Cock on the Shower Wall

Published on Mar 7, 2006



Cock on the Shower Wall

Cock on the Shower Wall

By Dick Lickerish

The story is fiction by nature and contains descriptions of sexual encounters and contact between consenting adults. If you are not of legal age to read stories of this nature or are offended by the subject matter herein do not read any further.

"Nice cock!" The freshly showered young man exclaimed.

"Huh, cock, what cock?" Came a startled reply from the other young man sitting at the kitchen table as he looked around at the teenager with a somewhat befuddled look on his face.

"You know, that really nice lookin, larger than life, rubber cock stuck to the wall of your shower surround just under the shower head. I couldn't help notice it; a big realistic lookin cock with its fantastically flared out cockhead, and its piss slit starin me square in the eye all the time I was showerin. Yep, I'd say you got one well-hung shower stall," the teen said somewhat humorously.

The young man who had just appeared in the middle of the kitchen, with nothing but a bath towel wrapped around his slim waist, had taken the other man sitting at the table completely by surprise with his comment. The two young men taking part in the conversation were cousins; the teenager, Bret Boyer, was Greg Granite's second cousin by marriage. While taking a shower Bret had discovered Greg's suction cup sex toy stuck to shower stall wall. Now Greg, totally embarrassed, wondered how the hell he was ever going to explain the presence of the phallic play toy he had forgotten and left in the shower to his cousin. "Oh, that, just shower decoration," Greg replied blushing brightly, but not offering any further explanation.

A couple of hours earlier Greg had picked up his younger cousin at the bus depot in town with nothing but a backpack and small duffle bag full of his personal belongings. Greg fully expected to greet the little cousin that he had last seen a few years ago; instead, he discovered a lean muscled nineteen year old. The bedraggled looking teen hadn't said much during the trip back to the house; however, after a long hot shower Bret appeared in the kitchen revitalized where he seemed to be the gregarious cousin that Greg previously remembered, just all grown up now.

"Too bad ya can't get a shower head that looks like that thing. Ya could just stroke it to get the water started," Bret said jokingly.

"Yeah, I guess," Greg said in a subdued manner without offering any further explanation.

Young Bret had become one of the thousands of homeless after Hurricane Rita ripped through the southeastern Texas area. However, unlike Hurricane Katrina, when warnings were issued for the second storm most people along the Texas Gulf Coast and further inland heeded the warnings and began a mass exodus north. So, Bret left before the storm slammed into the area where he lived and was going to school; a storm that devastated the area where he was attending college. Bret had just started his second year in college when the order to evacuate came down. So, a normal twenty-four hours bus trip to New Mexico had turned into more than three days odyssey for the young college student from Texas to New Mexico.

Once Bert's mother heard about the impending danger heading towards the Gulf Coast she immediately called Greg in New Mexico on Monday to make arrangements for Bret to stay with his cousin until it was safe to return to school. Greg, who lived in a small Route 66 tourist town of approximately five thousand off I-40 in New Mexico, was Bret's closest relative in the area. So, Greg hadn't hesitated for a moment to take his cousin in, thinking it would be great to have the little guy around for a while. Little did he realize that his younger cousin had grown up.

A very mature Bret heeded the early warnings and boarded a bus on Tuesday morning as a precaution heading northwest towards his cousin's home in New Mexico. The trip had taken almost three days to complete, but Bret was thankful he wasn't one of those thousands stranded on the highways heading north towards Dallas/Fort Worth. When Bret finally arrived in town Friday afternoon he was thankful that his cousin Greg was there to meet him as he got off the bus.

After almost three days riding on different buses making his way northwest Bret was worn out physical and emotionally drained, so he was eternally grateful to his cousin for the hospitality shown. As soon as the two arrived at Greg's house, Bret exhausted and smelling of three days on the road, immediately shed his clothes in the laundry room and streaked straight for a hot shower.

In the meantime, Greg called Bret's Mom in Ohio to let her know that Bret had arrived safely and was taking a well deserved shower. Once the call was finished Greg put Bret's clothes in the washing machine and then sat down and opened a bottle of beer. He pondered about how great it was going to be to have his cousin around for a few days to break the boredom. He hadn't even given thought to the sex toy he had left stuck to the shower surround when Bret headed in to bathroom.

Sensing that he had intruded on his cousins privacy Bret dropped any further comments about the suction cup rubber dildo stuck to the shower wall and asked, "So, where are my clothes?"

"Still in the dryer, they'll be a few more minutes," Greg replied still somewhat subdued by the thought that his younger cousin had found his secret source of anal satisfaction.

Greg was one who had learned the joy of being fucked in the ass early in life, but had not had any real life experiences of late. As he looked at his cousin he wondered what it would be like to be cornholed by Bret. From those early youthful days in Ohio Bret had been blessed by good looks, a great body, and good sense of humor. As Bret stood half naked in the kitchen Greg was eyeing and admiring his cousin's young buff looking body. Bret took after his father in that department. Bret had always been one of Greg's favorite cousins; therefore, Greg had not hesitated to accommodate his cousin's request to take Bret in during the Gulf Coast hurricane crisis.

"So, where's Bobby Sue?" Bret asked looking around as he reached for a bottle of beer from the cooler.

"Fuck that skeezer bitch, ho slithered out of my life about a year ago, Cuz. I don't know where she is and don't give a shit."

"Ooh! I be sure not to salt that sore again."

The days and especially the nights had been lonely for Greg ever since his wife walked out on him a year earlier. Bobby Sue had been having a secret sexual affair with a truck driver whenever he came through town; then one day Greg came home from work and found a note she had left on the table explaining everything. The note told Greg not to bother looking for her. At first Greg was devastated by his wife's actions, but got used to the loneliness without her as time passed. Although they both worked he thought that they had a sound marriage. He had seen infidelity destroy his own family, but never thought that it would happen to him. However, after a few months of feeling sorry for himself he had started to get over it, and was struggling to move forward with his life.

"Bobby Sue's gone, so then, who's the proud owner of the rubber dickie in your shower?" Bret again quizzed humorously.

"Uh, uh, it's mine," Greg stammered somewhat sheepishly, blushing and now awkwardly fidgeting with the bottle of beer in his hands at the thought of being busted by his younger cousin.

Bret cautiously eyed his older cousin for a response as Greg sat at the table with a perplexed look on his face. He figured at first the dildo in the shower belonged to Bobby Sue. Now, he secretly wondered to himself what a seemingly straight guy like his cousin needed with a fake rubber penis, or was his cousin straight. He also began to notice that his cousin was not comfortable and was no longer making eye contact with him, but seemed to be eying the bulge in the towel that was covering his midsection. There was a defining bulge outlined in the front of the towel. Was it possible that Greg, his older cousin whom he had adored, might be a rump ranger?

Whatever his cousin was, he was definitely acting very uneasy around Bret. Greg had spoken haltingly and fidgeted uncomfortably with his bottle of beer. Bret began to sense that his cousin, who had secretly been eying his nearly naked body, might have the hots for him. He continued to parade around the kitchen covered only with a bath towel he was wearing around his slim waist in hopes that his cousin might make a move on him. Greg's thoughts were moving the opposite direction.

Greg had forgotten to remove his favorite phallic play thing from the shower before he left to pick up his cousin. Now, he was busted and didn't know what to do or how to explain the sex toy. Greg knew it was time to fess up. So, Greg broke the silence saying, "Sit down Bret; let me try to explain things to you. I owe you an explanation if you are going to be staying with me."


Greg sighed deeply, "Bret, this is gonna to be painful for me and may take some time and a few more beers to get through."

"I got a shit load of time and certainly enjoy drinkin your beer, Cuz."

Greg didn't know just how to begin explaining the sex toy in the shower to his younger cousin; moreover, he didn't want him to think that he was some sort of freaky sexual pervert. The truth was Greg discovered early in life that he enjoyed being cornholed. So, Greg decided to tell his cousin straight up about his secret sordid life story from the beginning. A story not another family member had ever heard before, and a story Greg was somewhat embarrassed to reveal. Greg sat at the table formulating a strategy about how best to confess his past to his younger cousin. He didn't want to anger or disgust his younger cousin with his secret sex life or any family secret's.

"Here's another beer, Cuz. You better get comfortable and drink with me, cause if you're gonna get through my fucked-up life story you need to be comfortable and inebriated. Are you comfortable with just a towel around your waist?" Greg asked still secretly admiring his cousin's nearly naked body.

"Oh yeah, no problems for me, you?"

"Naw." With that said Greg offered up two more beers before he began pouring out his pathetic life story to his younger cousin, "Cuz, the truth is I enjoy gettin fucked up the ass and have from the very first time. So, let me tell you about my early life."

Greg began explaining to his younger cousin that although his parents, who were both loving parents and basically good people who provided well for him, were workaholics who were heavy into the swinging party scene. Greg discovered at a very early age that both parents were addicted to sex; they couldn't get enough of it. Greg felt very uncomfortable relating secrets about his parent's and their secret lives to his cousin. He swore his cousin to secrecy about all that he was about to divulge.

"Cuz, you gotta promise that everything I tell you will never go any farther than these walls."

"You've got my word, whatever is said here stays here."

Greg confessed to his cousin that by the first grade he felt sure that both his parents were having torrid extramarital affairs. As an impressionable youngster he had secretly caught both parents having sex with other partners the summer between first and second grades. He couldn't help not knowing; neither parent made any attempt to squelch their zealous sounds of sex, the moaning and squealing, as they made love during their sexual trysts, especially his mother. That was the summer of young Greg's introduction to Secrets of Sex 101.

"Cuz, I'm sure that my folks loved each other, but they fucked and sucked their lovers with everything they had to give."

"Hell, I never heard a sound from my parent's bedroom while I was growing up, except maybe Dad snoring. But in my home and our conservative hometown in Ohio everyone was so religious and uptight ninety-nine percent of the time it's no wonder."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I remember the town well from my visits." Greg replied.

Greg was a little uncomfortable confessing all his secrets about his family and elementary sexual education to his younger cousin; however, Bret appeared enthralled by it all, so he continued. Greg confided to his cousin that he began playing with himself at a very early age just because it felt so pleasurable. He explained that his penis was his favorite toy for much of his young life. He secretly began masturbating while observing his parent's engaging in sexual situations with their partners. Greg told Bret how infatuated he was by the sizes and shapes of all the cocks he saw and wondered if his penis would ever get as big as some of the guys whom his mother was fucking and sucking.

On weekends when most young boys were out playing and enjoying youthful activities, a precocious young Greg would watch his parent's sexual escapades from his secret vantage points. He would learn more and more each time he observed these torrid trysts. Of course, Greg's private sex education was also being enhanced by sneaking in and viewing his parent's personal porn library when they were away. Not only did his parent's possess a good selection of professional porn videos, they video taped many of their sex sessions. So, young Greg became hooked and had been intrigued with sex from the first time he secretly witnessed his mother getting it on with a very handsome and well-hung boyfriend.

"Wow, that is so fuckin incredible, and you never got caught?" The spell-bound younger cousin asked sitting on the chair in the kitchen rubbing his growing penis that was concealed by the bath towel.


"I mean didn't you ever squeal in sheer delight by what you were seeing? You know, didn't you ever sneeze, cough or fart, Cuz?"

"No," Greg replied with a little laughter at what his cousin had said, "Anyway, how could they hear me when they were making so much noise. They were into their lovemaking so hot and heavy they were oblivious to all that was around them. Hell, I think I could have lit off a Cherry Bomb and they wouldn't have heard it."

"Damn, that's so unbelievable!" Bret exclaimed.

Greg continued explaining to his cousin that after months of secret observations and taking copious mental notes about the different sexual acts and scenarios he had witnessed in the bedrooms, he fast became an expert on the subject of sex. He also became somewhat of a cock connoisseur. By way of his pre-pubescent peep shows during those years of spying on his parent's extramarital affairs and the porn flicks, young Greg quickly became addicted to sex too.

"Hell, Cuz, I drooled over all those big dicks I was seeing while I jerked off. By the time I was nine and ten I knew just about all there was to know about sex. You know, I think I'd seen it all by then, but had yet to experience anything real."

"Wow!" Bret exclaimed, "Shit, I don't think that I even knew that there was such a thing as sex when I was nine."

"I was secretly sharing all my newfound knowledge on the subject of sex with my classmates and neighborhood kids too. Hell, I was trying to have sex with young girls during school during recess and after school by the time I was nine, but I just kept making a fool out of myself and getting into trouble by it all. So, striking out with the girls really introduced me to sex with boys."

"Damn, Cuz, you never shared anything with me when you visited," Bret said in a somewhat pissed off tone.

"You know, I guess I was afraid of getting caught when I visited you; besides, you were like six years younger than me."

Greg continued to explain how he had grown tired of jerking off to dry orgasms and yearned to experiment sexually on his own. After many bungled failures trying to engage young girls at school and in the neighborhood into having sex he tried seducing the fourteen year old baby sitter one night.

"Cuz, Mom and Dad used to have this really hot fourteen year old babysitter stay with me when they would go out for the evening or weekend and I really had the hots for her. Man, I dreamed many nights about giving her the old brumski while lying on top of her nibblin on her titties."

"I hear ya!"

One spring night before we moved to California I decided that the babysitter needed to be educated in the wild ways of sex. So, I proudly appeared nude in the family room after my shower, sporting what I consider to be a big boner, but in reality it was about the size of a breakfast sausage with a nice pink head on it. I asked her if she wanted to get it on. I told her that I thought she was really hot and had nice tits; furthermore, I told her that I really wanted to lick her clit while she I sucked my dick."

"What!" Bret exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, I told her how I would lick her clit until she screamed for mercy, and then I'd fuck the her till her eyes rolled back in her head. You know, I was just repeating stuff that I'd heard from the guys Mom was screwing. Of course, she blushed, laughed, and then told me to get dressed in my PJs and get to bed or she'd tell my parent's when they got home."

"Wow! Cuz, you had some stones," Bret exclaimed again.

"I may have had stones, but apparently they weren't big enough to impress the babysitter that night. I was totally embarrassed by it all; it seems as though nothing was working for me."

"So, what happened, did she tell?"

"Naw, but a couple of weeks later I scored with her younger brother. He was a year older than me and was always talkin shit about his sexual escapades in front of me and my friends. He was always braggin at recess about how big his dick was and how much pussy he was getting to the rest of us school kids."

"Yeah, I think there were a couple of guys like that when I went to middle school, but they were all talk."

"Anyway, I called him on his braggin one day and told him to produce his big fat dick and show us. He backed down, but later that day after school I was at his house and I asked him to see it. So, we showed each other our dicks in his garage that afternoon and I discovered his dick wasn't much bigger than mine; in fact, we were the same size. I suggested that we get down and do some serious sixty-nining and he agreed. Boy, he didn't even know what to do. I had to guide him through every step."

"Man, I wish you would have been my mentor," Bret said with a laugh.

"He was the first person I ever had any type of sex with and it was so fuckin awkward. Neither one of us knew what we were doin, but I had seen so much that I was the natural leader in our sexual encounters. Before we moved to California we sucked each other after school many times, and then towards the end we fucked each other a couple of times. It wasn't that satisfying because neither of us could cum yet, but I enjoyed the sensation of being cornholed."

"Damn! You really had it goin on Dude," Bret exclaimed.

"I guess, but then we moved to California and that all ended. I figured that I would never ever get to experience sex again; however, after the move things really began to heat up for me," Greg said enthusiastically.

"So, what happened when you moved to California, Cuz?" Bret asked rubbing the now noticeable bulge in his crotch.

Bret had become aroused and was totally captivated by his older cousin's titillating tail. The two cousins continued to consume more beer. Greg now feeling less inhibited went on explaining how and why his parent's made career decisions to move to California when he was ten. He explained that his dad had completed an MBA program in Finance and moved to California so he was closer to the film industry. Greg's father had hooked up with a film producer and the guy wanted his father closer to the action. Greg's mother was an aspiring fiction writer who had written many articles and short stories for the hometown newspaper, PTA, and other organizations; therefore, it made good sense to Greg's parents to be closer to the epicenter of the television and film industry in California.

"Once the family moved to California in 1989 things really heated up. California was the epicenter of entertainment, alcohol and drugs, and sex. Mom and Dad were always workin or attendin parties, so I was pretty much on my own," Greg said smiling at his cousin.

"Damn, Cuz, wish I could've moved to California with you. Sounds like I missed out on a real education," Bret replied.

Greg continued to explain to Bret how his dad went to work as an executive producer for a well known television producer, and eventually his mother was hired as a writer for one of the soap operas. Greg immediately hooked up with the neighbor kids when his parent's bought their home in Orange County. They were brothers and their father was the person who had gotten Greg's mom on as a writer with the soap opera that he directed. One boy was about Greg's age and his brother was a year older. The boy's entire family seemed to be involved in the entertainment industry in one way or the other.

Donny, the oldest by a little more than a year was the better looking and more photogenic of the two, plus he was more outgoing. Derek his year younger brother was a geeky pudgy kind of kid at first. Donny and Derek had both worked doing television commercials since they were younger. Donny was appearing as an extra in one of the soap operas, and Derek was concentrating on commercials. So, the brothers had many young friends working in the entertainment industry. Donny was the one who eventually introduced young Greg to sex after moving to California.

The three boys became fast friends almost immediately, spending hours playing together and discussing sex with each other and their friends. None of the boys had yet to engage in any real sex acts except Greg, but that would change for Donny and Greg. Within a few weeks they began comparing and engaging in some mutual masturbation. All the boys had access to porn, by way of their parent's video libraries. They freely exchanged and shared with each other, and then would lie around critiquing the acting and other qualities of the porn videos. The boys found themselves especially intrigued by the sizes, shapes, and other characteristics of men's sexual organs more so than women's sexual attributes. They would lie around in each others bedrooms for hours discussing a porn flick rubbing their crotches.

"Damn, Cuz, I didn't see my first porn video until last year at college," the younger cousin said.

Greg went onto explain how he and his new friend Donny started slowly just comparing and measuring their penis and then masturbating in front of each other. From there it expanded onto mutual masturbation. Greg and Donny seemed to hit puberty earlier than many of their friends, within three months of each other. Donny was the first to enter puberty, then Greg.

Once the boys started puberty the hormones began racing at full speed and all the two boys wanted to do was get off as many times during the day as possible. Therefore, Donny and Greg found themselves continually experimenting sexually. At that time in the two boy's lives they didn't consider themselves gay, bi, or heterosexual; it was a learning thing to experiment sexually. For the boys it was more about pleasuring and getting off, and Greg and his new friend experimented and pleasured each other as often as possible for the next couple years.

The boys were inseparable and taught each other new things all the time for the next few years. Donny eventually invited a couple of his young actor friends that were about the same age to participate. As the boys began to age Donny and Greg drifted further apart until Donny graduated form high school. So, After Donny graduated that left Greg to having sex with the newer kids he'd met on a regular basis until the fall after he graduated from high school. Then when he entered junior college that fall semester there was a change in his sexual lifestyle. Greg fell in love with a young freshman girl. He wanted to experience sex with a woman and try some of the things he had witnessed years earlier. Certain sexual things that made his mother moan with pure pleasure and scream out with sexual ecstasy at the hands of her lovers.

"Wow, Shit! That's one hella awesome story, Cuz."

Greg handed his cousin another beer and explained that he tried to eat the girl's pussy that first semester they fell in love, but made a fool of himself. He desired her, and wanted to make her moan and scream like his mother had done on those nights he lay in wait and watched. However, the beautiful young college girl he was in love with push him away refusing to engage in any sexual activities; not even a hand job or oral sex. She wanted to be a virgin when they married and would not commit to marriage until they both graduated from college. This left Greg sexually frustrated; he needed sex on a regular basis, and going back to sex with guys was just a way to fill the void. Although the two broke up before they graduated Greg continued to date, engaging in sex when he could with girls and boys. Sometimes he became involved in orgies with girls and guys. Sex seemed to consume his young life during those turbulent teen years and on into college.

"So, who are you having sex with these days?" The younger man asked his eyes wide open and his heart pounding wildly after his cousin's story.

"My hand and that dildo stuck to the wall in the shower," Greg replied pathetically.

Greg went onto explain that he had not had an active sex life with anyone since his wife walked out on him, and he missed getting fucked in the ass. He told his younger cousin that he had been on the Internet one night and found that particular dildo hanging in the shower while browsing and fantasized about it the rest of the night. The next night he ordered it. When it arrived there was a DVD enclosed and it showed hot guys having sex. The first segment was filmed in a locker room and the red headed guy in the first portion of the video reminded him of his first boyhood friend Donny that he began having sex with after his parent's moved to Orange County.

"Hey, I don't have red hair, Cuz, but I'd be a willing partner if you want to go for it tonight," Bret stated very enthusiastically, standing up the towel dropped from around his slim waist, exposing himself to his older cousin and releasing a very aroused penis.

"Oh My God!" Greg cried out.

"What's wrong, Cuz," Bret replied not knowing what to think. "You don't like what you see?"

"No, no, it's nothing like that. It's you, your penis; you, and it's so beautiful. Your dick is so beautiful."

"So, you like what you see?" Bret asked smiling again at his cousin.

"Yeah, definitely. Bret, you've got a great looking body and definitely got a great looking dick."

"Thanks, and you aren't a bad looking Dude for twenty-five. You want to touch it, go ahead."

Greg reached out and took hold of his cousin's cock. Bret smelled so good all he wanted to do was take that beautiful boner in his mouth and suck it. Greg pulled his cousin close as he continued to sit in the chair. He began to push his face into his cousin's bush and smell the fragrance of the young man's body.

"So, Bret, are you gay or bi?" Greg asked his cousin while he continued examining his very hard penis.

"I guess I'm bisexual, but I really prefer sex with guys, especially since startin college. I had sex with girls a few times in my junior and senior years in high school, but always found myself fantasizing about different guy friends. Hell, I even fantasized about you a few times while I lay in bed at night spankin my monkey."

"You're kidding!"

"Nope. When you came to visit you would bunk in my room and I would lay awake at night wishin that you would get in bed with me. I wanted to see you naked so many times and you would always dress in the bathroom. You always were too much of a gentleman."

So, did you ever have any experiences with guys when you were younger?" Greg asked his cousin continuing to play with his cock.

"Not really. A couple of us that went to camp together the summer I was twelve compared cocks and jacked off a few times in front of each other, but that was the extent of it. I think I may have scared them, because I was able to cum and they couldn't. You know, the town where I grew up was so damn religious, uptight and conservative I just didn't want to take a chance on getting caught. So, I waited till I was away from home," Bret explained to his cousin.

"So, you showed your friend's up by spoogin before them, but how'd you come out in comparison to the other boys in the dick department?"

"I've always been a little bit better endowed than many of my classmates and friends since I was around twelve and that was when my cock really started to develop."

"And it really developed into a nice lookin piece of meat. So, it sounds like we both started early, guess it's in the genes," Greg said in a humorous manner.

Bret moved and sat down straddling Greg facing him, and then Bret leaned in and whispered into his ear, "I have secretly fantasized about having sex with you for years?"

"So Cuz, you want to have sex with me?"

"Oh yeah. Now, relax and enjoy the moment," Bret said to his cousin as he slowly worked his hands down the front of Greg's shirt and began playing with the two erect nipples poking out the fabric of the red shirt. Greg began moaning as Bret began rubbing his nipple and nibbling on his ear.

"Oh my God!" Greg shouted. "I'm ready for whatever you want to do. Would you like to see my DVDs, or my collection of dildos, or whatever?"

"Yeah, let's go look over your collection and view some of your DVDs, Cuz. Then maybe I'll make you fantasy come true."

The two boys adjourned to Greg's bedroom. Once in the bedroom Bret began undressing Greg while making out with him. Finally, Bret had his cousin undressed and his Willy set free and said, "My my look what we have here. That is a very nice lookin cock Cuz."

"Thanks, "Greg said hoarsely.

"That baby needs some attention, but first you need to take a shower. I want you fresh as a Daisy when I gobble that thing up."

"Okay Cuz, let me go shower, you make yourself at home. Oh, try not to cum before I get back from my shower."

"I'm comin with ya to shower."

Greg and Bret exited the bedroom for the shower. Once in the shower the two began to wash each other paying close attention to the others genital area. They caressed and kissed each other making out as the warm water ran down their bodies.

"So, just how do you use the rubber dildo Cuz?"

"I just stick it on the wall right about here, soap up my ass up real good, and impale myself on it. Then I start working it in and out fantasizing about one of the guys that have fucked me before and another one kneeling suckin me off. Of course, the head is rubbin against my prostate."

"I'd like to make your fantasy a reality if you'll let me," Bret said

"Oh hell yes! I want all of you up inside me baby."

With that answer Bret began soaping up Greg's ass and finger fucking him. Greg began moaning as Bret's slender finger worked its way inside Greg's asshole. Greg could feel a slight burning as Bret's finger worked it way around his asshole, and then the finger tip begin to rub his prostate as Bret nibbled on his erect nipple. Bret moved down and took his cousin's cock into his mouth sucking on his ridged male pipe. Greg continued to moan and buck uncontrollably. Bret sensing that his cousin may be on the verge of exploding in his mouth, so he released his manhood from his mouth, withdrew his finger from Greg's asshole, and stood up.

Standing face-to-face with his cousin Bret whispered, "What do you want me to do now to complete your fantasy Cuz?"

"Oh God, eat me, eat my ass."

Bret knelt in the shower stall as Greg turned around presenting his backside to his cousin. He bent forward slightly spreading his buns apart. Bret didn't need any special instructions; his instincts took over as he proceeded to lick his cousins clean ass crack. His tongue danced around Greg's asshole exciting all the nerve endings as the older man moaned with pleasure.

"Oh yes, lick my ass, lick right there at the eye baby."

Bret knew he was doing the job correctly by his cousin's moans and groans. He let his tongue flick out licking directly at Greg's asshole darting around tantalizing the brown eye. He spread his cousin's cheek farther apart and let his tongue delve deeper into his cousin's anus. Greg jerked and his body shuddered at the feeling of the tip of Bret's tongue invading his asshole.

"Ohhh Yessss!!!" Greg shouted lustfully as he felt Bret's tongue tickle the entrance of his asshole, "Oh yes! Please eat me baby!"

It had been years since anyone had eaten Greg's asshole and his young cousin for not having any expertise in that area was doing a splendid job. Greg was delirious with desire and anticipation of being fucked by his cousin's magnificent seven inch by five inch cock. He was delighted by the thought that he was going to get to feel warm flesh enter him for the first time in a long time.

As Bret finished rimming his cousin he knew that if Greg had been practicing with the shower donger that his cousin should be able to take his manhood up the ass easily. There might be a slight period of adjustment as the spongy head entered the rectum, but then the next six inches would go in easy. He wanted to see if his cousin wanted to use protection.

"Cuz, do I need to put a condom on?"

"Naw, we're cousins just take me bareback here in the shower."

"Are you ready?"

"Oh God! I been ready since you first appeared in the kitchen with the towel wrapped around your waist."

Greg positioned himself with his hands on the back wall of the shower and presented his soapy butt to his cousin's awaiting cock. Bret again soaped up Greg's asshole and his cock and began pressing the spongy head of his seven inch cock into his cousin's waiting ass. The area was slippery and Bret slipped out a couple of times before he felt his cock begin to enter his cousin's anus. Then all of a sudden his sleek circumcised cockhead disappeared into the first ring of Greg's anal cavity. Greg gasped and Bret stopped pushing not wanting to hurt his cousin.

"You okay?" Bret asked.

"Yeah, just burns a bit."

Bret stopped the pressure reaching around he found Greg's cock and stroked it with one hand while the other searched out a nipple to play with. Greg began moaning once again and then as the muscles in Greg's anus relaxed Bret eased the rest of his magnificent cock all the way up his cousin's rectum. He paused a little while before he began to slowly piston in and out of his cousin's ass. Greg moaned as he fucked back.

"Oh yes, please fuck me baby, fuck me. Give me all seven inches of that magnificent cock."

"It's all yours baby," Bret replied with his entire cock buried all the way into his cousin's bowels.

"Oh yesss!! Fuck me slowly, make it last."

Bret worked his cock slowly in and out finally finding his cousin's sweet spot. He let the head of his cock work on his cousin's prostate listening to him purr with sheer delight. His cousin's ass was so tight and hot it was unbelievable. This was the first time he had ever fucked another man, and he knew that is what he wanted from that moment on in life.

"Oh baby, I'm about ready to cum," Bret whispered hoarsely.

"So am I. Oh God, you are so good to me."

Bret began to speed up the strokes, withdrawing until just the head was left inside and then pressing it forward all the way to his wet bush touching his cousin's buns. As he moved faster and faster both men moaned and groaned bucking in wildly in unison. The tension was building and both were ready to explode. Bret could feel Greg's cock swelling bigger in his hand and Greg was feeling Bret's cock grow inside him. They bucked and fucked like wild beasts and finally it was over. Greg felt shot after shot of warm spooge coat the insides of his bowels, and at the same time he was discharging shot after shot of milky cum onto the shower surround.

Both men stood silent, Bret's softening cock still in Greg's ass. Bret brought his hand up to his mouth to taste some of his cousin's cum, and then he shared it with his cousin. Suddenly the shower water turned cold shocking both men back to reality.

"Ooooooooooh that's cold!" both men shrieked. Greg reached down turning off the water that had suddenly turned cold. With the shower off the two cousin's toweled their bodies off before returning to Greg's bedroom.

"God that was great, Cuz."

"The best," Greg replied.

"I need a nap before we go again," Bret stated.

"Yep, me too," Greg replied.

Both lay down on Greg's bed holding each other when Greg said, "You want to watch that video I was telling you about earlier. You know, the red headed guy in the shower takin it in the ass?"

"Sounds great to me, Cuz."

With that Greg got up, inserted the DVD into the machine, and turned on the television to view it. He returned to the bed and cuddled with his cousin, hopeful that the video would regenerate their sexual energy.


Comments on the story are welcome. If you find any mistakes please feel free to point them out to me. Address all correspondences to: Dick Lickerish at

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