

Published on Apr 26, 2015


Cockatoo Part 12

I live for feedback

I woke up to find my ear being nuzzled and kissed from behind. Mmm, that's a nice way to wake up, I thought. I felt a hand slide over my waist and begin to rub my cock. Even better, I thought. I remembered that Pao had stayed the night and rolled over to see...Areeya's face smiling back at me.

If it were possible to jump two steps back when you're lying down, that's what I did. My God, where did you come from?' I looked around, and where's Pao?'

I came in after you had gone to sleep and told Pao that I would take over from her. Is that a bad thing? I can call Pao to come back if you would prefer.' Areeya had a big grin on her face. I rolled over to face her and grinned back, Well, both of you together would be nice, but I couldn't impose on Pao again.'

`It would be no imposition for Pao, believe me. She has, how you say, the hots for you, James. Let's save that for another time.'

I smiled, kissed her on the lips and wrapped my arm around her and she snuggled up to me, her head lying on my shoulder. I stroked her hair and her fingers gently rubbed my chest and played with my nipples.

I asked her, `How did you get on with Sam?'

She turned and looked up at me, Sam is great, I like her very much,' she giggled, but I think you know that don't you?'

`She likes you too, Areeya.'

Life is very complicated, James. Or it's very simple and we make it complicated.' I said, Sometimes we have no choice, it's just what happens. ' She looked up at me again, `James, what will you decide?' I knew what she was asking and I had no good answer.

`I wish I knew, Areeya, I wish I knew.'

`Choose wisely, James, much depends on your decision.'

No pressure there then.

She took my hand and placed it between her legs and opened them slightly so I could feel she was already wet. She laid one of her hands over mine and began caressing her pussy guiding my hand. With the other hand she reached over and started stroking my cock. We kissed and our bodies began to respond to the gentle touch of each other's hands. Areeya removed her hand from mine and I continued to stroke her pussy. She shifted position slightly so that I was on my side and she was on her back.

She raised her leg over mine so that I could get access to her from the side. My cock by this time even with her gentle stimulation was hard and I slid into her with ease. I began to move slowly in and out and she turned her head to kiss me. I could also touch her breasts in this position and we almost lazily made love. It was the most blissful way to make love that I had ever experienced; slow, languid and totally arousing.

I felt Areeya getting close to her climax and I increased my thrusts and quite suddenly we came together, her orgasm shaking her body and mine flooding cum into her. Still connected to her I could feel her orgasm as it came in waves, each one getting a little less intense than the last. I had stayed hard and I continued to move gently in and out until I could feel I had emptied myself. We held each other for a long time, not speaking, just kissing and caressing each other.

I could have spent all day doing just that, but Areeya had work to do in the restaurant as well as the bars, because of Alex's absence in Bangkok. I had a hospital appointment later in the morning so I had to get moving too.

I headed off to the bathroom planning to have a shave and then a shower. I was shaving in front of the wash basin when the door opened and Areeya walked in wearing her robe. I was still naked but had long lost any embarrassment in front of Areeya. She asked if she could use the shower first and I said sure, go ahead. I watched in the mirror above the wash basin as she dropped the robe to the floor and walked into the shower. It seemed I was condemned to spy on Areeya in some form or another.

I could clearly see her through the glass wall of the shower as she turned on the taps and stepped under the water. The sight of her with the water cascading down over her head and down her body was mesmerising. I tried hard to concentrate on shaving but my eyes were constantly being drawn back to the sight in the mirror. The water and the light made her dark skin glisten as she moved around under the shower.

She picked up a wash cloth and shook some gel into her hands and began to wash herself. I nearly dropped the razor as she worked her cloth up from her belly up and over her breasts. Her hands dropped down to groin and I nearly cut my nose off as she washed her pussy. She bent over to wash her bum and I almost passed out as I watched that unbelievably pert backside. My cock was having a field day and it was sticking out like a flag pole at the moment Areeya walked past, she pointed to it and said, `Please be careful, James, we don't want to cut that off through not paying attention, do we?'

Areeya eventually disappeared downstairs and I headed off to the hospital. The doctors were very happy with my progress, the wound was healing very nicely and I could at last leave the dressings off. They wanted me to come back once more to check but it was good to get the all clear from them.

This, of course, meant that I was cleared to fly and there would be no more excuses about not heading back to Bangkok. Alex was due back tomorrow and I had some big decisions to make. I needed some time on my own to think so I decided to head up to the Hin Lad waterfall. It's not the biggest waterfall in the world but it is at the end of a two kilometre hike so it's not that crowded. The exercise did me good as did the fresh air, and I spent some time at the pool at the bottom of the waterfall, just sitting and thinking with the sound of the falls as a backdrop. It was the perfect place to clear the mind and do some serious thinking.

It's a real shame that I left as confused as I had been when I arrived.

I ended up back at the flat in the early evening, did some emails and then headed out to Cockatoo for a drink and then some food. Alex was due back in the morning and I still didn't know what I was going to say to her. Cockatoo was a bit quiet when I arrived and the girls were out front en masse trying to entice some customers inside. Pao was there and came over and sat with me for a while. She giggled when I told her how surprised I was when I woke up and thought Areeya was her. I told her how much I had enjoyed last night and her face lit up.

I decided to head back to the restaurant for dinner as I was still on expenses. I didn't relish eating by myself but Areeya was still busy running all the businesses whilst Alex was away. After a couple more beers I walked back and sat out on the deck eating and watching the sea in the darkness. I had just finished dinner when, from behind, a pair of hands covered my eyes and I heard a voice whisper in my ear, `Hey big boy, you wanna go short time wit me?'

I whirled round and there was Alex, grinning from ear to ear. I jumped up and grabbed her for a big hug.

I'm so glad to see you.' I said, but you're not supposed to be here, I mean you're not due til tomorrow.'

Oh well in that case, I'll come back tomorrow.' She turned as if to leave and I tugged her back, sat down and pulled her onto my lap. She wrapped her arms around my neck and laughed, Or I'll stay then, shall I? Did you miss me?'

`Of course I did.'

`Mmm, from what I saw and heard last night you didn't miss me so much.'

`I should say right now thank you for my present, it was very thoughtful.'

You're welcome,' she said, I hear the swing shift did OK this morning too.'

God, did these girls have to share everything?

She pouted, `Don't I even get a kiss?'

`I can do better than that,' I said and stood up with her arms still around my neck and I carried her across the restaurant and up the stairs. She was squealing and laughing in my arms all the way to the top of the stairs.

She said, 'Someone's feeling a lot better, I see,' and kissed me hard on the lips.

I managed to key in the number for the door without dropping her and walked across to the bed with Alex still locked to my lips. We fell onto the bed in a heap and we were kissing with our hands all over each other. Alex unzipped my jeans and dived onto my cock which was now very hard already. She managed to move so that I could get my hands under her dress and pulled her knickers down. She rolled over on top of me so I could get her cock in my mouth. She was already hard and started to thrust her cock deep into my throat. Alex was pumping her head up and down on my cock so fast and deep I was as hard as a rock.

She pulled her cock out of my mouth and shouted,' I want you in me, now.'

She reached for the lube from the bedside table and got up to my knees and she smeared it over my cock and her hole. I undid my belt and dropped my jeans to my knees as Alex went down on her hands and knees in front of me and pulled her dress up over her hips. She reached back and pulled her cheeks apart to reveal her waiting rosebud.

I grabbed the lube, smeared some on my fingers and teased her by rubbing my fingers over and around her hole. Her head had dropped to the pillow which thrust her bum even higher in the air. I circled her rosebud with my fingers and then slid one and then two fingers inside. Moving my fingers in and out made her growl in her throat and she said urgently, `Fuck me now. I need your cock now.'

Pulling out my fingers, I edged my rigid cock to her hole and began to rub it with the head of my cock. She twitched and implored me, Now, for God's sake, fuck me now you bastard.' I pushed at her and the head slipped in and then I pulled out slightly before moving it back in again. You fucking bastard,' she screamed, `put it all in me now.'

This time I drove my cock straight into her and she grunted as she felt the shaft fully penetrate her. She pushed back on me and I began to drive my cock deeper and deeper into her. She was moaning loudly now as I thrust myself in and could feel my balls slapping against her backside. This was not like the gentle loving sex I had with Areeya this morning, this was raw, animalistic coupling driven by pure lust. I was fucking her as hard as I could and we were both grunting as we rutted on the bed.

Sweat was pouring from both of us and that made it seem even more feral. She reached back beneath her with a hand and squeezed my balls as I pumped into her. My cock felt enormous in her tight hole and it pushed me to pound her even harder. Her body was rocking as I thumped into her. She suddenly tensed and gasped, `I'm coming.'

I could feel her cock twitch as she came onto the bed. I pushed even harder into her and she responded by driving back into me. I felt my climax build and build from my groin and into my cock and suddenly I was pumping my cum into her. I came and came, more than I could ever believe was possible. I grunted and my legs felt as if they would give way and we collapsed onto the bed with me still inside her.

Alex leant towards me, kissed me and whispered, `so maybe you did miss me a little bit. I think you've been learning a few new tricks too, you rat.'

I pulled out of her with a soft plop, and she grinned wickedly at me, `Tell me when you're ready to go again, big boy.'

Next: Chapter 13

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