy, smiled broadly and took her hand and followed them. She looked almost reluctant, and I guessed this whole thing was Joe's idea, and that this might be their first time.

I looked at Nancy, `So, we're going to watch them first, is that right?' She nodded, and I led her to a sofa from which we could watch. Joe slipped off his robe, and as I suspected, he was naked underneath. He wasn't fully erect yet, but I could already tell he was large. Nin slipped to her knees and took him into her mouth, and I felt Nancy tense as she watched her husband's cock disappear into Nin's mouth. It was strange but Nancy's reactions made me feel more relaxed. In one way, I felt sorry for her as I was more and more convinced that this was Joe's brainchild, but she had gone along with it. I stroked her hand as Nin continued her attack on Joe's cock.

It was odd to watch Nin with a stranger. Of course, I had been with her, and I had seen her with Shane, but that was different. That had been pleasure, this was her work, and she approached it, well, professionally. She was using all her considerable cock sucking skills on Joe and he had already thrown his head back as Nin's tongue, hands and lips worked on him. He was now fully erect and pushing himself into Nin's mouth. I stole a look at Nancy, who was, leaning forward, her face flushed and her eyes were wide open as she watched. She was getting aroused for sure, and I felt her tremble as Nin deep throated Joe.

I wish I could do that,' she whispered, as she moved her hand onto my leg. I tensed a little, and she looked round at me. Does this bother you?'

`Not at all, Nancy. It makes me hot.' I leaned to give her a kiss, my tongue slipping through her lips. To tell you the truth, my cock was already hard. I defy anyone to watch this and not be aroused. Nin had stopped sucking Joe and led him to the bed where she pushed him onto his back, his erection standing straight up, with its glistening purple head. She slipped off her dress, leaving her in just a tiny pair of panties. She briefly massaged his cock with her hands before wiggling into a 69 with him on the bottom. I could see her take his cock in her mouth as he sucked her erection into his mouth. Nancy made a little noise as she watched Joe sucking Nin, and she began to move her hand up my leg. She was riveted on the scene in front of us, but I could tell she was becoming more and more aroused by what she was watching.

It may have been Joe's idea but Nancy was now getting into this in a big way. I slipped my hand onto her leg and she moaned and opened her legs a little. I stroked her leg and gradually moved my hand up and under the robe. She closed her eyes before turning and kissing me on the mouth. I felt her lipstick slide over mine and her tongue forced its way into my mouth. We kissed for a while before we heard a noise from the bed, and we turned our heads back to watch. Joe and Nin had stopped their 69 and Nin was now straddling Joe's chest with her cock in his throat. He was gagging a little but kept it in his mouth.

Oh my god,' whispered Nancy and her hand crept up my leg until it found my cock, straining within my panties. Take off your dress,' she whispered as she undid the front of her robe, letting it slide open to reveal a beautiful pair of breasts. I pulled my dress over my head and let it fall to the floor. Nancy slid her fingers down the front of my panties and wrapped them around my straining cock. I pulled my panties down and my cock sprang free, Nancy's fingers feathering their way up and down the shaft. I leant forward and took a nipple into my mouth and flicked it with my tongue, feeling it harden instantly. She gasped and pulled my head onto her breast, and I sucked for a few seconds, before Nancy turned my head to see what was happening on the bed. She kept her fingers dancing up and down my cock as we watched Joe and Nin.

Joe now had Nin on all fours in front of him on the bed and his cock was tapping at her rosebud. She looked round at him, nodded, and he began to inch his way inside her. Nin pushed back onto him and squealed as he slid right inside her hole. Nancy moaned again as we watched Joe's cock disappear deep into Nin, and her fingers tightened on my cock. Joe began to slam into Nin, pushing her face onto the bed and making her moan in time with his thrusts. We could hear his balls slapping against her bum as he drove deeper and deeper into her.

I inched my hand up Nancy's leg until I found her pussy, which was already wet. She made a purring sound as I slipped a finger inside her and her other hand slipped down to caress her clitoris. Her breasts were heaving as I plunged my finger in and out and she was breathing heavily. Joe had flipped Nin onto her back and her legs were now wrapped around his back. He leant forwards to kiss her as he pummelled into her. They were both slick with sweat and I saw Nancy lick her lips as Joe kept driving into Nin. He was grunting with the effort until he threw back his head as his climax hit him and he came inside NIn. He kept going for a few thrusts before pulling out and slumping onto the bed. Nin eased herself off the bed and headed to the bathroom to clean up. She gave me a huge wink as she passed me.

Nancy leant over and kissed and nibbled my ear. `Our turn now.' She pulled me up and shrugged off her robe. She really did have a fabulous figure, long lean legs and breasts which didn't sag at all. She grabbed my cock and led me with it over to the bed. Joe got off the bed, looking a bit dazed. Nancy fell back onto the bed and pulled me on top of her. She pulled off my panties, and I unhooked my bra.

`Eat me now, get your fucking tongue in my pussy.' she ordered.

I slid down her body, kissing as I went. I gave both her nipples a tonguing before kissing my way down her tummy. I could feel the heat coming off her as my face neared her glistening, bald pussy. I opened up her lips with my fingers and licked her pussy from bottom to top before giving her clit a little suck. She must have been so sensitive as she whimpered and bucked her hips as I licked her again.

`Make me come, bitch. Work that tongue.' She was now firmly in charge and she held my head in there with her hands and I went to work. I had learnt a lot about how to please a woman with Areeya, and I gave Nancy's pussy my full attention. Using my tongue, fingers and even teeth I had her writhing on the bed within a few seconds. She clamped my head tightly between her legs as she moaned above me.

That's good baby girl,' she cooed, Now get that fucking tongue deeper, you filthy whore.' The words stung, but they also turned me on and I drove my tongue as deep as I was able into her sopping pussy. My face was coated with her juices, and she was holding me so tight with her legs and hands, I could barely breathe. Her hips were bucking hard, and it was difficult to keep my tongue inside.

`Come on, lick my cunt harder, harder.'

She was wild now, writhing and drumming her hands on my head.

`You bitch, make mommy come now.'

My neck began to ache, and I wanted her to come quickly, so I redoubled my efforts on her clit with my tongue, and I managed to slide two fingers into her pussy and she screamed as they slid inside.

`Fuuuuuuuuck, that's good. Keep going whore, don't you fucking dare stop, you bitch.'

She tensed and I knew she was close. I managed to get a third finger into her pussy and her hips were now grinding her pussy against my face. I managed to reach up with hands, found her nipples and gave them a savage twist. That took her right over the edge and she came with a scream, writhing and pulling my head even harder into her pussy, and drenching my face with her juices.

She fell back onto the bed, and with some relief I stretched my neck and pulled myself up the bed to lay next to her. Nancy looked at me and grinned.

`We're not finished yet, bitch. It's my turn now.' Pushing me over onto my back, she pulled my legs over the edge of the bed and kneeled between her legs. She looked up at me and smiled before she enveloped my cock with her mouth. She was no professional at sucking cock, remember I have had my cock sucked by world class mouths, but she was an energetic and skilful amateur. She licked and kissed my cock, flicking her tongue against the head and squeezed my balls with her fingers, making me arch my back off the bed. She then took my balls into her mouth whilst using her hand on my cock, then plunging her hot mouth once more over my cock. I saw Joe, who was now sitting on the sofa with Nin on his lap, watching us with wide eyes as his wife sucked me, only feet in front of him.

She pulled me back onto the bed into a 69 so that I could use my tongue and fingers on her pussy as she sucked me. She had to be super sensitive by now, so I gently licked and caressed her. She began to push back, and I knew she was getting aroused again as I felt her juices start to flow once more, and she moaned, letting me slip out of her mouth. She grabbed a condom from the bedside table, tearing it open and with a practised movement slid it over my cock. She raised herself on her haunches right over my cock and looked down at me.

`Fuck me you bitch, earn your fucking money.'

She quickly positioned herself so that her pussy was right over my cock before dropping and impaling herself on me. I grunted as she came down on me, but she was so ready, I slipped straight inside and felt her tighten up around my cock. She pushed herself up again, then slammed down on me, driving my cock even deeper inside her.

`Fuck, that's what mommy needs.'

She bounced up and down on me, slamming herself down time after time. My cock was as hard as it had ever been and I started to thrust upwards as she came down, making her scream.

`God, that's fucking awesome you whore.' her eyes were closed as she rode me like a horse, her breasts bouncing wildly in front of my eyes. She flopped forward at one point, kissing me hard, her breasts squashed against my chest as she rotated her hips, grinding her pussy against my pelvis.

She flipped us over so that she was on her back, and I began to drive deep into her, and she raked my back with her fingernails, making me gasp as I felt the nails bite into the skin.

`Come on, you whore, fuck me harder, I'm paying for this. I want you to fuck my brains out.'

I slowed up and Nancy looked up at me, anger flashing in her eyes.

`I said fuck my...' As she spoke, I rammed into her with all my strength and she screamed as my cock went deep inside her. I kept going, pistoning in and out with her legs up and over my shoulders.

`Oh my fuck, that's it, that's it, fuck mommy hard,'

I glanced over to see Nin masturbating Joe as he filmed what was happening on his phone. I couldn't have cared less if Steven Spielberg was filming us, I just wanted to fuck Nancy for ever. She shuddered beneath me, and her climax exploded through her.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, she screamed, and that took me over the edge too and I came with a growl, my cum pouring into the condom. I pulled out and flopped onto the bed beside Nancy, desperately trying to catch my breath. I looked across to the sofa and Nin grinned at me as I took the condom off. She came over, picked it up and threw it into a waste bin before going back to stroking Joe's erect cock. I turned to look at Nancy and she grinned at me.

`That was fucking great, Scarlett. But, we ain't finished yet, baby. Joe, get over here. I want you inside me.'

She rolled over onto her hands and knees across the bed and her pussy glistened in the light. Nin shoved me round to her head, and Nancy hungrily took me inside her mouth. Her tongue and fingers soon had me hard again and on the other side the bed Joe knelt behind his wife, his cock ready to penetrate her. Whatever nerves Nancy might have felt about all this had disappeared in the lust that she was now feeling. Joe moved forward and slid straight inside his wife's pussy which in turn pushed Nancy onto my cock. She gagged, but kept me inside. I watched as Nin began to film it all using Joe's phone, coming in for close ups on Nancy's face and then around to film Joe fucking her from behind. Incredibly, whilst she was still filming it all, Nin got on the bed and straddling Nancy's back, slid her cock first into Joe's mouth, then turned round and did the same to me.

I came first, but my cock slipped out and I sprayed cum over Nancy's face. Joe followed, with Nancy close behind, screaming as her husband pushed her face onto the bed. Nin continued to film as we fell onto the bed, a mass of panting bodies, each of us sated and exhausted. Nancy recovered first, grabbed me and kissed me tenderly.

`Thank you, Scarlett, that was lovely and so are you. Come on, let's use the shower first to clean up, those two can wait.' She pulled me up, and we headed to the bathroom. We washed each other under the shower and before long I was erect again and she wanted me to fuck her from the back, standing up with her hands up against the wall. It seemed the least I could do. We dried ourselves and walked back into the bedroom just as Joe was fucking Nin one more time. Nancy grabbed the phone and filmed them until they collapsed on the bed. As they headed off to the shower, I managed to find my clothes and got dressed. Nancy had put her robe back on and poured us both a glass of wine as we waited for Nin and Joe.

There was something which intrigued me and I wanted to ask Nancy a question. `Nancy, you don't have to tell me, but was it your choice of someone like me tonight or was it Joe's?'

`Why do you want to know?'

`When we arrived, you seemed nervous, and I thought all this was Joe's idea, and you were just playing along to please him. But, as we got into it, it occurred to me more and more that you were the one in charge.'

She smiled as she spoke. `Scarlett, No problem. You're right, it was my idea. Joe and I are happily married, but our businesses don't always let us share much downtime together, so my trip here gave us an opportunity. I guess I have always had more of an adventurous streak than him. I didn't want to do this with a man because a man would have represented a threat to Joe. This way, we could both get what we wanted without me also being threatened by Joe fucking another woman.'

She hesitated, Sorry for saying that.' I just shrugged, it didn't bother me. She smiled and went on, I know Joe has always been fascinated by Ladyboys, so I dropped a few hints and so he thinks this was all his idea. But, it was really mine. Of course, I acted a little nervous just to reassure him that he was in charge. Don't tell him.' She grinned as she said it, and I grinned back, `Don't worry, Nancy, your secret is safe with me.' In the end, I guess women really are smarter than men.

She stroked my face, looking serious. `Although I have one regret, Scarlett.'

`What's that?'

I didn't get to use my strapon with you. I like giving as well as taking.' She kissed me and said. Still, maybe another time.'

Well, that's not going to happen, I thought.

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Next: Chapter 38

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