

Published on Jan 27, 2017


Cockatoo Part 34

Nikkie Silk

I woke to find Alex already up and talking with Nin. My shoulder was still aching, so I swallowed a couple of painkillers with some orange juice before remembering to ask Alex about Pao. She was improving fast, and would be discharged either today or tomorrow. Alex wanted to stay in Bangkok, but I told her to go back to Samui to be with Areeya. In the back of my mind I had the idea that it would be safer there. I also said to Nin that she should also return to recover for a few days, and then she could come back fully rested. Nin was reluctant, but Alex agreed with me that it would be better if she did. So, after breakfast we all hugged, said our goodbyes, and they headed out to the airport.

Shane called a little while later to say he was being stood down and could meet for lunch somewhere. We agreed I would call him later when I knew what I would be doing. Kritsada called to tell me that his assistant would be arriving shortly to help me replace whatever I had lost in the bombing. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door and a smartly dressed Thai girl stood there.

`Sawasdee Kha, Khun James. I am Dao, personal assistant to Khun Kritsada. I am here to help you this morning. I have some things for you to replace those lost yesterday in most terrible bombing.'

From her bag she produced a brand new iPhone and an iPad, both set up and ready to go. A few minutes later I had synced them with my icloud data and had shared the new number with Shane, Alex and Areeya. This would do for a starter, but I also wanted to get myself a burner phone in the almost certain knowledge that the iPhone would be bugged by someone or other.

A limo took us to the MBK centre where Dao gave me a card on which she said I should charge everything. MBK is a shopping paradise, and it didn't take long for me to replace the male clothes and personal items I had lost the day before. Of course, it was impossible for me to replace the female clothing with Dao around. I regretted the loss of the wig more than anything, especially as it had been Alex's originally. There would be opportunities to go female shopping in the future, probably with Nin's help when she returned. I told Dao I would be meeting somebody for lunch so she arranged for my shopping to be delivered to the hotel and handed me a prepaid credit card and some Baht, all courtesy of Kritsada. She would see me at Kritsada's office the following day, which brought me back down to earth as I remembered what I was here to do.

I texted Shane to meet me at one of the restaurants in Siam Paragon before buying a prepaid phone which would be hard for somebody to hack. My shoulder began to ache again, so I headed for the restaurant to wait for Shane with a beer and my iPad. Scanning the news reports about the bombings, the consensus amongst the media was that it had been a botched terrorist attack, although no group had yet claimed responsibility. The death toll was mounting all the time, including the driver of the truck which had carried the bomb. There were some photographs taken from the air, and I managed to spot the Mercedes. It lay amongst a number of other vehicles which looked as if they had been tossed around like toys.

I watched as Shane manoeuvred his big frame through the restaurant. As usual he drew admiring glances from both women and men. He grinned as he saw me and I wanted to stand up and hug him, but had to make do with a handshake.

`How's the shoulder?'

Getting better but still sore.' I ordered a couple of beers and we sat down in a quiet cubicle. How much time do you have before you're back on duty?'

`No worries, I'm not due back on until midnight, unless something else happens in the meantime. How are you feeling? You must have had a rough time yesterday.'

I told him the whole story from the time we had split up at the airport to when Kritsada found Nin and I at the hospital. He listened patiently, and as I finished stretched his hand across the table and touched mine. The feel of his hand sent a thrill through me and I blushed, looking away from him.

I can't tell you how glad I am you're alright,' he said softly. Thank you,' I looked up into his eyes and almost melted. He pulled his hand back, and I immediately wished he had left it there. `Ok, enough of me, what happened to you?'

`Nothing much really. The Embassy went into emergency mode, called us all back in as a precaution and we spent the time on alert. We got stood down this morning, but they are still worried there may be more attacks. The intel guys think it's a failed terror bombing but nobody knows who or what the target might have been. There was a rumour it was the beginning of a coup attempt, but that's been downgraded. I think the locals had wind of an attack but didn't know where or when.'

`Kritsada told me he thought it might be aimed at him.'

Shane frowned. `Why?'

`He says there are Chinese Triads trying to move into Bangkok and they want to get rid of the competition. He was going to come out to the airport in the car, but he changed his plan at the last moment. That's why he thought he might be the target. He's definitely got the wind up. He has two bodyguards with him all the time now.'

Shane thought for a moment. `Well, what he said about the Triads is true enough, but this doesn't look like a targeted hit. Not that they would have any conscience about any collateral damage, but it doesn't feel right.'

`That's what I thought, but he's worried for sure.'

`Is that why you wanted Alex and Nin to go back to Samui?'

`I have to believe it's safer over there at the moment. I'll go back to see them when I can. I'm also expecting to get a call or a visit from Jandaeng. He'll want something from me soon.'

Shane looked thoughtful for a moment. `Do you really think Kritsada is involved in politics, as Jandaeng says?'

I shrugged, `I really don't know. Kritsada says he isn't and Areeya doesn't believe he is. He's got fingers in lots of dodgy stuff. But politics? I can't rule it out.'

Shane's phone buzzed and he grimaced as he saw the number. He listened for a few moments before saying, `OK, I'll be there right away.'

`I know, you've got to go.' I said.

The Ambassador is throwing a fit, so we're all being recalled. Sorry.' Don't worry, call me when you can.' We shook hands and he quickly left. I stayed there for a while, catching up on emails, before heading back to the hotel. Alex called to let me know she and Nin had got back to Samui safely, and I promised to call her later. As I hung up, Dao called to ask if everything was in order. She told me Kritsada had asked her to invite me to a Muay Thai bout this evening at the Rajadamnern stadium, one of the biggest Muay Thai places in Bangkok. A fighter of his was in action tonight, and he thought it would be interesting for me. I had nothing better to do, so I agreed, and Dao said Kritsada would send a car and meet me at the stadium.

Muay Thai is deeply ingrained in Thai culture. Fighters are highly trained, superbly conditioned and are considered national heroes by many Thais. Like western boxing it's a way for poorer people to improve their condition, but careers are generally short as many boxers will fight every week and the training regimes are brutal. To the uninitiated, fights are a bewildering flurry of kicks and punches with fists, feet and elbows. In the bear pit atmosphere of a Muay Thai hall, it's an exhilarating spectacle, and I was looking forward to it. It would be a way to take my mind off everything else.

The car dropped me off at the stadium where Kritsada met me and took me inside. As a former Muay Thai fighter, gym owner, and his own string of fighters, Kritsada had special privileges which included the best ringside seats. He seemed to be back to his swaggering best tonight. He was in his element; these were his people and he felt safe among them.

People came up and would perform a deep wai to him, a sign of his status in this place. This was his stage and he put on a theatrical show of defiance. Whatever was threatening him outside, in here he was important and he wanted anyone watching him to know it. He waved to the crowd and out of the corner of his mouth he said, I feel good tonight, James. We will have some fun now and later.

Kritsada's fighter was in the third bout of the evening and we enjoyed two good fights before his. Gambling in Thailand is illegal except at Muay Thai fights and there were some big gamblers in tonight, or so Kritsada told me. The crowd were noisy and enthusiastically getting into each fight. The noise when the second bout ended in a knockout threatened to take the roof off. Kritsada grew quiet as his fighter entered the ring wearing the headband, or Mongkhon, of Kritsada's gym. Both fighters looked in great condition as they prayed at each corner post followed by the ram muay, the ritual that each Muay Thai boxer performs before the bout. With a great shout from the crowd the fight began.

Each fight has five rounds and for the first couple the fighters generally suss each other out and try to dominate their opponent. The action heats up in the next rounds as they begin to fight more aggressively. Kritsada's fighter seemed to be outclassed in the early rounds and I thought he wouldn't last very long. Kritsada whispered to me, `Lots of bets going on opponent.' He nodded to where the gamblers were frantically signalling their bets. Kritsada seemed unperturbed by his fighter's apparent problems. Halfway through the fourth round Kritsada's fighter was caught by his opponent in a clinch and seemed to be in trouble. In a flash he slipped out of the clinch and exploded into action with a whirlwind of kicks and punches. The other fighter was driven back against the ropes, desperately trying to defend, but with a spinning backfist strike Kritsada's fighter dropped his opponent to the floor, where he stayed as the referee counted him out. The crowd were roaring and Kritsada was beaming all over his face.

That was clever.' I said to him, Holding back to make him look out of it and then going straight for the knockout.'

Kritsada laughed and looked around, `There may be some gamblers who disagree with you, but it made an exciting fight, don't you think?'

`Did you have any bets tonight?' I asked.

He smiled, `No, that would not be right. But let me say I may have some friends who have wagered a few Baht tonight. They will be happy with me. Anyway, let's go. We need to talk where we cannot be overheard.' He stood up and took the congratulations from many of the people at the ringside before heading out of the stadium. Just as we left, I turned to look back and saw the unmistakable figure of Inspector Jandaeng looking straight at me through those sunglasses he seemed to wear at all times. I froze as he slowly nodded his head at me before melting back into the crowd. Undoubtedly a signal that he had not forgotten me.

Shaken, I hurried after Kritsada out into the Bangkok night. A car pulled up just as we reached the kerb and one of the bodyguards slipped out to open the rear door for us. We pulled out into the traffic as Kritsada turned to me and said, `Did you see Jandaeng there? He looks so obvious in those stupid sunglasses.'

I nodded, `So, did you set it up for him to see me and you together?'

Kritsada waggled his hand, `I thought he would be there tonight. It does no harm, how do you say, to let the dog see the rabbit.'

I wasn't that happy about being compared to a rabbit, but decided to keep quiet. As we pulled up the bodyguard jumped out, took a look around and then opened the door for Kritsada. My mouth dropped open as I climbed out and saw where we were. It was the Cockatoo bar. Kritsada turned to me and said with a straight face, `I think you know this place?' I blushed as I remembered this was where I had met Pao in what now seemed a lifetime ago. The first time I was here I was pushed through the door by an old friend, and had run out in a panic. How our lives change.

Kritsada ushered me inside and we were led to what I guessed was a VIP room at the back of the bar.

We can talk here, we won't be overheard.' The mamasan brought a bottle of Kritsada's preferred whisky and two glasses. He poured us both a generous measure and we touched glasses. Let's talk first and then we can have some company.' He took a big swig from the glass and looked serious. `Are you still OK to go ahead with our plan, James?'

`I don't have any choice. Jandaeng has me over a barrel, and I need to give him something. I believe he will do as he has threatened if I don't.'

`OK, James, here's what we will do. Tomorrow you begin your project as we agreed. Someone in my organisation is betraying me to my competition and I want you to find out what you can. I will ask Dao to be your local contact and to introduce you to my people in the business. I trust her completely. However, even she does not know the true reason for your presence here. Where is Nin, by the way?'

`I sent her back to Samui for a few days so she can recover fully. She will be back in a few days.'

`You can stay in the suite for a while, but I will need to relocate you somewhere else. As for Jandaeng, I suspect he will be in touch very soon. You need something to give him as a taster, something to keep him thinking he is in charge. I will be hosting an evening next week with some contacts in the diplomatic community here. I do this from time to time. Tell Jandaeng that you have been invited as my guest. It is a harmless evening but I think it will spark his interest. It should keep him off your back for a while.'

`OK, that seems straightforward enough. I will just have to wait until he contacts me.'

`Excellent, James. Now let's have some entertainment.'

Before I could say anything, Kritsada pressed a button on the wall and the door opened. Two girls slid through the door and Kritsada said, `This is Waan and Malee.' There were two floor to ceiling poles in the room and they each took one as music began to play in the background. They were wearing identical bikinis, one in white and the other in black as well as heels in the same colour. Circling the poles, they held on with one hand, their long black hair flowing as they began to move more quickly.

In unison they launched themselves onto the poles, each mirroring the moves of the other. I had watched pole dancing before, but these two were better than anything I had ever seen. As supple and flexible as gymnasts they swooped and swirled around the poles. Their moves were perfectly synchronised as they whirled around the poles. Sometimes I could not tell how they managed to hang upside down or hold themselves horizontal with such little contact with the pole.

Kritsada tipped up our glasses as the two girls performed incredible moves with such apparent ease. Malee gracefully slid down the pole to the ground allowing Waan to do a sole routine for a while, before she gave way to Malee for her solo. The routine got more and more erotic and my cock began to stir as I watched her almost make love to the pole, wrapping her legs around and arching her back. I was so fixed on her that I jumped when I felt a hand brush my neck.

I am Waan.' I heard a voice whisper in my ear. I had not noticed that she had left her pole and had moved behind me. I looked across at Kritsada and he smiled, James, please enjoy yourself. This is my gift to you tonight. Waan will do whatever you ask.' Waan slid around in front of me, straddled me as she pulled down her bikini top, and put her hands behind my head pulling my mouth onto her nipple. I am not made of stone. The pole dancing had already aroused me, so when Waan began to grind her backside into my groin, my cock decided that it wanted some fun too.

There was a voice in my head that was saying this is wrong, think about what you're doing. The other voice in my groin was telling me that this was fine; in fact, it was more than fine, it was great. Waan moved my mouth onto the other nipple and as my tongue flicked against the small hard nub, I looked over to see Kritsada had vanished and Malee was nowhere to be seen. Waan stood up and hooked her thumbs into the bikini pants. She started to pull them down and then paused, teasingly pulling them back up and turning her back to me. She pushed her bum into my face and instinctively my fingers stroked up her legs and across her sweet backside inches from my face. She giggled and I edged her pants down so that her crack was right in my face. I couldn't help it as my tongue gave her lovely little brown bottom a lick. She giggled and pushed back almost trapping me between her cheeks. I gave her a little slap and she squealed, moving forward and turning round to face me again.

Mister, you like cock or pussy?' she said. If you no like cock I can fetch pussy.'

The voice in my head told me to stop, get out before anything else happens. The voice from my groin insisted I should stay; things were just getting warmed up. Taking my silence as an answer Waan pushed her bikini pants down to reveal a tiny cock and set of balls.

`You like my cock?'

I nodded, unable to speak. It really was a beautiful little cock, poking straight out from her groin.

`You wanna suck my cock?'

The only voice I could now hear was the one from my groin telling me to get on with it. I reached out and touched her cock and she giggled as my fingers stroked the head. Waan moved forwards so that the tip was level with my mouth. Moving her hips forwards she touched the tip against my lips, which parted letting her slide the tiny cock inside. It felt like I was sucking a thumb, but Waan kept moving it in and out gently at first and then with more force. I looked up and locked eyes with her until she moaned softly and closed her eyes.

I cum now.' she said and I felt her stiffen and a pulse of cum erupted from the tip straight onto my tongue. It was over in a flash and I guessed she was on hormones. Waan slid her cock from my mouth and dropped to her knees, her hands unzipping me in a practised motion. I suck your cock now.' she announced, as her hands slid into my trousers releasing my now erect cock.

Mmm. nice dick.' She drew me into her mouth and began to swirl her tongue around my head. The combination of the pole dancing and sucking her cock had already taken me to the edge, and within a few seconds her mouth and hands brought me to a crashing climax. She kept her lipos locked around me and I swear not a drop of my cum was spilled. You taste nice, mister. You want fuck now?'

My head was spinning now and I decided enough was enough.

`Waan, thank you, but I have to go now. You are lovely, and you taste nice too.'

She grinned, `Thank you. I hope we can fuck sometime.'

I zipped up my trousers and she kissed me before pulling on her pants and retying her top. She blew me one last kiss before skipping out of the door. The mamasan entered a few seconds later.

`Khun Kritsada say sorry, he called away. He will see you tomorrow morning at office. Was Waan good?'

She was very good,' I said. I dug in my trouser pocket and pulled out some Baht. Will you please give her this?'

She nodded. `Will you tell Khun Kritsada you happy?' She seemed anxious that I would not be happy and Kritsada would blame her.

`Yes, I will tell him I am very happy.'

`There is private way out. Tuk-tuk is waiting. You do not need pay him.' She unlocked a door at the back of the VIP room, some of the guests here would probably prefer discretion. As she said there was a tuk-tuk waiting outside and I climbed inside, relieved to be on my way back to the hotel and some sleep.

As I stepped out of the tuk-tuk outside the hotel, three men emerged from a minivan and headed straight for me. One of them slid his jacket back to show a gun holstered in his waistband, and I wasn't going to argue with that. One of them pulled my arms behind me and I yelled with pain from my shoulder as he clamped handcuffs around my wrists.

`What are you doing, for fucks sake?' I shouted.

The leader stuck his face close to mine. `You shut up, you terrorist, or I shoot you now.'

`I'm not a ter...' Before I could finish the word he hit me in the stomach, and I dropped to the floor, completely winded. The other two pulled me up and dragged me into the minivan. My shoulder felt like it was being ripped off as they shoved me into the back of the van. One of them pulled a hood over my eyes, and for a moment I thought that this was it, I was going to be shot. The van moved off, and we drove for a while, the driver hooting and even shouting at traffic to get out of the way. Between the pain in my shoulder and the fear induced by the hood, I had no idea how long we had been driving.

The van stopped, and I heard the doors opening before being shoved outside. I stumbled and someone caught me by the arm, sending pain shooting through my shoulder. I was pushed and pulled, tripping up a step before being pushed heavily down onto a chair. My shoulder was aching, and I desperately wanted to use the toilet.

`Hey, where am I?' I tried to speak, but the hood got caught in my mouth, and the handcuffs were now biting into my wrists. There was no response and I could hear nothing. I didn't even know if there was anyone in the room with me. How long I was left on my own I don't know, but at some point a door opened and someone came into the room. They walked behind me and the hood was whipped off my head. Light flooded into my eyes making me screw them tight. Squinting I could see I was sat at a table opposite a fat Thai with a monk's shaven head. He had a file in front of him which he was reading. He didn't look up until he had finished the file.

`What were you doing in Bangkok?' For a fat man his voice was surprisingly high pitched.

`I'm here on business. Why am I here? I've done nothing.'

He ignored my outburst. `Who is your business with?'

`A businessman called Kritsada. Look, can I talk to the British Embassy? I'm British.'

`You have no identity papers, how do I know who you are?'

`My passport was in my bag which was in our car. It caught fire on the road when the bomb went off.'

The next question knocked me sideways. `What are you doing for Jandaeng?'

I stared at him. `What?'

`What are you doing for Jandaeng?'

My mind was reeling. If he's asking me about him, then surely he can't be part of Jandaeng's operation.

`Who's Jandaeng?' Not my brightest reply, but I didn't know what the hell was going on here.

His expression didn't change. You are not deaf, and you clearly understand English. I suggest you answer my questions or there will be painful consequences for you.' He opened the file and pushed some photographs across the table to me. They were clearly taken the first time I met Jandaeng. I ask again, what are you doing for Jandaeng?'

`OK, OK, he wants me to spy on Kritsada for him.'

The man nodded, `That's better, now why are you doing this?'

`Because he has threatened me and my friends will be arrested and deported if I don't help him.'

`What does he want you to find out about Kritsada?'

Look, who are you? Why are you asking me these questions? I'm not going to answer anything else until you tell me what is going on.' The man leant back in his chair. You are in no position to make any demands. Nobody knows you are here. People disappear sometimes from this place.'

The pain in my shoulder and anger at being treated like this fired me up. `I am fed up with people threatening me. I don't care any more. Now, either tell me what is going on, or do whatever you want, I'm not saying anything else.'

He looked at me for a while, then seemed to make a decision. `I work for the organised crime unit of the police force. We have become aware that Inspector Jandaeng is involving himself in matters which are not part of his police role. We have had him under observation for some time and we know about his interest in Kritsada. We suspect Jandaeng is linked to Triads who are trying to move into Bangkok and he wants to take over Kritsada's businesses. We saw you when you met Jandaeng and we believed you were working for him, but we didn't know why. But you say he has recruited you to be his vole.'

Vole?' I said, Oh, mole.'

`Ah, mole, that is right.'

`Why didn't you fucking ask me nicely, then? I might have told you without you kidnapping me, putting a hood over my head and scaring me to death. My shoulder feels like it's dislocated again. What is up with you people? And Jandaeng hasn't recruited me, he's blackmailing me.' I ran out of steam and slumped back in the chair.

`I ask again, what does Jandaeng want to know?'

I was so angry it took me a few seconds to process what the guy had said. `Wait, what did you say? About Jandaeng and triads.'

He looked at me as a teacher might a particularly dense child. `We believe Jandaeng to be working with the triads.'

`You mean he's not interested in politics?'

His patience was running thin. `Please listen to me, I will not say it again. Jandaeng is not interested in politics. Now, for the last time. What does Jandaeng want to know?'

I shook my head in confusion, `Jandaeng told me Kritsada was getting himself involved in politics and he wanted information about that.'

He smiled for the first time. `It might be that Inspector Jandaeng is not telling you the truth. He may have wanted to conceal his true intention.'

`As might you. I don't have a clue who you are, and if you're telling the truth or not.'

`True, but do you have any choice? I brought you in as a suspected terrorist, remember? Under our current laws l can do with you whatever I believe is necessary. Including locking you up where nobody will find you for a very long time.'

I was getting seriously mad with this guy, Jandaeng, and the entire Thai police for that matter. Not for the first time I bitterly regretted my casual agreement to do some `consultancy' for Kritsada.

I sighed, `What do you want?'

`It is very simple. I want to know what Jandaeng asks you and what Kritsada tells you to tell him. I have no doubt you and Kritsada have hatched a little plan to feed Jandaeng information. I am not particularly interested In Kritsada, just Jandaeng. However, I would advise you not to tell Kritsada what you are doing for me. I do not want him to try anything on his own against Jandaeng.'

`What do I get out of all this? I might just decide to pack up and disappear.'

He paused for a moment before counting off on his fingers. `One, you have no papers, so you cannot leave Thailand. Two, there is nowhere here for you to hide, I will find you. Three, you have ties here that you do not want to risk. Four, if you help me to catch Jandaeng you will be free to continue your life here. Five, if you decide not to co-operate? Well, you can imagine what that might mean. You have five minutes to decide. I will be back then for your answer.' He pushed back his chair and left, taking his files with him but leaving the photos on the desk as a reminder.

My head slumped forward and I closed my eyes. I heaped a million curses on Kritsada but that wasn't going to help me anytime soon. I was now involved in a dangerous triple cross, but I knew I didn't have any choice but to go along with this guy. I realised I didn't even know his name. At least, if he managed to arrest Jandaeng, I would be out of it all. I loathed Jandaeng and to see him in handcuffs or worse would be sweet. It would be complicated and risky, but if it worked it would be worth it.

The door opened and he walked back in and sat down opposite me once more.

`Well, what is your decision?'

To be continued

My thanks to the lovely Abigale for her help in editing the last two chapters and her invaluable suggestions.

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Next: Chapter 35

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