

Published on Mar 10, 2016


Cockatoo Chapter 24

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twitter @nikkie_silk

Pao's eyes flicked across my face looking for reassurance.

`Miss Alex told me it OK.'

I smiled, `Pao, it's fine, Miss Alex just forgot to tell me it would be tonight.'

I walked across to her and gave her a kiss on both cheeks.

`You look beautiful, that dress looks lovely on you.'

She giggled and looked up at me, `Thank you, Mr James. It one of Miss Areeya's. She say I can keep it if I like it.'

I had always known Pao was pretty, but tonight with her hair up, her makeup done to perfection, wearing that dress, she was stunning.

`Pao, it looks wonderful on you. It suits you so well.'

She giggled once more and her smile lit up her face.

My phone bleeped at that moment and from the tone I could tell it was a text from Alex.

`Surprise! Give her a wonderful night, champagne in kitchen, restaurant will bring up food. I will even turn off cameras.'

My eyes flicked up to the camera through which Alex was undoubtedly watching. I grinned to myself and texted back, `I will treat her well. Will get you back sometime'

`Hah, just try! C u tomorrow luv u'

`Me 2'

I turned to Pao, `That was Miss Alex, she says she hopes you enjoy tonight.'

Pao blushed and lowered her eyes. I gently raised her chin with a finger and kissed her on the lips. I brushed her lips with my tongue and she parted them in response and I slipped my tongue into her mouth. Her tongue flicked against mine and I wrapped my arms around her and I could feel Pao shaking as we kissed. I realised she was so excited about this, so I broke the kiss and said, `Pao, this is for you tonight. I want this to be about you. Why don't we have the restaurant send up our food, and then we have all night to do what you want.'

Pao smiled and nodded, `Yes, Mr James, if you want.'

It was at that moment I realised how smart Alex had been. The bonus for Pao was not me, it was that for the first time, maybe ever, Pao would have a night where she was in control. A night where she wasn't just satisfying someone else, but able to satisfy herself. Alex guessed that I would work that out and give Pao the opportunity to be the centre of attraction, with somebody she had chosen, not who had chosen her

`Pao, tonight, it's not what I want, it's what you want, you're in charge. OK?'

She blushed again, but nodded.

`Pao, please call me James, if only for tonight.'

She giggled at this, stood up on tiptoe, kissed me and said, `OK, James, I like that.'

I grinned and kissed her back, `OK, come and sit down, and I will get things rolling.'

She held my hand as we walked across to the sofa where Pao sat down carefully, unused to the elegant dress. I raised her hand to my lips and kissed it. She giggled once more, but there was a beautiful smile on her face.

`Pao, I will be back in a moment, I'm just going to call the restaurant.'

I walked over to the kitchen, called downstairs, and asked for the food to be brought up. Putting the champagne into an ice bucket, I placed it and two flutes onto a tray and brought it through to the main room. Pao's eyes widened as she saw the champagne and her smile widened even further. I sat down next to Pao, popped the cork and poured two glasses. I handed one to Pao, clinked our glasses, and said, `To you, Pao, I hope this evening will be special for you.'

She giggled and I could tell she was relaxing at last. The intercom buzzed, and I opened the door to allow the restaurant staff to bring in the food. They quickly set it out on the table and waited for Pao and I to come across to the table. I pulled back Pao's chair for her to sit first, which prompted another giggle, and I sat down opposite her. One of the waitresses told us what the dishes were and told us to call them when we had finished so they could clear the table. I could tell that Alex had wanted the best for tonight, and the restaurant had not failed her. The table was full of dishes and bowls of the most wonderful looking food. The aromas rising from the different dishes were divine.

I poured another two glasses of champagne and asked Pao to choose what she would like as well as to recommend what I should eat. We could not possibly finish all the food on the table, but we had a good try. Pao had a wonderful appetite for such a small girl and ate with an obvious relish for the food. We talked as we ate, recalling the time we had first met in Bangkok in Cockatoo. She told me that my friend Robbie had taken two kathoeys to the short time rooms and apparently he had an enormous cock which they talked about for days afterwards. I told her I had been so confused that night when she put my hand on her cock, which was why I ran out of the bar.

She giggled, `You not so confused now James.'

I laughed and toasted her, `No, I'm not, thanks to you.'

She reminded me of the second time we met when she had jumped on my lap in Cockatoo 2 here on Samui in front of Alex.

I thought Miss Alex would hit me with pool cue, she looked so angry.' Pao, I thought she was going to hit both of us. It was good she calmed down.'

Pao looked serious for a moment, `We were so glad to see you back after the pirate attack, it was horrible when we heard what had happened. I cried when I heard you were OK.'

`Thank you Pao, I was very happy to see you again, you took care of me so well.'

She blushed again, `I surprise you, I think, when Miss Alex ask me to look after you the night she went Bangkok.'

I laughed out loud, `You really did, I remember the bow on your cock, that was wonderful.'

She laughed too, `That my idea, Miss Alex thought it funny too.'

I told her about my surprise when after the night we spent together I had woken up to find Areeya next to me when I expected Pao.

`Miss Areeya say she wanted to surprise you.'

`Pao, believe me, she did surprise me. It nearly gave me a heart attack.'

`I glad you didn't, James.'

That made me smile, and we touched our glasses together.

We had finished eating by now and I called the restaurant to come to collect the dinner and while we aimed for them to come up, we sat on the sofa to finish the champagne.

`Pao, what's your story? I mean, how did you come to be at Cockatoo? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.'

`I no mind, James. I born in Chang Mai, in north of Thailand. My family poor, I had three sisters, older than me. My father died when I was small so I had only girls in family. I think that how it started, I felt more girl than boy, liked girl stuff, not play like boy. My sisters treat me like doll, dress me up in their clothes, but I happy, it felt good. My mother work two jobs to give us food, pay rent. So I brought up by sisters. I wanted to be girl. When my mother found out she mad, she say kathoey not good life, hard life. She wanted me to be boy. We fight and I run away.'

She paused, and I asked, `How old were you then?'

`I thirteen I think. Look older though, I get job in Chiang Mai, in kathoey bar. I be servant to kathoeys, clean up rooms, wash their clothes, fetch their food, even drugs sometimes, I sleep in back room. I happy though. I could be girl not boy. One day mama-san ask if I want to be kathoey in bar, earn more money.'

She guessed the question I was going to ask.

`I fifteen then, but I look older. I say yes, and I start work in bar.'

I took her hand and stroked it. She looked down at it and smiled.

`I nervous at first, but soon get used to it. Some men good, some bad, some very bad. Kathoeys in bar nice to me, help me to be more like girl.'

Her face darkened.

`One day I meet Thai man who treat me very nice. He come back many times for me and he very nice, say I should come to Bangkok with him, we live together, be happy. I stupid, believe him and run away with him. He sell me to bar in Bangkok, I have to work in dirty bar, with very bad men, you say gangsters, I think. No money, just get food. Locked in room at back of bar. Have to fuck with many men, beat me if I refuse. I cry every night, wish I dead.'

I squeezed her hand, and she looked up at me and smiled.

`I manage to escape one night when man guarding me get drunk and fall asleep. I live on streets for while begging, then meet nice foreign lady who say she have bed for me in hostel. I live there for while. they kind. One night I meet man, he take me to Cockatoo and I meet Kritsada. He say if I want I work at Cockatoo, Kritsada nice, he say he pay for boobies if I work for him.'

She paused, smiled and said, `You like my boobies, James?'

Damn it if I didn't blush. I thought I had gotten over that.

`Yes, Pao, I like your boobies, they are lovely.'

She smiled broadly, `Men like boobies, no?'

I had to laugh as she said it, `Yes, that's right, Pao, all men like boobies.'

She grinned and went on, I work at Cockatoo for a while, they good to me, pay for boobies and take care of girls. good place to work. Soon after I meet you, Miss Alex visit and ask if anyone want to work in Cockatoo on Samui. I think might be good idea so I come. I so surprised to see you there. I get so excited to see someone I know so I jump on your lap.' She giggled once more, I sorry for that, James. But I think it OK? You forgive me?'

I leant across and kissed her, `Yes, Pao, it's OK. You did nothing wrong. You are a great girl.'

She lowered her eyes to the floor, and I realised she was shy. I lifted her chin with my finger and kissed her nose.

I very glad I now mama-san in Cockatoo, I like job. I think I good at it. Work hard for Miss Alex and Miss Areeya,' she paused for a fraction of a second, and get good bonus.'

We both burst out laughing, and I hugged her tight.

How Pao had become such a lovely girl was beyond me. What she had endured would have broken many people and could have crippled her view of people and life for ever. Instead, she was funny, charming, loyal, generous, and beautiful.

I kissed her hand, and she giggled, `We go bed now James?'

Yes, Pao, we can go to bed now.' I stood and held my hand out to her. She took it and I helped her up from the sofa. She gave me a quick kiss and said, I go change now, you wait for me?'

`Of course I'll wait, Pao. I'll be right here.'

She walked over to the wet room and looked back at me, almost In fear I might not be here when she came out. I used the small washroom to brush my teeth before going back to the bedroom, taking off my clothes and sliding under the sheet. I dimmed the lights, and It was only a few minutes before Pao emerged from the wet room. She had let her hair down and was wearing a sheer baby doll nightie and knickers. Standing still for a moment in the doorway, she was back-lit by the light, and she looked wonderful.

Wiggling her way across to the bed she slid in next to me. Reaching out with her fingers to touch my face she stroked my cheek as if she wanted to make sure I was real.

She whispered, `James, I know you with Miss Alex and Miss Areeya but I hope you like me too.'

I smiled and kissed her forehead, `Pao, I am so happy that you came into my life. You have lit up my world and ever since we met I have liked you. I cannot imagine what it would like not to have you in my life.'

Her eyes shone, and she dipped her head to kiss me, her tongue pushing its way into my mouth and seeking out my tongue. As we kissed, her hands went to my nipples making them harden instantly. She rubbed the nipples between her fingers before nipping them between her nails. I moaned as we continued to kiss and I pushed her onto her back and put my hands up under her nightie. She hissed as I cupped her breasts and I felt her nipples harden. Pushing me away, she sat up and pulled the nightie over her head in one move. Rolling over on top of me, her breasts were glistening in the dim light just in front of my eyes, and she lowered herself towards me. I took one nipple into my mouth, rolling my tongue around it and nipping it between my teeth, she hissed once more and offered me the other nipple, and I repeated the action with this one.

I could feel her hardening cock push into my groin, and she wiggled her hips rubbing her cock against mine. She giggled as she felt my cock rising in response and she shuffled down the bed and I felt her warm mouth slide over the end of my cock. I moaned as her tongue worked its magic. She rolled her tongue around the head and then she let the cock slip out pushing it up against my belly she licked me from root to tip.

She flicked the tip with her tongue making me arch my back, drew each ball into her mouth and I almost passed out as she teased them with her tongue. Giving my cock another couple of long licks she had me panting already. She blew across the head and gave it a kiss before moving up the bed and straddling my chest, her cock poking out of her knickers and pointing at my mouth.

She looked down at me and said, `You suck now?'

In response I opened my lips, and she edged forwards so that it slipped inside my mouth. I was nowhere near as good at this as Pao, but I had learned a lot and I think I was now pretty good. The hissing sounds from above were an indication I was doing OK. She moved her hips and her cock slipped further into my mouth, each thrust taking it deeper. She leaned forwards, her hands resting on the bed head, enabling her to push her cock almost vertically into my throat. I was taking her deeper than I had ever taken one before.

I gagged and Pao withdrew allowing me to take some deep breaths before sliding it back in. Putting my hands on her bum I slid a finger into her hole. She jumped as I did, causing another bout if gagging. She pulled out again and giggled nervously.

`Sorry, James, that surprise me. It nice, can you do again?'

She slipped back into my mouth and I slipped my finger back inside her. This time she was ready for it and I heard her hiss as she felt me penetrate her. I could feel she was getting harder, and she pulled out once more and slithered down the bed.

`I want to fuck you now, James. Is that OK?'

I laughed and said, `Yes, Pao, I've been waiting for this for a long time.'

That produced a stream of giggles and a whispered, `Me too.'

She pulled her knickers down and throw them away, pushed my legs up onto her shoulders and shuffled towards my bum. She must have grabbed the lube from somewhere because I felt her spread some around my hole. I felt first one finger and then another pushed into me, and I felt my ring spreading as she opened me up with her fingers. She eased them in and out for a few seconds before I could feel her cock tapping at my hole, teasing me with a few short jabs that didn't quite penetrate me. I was moaning by the time, desperate to feel her fully inside me. She drew back and then with one thrust she was inside and burying herself right into me. I groaned as I felt her full length inside, and pushed back at her as she plunged her cock in and out, filling me completely.

I started to grunt each time she pushed in and I could feel her cock grow as my muscles gripped her. She bent forward pushing my legs back onto my chest, and we managed to kiss, our tongues fighting each other as we fucked. She picked up the pace, and she drove into me faster and faster. I could feel her balls bouncing against me each time she shoved into me. Reaching down with her hand she grasped my cock and started pumping me. I was already hard, and this just drove me crazy, feeling her ramming into me and her hands stroking my cock. Pao was now grunting as well as she pummelled me, and I could feel her sweat dripping onto me.

There was no warning when Pao jerked her head up and shouted, `I cumming!'

I felt her climax and then her cum was spurting into me as she continued to drive herself inside me. She kept pumping my cock as she climaxed and within a few seconds of her climax I twitched and cum shot from my cock over Pao's hands and my belly. Pao stayed inside me, and I moved my legs from her shoulders, allowing her to fall forward onto my chest. She kissed me as we lay there, still locked together, and smiling at each other like kids with a double helping of ice cream.

She dipped her finger into my cum and sucked it before scooping up more and offering it to me. I grinned and took her finger into my mouth savouring the taste of my own cum. We both giggled as I sucked her finger and she finally pulled out of me as her cock began to soften.

`Thank you James, that was great, I like to fuck you.'

`Pao, it was my pleasure, I liked it too.'

We hugged each other for a while, kissing gently as we came down from the high of making love. Pao couldn't stop smiling and I was feeling pretty good too. She jumped up, grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bed.

`James, James, we go shower now.'

She dragged me over to the wet room, giggling all the time, and pushed me under the shower. I picked up a washcloth and began washing Pao, but as soon as I touched her breasts she wrapped her arms around me and began kissing me, with the water pouring down over us. She dropped down to her knees, looked up at me with her cheeky grin and took me into her mouth. I leant back against the wall watching Pao sucking for all she was worth, and it wasn't long before I was hard again,

She slipped my cock out of her mouth, stood up and said, `James, you fuck me now, please.'

Grinning, I kissed her hand, `Anything you wish my lady.'

That produced another torrent of giggles. She turned and put her hands on the wall, and looking back over her shoulder, wiggled her lovely bum, and said, `Do here, please.'

I kissed her neck from behind, as I slid a finger into her hole, getting a hiss of pleasure from her. She wiggled her bum again.

`Do me now.'

I bent my knees and pushed into her. I slid in easily, and she gasped as I thrust hard into her. She pushed back and kept thrusting hard, almost lifting her off her feet as I did so. She turned her head so that we could kiss, but I was now driving hard into her and she turned her head back to face the wall and was groaning at every thrust. It wasn't long before I felt my climax building and with a final thrust, I came inside her, my legs buckling as the force of it hit me.

I slipped out and Pao turned around, dropped to her knees and took my still hard cock in her mouth, drawing the last of the cum from my cock. She stood back up and as we kissed, I could taste myself on her lips. She had a big grin on her face, `That nice, James, you fuck good, Miss Alex say you the best. Me think so too.'

Alex clearly shared with Pao as much as she did with Areeya. I laughed, `Thank you Pao, you're pretty good too.'

We cleaned ourselves up in the shower and having dried ourselves, Pao led me back to the bed and said, `You want massage now, James?'

The last massage Pao had given me was the best I had ever had, so I didn't hesitate to say yes. Spreading towels on the bed, Pao had me lay down on my back, straddled me and began to work her magic, her fingers soft yet strong, kneading and probing my muscles. It was heavenly, and then she asked me to turn over and began to work on my back. It wasn't long before I heard her giggle and felt her body sliding over my back. I could feel her hard cock sliding in between my cheeks, so I opened my legs slightly, and she slipped a finger into my hole. A second followed and then, I think, a third as the oil helped them slide easily inside me. I was squirming by this time and then I felt the fingers leave, to be replaced by her cock as she slid it deep into me. I grasped the sheets in my fists as her slipped in and out, teasing me until she began to drive it into me. It didn't take long for her to cum, and she cried out as she did fell forward onto my back.

She rolled off me and we lay facing each other. She kissed me tenderly, and said, `Thank you, James.'

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her tight to me. `Pao, you are a great girl, and you fuck good too.'

That produced a torrent of giggles, and she pulled me back into the shower to clean ourselves up for the second time. We eventually went back to the bed and lay there, kissing and holding each other until we both fell asleep.

I woke in the morning to find myself spooning up to Pao's back. My arm was over her hip and she was still asleep. I eased myself away from her and she rolled over onto her back where I could see her cock, lying up against her belly. It looked so enticing that I leant over and gave it a lick with my tongue, She moved slightly, but didn't wake. I gave it another couple of licks and felt it stir and begin to grow as my tongue slid over it. Taking the head in my mouth I sucked gently on it, and felt Pao stir as her cock was now getting very hard. I rolled my tongue over the head and underneath, flicking at the sensitive spot there. Pao was now awake putting her hands down to my head to hold me in position.

Her hips began to move and her cock slid in and out of my mouth. She was hissing with pleasure now and I used my hand on her cock as well as my mouth to bring her to the edge. I felt her cock twitch in my mouth as her climax broke and she came into my mouth, flooding it with her cum. I swallowed most of it, but my lips were sticky with some that had escaped. I rolled over on my side and looked straight at Alex, who was standing at the door with a big grin on her face.

`Fuck, Alex, don't you ever think of knocking?'

Pao bounced up on the bed and said, `Good morning, Miss Alex.'

`Morning, Pao. Did you have a good time?'

`Yes, thank you, Miss Alex. Like you say, James, he a good fuck.'

Alex laughed, `He has his uses, that's for sure. If you put him in his place, he's pretty good.'

Hey, you two,' I protested, I am here you know, I can hear you.'

Alex walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge.

Of course you are, my darling. We were just talking about you, not to you.' She kissed me on the lips, Don't sulk, it looks like you had a good time too, didn't you?'

`Yes, I had a good time too.'

Pao clapped her hands and said, `Thank you James, I had very good time. You suck good too now.'

Alex turned to Pao, `He's learning quite fast, I might lend him to you again one day.'

`Still here, you know.' I protested again.

Pao giggled and slid across to Alex, wrapped her arms around her neck and kissed her straight on the lips. Alex put her arms around Pao and they were kissing a few inches from me, and my cock hardened at the sight. Alex broke the kiss, `Pao, I think Mr James is getting turned on by this. But it's time for you to get home. I'm glad you had a good time.'

Pao thanked Alex again, gave me a kiss and disappeared into the wet room. Alex gave me a kiss.

`Thank you, sweetie, Pao really loved that.'

`You might have warned me,' I grumbled.

She laughed, `Yes, but that wouldn't have been any near as much fun.'

I tried to grab her, but she skipped away and said, `Down tiger, we need to talk about Kritsada. Get dressed and we'll have a talk with Areeya.'

I grabbed my shorts and pulled a clean t-shirt over my head. Pao emerged from the wet room just as Areeya walked through the main door.

Pao ran over to her and kissed her, `Thank you Miss Areeya, James say I look beautiful in your dress.'

She smiled at Pao, `I told you so, it suits you so well. Do you want to keep it?'

`Can I? It make me feel so nice.'

`Of course you can keep it, Pao. I'm glad you liked it. We'll see you later.'

Pao gave me one more kiss, hugged me and said, `James, thank you, you so nice.'

She giggled once more and disappeared through the door. Areeya turned to me and said, `Thank you James. She really is happy.'

`Glad to be of service, best sex I've had for a long time.' I said.

Which promptly earned me a laugh from Areeya and a thump on the arm from Alex. I made coffee for us all and then we sat down at the table. Areeya said, `I am worried about my father. I know he is a careful man, but I am worried that he does not know that he is being watched and bugged so closely. I know we said we should not change our plans for you to fly out next week, James, but I wish there was someway we could get you there sooner to take a personal message to him.'

I agree,' I said, but how? Jandaeng will have the airport watched and if I fly my name will pop up on the police system, I am sure. In fact, if any of us fly, it will be the same. I'm sure all of us are being monitored. Could someone else take a message to him?'

Areeya shook her head, `I think it has to be you, James. He will believe you, I don't think he would accept it from anyone else. Alex and I can't go, it would be too obvious if we disappeared. We could cover for you if you're gone for a couple of days, even if they are watching here, which I doubt. We tell everyone you're ill and staying in the apartment to recover.'

Alex joined in, `There is a way you could get there without flying, or your name showing up on the computers. There's a ferry that goes from Samui to Chumphon on the mainland where you can catch a train to Bangkok. No names, no showing passports, no passenger lists. You could be there tomorrow evening.'

`Won't Jandaeng be watching the ferries? They will spot me, for sure.'

Areeya looked at me, `Yes, they would spot you, but they won't be looking for two girls traveling together.'

`But you said it had to be me. You said no-one else could take the message. Who would the two girls be?'

Areeya said, `Well one of them would be Nin, we thought.'

Stupidly, I still didn't get it, `Who would the other one be then?'

Areeya and Alex both looked back at me saying nothing, and the penny dropped.

`Oh, no. I'm not doing it. I'm not dressing as a girl.'

Next: Chapter 25

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