

Published on Jan 19, 2016


Cockatoo Part 21

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I glanced back as I left the bar at Tony, who was smirking all over his face and I swore to myself I would wipe that look off his face as soon as I could. I hurried back to the apartment, where Alex was working on some business for the restaurant. I let her listen to the conversation on the tiny recorder I had used to tape everything that was said. I could see she was getting more and more angry as the conversation unfolded. After it had finished, she sat back and said very quietly.

`I wish you had let me break his fingers.'

`I had to stop myself from doing that to him this morning.'

She looked up at me and smiled, `You don't know how good you are, do you?'

I looked at her, not sure what she meant.

`I mean the way you handled the pirate attack, and how you dealt with Kritsada, both of which took a lot of balls. Coming back over here when you didn't know if I would take you back, and this thing with the journalist, you've been so smart and brave. I'm so glad you came back into my life, come here and give me a kiss.'

She pulled me down next to her and as we kissed she slid her hand under my t-shirt and gently caressed my nipples.

`That's just to keep you going until we get rid of this pig.' she grinned.

I dragged my mind back to the matter in hand.

`Is everything arranged with Kritsada?'

Alex nodded, `Yes, I only have to confirm how much money we need and he will have to it delivered this evening. Don't ask any questions about that, by the way. Areeya spoke to him this morning before she headed out with Sam. By the way, she did say he asked you to contact him as well. Tomorrow would be fine, he said.'

She looked up at me, with concern, `Is there anything you left out of what you told us you agreed with Kritsada?'

I looked her back straight in the eye and lied, `No, why?'

`Mmm, nothing. Just remember what I said about him, he will always expect an agreement to be honoured.'

I nodded, thinking that she knows i'm hiding something, `I remember, now is everything ready at the bar for tonight?'

`Yes, Pao and the girls are all sorted, Nin and Pao are acting a bit strange, do you know why?'

For the second time in a couple of minutes, I had to look Alex in the eye and lie. `No, no idea at all.'

As usual with Alex, I had the feeling she could see right through me, but I had no option but to lie.

She narrowed her eyes at me, `Anyway, everything is set up, we need to make sure everyone knows what to do when.'

There wasn't much to do except worry about things going wrong, so after a quick lunch of Thai green curry and some chicken with cashew nuts, Alex went back to work on the restaurant business and I tried to finish the business systems plan which had been interrupted by Tony. It was no use, though, I couldn't concentrate and went for a swim from the beach. At least that relaxed me and I went to try to get some rest in preparation for the evening. Alex came up from the restaurant and we lay together on the bed, kissing and caressing, but I don't think either of us wanted to go any further until we had sorted out the business with Tony. I came close to telling her about Sam, but I wanted to see if I could come up with a way to deal with that. I thought Alex would have to tell Areeya, and I didn't know enough yet to be sure I had the true story.

About seven o'clock, we headed over to Cockatoo. It was too early for the bar to be busy, but we had to make sure everything was organised. Pao and Nin were going to help us out tonight, and they were ready and very happy to do so. Tony was due to arrive at ten, and we spent a tense two hours watching the clock tick round. Business picked up and by nine thirty the place was humming. We had set aside a table for Tony, and Bin, one of the prettiest non ladyboy bar girls, was going to be with him. A little before ten, two small Thai guys arrived with a bag and handed it to Alex. This was the money. I took it out back and checked inside. Used dollar bills as Tony had requested. I didn't want to know how Kritsada had organised this.

Tony was five minutes late and he swaggered into the bar as if he owned the place. Alex had gone to the back rooms to prepare and left me sitting out front with the bag. Tony saw me and strolled across, that sickening smirk on his face.

`Everything ready, matey?'

`Yep Tony, everything's all set up alright.'

He sounded as if he had already had a few beers.

`Is that it in the bag?'

I nodded and handed it to him. His eyes widened with greed as he unzipped it and looked inside.

Before you ask,' I said, it's all there, 50 grand as we agreed.'

`It had better be matey, if it's a dollar short, the deals off and I publish the story.'

`It's all there Tony, do you think we would try and cheat you now?'

That cunning look passed across his face. `If anything happens to me, the story gets published, clear?'

`Sure, sure Tony, come and have a drink.'

I took him across to the table and waved to Bin, who came over with a beer and sat next to him. Tony's eyes lit up when he saw Bin.

`She is real, right? Not one of them trannies.'

`Bin is the real deal, Tony. She'll take care of you tonight.'

`I want an unopened beer, I don't any tricks tonight.'

I left them to it and retreated to the back office. I joined Pao and Nin, who were already watching the bar through the security camera monitor. We watched as Bin did her thing with Tony, and before long his hands were all over her. Very quickly Bin was giggling and stroking Tony under the table, and almost wrapped around him. One of the bar girls brought across another unopened beer which she opened at the table in front of Tony. He took a big slug and Bin whispered something in his ear. We could see the leer on his face even over the monitor. Bin stood up, took Tony by the hand as he grabbed the bag with his other hand and let Bin take him through to the back rooms.

We switched the monitor to the back room camera and watched them walk down to the last room. Tony's hands were all over Bin by this time, as she opened the door to the last room and pulled him through the door. Pao immediately switched the feed to the camera we had installed in the room. The room was dimly lit but the camera was high defintion and it gave us a good view of the room. Tony sat on the bed clutching the bag of money and watched as Bin began to dance in front of him, shedding her clothes as she danced.

`She good.' Pao said, I think in professional admiration of Bin's skills. Nin giggled and Pao looked round in embarrassment.

Tony took another swig from the bottle and then we could see him yawn once, and then again. He began to sway slightly on the bed and within a few seconds he fell back onto the bed, out cold.

I tuned to Pao and high fived her, `It was a great idea to recap the drugged bottles, Pao. I didn't think of that one.'

She blushed and said, `No problem, Mister James.'

Nin disappeared to let Bin out of the room and as i watched the feed from the room, a small Thai man entered the room carrying a bag and began to empty it's contents onto the table. We watched as he went about his work on Tony. Nin came back into the room with the money bag and I took it from her and put it in the small safe in the back office.

`How long do we have before he wakes up, Pao?'

`About two hours, Mister James.'

`Will it be long enough?'

`Yes, Chanathip work fast but good.'

We watched fascinated as Chanathip began to finish his work. He cleaned up, repacked his bag and left the room as quietly as he had entered. We watched as eventually Tony began to stir on the bed. He came round slowly as the drug wore off. He seemed very confused for a moment, but he jerked awake when he realised he had something in his mouth and could not move his hands and feet. He was trying to say something, but all that emerged were grunting noises. He pulled at the restraints tying him to the bed, but he couldn't break them. His head was moving from side to side as he desperately tried to work out what was happening. We let him sweat like this for a while, leaving his imagination to run riot. He eventually realised he wasn't going to break free and he slumped back onto the bed.

It was at this moment that Alex opened the door and walked in. Tony turned his head towards the noise and when he saw Alex, his eyes widened in fear. She had changed into a dominatrix outfit, which I assumed she must have had from her previous career. I hadn't seen it before and, somewhat bizarrely in the circumstances, I found myself hoping she would wear it with me someday. A black leather corset and knickers were completed with black stockings, black stilettos and long gloves. Her hair was pulled severely back into a ponytail and she was carrying something I did recognise - the dildo whip she had used on me a few weeks ago. I shivered a little at the memory and could only imagine the terror Tony was now feeling.

Tony began to struggle again against his restraints, but with the same lack of success. Alex stood by the bed and looked down at him. She let him struggle for a few minutes, then gave him a stroke across his belly with the whip. I could see she didn't use it hard but Tony jerked up off the bed as if he had been electrocuted. His terror made it so much worse in his mind.

`Shhh, be quiet and still and listen to me. You can't say anything at the moment, you have a ball gag in your mouth. Just breathe through your nose.' She gave him another lash and he jerked again. This one was harder and she meant to hurt him this time, not merely to frighten him.

"Hello, Tony, do you recognise me?' Another stinging lash. Red welts were beginning to appear on his belly.

He jerked and grunted again, but he nodded.

Good, Tony. Just in case you had forgotten, you called me a tranny and a ladyboy whore. Now ladyboy, I can live with that, and whore? Yes, I've done my share of whoring, but tranny? That's inexcusable, you little bag of shit.' He got another lash, the hardest yet. I'm transgender and proud of it. I'm glad you know who I am because I want you to remember this for a long time to come.' Another lash, even harder, which made him arch his back in pain and moan, even through the ball gag.

`Tony, you caused me, and my friends, a lot of trouble and grief with your stories in the newspapers, but I could have ignored them for the lies they were. However, you decided to come over here to make more trouble for me and my friends, and I am unable to forgive you for that.' Tony was still trying to pull against his restraints but they would not budge.

`You're going to have to pay for what you have done, and we've started by making a few changes to you.'

His eyes nearly popped out of his head as he heard the words and it seemed all the fight had gone out of him as he slumped back down on the bed.

Alex, sat down on the side of the bed and tapped the end of the dildo against his cheek.

`First of all, you might think your cock feels a little strange.'

This time I thought he was going to pass out completely.

`Oh, don't worry, it's nothing permanent. To make sure you don't try and put your nasty little cock near anyone decent, we've put a nice cock cage on it. We had to get an extra small one, because your worthless little dick would fall out of a man sized one. It's a nice shiny chrome one, with a padlock. Actually you'll be interested to know it's a combination padlock. I believe it has 10,000 possible combinations, so I'm sure you will be able to get it off, eventually. Or you might learn to enjoy it and keep it on.' Alex lent across and tapped the cage with the whip handle. Tony jumped again, more from fear than the actual touch.

`It's what sissies wear, Tony, when their Mistresses want to train them. Do you want to be trained, Tony?'

He shook his head from side to side.

`Pity, I would have enjoyed having you as a slave. You could sleep under my bed, tied there with your collar.'

She smiled at him, and his head fell back and looked straight up at the ceiling.

Secondly, we've given you a butt plug. I hope you can feel it up your arse. We got you a big one, because unlike your miserable little cock, you have a huge arse. It can be taken out easily, but not for a while yet. Thirdly, we've given you a nice collar to wear. I bet you can feel it around your neck. It's black leather and I wanted to pull you around the bar with it, but we haven't got time, sadly. it's got a padlock too. This one only has 100 combinations, easy peasy, I would say. Maybe you can feel the chains attached to the collar? They lead to two nice new nipple rings we've also given you. I bet it's painful if I pull the chains.' Alex tugged sharply on the chains and Tony screamed into the gag. Honestly, you don't have to thank us, it was our pleasure. Lastly, we've given you a nice new tattoo.' She used the dildo to trace across his chest. `It's in Thai, and I'll tell you what it says later. However, before I do that, I am going to ask you to apologise for what you've done.'

The door opened and Pao came through holding a camera.

`I'm going to take off the ball gag, but don't think about shouting, I can guarantee you nobody will hear you and I might have to hurt you. Do you understand?'

He didn't move and Alex gave him another lash. He reared up and nodded his head vigorously.

`Good, Tony, you're getting the hang of this.' She removed the gag from his mouth and you could see him trying to ease his jaw from the effect of the gag.

`Remember, Tony, if you don't do this, I will punish you very badly.'

Alex rubbed the end of the dildo across his lips and he shuddered, tried to say `OK' but only a squeak emerged from his mouth.

Pao gave Alex a sheet of paper and then stood ready with the camera. Alex held the paper in front of his face and prodded him with the dildo. He tried to say something but his mouth was dry with fear. He coughed a few times and then started to speak, his voice hoarse and cracked.

I wish to humbly apologise to Alex, to Areeya and James for the hurt and anguish I have caused them with my stories.' He stopped and looked pleadingly up at Alex, and she prodded him again with the dildo. He coughed and continued, I confess that I made them up, and that none of the stories I wrote are true. I want to set the record straight and to say I am truly sorry for the harm I have done with my stories. I know I am not worthy of it, but I beg for forgiveness from Mistress Alex and Mistress Areeya, and Master James. i promise that I will not come back to Samui , and i will never mention any of them ever again.'

As he finished, Alex took the paper from him and dropped it on the floor.

`Now, Tony, we have a special treat for you. I heard you weren't very nice about ladyboys. Pervy, you called them. I know because I've listened to the tape we made when you tried to blackmail us. Is that right?'

Tony nodded as he was now so scared would have agreed with anything. OK, let me tell you what we have had tattooed on your chest. it's in Thai and it's very pretty, but what it says is I am a cocksucker.' It sounds lovely in Thai, but that's what it means in English. I would suggest you keep your shirt on in Thailand, or you might get some interesting attention. It will be a nice souvenir of your time here.'

Tony's face was now a picture of absolute horror. He kept trying to look at his chest, but the restraints prevented him from doing so.

Alex sat there watching Tony squirm on the bed.

`As it seems you like sucking cock so much, we thought you should have some practice. As I'm not prepared to put anyone's real cock near your foul mouth, I think this should be good enough for you.'

She pushed the end of the dildo between his lips, but he resisted, clamping his jaws together.

`Tony, if you don't do this, I will take it and use it on your arse instead. That will be far less pleasant for you I think. Now, stick out your tongue and lick the tip.'

Tony resisted for a second, but he knew that Alex would do as she promised. His tongue crept through his lips and it touched the end of the dildo and then went straight back into his mouth.

`Come on Tony, it's not so bad is it? You've had it done to you, haven't you? Just lick the end then slide your tongue around the head.' He started to do as Alex suggested and Pao lent in close with the camera to make sure she was capturing it all. Tony began to lick the head with his tongue and Alex took the opportunity to slide it between his teeth into his mouth. He gagged, but Alex kept the dildo firmly there and began to move it in and out. Tony had gone red in his face by this time, and was making gurgling noises as it slid in and out. Alex put her hand behind his head and pushed him further onto it. I thought she was choking him, but she drew it out and gave him some breathing space. She then nipped his nostrils closed with her fingers and slid the dildo back in. He gagged again and Alex let go of his nose.

`That's good Tony, you make a good cocksucker. I bet you'll want to do more of this when you get home won't you?'

Tony's eyes seemed to have glazed over by this stage and now he was letting Alex move the dildo in and out of his mouth. Alex looked down at him and I thought I saw a look of pity cross her face. She took the dildo out of his mouth and stood over him.

`Now you're going to leave Samui, and you're never coming back, is that clear? You're not going to write any more lies about us, do you understand?'

He nodded weakly, not wanting to look at her.

`You will now go back to your hotel, pack and catch the first flight to Bangkok, and then to wherever you want to go, do you agree?'

He nodded again and said, `Will you let me keep the money?'

I thought Alex was going to explode. I could see her hanging onto her temper but her eyes flashed and Tony knew that he wasn't going to take anything with him.

`You are lucky this is all we've done to you. I wanted to break your fingers, but was persuaded that this would be better. However, if I hear one peep from you in the future or you publish another word about us, I will track you down and I will break your fingers and I may castrate you as well. Now get out of my sight.'

`What about my clothes?'

`Walk back to the hotel as you are.' Alex snarled at him. He went pale and began to shake.

`But I can't like this,' he began to snivel.

`Not my problem, get out.'

Pao undid the restraints and Tony unsteadily got to his feet. I almost felt sorry for him at this point, but the feeling quickly passed. Pau took him by the arm and walked out the back of the bar. We didn't want any witnesses to be on the safe side. She shoved him through the backdoor and we heard him scuttling along the back wall. Nin was waiting outside to follow him and to make sure he got to the hotel. We had a couple of Kritsada's men watching the hotel and they would make sure he left on the first flight. If he didn't appear, they had instructions to help him get there. Alex and Pao came back into the office laughing their heads off.

`What's the joke?' I asked.

Pao managed to stop laughing and said, `I almost could not, how you say, keep face, when Miss Alex say tattoo mean I am cocksucker.'

`Isn't that right?' I said, confused.

Alex grinned, `No, it means Thailand land of smiles. I'm not a complete bastard.'

I started to grin slowly and then burst out laughing, `Oh my God, and he thinks it means I'm a cocksucker.'

I turned to Pao and gave her a kiss, `Thank you Pao, you were great.'

She beamed and blushed, `I no mind Mr James, I owe you and Miss Alex a lot. I pleased I could help.'

Alex hugged her and said, `Pao, thank you from me too, you'll get your bonus soon.'

Pao looked at me, blushed, then giggled and fled the room.

I sighed, `Don't tell me, I think I know what her bonus will be.'

Alex laughed, `You won't mind will you? You like her too, I seem to remember.'

`Yes, I think I could enjoy being her bonus. It will be the first time I've been used as employee motivation. Anyway, how are you? Was that better than breaking his fingers?'

She paused, Yes, I think it was. It gave me the chance to wear this outfit again.' She wiggled her breasts and they almost popped out of the corset. She dropped her head and looked at me sideways, Do you like it?'

I blushed and Alex laughed, `I don't think there's an Englishman alive who doesn't get turned on by this. Maybe I'll make this your bonus.'

I smiled and said, `Do you think this will work with Tony?'

Alex paused and then said `Oh yes, I think so. We scared him out of his wits, and with the tapes we have I don't see him having the temerity to try anything. Especially after what happens when he gets to Bangkok.'

`Why? What will happen in Bangkok?'

`When he flies out of Bangkok, Tony's bags will be searched by customs, following a tip off from an anonymous source. They will find two rare, ancient Buddha statues. The Thai authorities take a very dim view of anyone exporting Buddha relics from the country. It won't take them long to realise they're fakes, but our friend Tony will be deported tomorrow and won't ever be able to come back to Thailand.'

I laughed out loud, `I imagine the statues and the tip off might have something to do with Kritsada.'

Alex said with a poker face, `Couldn't possibly say, but I'm sure we have seen and heard the last of Tony. God, we've called him Tony all the time, do we know his last name?'

I shook my head, thinking to myself that we may have seen the last of him but I didn't think I had heard the last of him yet.

`Should we tell Areeya how it went?' Alex asked.

`If she's on the boat will she get a signal on her phone? Send her a text, just say the plan worked, all OK.'

Alex grabbed her phone and started to text. I thought if Areeya has told Sam anything then it's too late now for her to do anything. In that case I doubted Sam would say anything to Areeya, but I could not be sure. I was beginning to become distracted by Alex standing there, still in her Domme outfit. Now that the stress and tension had lifted, I felt a distinct attraction to her dressed in the outfit. Without taking her eyes away from the phone, she said, Don't even think about it, buster. You don't know how uncomfortable this is to wear.' She looked sideways at me, Or maybe you would like to find out what it's like to wear?'

Thankfully, Nin returned to break up the conversation. She was smiling broadly.

`He is back at his hotel. He was running from door to door trying to cover himself. He couldn't decide whether to cover his front or his back. He found a sack on the side of the road and used that to cover his front. So many people saw him and couldn't stop laughing. He was so red when he got to the hotel. I saw the men there who will make sure he get to airport. They were laughing so much they couldn't stand up.'

Alex said, Thank you Nin, you've been fantastic, we appreciate it.' She hugged Nin and I followed suit. She looked pleased and Alex told her to go home to get some sleep. After she left, Alex turned to me and said, What do you think of Nin?'

I looked at Alex, wondering if this was a trick question.

`No you idiot, not like you're thinking, Seriously, what do you think of her.'

`I think she's smart, seems to have a good head on her shoulders, she's pretty and has the best English of all the girls here.'

Alex nodded, `That's what Areeya and I thought. We were thinking of making her your assistant for the new club. How would you feel about it?'

I thought for a minute, `Yes, it would work. She seems to tick the right boxes. Although I thought that Pao would be my assistant.'

Ales stared at me, `Oh yeah? You and the love sick puppy working together? I would need a crowbar to get you two apart.'

I grinned, `Maybe you're right. Where did Nin learn her English?'

Alex frowned. It's a sad story. Her father was an American diplomat who had an affair with a Thai girl, a boy being the result. The mother didn't want to leave Thailand and, of course, the American was married, but when he left Thailand, he sent money over to the mother. So, the boy went to the American school and he learnt English there. When he was 11, the father died in a plane crash in the US and the money stopped. The mother had got hooked on drugs and was found dead from an overdose in an alley in Patpong. The boy was probably 12 at the time. He hit the streets, as do a lot of Thai children, got picked up by one of the gangs in Bangkok, who turned him out into prostitution. They thought he was pretty and so made him into a kathoey and she took the name Nin. She managed to run away, made her way here and came to Areeya looking for work. It's not an unusual story for Thailand. Some parents in the North will sell children into the sex business. We don't ever do that. I think she's pretty smart and this might be good for her.'

`OK, I'm happy for her to my assistant. When will she start?'

`Oh, I forgot, she's got computer skills as well. Don't know how she managed to pick them up, but she did, that could be useful. I'll speak to Areeya when she's back and we'll set it up.'

I yawned and Alex said, `There's nothing more for us to do here, let's go back and get some sleep. I need to change out of this though, I'm not walking down the strip looking like an expat's wet dream'

I looked at my watch and it was already 5am. Alex quickly changed and we walked hand in hand to the apartment as the sun was rising. That made it 24 hours straight for me, and I was ready for some sleep. Alex's phone trilled and she answered in rapid Thai. She smiled and gave me the thumbs up, `He's left the hotel, the guys will follow and make sure he gets on the flight. I hope he took the butt plug out, might be an uncomfortable flight if he didn't. On second thoughts, I hope he left it in.'

We slipped straight into bed and lay there cuddling for only a few minutes before we fell asleep. I slowly came back to consciousness, could smell coffee and hear Alex talking on the phone. She was speaking Thai and I guessed it was Areeya by the tone of her voice. It reminded me that I needed to start learning Thai. I felt useless when everyone was talking and I could only pick up the odd word here and there. I shook my head to try to wake up, but only coffee would do the trick properly. I pulled on a robe, walked to the kitchen, poured a coffee and went to join Alex on the balcony. She waved hello, and went back to talking.

I couldn't get enough of this view from the balcony. The sun was already high in the sky and the heat was already building. The humidity was climbing and it would be like a sauna later on. Alex finished the call and came to sit in my lap. She put her arms around my neck and we kissed, not the worst start to a day I've ever had.

`Good news. Tony, whatever his name is, arrived in Bangkok, tried to board the flight to London and got hauled away by a couple of policemen. He'll have some explaining to do if they do a strip search with that cage on. I thought it might set off the X-ray scanners anyway.'

I sipped some coffee, still trying to get my mind working.

`I brought Areeya up to date on what happened and she's checking with Kritsada that all is OK with him. We know his guys collected the cash last night, so that's fine. By the way, she reminded me Kritsada wants to talk to you today. She's very happy with the way things turned out. They will be back this evening and Sam is flying back to Bangkok tomorrow afternoon. She wanted us to all meet for dinner tonight, I said yes, is that OK?'

Sure,' I said, did Areeya tell Sam about last night?'

Alex shrugged, I don't think so, we thought the fewer people who knew the better.'

`Makes sense.' I was still not fully awake and yawned deeply. I should call Kritsada, but didn't want to do so in front of Alex. She solved my dilemma by climbing off my lap and saying she had to shower, she felt dirty after last night and wanted to wash Tony right away. I yawned again and she told me to go back to bed. I shook my head as it was already about eleven o'clock. I told her I needed a walk to clear my head and would come back later and have a sleep before dinner. She nodded and headed off to the shower. I thought I was lying a lot these days and someday that would get me in trouble. In particular, I didn't like lying to Alex, as I thought she could see right through me, but I didn't see I had a choice at the moment.

I walked down the strip to Cockatoo and sat out front with a cold beer. Now that we had dealt with tony, I needed to work out what to do about Sam. I guessed she would find out soon enough when she got back with Areeya that Tony had gone. I thought, let's see what happens at dinner tonight, that's the best I could think of for the moment. There wasn't much more I could do until then, so I switched my attention to Kritsada.

I assumed he wanted to talk to me about the consultancy agreement we had come to as part of my buyout of the club business. I needed to finalise the financial side of the buyout as well. Payment was coming due in a few days and I badly needed to talk to the banks to make things happen. The business with Tony had put everything back a few days. I dialled Kritsada in Bangkok and waited to be connected by his secretary.

`Hello James my boy, how are you this morning?'

`I'm good sir. Thank you for all your help yesterday, I think Areeya has told you it went well.'

`I believe so, James. I can also tell you that your package has now left Bangkok permanently. There was a little trouble with the export documentation but that was solved and the package is on it's way to London and won't be coming back. I wanted to say I was very impressed with the creative manner in which you planned and carried out the package delivery, that was very well done.'

I guessed the code was in case anyone was listening to the call.

`Thank you sir, that's good to hear. I heard from Areeya you wished to talk to me?'

`Yes that's right. I don't have time to talk more on the phone, but it's about the other arrangement we discussed last time we met in Bangkok. Do you remember?'

`I do sir, do you think we should meet face to face to discuss it?'

`James, you read my mind. Shall I come to Samui? It's a while since I was there.'

`Is it urgent sir? If so I could come to Bangkok. I need to sort out payment for our deal.'

`That would be ideal, we could finish off the paperwork at the same time. Could you come tomorrow?'

`Yes, sir, tomorrow afternoon would be fine, in your office?'

`Ideal, James. Thank you, I will have some whisky waiting for us to share.'

I closed the call and sipped my beer. All Alex's warnings about Kritsada were now bouncing around in my head. It had all seemed so harmless to agree to this in the excitement of doing the deal about the club. Alex had warned me a long tie back that Kritsada would want his pound of flesh. I think I was about to discover what that meant.

Next: Chapter 22

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