Cock Snob

By Richard Lickerish

Published on Sep 2, 2008


Warning! If you are not of legal age to read stories that contain erotic subject matter or you are offended by the erotic subject matter contained herein do not read any further. All rights to this story are retained by the author. This story is protected under applicable copyright laws and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the author. The two chapters contained herein contain over three thousand words.

Comments and critics on the story are welcome and may be directed to Richard. Email: richardlickerish "at" yahoo "dot" com, Subject line: Cock Connoisseur

Cock Snob By Dick Lickerish

Chapter XV: End of Summer Fun

I sat quietly in a booth inside The Original Pancake House at the Green Valley Ranch Resort and Spa pondering my fate. I was in kind of a funk and had been moody since Jason's sudden departure a couple of weeks prior. Back in May I'd made reservations for the two of us at Green Valley for the third week in August. I used one of those hotel specials which the Green Valley sends me from time to time: a king room in the West Tower for a week of shows and fun in the sun for $699.00.

For me the six day five night package was well worth the $700.00 price. Generally, I try to treat myself to a get away vacation special twice a year; once during summer break and also during winter break. Winter breaks I usually enjoy a Peppermill ski special in Reno. This was my first trip to the Green Valley Resort in Vegas.

I'd been in Vegas for three days; thus far, I'd taken in a couple of shows, played a couple rounds of golf and taken in a poker tournament, but was feeling very lonely without Jason. My young lover who I thought I'd make a life with had been called up as a reservist by the Marine Corps just before the spring semester ended. He managed to get his reporting date extended until after his birthday in July and then deployed to Afghanistan last week. Damn this war in the Middle East. We didn't need to be there; besides, it was fucking up so many lives, including mine.

Now, I sat in the restaurant Thursday morning picking at the Belgium Waffle in front of me. I wasn't really hungry for food, but more so for companionship. I needed someone with whom I could enjoy the rest of my vacation. As I sat there I couldn't help but notice the sultry looking blonde seated two booths away from me. She looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on whom she was or where I'd seen her before.

The green Valley was known for and catered to celebrity guests. The lady was a seductive looking siren, maybe she was a celebrity. She glanced my way a couple times smiling. I didn't know whether the smile was directed towards me or just a general smile of contentment. She was beautiful and didn't appear to be with anyone.

Even though I preferred guys to satisfy my carnal desires I enjoyed the company of beautiful woman too. Three days at the resort and I was growing tired of being alone. I didn't want to spend the entire week by myself, so I took a chance. I got up, coffee cup in hand, and walked over to the blonde's booth saying, "Hi, my name is Richard, but everyone calls me Rick." As I introduced myself I extended my hand saying, "you look as though you could use some company this morning."

The young lady accepted my hand saying, "Thank you Rick, my name is Deidre. My friends call me Dee. Please," she said releasing my hand and then motioning me to be seated across from her.

As I sat down across from the blond I noticed that she was wearing maroon fitness shorts and a grey lightweight hoodie. She didn't appear to be wearing any makeup, but her natural beauty bled through. I thought to myself she probably just finished her morning workout.

"Deidre, that's a beautiful Gaelic name, but its meaning is broken-hearted or sorrowful. I hope you are not a broken-hearted or sorrowful person, Dee."

"No, but I am Irish," the blonde responded, "How do you know so much about origins of names?"

"It's part of my job," I said.

"And what's your job, Rick?" She asked coyly before sipping her coffee.

"I'm a history professor at Long Beach State in California. Celtic legend has it that Deidre was the most beautiful woman in Ireland who eventually died of a broken heart," I said as I watched the beautiful blonde take drink of her coffee, "and you are beautiful."

"Thank you," she said with a little blush and flip of her hair. You could have fooled me about your job, Rick," Dee said taking another sip of hot coffee." She sat the cup down saying, "I would have never guessed you to be a professor. You don't look like any professors I had in college."

"What are professors suppose to look like?" I asked.

"You know, spectacles resting on the end of your nose, overweight, balding and not sexy looking. And you are not any of that, but definitely a handsome and sexy looking devil."

"Thank you for the compliment, Dee," I said to the vivacious and voluptuous looking blond sitting across from me, "I just can't see such an attractive lady such as you at this beautiful resort and spa all by yourself."

"And you're horny, on the prowl and want to get into my pants," Dee replied with a smirk.

"Touché," I replied as we both chuckled at Dee's witticism. But as I sat across from the lady I was a little stunned at first, and then replied, "Not really. Not that you're not a knock out looking lady that I wouldn't mind getting into bed, but I wouldn't want to betray a partner who didn't make the trip this time."

I decided that I would not drop the bomb that my partner was a guy; however, I'd put her on notice that I was taken and not on the prowl. I would intentionally be vague and gender neutral while talking about Jason. I simply wanted company for the rest of my stay in Vegas.

"Really, why's that?"

"Called up by the Marine Corps this summer for deployment to Afghanistan," I said, "probably over there by now."


"Yeah, we met at the university last year and over the weeks and my better judgment we kind of hit it off becoming a couple."

"What do you mean over your better judgment?" Dee questioned.

"You know, the professor student thing. Professors aren't supposed to step over that with students and fraternize. You know, let their personal lives become entwined, become involved. But, you know, my little head overpowered my big head and we became lovers," I kind of meandered through my explanation.

"So, your partner must be younger?" Dee asked.

"Yeah, ten years," I responded.

"And how old are you Mr. Professor?" Dee asked.

"Thirty-six," I replied, "just turned thirty-six this summer."

"So, your partner is about the same age as me," Dee stated looking across at me, "You look younger than thirty-six and appear very fit for a man your age."

After stroking each other's egos we continued conversing and getting to know each other better. In the meantime the waitress had brought my plate of food and utensils to Dee's table and refilled our coffee cups a couple times. I was really getting into Dee as a person and was hoping she would allow me to spend some time with her during the rest of my stay at the resort. I soon discovered that Dee was an entertainer. She was a dancer singer trying to make it into the big time. Before we knew it the lunch crowd began filling up the restaurant.

As we parted company Dee gave me a card with her name on it and told me to present it at the door for entrance into her show later that night. She said that she'd alert the doorman and give him my name. As she left the table I grabbed both our meal tickets. She smiled back at me with that seductive personable smile, blowing me one of those Marilyn Monroe thank you kisses. I couldn't get over how good-looking Dee was. She had a fantastic body, beautiful blonde hair, alluring eyes and white teeth with a captivating smile. She was definitely a looker.

I decided to take a swim and then a quick trip into town before Dee's show later that night. I hurried back to my room to change into my swim wear and then headed to the pool. After swimming for about an hour I went back to my room to shower and get dressed. Then it was off to downtown Vegas.

Chapter XVI: Unlikely Las Vegas Surprise

After spending a couple hours in town taking some pictures and buying a couple souvenirs I returned to the Green Valley even more depressed and moody than ever. Once in my room I decided to do a late afternoon workout, then a swim and a nap before I went to the lounge where Dee was performing. I figured a good invigorating workout in the gym and then a swim would ready me for the evening. All afternoon I'd been wondering what Jason might be doing in Afghanistan and worried about his safety.

Once I concluded my workout and swim I returned to my room to relax. I striped down to nothing and flopped across the big bed. I continued thinking about Jason becoming full aroused. I began caressing my body fantasizing about sex with Jason. After the spring semester concluded Jason had moved in with me. Sadly, no sooner had he gotten settled in than he received his recall alert from the Marine Corps for deployment.

From the time Jason received his notice until the day he departed we made love every chance, as if there would be no tomorrow. Sometimes we'd engage in sex two or three times a day. On weekends we would hole up in the bedroom making love nonstop. We discovered early on that we both enjoyed each other's bodies and touches; it seemed as though we couldn't get enough of each other. I was infatuated with Jason. No one was the wiser and Jason hadn't leaked our secret.

As far as friends and neighbors who questioned me about my new roommate he was just a student who needed a place to stay during summer break. Jason mowed the grass and took care of all the landscaping chores as well as other minor maintenance around my house. His room was the small apartment above the garage; however, he never slept there, so the living arrangements raised no suspicions. We both slept in my big bed holding each other when we slept; however, sleeping was a rarity for us, especially after the notification came.

We would catch a few winks after hours of fulfilling sex. We couldn't keep our hands off each other whether at breakfast, dinner, watching television or in the hot tub. Many times of an evening after dinner and a spell in the hot tub I would take a seat on the couch and Jason would stretch out with his head in my lap. I would start by rubbing his head, something he totally enjoyed, and then slowly work my way down his body to the noticeable bulge in his cargos.

Sometimes I would take my place on the floor between Jason's legs whereby he would massage my neck and shoulders. After a few minutes he would begin kissing me across my shoulders and his hands would find my engorged and sensitive nipples. This would lead to us rolling onto the floor where we would begin making out, rubbing our bodies together. Other times he would get right to it turning opposite each other for a sixty-nine session.

My cock was in full bloom thinking about Jason and our sexual romps. I moved to the bathroom. As I stepped into the shower my thoughts were still centered on Jason. As I soaped myself with Irish Spring body wash my cock had grown to its full length. Oh how I wished Jason was with me to wash my body and play with my hard cock. When we took showers together we would tantalize each other with our titillating bathing techniques. His touches made me jump, gasping with desire and vice versa. I needed to jack off; it had been over twenty-four hours since I lay in the big king bed and stroked myself to fruition.

I continued beating my hard soapy cock into submission finally watching it spit up, running down the shower surround. As I squeezed the last bit of spooge from the urethral opening I watch my once firm wang wither away. I got out of the shower to dry off. Before leaving the bathroom I shaved, put on some deodorant, brushed my teeth and combed my hair back. In the room I put on a pair of dark slacks, dress shoes, a shirt and tie and jacket; then once dressed I made my way to the lounge where Dee was performing.

Before I got to the lounge I stopped to purchase a long stemmed red rose. As I approached the lounge there was a billboard out front that stated, Deidre "Dee" Delaney" Performing as Britney Spears. I didn't give the sign much notice as I presented the card to the doorman. I was surprised that I was escorted to a VIP table in the front. The waiter asked, "What type of drink sir? It's complementary."

"Jack Daniels black over ice," I responded.

Once my drink arrived I tipped the waiter. He smiled at me as if to say you lucky dog. Dee was introduced and then I knew why I thought I knew her when we met at breakfast. She was a Britney Spears impersonator. The show started and needless to say I was shocked. Dee was even more beautiful than what I remembered from earlier in the day. More beautiful than Britney Spears whom she was impersonating, dancing and lip syncing her songs.

I thought that Dee did a much better job of impersonating Britney Spears than the actual entertainer, putting on one hella outstanding performance. Throughout the show and costume changes she revealed more and more skin. At one point I could see her slim waist and well-toned midriff. During many of the songs she sang she was making flirtatious eye contact directly with me. I felt like the spotlight was on me many times during her performance. I also felt as though others in the audience were staring at me.

For her last song she made her way through the audience making her last stop at my VIP table. She picked up the rose I'd gotten for her and returned to the stage for the finale. After her show ended I didn't think the applause would ever end. She came back on stage three times waving and throwing kisses to the crowd. Finally, she disappeared for good.

A few minutes after the show ended a man approached the table stating, "Please, accompany me sir."

Without another word he escorted me back stage to Dee's dressing room. Once inside she kissed me on the cheek and handed me a glass of champagne saying, "Thanks for the rose that was so kind. So, what do you want to do for the rest of the night, Rick?"

"I'd like to have dinner and drinks with you and maybe go dancing if you don't mind."

"I was hoping you'd say that. I really feel comfortable around you. You're not like a lot of guys I meet that only have one thing on their minds."

"What's that?" I asked.

"You know, most guys I meet have only one thing on their mind, getting me into bed. For some reason guys think that women in Vegas are for their physical pleasures. You're different; plus you're taken, so I don't have to worry about any thing like that tonight, tonight will be full of fun," the Britney look alike said.

Once Dee changed she grabbed her rose with one hand and my arm with the other, walking me out to the entrance where a car service was waiting for us.

After we were seated in the town car I asked, "So where are we off to?"

"It's a surprise. Everything tonight is a surprise and it's on me Baby."

Wow! I thought to myself. This was starting to turn into a great last fling before heading back to Long Beach where for me school started the last week of August. The ride around Las Vegas taking in the night life sights and sounds with Dee was breathtaking as she pointed out all the hot spots. Once we arrived at the Red Rock paparazzi were snapping photos outside. We were whisk away to the Terra Rossa restaurant. After we were seated all I could utter was, "Wow!"

"What's wrong, Rick?"

"Nothin, but can you afford a night like this?"

"Don't worry about cost or money tonight, just enjoy yourself. A lot of this is comped. You see people like to see celebrities; like to dine with them, be seen with them, and maybe even have their picture taken with them, so they can tell their friends when they get back home."


"Who knows you may become famous tonight. You know the mystery man who accompanied Britney Spears around Vegas," Dee said with a mischievous laugh.

What an unlikely surprise the day had turned into. My head was spinning. I sat in one of the most elegant restaurants in Vegas with a gorgeous lady who looked every bit like Britney Spears. People were staring at us and every once in while a camera flash would go off. We ordered drinks and appetizers before our meal while engaging in casual conversation.

To my readers where would you like this story to go? What direction? Let me know which direction I should take with the story. I been entertaining some wild and fantastic ideas, give some more. I know the new twist might be a shock for some of my readers, but I like to keep things interesting, not just the same old fuck and suck stuff.

Next: Chapter 8: Cock Snob 18 19

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