

Published on Nov 15, 2016


Cockatoo Part 32

Nikkie Silk

Jandaeng's voice came through loud and clear and chilled me to the bone. `It seems you've had some trouble at your bar over there, James.'

Bad news travels fast I thought. I hated the sound of his voice. It made my flesh creep and took me straight back to the bar in Bangkok and what he had done to me that night. I took a deep breath and tried to keep my voice as calm as possible.

`Yes Inspector, the mamasan was stabbed in a bar fight. I'm surprised you know about it.'

`It is my job to know these things. I also found it surprising that Kritsada flew out the lovely Doctor Wichasak to attend to a mamasan.'

That shook me until I realised it must have come from within Kritsada's operation. I filed that nugget away for the future.

`The mamasan is a very good friend of his daughter. He did it as a favour for her, Inspector.'

Alex chose that moment to come out onto the balcony and I mouthed Jandaeng at her. She scowled and flipped her middle finger at the phone.

`By the way, how are you, James? I heard you were unwell recently.'

I was thrown by this until I remembered that the cover story for my trip to Bangkok was that I was ill. He was telling me he knew everything about me. It was obvious he did have people keeping an eye on me on the island. But it did seem to mean he didn't know about my trip to Bangkok as Jamie.

`Err, I'm better now. It was a bout of food poisoning. I had to stay inside for a few days. But I'm guessing you haven't called me to ask about my health.'

`On the contrary, James. I want you well enough to fulfil our little agreement. You remember that?'

As if I could forget it.

`Yes, yes, I remember. I was due to fly to Bangkok today but that will have to wait for a couple of days until we get things sorted here.'

`I'm disappointed, but I'm sure that you will recall the penalty for not fulfilling our agreement? I wouldn't want to see you and that little farang kathoey whore you are fucking have to leave Thailand.'

I felt like I was going to be sick; I would somehow make him eat those Words.

`No, that's won't be necessary. I will be in Bangkok as soon as I can. How do I contact you?'

Do not worry, I will contact you, now don't delay too long or I may have to put a little extra pressure on you.' The phone went dead, and I realised I was sweating. Alex put her arms around me and said, What the hell did he want?'

Just to put the frighteners on me.' I said. He bloody succeeded as well.'

`We'll beat him; I know we will.' She whispered to me.

We have to, I thought. I couldn't bear to think of what would happen if we didn't. I hated Jandaeng, not only for what he had done to me in Bangkok, but for putting me in this impossible position. I didn't want to leave Samui with Pao in this condition, but I knew if I didn't, I would be putting Alex, and probably Areeya too, in his firing line. I couldn't take that risk. The first thing I had to do was to talk to Kritsada.

`Is Areeya awake?' I said to Alex.

`Yes, I am, what's happening? Is it Pao?' Areeya walked through the door blinking at the sunlight.

`No, no news yet. It's Jandaeng, he's putting pressure on me to go to Bangkok and start spying on Kritsada. I need to speak to him, do you want to call him?'

She nodded and picked up her phone. She spoke for some time and then handed the phone to me.

`Good morning James, I hear there's no definite news about Pao yet, but Doctor Wichasak says there is a chance she will pull through.'

`I hope so, sir. Thanks for sending the Doctor across. That was very generous of you. I need to talk about my trip to Bangkok. I was due to come today but can we put it back for a couple of days, say Wednesday?'

`Of course, James. I will make arrangements for you and Nin to start then, I hope we will soon have good news about Pao.'

`By the way, can you remember I mentioned an aunt of mine was going to be in Bangkok? She wants to meet me this week. Would you mind if I did spend some time with her?'

There was a short pause, then Kritsada said, `I do remember, your aunt from Glen Dullan, is that right?'

I hesitated but then caught on, `That's right sir, from Glen Dullan.'

`No problem, James. I am sure we can manage around that. I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.'

I handed the phone back to Areeya, and she talked some more to her father. Alex said, `What was all that about? Your aunt's coming to Bangkok, you never told me. She lives in Scotland?'

I grinned at her, `My aunt Lizzie lives in Leeds and won't even leave Yorkshire. I wanted to let Kritsada know Jandaeng was in touch. I hoped he would catch on, and he did. Glendullan is a rare whisky, he used it to check I meant Jandaeng. Glendullan, Jandaeng?'

Alex shook her head, `Be careful, this could get dangerous.'

`I'll be careful, I promise.'

We had a quick breakfast and then went straight back to the hospital. Shane and Nin had heard nothing more about Pao's condition, so we had to decide what to do next. We couldn't all stay at the hospital so we agreed that one of us would be here for the rest of the day in case something happened. We would take it in turn and I volunteered for the first few hours. Alex and Areeya offered to stay with me, but I promised I would call if I heard anything at all. I told Shane and Nin I had to go to Bangkok on Wednesday, but if she wanted to stay here, I would completely understand. She thought for a moment then said that if I was going, then she would too. I thanked her and turned to Shane.

`My leave is running out so I have to be back in Bangkok this week to report for duty. If it's OK with you, I'll go with you two.'

Nin and I both smiled, and I said, `Well maybe we could put up with you for a little while longer. Now, both of you go and get some rest.'

Nin hugged me and Shane, and I promised to call her the moment I heard anything. They reluctantly left, and I settled down with my iPad to catch up on things for the business I had neglected for too long. It was about an hour later when Doctor Wichasak walked in smiling.

`We think the worst is over. Pao is stable and breathing without help. There doesn't seem to be any internal bleeding, and the knife doesn't seem to have hit anything serious inside, so we hope there won't be any infection. She was very lucky. I think that what you and that big Australian, Shane, is it? What you both did at the scene probably saved her. If you hadn't acted as quickly as you did, she might not have made it here in time. We're bringing her out of the coma soon. You can see her briefly, but it will be tomorrow before she'll be ready for visitors.'

I flopped back in the chair, almost knocked out by the news. `Thank you, Doctor. That's fantastic news. She means a lot to me.'

She laid a hand gently on my arm, `That's clear to see, James. I will stay here for the rest of today, but I have to be back in Bangkok tomorrow morning.'

`I'm there on Wednesday to start work for Kritsada.'

`Bear what I said in mind, James. Be careful. Remember to call me when you're there.' She smiled and touched my arm again before heading back inside. I called the others to give them the news about Pao and I would tell them more when I was allowed to see Pao. It wasn't long before a nurse came to fetch me and led me through to where Pao had been moved. Only a drip in her arm remained from the machines to which she had been connected in Intensive care. The nurse told me she was waking up slowly, and I could have ten minutes with her now. I stood by the bed and she stirred as I touched her hand. Her eyelids flickered, and she opened her eyes.

`Pao, it's James. I'm so glad you're getting better.'

She tried to speak, but I knew that coming round would be difficult.

Don't try to speak. The others send their love and we will all be in to see you tomorrow.' I felt her squeeze my hand, and I bent down and kissed her forehead. I whispered to her, Thank you, Pao. I love you.'

She squeezed my hand once more and then I saw her eyelids flicker and she went back to sleep.

I thanked as many of the staff as I could find. I called everyone once more with the news and then headed to the apartment. Alex was there but Areeya had gone to Cockatoo to see what needed to be done after last night. We sat on the balcony for a while, Alex sitting on my lap with her head on my shoulder. We didn't speak much, just hugged and kissed a little, too exhausted to do much more. Alex eventually had to go down to the restaurant to sort out a few problems, so I wandered down the strip to Cockatoo. They had cleaned up as well as they could, but there was a dark patch where Pao had lain after the stabbing. Areeya was busy round the back, Nin was at home and Shane at his hotel, and I felt at a complete loose end.

I had a beer at the bar then walked towards the pier with the idea of a quick swim. I think it was then I got the feeling that I was being followed. I'm not sure what it was that spooked me, but I shivered and the hairs stood up on the back of my neck. Was I being paranoid? If someone was following me, was it Jandaeng? Or the thugs from the mainland? I walked into one of the bars, bought a beer, then went as if to use the toilet and walked straight out the back. I circled around and found a place from where I could discreetly watch the front of the bar.

A few minutes later a Thai came out, looked up and down the street before calling someone on his phone. A few minutes later a police car pulled up, and the guy jumped in. So, I was being followed, but at least it was only Jandaeng. In a funny way it made me feel more secure that it was Jandaeng's boys who were following me. They wouldn't want to see me harmed; at least not yet.

I went back to the apartment and began reluctantly to plan for the trip to Bangkok. Kritsada wanted me to discover the informant in his organisation whilst at the same time, Jandaeng wanted me to be an informer for him. I would have to tread very carefully. Any slip up could be very dangerous. Jandaeng had already threatened me and Alex with deportation or worse. Even Doctor Wichasak had hinted that I should be careful around Kritsada. I was playing for high stakes in this game. I would be a double agent, and that didn't feel a comfortable place to be. So, what did I know? I pulled out the iPad and made a list.

1 Kritsada's phones were being bugged. Would have to assume his office was too. Probably how he knew about my work for Kritsada, and Doctor Wichasak's flight to Samui so quickly.

2 Kritsada believes someone in his organisation is disloyal and leaking information to his competitors. Under cover of my IT project I need to see if I can identify who that is.

3 Jandaeng says Kritsada is getting involved in Thai politics. If true, a very dangerous activity with the current military Junta. Kritsada denies this. Do I believe him? Jury still out on that.

4 Jandaeng wants someone very close to Kritsada, and he has set me up for that. Kritsada thinks we can use that to our advantage. I'm dubious. Jandaeng is no fool. He will sniff out anything that's too obvious.

5 I will have Nin as translator and her IT skills could be useful.

6 Would Jamie be useful when I'm there? Not sure how, but I will take wig and clothes in case.

7 Shane will be in Bangkok. He will be on duty but useful to know he's close at hand.

There wasn't much more I could do from here, so I sat with a beer enjoying the sunset. Areeya bounced up the steps and came and sat on my lap. She kissed me and then looked serious. `You must be careful in Bangkok, James. I do not want to you to take risks, even for my father.'

`I will be very careful, Areeya.'

`Good, I love my father, but I love you more.' She had never said that to me before, and my heart melted as she kissed me gently on the lips.

I love you too, Areeya.' We kissed again and hugged each other for a while, watching the last of the daylight fade into darkness. We heard footsteps coming up the steps and Alex appeared. Stop that right now you two, I can't trust either of you when I'm not around.' Areeya giggled and slid off my lap. `Yes, Mummy. We have been so bad; we need to be punished.'

All in good time, my pets, all in good time. Mummy won't forget. But listen, I've had an idea.' said Alex. Areeya and I groaned together, both of us knowing what one of Alex's ideas could mean. It earned each of us an arm punch. Seriously, it's your last night here for a while, James, and I suggest we have a big dinner, invite Nin and Shane too.' That's a great idea,' said Areeya, and I agreed. She grinned, We'll all go to see Pao tomorrow and then come back here, get ready and have dinner downstairs and come back up for some drinks.'

It was one of Alex's better ideas, so I called Shane who agreed very quickly, and Areeya called Nin who was delighted to be included. I suggested we could all do with an early night, so after a quick trip to Cockatoo in order for Areeya to check on the bar, we had dinner in one of the back street restaurants used by the locals. Full of food and beer we made our way back to the apartment.

As I walked in I felt something wasn't right. I tried to shake off the feeling. I had spooked myself earlier on with my shadow, and I thought this was just me becoming even more paranoid. However, as I stood there looking around, the feeling grew stronger. Something was not as we left it. It took me a few moments but then I realised what it was. I always, always close the lid of my mac when I finish with it. It sends it to sleep, and yet, there it was on the table with its lid half open.

`Areeya, Alex, did either of you use my laptop before we went out?'

They stopped talking and looked at each other. `No, why?' said Alex.

Areeya shook her head, `Not me, what's the matter?'

`I know I closed the lid before I went out and now it's open. I think someone has been in here.'

`Shit. Are they still here?' said Alex.

Wait here,' I said, I'm going to check.'

Not on your fucking own you're not, we're coming with you.' Alex moved up beside me and Areeya was on the other side. Together we checked each of the rooms and they were all empty. Coming back into the main room Alex said, James, are you sure?'

`Positive. It's what I always do, force of habit. If you didn't raise the lid, then someone else did. Is there anything else you can see that's not as you left it?'

Alex and Areeya went to check their stuff whilst I woke the mac to see if I could find anything. Alex came back in and said, `I can't be absolutely sure, but I think some of my stuff has been moved.'

Areeya returned, `It's not obvious, but I think someone has gone through the drawers in my room.'

I looked up at them from my laptop. Someone's been fiddling with my mac. There's a new program been installed which looks like spyware. I can't tell what it does yet, but the laptop is definitely compromised.' I thought for a moment and turned to the girls, Who knows the code for the door? There's no sign of a break in so I guess someone came in through the front door.'

`Just us three,' said Alex.

`When did you change it last? It's been the same since I've been here. Can you change it now?'

`Yes, it's easy to do.' said Areeya. She walked over to the internal keypad and reset the code.

`Who do you think it was?' sad Alex, sounding shaken.

`My guess is Jandaeng. He doesn't trust me for sure, so this could be an insurance policy for him.'

Fuck,' said Alex, I hate him. What will you do about your laptop?'

Nothing,' I said, leave it as it is. Let him think he's getting access to everything. I'll use the iPad for anything I don't want him to know about.'

`There's nothing more we can do, so let's have a drink and get an early night.'

We sat outside listening to the sound of the waves on the beach and the noises coming from the Lamai strip. I yawned, prompting Areeya to stand and pull us up. `Time for bed, I think.' We staggered inside where I had to go the toilet. By the time I got back the two of them were fast asleep on the bed, their arms wrapped around each other. I slipped into bed beside them and lay there for a while thinking about what was to become of us. I swore to myself I would do anything to protect Alex and Areeya. I could not bear the thought of us being separated. But, it wasn't long before I slipped into sleep.

I woke to find the sun already shining and Alex was spooning me. Areeya it seems had woken before us as she wasn't in the bed. I slipped out of bed and walked onto the balcony where Areeya was in one of the chairs, looking out to sea, an unfinished coffee beside her. I came up behind her and placed my hands on her shoulders and she leaned her head to one side to rest on my hand.

`What you thinking about?' I said, yawning.

She smiled as she looked up at me, `I was saying a prayer for you, James. To keep you safe.'

I slid round and kissed her before sitting down. `I didn't know you were a believer.'

She smiled. `Maybe, sometimes. But it can't do any harm, can it?'

I kissed her again, `Thank you.'

`I have a gift for you as well.' She took a small rectangular box from the table next to her and laid it in my hand. I opened it and nestling inside was a most intricately carved amulet in the shape of an erect penis. It was black, about two inches in length, and seemed to glisten in the morning sunlight. I looked at Areeya in surprise.

`It is a Palad Khik, it is meant to bring fertility, good luck in gambling and most importantly, to protect from knives and bullets. It's carved from buffalo horn. You should carry it with you to keep you safe.'

`Thank you, Areeya. I will keep it with me all the time. It is beautiful.'

I kissed her once more as we heard Alex walk out onto the balcony. She kissed us both, `Morning, my pets. Did Areeya give you her gift?'

I showed it to Alex, who took it and stroked it. `It doesn't get any bigger if you do that, Alex.' said Areeya, smiling as Alex started to lick it.

`Stop it you idiot. Give it back to me.' I grabbed it back from her.

OK, OK.' She grabbed my crotch, I prefer this one, anyway.'

Areeya said, `Leave the boy alone, Alex, we have things to do today. By the way, James, will Jamie be with you in Bangkok?'

I blushed and Alex sniggered. `Yes, I thought it might be useful to take my Jamie stuff with me.'

Told you that you would love being a girl,' Alex kissed me and stood up. In which case we need to go shopping. You need more clothes than you came back with from Bangkok. The Central Festival Mall up near Bo Phut is the place to go. Let's get you all dressed up and we can go this morning. Do we know when we can see Pao?'

`I can't go shopping as Jamie.' I said, appalled at the idea.

Areeya said, `You seem to have done very well so far as Jamie. It will be fun. Alex, I will see when we can go in to see Pao while you get Jamie ready.'

Alex grabbed my hand and dragged me through to the bedroom where she rummaged through my bag from Bangkok. I still had some of the clothes which Nin had bought on Kritsada's account.

Mm, Nin has good taste. Come on get undressed and put these on.' Alex threw me a pair of silk Victoria Secret's panties. I hesitated for a moment with the panties in my hand and got a slap on the bum from Alex. Come on, we haven't got all day.'

I shrugged and stripped off, pulled the panties up over my legs and shivered with pleasure as they settled around my cock and balls. Alex noticed and grinned, Feel great, don't they? Now go and shave.' I went to take off the panties, and she slapped my hand and said, No, leave them on, you look so cute in them.' I went through to the wet room and took time over the shave, trying to make myself as smooth as possible. I walked back into the bedroom to find Alex holding up a white sleeveless dress, with a flared skirt and printed with small multi coloured butterflies. She put it against me, cocked her head to look at it and said, `Yes, this will do nicely. Put it on and we'll do your makeup.' I slipped the dress over my head and was horrified when I saw it finished about six inches above my knees.

`I can't wear this, it's too short,' I squeaked.

Rubbish, you have great legs, show them off. Just do a twirl for me.' I did as Alex told me, and I have to admit I loved the feeling as the skirt swirled out as I turned and as the hem slid over my thighs. You look great, now sit down and show me if you can do your own makeup.'

`What?' I squeaked.

`Look you won't always have someone around to do it for you, have a go, you've seen what it takes.'

I thought it was actually a good idea if I wanted to use the Jamie disguise in Bangkok, so I sat down in front of the mirror and tried to remember what Nin had done to me. I made a mess of it the first time, but I scrubbed it off and was more confident the second time, and it turned out much better. Alex nodded her approval and did a little touching up, telling me what she was doing all the time. Alex slipped the long black wig on my head, adjusted it and stood back to look. `I never in my life thought I would see this wig again,' said Alex.

There was a low whistle from behind us and Areeya stood there smiling. `Very nice, Jamie, you look gorgeous. The hospital will let us see Pao at three this afternoon, which gives us time to go shopping, have some lunch and get to the hospital.' Alex and Areeya were quick to get ready themselves and it wasn't long before we left the apartment to find a taxi to take us the Mall. I was no longer so nervous dressed as Jamie, but this was the first time I had worn a skirt this short and I kept tugging at the hem.

Areeya took my hand and said, `Don't worry, Jamie. You look lovely. There is no need to worry, just be careful how you get in the taxi. Remember to keep your knees together and swivel into the car.' I squeezed her hand and tried to smile. As it was, it was easier than I thought and we were soon on our way to the Mall. As we got closer the nerves returned. Having to face so many people would be another challenge for me. Alex squeezed my hand and tried to reassure me. We pulled up outside the Mall and for a moment panic overtook me and I thought about refusing to get out. Areeya got out first and offered me her hand. I looked up at her and her smile gave me the courage to take it and swing my legs out.

Areeya and Alex put their arms through mine and we walked into the Mall. We got a lot of looks and I thought at any moment someone would point and laugh, but nobody did. We hit the shops, and I had a crash course in how girls shop. We must have gone into every shop in the Mall, trying on clothes, shoes and hats wherever we went. Either Alex or Areeya would come into the changing rooms with me as protection, and we bought several dresses, skirts, trousers and tops, together with lingerie and makeup. By this time, I had forgotten about the way I was dressed and began to enjoy myself, even the glances I was getting from some of the men.

Laden with bags, we eventually collapsed into a restaurant for lunch. My feet were killing me even in the low heeled sandals I was wearing.

`How do you do this in those heels you're wearing?' I asked.

That's what we forgot,' said Alex, Jamie needs some proper heels! We'll do that after lunch.'

Areeya laughed, `Excellent idea, I know the perfect place.'

We finished lunch and had just enough time to go to the shoe shop before we had to leave. I was no longer worried about the length of my skirt, but when it came to trying on shoes I realised the guy fitting my shoe on his knees in front of me could look right up my skirt. I caught him taking a peek, and I admit I let him have a good look before bringing my knees together. I bought a pair of low heels but Alex convinced me to add a pair of 3 inch heels as well. I knew they would be difficult to walk in but I thought they did look good on me.

We left and in the taxi back to the apartment Alex and Areeya started to giggle. `What's up with you two?'

You were really flirting with that guy in the shoe shop. Flashing him as he fitted your shoes,' said Alex, doubling up with laughter. I went bright red, I did not.'

They were both laughing so hard, I began to smile and we were soon all laughing until we cried. We dropped the shopping of at the apartment and went straight up to the hospital. We had to wait a few minutes before we were allowed in to see Pao and Areeya even managed to get some flowers.

A nurse warned us that Pao was not to be tired out so we would only have short time with her today. She ushered us into Pao's room where she was sitting up in bed but still attached to a drip. She smiled at us as we came in and I almost cheered to see her like this. We all kissed her and Areeya gave the nurse the flowers to put in a vase. Her voice was weak, but after a little coughing she said, `I so sorry, to cause you all this trouble.'

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Alex wipe away a tear. I bent close to her and said, `I'm the one who should be sorry, Pao. I was the one the attacker wanted to stab. You did something so brave.'

`Nurse tell me you gave some blood they used for me. Thank you, Mr James, I mean Jamie.' She giggled as she said that and held my hand tightly. Alex and Areeya came closer and both of them were sniffling and wiping their eyes. We stayed with her for about an hour but she was getting visibly tired when the nurse came to shoo us away. Alex and Areeya promised to come back the following day, but I told her I had to go to Bangkok but would see her when I got back.

Back at the apartment we met Shane and Nin and told them about Pao. We had a few drinks on the balcony and then went downstairs for dinner in the restaurant. The food was wonderful and partly because of Pao's recovery, we were all in a good mood. We had drunk quite a lot of beers with the dinner, and we had a couple more drinks when we came up to the balcony. Alex was sitting on my lap and I noticed Nin had sneaked onto Shane's lap, and both were laughing and smiling at each other. I knew Nin had a thing for Shane, and it looked as if the feeling was mutual. Alex grabbed Areeya's hand, pulled her down and whispered something in her ear. Areeya giggled and nodded her head.

She moved to the centre of the balcony and stood perfectly still for a moment before bending her knees and extending her arms with her fingers bent backwards in the classical Thai dance style. Moving to music only she could hear, she began to dance with a grace and poise that took my breath away. I had seen traditional Thai dancing many times at tourist hotels, but the way Areeya danced was mesmerising. I knew she had trained as a dancer, but I never imagined she would this good. Alex whispered in my ear, `Isn't she beautiful?' I nodded, unable to take my eyes off Areeya.

Alex slipped off my lap to sit next to me and I felt her hand slide onto my thigh. My dress had ridden up and Alex's hand began to move further up and under the skirt. I tore my eyes away from Areeya and leant over to kiss Alex as her fingers reached my cock and began to stroke it. My head went back and Alex licked my neck as I slid a hand inside her shirt to find a nipple already hard. I nipped it between my fingernails and she moaned into my mouth as we kissed. Alex pushed my skirt up, and she pulled down my panties to release my cock which was already hard. She continued to kiss me, her fingers stroking up and down the shaft, until she dug a fingernail into the head and it was my turn to moan with the delicious pain.

I opened my eyes to see Areeya still dancing with her eyes closed, oblivious to everything else around her. I glimpsed Nin and Shane kissing, their hands all over each other, before Alex slid onto the floor and took my cock into her mouth. She looked up at me as I watched her flick her tongue across the head, making me gasp. Her fingers fluttered up and down the shaft and I started to move my hips to go deeper into her mouth. She looked up as she teased me with slow licks and kisses up and down the shaft. She grinned, kissed the tip of my cock and stood up, moving over to Areeya and wrapped her into her arms. Areeya stopped dancing and began to kiss Alex, their tongues swirling against each other's just in front of my face.

Alex pulled me up so that the three of us were kissing, and hands began to infiltrate clothing and fingers to caress breasts and nipples. Alex broke away to grab Nin and Shane and told us to get inside. Areeya pushed me onto the bed and fell on top of me. Alex and Nin were pulling Shane's t-shirt over his head and they collapsed in a heap on the bed. Areeya pushed my skirt up over my hips and took my cock into her mouth, continuing what Alex had started. Someone, I'm not sure who, pulled my dress over my head leaving me in my panties with my cock sticking up like a flag pole. I looked down to see Areeya and Nin, their tongues licking each side of my cock. I watched as they licked from the root to the tip, flicking their tongues across the head, before kissing each other. They did this two or three more times before Nin plunged her hot mouth over my cock, and I arched my back as her tongue swirled around the head, whilst Areeya began to kiss and suck and lick my nipples until they were as hard as diamonds.

I turned my head to see Shane on his knees sucking Alex's cock and she had her hands around the back of his head pushing herself deep into his mouth. I closed my eyes as Nin and Areeya swapped places, and Nin poked her cock through my lips. She started to move it in and out as Areeya's fingers assaulted my nipples. Clothes were being discarded everywhere and I lost all sense of who was doing what. We became a wriggling pile of cocks, pussies, breasts and nipples as we sucked and licked and kissed any body part which came into range of our mouths and tongues and fingers.

My head was spinning and my cock was sore from being so hard for so long I ached for release. Alex pushed Shane onto the edge of the bed, with Nin standing astride him with her cock in his mouth. Areeya lay on her back on the floor in front of Shane, and Alex shoved me down too so my knees were straddling Areeya. Just ahead of me was Shane's cock, and Alex pushed my head forward onto it. Areeya took my cock into her mouth and began to suck as Alex, now behind me, started to fuck Areeya's pussy. As I tried to get as much of Shane's cock into my throat as I could, Areeya's lips were locked around mine. I felt a finger force its way into my hole, making me jump and almost making me bite Shane's cock. Alex continued to slide her finger in and out of me as she fucked Areeya, and I felt the tremors of her climax through my cock as Alex continued to drive in and out of her. We were all moaning and grunting as we fucked and sucked each other.

I heard Nin say. `I cum, Shane,' and felt her knees sag as she climaxed. I was still sucking Shane's cock, but my jaw was getting tired. I felt the finger slide out of my hole and Alex pulled me away from Shane. She turned so her back was to Shane, hesitated for a second as he guided her onto his cock, and then grunted as she dropped onto it. I watched his cock slide in and out of her, jealous of both of them. Someone pushed me back onto my hands and knees and a cock plunged into my hole. Even in my lust fuelled confusion I realised it must be Nin, and she hammered into me rocking me forward. Areeya knelt in front of me and my tongue lapped her pussy, her juices mixed with Alex's cum, smearing across my face. Areeya flipped over onto her front, and she guided my cock into her. Nin was still fucking my hole driving me deep into Areeya, who was grunting as she took the force of both of us.

I heard Alex moaning as she rode Shane's cock until he grunted and came into Alex, who kept bouncing up and down on him. I felt my own orgasm growing and then my climax tore through me pumping my cum into Areeya. Nin pulled out of me and we flopped onto the bed, sweaty and breathless. Alex and Shane finally separated and joined us.

Since I had arrived on Samui, I thought I had experienced everything, but nothing compared to what I had just been through. Nin started to giggle, and soon we were all laughing on the bed. We eventually calmed down and shared the shower in the wet room to clean ourselves up. Which, of course, led to another session of sucking and licking.

It was past midnight when Shane and Nin left and the three of us fell into bed. My flight to Bangkok wasn't until midday and I would meet Shane and Nin at the airport. I lay on the bed aching all over from the exertions of the evening. The girls fell asleep quickly, but I lay there wondering about what the next few days would bring. We woke late so there was only just enough time to pack my bag with all my new Jamie clothes together with what I needed to be James. There were a lot more clothes for Jamie than James.

Areeya drove us up to the airport where we met Shane and Nin in the small departure area. We all seemed subdued and I think we were all glad when the flight was called. I hugged Alex and Areeya and they both told me to be careful. I pulled out the Palad Khik and said, `I'll be fine if I have this with me.'

Alex started to cry, so I hugged her once more and then went through the security check. There was a guy just off to one side wearing mirror sunglasses, and as we went through, he made a call on his mobile. I guessed Jandaeng would know I was on my way. We could see Alex and Areeya waving as we were ferried out to the plane, and it hit me like a punch to the stomach that this could be the last time I would see them. I wiped away some tears before I got on the plane.

Even though it's a short flight to Bangkok, Shane and Nin slept, whilst I could only look out of the window and worry about what was to come. We arrived at Don Muang airport and as we waited to collect our baggage, I thought there appeared to be a lot of armed police and military standing around.

`Shane, is this normal?'

He shook his head, `No, and they look jumpy too. Let's get out of here.'

We grabbed our bags and walked out into the terminal where here were more police and Thai military standing around.

`Maybe someone important is coming through,' I said, as Shane looked around, almost sniffing the air for trouble. Kritsada's driver was there with a neatly printed sign with my name.

Look, you two get away quickly,' said Shane, cocking his head towards some very young Thai soldiers with guns almost as big as themselves. These guys look wound up tight, never a good sign.' Shane hugged both of us and said. `I'll let you know what my duty rota is when I get to the Embassy, and we'll catch up soon. Stay safe, you two. ' He picked his bag up and walked away, and I felt a pang as I watched his broad back disappear into the crowd until he disappeared from sight completely.

`Jamie, we have to go, driver is getting nervous with all these soldiers.'

We followed the driver to the car park and were soon in the back of a large Mercedes. There were military vehicles everywhere, and we had to pass through a security check as we left the airport. Nin spoke to the driver and said to me, `The driver say this is very unusual, even for Bangkok.'

The road into Bangkok, busy at the best of times, was choked with traffic, and we inched along into the city. We came to another security checkpoint, and as we began to move away the policemen started waving their arms around. The soldiers with them were getting very agitated, screaming at something up ahead.

I turned and whispered to Nin, `This doesn't feel good,'

As I spoke, I saw soldiers running towards a truck a few cars ahead, shouting and waving their rifles. I pushed Nin down behind the front seat and as I ducked down I glimpsed a flash, then the car was lifted up and shunted backwards, as if we had been rammed. The windscreen shattered, sending glass shards ricocheting around the car like shrapnel. The driver screamed an instant before the sound of the blast hit us. Then everything went black.

Toi be continued

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