

Published on Apr 20, 2015


Cockatoo Part 10

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We woke early as Alex had to be at the airport to catch the flight with Kritsada at 7am. He was going to pick Alex up from the flat in his car as he headed off to the airport. I was going to follow a bit later as I had to collect Samantha from her flight for our planning meeting. I lay in bed and watched as Alex got ready to leave. I didn't think I could ever tire of watching her as she moved about the flat showering and getting dressed. She had a bag already packed so when the car arrived, she came across, sat on the bed and kissed me.

`If you can't be good, be careful,' she said. I smiled as I remembered the guy who last said that to me; it seemed like half a lifetime ago.

`Why are you smiling?' she asked.

`Nothing, someone said the same thing to me a while ago and I ended up ignoring it completely.'

`Well don't ignore it this time,' she pouted, hit me on the arm, kissed me one more time and disappeared out of the door.

I have to tell you, dear reader, that I was sore from last night. Whatever they tell you, anal sex hurts the first time. Now, my backside and my wound were both aching. I got up and gingerly made my way to the shower.

I guess it's true, Love Hurts.

I stood under the hot water for a long time and that began to revive me. Feeling somewhat better, I managed to make some breakfast and texted Areeya asking to find out where she was. She texted back to say she was down at the boat again, supervising the last of the repairs and would be taking Cockatoo 3 out for a short shake down trip; did I want to come with her? I reminded her I had to meet my colleague from Bangkok today but would Areeya be free to join us for dinner tonight? She said she would be delighted to and I said I would book a table downstairs for 8pm.

It was now time to head out to collect Samantha. I slung my laptop over my shoulder, winced as I had forgotten about my side and braced myself for the taxi ride to the airport.

Samui's one runway airport is small and very pretty with the arrivals and departures in typical Thai style buildings and open to the air on all sides. It's a far cry from the usual chrome and glass airports and a perfect way to begin or end a visit to Samui. The flight from Bangkok landed just before 10am and so there I was, holding a hand written sign with Samantha's name.

The plane pulled onto the apron and the passengers piled into the little golf cart affairs that ferry the passengers from the plane to the terminal. As they all came through I realised I wouldn't have much trouble spotting her amongst the returning locals and the shorts and flip flop wearing tourists. Sure enough there was only one potential candidate I could see.

Samantha was wearing a white dress with a red, single buttoned jacket, and carrying a laptop case and a handbag. She was slender and pretty in that English rose, girl next door kind of way. Her hair was done in a business like bob and she looked every inch the business traveller. I momentarily regretted that I had just thrown on my jeans and the Koh Samui Blue t-shirt. I guess I had slipped into the island way of life too easily. I waved to her and held up the sign. She smiled and walked over to me having picked up her small bag.

'Hi Samantha, I'm James. Pleased to meet you.'

She smiled broadly, 'Hi James, likewise. By the way, it's Sam. Only my mum calls me Samantha these days when she's annoyed with me.'

'OK, Sam it is, welcome to Samui.'

We piled into a taxi and began the usual white knuckle ride to her hotel. I had decided that we would have our meeting there and had pre-booked a small conference room. As we swerved between cars and overloaded trucks and the ubiquitous small motor bikes carrying entire families, we had a chance to catch up.

'How are you doing?' She asked straight off. 'You went through quite an adventure.'

'I'm good, thanks, Sam. The doctors say another week and I'll be good to return.'

'You shouldn't rush back too early, you know. Make sure you really are fully recovered.'

I smiled to myself as it sounded like Sam was keen for me to stay away for a while. I discovered she was a year younger than me and had joined the company a couple of years back. She had done her degree at Exeter and taken a gap year travelling in Asia. So she had been familiar with the area and culture already, something the company took into account when asking her to fly out. There was apparently no steady relationship back in the UK, so she could come out literally at a moment's notice.

She was clearly ambitious but also charming and funny. I began to like her straight away. 'I'm really glad to have this opportunity to show what I can do.' She must have remembered who she was talking to as her eyes widened and she put her hand up to her mouth, 'Oh, I'm sorry, James, that must have sounded awful after what you went through and everything.' Her face went a lovely shade of pink.

I laughed and said, 'Don't worry; I would have felt exactly the same.'

Sam checked into her room and I waited in the lobby for her to unpack and return for our meeting. She came back having changed into a pair of shorts and a loose cotton blouse through which I could see a lacy bra.

Right from the start Sam seemed very capable and had picked up the project quickly and was obviously on top of things. She complimented me on the plan I had put together and the files she had picked up gave her a good grip of what had already happened. Of course, I thought to myself, the project plan was pretty good in the first place. However, as was to be expected, fresh issues had come up during the time I had been away, and we got stuck into those. It was good to work with someone as capable as Sam and we made quick progress on problem solving and coming up with some excellent solutions.

We broke for lunch and then worked through to about 4pm. I felt myself flagging by this time and asked if we could call it a day then as I was feeling a little tired. I suggested we regroup tomorrow to finalise the details of the revised plan. Sam, I think, assumed I was tired from the injury, but in reality I was really feeling the effects of my sessions the previous day and night. She was happy to agree and I told her that dinner would be at Koh Samui Blue tonight. I asked if she minded that I had invited Areeya to join us. Sam said the company would be paying, so why not.

Sam wanted to know which hotel I was staying at and I told her that I was staying with the friends I had been on the boat with. She smacked her head with her hand and said that's where she remembered the name Koh Samui Blue from. It had been mentioned on the news coverage so much at the time. To be honest the bar and restaurant had seen a sizeable increase in business after the incident, so I guess maybe there is no such thing as bad publicity after all. I told her to take a taxi to the bar and I would meet her there.

We agreed to meet at 8 o'clock and I headed off back to the flat. I took the chance of a quick nap and then went for a walk to stretch my legs. I went up to Cockatoo 2, but Pao wasn't there so I said hello to the girls who were there, had a beer and headed back.

Areeya turned up at 7 and she was very happy with the repairs. She felt the old fuel supplier must have been selling bad fuel for a while, as the boat's performance, now the engines had been cleaned and with good clean fuel, was so much better.

She showered and got herself ready. I was treated to a wonderful show as she moved around the flat naked as the day she was born. Frankly, I could have watched her all night.

Precisely at 8, the bar rang to say Samantha had arrived and I popped down to collect her. She had changed into a white linen dress with a lace vee shaped panel around the neck that gave occasional glimpses of her breasts. It didn't look as if she was wearing a bra either. Out of her business attire, she looked very attractive.

`Hi Sam, glad you made it, lets have a drink upstairs and then we'll come back down to the restaurant.'

`Upstairs?' she looked puzzled.

`Yes, this is where I'm staying,' I said.

Oh,' realisation dawning on her, Oh, I get it now,'

I took her out of the bar and up the stairs to the balcony where Areeya was waiting. She had changed into a dark blue strapless mini dress that clung to her figure. Areeya said `Sawasdee ka,' and made a wai to Samantha. Sam responded in kind and they smiled at each other. Now, I may be male and, therefore, considered not in any way sensitive to such things but I immediately felt that there was a spark between these two. As I introduced them to each other, they shook hands and it seemed to me that they held the shake a little longer than absolutely necessary.

Sam asked for a white wine spritzer and Areeya a vodka martini. Sam said, `Oh, can I change my mind? A martini sounds like a great idea.' I went through to the kitchen to make the drinks and when I came back they were both deep in conversation on the sofas.

Sam said, `Areeya was just telling me about the business here. It seems to be a very nice set up.' Areeya smiled and talked a little more about Koh Samui Blue and then she mentioned Cockatoo 2. Sam's eyes widened as she realised exactly what kind of bar it was.

`Oh my, I have heard about ladyboy bars, but I've never been to one.'

Areeya said, `I have to go there after dinner to check up on it, so I would be delighted to go down with you.'

Now, I don't if that was a deliberate double entendre or not, but I spluttered on my scotch and thumped my chest,

`Sorry, whisky went down the wrong way.'

Sam smiled and said she would love to, it sounded fascinating. Watching the two of them I could see the little glancing smiles they gave each other and the slight brush of fingertips on each other's arm as they talked and laughed. The way their bodies opened up to each other as they chatted and how their leant their heads together as they shared a joke. I began to feel like a third wheel on a bicycle. Interesting, I thought, maybe someone will get lucky tonight, and I didn't mean me.

We moved down to the restaurant and we went to town on the food and drinks. It's miraculous how an expense account changes your dining habits. The food as usual was superb, and the time passed very quickly. Sam was funny about her gap year travels in Asia with one of her girlfriends and Areeya was equally funny about running Cockatoo 2. Areeya said that she ran the bars and Alex, the reataurant.

Sam said, `Alex? Wasn't she the other girl on the boat with you?'

`Yes, that's right; she's in Bangkok on business at the moment.'

`And you all live here?' Sam asked.

`Yes,' I said, Areeya and Alex have been kind enough to let me stay here while I recuperate.' I said.

Oh,' Sam continued innocently, Only I thought Areeya told me earlier there are two bedrooms in the flat.'

It was Areeya's turn to splutter on her drink, and tried to signal me with her hands.

Yes, well,' I began to bluster, well, I guess the truth is Alex and I are in a relationship, and so two bedrooms are enough...'

Areeya sighed, smiled broadly and said, `I had told Sam that I was staying on the boat while you recuperated.'

I looked at each of them and then burst out laughing, `Well played, Sam. You stitched me up there beautifully.'

Both girls roared with laughter and we toasted to love and whatever.

Sam was silent for a moment and then said, `Wasn't there a bit of mystery about Alex?'

I hesitated, `Mystery? Why?'

`Well, when the story broke in the UK, I had a call from a journalist who was trying to track down your and Alex's backgrounds. It was just that he couldn't seem to find any trace of a female called Alex at the university it seemed she attended. Just a male student called Alex in that year.' This wasn't good news, and I needed to change the subject.

Bloody press,' I said. They can't get anything right. I wish they would just leave it all alone.

I'm sorry, but if you don't mind, I am beginning to feel a bit tired and if you'll excuse me I will slip upstairs. Sam, shall we say 10 tomorrow at your hotel?'

Sam said, `Yes that's fine, see you then and I hope you feel rested.'

Areeya said, `I'll make sure Sam is looked after tonight, so good night James.' I saw the glance Areeya gave Sam when she spoke and I knew that double entendre was deliberatethis time, and so did Sam.

As I left I heard Sam say, `So, Areeya, are you going to show me your Cockatoo?'

I really was tired and after a final nightcap on the balcony I took myself off to bed. It didn't take long for me to drift off into a sound sleep. It was sometime later that I woke and felt the need to go to the toilet. I had forgotten to close the blinds but there was enough moonlight tonight for me not to bother with the lights. I yawned and made my way to the toilet and relieved myself. It was on the way back that I heard laughter. I stopped and listened and there it was again.

I could make out Areeya's chiming light laugh and also a separate deeper chuckle. I turned round and peeked round the corner of the main room and could see a little chink of light coming from Areeya's room.The laughter came again and I smiled as I realised it was Areeya and Sam.

Go girls, I thought. I was about to go back to bed when I heard that malicious little imp in my mind say, `Go on, have a quick look, it won't do any harm.' I tried to shake it off, but now the thought was in my mind and it wouldn't go away. I tiptoed up to the door which hadn't been closed fully and there was a small sliver of light shining through the gap. I was honestly about to turn round when the laughter was replaced by a soft moan.

That got me and I gingerly peeked through the gap. The lights in the room were dimmed but there was enough to see what was going on.

Areeya was on her back on the bed with her head up against the headboard with Sam astride her face. Sam had her hands out on the wall to brace herself as Areeya was using her tongue energetically on Sam's pussy.

I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I could not drag my eyes away from what was happening in front of me. Sam was driving her pussy onto Areeya's face and moaning and throwing her head back. Her breasts were larger than I had thought and the nipples were huge even in this light. I could see Areeya was now using her hands as well as her tongue on Sam's pussy and my ever misbehaving cock started to react as I spied on the two girls.

Sam climbed off Areeya and started to kiss and lick Areeya's nipples. I saw Sam use her teeth on Areeya's right nipple to pull and stretch it out before releasing it. With her left hand she pinched the other nipple and Areeya arched her back and moaned in pleasure. This went on for while and Areeya was getting more and more aroused. Sam moved around into a 69 with Sam on top and I could see Areeya's hands pulling Sam's pussy onto her face. Both girls were going hard at each other and the sweat was glistening on their bodies in the dim light.

I was getting very aroused and found myself rubbing my cock. Sam stopped, turned round and said something to Areeya. They rearranged themselves on the bed and scissored their legs and Sam began to grind her pussy against Areeya. Sam was now really humping Areeya and she was getting more and more aroused as this went on.

Areeya stopped and got off the bed. She moved out of my sight but I could still see Sam lying on the bed using her hand to rub her pussy. Areeya was still out of my sight when Sam looked up at her and a big smile spread across her face. At that moment Areeya came back into sight and I could see she was wearing an enormous strap on cock. She stopped for a moment in front of Sam who then took the cock into her mouth and started to vigorously suck it. Areeya flexed her hips and pushed the cock right into Sam's mouth.

I was now totally hard and getting more and more aroused by what I was watching. Areeya pulled out of Sam's mouth and got up on to the bed. Sam rolled over and went down on her hands and knees. Areeya moved up behind Sam and teased her pussy first with her tongue and then with her fingers. Areeya finally used the strap on itself, drawing it up and down her slit but Sam was already beginning to move her hips backwards, seemingly desperate now to have the cock inside her.

Finally, Areeya lined up and slipped the tip of the cock into Sam's waiting pussy. She teased Sam some more, just easing it in and then moving out again. She did this a few times and then drove the cock hard into Sam who moaned loudly this time and Areeya threw a nervous glance towards the door and I stepped back quickly to avoid being seen.

I don't think she had noticed anything and I edged forward again to the door. Areeya was now fucking Sam hard with the strap on and Sam was bucking her hips and pushing back hard on the cock. Areeya withdrew the cock and Sam turned over and they kissed each other for a while before Areeya gently pushed Sam back down on to the bed and hooking Sam's right leg up in the air, Areeya lay down and slid the cock into Sam from the side. Areeya could now fuck Sam with the cock and kiss her at the same time. Sam's hand went down and began to rub her pussy as well.

She was now on the edge of coming, Areeya increased the rhythm even more and Sam tensed, arched her back and groaned as her orgasm shook her body.

It was at this precise moment that Areeya looked up, stared straight into my eyes and winked.

Next: Chapter 11

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