Cock Snob

By Richard Lickerish

Published on Apr 25, 2008


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Subject line: Cock Connoisseur

Cock Snob

By Dick Lickerish

Chapter IX: Sensual Sketching

As the early morning light filtered through the bedroom window and French Doors I sat on the love seat across the room making a sketching of Jason sleeping. Sunday morning's rays illuminated the pose of the youthful body sleeping on the bed, capturing the essence of innocence. The scene was reminiscent of Leonardo Di Capro's character making the sensual charcoal sketching of a nude Rose in the film Titanic. Jason lay sprawled on the bed positioned just right for me to capture his sensuous beauty and purity. He was wearing only the loungewear garment I'd given him a few hours before. Two pretty pink nipples dotted his chest as it rose and fell with each shallow breath. God, he looked so peaceful, beautiful and innocent as he slept.

After a sensual session of foreplay a few hours before I'd discovered the naïveté of my young friend sleeping in my bed. It is said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and although Jason's beauty was not that of Adonis, David or Donatello he was becoming. His physique was not the well-defined muscular definition of Olympians or ancient Greek warriors, but he was beautiful to me, inside and out. I'd discovered not only a beautiful attributes on the outside, but also a rare inner beauty. I think Jason's unsophisticated seductive way, so pure of heart, along with alluring brown eyes and attractive smile were what had tempted me to risk it all and go for the pot of gold.

Throughout the previous weeks after that first meeting I'd been tempted; tempted so many times to find a way to see Jason naked, revealing his hidden treasure. God I wanted him in the worst way, but fear of the unknown and better judgment always seemed to prevail. There was something sensual about Jason that held my interest in him over the many weeks since our first meeting in the library.

At that first meeting I'd been attracted to his intellectual prowess as well as the subtle sex appeal he projected. A young man who read and understood philosophy was rare in today's culture. Then after more encounters there was the subtle sexual allure. The first day we met and began getting to know each other I couldn't believe he was a jarhead or a young person from contemporary culture. He just didn't present like other young men that I'd known throughout the years. His demeanor and vocabulary was not repugnant.

The only time I'd heard him use vulgarity on a regular basis was when he'd become sexually aroused. Any other time I found him to be an articulate, caring, compassionate, and the more time I spent around him a truly sensitive person. Over the weeks I'd gotten to know him in-depth. All of that and the speculation as to what treasure was hidden beneath his clothing held my interest all those weeks.

Finally, after dropping his draws in front of me and his foot touching me in the hot tub I couldn't contain my lust for my younger friend any longer. I decide to make my move, take a risk and live with the consequences. I'd touched Jason's nipple by accident; however, when he didn't rebuff my accidental sexual advances, he quietly told me he was ready for more. I knew from that point on there was a chance for further sexual adventure and went for it.

After nothing but erotic nipple play I discovered the super sensitive nature of Jason's pronounced little nubs. I'd brought him to fruition rather quickly with nothing more than tactile nipple manipulation. Then after that we'd moved to the boudoir for much more sincere foreplay. We spent hours where we did nothing more than caress and cuddle before any serious sex. Just before daylight I took him in my mouth, whereby I administered an early morning blowjob. The oral sex didn't last much longer than the orgasm produced from nipple play. He came within a couple of minutes of my mouth engulfing his full member.

I knew I had my work cut out for me when it came to Jason's premature ejaculation problem, but knew I would enjoy bringing him around. The weeks of waiting to see the young warrior naked, to touch his flesh, the powerful orgasms he produced had all been worth the wait for me. I was impressed with my young protégé and sure I'd found my perfect partner with the perfect penis. Now, the young Leatherneck lay sleeping peacefully totally spent after the romantic romp on my bed.

Chapter X: USDA Prime

Although I thought I'd found my ideal partner in Jason with what I considered to be a beautiful body and sexual organs there were questions that need to be answered. The stand out question, did he feel the same about me? Was I what Jason was looking for in a long-term partner? How should I go about moving forward with our relationship? These were all issues the two of us were going to have to discuss in depth. I had to find out whether Jason wanted a meaningful relationship or just sleazy sex? Did he want a monogamous relationship with me and could he be happy with a partner who was ten years his senior? These were questions that were cluttering my mind early that Sunday morning as I watched him sleep. I needed answers; however, I didn't want to press the issues too early, possibly spoiling our relationship and putting him off. I decided I would let the weekend play out naturally, watching and waiting to see how things went between us.

For weeks I'd been captivated by the Marine's charm; however my secret yearning throughout those weeks was to see the hidden treasure beneath his clothing, which was finally revealed. The weeks of waiting had been worth the wait, I'd gotten to see the hidden body and attributes I'd been dreaming about; moreover, I was enamored by the young man's cock. He didn't have one of those mammoth porn star members, but it was adequate. The main thing, it was beautiful piece of meat.

As I held Jason's hard member in my hand admiring it a few hours before I judged it be about six inches long, considering the width of my hand is a little over four inches. In the dim light from the table lamp I estimated there was about two inches protruding past my closed fist. I couldn't close my fingers all the way around the girth of his hard cock, so I estimated the circumference to be about five and half, maybe six inches. More than size Jason's cock was the beautiful; the oval head, the way the head flared back to a prominent coronal ring around the bell base. All those things impressed me more than size.

Throughout my years of sexual experimentation I'd never really been into quantity, but more into quality. Jason truly had a quality USDA Prime cut of meat as far as I was concerned.

Since grade school I'd chosen quality over quantity whenever possible. Like most boys however I was envious of guys with the larger dicks that I would see swinging around in the locker room and shower. I remember some of the boys had larger cocks until about the second year of high school and then we all seemed to even out. Of course there were a few guys that had extra large dicks and they seemed to remain the envy of boys and girls. The stories about these high school swordsmen made there way through the school by way of the informal grapevine. Boys like me wanted to see these stallions fully erect, to touch them, while the girls wanted to get them into bed to try them out.

My memories from high school and college days were that I was attracted to boys with a pretty penis, more so than larger ones. I never considered myself a size queen and never judged guys solely on the size of their equipment; however, guys with ugly fuck sticks didn't stand a chance in hell with me. They didn't get past that first secret meeting; I didn't waste my time on a guy with a bent, deformed, disfigured or discolored dick, and I sure didn't tarry when a cock had hair growing up the shaft. Believe me I'd seen my share of cocks over the years since my first sexual experiences and at least fifty in the fully erect state. I'd seen the good, the bad and the ugly.

I definitely preferred good looking cocks during my sexually active years. About a dozen select cocks fit into that prime or choice category according to the parameters I'd set for judgment. I'd set a high standard for comely cocks; moreover, I would say only a handful were what I considered true works of art. Most of the cocks I'd encountered in my life had been mediocre, and yes, I'd seen at least a dozen cocks I like to call Fugly: fucking ugly cocks.

My preference is cut cocks over uncut ones; however, I've made exceptions for a few uncut guys with super good looking schlongs who can reveal a gorgeous glans. For me the defining attribute of a beautiful penis is the cockhead. There is nothing more aesthetically pleasing to me than an exposed gleaming glans sitting atop a straight timber. My eyes are attracted to a circumcised cock like a beautiful work of art hanging on display, whereby I immediately want to stand back admiring it before dropping to my knees kissing it and making love to it.

In my life there have been what I consider to be, maybe, five or six truly beautiful works of art hanging on guys with whom I'd had sex. You've guessed by now that I enjoy a great looking cock for my sexual pleasure. My mouth waters whenever I'm in the presences of a guy with a spectacular appearing cock. I salivate viewing a guy's gorgeous gleaming glans in all its uncovered glory and then touching it when it's all puffed up and radiant appearing.

The splendor of a spongy pink cockhead with its crimson coronal ring sitting atop a tall timber for me is a truly majestic appearing thing. The young man lying on the bed across from me probably had one of the most awesome appearing fuck sticks I'd seen in a while: a true work of art. Maybe that was what caused me to blurt out the childish remark upon first seeing him nude. When I viewed the beautiful semi flaccid cock hanging off his body I became overwhelmed by its beauty. Then when I viewed the fully engorged member a few hours later the sale was closed as a car salesperson would say. Jason possessed one of those rare beautiful art form cocks. I wanted it and him all to myself as a partner forever.

Chapter XI: Chocolate Croissant

I let my memories fade as I finished the sketch. Once it was done I left it behind on the loveseat. I walked out of the bedroom, leaving Jason asleep. The aroma of fresh gourmet coffee brewing enticed me towards the kitchen. I was looking forward to a cup of coffee along with a warm croissant, my Sunday morning treat. I treated myself to fresh croissants and special blends of coffee on weekends. I guess one could say that I'm somewhat of a coffee and pastry snob, much like my cats that only ate Fancy Feast from little crystal bowls.

In the kitchen my two pampered pussy cats circled at my feet purring wanting breakfast. After feeding the cats I put a pat of pure butter on the top of a Chocolate Croissant and slipped it into the microwave. I poured my first cup of gourmet coffee for the morning, adding a dash of Amaretto flavored creamer and then stirring the blend. With my cup in hand I walked down the hallway to my home office to check my e-mails: nothing but SPAM. From there I went to the front door to get the Sunday morning paper.

Back in the kitchen I recovered the warm buttered croissant from the microwave, heated up my coffee and took a seat at the table. I skipped the usual negative bull shit in the local, national and international news, going straight to the comics. From there to the sports section; about half way through the section Jason entered the kitchen rubbing the sleep from his eyes, carrying the sketching in his hand.

"Good morning sunshine," I said with a smile, "there's coffee made and a chocolate croissant for you in the box."


Jason put the sketch pad on the table and poured himself a cup of coffee before sitting down at the table next to me. The sketch pad was lying between us where we could view it. Jason pulled the pad closer to him, studying the drawing.

"Good likeness," Jason said after taking a swig of coffee.

I could tell that Jason probably never relaxed to enjoy a cup of coffee. He was still a little rough around the edges from his days in the Corps. He took his coffee black and threw it back hard, half emptying the cup in two gulps.

After downing the coffee Jason said, "You know I find out more about you and learn more from you everyday."

"Same here," I said looking up smiling.

We both sat at the table in silence wearing nothing but loungewear pants, drinking our coffee. I would sip and savor mine while Jason drank his in large gulps. I was amazed that he didn't burn his mouth. I gazed across the table longingly at Jason, watching him drain the last drop of coffee from his cup. He got up putting the cup on the counter and then walked around and stood behind me. After a few seconds with his hands resting on my shoulders he bent down and began kissing me on my neck. I tilted my head back giving him great access and accepting his loving gestures.

As his lips found the sensual areas along the side of my face and neck his hands began a journey down the front of my body. His finger tips roamed around, finding my nipples he began stimulating them. Almost immediately my pink nubs snapped to attention at his touch.

"Oh my, someone else has sensitive nipples too," Jason whispered in my ear as he continued fingering my hard nubs.


"Thank you for last night," Jason whispered in my ear, "You made me feel so alive. I'm still floating around on cloud nine somewhere.

Again, "Uh-huh," was all I could get out.

"You took me to places I've never been before," Jason murmured.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I said softly.

Jason bent over taking my left nipple into his mouth. He began working on it like I'd done to him the night before. I moaned with pleasure and then said, "I'll give you about an hour to stop that."

He murmured something unintelligible as he softly bit and licked my hard nips.

"Don't you want breakfast?" I tried to ask, "There's a chocolate croissant in the box on the counter."

His mouth finally left my nipple and he said, "I'd rather have this."

I scooted my chair around to provide benign beginner better access. He seated himself in my lap facing me. Once in my lap his arms encircled my neck and he began kissing me. He continued kissing my neck passionately, cooing in my ear like a content cat purring.

"Don't you dare put any marks on my neck," I said, "I've got a faculty meeting tomorrow morning."

"Chill. I won't mark you up."

"Okay, I said feeling my cock waking up."

"Oh my, I think I feel something hard knocking on my backdoor," Jason said with a smile as his bottom gently gyrated around in my lap rubbing my hard cock.

"I'll give you another hour to stop that," I said.

"Then we'll be here for a couple hours, huh?" Jason said as he slid out of my lap dropping between my legs onto his knees, repositioning himself with his face in close proximity to my crotch.

He began kissing my hard stomach and belly button. He temptingly began untying the waist string on my loungewear pants and then unsnapped the top button, opening it to expose my hard cock. With his hands on the top of my thighs he began sniffing around and kissing the base of my cock. Finally, he gingerly grasped my cock at the base and then began gently kissing and licking the head of my cock.

"Oh Jason don't."

The novice neophyte looked up at me saying softly, "But I want to. You took care of me three or four times last night, I lost count. Now it's my turn to return the favor."

Jason went back to kissing and licking my dick. I could feel the tip of his tongue entering my piss slit as if he was teasing the curl from the top a Dairy Queen. He was going after the precum that was oozing up from the depths of my balls. Then his tongue circled my corona, again and again as if he were licking the head of a frozen dairy product in a cone. He kissed up and down my cock shaft lovingly, finally returning to the head. I was moaning and groaning with pleasure as his mouth and tongue work its magic.

Suddenly, Jason stood up. He untied and dropped his loungewear pants, stepping out of them, exposing his burgeoning boner. I wanted to take his cock in my mouth for breakfast, but Jason positioned himself in my lap. He grasped both cocks together, leaned in kissing me and then whispered in my ear, "I think it's time to introduce the two; hopefully they're going to be friends for a while."

"Oh God, I hope so," I responded breathlessly.

Jason held our two cocks together for a while, rubbing the two cockheads together. God, the feeling was so sensuous. Then he slid down my front again, returning to the kneeling position between my legs. He began to slide his warm wet mouth up and down my cock, sucking my dick in earnest. In a matter of a couple minutes I felt an orgasm building in my nuts. For the first time sucking my dick Jason was performing like a consummate professional.

"I'm about ready to cum!" I blurted out as a courtesy warning, "If you don't want to get any spooge in your mouth you can finish me off by hand."

Jason didn't respond and didn't bother removing his mouth from my member. My nuts began to tighten up; I arched my torso forward, unloading a pent up load of cum that damn near choked him. He continued nursing my cock until I found myself forcefully pushing him away saying, "That's enough."

"Wasn't that so much better than coffee and croissant for breakfast?" Jason asked with a big smile.

I just smiled back as my young friend smiled up at me. I think Jason had just answered a lot of my questions. I secretly hoped I'd found a partner. A partner with whom I might find a sense of inner peace and sexual satisfaction forever. God, I wanted him for eternity.

I enjoy hearing from my readers and listen to suggestions. Tell me what you think of this story thus far. I need feedback to bolster my writing ego, so I might continue the story.

Next: Chapter 4

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