

Published on Jun 10, 2016


Cockatoo Part 30

Nikkie Silk

I love feedback

Areeya returned to the apartment sometime after we had gone to bed as the moorings needed more attention than Areeya had initially thought. After she and Shane had eventually got Cockatoo 3 safely secured on the pier, he had gone back to his hotel and Areeya headed back to get some sleep in the apartment.

In the morning I had changed back into being James, albeit with a little reluctance. Alex had suggested I go on the boat as James and change into Scarlett for the evening. I thought it was one of Alex's better ideas as I didn't have anything suitable for the boat trip or swimming to be Scarlett.

Alex was excitedly telling Areeya about the idea of going away for a couple of days to Lipa Noi on the west coast when I saw Areeya's face fall. I realised we were talking about the same place where she and Sam had gone before their break up.

`Alex, maybe Areeya wouldn't really want to go back there.' The penny dropped with Alex.

`God, I'm sorry Areeya, I am so fucking stupid.'

Areeya held up her hand, `Don't worry, Alex, I think it's a great idea, but could it be just three of you this time. I have plenty to do at the bar. You can handle the boat perfectly well without me.'

`Are you sure, Areeya?' Alex was suitably apologetic, but I could tell she wanted to go.

`No, you all go ahead. It will do you good. Does Shane know yet?'

`No, I'll call him now, if you're sure it's OK?'

Areeya waved her hand, `Alex, it's fine, enjoy yourselves. She's fully fuelled, so you're ready to go.'

I hugged Areeya and whispered, Thanks, you're wonderful, you know.' She smiled, Consider it part payment for what you did in Bangkok. Promise me you'll make it worthwhile, OK?' I must have looked puzzled because she whispered, `Shane's a lovely guy.'

I blushed and mumbled something about that's not going to happen, and she simply smiled as if she knew more than I did. Alex was on the phone to Shane, who had obviously said yes judging by the look on Alex's face.

`OK, let's get going, Scarlett, Shane will meet us at the boat.'

Alex,' I said, please don't call me that when I'm like this.'

`Details, details, come on, let's get you a bag packed.'

Alex started throwing clothes into a suitcase, some of the stuff I had brought back from Bangkok, plus some of her clothes. We're only going for a night.' I protested. She looked at me, entirely baffled by what I had said. So what, we need something to choose from, you must understand these things by now.'

I sighed, unable to counter her logic. She piled the case with more clothes, makeup, underwear and a finally a couple of bikinis. `I'm not wearing them, no way.' I said.

`Maybe not the tops, just the bottoms, you'll look so cute.' She threw them into the suit and zipped it up. We kissed Areeya goodbye and headed out. I, of course, had to wheel the suitcase down the pier as Alex had her hands full with her sun hat. We arrived about 10 o'clock and before Shane. Alex busied herself getting the boat ready to leave as I manhandled the suitcase to the stateroom. Alex may be a nightmare behind the wheel of a car, but I knew she was adept at the wheel of Cockatoo. She and Areeya had sailed Cockatoo many times and Alex had learnt well from Areeya, who was a qualified skipper.

As I emerged from the stateroom, I caught sight of Shane making his way up the jetty. I hovered in the shadow of the cabin to watch him approach. He was wearing beach shorts and a singlet which showed off his tanned, muscled arms and his long legs. An old baseball cap was tilted back on his head with a pair of sunglasses resting on the cap. A rucksack was thrown carelessly over his shoulder and I felt a flush come over my face as I looked at him.

`He's gorgeous, isn't he?'

I jumped a foot in the air. Alex had crept down from the bridge and was standing close behind me. `Shit Alex, why do you do this to me?'

Because I can,' was her idiotic reply. He's gorgeous, but he has one flaw.' I looked at her in surprise. She grinned, `I'm telling you this because you might to need to know it for tonight. He has a very small cock.'


`It's true, he's a bit embarrassed about it, so don't make fun of him if you see it up close tonight. Why do you think his nickname is Tiny?'

`Well, that's not going to happen, so I won't have to worry.' I said primly.

Alex grabbed my bum and said, `You wanna bet, buster?'

Thankfully, Shane heaved himself onto the gangway which cut short the discussion. `G'day, what a great day for a sail.'

It was true, after the storm passed through last night, as so often happens, the morning had dawned beautifully clear and the era of the day was looking to be hot and humid. The perfect day to escape onto the cooling water. Alex hugged him but I fist bumped him as a greeting.

`James, how are ya? Is it James today, rIght?' Alex smirked as I glared at her.

`Yes, Shane that's right.'

Alex told me to square away Shane's rucksack while she got the lines ready to depart. She went into her `do this, do that' routine with Shane and me, and we grinned at each other as she bossed us both about. We were soon cutting a graceful arc out into the blue water, a double white wake behind us. I fetched some beers, and we all sat up on the flying bridge as Alex guided us away from Lamai and turned north.

I thought I had left the events of the pirate raid behind, but I shivered as I remembered the events of the night. Shane noticed the small gesture, Not a good sailor, James?' Alex looked at me and said, Tell him, James, it can't do any harm?'

Shane looked puzzled, `Tell me what?'

I sighed, `You remember when we got jumped after the ferry, I told you I was tired of people waving guns in my face?'

He nodded. `To cut a long story short Alex, Areeya and I were on the boat one night when we were attacked and boarded by pirates. We managed to overpower them but I was knocked overboard. It all ended OK, but I don't like people pointing guns at me. Alex was the hero, she saved my life.'

Alex guffawed, James, that's a load of bollocks and you know it.' She turned to Shane, there was only one hero, and it was James. Areeya was knocked out, I was shitting myself and this one,' she paused as she skilfully avoided a fishing boat whose crew seemed to be asleep, `this one overpowered the pirate on our boat who had us at gunpoint, and shoved him over the side. James also went over the side and was picked up by a helicopter several hours later, more dead than alive in the water.'

Shane looked at me with what seemed to be admiration on his face. `You said, Alex saved your life, how come?'

`She grabbed the gun and shot at the pirate boat, which scared it away. She then threw everything which would float overboard, and I was picked up a few hours later clinging to a seat cushion.'

Shane looked from Alex to me and then back again. `And you didn't mention this to me, why?'

Alex shrugged, `it didn't seem relevant.'

Hmm,' he laid his hand on my arm, I knew you were tough when you laid out the guy on the mini bus, and then after the cop in the bar, but this takes the biscuit.' He removed his hand, but I hoped he hadn't seen how his touch had thrilled me. I turned Alex, and the look on her face clearly told me she had seen it. I went pink and went below to get us some more beers.

We were making good time, turned to the west around the northern tip of the island, past the Big Buddha and the pier at Maenam where we had caught the ferry to the mainland. We turned south and on past Nathon pier where we had arrived back from Surat Thani, then on to Lipa Noi beach. It had been a smooth trip, the seas flat and the sun blazing from an azure sky. Alex brought Cockatoo to a dead stop, and I let the go the anchor at Alex's command. She cut the two engines and a wonderful silence descended; this was as close to being in Paradise as I had ever felt. The western coast of Samui is less developed than the more commercialised east coast, and the beach at Lipa Noi is far from deserted, but is quieter and less crowded. Our plan was to spend the afternoon snorkelling and swimming, then to go ashore for food in the evening before returning to Cockatoo to sleep.

After another beer and some lunch which the restaurant had provided, Alex announced we should go snorkelling. She grabbed my hand and dragged me into the stateroom.

Put these on,' she said, handing me a pair of bikini bottoms. I held the tiny piece of fabric in my fingers and said, I can't wear these, they show everything.'

`Nonsense, they are like Speedos, I'll wear a pair too, you'll be fine.'

She whipped off her top and knickers and pulled up a matching pair of bikini bottoms to the ones I held in my hand. As I suspected they did nothing to hide Alex's bulge and I realise I would be similarly exposed.

I hesitated, every step I was taking on this trip was dragging me ever deeper into a new world. A world where gender lines were blurred, identity became a matter of choice rather than biology. I shrugged and pulled the bikini bottoms up my legs. I felt a tingling thrill as I pulled them over my cock and balls, and they did not leave anything to the imagination. Despite Alex, they did not resemble Speedos in the slightest. Alex grabbed my t-shirt, dragged it over my head and pulled me out on the rear deck.

Shane had taken off his singlet and turned to look at us. I almost giggled as his eyes popped at the sight of the two of us. Alex pulled me to her side and started rubbing her hands over my body. I played up to it a bit by reaching over and cupping her breast in my hand.

`Like anything you see, Shane?' asked Alex, sweetly.

It was Shane's turn to turn pink. `Look, cut it out you two, let's get in the water.'

Alex shouted, `Last one in's a sissy.'

Shane jumped over the back of the boat, quickly followed by Alex. They were both laughing and whooping by the time I made it into the water. I wasn't surprised to see with his military background, Shane was a good swimmer, and Alex I knew, swam like a fish. We had forgotten the snorkels and masks, so I volunteered to fetch them from the boat. As I climbed the ladder at the back of the boat, I felt a hand on my bum pushing me up onto the deck. I looked back and Shane was grinning from ear to ear.

`Couldn't resist it,' he said.

I stuck my tongue out at him and he disappeared, laughing and choking as he swallowed some water. Serves him right I thought to myself, but the feel of his hand on my bum was etched in my memory.

We spent a couple of hours or so, hanging in the water, letting the water and the fish soothe away the stress. I wasn't surprised to find Shane was a powerful swimmer. Despite his size he was fast and almost graceful, moving himself effortlessly through the water. Eventually, Alex signalled she was going back to the boat, and after a few more minutes, Shane and I followed. By the time we climbed on board Alex had slipped on a t-shirt and had her hair in a turban. She had beers waiting for us, and we sat in the shade drinking and talking about what we had seen. Alex gave me what I thought was a t-shirt, but which was in fact a very feminine white short top, which left a lot of my belly uncovered. I made a face to her about it.

She smiled sweetly, `Don't make a fuss, it's just us girls here with Shane.'

Shane's grin stretched even wider if that were possible. He hadn't bothered covering up and for the first time I got a look at his chest. I could see the scars where he had been wounded and although his tan softened the scars they still looked severe. He saw me staring at them and he raised an eyebrow at me.

`You wanna touch them?'

`Sorry, I didn't mean to stare.'

`Yea, you did, everybody does.' He said without rancour, obviously accustomed to the attention they garnered.

`Just how bad was it? I thought it was just the bullet graze.' I asked, amazed at the number of scars.

`Well, most of the stuff on my chest was the shrapnel from an IED on my first tour, and then the bullet wound from the second tour.'

`Why in God's name did you go back if you got blown up by an IED?' I blurted this out, probably already aware it was a crass question.

He looked away for a moment and when he looked back his face was clouded, `Look, some say we do it because we are natural born killers. Truth is, few of us like the killing. Sure there are some psychopaths out there, but for most of us it's more complex, or simpler depending on how you look at it. Some of us, we get a kick from being close to death, the excitement of living on the edge, not knowing when you pull on your trousers if the dice are going to roll your way that day. Wondering if the extra step you take brings you closer to an IED, or further away from it. Adrenaline and dopamine junkies want to get as close to death as possible, never believing they will get killed, it will always be someone else.'

He paused, his eyes in a far away place.

`Some have a death wish. Those fellas are truly dangerous because they can get you killed too. We would weed those out pretty quickly, one way or the other. Many of us do it because we couldn't think of doing anything else, it's what we do and that's it. The comradeship is something you couldn't get anywhere else. Having to rely on the guy next you in a firefight when he's probably shitting himself as much as you are. You love him like a brother, you would die for him, and some end up doing that. Unless you've done it, there isn't a way you can get it. Does that answer your question?'

Alex and I were both silent, I felt terrible for having asked the question. I stood up and walked across to where he sat, sat on his lap and hugged him.

`I'm sorry, it was a shit question, Shane.'

He put his arms around me, `No worries, Jamie, if you don't ask you're not interested, and that's worse.'

Alex pulled me up and said, `Pack it in you two, save it for later, we got to go ashore for some food, which means us girls have to get ready.' She pulled me into the stateroom, leaving Shane out on the aft deck with a beer for company.

`You little hussy,' she said when we got into the cabin.


`Throwing yourself on him like that, I brought you up better than that.' she was laughing.

Yes, Mum.' Which earned me an arm punch. I felt so sorry for him.'

`Hmm, feeling sorry for them is what gets us girls into trouble in the first place. Come on we got work to do girlfriend.'

As Alex opened the suitcase and began pulling out clothes, I stood there, unsure about whether I wanted to do this. The dark voice in my head was back, You're not gay, you can't do this. The other voice was lighter, You're not gay, but do it anyway.

I turned to Alex, Can you help me with my makeup? I want to try by myself, but I'll need some help.' Alex looked delighted, Sure, baby, if that's what you want, go ahead and get started and I'll sort out some clothes.' Alex passed me the makeup bag, and I sat down in front of the mirror. I looked at myself, sighed and opened the bag. I tried to recall what Lawan and Nin had done to me, and I copied what they did as best as I could. I made a mess of my eyes, of course, and Alex had to help me out with the eyeshadow and mascara. She insisted on doing my nails, and despite my protests I ended up with pink nails to match the lipstick I had managed to apply by myself. Alex seemed to be happy with the results.

`We should let your hair grow out some more, so you don't have to use a wig,' Alex said as she stood behind me, flicking the ends of my hair. I hadn't had a haircut for a while so while it was already quite long it was unkempt and would need styling.

`Alex, I'm really not sure how long I want this to go on,' I said, looking at her in the mirror.

`Babe, let's worry about that tomorrow, just enjoy tonight, right?'

I nodded, and she slipped the wig cap over my head and carefully fitted the long black wig. I was used to it by now, and I liked the way it made me look. I moved my head and watched the hair move in the mirror. Alex handed me some knickers and said, `Let's try without the breast forms tonight, just wear these.'

I looked doubtfully at her, `Won't that look odd?'

`I'm betting it will drive Shane crazy, trust me.'

My dark internal voice growled, Drive him crazy? You must be mad. The other voice piped up. That could be fun.

I pulled up the knickers and felt a thrill run through me as the soft lace cradled me. I began to stiffen immediately, pushing out the front of the knickers, and Alex said, No, no, no, that won't do. We'll have to do something about it.'She dropped to her knees and, pulled out my cock and plunged her mouth over the end. I was already hard and when her tongue started to work, I knew it wouldn't be long. I looked into the mirror to see her kneeling in front of me, head bobbing and her hand working in my cock. It was so erotic to watch that I felt my climax coming fast and with a grunt I came in her mouth. Alex sucked me dry before tucking me back into my knickers and grinning at me, There, that should keep you quiet for a while.'

She made me turn round to face the mirror and close my eyes. `Stand still, don't move, I'm going to put the dress I want you to wear over your head.'

I felt the material drop over my head and settle on my shoulders and then fall to my waist. She fussed with the dress at my shoulders and waist, before saying `OK, you can open your eyes now.'

I squinted through one eye and then snapped open both as I saw what I was wearing. It was a rose pink dress, a scoop neck, with lace panels coming to just below where my bust would have been, if I had one. The lace was fine but you could still see my nipples through it. The dress fell to my mid thigh showing off nearly all my legs. Alex gently turned me round so I could see the lace came down in a vee to meet the dress at the back, showing nearly all of my back.

Alex,' I stuttered, I, I can't wear this.'

`Why not?'

`For god's sake it shows everything, I can't wear it.'

Shane!' Alex yelled, Can you come here?'

`No, he can't see me like this.' I tried to find something to cover me up but Alex held my hands. Shane walked in and stood there grinning. I went beetroot red.

`Scarlett thinks she can't wear this, what do you think?'

He didn't stop smiling but gave me a good look up and down, tilting his head to one side, before saying, `Scarlett, I think you look gorgeous. I would be proud to be seen with you dressed like that. It's so beautiful on you.'

See,' crowed Alex, Now do you believe me?'

My heart was pounding in my ears, I couldn't possibly go out like this, could I? I looked again in the mirror and did a little twirl. The dress hung beautifully and swung out at the bottom as I turned. The colour seemed to go with my tan, and I have to admit my legs didn't look so bad. The dress was flat across the front so my lack of breasts didn't seem to be a problem, instead it gave me an unmistakably androgynous look.

You look great, Scarlett,' said Shane, please wear it, I really like it.'

Alex nudged my foot in a clear `I told you so' gesture.

OK, Ok,' I said, I'll wear it. But you'll have to repatriate me when I die from embarrassment tonight.'

Alex clapped her hands and Shane's smile seemed to get even broader. Alex pulled on an extremely tight pair of denim shorts and a short, white bra top and declared herself ready to go. Alex dropped the tender into the water and Shane stepped down into it with an easy movement. For a big man he moved with surprising grace. He held out his hand to me and I grabbed it and stepped down. The tender lurched slightly, and I fell straight into Shane's arms. He caught me and then held me for a little too long.

`You can let me go now, Shane. Thanks.'

He blushed this time, and I sat down at the bow, making sure to keep my legs together, as the damned dress had ridden so far up my thighs, I was convinced I was showing my knickers. Alex was trying and failing to stop laughing as she hopped in last and fired the outboard. Alex had reserved a table at the Nikki Beach Resort where she knew the owner. It was only a few minutes in the tender but dusk was falling as we arrived at the beach by the resort. Alex jumped out and held the boat steady as Shane climbed out. I sat there too scared to move in my dress. I was convinced I would fall over and my embarrassment might just be fatal. Shane noticed how scared I was and came back told me to stand up and put my arms around his neck. He picked me up as if I weighed nothing, one arm under my knees, the other around my back and carried me onto the beach where he put me gently down on the sand.

`You OK?' he said.

The truth is I wasn't. When he picked me up and I put my arms around his neck, I had felt such a sudden surge of attraction for him which set my pulse racing. I was so flustered I thought was going to pass out. I had never felt attracted to men, yet here I was practically swooning for this one. I hoped he hadn't noticed, but by the way Alex was looking at me, I think she had. We walked up the beach to where Alex's acquaintance was waiting.

`Welcome to the Nikki Beach Alex. It's nice to see you here at last.' He spoke with a slight European accent, perhaps French or Belgian. He was slim, handsome, wearing an immaculate white suit, and quite obviously gay.

`Jean Paul, it's so good to see you too. It's been far too long, I should have come over sooner, my apologies.'

Jean Paul stepped forward and pecked Alex on each cheek. `Jean Paul, may I introduce my two dear friends, Scarlett and Shane.'

Enchante, Mademoiselle Scarlett,' he actually bowed to me, then kissed me on both cheeks too. He shook Shane's hand but even I could see he held on to it a couple of seconds longer than was necessary. Welcome Monsieur Shane, it is so nice to have three such beautiful people as our guests.' I got the clear impression from the way his eyes lingered over Shane he would have preferred just one beautiful person as his guest, and it wouldn't be Alex or me.

Alex put her arm through mine and whispered, `Put your claws away, Jean Paul's harmless.'

I looked at her, completely startled. `You should have seen your face, baby. You almost turned green with jealousy.'

Of course, I actually went pink.

Jean Paul led us to a table by the beach, lit by small oil candles on the table and some bamboo flares off to the side. Three waiters, pulled our chairs back, and I remembered to smooth my dress as I sat, making sure to keep my knees together. The setting was stunning as was the food which seemed to keep coming. It was almost but not quite as good as at Koh Samui Blue and Alex's eyes lit up when I said so.

`Don't tell Jean Paul, I'll never be able to come back, but thank you.'

We lingered a little with some whisky for Shane and myself and brandy for Alex, courtesy of Jean Paul. He came over to us as a good host should and asked us if we had enjoyed it, and as good guests we told him how wonderful it had all been, which was true in this case. A few drinks had relaxed me and by the time we had to return to the boat, I was completely comfortable in my dress. I actually enjoyed having my legs on show and I had forgotten how scared I had been. We said goodbye to Jean Paul before we left, getting another two cheek pecks while his eyes were firmly fixed on Shane.

I managed to step back into the boat without any help, despite Shane hovering beside me. It was a quick trip back to the boat and then brandies and scotch on the aft deck. The moon was up and the sky clear, and with such little light pollution there were stars overhead from horizon to horizon. Alex pointed out a small shower of shooting stars as they flashed overhead.

`Aren't they a bad omen here?' I asked of no one in particular and shivered although it wasn't cold.

`I hope not,' said Alex.

We watched the sky for a little longer and then Alex said, `Let's go inside, I have something I want us to watch.' We moved into the stateroom, Shane sitting on a chair and Alex and I on the edge of the bed, all of us facing the wide screen TV.

`Is it a movie?' Shane said.

`Sort of,' Alex replied, and it was then I had a very bad feeling about what we were going to watch.

`Alex, you're not going to show what I think you are, are you?'

She turned to me, grinned and pressed the remote and the screen flickered into life. It was the film Alex had made on the night Areeya had taken me with the strapon. The camerawork was pretty rough, but it was clear enough what was going on. I hid my face in my hands but I couldn't blot out the sounds coming from the TV.

Alex, turn it off.' Shane's voice was sharp, turn it off now.'

The sounds stopped immediately. I felt a hand on my shoulder and the bed rocked as Shane sat down next to me. He put his arm around me and as I leaned into him I felt the same rush of emotion I had earlier, and I knew exactly what I was going to do next. I turned my head and kissed Shane on the lips and unlike last time there was no hesitation on my part. I reached up and pulled him closer, mashing my lips against his.

He was hesitant, perhaps fearing a repeat of what had happened before. I slid my tongue through his lips and he began to respond, kissing me harder and his tongue poked against mine. He pulled me closer to him and I felt the same surge of feelings again, leading me to put my fingers up to his face and this time I felt stubble but I didn't care. I heard myself give a little moan from somewhere in my throat, and any residual inhibitions I may have still harboured slipped away.

Shane fell back on to the bed, taking me with him. His hands were around my back and I lay beside him, waiting, no, wanting, him to take the lead. His hand moved down onto my leg and gently touched my thigh. My head was spinning by now, my heart racing and all I wanted was him. His hand stroked its way up my leg and under my dress. I was getting hard now, and I knew a few inches more and he would find my cock. I briefly wondered how he would react, but a few seconds later his fingers were on my cock and he was rubbing it hard. I gasped as his fingers enveloped my cock, and my mind was imploding from the sensations I was receiving. He kissed me harder, and I felt how different it was to be kissed by a man. Alex and Areeya were gentler, more sensual when they kissed. Shane was fiercer, wanting to dominate me, but I was happy to be submissive. My breath was coming in gasps now as I felt him more and more urgently all over my body; his hands, his fingers, his tongue, even his body itself felt like fire against my skin.

He pushed himself up and in one movement, took off his top and lay down again. My fingers were all over his chest, feeling the indentations and ridges of his scars and it scared me a little to feel turned on by them. His hand found its way to my cock again, and I wanted to feel my fingers on his in return. I pushed my hand to his shorts and clumsily tried to undo them.

`Hold on, I'll do that.' he whispered into my ear. I heard the sound of a zip and I paused for a moment, realising I was never coming back from this. I shook the thought away and put my hand on the front of his shorts. Alex's words about the size of his cock flashed into his mind and I remembered not to be surprised. I slid my fingers inside and almost jumped as I brushed up against his cock; he wasn't tiny, he was huge. Damn you Alex, I thought, I'm going to get you back for this.

I got my hand around it and began to stroke. It was already hard but my fingers were making it grow even more. I started to work my way down his chest, licking and kissing his nipples first before sliding down even further until my face was level with his groin. I looked up at him and his eyes were open wide, staring down at me. I grinned and pulled his shorts down, and his cock flopped onto his tummy. My eyes widened as I saw it for the first time. It wasn't only long, it was thick as well. I gulped as I thought about what might come next. I felt hands on my shoulders and I looked round to see Alex behind me, she pressed down gently and my face collided with Shane's cock. It twitched as I touched it, and I jumped back.

`Easy, baby, take it slowly, you'll be fine.' Alex whispered in my ear. She pressed me down again and my lips made contact with the top of his cock. My tongue flicked out to kiss the tip, and I felt him shiver as I licked down to the root. I heard him make a sound in his throat as I kissed his balls and ran my tongue back up to the tip again. Alex pressed down once more, and I took the tip into my mouth, my tongue working around and beneath the head. Shane moaned louder this time, so I did it again and felt his cock twitch in my mouth.

`Slide it in deeper, baby.' Alex whispered again.

I took him deeper into my mouth and began to move up and down on it, trying to get it a little deeper each time. I gagged and had to pullback before plunging my mouth over his cock once more.

`Steady, take it slowly, baby.' Alex was whispering in my ear again.

`Come up here, I want to kiss you again,' I heard Shane say, and I let his cock slip from his mouth and moved up the bed. He pulled me towards him and as he kissed me, the feeling of his lips on mine took my breath away.

`Time to get naked, Scarlett,' Alex pulled up the hem of my dress and I sat up to let her take it off.

I lay back against Shane and gasped aloud as his tongue flicked my nipples. They were hard already,, and I writhed as he tormented them further.

`Straddle me,' said Shane, and I climbed onto his chest facing him, wondering what he wanted to do. He looked up grinned and slid my cock into his mouth. I nearly passed out as his tongue bathed my cock. He sucked and licked until I thought my cock was about to burst. I could feel his cock rubbing between my bum and I thought for a moment he would take me there and then. Shane let me slip from his lips and I rolled off him.

Alex was still there, next to us on the bed, `He's ready baby, are you?' I nodded, unable to find the words.

`Get on your hands and knees,' She said and as I did so I felt Shane move on the bed behind me. I looked back to see he was kneeling behind me, applying some lube to his cock. It looked even bigger now and I wondered if I could possibly take it. I felt him spread some on my hole and then there was one finger inside me. I fell forward a little and found Alex in front of me.

`You'll be fine, he knows what he's doing.'

I winced as a second finger found its way inside, but I knew I would be grateful for this soon.

`Relax, baby, relax.' whispered Alex.

I felt the first tap of his cock against my hole and he pushed gently but insistently before pulling back. I knew this was going to hurt, and I bit my lip as I felt him push again. He went deeper this time trying to open me up, but I was tight and my muscle was unwilling to allow this invader past its defence. I felt a sharp slap on my bum and I jumped and he was inside. I gasped out loud as the pain seared through me, and I almost stopped breathing as tears pricked my eyes.

'Easy, easy, baby, you'll be fine.' Alex was holding my shoulders as I was in danger of falling onto my face. Shane began to move in and out and I had to bite my lip again to avoid crying out. I can't recall when things changed, but at some point the pain ebbed away to be replaced with heat and pleasure as he picked up his pace and his cock began to slide in and out. He placed his hands on my shoulders and I instinctively began to push back against his thrusts. I felt something touch my lips, and I opened my eyes to see Alex's cock in front of me.

I opened my lips, allowing to her to slide it into my mouth. As Shane pushed from behind I was forced onto her, impaled on cocks from in front and back. My senses were overwhelmed and time stood still as I was aware of nothing except the waves of pleasure and lust which crashed over me in this double assault. From somewhere I heard Shane grunting, and he staggered a little as his climax crashed through him and into me. I felt his cum sluice from his cock and into me, coating my insides with his hot seed. A few seconds later Alex came too, her cum shooting into my throat and splashing onto my face.

I slumped forwards, totally spent from what had happened. Shane stayed inside me as he lay beside me and kissed my neck. I felt him gradually shrink and slip out of me. Alex lay down on my other side, and kissed me.

`Do you forgive me?'

`What for?' I said, completely confused.

`For showing the film, I shouldn't have done that, it was wrong.'

`Yeah, I forgive you for that, but I'm going to get you back for telling me his nickname was Tiny.'

She giggled, `It's true, it's his nickname, but he got it because he is so big.'

`Bitch,' I said as I lay there, in a state of exhilaration I had never felt before. We cuddled for a while before falling asleep, me in the middle, Alex and Shane on either side of me. Sometime in the night, I woke from a dream about watching a never-ending stream of shooting stars. I was troubled by something, but couldn't grasp what it could be. I woke to find Alex laying next to me, looking at me with a worried look.

`Wassa matter?' My throat was dry and I could barely speak.

`Do you still love me?' she whispered.

The question shook me. I pushed back some stray hair which had fallen over her forehead.

`Of course I do, why?'

`You seem so keen on Shane.'

Ok, let's get this straight,' I said, I like Shane in every way you can think of, but I love you and Areeya, nothing will come between us.' She looked into my eyes for a second before kissing me and saying, `Fuck me please, now.'

I glanced at Shane and he was still asleep, snoring gently. I climbed over him to Alex and we made love next to him, slowly and sensually, our movements matched to each other's needs and likes. After being fucked last night this was making love. Two people who knew what pleased the other and were able to give to each other unselfishly. As my climax approached, my back arched and I came, her legs wrapped tightly around my back, pulling me deep into her. I pulled out of her and we rolled onto our backs, holding hands and giggling.

That was the hottest thing I've seen in a long time.' Shane's voice made us both jump. Alex thumped on his chest, You bastard, you could have told us you were awake.' Shane started to laugh and Alex jumped on top of him and jumped up and down until he stopped.

It was already late, so Alex wanted to make a start back to Lamai. After a shared shower which involved a lot giggling and teasing, we weighed anchor and set course for Lamai. I was going to fly to Bangkok as James the following day, so I decided to stay as Scarlett for one more day. I wore the black top and trousers I had brought back from Bangkok which I had come to love and I thought went so well with the black wig. We made good time back, stopping for lunch and a naked swim in a deserted bay. However, as we turned south towards Lamai, dark clouds were building over to the east, and it looked as if there was more bad weather on the way.

We arrived back at Cockatoo as dusk fell and the bar was already crowded and noisy. Shane had Alex on one arm and me on the other and was grinning as if he had won the Thai lottery. I felt everyone who looked at me could tell exactly what I had done last night, but I decided I didn't care. I was happy, and that's all that mattered to me. The bar girls were all busy either serving drinks or sitting with customers. The three of us waved to Pao, who was trying to settle an argument with a slightly drunk Brit about a bar bill he thought was too much. It was mainly the Brits who complained about the bills, even though Areeya made sure the prices were among the lowest on the strip. Areeya spotted us and weaved her way through the crowd to get to us. She smiled to see I was in Scarlett mode and winked at me, which, of course, made me go as red as a stop sign.

`It's crazy tonight, we're doing great business. I'll bring you some beers out here.' She almost had to fight her way back through the crowd to fetch the drinks. As we chatted waiting for Areeya to come back, I was casually scanning the crowds outside the bar when I caught sight of a Thai face which looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place him. Areeya returned with the beers and we clinked bottles. When I looked back, whoever it was had disappeared.

Areeya grinned wickedly, `So, did Scarlett have a good time last night?' Alex giggled and Shane simply smiled.

`Actually, yes, Areeya, she had a great time thank you.' I grinned back at her.

British, why they always complaining,' said Pao as she joined us. Oh, sorry Miss Jamie, I forget you British too.'

Alex said, `It's Scarlett now, Pao.' She looked completely baffled, and I stepped in.

`Pao, These days I'm not sure what I am.'

That got a big laugh from everyone.

I looked over Pao's shoulder and saw the face I had seen earlier. He was looking at us and then began to move in our direction. My heart missed a beat as I recognised one of the men who had stopped us on the way to Bangkok. He was so close now all I could do was shout, `Shane, watch out.' I thought he was going for Shane but his eyes were fixed on me. Time seemed to slow down for the next few moments as everyone turned towards me in confusion. Shane began to move towards the man, but he was never going to get there in time. Pao, who was slightly to one side, turned to face the oncoming man, and I caught the flash of a knife blade. I tried to rock backwards but bumped into Alex, who screamed. Pao made a deliberate step to the side just as he thrust the knife at me. Pao grunted as she took the blade in her stomach and was knocked backwards into me. The man turned to run but Shane reached him before he had gone two steps, sending them both crashing to the floor.

Everybody was now screaming or shouting as I sank to my knees with Pao cradled in my arms. My hands were already red with her blood as she looked up at me and said, `Sorry, Mr James.'

To be continued.

To the fans of the story. Thank you for your kind and helpful comments about my story. I will return to continue it but I have decided to take a break to write some other stories which have been floating around in my mind. I hope you don't mind too much. Thanks again for sticking with the story so far.

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Next: Chapter 31

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