Cock Snob

By Richard Lickerish

Published on Apr 17, 2008


This is another installment of Cock Snob Chapters five through eight. If possible please cross post the story under Gay College and Military. The story line is meant for both.

Warning! If you are not of legal age to read stories that contain erotic subject matter or you are offended by the erotic subject matter contained herein do not read any further. All rights to this story are retained by the author. This story is protected under applicable copyright laws and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the author. Chapters V through VIII contain almost 5k words. If you enjoyed Chapters one through four Chapters five through eight are smokin.

Comments and critics on the story are welcome and may be directed to:

Email: richardlickerish "at" yahoo "dot" com

Subject line: Cock Connoisseur

Cock Snob

By Dick Lickerish

Chapter V: Quest For That Perfect Penis

As somewhat of a cock connoisseur I had been quite taken by the beauty of Jason's flaccid phallus when he dropped his shorts as we prepared to step into the hot tub. I sat across from the young man mesmerized by the beauty of his member. Yes, I guess I could be considered a cock snob and probably always have been a little snooty when choosing a sexual partner, but that's who I am. I know there is more to a partner than a penis; however, sexual assets and beautiful endowment are definitely a plus for any partner.

My quest for the perfect partner with flawless attributes and an extraordinary sexual organ had met with dead ends before for a myriad of reasons. Until I met Jason I'd almost given up finding that perfect partner; however, after meeting Jason, engaging him in meaningful conversation, and viewing his beautiful cock, the fire of desire inside me had reignited.

At almost thirty-six years of age I was acting like a giddy bobby-soxer. I hadn't been this excited over a guy in years. Jason's combustible charisma and compatible congeniality had captured my attention from that first meeting; furthermore, after viewing his physical characteristics and cock the total package was captivating. Like a school boy I was smitten. Now, the job ahead was to tactfully find out if Jason had similar thoughts about me and what our future relationship might bring, if there was to be one.

After Jason's foot grazed my genital area under the churning water of the hot tub my hopes for a future relationship had been ignited; however, the flame seemed to sputter quickly when he apologized for the accidental intrusion. I sensed that maybe we were sending mixed signals back and forth to each other or he was not sending any signal at all. Maybe the male admiration for another male's body was a one-way street He had been a combat Marine; the epitome of the American male macho man, so why should I think that there might be any chance for any type relationship other than friendship. I was going to have to pursue things in a more passive fashion, but hopeful he might respond in a positive manner.

As I settled back in the hot tub conversing openly with Jason I continued thinking about the beautiful cock I'd observed dangling from his body a few minutes earlier. A very attractive cock hanging flaccid about four inches with its beautiful head nestled on the pillows of his scrotal sac. In a way I was glad the water was churning, disguising my state of arousal. I wondered if Jason was in the same state of arousal after his foot touched my crotch. For some reason thinking about him as well as the air churning the warm water around my body had me all boned up.

Normally, I didn't jump into bed with just anyone, especially a student; however, since meeting Jason my curiosity for him as a sexual partner had sparked my interest and I couldn't shake it. Since landing my job teaching at a top five West Coast university I'd been very careful with my private life. My biggest fear pursuing Jason as a partner was being outed as a gay man on campus. As a new professor at the university I didn't want to suffer any negative effects associated with a gay relationship, especially with a student.

There had been too many incidents involving professors and sexual affairs at universities over the years with both female and male students. Although universities are far more tolerant of the gay and lesbian lifestyles than society in general there is a line in the sand not to be crossed: student and teacher relationships. I'd worked far too hard and long getting my Doctor of Philosophy degree, and job at a top rated university to jeopardize my future.

If I wanted a future in academia I had to keep my nose clean. I was working towards a full tenured position and didn't need any negative issues or problems that might impinge on my advancement. I didn't want it openly known around campus that I was a gay man interested in a younger male student. I just didn't need the extra baggage dragging me down. I didn't want to deal with the negative politics thereof; furthermore, I didn't want to be burdened by feelings of guilt that would surely be cast by certain older administrators and faculty.

As I sat across form Jason I thought to myself, there must be a way for us to enjoy an intimate relationship even though he was a student without endangering my career. First off I had to discover if he was interested in me and might be agreeable to a relationship. For some strange reason there was a special allure about Jason. He gave off a unique charisma that made me want to take a chance with him, break the rules, cross that line. We had proven that we were compatible as friends, but I wanted more. In short, I was attracted to the young man like a bug to a light at night for many reasons; thus, I was willing to risk it all for a more meaningful relationship with him.

My feelings for Jason were more than a quick role in the hay. Sure, I wanted to see what he looked like all boned up, but I didn't want to ruin our special friendship. I was in a quandary: sexual relationship or friendship. Could I enjoy both? My head was spinning out of control thinking about the possibilities; however, the little head in my pants was overpowering monster. The good Devil on one shoulder was telling me to go slow and be careful, while the bad Devil was goading me to go for a sexual conquest.

My emotions were mixed. I wished that I was living those youthful days of unencumbered sex when there were few boundaries. Times when I didn't have to think about the ethical dilemma associated with sex, just some good old sucking and fucking. I looked across at Jason with wanton desire on my lips. My mouth watered, I could taste it. I wanted to taste Jason's delight like that Dairy Queen when I was a kid.

Chapter VI: Forbidden Treat

Since childhood the male sex organ had been like candy or ice cream treats for me. A treat is a special favor or gift from one to another, something that brings special joy. For me a beautiful tasty cock is a treat, but many times a forbidden treat. There is a poem by Milton Darby that best captures my feelings for Jason called, "Forbidden Treat":

Wanting something forbidden

Not being able to taste

Something that could be good for you

And put a smile on upon your face

Desiring something unattainable, something magnificent,

Something great

Wanting something so bad that its not apart of your fate

Who cares about what's right, what's wrong, or what's morally corrupt

All I want is this chance to mess up

No matter what society dictates or religion preaches

I want my desirable, unattainable, south after, forbidden treat

Here with me

The penis for me has been and remains a tasty treat. Cocks have been the focus of my attention and curiosity since I could remember. I think my infatuation with boys and their cocks dates back to kindergarten; however, if one were to question my mother she might say earlier than that. When I was a child my cousins and I bathed together many times as young boys. I remember those days well; we would splash around in the tub, grabbing each other's little peckers playing with them, and squealing as they got them hard. Bathing with my two cousins was a highlight in my childhood, splashing about in the bathtub touching each other innocently.

I smiled thinking about those playful days: days of innocence. I had fantasized many times about those youthful days with my cousins and other playmates. Back in the day our little dicks couldn't have been more than two or three inches in length, no bigger around than a breakfast sausage and they didn't puke up pabulum back then. I did experience funny feelings that I would later learn were dry orgasms.

For me my pecker was a source of great pleasure during my youth and remains so today. As children we played, splashed and squealed with delight when bathing and every once in a while we would get caught by my mother, aunt or older adult, whereby they would admonish us about the evils of playing with our organs. The penis was called "pee pee" during my childhood. Although we were scolded and told not to do "that" again, the next time we bathed together we forgot the reprimands, and played with each other's peckers anyway.

As a youngster I quickly discovered that playing with my pecker brought me great feelings of pleasure. Back in the day it was not uncommon for boys to show and compare their pathetic little peckers to each other during recess in a secluded area around the school. Boys were inherently curious about so many sexual things, especially dicks. We soon discovered that the girls in school didn't have an outie pee pee like boys. Having learned the pleasures of playing with my pee pee early in life I felt sorry for girls, but then later in life I was educated to the fact that they too could pleasure themselves and did. Other things I learned in those recess show and tell sessions were that a few of the boy's dick's looked different.

Eventually, I learned that most boys in school were circumcised and the rest weren't. There were also boys that had bent and deformed dicks. Sadly the boys that were different were the butt of jest and many times jeered by other classmates. Of course, later on in school as we moved through puberty into adolescence there was curiosity about size and pubic hair or the lack thereof. The boys who fell behind as most of us moved into adolescent years were razzed about their small size or lack of pubic hair. Yes, the size of one's organ and body hair were important back in the day.

There was even a club at school that many of the boys belonged to called, what else, The Big Dick Club. Of course, the president of the club became president by default. He who had the biggest dick was president. Later in life I wondered how that might work when electing the president of the United States or other lofty positions in our society. The president also kept the measurement log. I was just an average kid so I never made it to presidency or even the vice president of the club. I think I kept the unauthorized minutes of the meetings if memory serves me.

The club served other purposes too. Later on in grade school as we graduated to advanced grades we engaged in mutual masturbation sessions and circle jerk contests to see who could shoot semen the furthest. There were also contests to see who could write the most letters in the snow with urine. Of course, all this was done in a private setting and total secrecy. Secrecy until one boy would tell another boy at which time the circle of boys grew larger. I thought to myself that kind of behavior would not be tolerated in today's society.

Society today is not tolerant of sexual experimentation among boys. Today a boy would spill the beans to parents or authority figures about secret sexual experimentation sessions and all involved would be busted. Once busted by the pervert police or parents the boys would surely be ostracized by family and friends, sent for a visit with a shrink, or worse, sent to a juvenile detention facility. Of course, there would be one or two boys, generally the older boys, singled out as the ringleaders and punished most severely. After blowing innocent sexual experimentation by boys out of proportion all involved would be labeled sex offenders. Some local authorities might even make the young sexual predators register as sexual offenders. I shivered at the thought just writing about it.

"What's wrong?" Jason asked snapping me back to real life setting.

"Nothing," I replied.

"You seem so distant since we got in the tub," Jason said, "is it because of what I did earlier?"

"No, things like that happen in the close proximity of a hot tub."

"I just wondered `cause I sure wouldn't want anything to spoil are friendship," Jason said.

"Naw, don't worry about it," I said, "We should have worn swim trunks to prevent such I guess."

"Hey, my fingers are starting to get wrinkled from the warm water," Jason said looking at his hands.

"Yeah, probably time to get out of this thing," I said standing up.

I could see Jason's eyes follow my body down to my crotch as I stood up and they seemed to lock onto my genital area. My cock was hanging in a semi flaccid state as I climbed out of the water. I made no attempt to retrieve my clothes immediately to get dressed; instead, I asked Jason to help me put the cover back on the hot tub. Once the cover was secure we gathered the glasses and wine bottle along with our clothing to make our way towards the house.

"Damn, my clothes area all wet," Jason said picking them up off the bench.

"I'll throw them in the washer and dryer with mine when we get inside," I said.

"Thanks Rick."

As we walked back to the house I said, "I'm going to take a quick shower to rinse the chlorine off, how about you?"

"Yeah, sounds good to me," Jason replied.

"You can go first."

Once in the house I showed Jason to the bathroom and got him a towel off the shelf. Then said, "I got some Ben and Jerry's ice cream for desert."

"Cool," Jason said as he stepped into the shower.

As Jason disappeared behind the shower door I got my first real view of his backside. He had a very nice set of buns and a fairly smooth body. No hair on his back and just a light dusting of dark hair on his legs. I preferred smooth hairless guys over bears. From what I'd seen the young man had pretty everything going for him that I wanted in a partner.

Chapter VII: The Headache

I put Jason's clothes in the washer to rinse and then dry them. The cats were circling my legs, so I opened a can of Fancy Feast and fed them. I grabbed two brandy snifters off the rack as well as a bottle of brandy and sat them on the table before heading back to the bathroom to rinse off. When I entered the bathroom Jason was toweling off. After I rinsed the chlorine off and dried my body I showed Jason my bedroom.

"Damn, this is a tight bedroom Rick."

"Let me give you the nickel tour," I said as I began showing Jason around.

I was proud of my house and especially the master bedroom. I'd bought the custom built, recently remodeled house because of the size of the large master bedroom with big walk-in closet and massive bathroom. The bathroom was huge by most standards. In one corner was a Jacuzzi type tub for two and in the other corner a glass enclosed shower big enough for two. The heated tile floor was great for chilly mornings.

After the quick tour of the big bedroom where I showed off my entertainment and surround sound system I opened the big walk-in closet. I pulled open a drawer to find loungewear pants suitable for Jason to wear while his clothes were drying. I also found him a robe and handed it to him. I put on my loungewear pants and special maroon robe with black trim, tying it at the waist. As we left my bedroom walking towards the kitchen I asked, "What flavor ice cream do you like?"

"Whatever you've got is fine," Jason replied.

I opened the freezer to show my guest the variety of flavors in the door. I said, "Take your pick. There's ice cream, frozen yogurt and sorbet."

"I'll have some of the Cherry Garcia," Jason requested.

"Good choice. How many scoops?"

"Two'll be fine."

I took the container of ice cream from the freezer door, popped the top off and dished up two scoops each into the bowls, emptying the small container. Once done I threw the empty container away and set the bowls of ice cream on the table. I put a CD in and turned on the sound system. The soft music began playing as I motioned for Jason to be seated. We both sat down silently eating our frozen treats. Once finished I asked, "Do you drink brandy?"

"Not generally, but I'll try it."

I figured Jason being a Marine was more accustom to drinking beer than fine brandy. I poured Jason and me two fingers of brandy into the brandy snifters and motioned for him to follow me. In the living room I told my guest to take a seat wherever he felt comfortable. He sat on the love seat and I plopped down across from him on the couch. The white cat hopped up on the love seat sniffing him and finally curled up next to Jason's leg.

"Consider it an honor that her majesty chose to curl up next to you."

"Why?" Jason questioned.

"Normally she is very finicky about strangers in her house," I said.

With that Jason began to stroke the cat and I could hear her begin to purr. We sipped our brandy and began talking about this and that for a while. Then Jason said, "Man, I got a hella headache."

"Maybe it's the ice cream. I get a headache once in a while after eating something cold."

"Naw, these damn things been happening since the explosion over in Iraq," Jason said.

"Why don't you come over and sit down and I'll massage your head and neck," I said motioning for him to come to me.

"Thanks I'd appreciate that," Jason remarked as he moved towards me.

I motioned for Jason to sit on the floor between my legs. He started to sit down, but before he got seated I said, "Here," placing a pillow on the floor for him to sit on.

The pillow under Jason butt made him the right height for me to comfortably massage his upper body. I began massaging Jason's neck and shoulders. He purred contently as my hands moved over his flesh. I told him to relax and let my fingers do their magic. After a few minutes working the back of the neck and across the shoulders I could feel the tension releasing. I positioned his head back between my legs so I could rub his forehead. I worked methodically trying to ease the pain and tension in my young friend's head. I noticed his perfect beautiful feet and long slender fingers with the well-manicured nails. I wondered what his finger might feel like snaking its way up inside me, finger fucking me.

My asshole is super sensitive, so for me finger fucking is an important part of foreplay. I discovered early in life that I totally enjoy anal foreplay and anal interaction. My friend in high school introduced me to the joys of finger fucking. The first time he did me he drove me over the edge crazy. I was ever thankful that we were out of earshot as I was howling like a banshee spirit in heat as Jimmy diddled me in the ass with his talented digit. He taught me the enjoyment of anal pleasuring for which I was grateful. I was sure I would enjoy Jason diddling me, rimming me and finally cornholing me; however, if he was not knowledgeable I would enjoy being his teacher.

I felt my cock fast becoming aroused beneath my loungewear pants and lengthen down my leg, so I broke the silence asking, "Are you seeing a doctor about your headaches?"

"Not since I left the Corps," Jason murmured.

"What about the VA?" I asked.

"No, I haven't gotten over to sign-up yet."

"The VA Long Beach Medical Center is about a mile south of the school," I said.

"Yeah, I need to get over there and get enrolled, just haven't done it yet."

"Will you allow me to call my friend; she's the assistant director at the facility, I'm sure she can expedite the enrollment process?" I asked.

"I don't want to be any trouble."

"You won't be. I guarantee she'll see to it that you'll get an evaluation appointment within thirty days."

"I'd appreciate the help. These damn headaches have been getting worse the past few weeks."

"Done," I said as I went back to massaging his head.

Chapter VIII: Nipple Play

As I continued massaging Jason's body I noticed that the robe he was wearing had split open in the front and one pink nipple was peeking out. I couldn't tell, was the little pink nub hard or was that its natural state. I thought I'd take a bold chance. I eased him forward, slipping more of the robe over his shoulders, dropping it behind his back. He didn't object to his chest being fully exposed. I worked his shoulders and the upper portion of the front of his chest. My mind went back to thinking about sex with Jason as my fingers worked their magic on the front of his body. I hoped that my young friend was a little naive in the ways of male to male sex because I wanted to mentor him.

Not paying close attention my finger tips grazed one of his nipples as I pushed down the front of his chest, whereby Jason's body jerked and he gasped. I pulled my hands back immediately, but he said, "No, don't," grabbing my hands.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"No, I meant don't stop," he said with his head tilted back into my crotch, "Please continue, if you want."

"You mean continue rubbing your nipples?"

"Yeah," the young man said with a soft smile and a dewy-eyed look.

I began fondling his pink nubs with tenderness, listening to him coo contently. The back of his head was resting in my lap touching the head of my hard leaking member. The more I played with his nipples the harder they became and the more I was leaking. Jason appeared to enjoy me manipulating his nips. I thought I noticed a bulge developing in the crotch beneath his robe; I know there was under mine. I leaned down kissing his ear whereby he murmured, "Oh God, thank you."

"No, I should thank you," Jason said lifting my free hand to his mouth where he began kissing my finger tips and then suckling sensually on my fingers.

The kissing and sucking on my finger tips surprised me; however, I continued rubbing his nub in silence as he nursed on my fingers in a sensual way. I could feel his heart rate had picked up as had mine. Suddenly, I notice the pink dome of his dick pop through the front of his robe.

"Oh My God!" I exclaimed softly. Then I whispered in his ear, "Look who came out to play."

"Oh, he's been ready to play for quite some time," Jason uttered.


I began nuzzling his ear and neck, kissing the side of my young friends face. I would let Jason make the next move. He did. Slowly, he turned his head to meet my lips, whereby we closed our eyes and locked our lips together. Our tongues began a ballet inside our mouths. Both of our hearts were beating faster than normal and we were beginning to perspire. After a few minutes we broke apart. I could see a large pearlescent droplet of precum that had oozed from his piss slit. Slowly, it was trickling down the dome. I maneuvered my head where I could get to one of Jason gorgeous nipples. I took it in my mouth, whereby I began nibbling on it.

"Oh My God! Oh God, don't stop," Jason begged.

I continued biting it ever so delicately, letting the tip of my tongue dance across the tip of his nipple.

"Oh Shit! Oh Damn! Oh Fuck! Don't stop!" I heard as his hot breath spewed the vulgarities into my neck.

I didn't let up as I heard more vulgar howls of pleasure, and then Jason moaned, "Oh My God, I'm cummmmmmmmmmmmmmming."

I lifted my head just in time to catch the first rope of spooge splatter directly on my cheek below my eye. Then there was a second and a third burst that found resting places on my robe and Jason's chest. By the fourth jet the jizz was losing its velocity and volume. I watched as the piss slit opened letting a few more droplets of semen pump out, dribbling over the dome of Jason's beautiful cockhead.

"I'm sorry I came so quickly," Jason murmured apologetically.

I put my finger up to his lips to quite him and shook my head negatively saying quietly, "No apologies."

My hand returned to Jason's chest to play with a nipple, whereby he moved it away. He was too sensitive to let me continue. He stood up turning around to face me. He leaned in and let his tongue lap up his drying cumshot that was running down my cheek. Once he finished cleaning my face I pulled him closer to me, so I could lick the spot of spooge off his chest. After I cleaned his chest I opened the robe, united the string holding the loungewear pants, letting the garment drop free to the floor. I grasp Jason's buns pulling his torso towards my mouth to begin cleaning his beautiful cockhead with my tongue.

I held the semi flaccid beauty in my hand licking it from top and bottom cleaning every bit of cum from it and his scrotal sac. His tool tasted a little salty from sweat, but the baby batter didn't taste bad. After I finished giving his cock a tongue bath my young friend leaned in and kissed me. He then carefully positioned himself in my lap facing me with his knees straddling my waist, his butt resting on my knees. He then buried his head in my neck, whereby I heard him murmur in my ear, "That was so fuckin great. Thank you."

I replied, "I enjoyed it," and then asked, "How's the headache?"

"It's gone."

"I think that was just what the doctor ordered."

Jason rocked back on my knees and said, "I haven't been with anyone in over a year and you've made me feel like a million bucks all day. I don't think I've ever experienced anything like what you just did."

God looking into those smoldering brown eyes made me melt. The fire inside me was fully fueled, burning like a bonfire. "Good," I said, "so what are your plans for tomorrow?"


"Would you like to stay the night with me?"

"Sure, Id' like to try out that big bed of yours, but most of all I want to be with you tonight, all night."

"Good, we'll enjoy the night together and have breakfast together tomorrow morning," I said, "and then let's just take things one day at a time."

With that we kissed again and got up to prepare for an evening in the bedroom. I got my young friend a new toothbrush from the drawer and told him where everything was located in the bathroom. I kissed him again, patted him on the buns and headed him towards the bedroom. I finished a couple of chores in the kitchen before turning out the lights and heading to the bathroom.

As I entered the bedroom Jason was already lying on the bed with a robe across his midsection. I entered the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a leak before walking over and inserting a CD in the surround sound receiver. I closed the door to the bedroom so the cats wouldn't bother us then it was to bed. As the soft music played in the background Jason held out his hand. Smiling up at me he grasp my hand pulling me into the bed next to him. We fell into a deep embrace locked in each other's arms. I knew the night would be one we wouldn't soon forget and hopefully wouldn't regret.

I enjoy hearing from my readers and listen to suggestions. Tell me what you think of this story. Do you think of it as a one night stand thing or should it blossom into a real relationship between Jason and the Professor? Remember I need feedback or I drop the story line.

Next: Chapter 3: Cock Snob 9 11

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