

Published on Feb 23, 2016


Cockatoo Part 23

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Jandaeng was wearing a pair of those mirror aviator sunglasses beloved of all Asian movie heavies. It obviously meant I couldn't see his eyes, but even if I could see them, I guessed I wouldn't learn much.

He let me stew for a few minutes, hoping that I would say something to fill in the silence following his remarks about Tony. I said nothing, not willing to give away anything that Jandaeng didn't already know.

`Mr White, do you know him? He says he knows you. He is a journalist I believe.'

`Who? Tony the newspaper guy? If it's him, I never knew his second name. He was in the bar on Koh Samui a lot, Seemed to be drunk most of the time.'

Jandaeng nodded, his eyes still concealed by those glasses.

`Mr White was found to be trying to smuggle what appeared to be a rare Buddha statue out of the country. That is a very serious offence. Do you have any knowledge of this statue?'

I shook my head, `No, nothing, Did he say I did?'

Jandaeng wasn't going to be drawn into answering my questions.

`Mr White claimed that he had no idea it was in his bag, and he had no idea where it came from. It turned out to be a fake, well made, but still a fake.'

He paused and took a wooden toothpick from his pocket and cleaned something from his front teeth.

`He said that you might have something to do with it.'

`Me? Whatever for? I barely knew the guy. Had a few drinks with him, but he was a bit unpleasant, Stayed away from him.'

`We have deported Mr White, for the attempted smuggling, but he made some other claims about you.'

`Me?. What on earth were they?'

`He claims you kidnapped him, threatened him and tortured him.'

I tried to put on my most outraged face. `What? I kidnapped him and tortured him? Why would I do that? I barely knew him. I didn't do anything of the kind. That's ridiculous.'

Jandaeng stayed quiet for a few seconds, now chewing on the end of the toothpick. He might look and act like a B Movie heavy, but I felt there was a sharp mind there as well.

`So, you deny all those claims?'

`I do, of course, it's nonsense. Was he drunk? He was most of the short time I knew him.'

He laid back into the corner of the car, those mirror glasses may be a cheap trick, but they were disconcerting.

`Mr White certainly was an odd character, he seemed to have been fitted with some, how do you say, sex devices.'

`He did strike me as an odd guy, so I guess nothing would surprise me about him.'

`Many farangs come to Thailand for sex purposes, it is of no concern to me.'

I hoped that would be it. `If that's all your questions, can I go?'

He smiled again, and I knew then there was more to come.

`Not yet. Mr White did make an interesting comment about your relationship with one of our prominent business people.'

`Oh, what did he say?'

Jandaeng smiled and said, `I understand you have a relationship with the daughter of Kritsada, is that so?'

`Well, she and I are partners in a business on Samui. I have just bought out Kritsada's share of the business. it's all perfectly legal. I can call him on the phone now if you want to check.'

`No, that won't be necessary. I'm not interested in your business. I am however, interested in Kritsada. He has come to our notice recently because he has decided to become involved in our politics. We have to keep an eye on him as we do all who choose to try to influence the direction our country goes in.'

I was now alarmed. Politics in Thailand is notoriously chaotic and corrupt. The country is ruled by a military junta, the National Council for Peace and Order. Their power is absolute, and they have imposed martial law, banned political meetings and detained political leaders. If Kritsada is getting himself involved in Thai politics, he would be playing a dangerous game.

I have no idea what he does, my only involvement is buying out his share of our business. I'm not involved with him in anything else.' Jandaeng smiled again, I don't think that's strictly true, is it? I think you will be doing some other work for him, I believe within his business?'

That shook me. Kritsada and I had only just agreed that less than an hour ago. The only way Jandaeng could have known that is if he had bugged Kritsada's office. I stored that little nugget away; it was a mistake for him to have let that slip.

I blustered as much as I could, `I'm going to be doing some business systems work for him, it's what I did before.'

Jandaeng broke in, `As a foreigner, you know that we can declare you persona non grata and have you deported and banned from coming back here, don't you?'

Here it comes, I thought. `Yes, I guess you could, but I haven't done anything.'

`No, but that's a mere detail, it has never stopped us before.'

I knew he could do it and that he would in an instant if he wanted to.

I sighed, knowing that he had me where he wanted me. `OK, what do you want?'

`Ah, you understand my drift. Excellent. It's very simple, all I need you to do is to keep your eyes and ears open around Kritsada. I want to know everything that he says to you, and I mean everything. Do you understand?'

I nodded, `Yes, but it won't be much, I don't speak Thai and the only things we talk about will be the systems project.'

He smiled, and this time there was no warmth in it at all. `I don't care, I want to know everything. If you don't agree to do this, you will be following Mr White out of the country. I don't think your two friends on Samui would want that, do you? Don't think of warning Kritsada either. If I find out you have warned him in any way, then it won't just be you on your way out, it will also be your little blonde kathoey. Please don't forget my men carry guns.'

I nodded my head. At that moment I couldn't see a way out of it. I had to agree and work out how to deal with this later.

`OK, i guess I have no choice, do I? You have made it very clear how limited my options are.'

`Good, we will contact you when you arrive back in Bangkok. You are free to go now.'

I grabbed the door handle and as I made to leave, Jandaeng leant over and said, `When Mr White went through security at the airport, he kept setting off the scanner. Eventually they found out it was something on his penis that was setting off the alarm. Everybody thought it was very funny. But, of course, you didn't know anything about that, did you?' I got out of the car, and it sped away. I found I was shaking and felt very alone. Finding a nearby wall to sit on, I tried to calm down and gather my thoughts. I had no doubt that Jandaeng could and would carry out his threat to me. The thought of being torn away from the place that I now regarded as the only home I had was too much to bear. I was now firmly between the hammer and the anvil. I had to come up with something, anything, to get me out from there. Right now, I had no idea what that would be. I simply wanted to get back to Samui and to be with Alex and Areeya. I had stopped shaking by this time, but was now feeling sick at the mess I had gotten myself into. I knew I was in way over my head. I thought about going straight back to Kritsada and telling him everything, but realised that Jandaeng would probably have someone watching me, so dismissed that idea. I needed to get back to Samui and to gather my thoughts.

I hailed a taxi to go to the airport and was soon flying back to Samui. For the second time in a few days I was heading back there, desperately trying to work out what to say when I arrived. It was after midnight when I arrived back at the apartment and everything was dark. I opened the front door and could make out two shapes on the bed. Areeya's hair was spread out around her head like a halo and she had her arm draped over Alex's waist. Alex was snoring gently, something she tried to deny she did at all. They were both naked, and the sight of them lying there together brought a catch to my throat. I sat on one of the chairs and I could feel tears pricking at the corners of my eyes as I watched them sleep. I thought about sleeping in the other room and then decided that tonight, I needed to feel someone next to me. I took off my clothes and slid as gently as I could onto the bed next to Alex. she stirred, but didn't wake, so I leant across and kissed her on the forehead. She seemed to smile, and I watched her until I too, slipped into sleep.

I was kneeling in front of a huge statue of Buddha, who smiled at me and opened his mouth to speak. His words seemed to come from far away and try as I might I could not hear what he was saying to me. I became angry because I knew that these were the secrets of life and I would never have the chance to hear them again. I began to shout at the Buddha to speak up, but all he did was to smile. I shouted louder and the statue of the Buddha began to dissolve in front of me.

`James, James, you're dreaming. It's only a dream. Come on, wake up.'

I opened my eyes to look straight at Alex, her face full of concern.

`You were shouting something about never having the chance again.'

I pulled her close to me and hugged her tight.

`I'm sorry, bad dream.'

She stroked my face with her fingers and kissed me. `That's alright baby, you're awake now. You're safe.' She ran her fingers down to my chest and followed them down with her lips. Pushing me onto my back, she took a nipple between her lips and gently sucked it until it grew hard and she pinched it between her teeth. I tried to move my hands to touch her, but she rolled onto my chest, straddled me and pushed my arms above my head and held them there.

Let me take control, baby,' she whispered into my ear, just let me be in charge.'

I nodded, and she reached over and pulled a silk scarf from the bedside table, tying it around my eyes as a blindfold. She moved onto the other nipple, licking and sucking until it was hard as well. My cock began to swell as she kept my hands pinned above my head, and began to move her hips, grinding herself against my groin, and I could feel her cock growing as it slid over mine. She continued to roll her hips, and I moaned as I could feel our cocks rubbing between us. She let go of my hands with one of hers, but kept the other holding me down, and slipped two of her fingers past my lips into my mouth. I licked and sucked her fingers as if it was her cock invading my mouth as she slipped them in and out. She let go of my hands completely, but I kept them where they were above my head, as if she were still holding them there. Sliding down my body, she kissed her way down my chest, licking and nipping the skin between her teeth. In total darkness from the blindfold, I surrendered myself to her, feeling my will slip away as she slid her fingers over my tummy, giving me butterflies inside. She must have raised her head up as I felt her hair flick against my cock which was now standing up hard. I winced as she did so although there was no real pain involved. Alex blew across my cock head, a gesture guaranteed to get me going, and I moaned from somewhere deep in my throat.

Submitting to Alex gave me a feeling of release, almost of freedom, as the stress of the previous day melted away as I gave myself up to her. It felt so liberating to be controlled, to be able to simply do as directed, to do without thinking or questioning.

Turn over,' she said, onto your stomach. Keep your hands above your head.'

I turned over, raising my hands above my head. I felt her straddle me and her cock bounced against my back. She leant forward and tied my hands with something soft, maybe another scarf. I felt the last vestige of control slip away from me as she tied my hands although the binding was so slight as to be symbolic. She kissed her way down my back, her hair tickling me as she moved down. I flinched a little as her tongue slid around my hole, but it soon gave way to pleasure as she lapped around my rosebud. She drew her fingernails down my back and I arched as I felt them scrape across the skin. It wasn't painful as she didn't break the skin, but in total blackness every movement, every feeling was multiplied. I jumped as I felt the lube she smeared around my hole, and then again as her fingers slid into me. She put two or three inside me and rocked them in and out, my muscle flexing to take them and then the empty feeling as she withdrew before sliding them back inside.

The penetration seemed more shocking because I could not see anything and I had no control over what was to happen. This seemed to accentuate the pleasure I felt as her fingers slipped rhythmically in and out of my hole. I expected her cock to replace the fingers, and it was with disappointment I heard her say, `On your back again.'

With my hands tied it was more difficult to turn over this time, but eventually I managed to do so and Alex straddled my chest this time. I felt her cock tap against my lips and then she slapped my face with it. It wasn't hard, but it was so shocking I let out a small yelp. She wiped it across my face in an obvious gesture of domination and this time I said nothing. She tapped her cock against my lips and I opened them to let her slide the head through my lips. I ran my tongue over and under the head, flicking the sensitive little fold of skin where the head joins the shaft. I was rewarded with a little hiss of pleasure and I did it again, getting another hiss in return. I took more and more of her cock into my mouth, and I felt Alex raise herself so that she could plunge her cock into my mouth almost vertically. I was taking her deeper into my mouth than I had ever done before and I almost choked and she withdrew to let me catch my breath before plunging herself back into my mouth.

I thought she was going to cum in my mouth but she stopped and moved back down until I could feel her bum against my cock which was now aching for some attention. Alex smeared lube onto my cock and I assumed into her hole as well. I felt her position herself over my cock and with her hand she steered me into her hole before impaling herself onto my cock. I heard her gasp as she took me all the way inside before raising up again and coming down on me once more. She began to raise and lower herself on me, and I could feel my cock sliding into her hole. I had never felt this hard before and her hole was tight around my cock. She was gasping as she slammed up and down and I was grunting as she rode me like a horse.

My senses were so scrambled by this time that I came almost without warning, my cum pouring into Alex and I arched my back and fell back onto the bed. Alex stood up, releasing my still hard cock, and her lips wrapped around it, cleaning up any remaining cum with her tongue. She slipped my cock out of her mouth and untied the blindfold, my eyes blinking in the sudden light. As my eyes adjusted, she also untied my hands, and I turned over to see Areeya laying on her side looking at us, her eyes wide open with her fingers busy between her legs. I had forgotten Areeya was there and she must have been woken by Alex and me as we fucked.

`Lick her,' Alex said, as she knelt beside Areeya on the bed and fed her cock into Areeya's mouth. Areeya began to suck on Alex and I pushed her fingers away and began to lick her pussy. She was wet already, and I used my fingers as well as my tongue on her and she was quickly pushing her pussy into my face. I looked up briefly and Alex had her eyes closed as Areeya sucked on her cock. Areeya put one hand on the back of head to force me even harder onto her, and I managed to get my finger inside her as I sucked on her clit. I felt her stiffen and then her hips slammed her pussy into my face as her orgasm ripped through her. I could feel her juices covering my face as I tried to keep sucking on her. Alex moaned, and I knew she had cum too, her back arched and she fell forwards onto Areeya.

Areeya kept her hand on my head keeping me pressed against her pussy as her hips moved once or twice more before finally releasing me. I moved up the bed to where Alex and Areeya were already embracing. They made room for me between them and we all lay there, recovering from what had just happened. My face felt sticky with Areeya's cum and she touched my face and giggled, `James, I should say sorry, but I enjoyed that so much. You are very good at that, you know.'

I smiled, `No need for apologies, Areeya, I enjoyed it too. It was about time I paid you back.'

She laughed, her hair tumbling down over her shoulders, `Consider the debt paid, but we must do it again soon.' She leant across and kissed me, licking my face to taste her own juices.

`Hey, don't forget me, I was there too, remember?' Alex pouted as she sat up, her arms crossed her breasts.

`Yes, you were nice too.' I said.

`Nice? nice? I was fucking awesome.'

I kissed her. `Yes, you were, and I loved every minute of it.'

She grinned, `OK, good save, mister. But don't ever forget I'm the boss, right?'

I cast my eyes down, `Yes Miss Alex, I won't forget.' and grinned all over my face.

`Bastard,' she yelled, and hit me with a pillow.

I had forgotten what happened yesterday, and as it flooded back to me, it must have shown on my face, because both Areeya and Alex stopped and said, `What's the matter?'

Let's get cleaned up and I need some coffee,' I said, I need to talk to both of you, we have a problem.'

Despite both of them badgering me, I refused to say anything before we had had showered and sat at the table with some coffee and breakfast. I took them through what had happened the previous day, word for word as I could remember the conversations with Kritsada and then with Jandaeng. I could see their faces drop as I got to the end of the story.

`Fuck, fuck, fuck.' was all Alex said.

I must tell my father straightaway,' said Areeya and reached for her phone. I put my hand on her arm and said, Yes, we must find a way to tell him, Areeya, but I will bet that Jandaeng has the phones bugged, your father's as well as ours. If you call now, it will only tip off Jandaeng.'

She nodded, `You're right, but we must tell him he's being bugged.'

I thought for a moment, `Actually, your father is a pretty sharp operator, it wouldn't surprise me if he knows or suspects the phones are bugged. When we spoke about Tony's departure, the conversation was almost in code. Areeya, did you know he was into politics?'

She shook her head, `No, and I don't believe it to be honest. He has always stayed away from getting involved. He's had to deal with both political factions over the years, so he's always been careful to stay neutral.'

Alex spoke for the first time, `I know that some of the people I had to get close to for him, were involved though. Maybe he's got on the wrong side of somebody?'

Areeya nodded, `Yes, that's always a possibility. But what do we do now?'

`I'm sorry to bring this down on you two, I had no idea what we did with little shit Tony would result in this.'

Alex looked up and said, `It's not your fault. if Kritsada and I hadn't run the Buddha trick at the airport, Jandaeng wouldn't have known about you.'

Areeya put out her hands to stop us both, `I think you're both wrong. If Jandaeng is out to get my father, then he would have found us anyway. We just fell into his hands. It's not anyone's fault, none of us could have foreseen it. We have to move past blame and carry on to what we need to do next.'

Alex looked at me and I nodded, `She's right Alex, we need to come up with a plan.'

Alex frowned and said, `So, you did have a side agreement with Kritsada for extra work?'

I blushed, `Yes, I'm sorry. I should have told you both. I won't keep secrets from you again. I promise.'

Areeya said, `Stop it you two, this isn't helping.'

Alex looked at me in a way that made me think I would pay for that omission sometime in the future.

Areeya went on, `I think we must above all behave normally. I would be that Jandaeng has men here and will certainly be trying to keep an eye on us somehow. I suggest that we carry on as we would and that James goes across to Bangkok as planned to start the project. James, if our phones are monitored, can we get some that they don't know about that we can use between us?'

`Yes, that's easy enough, we can get somebody to buy burner phones that can't be traced back to us. I can set us up with encrypted emails and messaging as well.'

Ok,' said Areeya, When you're in Bangkok, James, you must tell my father what is happening, is that OK?'

`Sure, I can find a place where we can talk securely. There is one thing I need to ask. I will need an interpreter in Bangkok, on Kritsada's project. Nin seems to be the perfect candidate, she has good enough English to translate for me and her IT skills might be useful too. What do you think? Kritsada will pay for her I know. I won't involve her too deeply, but I think I can trust her.'

Alex smiled and said, `I can trust her, it's whether I can trust you with her. I think it's a good idea, Areeya?'

Areeya nodded and said, `I'll speak to her today. Is that all agreed? If so I need to get to Cockatoo.'

We all nodded and Alex said, `I've got some work to do downstairs.'

`And I need to finish off the systems project for us, it won't take long.'

We pushed back our chairs and Areeya and Alex disappeared leaving me to work in the apartment. I was impressed with the way Areeya had taken over the discussion when Alex and I had got sidetracked. It showed a side of hers that I had never seen, maybe she was more like her father than she believed.

I emailed Kritsada to confirm that I would be arriving to start the project next week and I would be using Nin as my interpreter. I also asked him to book hotel rooms for us both. He emailed back almost immediately, agreeing that an interpreter would be a good idea, and he agreed to fund the costs. He would organise the hotel rooms close to his office where we could meet on the first morning. I booked flights for Nin and myself and I was sure that Jandaeng would be aware very quickly that I would be arriving.

I went back to the systems project for our business and had an outline plan finished by the end of the day ready to present to Alex and Areeya. Areeya called to say that she had spoken to Nin who was overjoyed to learn of the job and had accepted immediately. I told her I would come down to Cockatoo later to see her. I would also speak to Pao about getting some new phones. It's not difficult in Thailand to get hold of cheap phones, and I felt sure that Pao would know where to go.

I finished off the proposal and took it to a local print shop to get printed and bound. Just because it was for us didn't seem to be a good reason to less than professional about it. I dropped it in and it would ready the following day, so I took a leisurely stroll down the strip to Cockatoo for a beer and to see Nin. She was so pleased to be asked, and I agreed with her that we would meet the following day to discuss what we were going to do. I had to smile at her excitement and I was convinced we had made a good choice. Pao wasn't around and nobody seemed to know where she was. It could wait a day so I had another beer and was about to head off to the apartment when I received a text from Alex.

`sorry babe, gotta do something with Areeya. won't be back til late, can u sort out dinner by yourself? Might stay on boat with her tonite'

`Yea. no probs. anything I can do to help?'

`Not really, go home. have nice dinner get early nite, Luv u'

`luv u too. cu later.'

I wasn't looking forward to spending the evening by myself, but I suspect Alex and Areeya might be looking for some time together. I thought how strange it was that I didn't feel jealous. How my life and attitudes had changed since I arrived in Samui. I made my way back to the apartment and walked up the stairs. I thought it was strange that there were lights on in the apartment, I was sure they weren't on when I left. I opened the door with the keypad and was astounded to see the table set for a meal for two. I was taken aback, what was going on? I heard a noise behind me and turned around to see Pao, looking stunning in a beautiful gold coloured Thai Chakkri dress and with her hair done up in traditional Thai style.

She smiled, made a Wai to me and bowed quite deeply to me.

I made a Wai back to her and she said, `Saswadee, Mr James, Miss Alex say I come tonight for my bonus.'

To be continued

Next: Chapter 24

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