Coachs Cruise

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Dec 13, 2016


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-------------------- Travis spit out the jock, hopped to his feet and waddled past Kevin into the bathroom.

"I'm so embarrassed," Travis yelled through the bathroom door.

"That was fucking hot, Travis, don't be embarrassed," said Kevin as he walked his way over to the wall where Travis' first shot landed. He quickly scooped the remnant onto his finger and licked it up.

Meanwhile, Coach stood in his room in a towel, searching for his jock. As he was drying, he remembered the deposit Shaun had left in it, and he was hoping for a little taste.

Coach gave up the search for his jock, although very confused. He dressed for dinner. Although he had an amazing amount of sex on this cruise, he still wanted more. He felt his dick stir as he thought of the hot, young steward, Travis.

"I need to track that boy down," Coach thought to himself as he gave himself a few rubs. Coach took a quick peek in the mirror and then headed out to dinner. After about 20 steps, Coach headed back to the room. He found the pen and pad of paper and scribbled a note:

"I'm going to dinner, but will be back in room after. Would you like to come by? Say 9pm?"

Coach folded the note and wrote TRAVIS in big letters on the front. He cleared the desk of clothes he had scattered and other items and put the note in plain sight. He turned on the light and stepped back to look at his display.

He was satisfied Travis would see the note, so he headed off to dinner.

Travis' face was still flushed even after splashing cold water on it for several minutes. He gave up on trying to wash the cum stains on his shirt and just took it off. He was still horrified that Kevin saw what he had done, but he knew he had to face him eventually, so he headed back into the room.

Kevin was sitting on his bed, still savoring the taste of his roomie's load. Kevin's eyes were glued to Travis' tight, mostly smooth torso. His muscles rippled under the skin that looked so soft. Travis wasn't as muscular as Kevin, but his muscles were perfectly toned for his frame.

Travis didn't notice that Kevin was perving on him as badly as he was preoccupied with the upcoming conversation.

"OK, let's hear it, get it all out, I deserve it," Travis said, knowing he deserved what was coming. It was an amazing orgasm, but it was pretty strange behavior.

"Trav, don't worry about it. It is no big deal," Kevin explained, partially because he believed it, and partly he didn't want to mess up their budding relationship. Kevin didn't know if it would advance to being sexual, but he sure wasn't gonna blow it up now.

Kevin continued, "Dude, you just had a huge breakthrough about your sexuality, it's going to erupt, no pun intended, in new ways."

The two young men giggled about Kevin's use of the word erupt.

"Honestly," Kevin said smirking, "I can't wait to see the next time."

Travis turned bright red, "Oh man, I think I'll leave it alone for a while."

Kevin quickly retorted, "Now, we both know that's not going to happen. Now, get a shirt on so we can go eat."

Kevin wished that conversation had gone a little differently, but was pleased to see Travis relax and look a little more comfortable as he walked over to his closet and put on a new shirt.

At the small employee cafeteria, Kevin and Travis enjoyed small talk while they ate, sharing stories of the passengers. Travis left Coach out of all stories and Kevin didn't ask about him. Kevin had assumed the jock Travis had in his mouth was his own. If he had any inkling that it was someone else's, he certainly would have pressed for details.

Travis suddenly saw Kevin's expression change and spun his head around to see what had startled his new friend. It was Emilio, the butler Kevin worked for who had rudely kissed Kevin while they were working together. Kevin had been successfully avoiding Emilio, communicating through text messages regarding duties he needed to perform.

"Kevin, may I speak with you a moment in private," Emilio asked politely.

Travis knew who this was because of Kevin's description of him. "Actually, he is even hotter than Kevin described," Travis thought.

"Anything you have to say, you can say in front of Travis, he's my friend," Kevin replied curtly.

Travis and Kevin shared a look that put Travis at ease, but also let Kevin knew Travis would have Kevin's back if the conversation got uncomfortable.

Travis then looked up at Emilio who returned the glance. Travis looked away quickly as he felt himself being pulled in by Emilio's piercing eyes.

"Nice to meet you, Travis," Emilio said quickly but politely, then turned back to Kevin. He hesitated, but then proceeded nervously.

"OK, Kevin, well, I would just like to apologize for what I did yesterday, and then the way I treated you the rest of the day. I think we can work well together, so I am hoping we can kind of, umm, you know, start over."

Kevin looked at Travis. He would gladly forgive Emilio and start over, giving him one more chance. Mostly because he didn't want to work in a stressful situation, but of course there was the fact that he was burning hot to make it easier. However, he wasn't going to make it easy for Emilio.

"What do you think, Trav, do I give him one more chance?" Kevin playfully asked Travis.

"Hmmm," Travis responded stealing a quick glance up and down Emilio, "I guess so, but I think he at least owes you a dinner or something."

Travis raised his eyebrows a bit, proud that he opened the door for a possible date if Kevin was interested.

"Deal," Emilio answered immediately, "Dinner tomorrow night, Kevin, what do you say?"

"Well OK, I guess," Kevin answered begrudgingly (as a ruse), "but not tomorrow for dinner, I want somewhere nice when we are off the ship."

"Ah fair enough," Emilio replied, feeling relieved, "I'll find a place for our next night off."

There was an awkward moment of silence which Travis ended by saying:

"Would you like to join us, Emilio?"

"Sure," Emilio jumped at the chance and joined the two roommates.

As the three men chatted, Kevin gazed at the two good looking, but completely different hotties sitting across from him. He lusted after both of them, with each satisfying different desires. Emilio would fulfill his craving to be fucked long and hard over and over by a dominant, masculine stud. Travis would be a more mutual sexual experience. Two young men satisfying each other while exploring new experiences.

"Are you coming, Kev," Travis asked as he and Emilio stood up to leave and get back to work.

"Huh?" Kevin asked as he was thrown back to reality, "Oh yeah, right behind you."

Travis and Emilio shared a smile as they both noticed the large boner Kevin was sporting when he stood quickly. Each of them thinking the other was the star of Kevin's daydream.

Coach sat down for dinner at an empty table but was immediately joined by a small, friendly group. The table then was filled when a man sat in the empty seat next to Coach.

By the time the appetizers were finished, Coach had learned quite a bit about the stranger.

Norm is from Australia and works in tourism. The cruise company provides his company with trips to evaluate and then hopefully promote the ship. Norm was currently single as a long-time relationship had ended recently.

"So, they only provide you with one ticket," Coach asked, curious about how it worked, but also wondering if Norm was also travelling by himself.

Norm explained that a second ticket was offered, and he used to take advantage of it, but often times it was difficult to manage the work he had to do during the evaluation and entertain a guest.

Upon hearing that Norm was alone, he felt his dick twitched. He now took the time to look at Norm in a different way. Norm was a little taller than Coach, with a slender build. He looked to be in his early forties, and had very strong features. He sported some scruff that looked very natural on him, and gave him a rugged look. Upon this further review, Coach saw some resemblance to his assistant coach. And, of course, the Aussie accent was even more enticing than Shaun's Scottish one.

"Are you here just with your son, or other family members?" Norm asked after he noticed the handsome man give him the once over.

"Huh? My son? No, none of my sons are here," Coach answered, very confused.

Coach gave the long explanation as to why he was on his own and also details about his family and life back home.

Now, Norm was confused as to why Coach had looked at him the way he did.

"Maybe you were just imagining it, silly man," Norm thought to himself.

"Oh, I am sorry, Jason," Norm explained, "I was in the casino late last night and I heard you and a young man whooping it up at the blackjack table, and I assumed it was your son. Well, actually at that point, I didn't even think about it, but when I saw you later out on the deck getting rained on, that's when I thought that it was a cute father son moment."

Coach felt his face redden. Norm noticed immediately and suddenly wished he hadn't mentioned it.

"Oh, oh, you must mean Shaun. I met his whole group last night at the tables; we all were doing pretty well."

Coach tried to suggest he was hanging out with whole group, not just Shaun. But then he remembered Norm said he saw them on the deck.

"And that sure was a bad idea to head out to see the stars, I high-tailed it to my room after that."

Norm knew something was up as Jason was clearly acting different. If Jason hadn't just told him about his wonderful family life, he would be certain the two had hooked up. It sure still seemed that way though.

Norm tried to relieve some of the awkwardness that was building while he thought of his next move to find out the real story. Last night, he definitely enjoyed watching both men laughing and carrying on in the casino, and even imagined either of them joining him in bed. So much so, that he only headed out to the deck to continue checking them out.

"That was a vicious storm last night, I was soaked to the bone by the time I ran for cover," Norm said.

Norm watched Coach come back to life, apparently relieved by the change of subject.

Coach was embarrassed by his behavior and lying about Shaun, but this was all very new to him.

"Yes, it was. I definitely want to get back out there tonight though, the storm ruined what I imagine is a great view of the stars."

Norm saw an opening, and took it:

"Well, maybe I'll see you out there, as I have heard it's bloody marvelous."

Coach smiled in agreement, but couldn't come up with a flirtatious response. He was still flustered and decided to leave it alone.

Norm was disappointed Coach didn't bite, but was still dying to find out if there was any interest, and also would love to find out more about this Shaun.

The conversation turned lighter and the two men enjoyed each other's company as well as the fabulous meal.

They finished up their desserts. Norm had enjoyed several glasses of wine, so he was ready to be a bit bolder than normal.

"Jason, what do you say we head to the casino and you can teach me how to win at blackjack? Then, maybe we check out the stars later?"

Coach smiled at the offer. He was pretty sure this handsome Australian man asked him out on a date. He couldn't believe what a week he was having.

"Oh Norm, that sounds like a great idea but I need a nap right now. I tell you what, though, how about I meet you out on the deck at, let's say, midnight?"

Norm was disappointed, but happy Jason agreed to meet later. He was tempted to say something about the nap sounding like a good idea, but he was worried things might get awkward. He was content with the later meeting, and hoped it would be the start of a long evening.

"Aww, well ok Jason, as long as you can sleep knowing the dealers are taking all my money, I'll see you at midnight."

Coach laughed, "I am sure you will do just fine. And you can call me Coach. Everyone else does."

"OK, Coach, sweet dreams," Norm said as he patted Coach on the back as they stood to leave. He let his hand linger, and Coach hesitated, enjoying the touch.

Coach regretted leaving, but just for an instant, as he remembered why he said no to Norm.

Coach saw a clock on the way back to room. It was only 8:40pm, but he rushed back to room anyway, excited about the possibility of seeing Travis again.

When Travis did his evening rounds, he was at first frightened to see the note. He feared the worst—Coach figured out that he took the jock, and was telling Travis to stay away or something. Needless to say, he was thrilled after he read it. He couldn't wait to tell Kevin.

9pm would be cutting it close, but if he hustled he could finish up, get back to his room for a quick shower, and be at Coach's room a little after 9.

Travis stared at the paper, trying to come up with a cute reply. But, then his heart sunk. It might be ok to go to a passenger's room at 9pm, but it would be hard to explain why he would be leaving a passenger's room at 10p (or hopefully later). Also, he would have to be in his uniform, so changing wouldn't be an option.

Travis patted the pen against the paper as he thought of how to explain that he couldn't come. Then, he came up with an idea. He quickly wrote:


And headed off to tend to other passenger rooms. Coach's would remain a mess.

Coach entered the room and saw right away that the note had been moved. He raced over hoping Travis was going to come. His dick jumped as he saw Travis' response. He quickly headed to shower. He wanted to be fresh and clean for the beautiful boy.

Norm stopped at the bar in the casino to grab a single malt whisky to sip while he played. He was impressed when he saw they carried Sullivan's Cove, which is distilled in Australia. He ordered one on the rocks. He flirted with the hot bartender a bit, explaining this brand has won the World Whiskies Award recently. He laid on the Australian accent for effect. The bartender seemed receptive, and Norm enjoyed the interaction making a note that it might be fun to end up here late night if his meet with Jason didn't end as hoped.

Norm scanned the tables and almost dropped his drink when he spotted the empty seat. That wasn't what startled him. It was the sexy, young man sitting next to the open seat. It was Jason's little friend. Norm racked his brain to recall his name.

"Shaun! Yes, that was it, Shaun." Norm said to himself.

Norm stood and watched Shaun for a moment. He looked anxious, possibly from the game, but Norm could see his eyes keep averting towards the entrance and around the room.

"I bet he's looking for Jason," Norm concluded. Norm darted for the empty seat before someone else claimed it. The boy was looking for some cock, and Norm was ready to fill in for Jason.

Norm tried to act casual as he bought into the game and placed his first bet. Then, he turned to Shaun with his best grin:

Hello, mate, I'm Norm, how's the table treating you?"

Shaun, still distracted on the lookout for Coach, was disappointed to lose the seat he was trying to save for Coach. However, his head snapped in Norm's direction as the Aussie spoke. Shaun couldn't help but smile at the good-looking man with the perfect amount of scruff for Shaun.

"Hopefully, you'll be some good luck, mate." Shaun said.

The luck did change and after a few big wins, the two men were high fiving and celebrating just like Coach and Shaun had the night before. The small talk was going nicely as well, learning where each lived and who they were here with. Norm made a special point to let Shaun know that he was given one of the finest staterooms on the ship as part of the agreement.

During a break while the dealer was shuffling, Norm went in for the close.

"Hey, I think I had dinner with a friend of yours."

"Really? Who?" Shaun asked, confused because his whole group sat together at dinner.


"Jason? I don't know any Jasons."

Norm was shocked. He was certain this was the kid Jason was with. Then, Norm remembered.

"Oh, I mean Coach"

"Oh Coach! Is he here?" Shaun's eyes quickly scanned the room.

"No, he said he was going to take a nap." Norm said. Based on Shaun's reaction, he was worried that mentioning Coach might ruin his chances with Shaun.

"Wait, how do you know I know Coach?" Shaun was a bit on edge now, trying to figure this out. He couldn't believe Coach would be telling people about what they did.

Norm saw the concern in Shaun's eyes and quickly recounted the whole dinner conversation. Norm embellished a bit, offering that Coach had some nice things to say about Shaun and had a great time.

Once he could tell that Shaun had settled down, he added one more white lie:

"And, he was right."

Shaun was intrigued. "Right about what?"

"That you are a very handsome, young man." Norm said as he flashed his pearly whites and looked at Shaun.

"Aww, go on." Shaun responded as he blushed. He certainly received the signal and was contemplating how to respond. He still didn't believe Coach revealed anything, but he knew Norm must have figured it out.

The dealer was ready again, and Shaun welcomed the distraction. Norm and Shaun continued the hot streak, winning piles of cash, while stealing occasional glances and letting their high fives and celebratory touching linger seemingly longer each time.

At the next time for a shuffle, the pit boss announced a change of the cards. A technique they used last night to cool down the hot table.

Shaun remembered from last night that it takes a while.

"What do you say we cash in and stretch our legs? Changing the cards is quite an ordeal."

Norm was happy to agree.

After the men collected their winnings from the cashier, they paused. Neither had really planned the next move, although they both knew what they wanted.

"Should we grab a drink?" Norm asked innocently.

Shaun was about to agree, but then smiled wide and said:

"Actually, I would love to see the inside of a fancy stateroom."

"I like your style, kid," Norm said as he returned the smile.

Norm led the way back to his room.

Travis knocked on Coach's door at about 3 minutes after 9. His hair was still dripping wet from the quick shower. He was excited to see Coach but was anxious to lay out what he needed in order to be able to stay.

Coach opened the door, wearing the basketball shorts and t-shirt with his high school plastered on them that Shaun had returned earlier.

"Come on in, I'm so glad you came."

Both men were nervous.

"Thank you for inviting me, but I may not be able to stay."

Coach's heart sank. "Why not?"

"Well, I can't be seen leaving a passenger's room late at night. Now, I could be seen leaving in the morning as it would appear I'm already working."

"Oh, you mean, like, stay the night?" Coach asked, not sure if that was what Travis meant.

Now, Travis' heart sank. He shouldn't have asked.

"That's too much, isn't it? I'm sorry. I shouldn't have imposed."

"Are you kidding? That's fantastic! I would love for you to stay over. And, I promise I'll let you sleep a little, at least."

"Aww, thanks, Mr. Clarks, err I mean, Coach," Travis said, as he breathed a sigh of relief. "I showered and changed into a clean uniform for tomorrow. So, can I take it off and hang it up, so it won't be wrinkled in the morning?"

"If you don't, I'll rip them off you in a few seconds."

Travis smiled and got to work undressing and hanging up. He lined up his shoes, stuffing his socks in them. He was facing the closet in his boxers. He thought about bringing a second pair so that he would have a fresh pair for the morning, but then came up with a better idea.

He turned to face Coach who was sitting on the end of the bed admiring the fit, young steward. The tent from Coach's hard cock was visible.

"Could you close your eyes for a sec?" Travis asked shyly.

Coach giggled and shut his eyes, thinking it was a little silly that Travis was all of a sudden shy.

Travis actually had a little surprise. He slipped off his boxers, folded them quickly and set them on his shoes.

Travis told Coach he could open his eyes after he got into position.

Coach opened his eyes to see this beautiful boy posing in a jock strap.

Coach's jaw dropped at the enticing sight. He looked closer at the jockstrap as it looked familiar.

"Amazing! But, wait, is that mine?"

Travis was a little nervous to admit it, but he explained to Coach about finding it earlier and that maybe he tasted the cum a little.

Coach was about to explode he was so turned on by the story. He had yet to realize that it was Shaun's jizz in the jock.

"Get over here, you horny fuck!"

Travis' lust kicked in seeing that Coach enjoyed his story about the jock. He walked and straddled coach, resting on his thighs. He kissed the older man and slowly melted into him.

Coach shuttered as he felt the smooth, soft skin press against him. Travis wrapped his legs tight around Coach as their tongues rolled around each other's while they softly kissed. The heat was rising between the two, but Coach wanted this to last. Their first encounter was fast and furious and amazing, but this would be more.

Coach rolled Travis off him and onto the bed. Coach flung the loose fitting shirt off him and dropped his shorts. His throbbing cock sprang up. Travis gasped at the site. Coach looked down at this sweet boy who looked ready and willing to do whatever Coach wanted. Travis looked delicious in the jockstrap, but Coach grabbed it and pulled it off, tossing it to the floor. Travis' cock was hard and slapped against his flat stomach.

Coach slowly lay his naked body on top of Travis. Suddenly, his mind flashed to the locker room and he was lying on his star player. Travis' skin was soft and beautiful, just as he imagined his player's would be. He opened his eyes to focus on Travis.

Coach began to move up and down Travis' body. Travis lay there still as he was directed. Coach didn't say it, but the two times Travis went to move, Coach pressed his strong hand onto Travis' chest to keep him still. When Travis stopped resisting, Coach walked his fingers up to Travis' mouth and let him suck on them. Coach licked and kissed Travis all over, soaking in the beauty of the boy. He stayed in the middle of Travis' chest where he found the little patch of fine black hairs that sprouting from the angelic body. This helped remind Coach that Travis as a man, not the boy that drifted into his mind from time to time.

The attention was becoming too much for Travis. He was grinding his cock into any part of Coach's body that was in proximity as Coach worshipped his body all over. Neither Coach nor Travis noticed that Coach's efforts were leaving dime sized hickey marks all over Travis' torso. When Coach had satisfied his desire to explore what he believed to be the most gorgeous body he had ever seen, he lay back on top of Travis and the two men kissed once again. Although pinned under the older man, it was Travis' turn to take over. He controlled the kissing, from hard and fast to soft and slow. Only he moved his tongue, pressing Coach's down with his until Coach understood. Then, he explored Coach's mouth with his tongue. Sometimes, he held Coach's head still so he could kiss his neck and chin. His hands were all over Coach's back and down to his ass, squeezing the muscular cheeks. He strained to reach the hole, but it was just out of reach. He intertwined his legs with Coach's and dug his cock into Coach's body as best he could.

Coach finally pushed upward off of Travis. He moved rapidly without saying anything. He manhandled Travis with Travis offering no resistance. He arranged himself under Travis with Travis on all fours above him. But, Travis' head was hovering over Coach's cock and Travis' cock was dangling over Coach's head.

"You stole cum out of my jock; now get it from the source. Suck my big cock, Travis. Take it deep. Drink my load." Coach commanded.

"Yes, Coach," Travis answered just before he devoured the rod in front of him.

"Oh yes Travis, take it all, boy."

Coach kept talking but it was muddled now as he was swallowing Travis' cock. The positioning was perfect and Travis' cock slid right into Coach's throat. Coach would hold it there for as long as he could, then lower his mouth a bit to unclog the airway and catch some breaths. His eyes were watering, but he kept at it.

Travis began to mimic Coach's move. He struggled at first as his throat resisted Coach's thicker cock. After a few gags, Travis' throat opened and swallowed up the bulbous head.

Travis began to work faster. Coach was doing amazing things to his cock, which added to his excitement. However, the true source of his excitement, after finally having a taste of it, was sucking cock. He couldn't get enough of it. Furthermore, he yearned for a hot load filling his mouth, allowing him to feel the power of the ejaculation. He would savor the taste before swallowing every drop.

But suddenly, amidst all the pleasures he was feeling, that burning sensation deep inside him flared up again. Coach ignited it with his cock for the first time earlier, and now it has come back even stronger. He was now torn. He didn't want to stop, but the need to be fucked was overwhelming.

He began to thrust his hips wildly causing Coach to gag. His cock popped from Coach's mouth. Coach grabbed the wet tool and tried to take it back in. Coach figured Travis must be on the edge and Coach wanted to take the boy's hot load in his mouth. Coach stroked Travis' cock while the kid continued to buck.

"My boy's ready to bust, huh?" Coach asked approvingly.

Travis loved the man's strong hand on his slicked up dick, but still needed more.

With Coach's cock still in his mouth:

"My ass, Coach, my ass!"

Travis repeated it several times before Coach realized what the crazed boy was saying.

Coach grabbed the boy's hips to settle him down, and forced him into a better angle so that his shiny, pink hole was in sight. Coach spread the cheeks wide and went in full force with his tongue.

Travis yelped in delight and fired himself backward into Coach's face. He could feel Coach's cheeks against his ass cheeks.

Coach grabbed Travis' hips and forcibly moved Travis' ass so that Coach's tongue poked in and out of the pleasure seeking hole. Each contact with the rosebud sent shockwaves of pleasure through Travis as he sucked harder and faster.

Coach held Travis still now and moved his right hand to the hole. It was slicked up pretty good, but he spit just above it. As the glob of saliva ran onto it, Coach poked his middle finger in. Travis froze as the penetration was desperately wanted but was unexpected.

The two men stayed steady while Travis adjusted to the invasion. When Travis began to slowly rock his hips, Coach knew he was free to explore. He moved his finger in and out. When he was in deep, he would flick his finger around in search of the boy's p-spot.

Coach grabbed Travis' cock and got it back in his mouth. When he landed at ground zero with his finger, the boy would start gushing and Coach wanted every drop. He also knew the first taste would trigger his own orgasm if he could even hold it that long. It was evident that Travis was new to this, but what he lacked in skill, he made up for in effort. Just like many of the boys on his teams over the years. On the court, of course, but Coach imagined sucking cock as well.

The activity was more slow and steady now as Coach worked a second finger in to Travis. Travis was bucking but controlled enough that his cock was sliding from Coach's lips to his throat. Travis was working Coach's cock in a similar fashion. Coach was moaning as the pressure was building.

Suddenly Coach hit the bull's-eye and Travis screamed. His body shuddered. Coach worked it fast and hard. Travis was stunned. Nothing felt like this before. He began to shake uncontrollably. He did all he could to stay upright. And then it began.

Coach knew it was coming but could never imagine the onslaught. He gagged on the first shot as it hit perfectly in the back of the throat. He tilted his head back so the cum shots would hit his tongue first. It didn't help as they came shooting out with such force; they just bounced off his tongue and made their way to Coach's throat.

Travis' mouth clamped down on Coach's cock as the tremors hit. The vibration of Travis' yells and the taste of cum in his mouth caused Coach to blast cum into Travis' mouth.

Coach swallowed fast to keep up with the extreme volume. Travis continued to rapid fire as Coach continued to milk him from within. The newly discovered pleasure of the sexy, older man's cum just added to the euphoria.

Coach was overcome from the intensity of his eruption and was amazed as his own shots numbered 7 before tapering off. Still, he found himself struggling to keep up as Travis exceeded 12 before he even showed signs of slowing down. Even still, Coach kept milking the boy's button, forcing more and more out of his balls.

Coach gave one final spasm and jerked his hips to free his cock which couldn't take any more attention. Travis was in another place so didn't bother to retrieve it. Instead, he looked forward and let out a steady groan of ultimate pleasure. The sound would skip every second or two as his body continued to spasm.

Travis' cum was dripping out the sides of Coach's mouth, but Coach had swallowed a great deal. When Travis slowed down, Coach slipped his finger out. Travis shuddered once again, but the fire was fizzling now and he was glad to have the pressure lifted. After a couple last pulsations, he was thoroughly emptied. His body went limp and he collapsed on his Coach.

That's it for Chapter 8. Stay tuned for Chapter 9. I wanted to include Shaun and Norm's evening, but this chapter got to be too long. Next chapter starts with a bang!!

Thanks for the many emails, as I picked up a few new readers. I'm enjoying the follow up conversations.

Feel free to email me with comments. –JC

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Next: Chapter 9

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