Cock Snob

By Richard Lickerish

Published on Apr 12, 2008


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Subject line: Cock Connoisseur

Cock Snob

By Dick Lickerish

Chapter I: The Most Beautiful Cock

"Oh my! That's just about the most beautiful cock I've seen in my life," I gushed as my guest dropped his shorts in front of me.

"Thanks," the young man replied bashfully.

"Damn! I mean I apologize, that comment was childish and uncalled for," I responded regretfully.

"No need to apologize, I've heard it before."

"Really," I replied somewhat astonished.

"Yeah, I've heard that since my days in high school. By the way, you've got a nice looking piece of meat too, for an older dude."

I had no idea of why or what made me blurt out such a foolish childish comment that day. Normally, guys don't greet each other in such a manner when they meet, even gays guys in a locker room wouldn't say that. But I'd truly been taken aback by the beauty of my new friend's sexual organ. We both dismissed my childish comment as we prepared to enter the hot tub to enjoy the warm water and air jetting against our bodies. The air coming from the jets was churning foaming bubbles to the surface, giving off a hint of chlorine. After we settled into our places in the tub we began sipping our red wine, relaxing and talking.

That's the awkward way last weekend's hot tub experience at my house began, whereby I made a fool out of myself in front of my new friend complimenting him on his junk. My comments sounded like those of an overwhelmed middle school boy the first time viewing a girl's bare breast. Over the years my friends had joked and kidded with me about what a snob I was when it came to my choice of cocks. Since my first sexual adventure with another boy at camp years ago I knew instinctively that I was attracted to boys and their cocks; however, for me, not just any dick would do, only the beautiful ones.

Chapter II: The First Meeting

The first time I met Jason weeks prior to last weekends meeting I was immediately attracted to him. I remember that day as if it were yesterday. I took a seat across from him in the library with a new book on philosophy that I'd pick from the shelf. The first thing I noticed was his beautiful smile; a soft smile that showed a perfect set of white teeth. His smile, eyes and dark hair were a definite turn on for me. Whatever else the draw, I had been drawn to him like a magnet to steel that day in the library when I first laid eyes on him.

After a few minutes of reading Jason looked across the table at me and said in a soft voice, "That's a great book. I read it last week. Once I started reading I couldn't put it down."

"Really," I'd whispered back.

"Yeah, normally books on philosophy are so dry and boring, but the author makes you want to continue reading his book," Jason murmured.

A young person interested in philosophy was a rare find; therefore, the two of us hit it off immediately. After a few moments of being shushed by others around us we moved to a smaller reading room where we wouldn't be a disturbance. We settled into a room where we resumed our conversation; an in depth conversation about philosophy and poetry. Eventually, we were asked to leave the room as it had been reserved by a group of students planning a class project. We adjourned to the campus coffee shop where we renewed our conversation, talking well into the evening; a meeting which eventually led to who, why and where for each of us that first day.

That initial meeting at the coffee shop was when I learned that Jason had served in the Marine Corps in Iraq and Afghanistan. He had been wounded in Iraq while a gunner in a HUMVEE that had been hit by a roadside bomb. Although wounded the injuries were not serious enough for him to be evacuated out of country. That explained the scars I'd seen on his well tanned body when we entered the hot tub. Once his time was up in the Marine Corps he decided to leave active duty to pursue a college degree. He told me that there was a possibility that he might return to the Corps after college, but only as an officer if he was accepted as an aviator candidate. He wanted to fly jets in support of ground combat operations. He felt that his role on the ground in combat during his initial enlistment had given him a keen prospective for close air support.

Jason told me that many times air support for troops on the ground in Iraq was forbidden do to the possibility of civilian casualties; therefore, much of the fighting was in the narrow confines of the cities. He really opened my eyes as to what was really occurring on the ground in Iraq. Me, being a history professor I listened intently. Although I didn't teach any military history I was a military history buff. I'd done four years in the Air Force ending up as a loadmaster on a C-130 aircraft. A fairly safe job compared to that of Army or Marine infantry on the ground in a combat zone.

When I was young I wanted to be an Air Force or Navy fighter pilot; however, do to vision problems I didn't qualify to fly. So, I did the next best thing, applied for and was trained by the Air Force as a loadmaster. At least I got to fly. We both had dreams about becoming military pilots. I hoped that Jason got to fulfill his dream, but hated to see any young people go off to war. The two of us, the student and the professor, met on and off over the next few weeks of spring semester discussing philosophy, poetry and personal issues, eventually we became good friends.

Chapter III: Breaking the rules

A week after spring break I could no longer contain my lustful feelings for Jason. I knew my wanton desire for a student was wrong, but they were consuming me. I feared that a hookup with Jason might be complicated, compromising my faculty position. The more we met the more I was experiencing a strong sexual attraction for Jason. The more time we spent together the stronger the feelings, so as we sat at the table in the campus coffee shop that Friday afternoon after spring break I made the offer for us to break bread together at my house. I had broken the cardinal rule, crossing that line between student and professor.

For a professor to invite a student into their house with intent of carnal knowledge was morally and ethically wrong; I'd crossed the threshold, a traditionally forbidden zone. My lust for Jason had overridden my good sense; however, the date was made, on Saturday afternoon we would meet for reading some poetry, drinking wine and dinner. My secret plan was for Jason to stay for dinner, a dip in the hot tub and maybe more.

Saturday morning I busied myself going the market first where I bought two excellent New York steaks and a few other items for dinner. After I shopped at the market I stopped by the drug store. Just in case dinner went well and I was to get lucky I wanted to be prepared. I bought a new tube of Astroglide gel, a packet of condoms and a couple of Fleets enemas.

Although I still wasn't sure about Jason's sexuality I wanted to be prepared. I sensed from our conversations that he might be gay or bisexual. Once back home I arranged the dinning room table with my good china and candles for a romantic dinner. I laid out some special music for the occasion and made sure there were fresh linens in the bathroom and clean sheets on my bed. As the clock passed noon edging towards one I began getting anxious. I was wondering if Jason had forgotten our date or just blew off our rendezvous.

A little after two the front door chime went off. I answered and it was Jason standing there bashfully holding a bottle of wine with an apology, "Sorry, but two buck chuck was all I could afford."

"Not to worry young man you didn't need to bring wine. By the way two buck chuck is a great wine. Check out my wine collection," I said leading him towards the wine rack filled with other bottles of Trader Joe's special wines.

I grabbed a couple of stemmed wine glass from the rack and walked into the kitchen where I ripped off the foil wrapper of the bottle top, put the corkscrew to it and popped the cork out. I poured the wine in our glasses and suggested we adjourn to the back deck.

On the deck Jason exclaimed, "Wow! You got a totally awesome place here Professor Smith."

"Please, call me Rick."

"That may take a while because you are a professor and you know my Marine Corps training," Jason replied staunchly.

"Whatever you're comfortable with," I said.

I continued taking visual inventory of the young man sitting across from me. His brown eye's smoldered with softness, yet mystery. His face and eyes had the look of innocence's to them, yet his face was slightly weathered. Fear lurked in the depths of his eyes. Maybe he was still reliving the harrowing experiences of combat. I heard that a person could tell an individual that had witnessed the horrors of war by the look in the eye.

"So, how are you adjusting to civilian life Jason?"

"Okay, I guess," Jason replied.

"Are you going through any type of treatment for your wounds or PTSD?" I asked.

"No, I suppose I should get into the PTSD program over at the VA," Jason replied.

I poured the last of Jason's wine into our glasses and asked, "I'm sure you as a Marine witnessed much in the way of death and destruction while you were in combat."

"Yeah," he responded.

I noticed his eyes were beginning to cloud up, so I said, speaking metaphorically, "I've got a good set of ears and a soft shoulder if you need to unload."

Jason started telling me his sorrowful story when suddenly he broke down sobbing. I moved over next to him not out of lust, rather to comfort him. I eased him to his feet to comfort him, standing up together he buried his head in my shoulder blubbering something unintelligible. As we stood there his pain was palpable; I could feel it coursing through his body. All I could do was hold and comfort my new young friend, letting him have a good cry. After a few minutes of crying Jason lifted his head and tried to apologize. I quickly admonished him, telling him not to apologize that was what friends were for in time of need.

The young man finally regained control of his emotions. I guided him towards the lounge on the deck where we sat down. He began telling me about his two friends that had been killed when he was wounded. From what I was hearing the one Marine and Jason were very close. In fact, I sensed that the two might have been what you'd call combat lovers before and during the deployment. The term combat lover's is used by some for guys in the military who find each other for sexual pleasure during times away from home, especially in combat. I was quickly discovering that although Jason had been a combat Marine first he might also be a bisexual or gay Marine who had lost his combat lover. Once again Jason buried his face in my neck sobbing uncontrollably.

I wasn't sure I wanted to exploit this situation, turning his personal tragedy into a sexual jackpot for me. I got up excusing myself to go back into the house. I grabbed a fresh bottle of wine, fixed some cheese and crackers, turned the oven on and then returned to the deck. I poured Jason a fresh glass of wine and offered some nourishment. He accepted my offer and we began talking again. A little after five I asked, "Are you hungry? `Cause I got two really succulent New York steaks that need to be burned on the outside grilled."

"That sounds great Professor."

"Remember when you here in my house I'm Rick. Professor is when we're on campus."

Okay, Rick."

"Let me get the grill going and we'll burn that meat. How do you like yours? I asked.


"That's the way I like my meat too," I responded jokingly, "what about a baked potato and salad with dinner?"

"Sounds great, just enough not to be filling," Jason replied, "gotta save room for desert.

"When were finished we'll go for a walk to digest the meal and then return for a dip in the hot tub," I said.

"Wow! Where's the hot tub?" Jason asked.

"Around the corner under the gazebo," I said pointing in the direction of the redwood structure. "Go checked it out while I get started on dinner."

I went into the kitchen to check on the two steaks I had in the marinade. I cut up some small tomatoes and other items for the salad. The two big potatoes had been in the oven baking slowly since I turned them on the last time I was in for a new bottle of wine. I stepped outside to put the meat on the grill and was met by Jason.

"That's an out of sight hot tub set up. And the high walls really provide privacy," Jason said with a smile.

The provide privacy statement and smile were encouraging. "Yeah, I built it myself."


"We'll be ready to eat as soon as the steaks are done," I said.

I returned to the kitchen. I grabbed the big bowl of salad, a couple smaller bowls, some cut up French bread and a new bottle of red wine before heading back to the deck.

"Here, fix yourself a salad and have some bread and more wine. The steaks will be up shortly," I said.

"Thanks Rick."

"What type of salad dressing do you prefer?" I asked.

"Thousand Island is fine," Jason replied.

I returned to the kitchen to get the salad dressing. Back outside I prepared my salad and broke a piece of bread apart. I quietly began eating my salad as I studied Jason from across the table. Every once in a while I would get up to turn the steaks over. Finally, the meat was done and we had finished our salads. I took the steaks up, placing them on a metal steak plate.

"Grab you ass and get inside were about to devour a couple of savory steaks my friend."

Once in the dinning room I lit the two candles on the table, put the steaks on the china and told Jason to be seated. I retrieved the two baked potatoes and put one on each plate along a plate of bread, butter, sour cream and bacon bits. I seated myself and asked Jason if he said grace. He said not today, so we both dove into the meal.

As we ate silently I once again studied Jason's face. His black hair was just starting to grow out, but he was keeping it short. His lips were not too thin and not too full, just right, very kissable. His smoldering brown eyes were the most captivating feature to his face. I was falling for this guy hook line and sinker. Once we finished we both cleared the table and then I snuffed out the candles.

After the dishes were put into the dishwasher I asked, "You ready to go for a walk up to the park before we come back to the hot tub?"


As we walked out of the house I locked the door. We walked down the street, whereby I waved to and greeted some neighbors. I even introduced Jason to a couple.

Chapter IV: The Hot Tub Experience

After Jason and I returned from the park I asked my young friend if he was ready to take advantage of my hot tub.

"Do you have a pair of swim trunks I could borrow," Jason asked.

"Yeah, but you really don't need them," I replied.

"How's that?" Jason questioned.

"I enjoy hot tubbing nude. You're welcome to give it a try if going in nude in front of me won't bother you," I told Jason.

Jason appeared a little apprehensive at first, but then said, "I guess it'll be cool."

We moved outside to the gazebo where we began undressing. As we began to undress I observed Jason as I'd never seen him before. The first thing I noticed after he pulled off his shirt was he did not possess the washboard abs of an athlete or bodybuilder. He didn't have bulging biceps, powerful pecs, a huge neck or wide spread shoulders. He appeared to have an average physique for a twenty something guy.

From his general appearance Jason didn't appear to be into any kind of physical conditioning program since he left the military or started college. He appeared to be of average height and weight. Although his body wasn't toned it wasn't in bad shape. The most prominent markings on his upper body were some scars; however, when Jason dropped his boxers I stood there awestruck.

"Oh my! That's just about the most beautiful cock I've seen in my life," I blurted out to my guest as he dropped his shorts in front of me.

"Thanks," the young man replied bashfully.

"Damn, I apologize, that comment was uncalled for," I responded.

"No need to apologize, I've heard it before."

"Really," I replied.

"Yeah, I've heard that since my days in high school. Oh, by the way, you've got a nice looking piece of meat too, for an older dude."

I didn't know what made me blurt out such a childish comment, but I couldn't take it back if I wanted. As we stood there facing each other nude my eyes shifted to the tattoos on Jason's lower body. There were two identical tattoos of muscular Black Panther about three inches long, crawling up the insides of each of Jason's thighs toward his crotch. There were streaks of red blood dripping from the claw tracks. The carnivorous cats appeared as though they were in the attack mode as if they were in search of the tasty morsels in Jason's crotch.

Below Jason's waist line on the left side of his abdomen just above the pubic hairline was a small tattoo of an English Bulldog wearing a steel helmet and spiked collar. Stenciled below were the letters USMC. I'd seen other young people around campus that were tattooed; body art it seemed was becoming more fashionable and acceptable than when I was growing up. My eyes moved up to meet his. I think we were both secretly checking out each other's bodies and equipment.

We slipped quietly into the hot tub preparing to enjoy an evening of warm water and the air jetting against our bodies. The air coming from the jets was churning, foaming bubbles to the surface creating a hint of chlorine in the air. After we settled into our places in the tub we began sipping our red wine while we relaxed

Jason said apologetically, "I didn't mean to call you an old dude like that before."

"No problem."

"You don't look that much older than me," Jason replied.

"I'll be thirty-six in July," I stated.

"Wow! I'll be twenty-six in July," Jason replied enthusiastically, "so, there's only ten years difference in our ages. What date in July?"

"The tenth, what about you?" I asked.

"The seventh," Jason replied.

"Well, we'll have to celebrate together if you're going to be around this summer,"

"I think I will unless the Corps calls me back."

After a few more exchanges I took the liberty to refill our glasses with wine. We settled back drinking wine enjoying the hot tub and each other's company. My mind began to wonder. I was curious about my new friend's sexuality, but wasn't sure how to broach the subject. Although he had a very nice looking limp penis I began to think about what it might look like fully engorged and felt myself becoming aroused under water.

Suddenly, Jason's foot lurched forward making contact with my genitals, "Oh, excuse me Sir," he said almost apologetically, "I didn't mean to do that, just a nervous reaction."

"No problem," I replied, "happens all the time."

Secretly, I welcomed Jason's foot making contact with my dick and scrotal sac. I hoped he felt my semi erect cock under the churning water. From what I'd observed a few minutes earlier I was sure when fully erect Jason's cock would fit all my parameters for a truly beautiful looking cock. His flaccid phallus was a true thing of beauty; however, I wanted to see what it looked like fully inflated. Jason had so much going for him in the dick department. From what I'd seen he had a very distinctive glans: a near perfect pink knob. Oh My God, it's true I'm a cock snob.

I enjoy hearing from my readers and listen to suggestions. Tell me what you think of this story. Do you think of it as a one night stand thing or should it blossom into a real relationship between the Professor and Student?

Next: Chapter 2: Cock Snob 5 8

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